I suddenly felt a connection with Hashem in a way that I had not felt before. The words of morning prayer, although I can recite them by heart, suddenly made me feel as if an unusual connection was created and that I could convey and express my deepest gratitude to Hashem. It now felt that thisexpression was better than any other way that I had recently tried. Volume 24. No. 2 Shvat 5775 • February 2015 Two weeks ago we celebrated A Taste of Chanukah Festival , a truly magnificent andcommunity uniting event. So much effort went into t he preparation in terms of talent, planning, fundraising, finances and execution. Thank G-d the event was a great success, much to the credit of all the captains, volunteers, sponsors and participants. In the days following the event, I was extremely elated and was very thankful to Hashem (G-d) for helping us achieve great success a t this communal and monumental event. In addition, in my private life there were several events that made me feel extremely grateful to Hashem. I was looking for a way to express my thankfulness and appreciation, and was searching for a newer and more meaningful than the usual “thank you G-d” way to show my appreciation. As I was searching, I suddenly found myself in a difficult spot, where I felt that whatever way I express my gratitude; in speech or deeds, somehow it did not convey the true depth of gratitude I felt and was looking to express. This went on for a few days, until one morning as I was praying morning prayerat the synagogue, For the next few days, my prayers were totally different than they had been up to that point. Prayers became a greater joy and made me feel connected directly with Hashem. This taught me an important lesson: People say to me that prayer is static; we read the same text over and over again, it is very mechanical, and therefore there is no life to this type of prayer. However, I discovered that because of my familiarity with the words of the prayer, I did not need to worry much about what to say, and knowing the words of prayer created the connection on a deeper and wonderful way. In other words, not only did the constant repeating of words for many years, day after day, not diminish the connection, but the opposite happened; it helped me concentrate on the prayers content and deeper meaning, thus enabling a greater connection with G-d. I invite you to try it, just get familiar with part of any prayer, learn to say it correctly and understand its meaning. You will discover that it opens a deeper channel to connect and get closer to Hashem. Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz ay, Sund 8 r ua y Febr ircle en C ur m o Yo ט ei W N’st h| ב תcting Half T e v e Respe r Othe ing igat Nav ences f if er er D d Gen b. 19 y, Fe sda Thur ry 22 ua , Febr y a d n Su al nim A : w m Puri ure Sho t n e Adv • 12 foot Burmese python • Capuchin Monkey • Blue-Crowned Conure • Tortoise and a Hedgehog • Dress in costume and receive a prize • L’Chayim • Hamantashen • FREE OF CHARGE • RSVP @ 925-0770. Thursday Evening, March 5th at 7:00 pm Abo ut E M I T I t ’s o on Tw Less h5 arc ay, M sd Thur ry versa i n n rA r Silve la Dinne a G 25 th N Join us for Purim Animal Adventure Show 770 Club and t kfas r Brea Speake st Gue N CHABADNEWSLETTER 7700 beneva road • sarasota, florida 34238 • 941.925.0770 • fax 941.925.0771 • www.chabadofsarasota.com Dear friends, This Month @ Chabad IV Y E R S A R Thank you G-d 1 9 9 0- 2 0 1 5 • A ay, nesd d e W h 11 Marc w A ne om se fr cour osh the R sh e Chod ty Socie zCommunity Update A Taste of Chanukah 2014 The Sarasota Fairgrounds was bustling with excitement and buzzing with chatter as throngs of participants enjoyed the fourth annual A Taste of Chanukah festival sponsored by Chabad of Sarasota and held on December 21. Although the festival was called to begin at 1:00pm, already at noon there were one hundred guests strolling around as last minute preparations were being finalized. The Yom Hadash band was dynamic and spirited and as they played and sang an array of Jewish and Hebrew songs, smiles abounded and applause erupted from the large crowd. Michael’s on East, Delicious Creations, Maggie Glucklich, Michael Lauber and Orit Cohen all prepared delightful and delectable traditional Jewish or Israeli style foods, and all food vendors received rave reviews. The Menorah garden included an ice Menorah, the Todah Menorah Memorial and the first ever 15 foot high Tube Dude Menorah, which was kindled at the conclusion of the festival by Dr. Herman Weber. The Kids Zone was full of commotion as happy children enjoyed the 3-ton snow slide, the pony rides, petting zoo, and an exhibit from Jungle Gardens. The combination of delicious foods, non-stop entertainment for both adults and children and the opportunity to shop with craft vendors provided a nice way for our greater community to celebrate Chanukah and our Jewish pride. The event’s success is attributed to the over 60 volunteers who graciously volunteered their time, and to the following sponsors who shared Chabad of Sarasota’s vision of bringing together young and the young at heart to join in a meaningful way: Major Benefactor: The Jewish Federation of Sarasota & Manatee. Premier sponsors are: ABC7 WWSB, Budweiser, Family Practice Associates, The Glenridge On Palmer Ranch. Sponsors are: Germain Toyota of Sarasota, 107.9 WSRZ, Sunset Chevrolet, Sarasota Jungle Gardens, Sarasota Herald Tribune, Sun Trust Bank, Shapiro, Goldman, Walsh and Baboni, Ice Pro, Team Maslen at Michael Saunders & Company, Tube Dude & Envision Enterprises Inc. Club 770 Update c Garage Sale Club 770 Men’s Club will hold its annual garage sale on Sunday, February 22 from 8:00 am1:00 pm. Donations gratefully accepted after February 1st. All proceeds benefit the Kaplan Preschool. c Breakfast with Dr. Daniel Perlmutter Club 770 will host its February breakfast on February 8 at 9:00am and will feature Dr. Daniel Perlmutter who will present “The Nobel Prize Experience.” Enjoy an enchanting presentation and a delightful breakfast including scrambled Chabad Newsletter • 2 eggs and onion, whitefish salad, bagels, lox and cream cheese. Cost $7 Club 770 members, $10 non-members. Men and women are welcome. For more information or to RSVP call the office 925-0770. Purim Fundraiser We are very excited about the upcoming Mishloach Manot (Shalach Monos) Purim campaign. For many years we have allowed members of the community to fulfill the special Purim Mitzvah of sharing with friends and acquaintances by sending out Mishloach Manot. You should be receiving a mailing with clear instructions, and a list of members and friends. If you choose to become a sponsor for $180, your name will be included as a sponsor in the letter that is attached to each Mishloach Manot package. If you would like to assist with this Purim fundraiser by delivering packages on Thursday, March 5, please call the Chabad office. The deadline to return your Shalach Monos form is February 25. 10th Annual Comedy Evening Annual Gala to Celebrate Silver Anniversary 25 2 0199 All families and community members are invited to join us on Thursday evening, March 5 at 7:00 pm for a Purim Animal Adventure Show. Live pet show featuring a 12 foot Burmese python, Capuchin Monkey, Blue-Crowned Conure, Tortoise and a Hedgehog. Dress in costume and receive a prize, L’Chayim and Hamantashen. Free of charge, be a sponsor for $100. To RSVP please call 925-0770. Sunday, February 22 Club 770 Men’s Club will hold its annual garage sale on Sunday, February 22 from 8:00 am-1:00 pm. Donations gratefully accepted after February 1st. All proceeds benefit the Kaplan Preschool. On Wednesday March 11, Chabad Lubavitch of Sarasota & Manatee Counties will be celebrating its silver anniversary at its 20th annual gala. Since 1990 when the Lubavitcher Rebbe of blessed memory gave his blessing to Rabbi Chaim and Sara Steinmetz to establish a traditional Jewish presence in the greater Sarasota-Manatee area, Chabad of Sarasota-Manatee has created an oasis in an area that was void of traditional Jewish life and values. Throughout the past 25 years the Jewish landscape has become bright and colorful with Chabad establishing two additional centers in both Bradenton and Venice. Chabad of Sarasota experienced a very humble beginning and the silver anniversary gala will celebrate the organization’s long-term goal of creating a vibrant, active and Heimish family friendly community. Chabad of Sarasota-Manatee’s 20th Annual Gala event will be held at Michael’s On East Ballroom, 1212 East Avenue South in Sarasota. A cocktail reception will begin at 6:30 pm, followed A N Y NI V ERS AR th 5 • Purim With Animal Adventure Show 01 by dinner at 7:30 pm. Live entertainment will be provided by entertainer extraordinaire, Shalom Sherman. Tickets are $150 per person. More information about placing an ad or greeting in the fundraising journal and purchasing tickets is available by phoning the Chabad office at 941-925-0770. The proceeds of the gala will benefit the Children’s Scholarship Fund, which helps assure that families with financial constraints are not turned away from enrolling their children at Chabad’s preschool, summer camp or youth activities. Chabad Lubavitch of Sarasota & Manatee Counties, located at 7700 Beneva Road, is a traditional Jewish congregation headed by Rabbi Chaim and Sara Steinmetz. The Chabad center features regular religious services, Preschool, Men and Women group, Torah classes, holiday programs and social events including the acclaimed Comedy Central @ Chabad and A Taste of Chanukah festival, all designed to enrich and enhance the consciousness of the Jewish community. Full-service rental senior community with Jewish family values For your personal tour, call 941-225-8369 1951 N. Honore Ave., Sarasota, FL • ALF #8951 • SNF #130471046 Chabad Newsletter • 3 z With Great Appreciation Arthur & Julia Aaron Robert & Debby Azeff Charles & Ann Bartel Herbert Benatovich Jack & Suzanna Berkowitz Jodi Bloom Ed & Sheila Braun Richard & Sheila Brumberg Larry & Larisa Cholak Arthur & Sheila Fox Michael & Ilene Fox Allie Fraidowitz Richard & Arlene Franco Leonard & Cassia Friedlander Jeremy & Trudy Gibbs Robert & Chirle Glinski Marshal & Dina Gobuty Israel & Hana Goor Marc & Sarah Grably David & Georgia Gruber Nyjola Grybauskas Moshe & Chaya Gutnick Al & Hedy Guttman Jim Haberman Jackie Lee Herman Jane Hoffman Robert & Beverly Ikeman Jeffrey & Sheryl Isaac Carlyne Jacob Michael & Charlotte Jones Sally Joselson Isaac & Vivien Kalvaria Alvan Kamis Rona Kantor Geraldine Kasoff Cuppy & Elaine Katz Leo & Shirley Katz Chaim Kirkell Samuel & Linda Klafter Robert & Randelle Landman Sol & Sadie Laufer Samuel & Ruth Lestz Alan Levin Bill and Lisa Libman Henrik & Judith Lira Henry Melloul David & Linda Milberg Stephen & Maria Miller James & Ita Mond, Paul & Ilene O’Connell Hilary & Anita Oestreich Ben & Renee Pekeles George & Sharon Quittner Martin & Elissa Rosch Howard & Shirley Rosen David & Lois Rosenfeld Sam & Sasha Rosenfeld Robert & Camila Rosenstock Avrohom Roth Pam Roux Jeffrey & Mercedes Rubin Jay & Susan Rudo Nick & Tzila Sabo Norman & Linda Sage Steve Sanford Adam & Melissa Schildkraut Leonard & Judy Schwartzbaum Kathie Schwarz Max & Natasha Serebro Aya Sewell David Shemula Hirsh & Golda Shifrin David & Eileen Silber Ruth Sklar Maxine Solomon Yosif & Tovli Somiran Heather Spector Charity Steckel Barry & Anne Stein Boruch & Chani Steinmetz Levi Steinmetz Elliott & Evelyne Stupp Henry Tenenbaum Fred & Flora Tow Ronni & Lana Tudin Martin & Shelley Waldman Corey & Stefanie Warrenbrand Herman & Elizabeth Weber Shapiro, Goldman, Babboni & Walsh Injury Law www.getmejustice.com 954-4000 BP Claims for Businesses BRADENTON Chabad Newsletter • 4 SARASOTA z Thank You, Volunteers c A Taste of Chanukah 2014 Alejandro Alvarez Jodi Bloom Seth Bloom Dick Brumberg Sheila Brumberg Stephen Ellerin Allie Fraidowitz Toby Gilfix Marsha Goldsby Sophie Golynsky Barry Gorn Jim Haberman Isaac Kalvaria Vivien Kalvaria Bob Landman Eve Landman Sadie Laufter Larry Rifkin Lynn Ritz Ilene Rose Lee Ruggles Steve Sanford Arthur Siegel Emma Siegel David Silber Sam Sklar Beth Sparr Barry Stein Bart Steinberg Sara Steinmetz Rose Sukhman Lana Tudin Ronni Tudin Diane Unger Richie Unger Martin Waldman Elizabeth Weber Jacquie Williams Carol Zabotinsky c Comedy Central @ Chabad Aljandro Alvarez Isidoro Barrocas Dourine Blomquist Dick Brumberg Stephen Ellerin Jim Haberman Jane Hoffman Barry Gorn Isaac Kalvaria Harry Samtur Ruth Sklar Sam Sklar Anne Stein Barry Stein Yossi Steinmetz Ronni Tudin Jacquie Williams Harry Zehnwirth c Comedy Central Sponsors Event Producers: Noah and Lili Rosenberg Family Practice Associates The Law Firm of Shapiro, Goldman, Babboni & Walsh Sponsors: Ian Black Larry Cohen - Sleep King David Schreibman, MD, Heart Specialists of Sarasota Joshua & Linda Weinstein Kirk & Diane Weisman Johannes & Bonnie Weltin Georgia and David Gruber Dr. Isaac and Vivien Kalvaria Linda and Sam Klafter Lisa and Bill Libman Remodeling Sarasota Rocketman Shirley and Howard Rosen Kirk, Diane & Kara Weisman Anonymous in honor of Lana Tudin Delicious Creations Jacquie Williams Harry & Dodie Zehnwirth Richard & Marcia Zuker zN’shei Update JLI RCS: “Respecting Your Other Half N’shei Chabad Women invites all women to attend the February 19, Rosh Chodesh Society which includes a talk entitled “Respecting Your Other Half—Navigating Gender Differences.” Let’s face it: men and women are different, especially when it comes to their needs in a relationship. All too often, from these differences emerge conflict, and the universal question: “Will he ever change?!” In this lesson, we explore the Torah’s perspective on what a wife really needs, what a husband really needs, and how to cultivate true respect for one’s spouse. At 7:15pm there will be 15 minutes to schmooze, socialize and enjoy dessert, followed by the Rosh Chodesh Society class. Following the class women will have the opportunity to enjoy a women’s self defense class with Elizabeth Weber. For underwriting the course we thank Chabad’s First Lady, Anne Stein. All are welcome. Advance reservations are requested. Cost: Rebbetzin Circle members – Free; N’shei Women members - $10, Non members - $12. To RSVP email info@chabadofsarasota.com or call 925-0770. zYaertzeit Reminder Mr. Stanley Glauser Mr. Sam Schneider Mr. Monty Bachikoff Mr. Stanley Goldman Mr. Herbert Benatovich Mr. Sam Cohen Ms. Julie Relin Mrs. Charlene Guller Mr Joseph Gad Dr. Ronni Tudin Mrs. Dvorah Guller Ms. Franky Rossmoore Mrs. Dodie Zehnwirth Mr. Adam Schildkraut Mrs. Charlene Guller Mrs. Shelley Waldman Mr. Marty Maayan Mrs. Janet Sulek Mrs. Aviva Scheer Mrs. Beverly Ikeman Mrs. Chaya Perera Mrs. Chaya Perera Mr. Jonathan Curshen Mr. Jerome Levin Mrs. Janet Sulek Dr. Theodore Simon Mrs. Shirley Rosen Mrs. Sheila Fox Mrs. Sue Ann Levin Mr. Stanley Glauser Dr. Laurence Levenberg Mrs. Linda Klafter Dr. Geraldine Kasoff Dr. Geraldine Kasoff Dr. Herman Weber Mr. Shlomo Cohen Ms. Sylvia Sabbah father grandfather aunt wife friend father mother brother father mother husband mother father father mother brother mother father father father husband mother grandfather father mother mother father father mother friend mother mother mother uncle mother father father Thursday, January 1 Friday, January 2 Sunday, January 4 Thursday, January 8 Friday, January 9 Friday, January 9 Friday, January 9 Monday, January 12 Monday, January 12 Monday, January 12 Tuesday, January 13 Tuesday, January 13 Friday, January 16 Tuesday, January 20 Saturday, January 24 Sunday, January 25 Thursday, January 29 Friday, January 30 Saturday, January 31 Monday, February 2 Tuesday, February 3 Thursday, February 5 Saturday, February 7 Saturday, February 7 Tuesday, February 10 Friday, February 13 Saturday, February 14 Tuesday, February 17 Saturday, February 21 Saturday, February 21 Sunday, February 22 Sunday, February 22 Sunday, February 22 Tuesday, February 24 Tuesday, February 24 Friday, February 27 Saturday, February 28 zHappy Birthday zAll In The Family Mazel Tov Condolences Rabbi Chaim and Sara Steinmetz Marc Grably upon the passing of upon the engagement of their his brother Freddy Haim son Zev Shelley Waldman upon the passing of her mother Rhona Mr. David Marks Mrs. Jane Wicentowski Mrs. Susan Finkelstein Deborah Azeff Mrs. Linda Klafter Claire Levine Aidan Marino Dr. Corey Warrenbrand Dr. Isaac Kalvaria Mrs. Carlyne Jacob Naomi Stupp Mrs. Geraldine Koche Mr. Marc Levine Mr. Burt Finkelstein Mr. Barry Gorn Brooke Patrusky Samantha Faith Stein Alexis Jones Mrs. Julia Aaron Mr. Jeff Sedacca Mr. Leonard Friedlander Mrs. Helen Fischer Rebecca Jenna Weinstein Mr. Larry Cohen 20 Teves 20 Teves 20 Teves 26 Teves 1 Shevat 1 Shevat 3 Shevat 4 Shevat 13 Shevat 13 Shevat 15 Shevat 15 Shevat 18 Shevat 21 Shevat 23 Shevat 25 Shevat 29 Shevat 1 Adar 1 Adar 2 Adar 4 Adar 4 Adar 5 Adar 9 Adar Sunday, January 11 Sunday, January 11 Sunday, January 11 Saturday, January 17 Wednesday, January 21 Wednesday, January 21 Friday, January 23 Saturday, January 24 Monday, February 2 Monday, February 2 Wednesday, February 4 Wednesday, February 4 Saturday, February 7 Tuesday, February 10 Thursday, February 12 Saturday, February 14 Wednesday, February 18 Friday, February 20 Friday, February 20 Saturday, February 21 Monday, February 23 Monday, February 23 Tuesday, February 24 Saturday, February 28 Chabad Newsletter • 5 A TASTE OF Chabad Newsletter • 6 CHANUKAH 2014 Chabad Newsletter • 7 CHABAD LUBAVITCH NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE of Sarasota & Manatee Counties 7700 Beneva Road Sarasota, Florida 34238 PAID PERMIT NO. 770 MANASOTA, FL Return Service Requested z Memorials • Mazel Tovs Jodi Bloom IMO Richard Bloom Shirley and Howard Rosen IMO Rhona Brivik Jeremy and Trudy Gibbs IHO David and Jane Wicentowski IHO Dr. Isaac and Vivien Kalvaria Pam Roux IHO The Hanson-Gibbs family Sarah Glick IMO Rhona Brivik Chirle’ and Bob Glinski IMO Sharon Tyner Rakotz IMO Rhona Brivik IHO of the Engagement of Zev Steinmetz to Shaina Zirkind Marshall and Dina Gobuty IMO Our Grandfather David Stalls Marc & Sarah Grably IHO of the Engagement of Zev Steinmetz to Shaina Zirkind Binnie Greenspon and Roy Salomon IMO Rhona Brivik Moshe and Chaya Gutnick IHO Zev Steinmetz’s engagement to Shaina Zirkind Jane Hoffman IMO Walter Hoffman and Marilyn Swartz Jeffrey and Sheryl Isaac IMO Marlene Baharlias Michael and Charlotte Jones IHO Laurie Silverman engagement Sally Joselson IMO Frida Scharfstein Vivien and Isaac Kalvaria In memory of Werner Katz IMO Bill Oynick’s mother IHO the engagement of Zev Steinmetz’s to Shaina Zirkind IMO Rhona Brivik Linda and Sam Klafter IMO Marc Grably’s brother Freddi Chaim Elaine and Cuppy Katz IMO Roslyn Bloch Lisa and Bill Libman IHO Linda Klafters birthday IMO Rhona Brivik Dr. Alan Levin IMO Joseph Simon Linda and David Milberg IHO Anne & Barry Stein Eileen Rose and David Silberg IMO Shlomo Benheim IMO Rhona Brivik Norman & Linda Sage IHO Evelyn Goodman’s quick recovery Yosif and Tovli Somiran IMO Abram Shvartsman Dr. Barry and Anne Stein IMO Rhona Brivik Boruch and Chani Steinmetz IHO Zev Steinmetz’s engagement to Shaina Zirkind Dr. Fred and Flora Tow IHO Zev Steinmetz’s engagement to Shaina Zirkind Lana, Ronni, Gabi and Jeremy Tudin IHO Zev Steinmetz’s engagement to Shaina Zirkind IMO Rhona Tudin To Rabbi and Sara Steinmetz in honor of Zev Steinmetz’s engagement! IMO Dr. Bill Oynick’s mother IHO Sarah Kirschners engagement IHO Isaac Azerad for being named “Mensch of the Month” in the Jewish News IHO Nechama Whalen’s speedy recovery Martin and Shelley Waldman IHO Zev Steinmetz’s engagement to Shaina Zirkind Morris and Pacy Weinstein IMO Rhona Brivik IHO Nechama Whalen Janice and Stanley Weintraub IHO Dr. Barry and Anne Stein Dodie and Harry Zehnwirth IHO Jeremy Tudin’s birthday IHO Lana Tudin’s birthday IHO Sheila Brumberg’s birthday IHO Kirk Weisman’s birthday IMO the yaertzeit of Rebecca Witzer IMO the yaertzeit of Pacy Weinstein’s aunt IMO the yaertzeit of Vivien Kalvaria’s father IMO the yaerteit of Howard Rosen’s brother IMO the yaertzeit of Barry Stein’s mother Richard & Marcia Zuker IMO Stephen Sugar z Thank You Oneg Sponsors Kirk, Kara and Diane Weisman for sponsoring the Oneg on Shabbat Toldot IHO Barry Gorn Robert and Randelle Landman for sponsoring the Oneg on Shabbat Vayeitze IHO their 40th wedding anniversary Kirk, Kara and Diane Weisman for sponsoring the Oneg on Shabbat Vayeitze IHO Harry Zehnwirth Robert and Gittel Rosenstock for sponsoring the Oneg on Shabbat Vayishlach IHO their 10th wedding anniversary and Gittel’s birthday Dr. Jim and Ita Mond for sponsoring the Oneg on Shabbat Vayeishev IMO of Yehuda Aryie ben Yehoshua Yakir and IHO health, happiness and success. Trudy and Jeremy Gibbs for sponsoring the Oneg on Shabbat Miketz IHO the engagement of Zev Steinmetz to Shaina Zirkind Kirk, Kara and Diane Weisman for sponsoring the Oneg on Shabbat Miketz IHO the engagement of Zev Steinmetz to Shaina Zirkind Kirk, Kara and Diane Weisman for sponsoring the Oneg on Shabbat Vayigash IMO Lawrence Forestier. Richard and Sheila Brumberg for sponsoring the Oneg on Shabbat Vayigash IHO their 49th wedding anniversary and IHO Sheila’s birthday Schedule of Services & Torah Classes Sunday-Friday Friday Evening Shabbat Morning Morning Service 8:00 am Sunday Morning Monday Evening Code of Jewish Law 8:40 am Shabbat Service 7:00 pm Torah Portion Class 9:30 am Shabbat Service 10:00 am Dinner and “Living Torah” Video 6:00 pm Evening Service 7;15 pm Wednesday Morning JLI Parenting 10:15 am
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