bulletin - Congregation Beth Shalom


bulletin - Congregation Beth Shalom
Congregation Beth Shalom
October 2014 / Tishrei-Cheshvan 5775
1705 Sherwood Ave., Modesto, CA 95350-4224 • Website: www.cbsmodesto.org
Phone: 209.571.6060 • Fax: 209.522.4137 • eMail: cbsmodesto@sbcglobal.net
October 21, noon
Everyone is welcome. Please
RSVP to Laura Skolnick so she can
prepare accordingly!
Rabbi Shalom Bochner
will be here the weekends of
October 3-5 and 17-19
HeBrew Fest
Friday, Oct. 17, 6:30pm
Following Services—
details to follow.
Please RSVP to the
President’s Letter.................... 2
Upcoming Events, Thank Yous......3
Oneg Hosts, Kindle Candles......... 4
Birthdays/Anniversaries............. 5
Yahrtzeits, Donations................ 6
Rabbi’s Message...................... 7
High Holy Days
Kol Nidrei
Yom Kippur
Build & Decorate the Sukkah
1st Day Sukkot Yom Tov
Friday, October 3
Saturday, October 4
Sunday, October 5
Thursday, October 9
11:00 a.m.—Torah Study
Noon — Lunch in the Sukkah
Shabbat Sukkot 7:00 p.m. Friday, October 10
Shabbat Sukkot
Saturday, October 11
Services 10:00 a.m. followed by Oneg in the Sukkah
Sukkot Chol HaMoed
Sunday, October 12
Sukkot Celebration 9:30 a.m.
Shimini Atzeret
Thursday, October 16
Yizkor Service 6:00 p.m.
Simchat Torah
Friday, October 17
Torah Dancing Celebration 5:00 p.m.
Shabbat Services 6:00 p.m.
HeBrew Fest 6:30 p.m.
Sunday Afternoons at CBS
Sunday, Oct. 12
Cradle Duende
Cradle Duende “takes its name from the Spanish word
‘duende’, in reference to a musically heightened state of
emotion, expression; and a merging of disparate musical
traditions that each evolved from independent cradles of
civilization.” The group’s “fusion of Klezmer & Balkan
influenced melodies with Latin rhythms, and eco‐conscious
hip‐hop lyrics brings the strength of deep cultural roots into a
party atmosphere!”
It's not too late to get your season tickets and save! Check
the website (cbsmodesto.org | Concerts) for the latest details
about our 23rd season, and learn more about upcoming
October 2014
CBS Bulletin
President’s Letter
The Congregation Beth Shalom (CBS)
Bulletin is published monthly by:
State of CBS - 9/24/2014
Welcome to Congregation Beth Shalom.
I’ll start with a short story....
So, this morning Joan goes in to wake up her son and tell him it’s time
to get ready for shul. It’s yontif and her son says “I’m not going.”
“Why not?” says his mother.
“I’ll give you 2 good reasons,” he says, “#1, they don’t like me and #2 I
don’t like them.” But, Joan says, “I’ll give you 2 good reasons why you
must go to shul…#1, you’re 47 years old and #2, you’re the Rabbi!!!”
Actually, by complete coincidence, our Rabbi’s mother is named Joan
and he will be 47 tomorrow…Happy Birthday Rabbi!
Unlike the story I just told—I am happy to say that no one needs to be
shamed into coming to Congregation Beth Shalom. As the center for Jewish
Life in Stanislaus County we have something for everyone. From preschool
to Adult Education and Friday night Onegs to Latkes & Vodkas and Sunday
Concerts to Sunday golf. And if you can’t remember all of the great
activities I just mentioned, please visit our brand new website,
www.cbsmodesto.org. And if you are so inclined, we have a donation
button and I want to assure you—we are credit card friendly.
In a minute I’ll share some of our goals going forward, but before I talk
about the future, I want to acknowledge our past. We—CBS—have inherited
a rich history and a wonderful legacy, and we would not be here today if
not for the vision and courage and sacrifice of the founders of the “1st
Hebrew Congregation of Modesto,” the predecessor of Congregation Beth
Shalom. Nor would we be here if not for all of the families and Rabbis and
Cantors who have followed over the last 100 years and in the finest of
Jewish traditions we still have members willing to provide a Jewish house
of worship for generations to come.
I am happy to say that my family now has added a 5th generation of
Highiets to our community and Hunter Harvey Highiet’s father and
grandfather are asking that you save the date for his Bar Mitzvah…. In 2027.
And that’s not the only event in our future. We have a HeBrew Fest in
October, our second annual public Menorah lighting in December and on
Erev Christmas our annual 1st Responders dinner.
• Our finance committee is studying ways to improve our financial
statement to provide easily understandable reports.
• We are considering our security needs and hope to soon install a new
security gate with entry system.
• And we hope to have architectural plans for new restrooms and a new
kitchen by next spring.
I invite anyone with any interest in participating to please contact me.
Our success is dependent on you.
I wish I could mention every person who has helped by name, but… in
the interest of time I will simply and humbly say THANK YOU to everyone
who makes our Jewish way of life better at Congregation Beth Shalom.
Please have a happy, healthy, and sweet New Year.
— Doug Highiet
Congregation Beth Shalom
1705 Sherwood Ave.
Modesto, CA 95350-4224
Phone: 209.571.6060
FAX: 209.522.4137
Website: cbsmodesto.org
Email: cbsmodesto@sbcglobal.net
Office hours:
Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Board of Directors
President: Doug Highiet
Vice President: Joyce Gandelman
Secretary: Jesse Roseman
Treasurer: Janet Rasmussen
Members: Marty Grynbaum
Steve Gugenheim
Joella Harlan
Ann Johnson
Eli Lester
Jane Pascal
Deborah Steinberg
Admin. Asst. to
the Board: Laura Skolnick
Office Manager: Sandy Fitzgerald
Bulletin Editor: Judy Israels
Bulletin Layout: Dan Langhoff
Deadline for Bulletin submissions is the
15th of each month.
Commercial Advertising Rates: 6 months
minimum. Business Card: $18/ month,
or $15/month if paid 1 year in advance
($180). Quarter Page: $30/ month, or
$27/month if paid 1 year in advance
($324). Half Page: $60/ month, or
$55/month if paid 1 year in advance
($660). (Alternative arrange-ments can be
made by contacting the Editor.)
Personal Advertising Rates (per one month
insertion): Quarter Page: $30; Half Page:
$60; Full Page: $90.
October 2014
CBS Bulletin
Fri., Oct. 3: Kol Nidrei.
Sat., Oct. 4: Yom Kippur.
Sun., Oct. 5, 10:00am: Build & Decorate
the Sukkah.
Thu., Oct. 9: 1st Day Sukkot Yom Tov;
11:00 a.m. Torah Study.
Fri., Oct. 10: CBS office closed; Shabbat
Services in the Sukkah 7:00pm.
Sat., Oct. 11: Shabbat Services 10:00am,
followed by Oneg in the Sukkah.
Sun., Oct. 12: Sukkot Chol HaMoed
celebration 9:30am; Cradle Duende
concert 3:00pm.
Thu., Oct. 16: Shimini Atzeret, Yikzor
Service 6:00pm.
Fri., Oct. 17: Simchat Torah Dancing
Celebration 5:00pm; Shabbat Services
6:00pm; HeBrew Fest 6:30pm.
Thank You!
A special “thank you” to the following families for the
donation of the beautiful flowers for the High Holy Days:
• Evelyn Heilbronn and family in memory of loved
• Joel Youngheim, Marlene Gonsalves, and families in
memory of loved ones.
...To Art & Dolly Velasquez & family for cleaning the
foyer, sanctuary and social hall walls and windows and
trimming bushes and trees.
Sun., Nov. 9, 3:00pm: Concert—Joe
Craven with Mamajowali.
Sat., Dec. 6: Latkes & Vodkas.
Sun., Dec. 7: “The Whipping Man” at the
Prospect Theatre Project.
Some of the following committees are in need of volunteers. If you are
interested, please call the committee chair/laison(s):
Adult Ed ‐
Latkas & Vodkas ‐ Joel
Building & Grounds ‐ Tom Gough
Cafe Shalom ‐ Joyce Gandelman & Membership ‐ Jan Pascal & Myrna
Ann Johnson
Cemetery ‐ Joyce Gandelman
Religious Educ. ‐
Chesed ‐ Myrna Wachs
Ritual ‐ Janet Rasmussen
Chorus/Music ‐ Joella Harlan
Scholarship ‐ Flo Loeffler & Nancy
Concert Series ‐ Tina Driskill
Fundraising ‐ Al Angel
Security ‐ Janet Rasmussen
Gift Shop ‐ Flo Loeffler
Tikkun Olam ‐ Pat Hall
Golf Tournament ‐ Tom Gough
Youth Commission ‐ Tom Gough 3
October 2014
CBS Bulletin
Oneg Shabbat Hosts
Oct. 3............................ 6:14
Oct. 10............................6:05
Oct. 17............................5:56
Oct. 24............................5:47
Oct. 31............................4:40
3 — No Oneg — Kol Nidre.
10 — Asher & Filgas families.
17 — Mendlin & J. Israels families.
24 — Strauss & Rosenthal families.
31 — Skolnick family.
Thank you for participating. Please remember to include fruit as an
alternative dessert. Also, if you provide anything with dairy or nuts
please use the pre‐made label provided in the kitchen when putting
food out for oneg.
[If you do not remember when your oneg is, you can check for links
on the NEWS page of our website, check postings in the foyer and
kitchen, or call the Office.]
We pray the Refuah Sh’lemah—Speedy Recovery—for
Anita Altman, Brenna Au‐Miller, Myra Balinson, Phyllis
Balmat, Joe Barrera, Ray Barrera, Leslie Barrera, Roberta
Black, George Blanco, Dan Blankenship, Lara Brotslaw,
Mary Brown, Mason Buckner, Brielle Carlson, Ray Castillo,
Tyrone Christopher, Doris Colton, Marc Colton, Nadine
Conly, Noah Dietrich, Sue Divjak, Sidney Drabkin, Doreen
Goldman, Sharon Gonzales, Laurie Greenwald, Dennis
Hall, John Hall, Daniel Harris, June Hunt, Maximilliano
Ixcot, Gordon Kaplan, Ron Leedy Jr., Andrew Little, Paul
McCoy, Donna Minighini, Elisa Reitsch, Dorothy Rund,
Mitch Steinberg, Alan Strauss, Benjamin Troyanovski,
RoseMarie Velasquez, Barbara Wolfe, Evan Wolozin, and
all others who are not well at this time.
[If you know of a congregant who is ill or in the hospital, please help
us include them for calls, visits, and the speedy recovery list by letting
the Office staff know. Please remember that hospitals are not
permitted to share information with the public, including CBS.]
Bar & Bat Mitzvah Anniversaries
Oct. 4 Oct. 11
Oct. 18
Oct. 25
Pat Hall
Sonia Arnopole (z”l)
Dick Henriksen (z”l)
Laura Biewer
Jeremy Loew
Marlene Gonsalves
Paula Driskill
Jacob Biewer
Martha Loeffler (z”l)
Elsa McCoy
Iris Singer
Alicia Youngheim
Erin Redding
Danielle Snyder
Alex Kitzmann
Andrew Gonsalves
Morgan Filgas
October 2014
CBS Bulletin
Birthdays and
Anni v e r s a r i e s
Mazel Tov to all of you!
October Birthdays
1 – Matthew Haskett
3 – Jay Childs
5 – Mark Dunker
Rebecca Steelman
6 – Morgan Filgas
7 – Marlene Gonsalves
Brandon Loew
8 – Joella Harlan
10 – Kathi Cohn
12 – Dennis Goodman
13 – Jeremy Loew
14 – Jonathan Dietrich
Marla Loew
21 – Kayla Johnson
22 – Sarah Haskett Gilbert
25 – Janet Rasmussen
26 – Deborah Steinberg
28 – Al Angel
29 – Omar Jimenez
October Anniversaries
2 – David & Esther Jimenez
9 – Andrew & Valli Mendlin
20 – Deborah Steinberg & Ross Redding
CBS Gift Shop
Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.,
Sunday during Religious School
October 2014
CBS Bulletin
1, 7 Tishrei
2, 8 Tishrei
3, 9 Tishrei
Melvin D. Altman
Herbert Scribner, Sr.
4, 10 Tishrei
Simy Torjman Bohbot
Dorthea Deister
Mollie Platoff
Stanley Rosen
Joseph Schoenberg
Peter Schoenberg
Lore Schoenberg
Gussie Zeff
Mashe Zeff
5, 11 Tishrei
Louis Arnopole
Louis Banker
Leonard Hirschfeld
Mary Ellen Landrum
Helene Spitzer
6, 12 Tishrei
Arnold P. Davis
7, 13 Tishrei
Rose Green
Albert Harold Rubin
8, 14 Tishrei
Ella Fistell
Sigmund Spier
9, 15 Tishrei
Tillie Feinman
Millie Katcher
Albert Rubin
10, 16 Tishrei Haskell Solomon
11, 17 Tishrei David Breger
12, 18 Tishrei Amelia Achtel
Sarah L. Arnopole
Marvin Rodinsky
Morris Rubin
13, 19 Tishrei Everett Cannon
Leonard Grill
Ernst Lowenbach
Celia Siraganian
14, 20 Tishrei Barney Bricker
Walter Grauling
Dora Hyman
Marv Rabinovitz
15, 21 Tishrei Mendel Hirschfeld
Siegmund Kallmann
16, 22 Tishri
Abraham Bacharach
Morris A. Kirsner
Jennie Winslow
17, 23 Tishri
William Goldman
Edith Lowenbach
Sylvia Sandler
Dr. Jack J. Spier
18, 24 Tishri
19, 25 Tishri
Joseph Goldberg
Mendel Hirschfeld
David Hyman
20, 26 Tishri
Goldie Grabstein
Rosie Loew
21, 27 Tishri
Amelia Achtel
22, 28 Tishri
23, 29 Tishri
Robert Alameda
Murray Granat
David Hyman
24, 30 Tishri
Edwin Cohan
Miriam Hochberg
25, 1 Cheshvan Edna Loeffler
26, 2 Cheshvan Bendix Heilbronn
27, 3 Cheshvan Mary Forsythe
Carl Freitas
Hirsch Gandelman
Ben Goodman
28, 4 Cheshvan Dale Divjak
Ludwig Levy
29, 5 Cheshvan Alex Kagan
Jacob Kitzes
Anne Lisker
30, 6 Cheshvan Murray Gervitz
Saul Schlusberg
31, 7 Cheshvan Nathan Feldman
1, 8 Cheshvan
Hyman Kooba
Belleen Shiovitz
2, 9 Cheshvan ‐0‐
3, 10 Cheshvan Bella Cipkin
4, 11 Cheshvan Yvonne De Priest
5, 12 Cheshvan Ilse Kershner
6, 13 Cheshvan Joseph Hirschfeld
7, 14 Cheshvan Victoria Cohen
Dena Kleinfeldt Sossin
8, 15 Cheshvan Gabriel Bloch
Hilda Julia Bloch
Phillip Genser
Harry Lazerwitz
Morris H. Poaster
Jack Ugar
Samuel Waxman
9, 16 Cheshvan Abraham Cohen
Helen Wasserman
10, 17 Cheshvan Iida Lazerwitz
Peggy Romanoff
Else Spear
11, 18 Cheshvan Leah Borodavkina
Rose Schorr Feldman
David Hyman
Berta Spier Wertheim
12, 19 Cheshvan Samuel Eisen
Harold Kahan
13, 20 Cheshvan ‐0‐
14, 21 Cheshvan Miriam Berwitz
15, 22 Cheshvan ‐0‐
The anniversary of death is referred to as
YAHRZEIT, and is determined by the
Hebrew calendar. Yahrzeit is an occasion
for recalling the debt we owe to the past, as
well as a time for dedicating ourselves to
the challenge of keeping the memory of our
departed alive and vital through our own
meaningful and significant contributions
towards the fulfillment of the ideals of our
General Fund:
Keith & Tamara Fraser in memory of
Barry Highiet.
Dr. & Mrs. Roanld Goldman in memory of
Amalya “Millie” Jung.
CBS Bulletin
October 2014
Rabbi’s Message
Why you don’t want to miss Sukkot and Simchat Torah!
By Rabbi Shalom Bochner
know that it’s hard to pace yourself for
the holiday season. Rosh HaShana can feel
like a two day marathon of praying, shofar
blowing, Torah reading, and dipping apples
and challah into honey. One week later, it’s
Yom Kippur, another marathon, but this one
without food: praying (5 Services in one
day!), three Torah readings, two Haftarot
(readings from the Prophets), and lots of
beating on our chests. How does Jewish
tradition suggest that we recover from this
holiday intensity? With another holiday, or more accurately a few more holidays:
Sukkot, Hoshana Raba, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah!
Here’s a quick guide to what they are and why you should care:
Sukkot: THE Holiday of the year according to the Torah and Talmud: 7 days of
celebration, joy, and meals in celebration of the harvest. We spend time in fragile
and beautiful Sukkot (huts), we wave the 4 sacred species of the holiday and we
rejoice for a week starting with the full moon just four days after Yom Kippur. Please
join us for Shabbat Services and Kiddush in the Sukkah and a special Sukkot Service on
Sunday October 12 at 9:30am.
Hoshana Raba: The last (seventh day of Sukkot), it is marked with 7 processions
around the sanctuary with the Lulav and Etrog and then the mystical beating of the
willows as a final conclusion to the Days of Awe: the sealing of the Book of Life.
Shemini Atzeret: The 8th day Assembly, the day after Sukkot, connected to the
holiday and also its own festival. We pray for Rain and recite the Yizkor (Memorial)
Service. Please join us on Thursday evening, October 16th at 6pm for Yizkor.
Simchat Torah: The Grand Finale! We conclude and re‐start the annual Torah
reading cycle amidst much dancing, singing and l’chaims. Please join us on Friday
October 17th at 5pm for this very unique and high‐energy celebration.
These holidays are the original highlight of this important spiritual season. These
holidays are rich with history, meaning, rituals, and beauty. The High Holidays can be
a lot of work; this is the reward. The High Holidays are serious; these holidays are
pure joy. Join us, and I think you’ll be very glad that you did!
Congregation Beth Shalom
1705 Sherwood Ave.
Modesto, CA 95350‐4224
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October 2014