
7700 beneva road • sarasota, florida 34238 • 941.925.0770 • fax 941.925.0771 •
Volume 24. No. 3
Nissan-Iyar 5775 • April-May 2015
Thursday, May 7 • 6:00 pm
Free for members
Non members: $12 adult, $9 child
Sponsor $72
RSVP: 925-0770 by Friday, May 1
A fascinating six-session course from the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Judaism Decoded sheds light on the mysteries surrounding
biblical interpretation. How do we know our interpretation is
true? If it is true, why is it subject to differences of opinion?
with so many interpretations to choose from, how do we
which one reflects its original intent?
A Six-Session Course
from the Rohr Jewish
Learning Institute
Discover the sheer elegance of the “source code” on which
unravels thelaw
mysteriesis built; enjoy the razor-sharp reasoning, intelligent
surrounding biblical
interpretation. How do we
and compelling arguments of the Talmudic dialectic;
know our interpretation
is true? If it is true, why is
a fascinating, behind-the-scenes glimpse of the most
it subject
to differences
of opinion? And with so
many interpretations to
sophisticated religion in existence.
choose from, how do we
know which one reflects
its original intent?
Discover the sheer
elegance of the “source
code” upon which
Talmudic law is built;
enjoy the razor-sharp
reasoning, intelligent
debate, and compelling
arguments that we
encounter in this
fascinating course; and
get a behind-the-scenes
glimpse at the clockwork
of the most intellectually
sophisticated religion
in existence.
Wednesday Mornings Starting May 6
10:15-12:00 noon at the Chabad Center
Wednesday Evenings Starting May 6
7:30-8:45 pm at The Jewish Federation of Sarasota
Six Tuesdays
7:30-9:30 p.m.
Beginning January 14th
Fee: $74 per person or $139 per couple
For further information and to register call: 925-0770
Sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Sarasota
Chabad of Anywhere
123 Main Street
Anywhere, AB 12345
Happy Passover
Your Sale of Chometz Form And Passover Guide Are Inside
zCommunity Update
Pesach Shmurah
Matzah For Sale
New Members
zAll In The Dr. Stephen and Leah Suffin
Mazel Tov
7773 Fairway Woods
Sarasota, FL 34238
In honor of the Pesach holiday, special
hand-made Shmurah Matzah from
Israel will be available for purchase. A
box of three Matzot for the Seder is
available at $10 a box, and a pound
of Shmurah Matzah (approximately 6-7
Matzot) is available at the cost of $20 per
box. Although machine made Matzah
is readily available at the supermarket,
many have the custom to eat hand-made
Shmurah Matzah at the Seder. Orders
for Shmurah Matzah can be made by
calling the office @ 925-0770.
Isaac and Vivien Kalvaria upon the birth
of their grandson
Support Chabad While Shopping
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way
for you to support Chabad Lubavitch of
Sarasota-Manatee Counties, Inc., every time
you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop
at, you will find the exact
same low prices, vast selection and convenient
shopping experience as, with
the added bonus that Amazon will donate
a portion of the purchase price to Chabad
Lubavitch of Sarasota Manatee Counties, Inc.
To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile. from the web browser on your
computer or mobile device. You may also
want to add a bookmark to AmazonSmile to
make it even easier to return and start your
shopping at AmazonSmile.
Whenever ordering flowers at Beneva
Flowers, please place Chabad of Sarasota
as your Helping Hand option and Beneva
Flowers will contribute a portion of the sale
to Chabad.
Purim 5775 at Chabad Kaplan Preschool,
Weinstein Religious School and Megilla Reading
Chabad Newsletter • 2
Weekly Talmud Class
An ongoing Talmud class is
taking place every Monday at
study Talmud
and discover
ancient Jewish
traditions in
the Talmud
that are relevant in today’s
society. The Hebrew/English
Artscroll Talmud
Sanhedrin is being used. No
prior background in Talmud or
Hebrew reading
is necessary. This
weekly one-hour
class is offered
free of charge to
the entire community, textbook
is available through our gift
shop at the cost of $50.
Time to Register
at Chabad
Kaplan Preschool
Serving children ages 2.5 - 5 years. Our
mission is to provide a warm and happy Jewish
environment that is supportive of each child’s
own learning priorities.
Caring & Professional Staff
Weekly Music, Kidnastics
Judaic and Secular Curriculum
Home–Away–From–Home For Your Child
Hours: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
FL License #585100765
For further info call: 925-0770
z Thank You,
Oneg Sponsors
Kirk, Diane and Kara Weisman for sponsoring the Oneg
on Shabbat Vayichi IHO Lisa
and Bill Libman
Kirk, Kara and Diane Weisman for sponsoring the Oneg
on Shabbat Beshalach IMO
Al Warren
Kirk, Diane and Kara Weisman for sponsoring the Oneg
on Shabbat Shmot IHO
Harry and Dodie Zehnwirth
Kirk, Kara and Diane Weisman for sponsoring the Oneg
on Shabbat Yitro IHO Dr.
Barry and Anne Stein
Robbie and Gittel Rosenstock
for sponsoring the Oneg on
Shabbat Shmot IHO Isaac
Rosenstock’s birthday
Barry and Anne Stein for
sponsoring the Oneg on
Shabbat Mishpatim IHO
Kirk, Kara and Diane Weisman
Martin and Shelley Waldman
for sponsoring the Oneg on
Shabbat Vaera IHO appreciation for the community’s
support and IMO Rhona
Jack and Dr. Suzanne Berkowitz for sponsoring the
Oneg on Shabbat Vaera IHO
Dr. Len and Ingrid Taub and
their son, Brandon. And IHO
Bryant & Adam Berkowitz.
Kirk, Kara and Diane Weisman for sponsoring the Oneg
on Shabbat Vaera IHO Jack
and Suzanne Berkowitz
Kirk and Diane Weisman
for sponsoring the Oneg on
Shabbat Bo IHO Kara’s graduation from Law school
Sam and Linda Klafter for
sponsoring the Oneg on
Shabbat Bo IHO Linda’s
Steve Shimonov for sponsoring the Oneg on Shabbat Bo
IMO Roza bat Maya
Eileen Rose and David Silberg for sponsoring the Oneg
on Shabbat Beshalach IHO
Rabbi Henry Harris and his
Robert and Randelle Landman for sponsoring the Oneg
on Shabbat Mishpatim IHO
Steve and Leah Suffin’s moving into their new home
Kirk, Diane and Kara Weisman for sponsoring the Oneg
on Shabbat Teruma IHO
Harry Samtur
Harry Samtur for sponsoring
the Oneg on Shabbat Teruma
IHO his birthday and his
parents’ Yaertzeit
Herbert Benatovich for sponsoring the Oneg on Shabbat
Ki Tisa IMO his father Louis
Kirk, Diane and Kara Weisman for sponsoring the Oneg
on Shabbat Ki Tisa IHO of
Zev and Shaina Steinmetz’s
Dodie Zehnwirth for sponsoring the Oneg on Shabbat
Vayakhel-Pekudei HO her
granddaughter Bryce Isaak acceptance by the Joffrey Ballet
for 2015 summer season
Kirk, Diane and Kara Weisman for sponsoring the Oneg
on Shabbat Vayakhel-Pekudei
IHO Dr. Steve and Leah
Suffin’s joining Chabad as
Chabad Newsletter • 3
N’shei Chabad Women
Invites You to a
JLI RCS: “Reservations For Two
Indoor Picnic
All women are invited to join
lesson six of this year’s Rosh
Chodesh Society course entitled
“Soul Mates – Jewish Secrets
to Meaningful Relationships”.
On April 23 at 7:15pm, N’shei
Chabad Women will convene
for a talk led by Sara Steinmetz
entitled: “Reservations for Two
– Defining Marriage’s Boundaries”. We may all agree that
marriage requires boundaries to
protect its exclusivity, but the
question of where those lines
should be drawn can spark heated debate. Judaism shows us not
only how to thwart temptations
that threaten our marriage from
the outside, but how to enhance
it from within by expanding the
exclusivity of our relationship.
Following the Rosh Chodesh
Society class women will enjoy learning about Chi Kung
Massage with Rosann Argenti.
RSVP by calling 925-0770 or
by emailing NCWSarasota@
Welcome New Members
¨ Rebbetzin Circle Members
Sheila Fox
Lori Patrusky
Shirley Rosen
Lili Rosenberg
Ilene Silber
Stefanie Warrenbrand
¨ N’shei Chabad Members
Doryanne Blomquist
Nechama Whalen
Join us for an indoor black &
white picnic at the home of
Elizabeth Weber
Dessert buffet
Black and white dress code
Music by flutist Jane Hoffman
Appreciation to Jodi Bloom, Sylvia Sabbah, Elizabeth Weber
and all Rebbetzin Circle members
1 Thursday, May 21 • 7:00pm
1 Cost: Rebbetzin Circle - Free;
N’shei Members $20;
Non-Members $25; Event Sponsor $50
1 RSVP by May 13: 925-0770
N’shei Chabad
Programming Meeting
Join us and take part in planning
another great year.
Wednesday, June 11 • 7:15 pm
At the Chabad Center
Please submit your ideas for next year
via email:
Chabad Newsletter • 4
RS r!
into s
Week 1: June 29 - July 3
Week 2: July 6 - July 10
 941-925-0770
Chabad Newsletter • 5
20th Annual Gala Dinner
Celebrating 25 years of service to the community
A truly memorable event was held at Michael’s
On East in honor of Chabad’s 25th anniversary.
The event held on March 11th was Chabad of
Sarasota’s 20th annual gala and celebrated a truly
significant milestone for our community. The
ambiance at the gala that honored this momentous
occasion was magnificent, and the entertainment
was both outstanding and unforgettable. Shalom
Sherman is an exceptional entertainer, and in an
almost magical way he achieved instant rapport
with the crowd. With his incredulous memory he
divulged some significant details about individuals
that enlivened the crowd, and elicited a sense of
warm unity among all participants.
Gratitude is extended to the following individuals
for the event’s success: Marshall and Dina
Gobuty–Presidential Sponsors; Dr. Leonard
and Judy Schwartzbaum for food sponsorship;
Dr. Barry and Anne Stein for entertainment
sponsorship; Samuel Shapiro–Child Scholarship;
Dr. Charles and Lisa Loewe–program booklet;
Dr. Isaac and Vivien Kalvaria–Invitations; Joseph
Bartel–decorations sponsorship; Bernard and
Lauren Walsh–Yarmulkas sponsorship; Shapiro,
Goldman, Babboni & Walsh–table sponsors;
Dr. Bill and Flora Oynick–table sponsors; Jeff
and Nikki Sedacca–table sponsors; Main Street
Graphics–printing sponsorship. We are grateful
to the following committee members who worked
hand in hand to oversee every detail to make the
event a success: Isaac Azerad, Herbert Benatovich,
Howard Fuchs, Vivien Kalvaria, Linda & Sam
Klafter, Bob & Randy Landman, Sadie Laufer,
Sue Ann Levin, Howard & Shirley Rosen, Lee
Ruggles, Bruce Silverberg, Barry Stein, Rabbi
Chaim & Sara Steinmetz, Lana & Ronny Tudin,
Elizabeth Weber and Kirk Weisman.
Chabad Newsletter • 6
We would like to thank all those who patronized the event by
making special contributions, placing ads in the journal and to
those who attended this lovely event:
Yossi & Avivit Alkobi
Isaac Azerad
Toni Alperin Goldberg
Robert Aronson
Joseph Bartel
Herbert Benatovich
Jodi Bloom
Brian Bochan
Richard & Sheila Brumberg
Karel Cooperman
David & Anna Eisenberg
Harriet Epstein
Alan Feins
Arthur & Sheila Fox
Allie Fraidowitz
Howard & Annette Fuchs
Stanley Glauser
Sarah Glick
Robert & Chirle Glinski
Marshall & Dina Gobuty
Barry Gorn
Al & Hedy Guttman
Jim Haberman
Ron & Ruthy Hyatt
Yehuda & Betsy Inbar
Edward & Gail Joseph
Isaac & Vivien Kalvaria
Alvan Kamis
Rona Kantor
Geraldine Kasoff
Samuel & Linda Klafter
William Kohler
Marc and Iris Kraemer
Harold & Judy Kulman
Howard & Andrea Lander
Robert & Randelle
Sol & Sadie Laufer
Samuel & Ruth Lestz
Laurence & Maritta
Alan Levin
Jerome & Sue Ann Levin
Bill & Lisa Libman
Charles & Lisa Loewe
Chris & Jill Malkin
James and Ita Mond
Meredith Nierenberg
Marc & Vicki Niski
Hilary & Anita Oestreich
Irwin & Sylvia Pastor
Eric & Lori Patrusky
Physicians Group LLC
Howard & Shirley Rosen
Noah & Lili Rosenberg
Leonore Ruggles
Sylvia Sabbah
Russell & Susan Samson
Steven & Aviva Scheer
Shalom and Chaya
Leonard & Judy
Jeff & Nikki Sedacca
Shapiro, Goldman,
Babboni & Walsh
Steve & Tatiana Shimonov
David & Ilene Silber
Theodore Simon
Ruth Sklar
Maxine Solomon
Sunset Chevrolet
Barry & Anne Stein
Shaya & Leah Suffin
Brigitte Taylor
Henry Tenenbaum
Howard & Bryna Tevlowitz
Ronni & Lana Tudin
Richard & Lauren Vallone
Martin & Shelley Waldman
Bernard & Lauren Walsh
Herman & Elizabeth
Morris & Paecia Weinstein
Kirk & Diane Weisman
Paula Weisman
Nigel Weldon
Gershom & Nechama
David & Jane Wicentowski
Avi Yoskowitz
Harry & Dodie Zehnwirth
Merrill & Sheila Zinder
Chabad Newsletter • 7
Your Passover Guide
Nisan 13 - 22, April 2 - 11, 2015
c An Introduction
On Pesach (Passover) we celebrate the liberation of the Jewish people – not
just our physical liberation from Egyptian slavery, but also our spiritual
freedom from the “abominations of Egypt”. The civilization of ancient
Egypt was steeped in idolatry and immorality. Beyond that, however the
name “Egypt” – ‘Mitzrayim’, in Hebrew – implies ‘limitations’, or narrow
straits. In a very real sense, freedom from the ‘abomination of Egypt’
is freedom from narrowness of mind, freedom from a constricted heart.
The Torah laws concerning Pesach, besides being G-dly commandments,
are to help us experience this spirit of freedom.
This guide, though concise, covers the practical
details, and the basic Pesach laws. It is filled
with useful tips and profound insights to enhance your Passover experience. Use it well and
in the best of health!
c How To Prepare the House
What is Chometz?
Unique to Pesach is the eating of matzah*, and
the stringent prohibition of eating or possessing
Chometz is a general term for all food and drink made from wheat,
barley, rye, oats, spelt or their derivatives, which is forbidden on Pesach
because it is leavened. Even food that contains only a trace of Chometz
is prohibited and must be removed from our homes.
*Note: Matzah used all year round is not for Pesach use. Only Matzahs
baked especially for Pesach may be used on Pesach.
Getting Rid of Chometz
Obvious Chometz – both food and utensils used throughout the year
(and not koshered for Pesach) – should be stored in closets or rooms
which are not easily accessible (locked or taped shut). This Chometz
should be sold to a non-Jew.
Clean the entire house thoroughly to remove all crumbs and small
pieces of food.
Also check for Chometz in the car and office (desks and drawers, etc.)
clothes, pockets (especially the children’s), pocketbooks, and attache’
cases. Vacuum cleaner bags should be discarded or cleaned.
c How To Prepare the Kitchen
To prepare the kitchen for Pesach, we must kosher it from Chometz that
has been cooked in it.
Chabad Newsletter • 8
Dishes and Utensils: Have special sets of dishes, silverware, pots, pans
and other utensils for Pesach use only. (If necessary certain ‘year-round’
utensils may be used provided they are koshered for Pesach. To do so,
consult the Rabbi.)
Stove: Thoroughly clean and scour every part of it. Heat the oven to
the highest temperature possible for 1-2 hours. Heat the grates and the
iron parts of the stove until they glow red-hot. It is suggested that the
oven and stove top should be covered afterwards with aluminum foil.
Microwave Ovens: Clean the oven thoroughly. Fill with water a completely clean container that was not used for 24 hours. Turn on the
microwave and let it steam heavily. Turn it off
and wipe out the inside. To use the microwave
during Pesach, use a flat piece of Styrofoam or
any other thick object as a separation between
the bottom of the oven and the cooking dish.
When cooking, the food should be covered
from all sides.
Sink: Meticulously clean the sink. For 24
hours before koshering it, do not pour hot
water from Chometz pots into the sink.
Afterwards, boil water in a clean pot which
was not used for 24 hours, and pour water 3
times onto every part of the sink, including
the drain stopper. Afterwards, line the sink.
Refrigerator, Freezer, Cupboards, Closets, Tables and Counters:
Thoroughly clean and scrub them to remove any crumbs or residue.
Afterwards, cover with a heavy covering those surfaces that come into
contact with hot food or utensils.
Tablecloths and Napkins: Launder without starch.
c Shopping for Pesach
While shopping for Pesach we must be careful that the foods we buy are
not only kosher but are also kosher-for-Pesach – that is, chometz-free.
Starting ‘from Scratch’
All fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as all kosher cuts of meat and
kosher fish are kosher for Pesach – provided they have been prepared
in accordance with Jewish law and have not come into contact with
chometz or chometz utensil.
The prevailing custom is that we do not eat on Pesach rice, millet, corn,
mustard, legumes (beans, etc.), or foods made from any of them.
Commercially Prepared Products
Nowadays, there are many kosher-for-Pesach packaged foods available.
However, care must be used to purchase only those packaged food that
c Shmurah Matzah
have reliable Rabbinical supervision which is valid for Pesach.
Obviously, all leavened foods made from wheat, barley, rye, oats or spelt
are actual chometz and are prohibited on Pesach. Examples are bread,
cake, cereal, spaghetti, beer and whiskey.
Check the Medicine Cabinet!
Many medicines, sprays and cosmetics contain chometz. Consult the
Rabbi as to which ones may be used on Pesach. The same applies to
pet food.
c How to Search for Chometz and Burn It
The search for Chometz takes place on Thursday evening, April 2 after
dark. We traditionally use a candle, wooden
spoon and feather for the search (the Chabad gift
shop sells a “Chometz Search Kit” that includes
the above mentioned items.) It is customary to
distribute ten small individually wrapped pieces of
Chometz throughout the home before the search.
‘Shmurah’ means watched and is an apt description of this special matzah
(unleavened bread). The wheat used is carefully watched – protected
against any contact with water from the moment of harvest - as water
would cause leavening, and thus disqualify the wheat for use on Pesach
These matzahs are round in form, kneaded and shaped by hand, similar
to the matzahs baked by the Children of Israel on their way out of
Egypt. They are baked under strict supervision to avoid any possibility
of leavening during the baking process. Shmurah matzah should be used
on each of the two Seder nights for the three matzahs of the Seder plate.
c The Eight Days of Pesach
On Friday, April 3, chometz may be eaten only
in the early hours of the morning, this year until
11:24 am. After that time, only foods which are
kosher for Pesach may be eaten. However, we do
not eat matzah until the Seder.
Fast of the First-Born
When the Al-mighty slew the first-born of Egypt,
He spared the first-born of the Children of Israel.
Therefore, all first-born sons of Israel, or fathers
of first-born sons under 13, fast on the day before
Pesach, in gratitude to the Al-mighty.
The Blessing
Recite the following blessing before the search:
Bo-ruch Ah-toh Ah-do-noi Eh-lo-hei-nu Me-lech
Hah-olom A-sher Kih-dih-shah-nu Bih-mitz-votav Vih-tiz-vah-nu Al Be-or Cha-metz.
It has, however, been a custom for many centuries that this fast day is broken by a festive meal
in celebration of a completion of a Tractate of
the Mishna or Talmud. This takes place at the
synagogue Friday, April 3, following morning
services. Services begin at 8:00 am.
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the
universe, who has sanctified us by His commandments, and has commanded us to remove
the leaven.
The Search
Afterwards, hold the lit candle and search for Chometz in every room,
as well as any other areas of the home that may have chometz, such as
the attic, garage, or car.
When the search is completed, recite the following:
All leaven or anything leavened which is in my possession, which I have
neither seen nor removed and about which I am unaware, shall be considered naught and ownerless as the dust of the earth.
Then take all the chometz that was found in the search, cover it securely
and place it in a conspicuous spot. This chometz will be burned in the
morning. Food intended to be sold or eaten later should similarly
be carefully put aside. The search should also be conducted in
one’s place of business.
Seder Preparation
On Friday, April 3, prepare the chicken neck, horseradish and charoset
for both Seder nights.
For the second Seder, set the table and prepare the meal after 8:24 pm.
The Concluding Days of Pesach
Pesach is eight days long. The last two days of Pesach are also Yom Tov.
Pesach does not end until Shabbat, April 11, in the evening at 8:28 pm.
Until that time no chometz should be bought or eaten.
Schedule of Services & Torah Classes
Burning the Chometz
On the morning before Pesach, Friday, April 3, burn the chometz
that was found during the search, or that was left over from breakfast
and not stored with the chometz which will be sold to the non-Jew.
Deadline for burning the Chometz: 12:22 pm. Burning of the
chometz will take place at the synagogue at 11:30 am.
After the chometz is thrown into the fire, recite the following: All
leaven or anything leavened which is in my possession, whether I
have seen it or not, whether I have observed it or not, whether I
have removed it or not shall be completely considered naught and
ownerless as the dust of the earth.
Sunday-Friday Friday Evening
Shabbat Morning
Sunday Morning
Monday Morning
Monday Evening
Morning Service
Shabbat Service
Torah Portion Class
Shabbat Service
Code of Jewish Law
Talmud Class
Dinner and
“Living Torah” Video Evening Service
8:00 am
7:30 pm
9:30 am
10:00 am
8:40 am
10:00 am
6:00 pm
7:15 pm
Chabad Newsletter • 9
z Memorials • Mazel Tovs
Jodi, Seth and Melissa Bloom
IMO Gina Ohana
IMO Rhona Brivik
IMO Harold Greenstein
Dr. Hilary and Anita Oestreich
IMO Rose Resnikoff
IMO Dr. Samuel Oestreich
IMO Bertha Oestreich
Maxine Solomon
IHO Adam David Solomon
David and Anna May Eisenberg
IMO Samuel Cohen
IMO Esther Eisenberg
Chaya Perera
IMO Isak Perera
Ronni, Lana Gabi and Jeremy Tudin
IHO Annette Kirshner’s father
IHO the marriage of Zev and Shaina Steinmetz
IMO Harold Rudman Yartzheit
IHO Isaac and Vivien Kalvaria’s newborn grandson Asher Wesley
IHO Lauren and Eli Van Allen’s newborn son Asher Wesley
David and Lois Rosenfeld
IMO Jordan Rosenfeld
Dr. Robert and Chirle’ Glinski
IMO Elmer Kozora
Rachel and Howard Goldring & Family
IHO Berth Pollack
Jeremy and Trudy Gibbs
IHO David and Jane Wicentowski
Jim Haberman
IHO of the marriage of Zev Steinmetz to Shaina Zirkind
Sally Joselson
IMO Sherwin Joselson
Dr. Steve and Aviva Scheer
IMO Joseph Tannenbaum
Rae Seife
IMO Barbara Callaghan
Yosif and Tovli Somiran
IMO Ester bat Branah
Michael and Andrea Kates
IMO Rhona Brivik
Joel Katz
IHO Bernard and Shirley Friedland
Sam and Linda Klafter
IHO Arthur Aaron
Jeffrey and Phyllis Meer
IMO Chana Chaya bas Mendel
Marion Stewart
IHO Zev Steinmetz’s engagement to Shaina
Dr. Elliott and Evelyne Stupp
IHO the marriage of Zev and Shaina Steinmetz
Morris and Paecia Weinstein
IMO Alan Rotman
Dodie and Harry Zehnwirth
IHO Jane Wicentowski’s birthday
IHO Linda Klafter’s birthday
IHO Isaac Kalvaria’s birthday
IHO Barry Gorn’s birthday
IHO Samantha Stein’s birthday
IHO Rebecca Weinstein’s birthday
IMO Barry Schneider
IMO Sandy Tates
IMO Elaine Tudin
IMO Craig Brivik
IMO Ann Hanf Fleck
IMO Philip Swartz
IMO Helena Weber
IHO Isaac and Vivien Kalvaria’s newborn grandson Asher Wesley
Great Appreciation
Arthur & Julia Aaron
Alejandro Alvarez
Robert & Debby Azeff
Isidoro & Rosa Barrocas
Herbert Benatovich
Jack & Suzanna Berkowitz
David & Anna May Eisenberg
Sidney & Sylvia Ettedgui
Richard & Arlene Franco
Leonard & Cassia Friedlander
Daria Gabai
Jeremy & Trudy Gibbs
Jerry & Terry Goldman
Howard & Rachel Goldring
Israel & Hana Goor
Jim Haberman
Carlyne Jacob
Sally Joselson
Isaac & Vivien Kalvaria
Alvan Kamis
Geraldine Kasoff
Michael & Andrea Kates
Joel Katz
Chabad Newsletter • 10
Linda and Norman Sage
IHO Zev Steinmetz marriage to Shaina
IMO Judy Shapiro’s brother Marvin
IHO Anita and Hilary Oestreich’s birthdays
David and Robin Shapiro
IMO Rhona Brivik
IHO Zev Steinmetz’s marriage to Shaina
Dr. Gerry Kasoff
IMO Bertha Kasoff
IMO Paul Saul Nussbaum
z With
Richard Weisbrot
IHO Robert and Randy Landman
Leo & Shirley Katz
Chaim Kirkell
Samuel & Linda Klafter
Robert & Randelle Landman
Bill & Lisa Libman
Anna Lorman
Seymour & Helen Margolis
Lucie Marino
Marc & Vicki Niski
Hilary & Anita Oestreich
Chaya Perera
Martin & Kathy Rosen
David & Lois Rosenfeld
Avrohom Roth
Harvey & Elaine Rothenberg
Jeffrey & Mercedes Rubin
Sylvia Sabbah
Norman & Linda Sage
Harold Samtur
Steven & Aviva Scheer
Kathie Schwarz
David & Robin Shapiro
Sam Shapiro
Steve Shimonov
Stuart & Paula Siegel
Maxine Solomon
Yosif & Tovli Somiran
Barry & Anne Stein
Marion Stewart
Shaya & Leah Suffin
Ronni & Lana Tudin
Michael & Camille Vermess
Corey & Stefanie Warrenbrand
Herman & Elizabeth Weber
Morris & Paecia Weinstein
Richard Weisbrot
Kirk & Diane Weisman
Paula Weisman
David & Miriam Yerushalmi
Harry & Dodie Zehnwirth
z Thank You, Volunteers
c Garage Sale
Alejandro Alvarez
Isidoro Barrocas
Dick Brumberg
Jim Haberman
Jane Hoffman
Robert Landman
Eileen Rose
David Silber
Steve Suffin
Paula Weisman
Gershom Whalen
Harry Zehnwirth
c Shalach Monos Packaging
and Delivery
Robert Landman
Randelle Landman
Lee Ruggles
Leah Suffin
Stephen Suffin
Lana Tudin
Since it is prohibited to possess chometz on Pesach, we need to sell to a nonJew all chometz that will not be eaten or burned before Pesach, including all
chometz utensils. These are stored away in closets or rooms while preparing
for Pesach. Now we lock or tape shut the closets or rooms, and they are leased
to the non-Jew at the time of the sale.
Since there are many legal intricacies in this sale, only a competent Rabbi should
be entrusted with its execution. The Rabbi acts as our agent both to sell the
chometz to the non-Jew on the morning before Pesach starts, and also to buy it
back after Pesach ends.
This form is available online at:
I (We) _______________________________
Hereby authorize Rabbi Chaim S. Steinmetz to sell all
chometz that may be in my (our) possession; wherever it may
be - at home, at work, or elsewhere - in accordance with the
requirements of Jewish law, as incorporated in the special
contract for the sale of chometz.
Residential Address ________________________________
Business Address __________________________________
Must be signed by head of household. Send to Rabbi Chaim S.
Steinmetz, 7700 Beneva Road, Sarasota, FL 34238. Or fax to (941)
925-0771. Forms must reach us no later than Wednesday, April 1,
2015. Responsibility cannot be accepted for forms received later.
zHappy Birthday
Mr. Harry Zehnwirth 29 Adar
Mrs. Andrea Lander
2 Nisan
Mr. David Rosenfeld 2 Nisan
Alexander Stein
3 Nisan
Mr. Howard Rosen
5 Nisan
Mr. Robert Rosenstock 9 Nisan
Mr. Noah Rosenberg 11 Nisan
Dr. David Eisenberg
12 Nisan
Eva Bella Serebro
13 Nisan
Luca Marino
18 Nisan
Mrs. Shelley Waldman 20 Nisan
Mrs. Evelyne Stupp
21 Nisan
Mr. Albert Oykherman 30 Nisan
Naomi Warrenbrand 3 Iyar
Mr. Richard Franco
3 Iyar
Shaina Davidovich
11 Iyar
Mr. Herbert Benatovich 13 Iyar
Mr. Max Serebro
16 Iyar
Mrs. Chaya Perera
19 Iyar
Dr. Geraldine Kasoff 20 Iyar
Dr. Fred Tow
21 Iyar
Mrs. Janyce Agruss
25 Iyar
Melissa Bloom
25 Iyar
Seth Bloom
25 Iyar
Dr. Howard Fuchs
27 Iyar
Mr. Robert Antovel
1 Sivan
Hannah Talia Glazer
3 Sivan
Mrs. Sara Steinmetz
7 Sivan
Franky Rossmoore
10 Sivan
Yosef Steinmetz
12 Sivan
Sean Jones
12 Sivan
Friday, March 20
Sunday, March 22
Sunday, March 22
Monday, March 23
Wednesday, March 25
Sunday, March 29
Tuesday, March 31
Wednesday, April 1
Thursday, April 2
Tuesday, April 7
Thursday, April 9
Friday, April 10
Sunday, April 19
Wednesday, April 22
Wednesday, April 22
Thursday, April 30
Saturday, May 2
Tuesday, May 5
Friday, May 8
Saturday, May 9
Sunday, May 10
Thursday, May 14
Thursday, May 14
Thursday, May 14
Saturday, May 16
Tuesday, May 19
Thursday, May 21
Monday, May 25
Thursday, May 28
Saturday, May 30
Saturday, May 30
zYaertzeit Reminder
Full-service rental
senior community with
Jewish family values
For your personal tour, call 941-225-8369
1951 N. Honore Ave., Sarasota, FL • ALF #8951 • SNF #130471046
Shapiro, Goldman, Babboni & Walsh
Injury Law
Mr. Morris Weinstein
Wednesday, March 18
Mrs. Linda Klafter
Wednesday, March 18
Dr. & Mrs. Sam Rosenfeld son
Tuesday, March 24
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Levin
Tuesday, March 24
Mr. & Mrs. David Rosenfeld grandson
Tuesday, March 24
Mr. Joel Sainer
Saturday, March 28
Mr. Michael Kates
grandfather Tuesday, March 31
Mrs. Sheila Brumberg
Friday, April 3
Mrs. Evelyne Stupp
grandmotherSunday, April 5
Ms. Sally Joselson
Monday, April 6
Mr. Jehuda Fischer
Wednesday, April 8
Dr. Isaac Kalvaria
Saturday, April 11
Mrs. Mindy Bloom
Sunday, April 12
Mr. Yosif Somiran
Monday, April 13
Mr. Marshall Gobuty
grandmotherTuesday, April 14
Mrs. Flora Tow
Thursday, April 16
Mrs. Chirle Douville Glinski father
Tuesday, April 21
Mr. Stanley Glauser
Monday, April 27
Mrs. Jodi Bloom
grandmotherMonday, April 27
Mr. Allie Fraidowitz
Tuesday, April 28
Mrs. Carlyne Jacob
Wednesday, April 29
Dr. Fred Tow
Wednesday, April 29
Mr. Robert Rosenstock
Sunday, May 3
Mrs. Elizabeth Weber
Wednesday, May 6
Mrs. Leonore Ruggles
Friday, May 8
Mrs. Sheila Fox
Monday, May 11
Mrs. Sabrina Silverberg
Wednesday, May 13
Mr. Jonathan Curshen
Thursday, May 14
Chabad Newsletter • 11
of Sarasota & Manatee Counties
7700 Beneva Road
Sarasota, Florida 34238
Return Service Requested
Calling all Minyanaires!
by: Allie (Maish) Fraidowitz
Shavuot Celebration
Sunday, May 24 at 5:00 pm
Pesach Schedule of Services
Weekday Minyan, photo by: Barry Gorn
With our snowbird members
preparing to leave for the
season, our morning minyan needs help. If anyone
can come, it will be helpful,
appreciated, and perhaps
necessary for that morning’s
minyan. Please let Maish
Fraidowitz (moosemcalice@ know if you plan
to come, or decide to come
that morning. Otherwise, we
are forced to call (and awaken) some of our reserves who
may, or may not, be able to
help us. Thanks to all of you
who have continued to support our morning minyans.
Yizkor Services
Achron Shel Pesach
Saturday, April 11 – at 10:45 am
Friday April 3
Minyan at 8:00 am
Followed by Siyum
Eat Chometz until: 11:24 am
Burning of the Chometz: 11:30 am
Evening service 7:30 pm
Monday - Wednesday
April 6 - 8
Morning service at 8:00 am
Thursday, April 9
Morning service at 8:00 am
Evening service at 8:00 pm
Saturday, April 4
Morning service at 10:00 am
Evening service at 8:15 pm
Sunday, April 5
Friday April 10
Morning service at 10:00 am
Evening service at 7:30 pm
Morning service at 10:00 am
Saturday, April 11
Morning service at 10:00 am
Thank you to all our friends at
Chabad for remembering us
during the Purim holiday
Russell and Susan Samson