
Kiddush is
sponsored by
Jonathan Sherr in honor of his
beautiful girls’ birthdays (Jami
and Dylan); his awesome son
(Jordan); and to welcome his
parents (Steve and Marianne)
during their temporary hiatus
from their posts on the Holy
Land’s Northern Front
Kiddush is
Co-sponsored by
Howard and Ann Katz
In honor of all the mothers of
the Adat community and around
the globe who work tirelessly
in putting the interest of their
children first and a special
mention to our true inspirational
mother, our daughter Sara
Koblentz, who demonstrates on
a daily basis what unconditional
love a mother can have for her
and by
Neil and Ruth Berkowitz
in honor of the Bris of their
grandson, Zachary Cecil
“Meyer Chaim”, in Seattle, WA.
Sponsor A Kiddush
For a regular kiddush, the Primary
Sponsorship is $275 (designated as
such in the bulletin).
All co-sponsors of kiddush $150.
Email Annette Olson at
or call her at 858-535-1196 Opt 2
to reserve your date.
May 17th, 24th & 31st
June 7th, 14th, 21st, & 28th
5/9 Mincha/ Kabbalat Shabbat**��������� 6:45 p.m.
5/9 Candle Lighting by**���������������������� 7:10 p.m.
Hashkama Minyon................................7:50 a.m.
Talmud in Depth................................... 8:00 a.m.
Shabbat Morning��������������������������������� 9:00 a.m.
Shema-Latest Time����������������������������� 9:20 a.m.
Rebbetzin Yellen Lecture I..................12:15 p.m.
Rebbetzin Yellen Lecture II...................3:15 p.m.
Q&A With Rebbetzin Yellen..................4:15 p.m.
Daf Yomi............................................... 6:10 p.m.
Shabbat Mincha................................... 7:10 p.m.
Shabbat ends....................................... 8:19 p.m.
**We are now on the Summer Schedule
Weekly NEWS
Rabbi Jeffrey Wohlgelernter
Brian Zimmerman, President
Volume XXII No. 33
10 Iyar 57743 May 10, 2014
This Coming Week
Sunday Shacharis................................ 8:30 a.m.
Sunday - Thursday Mincha/Ma’ariv����� 7:25 p.m.
Mon., Thurs. Shacharis........................ 6:30 a.m.
Tues., Wed. & Fri. Shacharis................ 6:45 a.m.
Class Schedule
Talmud in Depth���������������������������������� 7:45 a.m.
Daf Yomi .............................................. 7:55 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Talmud in Depth���������������������������������� 7:30 a.m.
Daf Yomi............................................... 6:45 p.m.
Partners in Torah..................................8:00 p.m.
Talmud I����������������������������������������������� 6:00 a.m.
Women’s Class/Tomer Devorah���������11:00 a.m.
Daf Yomi............................................... 7:55 p.m.
Talmud I................................................ 6:00 a.m.
Prophets/Mishlei���������������������������������� 8:00 p.m.
Daf Yomi............................................... 8:45 p.m.
Talmud I................................................ 6:00 a.m.
Parsha of the Week����������������������������� 8:00 p.m.
Daf Yomi............................................... 8:45 p.m.
Daf Yomi............................................... 6:00 p.m.
Get your Monthly and/or
Weekly Newsletters on the
web at
All weekly bulletin and
monthly newsletter inquiries
should be sent to
The Torah Reading begins on page 488 in the Hirsch and page 686 in the Stone.
The Haftorah begins on page 885 in the Hirsch and page 1177 in the Stone.
Parshas Behar opens with the commandment for the Shmittah (sabbatical)
year.The section is introduced with the words, “And G-d spoke to Moshe on Mount Sinai.”
Our Sages give many explanations as to the connection between the sabbatical year and
the giving of the Torah on Har Sinai. As we already know that the entire Torah was given
on Har Sinai, our Sages wonder as to why that fact is repeated here.
The Torah describes the details of this mitzvah to let the land rest in the
seventh year, and the extent to which this commandment applies. Following seven cycles
of seven years, the year after that seventh Shmittah year is called the Yovel, or Jubilee, year.
This fiftieth year, declared by the Sanhedrin to be the Jubilee year, has the same laws as the
Shmittah year with a few additions. During the Yovel the land returns to its original owner,
slaves are freed, and debts are released. One of the explanations of these laws is that G-d
wants to emphasize to His people that land and freedom are divine gifts. Ownership reverts to those to whom He wills it. Once people realize this, it influences them to refrain
from cheating and stealing. They will reflect on the fact that there is a supreme owner. By
counting the years, the nation is constantly reminded of this.
The next section of the Parsha explain the laws pertaining to the sale of
movable property and the sale of ancestral portions, houses, and interest. It also deals with
ownership of a non-Jewish slave, a Jewish slave and finally, a Jew who is a slave to non-Jews.
Rashi explains that although these laws seem to be random in their placement in the Torah, they actually follow a logical sequence. By the progression of the commandments the
Torah tells us if a person allows greed to get the best of him, and this greed motivates him
into opposing the observance of the Sabbatical and Jubilee years, he will eventually lose his
money and be forced to sell his movable property. If he still does not repent, he will find
himself forced to sell his ancestral portion and his house, and finally he will find himself in a
situation where he must borrow money at interest. If the progression of punishments does
not have the desired effect, then stage two begins where he will eventually sell himself to
a fellow Jew, and finally even to a non-Jew. Then, worst of all, he will ultimately sell himself
and become a servant of idols.
Save the date...
Adat Yeshurun’s Annual Fundraiser Gala
at Adat Yeshurun –
A Night of Stars
Join us for a night of comedy with
the hilarious host of las vegas
Jeff Hobson!
special kiddush on
june 14th
honoring our graduates
As we have in years past, for the June 14, 2014 Shabbat,
we plan to have kiddush sponsored in honor our graduates,
from pre-school through post grad!!
If you would like to honor someone, please send
their name, grade graduated and school name to
Annette Olson at
Please contact Annette by June 6th with the name(s) of the graduates you
would like to honor. Your account will be charged $50 per graduate name you
Sunday, June 8, 2014
6 p.m.
Gala Committee
Welcome to all of the Rabbis and their families that
are here for the Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School
The silent auction committee is on the lookout for items
or services that can be sold at the gala. In particular, air miles,
gift cards, meals, services, etc.
If you have anything you think might be of interest, or have a contact who might
have any items or services of interest,
please contact Brian Zimmerman at
The committee will also be needing baskets or interesting
boxes to pack items into for display at the event.
If you have any to donate, that would be appreciated.
adat yeshurun and scy high
lag B’Omer Fire and
Saturday, May 17th
in the Shul parking lot at 9:15 p.m.
Friendship Circle San Diego 5K Walk
Come share a morning of friendship, family fun and community
solidarity as we walk to support individuals with special needs,
and their families.
Sign up as a walker or donor and help support
The Friendship Circle’s amazing programs.
Stay for the entertainment, food and festivities of the
San Diego Celebrates Israel Lag B’Omer Festival,
which follows immediately after the walk.
Walk Details:
Date: Sunday, May 18, 2014
Where: Nobel Athletic Fields, 8810 Judicial Dr. San Diego 92122
9 a.m. - On-site Registration Opens
10 a.m. - 5K Walk
11 a.m. - 4 p.m. - San Diego Celebrates Israel Lag B’Omer Festival
Be a virtual walker
Sign up for Team YES!
Mark Your Calendars!
Our Youth Director, Shoshie Wohlgelernter
invites children to join with her for these
May Youth Group Activities
Boys and Girls Club
for 5th to 8th Grade
Girls & Boys
6-8 p.m. Dinner will
be served and the
Theme will be Prep for
Wednesdays, May 21 (this will be the last Event of the school
Wednesday, May 14th, 28th (this will be the last Event of the school
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Clubs
with the
Rabbi & Shoshie
Sundays, May 11th & 18th
from 8:30 - 10 a.m.
Tefillah, breakfast and learning for boys
celebrating their
bar mitzvahs by June, 2014
from 9 – 10 a.m.
Breakfast and learning for girls celebrating
their bat mitzvah
in the 2013 - 14 school year
Shavuot All Night Learning
Programs for All Ages
Tuesday, June 3rd at
approximately 11:15 p.m.
at Adat Yeshurun
Shavuot Dinner
Won’t you please join us as we
celebrate Shavuot together and as we
experience our own Kabbalat Hatorah—
receiving of the Torah.
Be sure to attend this momentous
occasion and give honor to the Torah.
Tuesday, June 3rd
After services: Approximately 8:45 p.m.
An exquisite Dairy Meal prepared by
Felicia Gipsman
$25/adult (ages 12 yrs. and up)
$12/child (ages 4-11 yrs)
Children 3 and under are free
RSVP by Monday, May 26th
RSVP to Annette at
or call her at (858) 535-1196 Opt 2
Payment is required with your reservation
Shabbat youth Programs in
may & june
Shabbat Youth Groups
May 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st
June 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
(In June we will modify the schedule for summer)
Six specialized, age appropriate groups for two hours every
Saturday morning during shul.Every group does Tefillah,
Parsha, age appropriate learning and games. Introducing, the
“one baby” program specifically for 1-3 year olds that is new
and interactive for preschool age.
Helping Hands
A new program for preteen girls called “helping hands” that
Shoshie is leading every Shabbos to inspire future youth
group leaders. Tefillah is explained and experienced together
and chesed opportunities are offered.
Special Shalosh Seudos for Girls
Older May 31st
You’re invited to come to Shoshie’s house for Shalosh Seudos
on May 31st from 7:00 p.m. until the end of Shabbos. There
will be stories, singing, as well as a meal. Please RSVP to
Look Forward to Special Shavuot Programs
Eruv Shavuot and on Shavuot Morning
June 3rd and June 4th, respectively
Information will be sent out in the coming weeks!!
Lag Ba’Omer programming together with Adat Yeshurun and Beth
for the respective teens.
May 18th: Israel Rocks Music Workshop
at the Jewish Federation of San Diego’s Israel Lag Ba’omer festival
May 23rd- 26th: Spring Regional Shabbaton
Applications can be found at
May 27th: Yom Yerushalayim Concert with Moshav Band
FOR THE WHOLE COMMUNITY at the Lyceum Theatre.
See Todd Salovey for tickets and sponsorship opportunities.
June 3rd-5th: Shavuot in Adat for teens
June 18th: End of the year BBQ
Details Coming Soon
June 22nd: End of the Year Brunch Honoring High School Seniors
Details Coming Soon
Tuesday Nights: are always Jewday Night at 7pm. Location rotates
Please email Adam Simon at for details
These events are for 9th - 12th Grade Boys and Girls
at both Adat Yeshurun and Beth Jacob.
Adam Simon and Shoshie Wohlgelernter will be
working together to bring our teens great programing!
You're invited to the next
Soille Shabbat
Family Experience!
Shabbat May 9-10
Congregation Adat Yeshurun
La Jolla CA
Parents to Grow
Strong Jewish
This Mother's Day Weekend, join Project Jewish H.O.M.E
of Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School as we empower
Jewish Moms (and Dads!) to strengthen ourselves -- and
Self Discovery
Stunning insights
from the mystical
Omer journey - about
yourself, true happiness and
getting the most out of life
An evening of inspiration for everyone, with
Rabbi Menachem Nissel
Wednesday, May 21, 2014 8:00 p.m.
Congregation Adat Yeshurun
8625 La Jolla Scenic Dr. N.
Men and Women Invited
our families -- with timeless Torah wisdom from one of
today's most popular speakers on Jewish parenting,
Rebbetzin Simi Yellen.
Rebbetzin Yellen is a dynamic, insightful teacher and mother who has
been educating parents for many years. She provides valuable parenting tools
to foster good relationships with our children and create a warm and loving home.
The entire community is invited to Rebbetzin Yellen’s
lectures at Adat Yeshurun on Shabbos day, May 10th.
Shabbat dinner will take place in Soille family homes and Shabbat day will
12:15-1:15 p.m. “Building a Solid Foundation for your Home by Creating
include a delicious catered lunch and amazing activities for both children and
Healthy Boundaries between you and your children.” When children have
adults.a Please
the school
website atdecisive
to confident,
adults, theytothrive.
To help sponsor
the event
for more information,
please contact
Yonina KaplanLearn
p.m. “What
is aorParent’s
Most Important
to create positive feelings and actions between you and your children.
4:15-5:15 p.m. General Q &A Parenting Session with Rebbetzin Yellen
If you’d like to help sponsor the event in memory or in honor of a loved one, or for more
information, please contact Yonina Kaplan at
RABBI MENACHEM NISSEL is a renowned speaker who has inspired thousands throughout the world.
He has the rare ability to translate lofty concepts into practical daily living, spiced with irrepressible British
humor. He is a widely published author, whose writings include the highly acclaimed Rigshei Lev - Women
and Tefillah (Targum/Feldheim 2001). He teaches in yeshivas and seminaries in Jerusalem. He is the
Rabbinic Resource for NCSY.