the path seeker - Congregation M`vakshe Derekh
the path seeker - Congregation M`vakshe Derekh
1 THE PATH SEEKER CONGREGATION M’VAKSHE DEREKH 133 Popham Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583 (914) 725-3064 Ned J. Soltz, Rabbi Naomi Chiel, Cantor Emanuel S. Goldsmith, Rabbi Emeritus IJoan Silver—Presidents Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 November 2014 From Our Rabbi’s Desk Cheshvan can be such a let down. The emotional highs of Tishrei, which actually begin the week before with Slichot, cover the entire gamut of Jewish emotion. We are pensive, apprehensive, remorseful, forgiving, joyous, melancholy, sad, fatalistic, optimistic, stimulated and sedated. And no doubt dozens more we could describe. The whole Tishrei season just seems to end so abruptly as well. We hardly have time to recover from Yom Kippur before we become engaged in Sukkot. The symbols of etrog and lulav just end so unceremoniously. The etrog and lulav are discarded or recycled as are the Sukkah decorations. The Sukkah is packed up for another year. We now have a whole month with absolutely no holidays. Some mystical commentaries have noted that Cheshvan is an opportune time for the coming of Messiah precisely because there are no special observances this month. As we discussed on Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan during services, the absence of holidays actually gives us opportunities that we would not otherwise have if preoccupied with special days and events. The entirety of both Elul and Tishrei are dedicated to how we have lived and more significantly how we potentially may live in the coming year. Imagine two months of examining our deeds and resolving to change. The process is even more than just imagining. Ritual, family, tradition, food, assembly, and just the physical labor of a succession of holidays all contribute to making us different at the end of the festival cycle. Yet different could easily just be a feeling. It could easily become yet another “I should…” in the constant succession of “I should” that make up all of our lives. Thus we have a month where there should be few other distractions actually to allow us to act upon those realizations that the High Holy Day and Festival observances have stirred up within us. If we have resolved that we wish to change specific behaviors or make amends for specific acts, Cheshvan Is now the time to do it. Cheshvan is the great test for those resolutions, in fact. A time with fewer activities could either breed indolence or produce results. We accomplish less when idle than when occupied. Cheshvan asks whether we can rouse ourselves to the resolutions of Tishrei or just become complacent and make the results of Teshuva just a fantasy rather than an action. Instead of being the easiest Jewish month of the year without holidays, in many ways Cheshvan can be the hardest. Our Tishrei selves are tested by our Cheshvan selves. May we have the strength and resolve to stand up to those tests. Rabbi Ned Soltz Kristallnacht Commemoration Distinguished Lecture: Dr. Christopher Browning and Dr. Annamaria Orla-Bukowska— November 3 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm—Iona College Thomas J. Burke Lounge, Spellman Hall—715 North Avenue , New Rochelle, NY 10801 Dr. Annamaria Orla-Bukowska is a social anthropologist in the Institute of Sociology at the JagielDr. Brownig has served as an expert witness in lonianUniversity in Krakow. Her general field of "war crimes" trials in Australia, Canada, and research is majority-minority relations but her Great Britain. He has also served as an expert specialization is Polish Christian-Polish Jewish witness in two "Holocaust denial" cases: the secrelations. She teaches extensively not only for ond Zündel trial in Toronto in 1988 and in David various departments of the Jagiellonian but also Irving's libel suit against Deborah Libstadt in Lonfor the postgraduate programs at the State Musedon in 2000. He is the author of eight books. um Auschwitz-Birkenau and The Graduate School for Social Research in Warsaw. 2 L’SHANA TOVAH TIKATEVU Shanah Tovah to our members and your loved ones Rabbi Ned and Mary Soltz Best wishes for a good, healthy year with peace for Israel and all the world Shirley and Emanuel S. Goldsmith L’Shana Tovah – best wishes for a wonderful year 5775 to my M’vakhe Derekh family Iris Farber Wishing you all a sweet year Joan Silver Our best wishes to you and your loved ones now and always Joan and Norman Coplan Wishing you all a sweet year Harriet and Joe Fibel Wishing you all a sweet year with thanks for the caring and concerns expressed during our recent illnesses Lorraine and Bernard Weber Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year Carole and Evin Rubin My best wishes to you and your loved ones for a happy and healthy New Year Helene Miller Wishing you all a sweet year Vera and Mark Kaplan A happy and healthy New Year to you and yours Rita and Jack Clark Our best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year to all Kuniko and Jeff Katz Wishing you all a sweet year Randi and Len Newman Hag Sameach to all my M’vakshe Derekh friends. All the best! Miss you all Renee Meer Wishing you all a sweet year Sharon Goldfarb 3 & HOLIDAYSHABBAT Torah and Haftara November 1 November 22 Torah: Parashat Lech-Lecha Torah: Parashat Toldot Genesis 12:1-17:27 Genesis 25:19-29:9 Haftarah: Isaiah 40:27-41:16 Haftarah: Malachi 1:1-2:79 November 8 Torah: Parashat Vayera November 29 Genesis 18:1-22:24 Torah: Parashat Vayetzei Haftarah: II Kings 4:1-4:23 Genesis 28:10-32:3 Haftarah: Hosea 12:13-14:10 November 15 December 6 Torah: Parashat Chayei Sara Torah: Parashat Vayishlach Genesis: 23:1-25:18 Genesis 32:4-36:43 Haftarah: I Kings 1:1-1:31 Haftarah: Obadiah 1:1-1:21 Dear Members; Please let us know if there is a simcha in your family. Kindly call or phone Mary Soltz if you would like to share an important event in your or your loved ones’ lives. Let us all be happy with and for you. Mary’s phone: 817-654-9572 E-mail: Please Remember the Poor and the Hungry: Bring a can or two or package(s) of dry food on Shabbat for the Food for the Hungry. Iris is continuing the work she had done with our beloved Izzy, and will transport collected food to the Church for distribution to those in need. 4 Please Join Us For An Open House Rabbi Ned and Mary Soltz Sunday, November 9 - 1:00-4:00 pm 249 Carlton Terrace Teaneck, New Jersey RSVP to or 817-654-9572 Cora Freedman’s Speech as She Was Honored on Simchat Torah as Kalat Bereshit It has been a good experience for me to pull my thoughts together about my evolving Jewish beliefs and practices and how I got to M’Vakshe Derekh. My parents were the children of immigrants from the Pale of Settlement and were raised in Orthodox homes. They each became educated-my father was a lawyer and my mother a teacher, and as was common for many of the children of immigrants their religion became Socialism. My brother and I were brought up in Brooklyn with a big Jewish population and we certainly knew that we were Jewish, but there was very little practice of the faith or celebration of it in my parents’ home. My brother was Bar Mitzvahed, prepared by a tutor after my mother discovered that he escaped from more standard preparation by riding his bike. My parents did send me to a Jewish Federation camp-Wel-Met, where we celebrated Shabbat and got cleaned up and dressed in white on Friday nights. I have always said that everything that I learned about Judaism and sex was at Camp WelMet. And then I went to Smith College where there was a strict 10% quota for Jewish women and I experienced anti-Semitism, cloaked as anti-New Yorkism for the first time in my very sheltered life. Unfortunately I had few warm memories or positive feelings or even knowledge about Judaism to sustain me. I had two romances with non-Jewish men, at which my mother was horrified and begged me to end, and since I was eighteen I tearfully did. And then I met the answer to my Jewish problem-MICHAEL FREEDMAN. Michael was the son of an Orthodox Rabbi, knew all about the practice of Judaism and loved his faith. I have always said that in our own way, we were a mixed marriage. I was happy to keep a Kosher home and learn about and celebrate the holidays. Through Michael I learned an enormous amount about Judaism-history and practice. But, as is obvious there are still gaping holes in my knowledgelike knowing how to read Hebrew or even the most basic prayers. When we first moved to Scarsdale we joined Young Israel when it still met in the rabbi’s basement and my children went to Hebrew School there. Larry performed the entire morning service at his Bar Mitzvah and when he stood next to me at the Kol Nidre Service this year, it was as if he had channeled Michael. When Debbie was a freshman in college she announced that she would not come home for the Holidays unless we joined a synagogue where she could sit with her father and brother. So we joined the Scarsdale Synagogue, which is Reform as you all know. Their services were fine for me and okay for Michael, but because my children had not Continued on next page 5 Continued from previous page gone to Hebrew School there and the congregation was so large there were very few people whom we got to know. Twenty years ago Debbie married Steven who had gone to the Yeshiva of Flatbush and they send their 3 daughters to Heschel, a Jewish day school, where the high school students chose the minyan that they attend each day-Allie(16) goes to a Feminist minyan and Sophie(14)to an Orthodox one. Both Michael and I were very pleased that the girls are getting this rich Continued on top of next page Continued from previous page education. Fast forward to five years ago when my beloved husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and died five months later. Each of us got a rabbi to talk with Michael. Steve Klein of the Scarsdale Synagogue talked and prayed with Michael throughout his illness and was a great comfort to me. Debbie got the rabbi of her Synagogue and Larry who tutors students for the SATs got a former student who was a rabbi and had served his internship at the Bellevue prison ward. Michael loved that. When Michael was sort of out of it Rabbi Klein ended the prayer with Amen and Michael said that he wanted a Men’s Service and I reminded him that we belonged to a Reform Synagogue. Rabbi Klein helped us prepare for Michael’s death, plan the service and Shiva and Michael’s funeral was in the Scarsdale Synagogue. Judaism is wonderful in that the religion tells you just what to do at each stage of this momentous transition, tuned in to emotional needs in a mystical way. I spent a lot of time figuring out what it would say on Michael’s headstone and it is a quote from Rabbi Heschel –“The Divine sings in noble deeds.” Now the problem arose for me. What synagogue would I belong to? Rabbi Klein was retiring at the Scarsdale Synagogue and the congregation was enormous. One day when I was walking I met Jane Solomon,who also had belonged to the Scarsdale Synagogue, and she told me about M’Vakshe Derekh. I went to the Open House and as it is said “The rest is history.” Reconstructionist Judaism fits my view of the Divine and I found M’vakshe Derekh a very easy place to attend as a single person. This was one of the first big decisions that I made for myself as a widow. I think Michael would have loved it here and been a valuable addition. Sometimes I miss him the most during Services. He would be wearing his grey pants and blue blazer and be tall and knowledgeable standing beside me. M’vakshe Derekh is such a welcoming atmosphere and offers food for the intellect as well. I am even trying to learn to read Hebrew and at this point I want to thank my morah, Helaine Miller, for her gentle patience as I struggle with the alef bet. Please join us for Rabbi Soltz’s TWO REMAINING Fall Lecture Series Topic:The Documents of the Middle East November 1 & 8. Rabbi Soltz will examine sections of the original documents the define Israel, the Palestinians and the peace process. These will include The Balfour Declaration, Israel’s Declaration of Independence, The PLO Charter, The Hamas Charter, Camp David, Oslo, the Geneva Convention among others. It is an ambitious task for 4 weeks but even the highlights of these documents can help provide us tremendous insight into the complexities of Israel’s situation. Coffee and Bagels at 8:30—Lecture at 9AM 6 Tributes From Jack Chachkes & Jane David In loving memory of Emanuel Chachkes, Selma Chachkes, and Cameron David; and appreciation of Jane’s coming to Jack’s Kiddush Rita and Jack Clark In loving memory of Rita’s mother, Eleanor Joseph Rosalind Chachkes, Louise and Happy Birthday to Jack Chachkes Larry Davis, Florence and Phil Dworetzky Norma and Ed Dworetzky In loving memory of Norma’s parents, Selma and Emanuel Chachkes; in honor of Jack Chachkes’ birthday; get well wishes to Joe Fibel; congratulations to Evin and Carole Rubin on the marriage of their daughter To all M'Vakshe Derekh Members, Your Friends, Neighbors and Art Lovers There are still two art lectures remaining of the Fall M’vD lecture series. As always, Art Historian, Irene Wisoff , will continue to expose us and teach us with her fabulous slide lectures . The two remaining lectures, will parallel Autumn Museum highlights, and her lectures will be the following: Norman Rockwell Berkshire Museums—The Clark, Mass MOCA At Irene’s home For members and guests only (12 people maximum) This lecture has been postponed to a Sunday in December. Date T/B/A Matisse at the Museum of Modern Art Slide lecture at the Friends Meeting House, Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 2PM Advertised in Scarsdale papers—Public invited For Reservations Contact: Joan Coplan @ 914-761-0368 7 Joe Fibel’s Summer Torah Study Class They Sponsored the Kiddush on October 11th, To honor Joe, and thank him for his tireless efforts during the summer. What Better Way? To commemorate your loved one’s Yahrzeit, celebrate a family or friend’s Simcha than to send a Tribute or Donation to M’vakshe Derekh? For those who are not aware, here’s the way it works. Say that you wish to congratulate your cousin on her Wedding Anniversary. You send your check made out to the Congregation , and mail it to Carole Rubin, at 164 Stone Oaks Drive, Hartsdale, NY 10530, or hand it to her at Services. She’s at Shul just about every Shabbat. Carole then notifies our corresponding secretary, Cora Freedman, who mails out a card to your cousin congratulating her and her husband on the occasion. The celebrants are notified, contribution is acknowledged, no need for you to search for just the right card, and the congregation benefits from a tax deductible (to you) contribution. A win-win situation…. PS. You may chose to direct your contribution to either the General Funds or Kiddush Fund Or you may call Carole Rubin for a package of 3. 8 IN THE BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE MONTH OF CHESHVAN 2014 FRANK ZEBBERMAN FATHER OF SHIRLEY GOLDSMITH ERIC JEFFREY SHAPIRO SON OF GEORGE AND SELMA SHAPIRO FRANCES GARBER MOTHER OF HARRIET FIBEL DAVID GARBER FATHER OF HARRIET FIBEL HAROLD BARTH HUSBAND OF NORA BARTH HANNI HABER WIFE OF SIMON HABER ROSE KADEN GRAND MOTHER OF MARCIA KADEN CHERRY NORA BARTH MOTHER OF ROBIN AND MAURY BARTH TOBY M. FOX MOTHER OF DEBORAH FINKELSTEIN WISOFF MONTH OF KISLEV 2014 Names announced on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 28, 2014 LOUIS A. GOLDMAN FATHER OF MIRIAM CEDARBAUM BESSIE OSTROWSKY MOTHER OF SORELLA SCHILLER MORRIS NEWMAN FATHER OF LEONARD NEWMAN RABBI LUDWIG NADELMAN HARRY KADEN GRANDFATHER OF MARCIA KADEN CHERRY HERBERT STEPHEN ADLER HUSBAND OF SUSAN R. ADLER YETTA LERNER MOTHER OF ADA LEVINE AGATHA GLAZER MOTHER OF MEYER ,SIMON, SARA,JACK GLAZER BLANCHE KENDALL MOTHER OF SHARON GOLDFARB 9 KIDDUSH SPONSORS Many thanks to the following Mvakshe Derekh members for fully sponsoring Kiddush during October: October 11 – In Honor of Joe Fibel, with thanks for your summer Shabbat morning Torah Class: Jack Chachkes, Harriet Fibel, Helene Miller, Charlotte and David Rosensweig, Steve Solomon and Irene Wisoff October 18 – In Honor of our brother, Jack Chachkes’ 85th Birthday: Norma Dworetzky, Florence Dworetzky, and Louise Davis We all appreciate our fellow congregants’ efforts to make our Kiddushim extra-special, whether in observance or celebration, in memory or in honor. If you’d like to sponsor a Kiddush, in full, or in part, with delicacies from your kitchen, or by underwriting the cost, just let Rita Clark or Harriet Fibel know. ANNOUNCING….. Tribute cards available in packets of 3 Instead of having to call, send a check to Carole Rubin, and have Cora send out the tribute card, buy a packet of 3 cards. Then, when you need to send out a greeting, congratulations, or condolence card, You can act quickly and inexpensively. No need to call anyone, or send a check either. Tribute cards will be available in packets of 3 for the cost of $18.00 ( minimum)for the three cards. They are our own, lovely, preprinted with the Synagogue logo and address and can be bought from Carole Rubin. You send the card out whenever you wish, and if you’d like to see it in the Path Seeker, let Carole know the specifics of your individual Tribute when you send it out. Call or see Carole to buy them. Send her a check to 164 Stone Oaks Drive, Hartsdale, New York 10530 Phone: 684-9098 10 Don’t Forget…..November 14 Charity Day at Lord and Taylor Presale starts November 1 . Please buy as many tickets as possible, give them to your friends, and family. Take advantage of the sales, do your Chanukah shopping, and help your Congregation at the same time. The cost of the tickets goes directly to our Congregation, and the “pool” money is divided among the qualifying participants. Thank you to all those who participated in our first M’vD Community Garage Sale. Thank your Cora for your patience, and generosity in letting us use your driveway, and much prized bath room, and thank you to our vendors, and donors. We managed to sell just over $1000 worth of goods, and although it was cold, and the buyers were not as numerous as we would have wanted, a good time was had by all. In addition to the obviously much needed funds that were raised, we did get to rid our homes of some clutter, and helped Big Brothers Big Sisters with the donation of the left over goods. 11 IN THE BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE MONTH OF TISHREI 2014 WILLIAM CEDARBAUM FATHER OF BERNARD CEDARBAUM HYMAN GOLDSMITH FATHER OF RABBI EMANUEL GOLDSMITH ANNA WEISS MOTHER OF ALFRED WEISS RUTH FRIEDMAN TURKUS SISTER OF HELEN TROTT JOSEPH FIBEL FATHER OF JOSEPH LOUIS FIBEL NAT SHAPIRO FATHER OF JOAN SHAPIRO COPLAN ALBERT SUSSMAN FATHER OF KENNETH SUSSMAN ETHYL RABINOWITZ MOTHER OF ALAN RABINOWITZ ADA LEVINE LUTZKY MOTHER OF IRENE WISOFF ISIDORE FARBER HUSBAND OF IRIS FARBER MONTH OF CHESHVAN 2014 FRANK ZEBBERMAN FATHER OF SHIRLEY GOLDSMITH ERIC JEFFREY SHAPIRO SON OF GEORGE AND SELMA SHAPIRO FRANCES GARBER MOTHER OF HARRIET FIBEL DAVID GARBER FATHER OF HARRIET FIBEL HAROLD BARTH HUSBAND OF NORA BARTH HANNI HABER WIFE OF SIMON HABER ROSE KADEN GRAND MOTHER OF MARCIA KADEN CHERRY NORA BARTH MOTHER OF ROBIN AND MAURY BARTH TOBY M. FOX MOTHER OF DEBORAH FINKELSTEIN WISOFF