chabad news - Chabad of Bradenton
chabad news - Chabad of Bradenton
B”H 5712 LORRAINE ROAD, LAKEWOOD RANCH · 941-752-3030 · WWW.CHABADOFBRADENTON.COM CHABAD NEWS DECEMBER 2014 /KISLEV-TEVET 5775 VOL. 12/ ISSUE 3 MESSAGE FROM THE RABBI An oil lamp or IN THIS ISSUE: TEN YEAR TORAH CELEBRATION 2 ONGOING PROGRAMS 6 5 IN APPRECIATION 7 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 8 candle is made up of three elements: the fuel (oil or wax), the wick, and the flame. The wick corresponds to our body, the flame represents the enthusiasm of the G-dly spark we all Chabad of Bradenton & carry within, and the Lakewood Ranch is an mitzvot (precepts) of the organization that provides Torah are the oil that feeds our flame. social, educational, recreational, and religious programming. Chabad is a place where every Jew, Spiritual enthusiasm--the flame--can consume the affiliated or unaffiliated, wick and destroy it while observant or non-observant, creating only a brief and comfortable. We believe smoky light. We need to allow the body to burn that regardless of educational with the soul's light, but background or affiliation, it not be consumed by it. can come and feel is the inalienable right of every Jewish person to learn and participate in our heritage, which belongs to us equally. Mitzvot enable us to feed the enthusiasm of our spirituality in a way that illuminates our surroundings but does not immolate our self. The goal of life is not to escape it, but to make it holy and meaningful, which means that our every physical activity should express the light of the divine. It’s not enough to express the Divine as a one time activity. Each night of Chanukah we add a light. This teaches us that we must avoid self satisfaction in spiritual matters. If we are given another day--it is to accomplish something positive, something divine, we have not yet achieved. The laws of Chanukah mandate that each flame should use only one wick, not more. When we are engaged in a mitzvah or other holy task we must stay focused on the moment and the task at hand. Other moments and deeds will come; but true accomplishment is achieved only when our entirety is focused on the instant in which we are living. A dark room is drastically changed by even a very small flame. Darkness is the absence of light; so any light means the end of darkness. By the same token, evil exists when we are apathetic and don't make any effort to change the situation, whether in our homes or in society, in matters between us and G-d or between us and our fellow humans. Any effort, any change, any illumination we create goes a very long way. We should never allow the seeming smallness of our contribution to prevent us from making it and appreciating its importance. May we take the lessons of the Chanukah lights to heart and brighten our lives and those around us. Happy Chanukah! Rabbi Mendy Bukiet Page 2 TEN YEAR TORAH DEDICATION Doing justice to a momentous occasion, Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood Ranch completed the Chabad Community Torah on Sunday, November 16 with a truly spectacular event. The event took place at The Chabad House and commemorated the Ten Year Anniversary of Chabad. Honored at this special occasion were Dr. Steve & Colleen Shapiro and Mr. Jerry & Judy Zivic for their dedication of the Torah. Up on the main stage, on a specially set up table, SoferScribe, Rabbi Yossi Srugo, of Miami Beach, carefully supervised members of the Chabad community as they inscribed the last letters of the Torah. That ceremony was in accordance with Jewish custom that members of the community be honored with writing the final letters of a Torah. "This event is not just about the writing of the Torah, it signifies a much deeper connection prevalent within the Jewish People," stated Rabbi Mendy Bukiet. "The most important element within the Torah is unity, and by writing a Torah specifically for the Manatee County Jewish Community, we are we are celebrating Jewish unity and solidarity." Aside from viewing the actual process of the Torah writing, there were many other Jewish orientated projects present at the event. Amidst lively music performed by the Mike Eisenstadt Band, participants were offered unique souvenirs which commemorated the event. It was an especially educational and hands-on Judaic programs for the children. Children were encouraged to make their very own little stuffed Torah’s. "The idea that this is the word of God becoming real, when the pen hits the paper, it's like heaven touching earth," said Rabbi Mendy Bukiet. "We take a physical piece of parchment and make it divine." At the culmination of the event, The Hebrew School students led a parade with tiki torches and the Chupah and Torah followed with everyone dancing and singing as they paraded across the Chabad lawn to the Chabad house. It was a moving sight to see the two older Chabad Torahs come to greet the newer one as it entered the Chabad house. Once everyone reached Chabad, the dancing was electrifying. It seemed like the whole room was vibrating with joy. Following the dancing, everyone was invited to a buffet dinner where participants enjoyed delicious catered meat, chicken, lo mein, rice, salads, desserts and more while Rabbi Mendy, Steve Shapiro and Jerry Zivic addressed the crowd. "Being part of an event, where so many Jews from different walks of life have come together to celebrate Jewish unity, makes my heart sing," stated Chanie Bukiet. “The unifying force generated by the Chabad Torah is truly awesome." This event was put together by a large committee of over thirty volunteers and organizers who brought to fruition this incredible event. VOL. 12/ ISSUE 3 Page 33 Page JWC MEMBERS Special thanks to all the new JWC members who joined the JWC in October and November: Rosalie Slavings Pam Weigert Eve Landman Become a Women’s Circle member for $36 and receive a $5 discount on all programs. Proceeds of the JWC membership go to the Sunshine Committee. Would you like to place an ad or personal greeting in this space? Advertise in Chabad News. 1/4 page- $36 1/8 page - $18 Business Card - $10 Circulation of this publication goes to hundreds of Jewish homes! Contact Chanie Bukiet at or 752-3030 to reserve your space for the January issue by December 15. Page 4 Page 5 IN SEASON Proceeds of the Coin Menorah Project to benefit programs for the Chabad Terror Victims Project. ( VO OL L .. 11 22 / / II S SS SU UE E V 33 Page 66 Page ONGOING PROGRAMS All events take place at The Chabad House unless otherwise noted. Talmud Classes Mondays, 7:30 - 8:30 pm Explore the Talmud and its laws in its original text. No prior knowledge of the Talmud or Hebrew is necessary. Book fee: $45. Falafel with Yoav Torah Studies Saturday mornings, 9:00 - 9:30 Participate in a fascinating class on the Torah portion of the week. Discover the mystical meanings and lessons behind ancient stories. Admission is free. Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) Weekly Shabbat Services Friday night, 7:00, Saturday mornings 9:30 own mind and psyche. Drawing on classical Jewish and mystical Enjoy warm, family friendly services at The Chabad House. Sat- standing of yourself, and help you flourish by suggesting practical urday morning services are followed by a delicious buffet advice which, when implemented, will radically enhance the hap- Kiddush. piness quotient of your life. Fee $75 (textbooks included). Havdallah & Shmooze Rosh Chodesh Society (RCS) - "Soulmates" Saturday, half hour after Shabbat’s Conclusion (sundown) Tuesdays, December 23, 7:30 - 8:45 pm Havdallah followed by a Schmooze including questions on any Join Chanie Bukiet for the second of a seven-session course on topic in Judaism answered by Rabbi Mendy. Free. Jewish Secrets to Meaningful Relationships. Second Session – Chabad Hebrew School Behind Closed Door’s; Judaism’s View on Intimacy. Cost is $75 Sunday, December 14, noon - 1:00 pm Come and enjoy a terrific kosher falafel lunch prepared by Yoav Cohen. Second Sunday of every month at noon. Cost $5 all you can eat falafel. Wednesdays, December 3, 10 and 16 (please note date change) 7:30 - 8:45 pm How Happiness Thinks, JLI's new course, is much more than a tool to boost your happiness. It is an exciting journey into your teachings, this course will present you with a deeper under- Sunday mornings, 9:30 am - noon (textbooks included), $18 per class/ $15 textbook. Give your child the experience of a lifetime at CHS featuring an Torah & Tea outstanding curriculum, professional and warm teachers, handson lessons, Ckids motivational system, and an innovative Hebrew reading Aleph Champ program. Tuesdays, 11:00 am - noon Join Chanie Bukiet in her home for a weekly dose of delicious tea and refreshments spiced with thoughts on the weekly Torah Torah Tots portion and round the table discussions. Free. Sponsor: $25 Monday, December 1, 10:00 - 10:45 am Prayer Class Friday, December 5 and 19, 11:00 - 11:45 am Join other parents, grandparents, and caregivers as we explore a child's world through story, song, cooking, crafts, and circle time. Take advantage of this exciting and energy-filled group of children and caregivers. Torah Tots are held first Monday of the month. Suggested donation : $6 Join Rabbi Mendy for a Prayer class on the how to's, why's and what's of prayer. Free. For more information on any of the above ongoing events, call Rabbi Mendy Bukiet at 941-752-3030 or e-mail DONOR CARDS IHO Jerry & Judy Zivic & the new Torah Bonnie Gottlieb Arthur Sugerman Joanie Gastman IHO Shalom Ber Bukiet’s first haircut! Stephen & Linda Heller IHO Shalom Ber Bukiet David & Rimma Kasse IHO his birthday Avrohom Roth IHO Jerry Zivic’s Birthday Marjorie Birt IHO Jerry Zivic on the 50th Anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah Aaron, Rachel & Sarah Zivic IHO Shalom Ber Bukiet’s Upshernish Jerry & Judy Zivic VO OL L .. 11 22 / / II S SS SU UE E V 33 Page 77 Page IN APPRECIATION PARTNER APPRECIATION Mendel Alvarez Robert & Deborah Azeff Ronald & Yardena Babcock David Babner Pinny & Chava Backman Isidoro & Rosa Barrocas Elliot Baruch Daniel & Tseza Benjamin Marjorie Birt David Bittker Don & Allegria Bouquet Daniel Braunstein Joshua Braunstein Rabbi Joseph & Fradel Bukiet Shaiky Bukiet Andrew & Benedicte Burg Edward Buyes Gary & Sandy Chase Wendy Claussen Benjamin & Giuliana Cohen Ester Cohen Larry & Joan Cohen Lee & Trudy Cohen Martin & Barbara Cohen Shlomo & Orit Cohen Yoav Cohen Emanuel & Doris DeCoveny Leonard & Geraldine Drexler Mendy & Nechama Dina Dubrowski Yossie & Sulha Dubrowski Maurice & Ellen Echales Joel & Roslyn Ehrenpreis Jim & Estrella Engelhardt Michelle Ercolino Melvin Fingerut Marvin & Elaine Fitzer Pearlee Freiberg Steve & Bobbi Frey Jeffrey & Patricia Friedman Anita Fukunaka Joanie Gastman Clayton & Olga Glenney Bonnie Gottlieb Felix & Jessica Grudsky Paul & Marsha Halpern Jacqueline Hanover Stephen & Linda Heller Steven Himelfarb Brock & Staci Hollett Larry & Sandie Ivers David & Rimma Kasse Rabbi Yoseph & Sarah Kessler Taras & Donna Kochno Lieba Kramer Joshua & Andrea Kreithen David & Louise Levy Gavriel & Ilana Levy Marcia Lichtenstein Michael Mahadeo Nathaniel Mahadeo Vijay & Nina Mahadeo Albert Mayara David Meyersburg Oded & Carli Neeman Merrill & Carol Oltchick Scott & Debbie Pattinson Frank & Moraima Rodriguez Avrohom Roth Brent & Ricki Rubin John Sackler Barbara Schur Steven & Colleen Shapiro Alex & Emilia Shevgert Louis Siegel Sandy & Phyllis Silverman Jackie Simmons Joe & Rosalie Slavings Stephen & Hermina Stambler Jeff & Charity Steckel Jack & Susan Steenbarger Jeffrey & Jocelyn Stevens Arthur Sugerman William & Anne Turner Richard & Lauren Vallone Aron & Julie Weiner Jonas & Barbara Weingarten Leo & Renee Weinshel Steven & Laura Weinshel Aaron Zivic Jerry & Judy Zivic Howard Zussman VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT Mendel Alvarez Yardena Cohen-Babcock Isidor & Rosa Barrocas Alan Boorstein Sherri Braunstein Trishe Carey Don Coarsey Ben & Giuliana Cohen Ester Cohen Martin & Barbara Cohen Yoav Cohen Penny Cooper Mel Fingerut Marvin & Elaine Fitzer Maddy Freshwater Herbert & Joyce Furman Carol Hanin David & Rimma Kasse Eve Landman Marcia Lichtenstein Nina Mahadeo Pinchos & Miriam Rodriguez Brent & Ricki Rubin Robert & Jill Schein Steve & Colleen Shapiro Phyllis Silverman Steve & Mimi Stambler Jeff Steckel Richard & Lauren Vallone Mark Walzer Tami Wankoff Robert & Pam Weigert Steve & Laura Weinshel Jerry & Judy Zivic We apologize if anyone’s name was left out inadvertently. It is by no means a result of a lack of appreciation on our part. KIDDUSH SPONSORS Chabad Golf Club IHO Chabad Mendel Alvarez IHO Ester Cohen’s Birthday Contact Chabad at 941-752-3030 to sponsor a Kiddush for $100 or a Deluxe Kiddush for $200. Jerry & Judy Zivic IHO the 50th anniversary of Jerry’s Bar Mitzvah CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS For more information, contact Chabad at 941-752-3030,, or visit Wednesday, December 17, 6:00 pm: Grand Chanukah Celebration And Coin-Orah Lighting Help Chabad build a Giant Coin Menorah on Lakewood Ranch Main Street with the Klezmer Freilach Compilation in Concert and Kosher foods from Falafel with Yoav and Ed’s Tavern! Chanukah activities to include Chanukah Art, Doughnut Decorating, Face Painting, Judah Maccabee Meets, Dreidel Moonbounce, Hot Latkes, Raffles, and more. This event is sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and Lakewood Ranch Main Street. Coins may be dropped off at Chabad in advance or brought to the event to benefit programs for Chabad Terror Victims Project. ( Admission is free. Some food fees to apply. Donations Appreciated. Sponsor $500. Need a charity box? Come by the office or call 941-752-3030. Sunday, December 21, 11:00 am: Chanukah in the Lab Join the Chabad Hebrew School of Bradenton & Lakewood Ranch at The Chabad House to experiment with Chanukah lights and candles! Prepare for crazy experiments and the odd explosion with a Mad Science show. Admission is $5 and Free to CHS Students and families. Sponsor this event for $180. Friday, January 16, 7:00 pm / Shabbat, January 17, 12:00 pm Kiddush / Shabbat, January 17: 7:30 pm Shabbat Experience: A Pastor’s Journey to Judaism Join Chabad for a fabulously entertaining Shabbat with Rabbi Yaacov Parisi including dinner, Shabbat Kiddush, and Saturday night buffet. The talks will include topics of the Jewish Soul, Divine Providence and Yaacov Parisi’s exciting journey to Judaism. Cost for the whole Shabbat is $25, Friday night dinner for $18, for the Kumzitz $10 and Shabbat Kiddush is free and open to the public. Sponsor this event for $180. Wednesday, October 30, 7:30-8:45 pm $75 per person $135 per couple textbooks included 941-752-3030,, 5712 Lorraine Road
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