September 2014
September 2014
Monthly Edition • Volume 77 No. 1 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 E•lul Z•man noun 1. The Hebrew month of Elul 2. The period of recognition that the High Holydays are on their way Collection Items for September: Sample-Sized Toiletries Stay Connected 3. A time for reflection, searching and contemplation If you are not already receiving it, make sure you sign up for the weekly “This Week @ Adat” email, which is sent out every Friday. The email includes important information about service times and upcoming events, 1as well as rabbinic commentary about the weekly Torah portion. Email Dean Thomson at to stay connected. Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 And that is why one of the things we have been most moved by is the reluctance on the part of many Israelis—citizens and soldiers alike— to go to war. They understand that this war and the ones that may follow (may it not be so) force choices upon them, and though the IDF attempts to minimize civilian casualties, it can never avoid them. Rabbis’ Message The Reluctant Warrior The concept of Tikkun Olam—our obligation to make this a better world—has evolved into a central tenet in liberal Judaism. Be it the formation of unions, the Civil Rights movement, environmental concerns, or any number of other social causes, Jews feel their Judaism very deeply when engaged in actions that seek to make this world kinder, more compassionate, and fairer. The Torah declares that all humans are made in God’s image, and we strive to create a world that respects the sanctity inherent in all human beings. Some see only the death and criticize. Though not completely wrong, they are not right either. They fail to see what so many (though not nearly enough) perceive—that war by its very nature strips us of our best and most virtuous selves, and that while the external battle rages, an internal one goes on as well—one in which not our physical, but our spiritual survival is at stake. And in that battle the crucial front on which we fight is the remembrance that even while we struggle to live in the face of the other’s hatred, we must never dethrone the image of God that resides even within our enemies, thereby dehumanizing them. Our rabbis teach us that even as God was raining plague after plague upon the Egyptians, God’s presence never left Pharaoh; God stood by him even as God destroyed him. Hamas is evil, and its actions are utterly repugnant and revolting. But as hated and evil as Hamas is, the loss of innocence that Hamas forces upon our people and our brethren in Israel should never lead us to think that they are not human. It should never blind us to the suffering of the Palestinian people, even as we are sometimes the regrettable instrument of that very suffering. And it should never lead us to diminishing the value of other people, even if we find their opinions and perspectives naive, bewildering, or even hurtful. However, what happens when our virtuous ideals clash with our own well-being as a people? Golda Meir once offered this to Anwar Sadat: “We can forgive you for killing our sons. We cannot forgive you for forcing us to kill yours.” To bring tikkun and better the world, Jews must first survive. But to do so, as Golda Meir suggests, can strip us of our innocence and virtue—and that is a bitter pill to swallow. As we write these words, the war between Israel and Hamas continues. While we pray that by the time you read this, fighting will have ceased, there is no certainty that it will come to pass. However, whether we are still in the midst of war or not does not change this reality: Israel has the right and obligation to defend its citizens, and the cost of doing so has been, and will always be, a loss of innocence and the creation of situations whereby our virtue will inevitably suffer, and our ethics will in practice be compromised. War simply does not allow us to remain pure. The necessary exercise of power by human beings is always flawed, because we as human beings are not perfect. Even with the purest of intentions, schools will get hit, citizens will die. Our history is a long one. This current conflict is not our first and sadly, in all likelihood, will not be our last. Our tradition teaches us that we must be warriors. We must be prepared to defend ourselves and ensure that our people survive. But we must also be reluctant—not because our cause is not just, but rather, because the quality of its justice does not protect our souls from what our bodies must do to survive. Being a warrior ensures the body lives. Being reluctant does the same for our souls. Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard Rabbi Deborah Silver We hired Michal for a variety of reasons, the most important of which were her extensive professional leadership experience and her sense of command. She held professional leadership positions at Stephen S. Wise Temple and Wilshire Boulevard Temple. I’ve enjoyed—as have many other leaders—working with Michal over the last month. I’ve also noticed that our staff enjoys working with her. We all look forward to working successfully together as Michal’s impact unfolds. President’s Message By Manny Aftergut It is my pleasure to compose this Bulletin article. It is my first since the Board Installation in late June. It has been a busy month at Adat Ari El, and I’d like to take this opportunity to bring you up to date about happenings at the Synagogue. Many members have already had the pleasure of meeting Michal, and she looks forward to meeting all of our members over time. As many of you know, we recently hired a new Executive Director to replace Joanne Klein. It has been a month since Michal Lesner came on board and took command of Administration at Adat Ari El. President’s Message, continued on page 3 2 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 President’s Message, continued from page 2 When you are on the Adat Ari El campus, please feel free to pop in to her office to say hello. By the way, I think you’ll be pleased by how “freshened up” the Administration office looks. Our schools are very occupied preparing for the upcoming new school year. Beryl Strauss, Lana Marcus, and Dr. Johanna Sohn are engaged in refreshing and refining curricula as well as classrooms. They are also busy with giving tours of their schools and meeting prospective new families and students. I am happy to share one special note—The Rose Engel Early Childhood Center, under the leadership of Beryl Strauss, continues to grow and expand, and we hope it will be a significant feeder to our Labowe Family Day School and the Jewish Learning Community (JLC). One of my goals this year is for our community to make a special effort to help new school families feel at home. We will be extending a friendly hand to them with the hope that Adat Ari El will become an important part of their families’ lives. One new program worthy of bringing to your special attention is the Early Education Center NEST. The NEST is a full-time daycare program for infants and toddlers, which is bursting at the seams with 25 children enrolled, most of whom spend the day (from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) here at Adat Ari El, in customized classrooms, with specialized caregivers, and close care (one caregiver for three children). Things move fast with very young children; nine have already moved from the NEST to our Preschool. I wish each of our schools a strong and successful start this coming year. And I also wish our school parents a school year in which they will see the growth of their children in their intellectual and social development, which they’ll experience in the caring and capable hands of our teachers. I wish our Heads of School and their lay leadership an exciting and successful year. Julee Snitzer Levine, Director of Youth Education and Programs, is developing a new program for the 9th–12th grade Confirmation/Seminar Track, tentatively titled “HaMakom” (The Place), as she hopes to make Adat Ari El “The Place” where teens can set down roots and begin to branch out, grow together, and develop a fruitful and vibrant Jewish identity and connection. The USY will be presenting “Gypsy,” which will be the Synagogue’s 44th production and will be presented in late March 2015 under the direction of Rabbi Emeritus Moshe Rothblum. Auditions are scheduled for October 5, 2014. We look forward to showcasing the theatre arts talent that is present in our youth here at Adat Ari El. Julee intends to continue in 2014/15 the tradition of excellence that has been established over the last several years in our USY and Kadima programs. With the leadership of our Facilities Director, Patrick Miller, I am happy to report to you that a number of campus upgrade projects were undertaken, many of which have already been completed. Among the upgrades are: the installation of a new shade/rain cover over our Day School lunch area, as well as the installation of new tables; exterior repainting of the Day School building; wood floors replaced the vinyl floors in selected rooms of the Day School; removal of much of the landscaping along our Burbank side-yard and replacement with drought-resistant landscape materials; upgrades to our main courtyard with landscape materials and pavers; repainting our Administration reception area and the Executive Administrator’s office. I look forward to staying in touch with you through my Bulletin articles, and I also look forward to meeting as many of you as I can during the High Holydays. I wish you all a successful conclusion to your summer, and may Israel enjoy calm as soon as possible. 3 “From Small Beginnings Come Great Things” “The world talks to the mind. A teacher speaks more intimately— he talks to the heart.” Haim Ginott (Israeli Psychologist, 1922-1975) The Rose Engel Early Childhood Center Preschool welcomes new and returning families to the start of the 2014-15 school year. We are proud to announce that the ECC now encompasses three entities of families: THE NEST (the only infant daycare program in the city of Los Angeles), the Parent & Me Program, and our award-winning Preschool. We can truly say that we nurture children between the ages of 6 weeks to 5 years. For most families, entering the ECC is the first step into our warm and nurturing Synagogue community life. For 76 years, Adat Ari El has provided a vast array of opportunities to renew and refresh Jewish spirituality through ECC and Synagoguewide events, celebrations, and education. This is your opportunity to develop and nurture relationships that can last a lifetime. Our play-based, developmentally appropriate, Reggio Emilia-inspired curriculum philosophy supports children’s learning through the belief that all children are inquisitive about the world around them. “From small beginnings come great things.” We encourage you to watch closely as the children are motivated, inspired, and excited to learn great things about the world around them. We would like to introduce our ECC Governing Board Co-Presidents, Hillary Oberstein and Amanda Waterman, who have been working tirelessly to provide excellent programs and events for the children and their families of Adat Ari El. If you have young children and haven’t experienced the ECC yet, please join us for our monthly Tot Shabbat services held on the first Saturday of every month, along with our other young family holiday celebrations. May you be inscribed in the book of life. L’shana Tova Tikatayvu—a happy and sweet New Year to all! Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 What’s New at The Adat Ari El Day School for the 2014-15 School Year? ADAT MOVES FULL STEAM AHEAD… OUR NEW MISSION STATEMENT: Adat Ari El Labowe Family Day School empowers each student to excel academically within an environment that inspires self-confidence, leadership, and a love of learning. Our unique approach fuses innovation with tradition, linking robust general studies, arts, and athletic programs with the development of Jewish identity, values, and a strong sense of community. OUR NEW LOGO, WEBSITE, AND REGALIA: Subscribe at ENHANCEMENTS TO OUR ACADEMIC AND SOCIAL PROGRAMS: • A coordinator of mathematic excellence • An accelerated reading-literacy team • A S.T.E.A.M. TEAM—to bring meaningful interdisciplinary education to our students • Robotics in 5th grade • An Engineering and Design Room • Hebrew at the Center: a program to revolutionize the effectiveness of teaching and learning Hebrew • Advanced formal test-taking (ISEE) preparation in our 6th grade • A more comprehensive teacher evaluation and supervision program • Anti-Defamation League (ADL) comprehensive anti-bullying program PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENTS TO OUR LEARNING AND PLAY SPACES: • Refurbished outdoor lunch and play area • Outdoor mini amphitheater and creative chalking space Our staff and administration constantly pour over the latest trends, research, and advancements in education. Everyone is familiar with the recent national emphasis on “STEM” teaching with an interdisciplinary approach (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). You may have recently seen in the news that many educators using the new acronym “STEAM” are adding the “A” for Arts. Interdisciplinary learning is not new to Adat. Our school has long understood the value of an arts education and has already spent several years investing in a very rich arts program. While we do not react to “trends” in education, we do continually evaluate the value of new research. Members of our faculty attended “STEAM” continuing education classes during the summer. Our goal is to stay on the cutting edge of education, while at the same time keeping our main focus on the well-studied curricula and teaching methods that we know, giving our children a solid education. All Adat Ari El families are encouraged to join us at the official opening celebration on September 7th! More details to follow. adat For 36 years... Creating a love of learning + a lifetime of leaders Visit us at our brand new look, same great school Open House OCTOBER 28 or schedule a private tour: Lauren Kroh 818.766.4992 follow us on @AAEDaySchool 4 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 B’nai Mitzvah September 2014 September 6, 2014 Sophia Lew Daughter of Drs. Abby & Mark Lew L. Jules Levitan father of Peter (Berna) Levitan and Emily (Philip) Shore; grandfather of Laurel and Henry Levitan, Jon Rubinstein and Jessica (Daryl) Green; great-grandfather of Daniel Green Rita Werner mother of Mindy (Joel Crohn) Werner-Crohn, Michael (Diane) Werner and Alexander (Mike Resnick) Werner; grandmother of Zachary, Evan, Adam, Matthew, Jacob and Gregory Werner, Rafael, Shira and Jonathan Crohn; sister of Morton Rosen September 13, 2014 Jack Lieblein Son of Sharon Lieblein Jacob Tracht husband of Marcia Tracht; father of Berna (Peter) Levitan and Dr. Avra Tracht; grandfather of Laurel and Henry Levitan Charlotte Torres mother of Leonard (Anita Brenner) Torres, Charlotte Anne Torres and Linda (Joseph) McGough; grandmother of Elena, Sarah, Andrew z’l, Thomas, Todd and Rachel Ryan Aaron Edelman son of Orit and Kevin Edelman; brother of Hudson and Owen David Octavio Chaidez-Mizrahi son of Jennifer Mizrahi and Octavio Chaidez; grandson of David Mizrahi and Barbara Mizrahi, Octavio and Elizabeth Chaidez Raymond Alpert husband of Barbara Alpert; father of Teri (Phil Waldman) Alpert-Waldman, Alan (Sophie) Alpert and Nancy Alpert; grandfather of 7; brother of Janet (Jake) Farber; uncle of Nadine (Steve) Lavender, Rochelle (Freddy) Cohen and Howard (Rebekah) Farber; great-uncle of Laura and Bernie Lavender, Maya, Keren and Jonathan Cohen, and Hannah, Max and Emma Farber Isabella Chloe Rothblum daughter of Melissa and David Rothblum; granddaughter of Lois and Rabbi Moshe Rothblum, Sally and Michael Warner Baruch Ben Tov husband of Leslie Ben Tov; brother of Soli Friedman, Adas Friedman and Yosef Ben Tov; uncle of Galit Friedman and Asaf Friedman Alexander Warren Keeping son of Leilani and James Keeping; grandson of Larry Grogan, Maureen Rearick, Craig Peltz, George Irwin, Denise Mahler and Lamiad Ratanchan; great-grandson of Lorraine Frew, Connie Roberts, Marie and Jack Irwin. Donald Renetzky husband of Ruby Renetzky; father of Craig (Orly) Renetzky and Denise (Brian) Kelner; grandfather of Heather, Matthew and Emily Renetzky and Jennifer (Steve) Paecht; great-grandfather of Jacob Paecht; brother of Marty Renetzky Liam Lachyani son of Natalie Revivo and David Lachyani; brother of Michelle and Oriel Morris Glazer father of Kim Glazer and 2 others; grandfather of 4 Thank You David “Dube” Laniado father of Liat (Nir) Bachar; grandfather of David, Lielle, Ori and Ado Bachar Lois and Rabbi Moshe Rothblum thank their many friends who made contributions to the Synagogue and Sisterhood in honor of the birth of their grandchild Isabella Chloe Rothblum, daughter of David and Melissa Rothblum. Your kindness and generosity are deeply appreciated. Selma Rosenheck mother of Ike Rosenheck; grandmother of Collin Rosenheck; sister of Zelda Pollack Lilian Algazi wife of Albert Algazi; mother of Michel (Janet) Algazi, Maurice Algazi and Mimi Algazi; grandmother of Ethan, Daniel, Alex, Gazi, Dara and Gabriel Algazi 5 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 Dear Senior Single: We were very appreciative of all the kind words and contributions made to Adat Ari El in memory of my brother, Ray Alpert. It is times like this that one realizes the importance of being part of a congregation, such as ours, where the support is so forthcoming. Would you like to have some fun? Let’s build a Havurah for learning, friendship and good times. Thank you all for your condolences at this sad time for us. Janet and Jake Farber We can do it! If you are a member of Adat Ari El, and this sounds like something you may want to consider, Berna and I want to thank the rabbanim, the chazzanim and all the Adat Ari El members who were supportive and caring during the recent shivahs and shivah minyanim for our fathers. Since they were 96 and 97, their funerals and the days that followed were more celebrations of their long and full lives than grieving, but it was wonderful to feel all the support and attentiveness we received. Our thanks to all for your many kindnesses. Let’s have coffee together and talk about it. 2FWREHU Bring the whole family to celebrate Sukkot and Fall at Adat Ari El When: Peter Levitan BBQ Dinner, Kids Play Area, Live Music, Sunday, September 7th—10:30 a.m. Olive Oil Tasting, Maariv and more Vegetarian Option available. A huge thank-you to Adat Ari El for naming us as Unsung Heroes at the Board Installation on June 23. We were deeply touched and humbled by the many wonderful accolades we received, especially those from Rabbi Silver and Cantor Aranoff. We are most appreciative of this honor and to be part of the Adat Ari El community. Where: 5:00-8:00 p.m.Room Adat Ari El—Wynn Kids under 2: No Charge Please RSVP to: Kids 2-10: $14.00 Carol Jaffe at (818) 886-2552 or Adults (over 10): $18.00 Jan Chernoff at (818) 784-0651 RSVP online at Fae Hoffman-Buckner and Lynne Baker 2FWREHU 2FWREHU Bring the whole family to celebrate Sukkot and Fall at Adat Ari El Join us for a festive, Freilich and musical evening for all! BBQ Dinner, Kids Play Area, Live Music, Olive Oil Tasting, Maariv and more Vegetarian Option available. Young Family Service in the DFC at 7:00 p.m. Congregational Service in Russell Hall at 7:00 p.m. 5:00-8:00 p.m. Kids under 2: No Charge Kids 2-10: $14.00 Adults (over 10): $18.00 RSVP online at 2FWREHU Live Klezmer Band, Hakafot, Dancing and Snacks in Farber Auditorium at 7:45 p.m. There is no charge for this evening, but please RSVP at 6 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 SIGN UP TODAY FOR KADIMA, USY AND CONFIRMATION PROGRAMS! KADIMA KICKOFF @ AAE FOR ALL! SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28 1:30-3:30 P.M. DAY SCHOOL LUNCHTIME LOUNGE TUESDAY SEPT. 30 (members only) ALL 4-6 GRADE JLC STUDENTS ARE ALREADY KADIMA MEMBERS! Your membership becomes “active” when you submit transportation/consent forms to Julee. Save the Date: Regional Kadima Day @ Temple Ramat Zion Sunday October 26 Kadima Kinnus @ Camp Ramah December 5-7 JR/SR USY OPENING SHABBAT FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 6:30 PM JR USY KICKOFF PARTY JR/SR USY LOUNGE SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 2014 WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 17 7-9 PM LOOKING FOR LEADERS…. SIGN UP TODAY FOR OUR PROGRAM COMMITTEE! EMAIL JULEE! SAVE THE DATE: JR USY KINNUS IN LAS VEGAS! NOVEMBER 14-16 JR/SR USY OPENING SHABBAT FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 6:30 PM SR USY KICKOFF PARTY SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6 8:30-11:00 PM JR/SR USY LOUNGE WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 17 7-9 PM REGIONAL OPENING EVENT @ AJU SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 AUDITIONS FOR “GYPSY” (our 44th annual show) SUNDAY OCTOBER 5, 1 PM SAVE THE DATE: Far West USY LEAD Retreat, November 6-9 at Camp Ramah TEEN HHD REGISTRATION: AAE USY...A CHAPTER OF EXCELLENCE! 7 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 Tashlich Leave Your Sins Behind * September 26, 2014 Franklin Canyon 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - Study Session: How good do I have to be to be a good person? 3:45 p.m. - Meditative stroller-friendly walk around the grounds - or A more challenging hike led by Kathy Reynolds 4:30 p.m. - Ritual casting of sins into the water * Traditionally, we throw bread into a body of water, but Franklin Canyon prohibits the feeding of the ducks. So instead, we encourage you to take the time to find fallen leaves along the trail and consider what sins you wish to leave behind this year, as we place the leaves into the water. 8 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 Multi-Interest Day (M.I.D.) Sisterhood Tribute Cards Adat Ari El Sisterhood’s Multi-Interest Day (M.I.D.) Educational Program is now entering its 54th year of offering informative and creative educational programming to the San Fernando Valley Jewish Community. Fall Semester starts October 22, 2014, through January 28, 2015, and Spring Semester begins February 4, 2015, through May 13, 2015. EXCITING NEWS!!! Sisterhood Tribute Cards are now online! You can access the page through the “This Week at Adat” Friday afternoon e-mail. Or you can go to Sisterhood on the Adat Ari El website ( Sign up for the Tribute Cards you want us to send. You can show people you care with Sisterhood’s beautiful Tribute Cards. For the reasonable price of $3.00 per card, you can tell people you are thinking of them, offer them condolences, wish them a speedy recovery or say Mazal Tov! All it takes is a signature on the website or a call or e-mail to Susie Katz. It’s so easy! Please peruse our M.I.D. brochure to see our fantastic lineup of classes ranging from Jewish history and achievements, a taste of Talmud, Jewish musical experience, to beginning Hebrew. Back by popular request is our Contemporary Challenges lunchtime forum consisting of a speaker series. Speaker topics will cover health, community issues, and many other areas of interest. Also, the special Creative Cooking program will feature cooking lessons in private homes and/or conduct food tours in the Los Angeles area. Come study with us and enjoy the learning experience! For the convenience of having your own supply of Tribute Cards, you can call or e-mail Susie Katz to order whatever assortment you would like. The cost is 12 cards for $30. Pay for ten cards; get two free— a very good deal! Susie Katz, Chairperson (818) 995-0345 Adina Melnick and Rosalee Pechersky Co-Vice Presidents of Education Adat Ari El Sisterhood M.I.D. Program The Gift Gallery Come shop and see for yourself what a treasure The Gift Gallery is! at Adat Ari El Providing communityand and neighboring congregations Providingour our community neighboring congregations with the finest finest ritual and giftware year-round. with the ritualitems items and giftware year-round. We have a wonderful selection of giftware for holidays and special events. MonEBZBN - 12:30QN TuesEBZ9:00BN - 3:00QN WedOFTEBZ9:00BN - 12:30QN ThurTEBZClosed FriEBZ 9:00BN - 3:00QN or by appointment call Beverly Barak (818) 789-6377 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607 (818) 980-3282 9 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 JLC: Version 2.0 learner each student is, while also considering each student’s unique experiences. In case you missed it, The Jewish Learning Community of Adat Ari El was featured in Kehilla magazine! Excerpts from the article titled “Cool Shuls: Innovative New Religious School Model Demonstrates That Judaism Is Meant to be Lived and Learned” below: “A student may enter 4th grade, having never been in a setting like this before, and that student would be in a different place from someone who has been with us since kindergarten,” Johannah explains. “Someone who attended day school versus public school would need a different level of access to Hebrew materials than someone who never studied.” When it comes to Jewish education, whether ECC, Day School, Religious School, or even adult education, it’s really about making Judaism real in the lives of students. To that end, Adat Ari El has recently revamped our Religious School model to create programs that even better serve student learning needs, aiming to meet children at their individual levels and create a custom approach. While Adat Ari El’s JLC model is in its fourth year, Temple Aliyah will kick off its new Center for Jewish Learning and Living (CJLL) model this fall. There are already more than 200 students enrolled, and 100 more are expected. “We made some changes and thought about how we could update the model to reflect the 21st century learner,” Johannah Sohn, Adat Ari El Jewish Learning Community (JLC) Director, explains. “We wanted to change the format from heavily textbook-based to more hands-on, immersive experiential learning.” Temple Aliyah was very involved with Adat Ari El when creating their model. “Adat Ari El was one of our inspirations,” Rabbi Adam Schaffer, Jewish Learning and Living Director, says. “To see another synagogue already trying to enhance and improve education got us excited about what they were able to do, and we followed in their footsteps.” Adat Ari El is partnering with Shomrei Torah and Beth Am to create the Jewish Learning Community Network. In line with the Adat Ari El JLC model, Temple Aliyah’s CJLL seeks to identify and cater to the type of learner each student is. “We want to get them more in touch with their Judaism,” he says. “This is a more engaging and fun way to expose students to Jewish customs and rituals. For us, we really felt that Judaism is meant to be lived and learned—not taught like a school subject in a classroom.” “This new model teaches the same content that we were hoping to impart to the students in our old setting, but in a way that is relevant and exciting,” Johannah continues. “It’s less about presenting to them and more about letting them uncover, and discover, and make personal connections. We are hoping to take a very important tradition, concept, ritual, and make it accessible—something that the students feel is theirs.” For both Adat Ari El and Temple Aliyah, it really comes back to making Judaism real in the lives of not only students, but families. “More than anything else, people are still hungry for a Jewish education for themselves and for their children that is really meaningful to them,” notes Rabbi Adam. “If we do our job right, this model allows them to get that education that fits their crazy schedules and still gives them the meaning and important things that they crave.” One of the most important components of this model is the concept of meeting students at their current level and tailoring the approach to best fit their needs. For example, each student’s background of Hebrew language is different. The flexible, customized nature of the model looks at the type of California Kosher The Sisterhood Cookbook Need a gift to bring to your host or hostess for that fabulous Need a gift to bring to your host or hostess for that fabulous Hashanah meal?meal? What moreWhat perfect RoshRosh Hashanah offering than the Sisterhood’s California Kosher, the 20 Anniversary Edition cookbook. It is packed full of more perfect offering than the recipes for any and all occasions such as holidays, parties, and seasons. Doing the cooking yourself? Sisterhood’s California Kosher, Here’s a recipe for a Rosh Hashanah traditional Apple Cake found on page 234 in the cookbook. the 20th Anniversary Edition cookbook. ItApfelkuchen is packed full of recipes for any (Dairy or Pareve) Ingredients: and all occasions such as holidays, parties, and 2 eggs ¼ cup butter or margarine seasons. Doing the cooking yourself? Here’s a 1 cup flour 1 tsp. baking powder 1 cup sugar recipe for a Rosh Hashanah traditional Apple 4-5 apples, peeled, cored, and sliced Cinnamon and sugar to taste Cake found on page 234 in the cookbook. California Kosher The Sisterhood Cookbook th Hildegarde Hess Apfelkuchen (Dairy or Pareve) Hildegarde Hess Ingredients: 2 eggs ¼ cup butter or margarine 1 cup flour 1 tsp. baking powder 1 cup sugar 4-5 apples, peeled, cored, and sliced Cinnamon and sugar to taste Marilyn Dennis Chairman, Cookbook Committee California Kosher, the 20th Anniversary Edition can be found in the Adat Ari El gift shop or online at Marilyn Dennis Chairman, Cookbook Committee Preheat oven to 350°. Mix the first five ingredients together. Pat dough into a buttered 9inch springform pan. Shape a small edge so dough will go up over apples when baking. Arrange apples on top of dough. Bake for 1½ hours. Cool before removing band of springform pan. While cake is still hot, lightly sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top of the apples. Serves 8-10. California Kosher, the 20th Anniversary Edition can be found in the Adat Ari El gift shop or online at Preheat oven to 350°. Mix the first five ingredients together. Pat dough into a buttered 9-inch springform pan. Shape a small edge so dough will go up over apples when baking. Arrange apples on top of dough. Bake for 1½ hours. Cool before removing band of springform pan. While cake is still hot, lightly sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top of the apples. Serves 8-10. 10 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul Zman New Year, New Leaf… This year we will be using the new Mahzor Lev Shalem in our services. Come and get acquainted with it so that you are ready to use it to enhance your High Holyday journey. Shabbat mornings after Kiddush in the Deiber Chapel September 6th and 13th Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 ABRAHAM’S TENT: ADAT ARI EL IN ACTION Abraham’s Tent is Adat Ari El’s Social Action and Community Service group. It is founded on four cardinal Jewish principles: q q q q Tzedakah—righteous giving Hinuch—education Gemilut Hasidim—loving service Tikkun Olam—healing the world 9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. We offer a broad range of opportunities for you to help the wider community. For more information, please see the Abraham’s Tent section of the Adat Ari El website, or email Join our clergy and our expert shofar blowers for a session on how to play this most unusual of instruments. Bring a shofar if you have one. Upcoming Projects and Events Session 2: K-6 children & families Yom Kippur Collection: The Sound of the Shofar Session 1: Adults Only 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. The Shofar Factory comes to visit! Learn all about shofarot and create one of your very own to take home. Places limited. Sign up: Sunday, September 21st in the Deiber Chapel The Quest for Fulfilment How can the High Holydays help us to fulfil our life’s true purpose? Two sessions with our Rabbis explore the themes of change, habit, acceptance, and forgiveness. How Do We Start Again?—Rabbi Deborah Silver, Deiber Chapel, Tuesday, September 9th, 7:30 p.m. What Does Forgiveness Feel Like?—Rabbi Jonathan Bernhard, Tuesday, September 16th, 7:30 p.m. In the Deiber Chapel Selichot The Divine Drama of the High Holydays A courtroom. An angel. An accuser. A goat. How can the Jewish mystical tradition’s understanding of the High Holydays inspire us to seek forgiveness? With Rabbinic Intern Marcus Rubenstein. Prove you have sole—fill a box with socks! Please bring new white socks, all sizes from infant to giant, to benefit the residents of LA Family Housing. There will be bins for collections at all services on Yom Kippur. Shabbat Projects: We are continuing with our two monthly service projects after Saturday morning services: q PB&J Project: making sandwiches to be delivered to the North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry q Hope Mills CarePacks: Providing and packing the food portions of backpacks to be distributed to those in need through local missions and shelters Mitzvah Day: Sunday, November 2, 2014 Save the Date! A person should gather their strength in the morning and rise up like a lion to work for their Creator... (Shulhan Arukh OH 1:1) Followed by our choral Selichot service Saturday, September 20th, 8:00 p.m. in the David Familian Chapel 11 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 Calling All Girls entering the 6th and 9th Grades! Join Rene’s Girls! A once-a-month group for teen girls growing into young Jewish women. Using the award-winning Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! program and with the guidance of a trained facilitator, participants meet in each other’s homes to talk, share, craft, create, study great Jewish texts—and make forever friends. The group is an intimate and fun environment for sharing the critical issues that touch their lives. For more information, please email Rabbi Deborah Silver at With grateful thanks to the Simmons family for their support. Calling All Girls entering the 6th and 9th Grades! Join Rene’s Girls! ABRAHAM’S TENT: ADAT ARI EL IN ACTION presents once-a-month group for teen girls growing into young Shoes ThatAJewish Fit women. Coming soon! Our annual High Holyday shoe collection, For 8th -It’s 12th Graders Using the award-winning Rosh Hodesh: a Girl Thing! providing new tennis shoes and socks for at-risk school-age children currently living at local shelters. What:of USY play “GYPSY” program and with the guidance a trained facilitator, participants toOctober talk, share, When: homes Sunday, 5th Please watch for meet in each other’s craft,information. create, study great Jewish texts—and make forever further Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. friends. The group is an intimate and fun environment Volunteers needed. Farber Auditorium for sharing the critical issuesWhere: that touch their lives. For further information, Contact JuleeSilver Levine Foremail: more information, pleaseQuestions? email Rabbi Deborah please (818) 755-3488 at With grateful thanks to the Simmons family for their support. 12 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 The Greenberg Adult Studies Department Classes for 5775 For more information and specific dates, follow the HOUSE OF LEARNING link at and click on ADULT STUDIES. No prior knowledge is required for any of our classes, and all materials are provided. Shabbat Shiur—Martin Buber’s Ten Rungs The Invention of Judaism Join our clergy to explore a collection of Hasidic sayings collated by Martin Buber that discuss how we can fulfill the meaning of our existence on earth. We all know that while the Torah is the source of Judaism, it was radically developed by the Rabbis. This short course with Rabbi Silver will look at three key texts from the Talmud that show the messy process of “inventing” Judaism. Shabbat mornings, 9:00 a.m., beginning October 18th, Wynn Room Tuesdays, January 6th, 13th and 20th, 7:30 p.m., Wynn Room Shabbat Learning—Our Jewish Vessels Praying with the Rabbis Tallit, tefillin, candlesticks, Kiddush cups…one at a time, bring yours along and share their stories, while learning about their history and significance. A short course with Rabbi Bernhard exploring teachings from the Talmud and other sources about the why, what, and how of Jewish prayer. Come and learn why we do what we do and how our ancestors faced the same challenges. After Kiddush on Shabbat mornings for about 30 minutes. Monthly, beginning October 18th Tuesdays, March 3rd, 10th and 17th, 7:30 p.m., Wynn Room Torah on Tuesdays—Meet The Commentators Here Comes Pesah… A one-hour class in which we meet the medieval commentators—Rashi, Rashbam, Ibn Ezra and Ramban—and explore their insights on the book of Exodus. With Rabbi Deborah Silver. Two Sunday morning sessions of a couple of hours each, combining text and hands-on activities to prepare us for Pesah. Sunday mornings, 9:30 a.m., March 15th and 22nd, Deiber Chapel Tuesdays, 12:00 p.m., beginning October 21 , Wynn Room st iEngage—The Tribes of Israel FNL—Friday Night Lectures A new four-part series from the Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. How does a people divided along religious, geographic, and ideological lines build a shared society? DVD presentation with discussion. Join us for services and a delicious Friday night dinner, followed by a guest speaker. We will be bringing a variety of voices from the community to address us on a wide range of subjects. Book a table and bring your friends! Tuesdays, April 14th, 21st, 28th and May 5th, 7:30 p.m., Wynn Room Friday nights, November 14th, December 12th, January 16th, February 13th, March 13th, April 17th, May 15th ADULT STUDIES Into The Mystic Two classes with Marcus Rubenstein, our Rabbinic Intern, exploring various aspects of Jewish mysticism. Living Inspired: How to Pray like a Hassid—October 21st, 28th and November 4th A Taste of Heaven: Exploring the Zohar—November 11th, 18th, December 2nd and 9th, Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., Wynn Room 13 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 Calling all guys entering the 8th Grade! Join The Davids! A once-a-month group for teen boys growing into young Jewish men. Using the award-winning Shevet Achim: The Brotherhood program and with the guidance of a trained facilitator, participants meet in each other’s homes to play games, talk about pop culture, study great Jewish texts - and eat. The group is a safe environment for sharing the critical issues that touch their lives. It’s an honest, relevant and cool guy space! For more information, please email Rabbi Silver at With grateful thanks to the Simmons family for their support. 14 Calling all guys entering the 8th Grade! Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 Your lifestyle continues here. INDEPENDENT & ASSISTED LIVING RESIDENCES ���� Vesper Avenue, Sherman Oaks, CA ����� Call today for a personal tour and complimentary lunch. ���.���.���� RFCE ���������� EDEN CEMETERY SPACES AVAILABLE Adat Ari El has spaces available in a special section at reduced member rates. Current prices will not last long. If you are interested in purchasing space(s), please contact: Ernie Goodman at (818) 788-1420 or Alan Altschul at (818) 522-6081 15 Adat Ari El Bulletin Elul 5774/Tishrei 5775 • September 2014 PERIODICALS Postmaster: Please send address changes to: 12020 Burbank Boulevard Valley Village, California 91607-2198 (818) 766-9426 Fax (818) 505-9223 Published Monthly During the School Year Design by Galileo Graphics Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard Assistant Rabbi Deborah Silver Rabbi Emeritus Moshe J. Rothblum Cantor Ira S. Bigeleisen Associate Cantor Judy Dubin Aranoff Rabbi Aaron M. Wise Cantor Allan Michelson Manny Aftergut, President Adat Ari El is affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Adat Ari El is on the Internet... our website address is: Rabbi Bernhard’s address is: Rabbi Silver’s address is: Friday, September 5, 2014 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 6:56 p.m. Saturday, September 6, 2014 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Bat Mitzvah:.....................................Sophia Lew Parsha & Torah reading: Ki Tetze; Deuteronomy 21:10-23:7 Darshan:...........Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard Friday, September 12, 2014 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 6:47 p.m. Saturday, September 13, 2014 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Bar Mitzvah:...................................Jack Lieblien Parsha & Torah reading: Ki Tavo; Deuteronomy 26:1-27:10 Darshanit:........................ Rabbi Deborah Silver Friday, September 19, 2014 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 6:37 p.m. The Bulletin (USPS 661-900) is published monthly by Adat Ari El, located at 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607-2198. Phone: (818) 766-9426, ext. 209 Fax (818) 505-9223 email: Adat Ari El is a non-profit organization Total requested circulation averages 850 copies monthly Periodicals paid at North Hollywood, CA POSTMASTER – Send address changes to: Adat Ari El, 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607-2198 Saturday, September 20, 2014 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Parsha & Torah reading:...... Nitzavim/Vayelech; Deuteronomy 29:9-30:14 Darshan:.......................................... Paul Wilder Friday, September 26, 2014 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 6:27 p.m. Saturday, September 27, 2014 Shabbat Shuvah 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Parsha & Torah reading:......................Ha’azinu; Deuteronomy 32:1-32:52 Darshan:........................................Marty Lasker Tot Shabbat @ Adat for ECC-aged children will be held at 9:30 a.m. on September 6th beginning with 9:30 a.m.– 10:15 a.m. services in the David Familian Chapel and concluding with snack and play time from 10:15 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Daily Minyan Deiber Chapel Mornings Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. Sundays & Holidays 9:00 a.m. Evenings Sunday - Thursday at 7:00 p.m. WE HOPE YOU WILL JOIN US AS WE WELCOME 5775 Erev Rosh Hashanah..............September 24th 1st day Rosh Hashanah...........September 25th 2nd day Rosh Hashanah..........September 26th Kol Nidre................................October 3rd Yom Kippur............................October 4th YIZKOR will be recited on October 4th MAY 5775 BE A YEAR OF PEACE AND HAPPINESS FOR EVERYONE 16
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