In Memory of Linda Neiman - Congregation Adat Yeshurun


In Memory of Linda Neiman - Congregation Adat Yeshurun
Kiddush is sponsored
“And the beauty of a woman, with
passing years only grows” —
Aubrey Hepburn.
Mazel Tov, Devorah Shore,
on reaching your 70th birthday.
Wise in years, innocent in heart,
soothed by tefillah, loved by
friends, family, Mocha and Molly,
adored by your husband, graced
with goodness and blessings
from Hashem. Irresistibly yours,
kiddush is co-sponsored
Gershon and Keren Horowitz to
thank Rabbi Jeff and Shoshie,
and Brian Zimmerman for their
role in our Aliya and also Yaakov
and Devorah Shore for hosting
us this Shabbat/Shavuot. Happy
Birthday, Devorah!
kiddush is co-sponsored
David, Mary, Ariel and Eitan
Feifel in honor of our future
son-in law/brother in law, Shane
Lipman’s first visit to San Diego
and completion of his IDF service.
And to his bride to be, our beautiful
daughter and sister Natania on
completion her IDF service and
acceptance into the Brain Science
program at Bar Ilan.
Mikvah appointments
(858) 535-1072
kiddush on 2nd day
shavuos is sponsored
with great pride and all our love, by
Elisha’s grandmothers, Lauren
Klein and Shery Gargir who are
honored to host this Shavuos
kiddush. Mazel Tov to the entire
Klein and Gargir families and
welcome to all our family and
friends who have come to join us
for this wonderful occasion.
kiddush on 2nd day
shavuos is co-sponsored
in honor of
Jeremy’s birthday. You are our
hard working, Torah learning
Abba - We love you and we are
so proud of you. Happy Birthday!
Love, Anna, Chaviva and Moshe
kiddush on 2nd day
shavuos is co-sponsored
Happy Wedding Anniversary to our
wonderful parents, Gale and Peter
Shoikhet! Wishing you many
more years of love, health, and
nachas from family and friends.
We love you. Love - Renee,
Mike, Rachel, Ellie, and Samuel
Adam and Tara Klein on
Elisha’s Bar Mitzvah
In Memory of Linda Neiman
Weekly NEWS bulletin
Rabbi Jeffrey WohlgelernterBrian Zimmerman, President
Vol. XXIV No. 36
5 Sivan 5776 June 11, 2016
The Torah Reading begins on page 513 in the Hirsch and page 726 in the Stone.
The Haftorah begins on page 888 in the Hirsch and page 1180 in the Stone.
This week’s Parsha opens with an account of the census taken of the Jewish
people before they entered the land of Israel. Ramban suggests this reckoning shows G-d’s
benevolence to the Jewish people. When we went down to Egypt we were naught but a
few souls. Now, look how numerous we have become. According to Rashi, this count was
an expression of G-d’s love. When you love something and it is dear to you, you count it.
Others explain the Jewish people were about to enter the land of Israel and wage war on
the Amerites. Therefore, in order for Moshe and Aharon to know how many men were
available to fight, they took a census of the Jewish people. Still others explain the purpose
of the count was in order to fairly, and evenly, divide up the land of Israel.
The next section of the Torah deals with the placement of the Jewish people as
they traveled in the desert, and the flags under which each tribe traveled.The Torah describes
how the tribes were divided into four groups, consisting of three tribes each.These groups
surrounded the tribe of Levi, who in turn surrounded the Mishkan (tabernacle). There is a
dispute among our sages as to whether each tribe had its own flag, or whether there was
one flag per group.The Netziv’s opinion is that every tribe had its own flag, and each family
within that tribe also had its own flag. Other commentators understand these divisions in
the encampments as bearing military significance. Still others see the arrangements of the
banners and the encampment within the realm of the spiritual. Those that explain it in a
spiritual context see the Mishkan at the center, as the representative of spirituality (Torah).
This remains in the center of the Jewish people, around which the entire nation evolves.
In a very interesting explanation in the Oznayim Latorah, Rabbi Sorotzkin explains
that the arrangement was made to ensure the internal division between each tribe. He
explains that every grouping consisted of tribes deriving from the same mother. In each
of the divisions there was at least one tribe characterized by valor. It is these tribes, and
each one of their divisions, that gave their particular division its personality and direction.
The Torah then lists the genealogy of Aharon and explains the status of the
Levites, and how they were taken as ministers in place of the first born. The Torah also
lists the census of the Levites, according to the families of Gershon, K’has and Merari. The
Parsha concludes with the duties of the Tribe of K’has and a general precaution for the
members of that tribe.
kiddush is sponsored in honor of our graduates
kiddush sponsored in honor of our graduates
from university
from middle school (con’t)
Eric Amzaleg, graduating from UCSD, by Bertie and
Jackie Woolf. “Mazel Tov on your accomplishment and
wishing you lots of success in your future”.
Tal Dimenstein, graduating from Soille Hebrew Day School,
by Zach and Sigalit Dimenstein
Jarrod Goldberg, graduating from NYU Dental School,
by Roland and Myrice Goldberg
Justine Goldberg, graduating from SABA University School of Medicine,
by Roland and Myrice Goldberg
Malkie Scarf, graduating from Bard College with a Bachelor of Arts
Degree in Literature,
by grandparents Irwin and Gloria Scarf
from high school
Joey Aron, graduating from SCY High and entering
Yeshivat Reishit in the fall, by Mike and Karen Aron.
“Best wishes to you at Yeshivat Reishit, love Mom and Dad”.
Dalia Breziner, graduating from San Diego Jewish Academy and
entering UC Berkeley in the fall, by Jaime and Karen Breziner
Daniel Krasner, graduating from University High School and entering
UC Berkeley in the fall, by Milton and Stephanie Krasner
Raquel Levy, graduating from Torah High School,
by Enrique and Sally Eichner
Marcus Loebenstein, graduating from La Jolla High School and SCY
High and enlisting in the IDF, by Abe and Iris Loebenstein.
“We love you, and are very proud of your accomplishments and of your
decision to serve in the IDF. Love Mom, Dad and Channa
Tali Eichner, graduating from 8th grade at Chabad Hebrew
Academy, by Enrique and Sally Eichner
Ariana Eiseman, graduating from 8th grade at Chabad Hebrew Academy,
by Jamin and Eva Eiseman
Asher Ellis, graduating from 8th grade at Chabad Hebrew Academy by
Mark and Cheryl Ellis
Sarit Kaplan-Nadel, graduating from 8th grade at Soille Hebrew Day
School, by Russell Nadel and Renee Kaplan-Nadel
Ellie Roth, graduating from 8th grade at Chabad Hebrew Academy by
Jonathan and Stacy Roth
from elementary School & Pre-School
Anael Dimenstein, graduating Pre-school
by Zach and Sigalit Dimenstein
Netanel Dimenstein, graduating from 5th grade
by Zach and Sigalit Dimenstein
Joshua Eichner, graduating from 5th grade at Chabad Hebrew Academy,
by Enrique and Sally Eichner
Adam Glasser, graduating from 5th grade at Chabad Hebrew Academy,
by Craig and Dana Glasser
Devra Sclar, graduating from 5th grade, by Anthony and Maxine Sclar
from middle school
Ellie Shifrin, graduating Pre-School from Growing Garden Jewish
Academy by grandparents Peter and Gale Shoikhet
Elie Aron, graduating from Soille Hebrew Day School by Mike and Karen
Aron. “Best wishes to you at SCY High, love Mom and Dad”.
Rachel Shifrin, graduating kindergarten from Growing Garden Jewish
Adademy by grandparents Peter and Gale Shoikhet
Shavuos Schedule Fantas�c all night learning program for the en�re Congrega�on!
Star�ng Saturday, June 11th at 11:15 p.m.
Please come and join us for any or all of these incredible topics: Adults Schedule 11:15 p.m.‐12:15 a.m. Rabbi Wohlgelernter—“Take Two Tablets and Call Me in the Morning: The Ten Commandments Completely Uncovered” 12:30 ‐1:30 a.m. Rabbi Ertel—“Reliving the Sinai Experience” 1:45‐2:45 a.m. Rabbi Wohlgelernter—“Session I: Commandments 1‐5: What Does God Really Want From Us?” 3:00‐4:00 a.m. Rabbi Wohlgelernter—“Session II: Commandments 6‐10: Why These?”
4:15‐5:00 a.m. Rabbi Wohlgelernter—“Commandments, Commandments Every Where! Why so Many?”
Teen Schedule 11:15 p.m.—12:15 a.m.—”A Reintroduc�on to Shavuos”
12:15 a.m.—Snack�vity #1—Torah Cake
12:45 a.m.—”Beit Midrash Session: The Ten Commandments and Tikkun Olam”
1:15 a.m.—Advisor Sessions Round Robin (Daniel Friedman, Zach Morrow, Deborah Joseph, Talia Saghian)
1:45 a.m.—Snack�vity #2—Ice Cream Party & Hilchot Brachot (Part 1)
2:15 a.m.—Round Table Discussion: “Kedusha”
2:45 a.m.—Snack�vity #3—Pizza Making and Hilchot Brachot (Part 2)
3:15 a.m.—THX Follow up Discussion: “Avodah”
3:45 a.m.—Snack�vity #4—Fresh Baked Cookies and Milk and Hilchot Bishul and Aah 4:15 a.m.—Open Learning
4:45 a.m.—Davening Prep
5:00 a.m.—Shacharis I
Youth Schedule—See Separate Youth Schedule yer First Day Shavuos, Sunday, June 12th
5:00 a.m.—Shacharis I
9:00 a.m.—Shacharis II
7:00 p.m.—Daf Yomi
7:45 p.m.—Mincha/Ma’ariv
8:40 p.m.—Light Candles A�er
Second Day Shavuos, Monday, June 13th
8:00 a.m.—Talmud in Depth
9:00 a.m.— Shacharis
11:00 a.m.—Yizkor (approx. �me)
6:45 p.m.—Daf Yomi
7:45 p.m.—Mincha/Neilas Hachag *
8:40 p.m.—Yom Tov Ends
* Please join us for a very special Neilas Hachag where the Daf Yomi Group will be comple�ng Tractate Kiddushin and Seder Nashim. “The Unfinished Diary; A Chronicle
of Tears”
Chaim Wolgelernter
One of the only known wartime diaries written by an Orthodox Jew •
This diary was crafted as a memoir by its author, a gifted writer and
brilliant Talmudic scholar who lived in Dzialoszyce, Poland, while in
hiding during the years 1942-1944. The events, recorded as the war
unfolded, spring off the page with immediacy, urgency, and poignancy. • The author’s extraordinary eyewitness account comes to an abrupt end, as he was murdered - only months before liberation. • Saved from destruction, the diary lay untouched in a drawer for many years. Now, more than seventy years later, after undergoing painstaking transcription, translation, and research, the diary is finally being brought to light. • The diary/memoir of Chaim
Yitzchok Wolgelernter depicts the resilience and spiritual resistance of Jews during the Holocaust - as well as
the attitudes and actions of the Poles, ranging from Righteous Gentiles to those who collaborated with the Nazis.
Please join us for a special evening with Feivel Wolgelernter, Chaim’s surviving son, where he will
share with us stories about his father, his family, and his son, Nafti, who pushed for his grandfather’s
diary to be deciphered and translated.
There will also be a 30 minute “play reading” of an adaptation of the book by Leah Salovey, directed
by Todd Salovey.
Date: This very special evening will be on Tuesday, June 28th at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Congregation Adat Yeshurun
8625 La Jolla Scenic Dr. N.
La Jolla, CA 92037
General Admission - $18 per person ($20 at the door the night of the event)
Premium Admission - $100 per person (includes Premium Seating and a signed copy of the book)
Underwriter/Sponsorships are available in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special person or event in
your life. Your sponsorships will appear in the 23rd Annual Lipinsky Family San Diego Jewish Arts Festival Program - please contact Annette Olson at the shul office.
Books will be available for purchase for $30.00
Reservations are suggested to take advantage of the $18 general admission price. The price will
increase to $20 the night of the event. Please RSVP to Annette Olson at or
call (858) 535-1196.
Sponsored by the San Diego Repertory Theatre and Congregation Adat Yeshurun
You can now listen to
the Rabbi’s classes
Weekly lectures are all on the web for
you to listen to anytime you wish! If
you wish to be added to the weekly
email with the link to the Rabbi’s
classes, please email Kim at kim@ and make your
We wish our visitors a warm La Jolla
welcome. Please introduce yourself
to the Rabbi and the President so that
we can meet and greet you.
Volunteers Needed for
Our Security
If you would like to assist us in
keeping our community safe, please
volunteer your service or fulfill the
duties assigned to you. Anyone
wishing to be added for security duty
can email the office or speak with
Mike Aron or Danny Kaplan.
Sponsor A Kiddush
For a regular kiddush, the Primary
Sponsorship is $295 (designated as
such in the bulletin). All co-sponsors
of kiddush $175. Email Annette Olson
at or
call her at 858-535-1196 to reserve
your date.
June 18th & 25th
Do you know someone
who is ill, could use our
prayers, or a visit?
If so, the Rabbi and the Shul’s
Board of Directors ask that you
please share this with the Rabbi
as he would appreciate having the
information and offering his services.
Please call 858-535-1196 or e-mail if you
have questions or information.
Sunday Evening
Friday Evening
6:45 p.m.
Craig Lotzof
7:15 p.m.
Perry Diamond
7:45 p.m.
Russell Nadel
8:15 p.m.
Mike Aron
Dave Argow
6:45 p.m.
Paul Shtein
8:45 p.m.
7:25 p.m.
Yaakov Shore
Monday Morning
8:15 a.m.
Marty Stauber
Moy Freifeld
9:00 a.m.
Craig Lotzof
9:30 a.m.
Steve Weitzen
9:30 a.m.
Craig Lotzof
10:00 a.m.
Jonny Borok
10:00 a.m.
Tsvi Goldenberg
10:30 a.m.
Lionel Kahn
10:30 a.m.
Mitch Shack
11:00 a.m.
Shimon Blumenfeld
11:00 a.m.
Brian Zimmerman
11:30 a.m.
Michel Benaroch
11:30 a.m.
Danny Kaplan
Shabbat Morning
9:00 a.m.
6/10 Daf Yomi*.......................................6:00 p.m.
6/10 Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat*.............6:45 p.m.
6/10 Candles by*....................................7:10 p.m.
Hashkama Minyon.................................cancelled.
Talmud in Depth.....................................8:00 a.m.
Shabbat Morning...................................9:00 a.m.
Shema-Latest Time...............................9:14 a.m.
Daf Yomi................................................6:45 p.m.
Contemporary Issues...........................cancelled.
Shabbat Mincha....................................7:30 p.m.
Shabbat ends........................................8:40 p.m.
Candles After.........................................8:40 p.m.
* Summer Schedule
This Coming Week
Sunday Shacharis I.................................5:00 a.m.
Sunday Shacharis II...............................9:00 a.m.
Sunday - Thursday Mincha/Ma’ariv........7:45 p.m.
Thurs. Shacharis...................................6:30 a.m.
Tue., Wed. & Fri. Shacharis....................6:45 a.m.
See Complete Shavuos Schedule
in this bulletin
Class Schedule
Talmud in Depth...................................cancelled.
Daf Yomi................................................7:00 p.m.
Tuesday - Friday
Talmud in Depth.....................................7:30 a.m.
Talmud I...............................................cancelled.
Pirkei Avos/Partners in Torah................cancelled.
Daf Yomi................................................6:45 p.m.
Talmud I................................................6:00 a.m.
Women’s Class/Mesillat Yesharim........11:00 a.m.
Daf Yomi.................................................8:15 p.m.
Talmud I.................................................6:00 a.m.
Women’s Class/Pirkei Avot..................11:00 a.m.
Prophets/Mishlei....................................8:15 p.m.
Daf Yomi.................................................9:00 p.m.
Talmud I.................................................6:00 a.m.
Parsha...................................................8:15 p.m.
Daf Yomi................................................9:00 p.m.