R ABBI`S REFLE C TIONS - Pine Brook Jewish Center
R ABBI`S REFLE C TIONS - Pine Brook Jewish Center
Serving the needs of our diverse Jewish community for more than 118 years. RABBI’S REFLECTIONS October 2014 | Tishrei—Cheshvan 5775 So Maybe You Can’t Dance At Two Weddings, But… Many people in whose homes Yiddish was spoken have vivid memories of the colorful expressions that our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents used to use. If we were fortunate enough to understand at least some of the Yiddish, we laughed along at many of those expressions; however, if we did not understand the Yiddish, we still may have laughed along because it sounded so funny to our ears. I was reminded recently of the Yiddish expression, "You can’t dance at two weddings at the same time: Me ken nit tantsen oif tsvai chassenes oif ain mol,” sort of the Yiddish equivalent of "You can't have your cake and eat it too." Some of you who have taken the advanced course in Yiddish know that some Yiddish speakers add something at the end of that expression, making it even funnier." Quite true; but some readers might accuse me of getting fresh. Perhaps if I reach the age of my grandparents, I can get away with saying anything I want, but not today. I mention this expression because October may be a month for dancing. The most obvious opportunities for dancing are tied to Simhat Torah. On Thursday evening, October 16 and on the following day is Simhat Torah. The first opportunity for dancing will be at 6:30 PM when we will have a half-hour Simhat Torah celebration for nursery through 2nd graders and their families: some singing, some dancing with “toy Torahs,” flags, a story (maybe two), and Rabbi Mark Finkel refreshments for everyone afterwards. At 7 PM we will hold our family Simhat Torah celebration for elementary school students and older. In addition to all the components at the earlier celebration, we will have our annual total wrap (or un-wrap as the case may be) and refreshments. All are welcome; but the holiday does not end there. On Friday morning October 17 at 9:30 AM Simhat Torah continues. Everything that goes on on Thursday evening continues on Friday morning plus every member of the congregation in attendance will receive an honor to the Torah … and Kiddush follows. The fourth opportunity for dancing? This is a more select group, but I still want everyone in our PBJC community to know about it, pass the word along and encourage attending, should you meet or speak to any of this special group, and that is this year’s opening dance of the northern New Jersey USY, Saturday evening, October 18 at Congregation B’nai Israel in Millburn, an opportunity for our young people to dance all night (or talk or text) in a safe and fun Jewish environment. Our USY’ers, 9-12 graders, sometimes do not get word of opportunities for them to join with their peers to make new friends and to have a great time, so I am partially relying on readers to spread the word. (Don’t worry; it is on Facebook too.) There will be round-trip transportation from PBJC. USY’ers and their parents should call the synagogue office to get on the bus list. I hope that all of you will have at least one opportunity to dance during October at one of these venues. On behalf of myself, Abby, our family, and the professional and lay staff of PBJC, I wish you a joyous, meaningful and fulfilling conclusion to our holy day season, and may you be sealed in the book of life for good, sweet, and healthy year. The Candlestick is published 9 times a year reaching more than 400 families. Ads may be purchased on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, pro-rated for advertisers who begin midyear. Payment is due with contract. Ads are placed on a 9-month cycle from the first issue in September through the final edition in May. 3.5” x 2.125” by Sponsoring a Friday Night Oneg Shabbat 1/8 Ad Specs eighth quarter half (h) half (v) full 3.5” x 2.125” 3.5” x 4.5” 7.5” x 4.5” 3.5” x 10” 7.5” x 10” $170 per year $255 per year $425 per year $425 per year $620 per year 3.5” x 4.5” Design Services Design services are available if needed and will be charged at $100 per ad. Ads received that deviate from required formats will be assessed $100 fee to rebuild to the appropriate specifications. Advertisers may change copy within their ads to reflect seasonal promotions at no charge. File Formats & Delivery As our publication is offered as an online pdf, ads may be furnished in color, however, they will be printed in black and white. Ads must be submitted in one of the following formats: press-quality pdf, tiff, jpg or eps at a minimum 300 dpi resolution. Please be sure to embed all artwork and fonts before conversion. For inclusion in an upcoming pubication, all ads and copy must be received by the 10th of each month. All articles must be submitted as .doc files with no formatting. Submit to: gina.logrande1966@gmail.com 1/4 3.5” x 10” 1/2 (v) 7.5” x 4.5” 1/2 (h) Editorial LAYOUT & DESIGN Gina Logrande CONTRIBUTING WRITERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS Rabbi Mark Finkel • Mitchell Goldstein Mary Sheydwasser • Rosanne Mendelowitz Michelle Zuckerman • Steven Gothelf Honor Someone Special 7.5” x 10” Full Page At PBJC, we want to build relationships among congregants and strengthen the bonds between members beyond the confines of formal worship services. One way to turn our synagogue house into a home is at the Oneg Shabbat. Consider a donation of $18 or more to celebrate your next birthday, anniversary, engagement, child’s birth, grandchild’s birth or other simchas by sponsoring an oneg at one of our Friday night Shabbat services. Sponsor an oneg for a friend’s event that you want to acknowledge. Sponsor one on your own, or with family or a group! Make checks payable to PBJC Sisterhood and submit it at least two weeks in advance. Include a note stating what the occasion is and who you are honoring or commemorating, to Elaine Nachshen, 74 Midvale Avenue, Lake Hiawatha, NJ 07034. Betty Crane • Elaine Nachshen 2 The Candlestick In the coming year, m a y y o u r h e a r t b e light with laughter, your mind be Frederic L. and Janice Aibel Jordan and Sheila Basem Jay and Wendy Birnbaum Cindy and Norman Chase and Family Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chesler and Family Betty and Fred Crane Irene and Jerry Davis The Drillings Family Art, Judy and Michael Eisen Abe and Sima Feder Paul and Jacqueline Fenton Sharon and Bob Fields The Fuchs Family Steve and Gay Gershberg and Family Andrea and Mitchell Goldsmith and Family Alice Gordon Mort and Marcia Grossman and Family Staci and Adam Handler and Family Paula and Ed Kadushin and Family Roberta and Bob Kanarick Marvin and Barbara Kaufman Rosalee and Doug Keech Elaine Korn and Family Stephanie Kutlow and Family Susan and Howard Lefkowitz Lillian and Sid Lerman Ellen and Jonathan Lewis and Family Marian and Robert Lowenfish Gil and Sue Mandel and Family Ann and Ray Mariash Monique and Jedd Mendelson and Family Elaine Nachsen and Famly Craig and Michelle Nadel and Family free from worry, your days be bright with sunshine and your life be filled with love. Flo and Tom Peck and Family Gail and Jeff Rempell and Family The Resnikoff Family Gail and Jay Richman and Family Ina and Mark Roffman Nan and Alan Rothberg Anita and Mel Sanders Trudy and Martin Sarver Marlene Scheinthal Elaine and Herman Schkolnick Estelle and Jory Schlenger Mary and Frank Sheydwasser and Family Estelle Stein Natalie and Leonard Wallach and Family Shelley and Ralph Zemel Michelle, Evan, Lindsay and Hailey Zuckerman Esta and Phil Zwick Alan, Sandy, Hayley and Emma Zwickel From our family to yours, PBJC wishes all of you a joyful and happy Rosh Hashanah. NURSERY SCHOOL Festive Fall Fun!!!! The beginning of a new school year brings with it so many exciting and new feelings, for both parent and child! In September, we welcomed back returning friends and met special new ones at the same time. PBJC Nursery is off to a great start. In addition to adjusting to school, our pre-schoolers spent September learning about the very special holidays of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah. We munched on apples and honey and sang festive new songs. All of the children participated in a wonderful Shofar program conducted by our friends at the Living Legacy. September may have been a short month, but it was certainly filled with many fun and exciting programs and projects as we kicked off our school year. The nursery children have jumped right into all of their classroom activities with such enthusiasm! From circle time to art projects to learning new songs or playing on the playground, there is always something fun happening! The children are also enjoying their weekly music class with Miss Babette and our new weekly movement class with Miss Lisa! We have expanded our enrichment programming to now include science for our 3’s and 4’s and art enrichment for our 4’s. We also look forward to kicking off our after-school enrichment classes for the 3’s and 4’s! Being offered this fall are drama, cooking and a new “potluck” class to include everything from yoga to science to nature! As always, my door is always open to anyone who would like more information about any of our nursery programs. All the best, Rosanne Mendelowitz Nursery School Director 4 The Candlestick RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Mary Sheydwasser Religious School Director The students of Pine Brook Jewish Center’s Religious School ushered in the 20142015 academic year with much enthusiasm and excitement. In anticipation of what I trust will be an outstanding year, each child received a piece of chocolate to symbolize a good and sweet year of learning! As you already know, Tefillah, prayer, is a core element of our curriculum. Every Sunday we daven together and reinforce what the students learn in the classroom. Furthermore, our students lead us in Havdalah, a beautiful service that separates the Sabbath from the hustle and bustle of our routine weekday OCTOBER 5 activities. The students and teaching professionals have the opportunity to Kitah Hey visit with seniors at wish each other a “Shavuah Tov”, a greeting for a new and good week The Chelsea Madrichim Program begins ahead. By doing this on a regular basis, we hope to provide the students with the Jewish traditions that will last a lifetime. In addition, students are OCTOBER 11 Junior Congregation 10 – 12 Noon encouraged to attend as many Junior Congregation services as possible. This is another way to educate them and provide an opportunity to lead OCTOBER 12 their peers in prayer. Gan, Zeraim & Shorashim (K-2) trip to Judaism is clear: Religion is about shaping our attitude and actions toward ourselves, toward each other and toward God. Religion should help us believe that we do matter, that our actions matter, and that we are never alone. Please make this the year to join our students in family functions and class services and to listen to your child read a tefillah and appreciate the joy of learning. We are encouraging our students to find their own spiritual journey while we integrate their knowledge into building lifetime skills. I urge you to attend an education committee meeting, get involved, and take an active role in your child’s Jewish education. I would like to take this opportunity to formally welcome and introduce Mrs. Susan Golloub to our faculty. She brings a wealth of experience and knowledge, and will be a valuable addition to our excellent staff of educational professionals. We also welcome Mr. Evan Zuckerman as our Vice President of Education. Bruchim Habaim! I look forward to seeing you at our many events scheduled for this year. As always, my door is always open to hear your suggestions, comments, and goals for our school. Mary Sheydwasser Religious School Director October 2014 | Tishrei—Cheshvan 5775 Brook Hollow Barnyard OCTOBER 14 B’Yachad- Hebrew High - Opening/ Pizza in the Hut (8th to 10th) 6-8PM Education Committee Meeting OCTOBER 16 Simchat Torah Celebration at PBJC (Junior Congregation credit) OCTOBER 21 B’Yachad 8th Grade begins (6-8PM) OCTOBER 23 B’Yachad 10th Grade begins (6-8 PM) OCTOBER 25 Junior Congregation 10 – 12 Noon OCTOBER 26 Kitah Hey Bar/Bat Mitzvah Workshop with Parents & Students OCTOBER 28 B’Yachad 9th Grade begins (6-8PM) 5 B’YACHAD HEBREW HIGH B’YACHAD: An Inclusive Community of Learners Hershey Jaffe B’Yachad Coordinator REGISTRATION IS STILL BEING ACCEPTED FOR THE B'YACHAD PROGRAM! The success of our Hebrew High School, B’yachad, is dependent on the ability to not only learn about ‘the ethics of our people,’ but more importantly to build a community. When students trust and care about each other they feel safe to share their views and ideas in a classroom setting and a dialogue begins. The fear of being judged by one’s peers dissipates and discussions become lively and interactive. From the time of Hillel and Shammai, our tradition teaches that there was always room to examine, dissect and re-evaluate our laws. In fact, many believe that different perspectives are exactly the reason Judaism has survived for almost 6000 years. However, all of our ancestors agreed on the importance of community. Because I worry about the next generation and because enrollment in B’yachad is voluntary, I along with Mrs. Sheydwasser have worked countless hours to develop a program that would entice participation and also build that community that we believe is vital to Judaism. With that in mind, we have taken several steps to foster a ‘kehilah kedusha,’ or a holy community, where everyone is respected and every opinion is valued. Each class begins by sharing a meal together. That short period of time provides the students with an opportunity to get to know each other better and verbalize any problems they might recently encountered. Since our students come from different schools, it also gives them the ability to ‘catch up’ with each other. In an effort to change the tone of the class, we usually change venues and simultaneously establish boundaries to denote that the ‘act of study’ is about to begin. Another element in the Community Building process is the performing of a mitzvah together. This year, all of our high school classes will join with our younger youth groups in preparing sandwiches for the homeless and then B’yachad will distribute the meals, along with winter items that we will collect, to New York City’s Homeless. This program is sponsored by the Midnight Run Organization, which is a “…volunteer organization dedicated to finding common ground between the housed and the homeless.” Lastly, our efforts turn to the social aspect of our school. Several activities have been scheduled, and many of them have been driven by our students, to promote the ‘family atmosphere’ that our scholars respond so well to. In early September, we held our 2nd Annual Bowling Event. Attended by 18 joyous students and a success by every standard, they filled the alleys with laughter and the sounds that we, the educators, thrive on hearing. Our Sukkah Party, open to all B’yachad students is scheduled for October 14th. In addition to dinner, we will be making s’mores and after eating and saying the prayers for Sukkot, we will hopefully be sitting around a campfire and singing songs together. Together we have become “The habonim, the builders of the next generation of Jews. If your idea of Religious School has changed, then call me or the school office and we will send you a Registration Form to share this exciting journey with us. If you haven’t changed your perception, then give us a try! Let us show you how learning can be fun, substantive and engaging all at the same time. As always, I am available for any questions and can be reached on my cell at 201.615.8419 or by email at nijewguy@aol.com. I look forward to learning with you. L’hitraot, Hershey 6 The Candlestick B’nai Mitzvot Our son, Lorrin, was welcomed by family and friends on April 29, 2001. His less usual name honors the memory of his October 12, 2014 grandparents, Linn and Irwin. Lorrin has distinguished himself as a compassionate young man, independent thinker, honor student at Lazar M.S., soccer player, skier, musician who plays saxophone in the school and Jazz bands, and has enjoyed participating in the Percussion Ensemble. He’s found an interest in electronics and computer programming and loves computer gaming. For the past year Lorrin has been entertaining seniors as a Mitzvah Clown. The project had special meaning since he has never had living grandparents. We, and Lorrin’s little sister, Ariana, are incredibly proud of him, as he becomes a bar mitzvah! Lorrin Stone Jared Thomas Birnbaum was born on July 21, 2001, to loving parents Jane and Steven. He has always had a passion for October 18, 2014 building and aspires to become an architect. Jared is an avid reader and loves playing with his dog, Friday, and lots of technology. He is in 8th grade at Lazar Middle School and looks forward to spending his summers at Camp Louemma. Jared Birnbaum For his Mitzvah project Jared volunteered his time at the Interfaith Food Pantry helping clients with their shopping and making home deliveries. Jared learned about the issues of hunger right here in our community. We are very proud of Jared and look forward to celebrating this joyous occasion. Ian Nazmiyal was born on September 1, 2001. He will become a Bar Mitzvah on October 25, 2014. Ian is the youngest of his October 25, 2014 siblings Noah and Ara. Padi and Jason are proud parents of Ian and are looking forward to his special day. Ian is a 7th grade student at Lazar Middle School. He plays on the Montville Travel Soccer team. He’s also on the Montville Travel basketball team and has been on the team since the team formed. Ian enjoys playing tennis and skiing. He likes travelling and experiencing different cultures. His most recent trip with his family was to Spain where he visited different cities and had an opportunity to visit a synagogue. Ian is looking forward to sharing his Bar-Mitzvah with his family and friends. Ian Nazmiyal Many Thanks...I want to thank the entire PBJC Community for the way you responded to my recent illness. Your cards, emails and thoughtful giſts have helped speed my recovery and I, along with my family are ever grateful for your love and concern. May you never know from illness or sorrow, but should you have to experience it, be grateful, as I am to be a part of such a loving community. Hershey CLUB NEWS Sisterhood Michelle Zuckerman President, PBJC Sisterhood Join the fun! PBJC Sisterhood offers opportunities for social activities, educational experiences, fundraising, and personal growth. We are dedicated to the perpetuation of Conservative Judaism by promoting Jewish education and encouraging cultural and social activities for our membership, the congregation and the community. Dues are $45 per year ($36 for our senior members). It’s hard to believe that it’s already October and fall is upon us! On behalf of my family and the PBJC Sisterhood I’d like to wish everyone a happy, healthy and very sweet New Year! Sisterhood is always happy to be a part of the High Holidays at PBJC…it is our pleasure to provide the beautiful flower arrangements for the bemahs in both the main service and family service every year. We also are happy to provide the delicious break fast meal on Yom Kippur. Sisterhood was happy to once again provide the desserts for the Welcome Back Family BBQ/Shabbat Alive event that took place on September 5th. We were proud to take part in this very special event! Sisterhood began our year with a welcome breakfast for Nursery School parents on September 9th. Thanks to Z’Havah Chair Shari Schwartz for organizing a lovely morning! We also resumed our monthly Game Nights (“Maj Jongg Mondays”) on September 8th and hope you will join us on the first Monday of every month for a nice night out with the girls! Thanks to Programming Chairs Betsy Steckelman and Ilene Thailer for coordinating our game nights. Betsy and Ilene are also working on a special morning and program for our annual Kick-Off Brunch, which will be held this year on Sunday, October 19th. We will have out first Sisterhood meeting of the year on Wednesday, October 22nd at 7:30 p.m. All Sisterhood members are invited to attend! Finally, don’t forget that you can purchase scrip & gift certificates throughout the year from Sisterhood. We carry all of the major supermarkets, including Shop Rite, and many other stores. They are available in the main office during regular office hours or by contacting Kim Stiller at 646-483-7411 or kim615@optonline.net. We also sell both Tribute Cards and Torah Fund Cards which can be sent to commemorate mitzvahs, birthdays and other joyous events as well as to those in mourning. To send a Tribute Card contact Betty Crane (if your last name begins with A – Go) at 973-227-6344 or bettycrane@optonline.net; Marlene Rosen (if your last name begins with Gr – M) at 973-887-0551 or chosin@juno.com; or Estelle Stein (if your last name begins with N – Z) at 973-588-7332 or estein9@hotmail.com. Your tribute will also be listed in the next edition of the Candlestick. If you wish to send or purchase Torah Fund cards, please contact Rosalie Kesselman at 973-386-1813 or savtarose@verizon.net. As always, thank you for your support of the PBJC Sisterhood. If you are not already a member, please join us at any of our wonderful events and come see what you’ve been missing! L’Shanah Tovah 8 2014-2015 SISTERHOOD MEETING DATES Wednesdays at 7:30pm 10/22, 12/10, 2/11 & 4/15 SISTERHOOD KICK-OFF BRUNCH: Sunday, 10/19 PAID-UP DINNER: Tuesday, 11/11 MARKETPLACE: Tuesday, 12/2 GAME NIGHTS: 10/6, 11/3, 12/1, 1/5, 2/3, 3/2, 4/13, 5/4 WELLNESS PROGRAMS: 10/28, 2/18, 5/12 The Candlestick Friendship Club of PBJC Betty Crane Friendship Club Coordinator The Friendship Club began in 2000 with a grant from MetroWest. Currently, we have about 250 members from Morris and Essex counties. We meet at various times of the year depending on the synagogue schedule. We take trips to museums, attend concerts and shows, have a mid-winter brunch in February, a Shabbat dinner in November, and evening programs. We have about eight events a year, several with bus transportation. Dues are $25 annually. In July, we began our fifteenth year and The Friendship Club remains a vibrant and dynamic group. Your support and active participation in our many programs have kept us alive and well. On Wednesday, August 20, we sponsored the “AARP Driver Safety Course” at the synagogue and it was well attended. Marty Karasick. a certified AARP volunteer and a member of The Friendship Club, conducted this sixhour session. In the last three years, 57 people have taken this course and, as always, the feedback has been very positive. We thank Marty for his time and commitment. As of this writing, we are looking forward to our September meeting on Tuesday evening, September 16. Jessica Davy, a clarinetist, composer and educator, will present “The World of Classical Music” where she will discuss the baroque, romantic and contemporary periods. In addition, there will be a “Name That Tune” segment as well as audience participation. We must have many classical music aficionados because the response to this program has been excellent. As a reminder, we will be holding our annual Shabbat Dinner on Friday evening, November 21 so please mark this date on your calendar. In December, we are planning another movie night and you will be notified once details are finalized. Finally, if any of our congregants have reached the magic age of fifty-five and wish to be placed on our mailing list, please let me know. We always welcome new members. Wishing you a beautiful autumn. B’Shalom Chaverim of PBJC Chaverim of PBJC are a vibrant group of adults 60+ who meet at 11:30 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at the Center. We have informative and entertaining programs. We enjoy speakers, current event discussions, entertainment, movies, in house luncheons, trips and dining at nearby restaurants. Bring a cold dairy lunch, (if you’d like), and socialize before each program. Call Shelly at 973.627.5370 for more information. October 9 No meeting Sukkot October 23 11:30 Lunch • 12:00 Meeting • 12:30 Program: Barbara Wind UJCNJ will talk about “1938 Again.. Anti Semitism Then and Now” October 2014 | Tishrei—Cheshvan 5775 9 Men’s Club Steve Gothelf Men’s Club President The PBJC Men’s Club fosters cultural, social, and religious activities and programs for the members of the Men's Club, Synagogue youth, the congregation and the community. In addition, we seek to promote understanding and awareness of Jewish heritage among our members and their children. Membership is open to any adult Jewish male of the congregation. Dues are $75 annually and cover all events. You may have already received your annual invoice for the Men’s Club dues. Once again we have been able to keep costs down and have not raised the dues. If you have already sent in your payment, we thank you for your support. We urge you to support and be part of your Men’s Club. Join us at any of the many events and activities that we sponsor during the year. Because of the high holidays and other scheduling conflicts we are a bit late, but that just mean that you haven’t missed our “Kick-off” breakfast scheduled for October 26th at 10:00AM. We have an exciting morning planned with yet another “special guest speaker.” Mark your Calendar now and watch for further details. If it will be your first breakfast, just let us know and we will make sure you feel at home! You can still sponsor one of our breakfasts! It’s the perfect way to promote and advertise your company and your company’s products and services to the men of the PBJC and at the same time support your Men’s Club. Just ask us how it works and what it’s all about. The Men’s Club was responsible for all the cooking at the Family BBQ last month. We cooked enough hamburgers, hotdogs, turkey burgers and veggie burgers for over 200 attendees. Our thanks go to: Jeffrey Weiss, Ray Feldman, Barry Grummer, Alan Guilder, Marv Kaufman, Paul Fenton, Glenn Fox, Evan Zuckerman, Bill Markel, Joe Huber and Steve Berman for their efforts and support. The Men’s Club is responsible for erecting the sukkah each year, and this year is no exception. We are scheduled to begin “construction” on Sunday morning October 5th. Of course what goes up must come down, so on Sunday morning October 19th we will be taking the sukkah down. We will be sending out email reminders asking for volunteers to help us out with this task. Our annual Man-of-the-Year dinner is scheduled for Wednesday evening November 12th. This is always a very well attended and special night because we honor one of our own. Stay tuned for the big announcement as to who we will be honoring as our 2014-2015 Man-of-the-Year. This year’s event will be held at Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael in Springfield NJ. You will be receiving further details on this special event. The New Year is just getting started and it’s the perfect time to give us a try and find out what we’re all about. We think you will be pleasantly surprised, but why not find out for yourself. We are looking for men of all ages, sizes and levels of experience. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments, concerns or inquiries, we urge you to contact us. We want to hear from you! Steve Gothelf, Men’s Club President 973-335-7486 10 The Candlestick CLUB NEWS Socially Active Single Seniors SASS ended our summer activities with a wonderful day at the Gardens for Sculpture in Hamilton, NJ on August 24th. The weather was beautiful, the statues were magnificent and everyone who attended had a fabulous day. This is a place everyone should see; it is well worth the trip. Our September 9th meeting was informative. Rosalie Kesselman, RN and member of PBJC led a discussion on: ”How to find and select the right doctor for your particular needs” and also the current trend towards “concierge” doctors. It was an informative as well as enjoyable evening. Our October meeting is a trip to the Bickford theatre (at the Morris Museum). On Sunday October 26th, we will be attending a matinee performance of the Carolyn Dorfman Dance Company. They are a contemporary dance troupe. Senior tickets are $20 and we are planning to go out to dinner after the show. Please call Barbara Fried or Elaine Nachshen if anyone would like to attend, who has not already signed up. Hopefully there will still be tickets available. There will be no meeting at the temple on 10/7, as was previously scheduled. We welcome all single seniors 55+ at PBJC. We request for you to give us a try. Come to a meeting or join us for a trip or out to dinner. We would love to have you join us and possibly increase our membership if you like what you see. If anyone has any questions or suggestions about SASS (Socially Active Single Seniors), please call. Elaine Nachshen 973-263-0407 or Barbara Fried 973-335-1099 Torah Fund I wish each and everyone of you A Healthy and Happy New Year as we start a new Torah Fund Campaign Year. This is the 72nd year of Torah Fund and the theme of "Mishpachah" FAMILY continues. The Jewish Family, in all its configurations, is the solid system of roots that supports our tree of life. The community lend its strength to each family and, in turn, draws renewed energy, wisdom ands direction from its cherished members. These Jewish family bonds have an immeasurable impact when cultivated in each new generation. By supporting Torah Fund for any amount we can support the schools and programs of the Jewish Theological Seminary. These include, The Jewish Theological Seminary, which trains our Rabbis. The Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, The Schechter Institutes of Judaic Studies, Seminario Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, The Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education and List College. There are many levels of available giving. No amount is too small. Patron - $1200 Associate Patron - $600 Guardian - $300 Benefactor - $180 To make a donation or to become a Benefactor please contact me at savtarose@verizon.netor at 973-386-1813, 03 Carol Jane Kotch @ cjknj@optonline.net To send a Torah Fund card for any occasion please contact Sheila Basem @ sbasem@optonline.net October 2014 | Tishrei—Cheshvan 5775 11 The Pine Brook Jewish Center is pleased to announce«. MOMMY & ME with Miss Lisa This class is designed for children ages 12 ± 24 months!! (please inquire if your child is younger than 12 months and you are interested in a class) When: Mondays Fall 2014 Session begins September 15th and runs through November 24th (11 weeks) Where: Pine Brook Jewish Center Time: 9:30 ± 10:30 a.m. Cost: $220.00 Highlights of the class include: Circle Time, Music & Songs, Art Projects, Story Time, Puppets, Age-Appropriate Games«and so much MORE! ****************************************************************************** Mommy & Me Registration ŚŝůĚ͛ƐEĂŵĞͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺĂƚĞŽĨŝƌƚŚͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ PĂƌĞŶƚ͛ƐEĂŵĞ;ƐͿͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ_____________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #___________________________________________Email___________________________________ Please return registration portion of this form, along with a check made out to: ͞PBJC Nursery School͟ and return it to: PBJC Nursery School 174 Changebridge Road Montville, NJ 07045 Questions? Contact Rosanne Mendelowitz, Nursery School Director, at (973) 244-1611, ext. 6 ** NEW JERSEY’S #1 PARTY SHOWCASE PLANNING A BAR/BAT MITZVAH, WEDDING, SWEET 16 OR PARTY? DJ’s • Photographers • Videographers • Party & Photo Favors • Entertainers Balloon Specialists • Invitations • Bands • Gifts • Variety Entertainment • Kosher Caterers SUN. DEC. 7 12:00-3:00 pm Pine Brook Jewish Center 174 174 Changebridge Changebridge Rd. Rd. || Montville, Montville, NJ NJ ster Regi ne onli partyshowcases.com Roengliinsteer 908-665-4165 By: Lois Daniels In appreciation of receiving an honor By: Randee & Glenn Fox In honor of Betty & Fred Crane’s 50th wedding anniversary To make a donation, please download forms at pbjc.org. RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND By: Bob & Roberta Kanarick In honor of their 50th wedding anniversary By: Diane & Alan Krause In honor of the marriage of Amy & Yoni By: Susan & Gary Messinger In honor of the baby naming of Rose Jaclyn Messinger By: Monique & Jedd Mendelson In memory of Avi By: Eric & Susan Bershad In honor of their grandson Eli Drew Bershad In honor of the Haley Bernstein becoming a bat mitzvah CARING COMMITTEE FUND By: Judy Listfield & Joe Butkus In honor of Jordan & Sheila Basem’s 50th wedding anniversary anniversary By: Barbara & Ben Gerson In memory of Gwen Rosen By: Sima & Abe Feder In memory of Jaime Feder, Yudal Rapoport & Marty Herman YARHZEIT By: Maxine Friedman In memory of Sally Robin By: Bernard Rubin In memory of Helen Rubin By: Fred Decter In memory of Helen Decter By: Betty & Fred Crane In memory of Gwen Rosen By: Michelle & Evan Zuckerman In honor of Betty & Fred Crane’s 50th wedding anniversary GENERAL By: Anita & Mel Sanders In honor of Betty & Fred Crane’s 50th wedding anniversary By: Judith & Stanley Messinger In honor of Betty & Fred Crane’s 50th wedding anniversary By: Ellen Levy In appreciation of Cantor Toren 14 If you want to send a tribute card, please contact a member of the tribute team according to your last name. To: Michelle & David Hay Mazel Tov on Shayna’s Bat Mitzvah From: Sisterhood Tribute cards may be sent to synagogue members and nonmembers, but only members will be listed in the Candlestick. To: Diane & Alan Krause Mazel Tov on Amy's wedding From: Sheila & Barry Weinreb A-GO Betty Crane 973-227-6344 bettycrane@optonline.net Marlene Rosen 973-887-0551 chosin@juno.com By: Ann Monka In memory of Raizel Monka N-Z CONDOLENCES Estelle Stein 973-588-7332 estein9@hotmail.com ADDITIONS William & Raina Leflein 17 Lalique Drive Montville, New Jersey 07045 973-331-0489 Jay & Alison Glickson 164 Konner Avenue Pine Brook, New Jersey 07058 973-396-6901 To: Betty & Fred Crane Mazel Tov on your 50th wedding anniversary From: Ina & Mark Roffman, Esta & Phil Zwick, Dale & Rob Greenfield & Family To: Meryle Handler Mazel Tov on the birth of your granddaughter From: Estelle Stein GR-M Eli Brickman on the loss of his father, Ed Brickman To: Eli Brickman In memory of your father Ed Brickman From: Nancy & Jonathan Cohen, Dale & Rob Greenfield & Family To: The Dawer Family Mazel Tov on Janice's engagement From: Randy & Jack Wenarsky & Family By: Erika & Don Rosenthal In appreciation of Rabbi Finkel’s kindness By: Robert Greenfield In memory of Esther Wnuk ETZ CHAIM SISTERHOOD TRIBUTES DONATIONS By: Alyson Daniels In honor of her daughters Rachel, Ariella & Shayna No calls on Shabbat, Jewish holidays, or after 9:00 PM please. To: Jeff Axelrad In memory of your grandfather From: Stacey & Cliff Berliner To: Anita Sanders Wishing you a speedy recovery From: Betty & Fred Crane To: Ashli & Sean Sherman Mazel Tov on Rebecca’s Bat Mitzvah From: Sisterhood To: Libby & Charlie Stei Mazel Tov on the marriage of your daughter Megan to Jon Newman From: Natalie & Len Wallach, Sheila & Barry Weinreb, Ina & Mark Roffman, Randy & Jack Wenarsky & Family, Marcy & Alan Guilder To: Pam & Mike Weinstein Mazel Tov on Sam’s Bar Mitzvah From: Sisterhood To: Ellie & Alan Bernstein Mazel Tov on your granddaughter's Bat Mitzvah From: Ina & Mark Roffman The Candlestick YAHRZEITS Paul B. Finby Archie Gellman Sarah Kritzer Bertha Marine Stephen Richter Fannie Rotter Barney Rubin 21 Tishrei - October15 Isadore Gerver Rita Gottlieb Louis Kahn Blossom Zivin 22 Tishrei – October 16 Grace Monka Marcus Scherl FRI/SAT, 10/17 & 10/18 23 Tishrei – October 17 Habibolah Adel Lena Goldstein Elsie Monk Harry Schrager The names of your loved ones will be read on the Friday evening of the designated week. We would be honored to read a particular name on Shabbat morning when requested by the family. 24 Tishrei - October 18 Max Arnofsky Mollie Disler Josephine Dubovy Shaoul Laniado William Schkolnick FRI/SAT, 10/10 & 10/11 25 Tishrei – October 19 Eleanor Alper Henry Sirot Brian Weinberg 16 Tishrei - October 10 Sara Arnofsky Shirley Bloom Harry Gottlieb Isidore Lescht Ruth Markowitz David Miller 26 Tishrei - October 20 Sally Baker Minnie Kriss Jeanette Lerner Nathan Meistrich Harry Thorner 17 Tishrei - October 11 Sidney Greenfield Juda Mittman SaturdayGoldy Schneider Bernard Wallach 18 Tishrei - October 12 Gilbert Kempner Carl Miller 19 Tishrei - October 13 Beatrice Bernstein David Myers Louis Rogers Ida Teich 20 Tishrei - October 14 Barnet Bader Elaine Brown Bertha Fagan 27 Tishrei - October 21 Doris Bernstein Harold Reisman Sol Sumka 28 Tishrei - October 22 Vivian Dawer Etta Krampf 29 Tishrei – October 23 Chicky Rutenberg Samuel Stieber FRI/SAT, 10/24 & 10/25 30 Tishrei – October 24 Robert F. Kramer 1 Cheshvan – October 25 Laura Salkowitz Bermowitz Ronald Hecker October 2014 | Tishrei—Cheshvan 5775 Bernice Kleinman Jacob Liebeskind Saul K. Rose 2 Cheshvan – Octobr 26 Irving Deutschman Emanuel Louis Dorfman Abraham Lifschen Rudy Nazar Doris Schaechter Richard Scher 3 Cheshvan - October 27 Samuel Blackman Sarah Ershowsky Morris Gralla Pauline Lerman Philip Richman Isadore Thorner 4 Cheshvan – October 28 1st Lt. Abraham J. Apelhot Lester Eisenstodt Lewis Isador Fox Ruth Gold Samuel Korn Abraham Rabiner 5 Cheshvan – October 29 Alfred Lerner Jerry Polesuk William Taitel Jeno Kaufmann Samuel J. Kostin Gerald Leventhal Gertrude Krinsky Newman Benjamin Rabenbauer Rhoda Rosenblum 10 Cheshvan – November 03 Saundra Lesh Yechiel Meistrich MondayHarry Schneider Hanna Steppel Frances J. Terner 11 Cheshvan – November 04 Louis Julius Kanoff Norman Sol Neuhaus Millie Paster Rebecca Mary Rifkin Barry Alan Scheinman Ruth Unger 12 Cheshvan - November 05 Abe Akronowitz Isaac Edwards Mildred Friedland Edwin Wolfman 13 Cheshvan - November 06 Harry Goodman Steven Hay Meyer Roesch Morris Rosenthal 6 Cheshvan – October 30 Moe I. Ostrow Harry Rosen Carol Zeitlin FRI/SAT, 10/31 & 11/1 7 Cheshvan - October 31 Gertrude Goodman Benjamin Gordon Stephen Greenberg Myer Lenner Pearl Levy Hyman Liebskind Arthur Modne Ala Storozum Sydell Weiss 8 Cheshvan - November 01 Esther Adelman Linda Colfin Fannie Fox Sidney Gold Florence Kaufman Ruth Segall Jack Weiss Jules Weiss 9 Cheshvan - November 02 Harry Bernstein Max Chusid Morris Hirsch 15 !! ! JON GURKOFF National Chairman ALAN L. AUFZIEN WILLIAM F. COHEN MELVIN S. TAUB JOEL D. TAUBER September 10, 2014 Chairmen Emeriti GAIL REISS Mitchell Goldstein, President Rabbi Mark Finkel Pine Brook Jewish Center 174 Changebridge Rd Montville, NJ 07045 President & CEO Dear Rabbi Finkel and Mr. Goldstein, On behalf of American Friends of Tel Aviv University, please accept our deep appreciation for the fundraising efforts of the Pine Brook Jewish Center on behalf of the Tel Aviv University Scholarship Fund for Reserve Combat Soldiers. These funds will be used to support Tel Aviv University’s Returning IDF Soldiers from Operation Protective Edge. While the hostilities appear to be over, the news from Israel continues to be tenuous with regard to achieving a lasting peace. Some 86,000 IDF reservists had been called up to serve. The students from TAU had to leave their summer studies and/or the jobs they had, and needed so desperately, in order to save enough money for this coming year’s tuition. Thanks to your congregants’ wonderful gifts, as well as those of others, our IDF combat students will not have to worry about tuition next year. And those who need it will have access to special tutors and psychological counseling services on campus. We join with you in hoping our combat soldier students will return to their studies very soon. They join many other people in Tel Aviv, and throughout Israel, who are grateful for your support and for your expression of concern for our brave young men and women. With sincere thanks, ! Joseph Huber Vice President, Northeast Region Jon Gurkoff National Chairman ! ! E X P A N D I N G T H E F U T U R E 39 Broadway s Suite 1510 s New York, NY 10006 s Tel 212.742.9070 s Tel 800.989.1198 s info@aftau.org s Fax 212.742.9071 s www.aftau.org Choosing the right realtor does make a difference! There is no substitute for knowledge and experience. I always show uncommon concern for my clients by putting their interests first. • #1 Top Sales Producer: ’89, ’91-’97, ’99, ’01-’12 • 1983-2012 NJAR Circle of Excellence 2005-2012 Gold Level 2004 Platinum Level Coldwell Banker President’s Elite • Voted NJ Magazine’s 2011 Five Star Realtor • Montville Township Chamber of Commerce Business Person of the Year 2010/2011 Mountain Lakes Office Route 46 and Crane Road MountainLakes, NJ 07046 NATALIE WALLACH Broker/Sales Associate Direct: 973.394.7656 Evenings: 973.335.4248 Cell: 973.214.3187 Email: nat77777@aol.com Judy Milstein Sales Representative 1072 Route 46 West Parsippany, NJ 07054 Cell: 201.826.2593 Office: 973.316.5600 Fax: 973.316.1155 jmilstein@weichert.com Mister Marco You’ve been to the east coast of Florida... Now come see the REAL Florida! Welcome to Beautiful, Friendly Marco Island! Marco Island Jerry Oppenberg Realtor® jerryO@kw.com #1 Island—US #4 Island—World 830 Bald Eagle Drive • Marco Island, FL 34145 • Cell 973.271.8358 • www.marcomaven.com MONTVILLE DENTAL ASSOCIATES 170 CHANGEBRIDGE ROAD SUITE B3-3 MONTVILLE, NEW JERSEY 07045 973.575.5555 MATTHEW SPATZNER, D.D.S., GENERAL DENTISTRY ALISA H. WAIN, D.D.S., PERIODONTAL SPEC. #3879 www.montvilledentalassociates.com Ted M. GerszberG, Md board CerTIfIed Formerly known as Changebridge Medical Associates, P.A. Family healthcare specialists providing a tradition of patient-focused healthcare for children, adults and seniors using innovative technologies with a human touch. Arnold Pallay, M.D. Sandra Hoenig, M.D. Anna Chung, M.S., PA-C Jessica Oliveira, M.S., PA-C Frank Iannetta, M.D. Andrew Gilmartin, M.D. Genevieve Castaneda, M.S., PA-C Lisa Cohen, M.S. PA-C Lori Beth Elliot, Psychiatric NP 170 Changebridge Road, Suite C3 Montville, New Jersey 07045 Tel: 973-575-5540 • Fax: 973-575-4885 vanguardmedgroup.com Privileges at Morristown Medical Center, Saint Clare’s Hospital and Chilton Memorial Hospitals GENERaL OphthaLMOLOGy & EyE SuRGERy Complete Eye Examinations • Contact Lenses Small Incision Cataract/Implant Surgery Glaucoma Management • Laser Surgery pediatric Ophthalmology Emergencies Welcome • Medicare Accepted 150 River Road, Suite C-2 Montville, NJ 07045 973-402-9200 Established 1986 KRAUSE COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL CARE, L.L.C. Alan S. Krause, DMD ƔE Evan S. Krause, DDS General, Cosmetic, Restorative , & Implant Dentistry Denville Associates of Internal Medicine, P.A. 16 Pocono Road, Suite 317 Denville, NJ 07834 Board Certified GILBERT B. MANDEL, M.D., F.A.C.P. MICHAEL NICOLAI, M.D. DANA R. BANU, M.D. ROBERT G. COLLUM, M.D., Ph.D. SETH E. LEVY, M.D. PETER HEIT, M.D. JOANNE ARDUIN, APN. C. MARY R. YAP, APN. By Appt. 973 / 627-2650 Fax: 973 / 627-8383 Short-Term Rehabilitation Center Skilled Long-Term Nursing Care ! Memory Care 150 River Road Bldg. J Suite 2 Montville, New Jersey 07045 Telephone: (973) 334²5556 www.kcdcmontville.com Hours by Appointment Hospice & Palliative Care ! Respite Stays Senior Housing with Assistance Medical Transportation Services 1155 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ 07052 Call for a Tour Today: 973-400-3307 www.DaughtersofIsrael.org James M. Hirschfeld, MD Board Certified Ophthalmologist n Laser Vision Correction n n Cataract Surgery Comprehensive Family Eye Care Hilltop Plaza 3799 Route 46 East, Suite 300 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Right next to TGI Friday’s Tel 973-331-0300 • Fax 973-331-9777 JH@EyeDocNJ.com www.EyeDocNJ.com Spring Lake Day Camp is a state-of-the-art facility with the look and feel of an overnight camp. We provide a well rounded camp experience for boys and girls ages 3-15 including swimming, sports, art, performing arts and special events. We have a mature staff offering spirit, tradition and fun since 1989. Tuition includes: • Door to Door Transportation • Catered Hot Lunch & 2 Daily Snacks • 2 Camp Shirts & 1 Camp Back Pack • Lots of Friends Choose from a flexible 4, 5. 6, 7 or 8 week program Full Day 9am-4pm, or Mini-day 9am-1:20pm 234 Conklintown Road Ringwood, New Jersey 973-831-9000 springlakedaycamp.com Mitchell & Michelle Kessler Owners/Directors Partridge Run Apartments Inc. 130 New Road Parsippany, NJ 07054 973-227-3466 • 973-227-1516 Fax 973-227-0150 +VTU.JOVUFT"XBZ'SPN)PNF +VTU.JOVUFT"XBZ'SPN)PNF Q Q Q Q Q Q Shar Shared ed Office Office En Environment vironment Furnished Furnished or Unfurnished Offices Offices and Suites Suites er vices V Virtual ir tual Office Office SServices er vices C Concierge oncierge SServices remises Da Dayy C Care are on P Premises Conference Conf e Room Rentals Rentals Owned O wned & Op O Operated perated b byy the Soussa Soussa Family Family $IBOHFCSJEHF3PBEt1JOF#SPPL/+ $IBOHFCSJEHF3PBEt1JOF#SPPL/+ tXXXNPOUWJMMFPöDFDPN tXXXNPOUWJMMFPöDFDPN An Open Invitation Baby Announcements • Bar/Bat Mitzvah Invitations Wedding Invitations • Fine Stationery Holiday Cards, and more! Always a discount and shop-at-home service! phone/Fax: 973-402-2160 Cell: 973-809-7780 Email: eeeprice@optonline.net Ellen Price Owner SERVING A COMMUNITY of FRIENDS SINCE 1979 Chain Store Pricing • Medicare Certified Most prescription insurance plans accepted A Fun Place to Shop! Fashion... Fashion... Fashion... • Vera Bradley • Yankee Candle • Godiva Chocolatier • Sugar Lips • Platters & Servers • A Great Toy Store Fun, Imaginative Gifts for the Entire Family and of course, Free Gift Wrapping Barry’s Pharmacy 185 Changebridge Rd. Montville, NJ 07045 (973) 335-6688 Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 8pm Sat 9am - 5pm Sun 9am - 1pm You are the heart of Federation. 931 homebound seniors received home healthcare and social services. 4,500 seniors participated in adult programs in Greater MetroWest's JCCs and Y. 28,616 transportation rides to medical appointments and social activities were provided to GMW seniors. Put your into it. Give. Volunteer. Change Lives. Feel Great. CALL: (973) 929-3198 EMAIL: drc@jfedgmw.org ONLINE: www.jfedgmw.org/donate A joyous Sukkot to you and your family from the members of the Jewish Memorial Chapel Ahavas Achim • Bloomfield Amelia Lodge • Clifton Beth Am • Verona Beth El • Rutherford Beth Israel • Fair Lawn Beth Shalom • Pompton Lakes Chevra Thilim • Passaic Daughters of Miriam • Clifton Adas Israel • Passaic Hungarian Hebrew Men • Pinebrook B’nai Shalom • West Orange Clifton Jewish Center • Clifton Agudath Israel • Caldwell Ahavas Israel • Passaic Jewish War Veterans Post 47 • Clifton Knights of Pythias Memorial Association • Clifton Shomrei Emunah • Montclair Pine Brook Jewish Center • Montville Farband • Passaic Temple Ner Tamid • Bloomfield Jewish Federation • Clifton Passaic Hebrew Verein • Passaic Temple Emanuel • Clifton Tifereth Israel • Passaic Young Israel • Passaic 841 Allwood Road • Clifton, NJ 07012 973-779-3048 • Fax 973-779-3191 www.JewishMemorialChapel.org Vincent Marazo, Manager NJ License No. 3424 COMMUNITY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1921 • NON#PROFIT ShopRite of Parsippany 808 Route 46, Parsippany NJ 973-335-2625 Is pleased to provide a Glatt Kosher Service Meat Department under the supervision of the MetroWest Vaad The same high quality and low prices you expect from ShopRite and Kosher too! ITALY 973-335-4120 185 Changebridge Road • Montville, NJ 07045 973-263-0421 An individualized college search process mickeygilbertscollegechoice.com “Thank You” to the following whose donations of time, food and/or money touched the lives of 86 grateful people at the Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center of Morristown on August 31: Sheila & Jordan Basem, Joe Coll, Betty & Fred Crane, Irene & Jerry Davis, Jackie & Paul Fenton, Mimi Gold, Rhoda Gold, Dale & Rob Greenfield, Don Kanoff, Susan & Howard Lefkowitz, Monique & Jedd Mendelson, Judy & Barry Milstein, Shirley Moskowitz, Robin Reingold, Jill & Ed Russnow, Marlene Scheinthal, Tom Wolf. Our next scheduled date is Sunday, November 30. As we celebrate the spirit and meaning of the Thanksgiving holiday, please consider being a particpant in this congregational community service commitment. October 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY Event TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Event THURSDAY FRIDAY 11:30am Chaverim Erev Yom Kippur 1 Kitah Hey Chelsea Erev Sukkot 2 Sukkot 6:18pm SATURDAY Yom Kippur 3 Sukkot 4 Sukkot Junior Congregation 5 6 Sukkot Sukkot 13 Sisterhood Kickoff Brunch 20 Kitah Hey BM Workshop 21 6:07pm 10 Simchat Torah BM Jared Birnbaum 15 Game Night 16 5:56pm 17 27 28 18 11am Chaverim BM Ian Nazmiyal 6-8pm B’Yachad 10th Grade Junior Congregation 22 23 5:46pm 24 29 30 5:37pm 31 6-8pm B’Yachad 9th Grade 26 11 Simchat Torah Celebration 14 6-8pm B’Yachad 8th Grade 9 Shemini Atzeret 6-8pm B’Yachad HH Opening (pizza in the Hut) RS K-2 Brook Hollow Barnyard 19 8 Hoshana Rabah Sukkot BM Lorrin Stone 12 7 25 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 827 CALDWELL NJ 174 Changebridge Road Montville, NJ 07045 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED At Your Fingertips Religious Service Times First Friday Service (an interactive service for families)......................6:30 p.m. Regular Friday Service................................................................8:00 p.m. 2nd, 3rd and 4th Fridays of each month Saturday Morning & Holiday Services ........................................9:30 a.m. Junior Congregation...............................................10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Sunday Minyan ...........................................................................9:00 a.m. Emergency Contact Information Please use the following protocol in the event of an emergency or if you lose a loved one: Call the synagogue office at 973.244.9800. If the office is closed, call Rabbi Finkel at 973.287.7047 (home) or 973.407.0065 (cell). If unable to reach the Rabbi, contact Mitchell Goldstein at 973.224.3716. Sisterhood Scrip & Gift Certificates Available in the office Mon-Thu from 9:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Contact Kim Stiller for special arrangements at 646.483.7411 or kim615@optonline.net. Clergy & Staff Mark David Finkel, Rabbi Menachem Toren, Cantor Dr. Asher Krief, Rabbi Emeritus Arlene Lopez, Office Administraor Mary Sheydwasser, Religious School Director Rosanne Mendelowitz, Nursery School Director Robin Mangino, Religious School Administrator Esterina Herman, Bookkeeper Gina Logrande, Candlestick Publication Synagogue Officers Mitchell Goldstein, President Jonathan Cohen, 1st Vice President Judy Gothelf, 2nd Vice President Mike Weinstein, 3rd Vice President Evan Zuckerman, Treasurer Seth Friedman, Financial Secretary Jeffrey Weiss, Corresponding Secretary Eve Fields, Recording Secretary Michelle Zuckerman, Sisterhood President Steve Gothelf, Men’s Club President
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