June, July - Adat Ari El
June, July - Adat Ari El
Monthly Edition • Volume 75 No. 10 Adat Ari El Bulletin Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 Kim Glazer Collection Items for June: Canned Proteins and Toiletries July and August: Food and Toiletries Stay Connected It is an honor to have been nominated as one of Adat Ari El’s 2012-13 Unsung Heroes. My first Jewish home was in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My family were members of B’nai Emunah Synagogue, and I began my Jewish education at Sunday school in kindergarten. I continued Sunday school at Temple Israel in Tulsa where I was confirmed. My parents instilled in me the Jewish values I possess. They had both been active in volunteerism since their college days. From a very young age, I observed their caring actions toward fellow human beings. As an adult living in Los Angeles, I had not been part of a Jewish congregation for a number of years. When I began attending Rabbi Bernhard’s weekly Torah class nine years ago, this opened my eyes to how fun and enriching a good formal Jewish education can be—a stark contrast to Sunday school classes years ago. Connecting with the people at Adat Ari El has brought new friendships, meaning, and a sense of community into my life. It began with Ruth Devine and blossomed from there. Ruth approached me to see if I would be interested in serving dinner to the homeless families from the San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission when they were overnight guests at Adat Ari El once a month. (She also “invited” me to my first minyan!) Soon after that I began volunteering at the North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry. I was invited to become Adat Ari El’s representative to the Pantry Board and part of the Abraham’s Tent Committee. We helped plan Mitzvah Day, participated in volunteering for Adat Ari El’s Purim Carnival, and supported the beginning of Adat Ari El’s involvement in Family Promise. Rae Berger approached me several years ago asking if I would serve at the Oneg Shabbats, and I have participated whenever I could. A couple years ago Fae Hoffman-Buckner encouraged me to join Sisterhood. I was also invited to become part of the Sisterhood Board. Here I have been given many opportunities to share my ideas and time in many different ways. I was part of the M.I.D. Committee from the spring of 2012 through this past winter and enjoyed planning a number of its programs. In recent months I’ve been having fun with the staff of the Gift Gallery. Together we have been creating new ways for the Gift Gallery to make its presence known, continue to grow, and be a source of financial support to the Synagogue. Thank you for the honor you have given me. Steve Lavender “I am the victim of a series of accidents, as are we all.” I’ve wanted to use that quote since I first read Kurt Vonnegut while in high school in the late 60s. Myriad choices of pathways have led me from Chicago to Los Angeles to Berkeley to Valley Village with many stops along the way, but I’m happy to say that finding myself here as one of this year’s “Unsung Hero” honorees is among the most meaningful to me. Thank you for the honor. I’m humbled and deeply touched. The first time that I found myself on the Adat Ari El campus was on the occasion of the Synagogue’s Annual Gala honoring Jake and Janet Farber, my future in-laws’ 50th wedding anniversary. Even then, with several hundred people in attendance on a hot Sunday evening in June 2000, I could tell that this place felt like home. And this home has given so much to Nadine and me: my son’s bris was held in the social hall; our kids have attended the schools; the rabbis and cantors have counseled and consoled and taught; we’ve made lifelong friends and shared in the cycles of this our community. Part of the home that is our community is the ability to draw us in and encourage our involvement. I was raised in a Reform household but, after my bar mitzvah and leaving my parents’ house, I was unaffiliated for several years. My return to Judaism started with volunteer work at the UJ, which led down one of those paths I was talking about and indirectly led to my meeting and falling in love with Nadine. It seemed only natural to keep volunteering—but now at Adat Ari El. I’ve now been on the Board of Directors for several years and have participated on several committees. I’ve pledged to get to morning minyan twice a week and am usually successful. I serve as a gabbai or greeter on occasion and can usually be found ushering during High Holyday services. Recently, since my retirement from the scrap business last year, I’ve had the time and opportunity to use my background as a C.P.A. to provide some assistance to the accounting department at the Synagogue. Maybe most significantly, I was one of the founding members of the Rabbi’s Kiddush Club and am happy to regularly attend its meetings after services on Shabbat mornings. Thank you again for the honor and the opportunity to give back—to say thanks for all that you are. If you are not already receiving it, make sure you sign up for the weekly “Shabbat Shalom” e-mail, which is sent out every Friday. The e-mail includes important information about service times and 1 upcoming events, as well as rabbinic commentary about the weekly Torah portion. E-mail Sue Bloom at sbloom@adatariel.org to stay connected. Adat Ari El Bulletin Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 President’s Message Rabbi’s Message By Bennett Spiegel We have come to the last month of the celebration of our 75th year, but we are not done yet. June is a month of great excitement at Adat Ari El as we will enjoy the bittersweet ceremonies of our children graduating from the ECC, the JLC, the Day School, and our Confirmation/Seminar program. We hope that every one of our ECC graduates will take her or his rightful place either in our JLC or our Day School this coming Fall. Our JLC and Day School graduates will soon be our next group of B’nai Mitzvah and USYers, and we will bid our high school seniors farewell and wish them luck as they go off to college, where they will hear from us at holiday times to remind them of Adat Ari El and home. The annual cycle of the growth and progress of our children through Adat Ari El’s educational, religious, and social programs, of which we are so rightfully proud, is one of the mainstays of our community and one of the most flattering reflections of who we are. At this time of year in particular, we should take a moment to appreciate the professionals whose daily efforts make this possible. Whether it is a rabbi, cantor, head of school, classroom teacher, teacher’s aide, bar mitzvah tutor, specialist, or office staff person, this group of dedicated professionals creates and recreates the magic that is the Adat Ari El experience for us and for our kids. During the course of this month, please take a moment to personally acknowledge those who have touched you or your child. They deserve to hear it. Our 75th anniversary celebration has included the ECC Summer Soiree, a special BBQ and Barchu, some of the greatest hits from the Rabbi’s Plays at “41½ Years of Broadway on Burbank,” a spectacular Cantors’ concert, (some not so random quotes from the Beatles and the Rolling Stones at Shabbat announcements), and the Parade of Honor of our 17 Past Presidents as they take the bimah on Shabbat and share some of the memories of Adat Ari El from their time as President. Our celebration will culminate on the weekend of June 7-9 with a celebration of the beginning of Rabbi Bernhard’s 18th year as Rabbi at Adat Ari El. Whether it is the informal Kabbalat Shabbat evening planned for June 7th, the special Shabbat Services and learning planned for June 8th, or the grand finale event on Sunday June 9th, or any combination of the above, there is a place for you and your family in this celebration. Don’t miss it! Finally, on Monday night, June 24th, we will have our annual meeting of the membership and new Board Installation ceremony and dinner. If you are looking forward to the discussion we will have regarding the proposed Synagogue By-Law changes (which will be voted on at the meeting), or you are interested in hearing a report on the state of the Synagogue, this is an event for you. If you would like to be inspired by our Unsung Heroes who will be celebrated that evening over a warm and friendly dinner with friends, prepared by our own Kensington Caterers, or just want to be counted among the needed quorum of 100 members that is necessary to conduct the meeting, you will be glad you came. Please join me and our new incoming Board of Directors on June 24th as we launch into the next 75 years! In a number of places in the Torah, Moses is commanded to assemble “the whole congregation of the children of Israel” in one place. While he is the leader, it would appear that there are certain projects, certain commandments, certain occasions, which require the participation of every single person in the community. What is the Torah trying to teach us by this? I think June is a good month to consider this issue of singular and plural as Adat Ari El contemplates the celebration of both its 75th anniversary and 18 years of Rabbi Bernhard’s work. I have mentioned before, I think, the concept of “holy mathematics”—the idea that a community is always greater than the sum of its individual parts. In sharing our strengths with each other, we all become stronger. I see holy mathematics at work every day here: the clusters of people at the coffee cart or sitting in the courtyard, the classes held for all ages in our buildings, as well as those in the meeting rooms and the offices and suites. We’ve been hearing from past presidents about the group of people who originally set up Adat Ari El; today its future rests in the hands of the groups and committees who will navigate us, together, into today’s and tomorrow’s changing times. But communities still require individual leaders. To be healthy, a community requires a leader who is capable both of stepping forward and stepping back. If I may speak personally for a moment, I was the envy of my colleagues when I secured a position here. One of the many reasons was that I would be working with a seasoned senior rabbi who would guide without micromanaging, inspire without dictating—and who gracefully manages the balance between self and group. We are blessed in Rabbi Bernhard’s fine understanding of when a leader must draw together the energy of the group and when, by contrast, it is the group who draws the leader. As we look forward to Adat Ari El’s next 75 years, let’s remember the Torah’s message—we are stronger together. And together, let us work toward the future that is coming. 75th Anniversary Weekend June 7, 8 and 9th For more information call Jerry Krautman at 818-766-9426 x257 2 Adat Ari El Bulletin Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 Adat Ari El cordially invites you to the 2013 Installation Dinner and Annual Meeting Monday, June 24, 2013 Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Installation & Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Empty Bowl Fundraiser 2013 Sunday, June 2, 2013 Anytime between 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Adat Ari El 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village Held at Glendale First United Methodist Church 134 N. Kenwood, Glendale, CA 91206 Empty Bowl started as an international grassroots effort to fight hunger. Family Promise East San Fernando Valley is hosting the fundraiser to continue providing safe shelter, meals, and support to homeless families. Please join us for dinner as we honor our outgoing Board and our Unsung Heroes, Kim Glazer and Steve Lavender. The basic premise is simple: independent potters, arts associations, and other groups within the community create handcrafted ceramic bowls. Guests purchase tickets to a simple meal of soup, bread, and dessert donated by area restaurants, and they take their selected bowl home with them as a symbol of the hunger and uncertainty homeless families face daily. Empty Bowl 2013 will also feature art for sale by local area artists. All money raised will further Family Promise East San Fernando Valley’s mission of assisting situationally-homeless families. Ticket prices are for advance purchase only at $30 per adult and $10 per child (age 12 and under). Only adult ticket holders will be able to take a bowl home. For more information, contact Ruth Devine at rmdevine@pacbell.net or go to tickets@FamilyPromiseESFV.org. EDEN CEMETERY SPACES AVAILABLE Adat Ari El has spaces available in a special section at reduced member rates. Current prices will not last long. If you are interested in purchasing space(s), please contact: Ernie Goodman at (818) 788-1420 or Alan Altschul at (818) 522-6081 If you can’t make it to the dinner, join us at 7:30 p.m. as we install our incoming Board and report on the state of our Synagogue. Adults $18 Children (12 and under) $15 Installation Dinner Tear-Off Please return this portion with your check, made out to Adat Ari El, to the Synagogue Office before Monday, June 17, 2013. Name(s): ________ Phone: ___________________ _________ ________ ________ ____ Adults x $18 Total Adults ____ Children (12 and under) x $15 Total Children Sponsor * Grand Total $________ $________ $________ $________ Chicken __________ Vegetarian_________ Please seat me with _______________________________ For further information contact April Haith at (818) 766-9426, ext. 205, or ahaith@adatariel.org * Please consider enclosing additional funds to sponsor another member’s attendance 3 Adat Ari El Bulletin Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 Congratulations to the graduates of Adat Ari El’s Rose Engel Early Childhood Center! Room 7 Room 8 – Brianne LaLonde and Brianne Naiman L to R - Daniel Wilde, Macai Friedman and Tyler Benson Back Row L to R - (Teacher) Brianne LaLonde, Devin Wilde, Rachel Augenstein, Asher Cohen, Ethan Nachum, Hailey Russ, Tea Hunnius, Ariel Grobeson, Uri Friedman, (Teacher) Brianne Naiman Front Row L to R - Eden Alkoby, Noah Breitstein, Elad Gabay, Shaia Fontilea, Chelsea Kugler, Ella Braitanbaum, Jonah Simkin Gesher – Maxine Kobin, Audrey Kalman, and Gillian Rassiner Room 9 – Sherrie Craven-Evans and Barbara Humeston Back Row L to R - (Teacher) Maxine Kobin, Jordan Zinman, Jonathan Louria, Amit Mor, Derek Radonsky, Bella Afriat, Jonah Aarons, Zev Miller, (Teachers) Audrey Kalman, Gillian Rassiner Back Row L to R - (Teacher) Sherrie Craven-Evans, Alexandra Reisner, Hannah Copans, Harrison Reisner, Edan Cohen, Michelle (Mimi) Madar, Shira Luzon, Dexter Sohn, Elijah Shokrian, (Teacher) Barbara Humeston Middle Row L to R - Eli Butel, Joseph (Joey) Gruman, Sara Guggenheim, Shirel Cohen, Zoe Schwartz, Jax Klein, Ilan Diner Front Row L to R - Hunter Gerstz, Michelle Lachyani, David Mansur, Leah Mansur, Zachary Rosenberg Front Row L to R - Talia Copans, Ella Chaim, Maya Admon, Chloe Hedaya, Nathaniel Barazani, Ella Hedaya, Evan Ganz 4 Adat Ari El Bulletin Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 Mazal Tov to the Adat Ari El Trana and Ronald Labowe Family Day School Graduates Front (seated) L-R - David Bachar, Michael Cohen, Itai Darmon, Roee Aviv, Adi Arbiv, Elizabeth Foreman, Lior Tal, Talia Rubenstein, Emmanuelle Avrahami, Hannah Butel Kneeling L-R - Eylon Cooper, Noah Lasky-Nielson Middle L-R - Yoni Leserman, Guy Bergman, Sol Madar, Emma Raizman, Sydney Gottlieb, Caitlyn Dienstag, Maya Luzon, Mika Haziza, Hailey Gersh Top (seated) L-R - Isaac Cohen, Maya Bergman, Arielle Moalem Top L-R - Mikey Altschul, Omri Alon, Jake Goldberg, Natalie Friedman, Ross Turteltaub 5 Adat Ari El Bulletin Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 Yasher Koach to the Marilynn and Kenneth Friedman Family Jewish Learning Community Kitah Vav I Standing (l to r): Jacob Berkowitz, Aaron Zarrabi, Assistant Teacher Donna Nae, Eli Lepler, Kim Alberon Sitting (l to r): Nicole Elbaz-Deckel, Rachel Harris, Sophia Lew, Isaac Echeto, Jonah Goldman, Jack Lieblein Kitah Vav II Standing (l to r): Eli Heyman, Spencer Knobloch, Louis Burg, Daniel Algazi, Morah Jessica Yarkin, Eytan Vinshtok, Sivan Propper, Franny Davis, Sydney Wess Sitting (l to r): Ben Adelstein, Willie Goodman, Hannah Hotchkiss, Abby Cohen, Carly Kraemer, Sara Zacky, Ted Alberon Israel Levin Scholarship Winner We are pleased to recognize Chelsea Rapoport as the recipient of the 2013 Israel Levin Scholarship Award. Chelsea is a senior at Flintridge Prep and will be attending the University of Chicago in the fall. She was also selected as a Brawerman Fellow for the coming year by the Jewish Federation. Chelsea is the daughter of Susan Haimowitz and Gregg Rapoport. We will present her with the award on Shabbat morning, June 8, 2013. 6 Adat Ari El Bulletin Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 Mazal Tov to the 2012-2013/5773 Graduates of the Trana & Ronald Labowe Confirmation/Seminar Institute Rachel Gale Julia Oxman Jacob Raizman Participants of the Trana and Ronald Labowe Confirmation/Seminar Institute Top Row (L-R): Rabbi Bernhard, Noah Breakman, Ellie Frager, Sierra Kohn, Ilana Gale, Rabbi Silver Front Row (L-R): Rachel Gale, Julia Oxman, Shira Klasky-Gamer, Harry Spiegel, Devon Rosen Not Pictured: Ethan Algazi, Talia Bernhard, Mica Bernhard, Talia Bromberg, Max Cherman, Sarah Rose Isenberg, Jeremy Popowitz, Jacob Raizman 7 Adat Ari El Bulletin Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 Congratulations to the Day School Class of 2007, the College Freshman Class of 2013. At press time our students had been accepted at the following colleges: American University Bard Boston University Brandeis CSUN Case Western Curry College Duke Emory GAP year in Israel Georgetown George Washington University Goucher Indiana University Johns Hopkins Loyola Marymount Macalaster Missouri Muhlenberg Northeastern Northwestern NYU Oberlin Occidental Ohio State Penn Reed Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Syracuse Tufts Tulane UC Berkeley UC Davis UCLA UC Irvine UC Merced UC Riverside UC Santa Cruz UC Santa Barbra UC San Diego UC Sacramento University of Arizona University of Colorado Boulder University of Chicago University of Michigan University of Redlands University of Rochester USC Washington University in St. Louis Wesleyan Vassar Congratulations to the Day School Class of 2013 who, at press time, have been accepted at the following private middle schools: Buckley Campbell Hall Emek Harvard-Westlake Heschel Kadima Milken Oakwood Viewpoint Torah Mantel In keeping with celebrating Adat Ari El’s 75th Anniversary… We want to proudly display a gift to Adat Ari El that was created by two very talented members of our congregation. The new Torah mantel was designed by Ruth Giden, needle pointed by Kristi Costin, and commissioned by Amy and Harold Masor to commemorate the installation of Rabbi Bernhard in 2007. Great works of art, like fine wine, are not created overnight. Kristi shared, “Although we had our obstacles, we are very proud and happy that this beautiful piece of art/history has found its home in our Synagogue and our community. It will be shared from generation to generation for hopefully another 75 years.” You may have attended services on Tu B’Shevat when the Torah mantel was dedicated in a fun, uplifting, and musically-inspired service. Or you may have seen the exquisite mantel every time the ark is opened in the Sanctuary. It sits front and center. The message on the front is taken from Deuteronomy: “And you shall eat and be satisfied and bless the Lord your God for the good land He has given you.” The timing of this dedication was beshert—“meant to be”—marking the occasion of the “new year” of trees with the resplendent image of a fruitful and healthy garden on the face of the new Torah mantel. Avodah yafah! Kol hakavod, Ruth and Kristi! הפי הדובע. דובכה לכ. Kristi Costin proudly holding the Torah with the new mantel. 8 Adat Ari El Bulletin Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 B’nai Mitzvah David Krutchick great-uncle of Julee (Jason) Levine June & July 2013 Nelly Gelberg mother of Lillian (Steven Spronz) Gelberg and Debora Gelberg; grandmother of 3 June 1, 2013 Alexandra Morgan Kaplan Daughter of Jeff & Gaby Kaplan Sarah Drake mother of Michael (Jan) Drake, Arthur (Andi) Drake; grandmother of Lisa Ross, Dana (David) Seiden, Jennifer Drake, Courtney (Damiano) Migani, Noah Drake; great-grandmother of Katelyn and Lilly Ross, Jackson and Jordan Seiden June 8, 2013 (Mincha) Alexandra Alter-Margo Daughter of Sherry Alter Zeffen Laiv Loewenstein son of Johannah Sohn and Eitan Loewenstein; brother of Shobi and Ilyah Loewenstein Robert Matthew Genchi, Jr. son of Robert and Alicia Genchi; brother of Ava; grandson of Mary Genchi, Rafael and Corrien Vasquez June 15, 2013 Rachel Harris Daughter of Marc & Tiffany Harris July 20, 2013 (Mincha) Eden Losycer Son of Uri Losycer & Limor Dakik Tzvi Levin son of Ariella and Yonason Levin; grandson of Rabbi Aryeh and Yocheved (Jaymie) Pamensky and Mordechai and Leba Chaya Levin; great-grandson of Adriane-Fox Kreisberg and Dr. Michael Kreisberg June 15, 2013 (Mincha) Aaron Thomas Son of Rob & Elaine Thomas Emma Margalit Radwin daughter of Michael and Ariella Schlesinger Radwin; sister of Noam, Yael and Sivan Radwin; granddaughter of Rabbi George and Paula Schlesinger; great-granddaughter of Julius (Emma z”l) Schlesinger; grandniece of Lewis and Marcia Schlesinger, Joseph and Ramona Schlesinger; cousin of Alisa and Jennifer Schlesinger Scarlett Reese Jahrmarkt daughter of John and Pam Jahrmarkt; sister of Isabella July 27, 2013 Aaron Zarrabi Son of Jacob & Sheryl Zarrabi We will be honoring the graduating high school class of 2013 on Shabbat morning, June 8, with an aliyah and blessings from the bimah. Mazal Tov Jo-Carole and Bob Oberstein are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Shelby, to Kari Pacheco. Shelby is the granddaughter of Marilyn Smith and the sister of Hillary Oberstein and Anthony Alden, Jeremy Oberstein, and Mitch Oberstein. August 17, 2013 Emma Raizman Daughter of David & Annemarie Raizman 9 Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Adat Ari El Bulletin We are so appreciative of the very generous support of all of the 2013 Shareholders who helped make our Stock Sale a success! AN INVESTMENT IN OUR YOUTH IS PRICELESS Chairman of the Board Ernest & Doris Goodman Jon Gottlieb & Rhona Blaker Jo Pitesky & Bill Friedman Brent & Amy Zacky CEO Michael Bromberg & Gail Jaffe Jake & Janet Farber Manny Kaplan Steve & Stephanie Klasky-Gamer Bruce Whizin Wendy Wolf & Mitch Menzer President Steve & Jill Namm Rabbi Deborah Silver Mel & Julie Wynn Board Member Mel Aranoff & Cantor Judy Dubin-Aranoff Amir & Rebecca Butel Scott & Jackie Frager Irwin & Clarann Goldring Michael & Jennifer Kaplan Ronald & Grace Koretz Richard & Christine Prell Alan & Nomi Wallace Vice-President Manny Aftergut & Elke Coblens-Aftergut Anthony Alden & Hillary Oberstein Gregory Bearman & Sheila Spiro Rabbi Jonathan & Laurie Bernhard Marc & Barbara Bresler Joel & Sherri Cherman Ron & Jan Field Kenneth Friedman Izzy Goodman & Perri Sloane Goodman David Gorney & Elyse Weise Jack & Gilda Green Norman & Lela Jacoby Stuart & Fran Jaffe Jeff & Gaby Kaplan Bruce & Erin King Jeffrey & Juli Kinrich Ronald & Barbara Lang Mark & Abby Lew Harold & Eve Marcus Phil & Adria Metson Herb & Shirley Moore Wayne Schulman & Gwen Sabo Schulman Bill & Stacy Weiss Al Wade & Helen Sherman-Wade Shareholder Marcia Abelson Paul Abrams & Debbie Lauterbach Bruce & Dana Adelstein Michael Adler & Brenda Fabe Dan Afriat Yossi & Yael Afriat Leon & Lea Alkalai Jason & Kimberly Anish Lynne Baker Andrea Ballas Beverly Barak Craig & Pam Bassuk Micah Bernhard Erv & Denisa Biener Cantor Ira Bigeleisen & Debi Yanover Stewart & Arlene Bloom Gil & Jennifer Breakman Ted & Paddi Bregman Talia Bromberg Ike & Sherry Chernotsky Dennis & Stephanie Cohen Yoni & Harriet Cohen Nathan & Melanie Cross Stephen & Lisa David Lance & Marilyn Dennis Michael & Ruth Devine Leonard Dorsky & Jean Duranti Kevin & Lisa Dosch John Echeto & Diana Weinberg Peter Epstein Alice Feinberg Ken & Marla Feinberg Daniel & Claudia Friedman Robert & Helyn Friedman Kevin & Orly Frank Bruce & Karen Gale Bruce & Boni Gellis Steven & Myah Gittelson Roy & Jaclyn Glasner Ray & Debra Glassner Jeff & Ellen Glettner Jeffrey & Risa Goldstein Rolf & Carol Gompertz Jerry Goodman Sari Goodman Sarah Hershberg Marc & Toni Hertz Fae Hoffman-Buckner Emil & Erika Jacoby Carol Jaffe Andrea Kachuck Gabe Kachuck Arnold & Vicki Kay Larry & Norma Kay Gregg Keer & Wendy Bass Keer George & Janet Klein Paul & Joanne Klein Michael & Carley Knobloch Joette Labinger Mark & Lena Labowe Marty & Jill Lasker Shirley Landau Steve & Nadine Lavender Pearl Leonard 10 Bill Lepler Albert & Esther Levine Jason & Julee Levine Peter & Berna Levitan Samuel Lewinson Brian & Susan Lipman Eitan Loewenstein & Johannah Sohn Lawrence Lokman & Ronnie Seaton Eric & Jennifer Lowe Harold & Nez Mandel David Mandel Max Mandel David & Lana Marcus Jeffrey & Dana Marks Gregory & Rita Mazler Tim & Deborah McAdams Michael & Inga Mendelsohn Aaron & Diana Miller Harold & Karmi Monsher Steve & Nadia Newman Bob & Jo-Carole Oberstein Ron & Cindy Olch Steven & Jean Orenstein Gary & Rosalee Pechersky Paul & Jackie Pepperman Eric & Debra Peterkofsky Harold & Jackie Praw Craig & Orly Renetzky Felice Resnick Bea Reynolds Peter & Kathy Reynolds Ron & Miriam Reynolds Walter & Bea Richeimer Allan & Wendy Rosenthal Rabbi Moshe & Lois Rothblum John Rubiner & Lori Marx-Rubiner Robert & Kathryn Sax Randy & Nancy Schwartz Steven Shapero & Sharon Mintz Aaron & Natalie Shapiro Matthew & Melissa Sohn Adam & Abigail Spiegel Bennett & Lisa Spiegel Gary & Linda Spivack Sol & Pearl Taylor Craig & Carole Tufeld Ralph & Rosalie Turner Edward Vaisbort Kristin Veeck Ben & Elana Vorspan Merrie Wartik Matthew & Amanda Waterman Joel & Debbie Weinberg Stanley & Rosalie Weiner Brandon Weiss Jonathan Wise & Diana Fry ...and all those whose contributions reached us after the bulletin deadline!! Adat Ari El Bulletin The Rose and Edward Engel Music Commission and � The Nita and Jack Corinblit Endowment for the Arts present: Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 2012-2013 The Corinblit Endowment Concert featuring the great pianist Your lifestyle continues here. Kazimierz Brzozowski Music of Polish Composers: Chopin, Lessel, and Szymanowski CALL TODAY FOR A PERSONAL TOUR AND COMPLIMENTARY LUNCH. June 2, 2013, at 2:00 p.m. David Familian Chapel 818.245.5832 Free to the public; reservations required. INDEPENDENT & ASSISTED SENIOR LIVING RESIDENCES Sign up at www.adatariel.org or call Dean at (818) 755-3480, x223. SRGseniorliving.com 5450 Vesper Avenue, Sherman Oaks, CA 91411 For information, please contact Dean Thomson at (818) 755-3480 x 223 or dthomson@adatariel.org RFCE #197603674 The Gift Gallery at Adat Ari El WANT TO STAY IN YOUR OWN HOME? COMFORT KEEPERS MAKE IT POSSIBLE Endorsed By: MAKE US YOUR FIRST STOP FOR SHOPPING: Giftware, Judaica, Children’s Books, Candles, Jewelry, Cookbooks, Israeli imports …. Meal Prep * Light Housekeeping * Grocery Shopping * Transportation * Assistance with Bathing/Incontinence Care * Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care Companionship & So Much More! (818) 776-5060 www.comfortkeepers.com Michael Aram…Gary Rosenthal…Nambe…Tamara Baskin…Emanuel… and more SCHOOL ITEMS: KIPPOT, HEBREW / ENGLISH DICTIONARIES, ETC. PURCHASE YOUR HIGH HOLYDAY ITEMS EARLY!!!! OUR PRICES ARE COMPETITIVE, AND ALL PROFITS HELP SUPPORT THE SCHOOLS AND PROGRAMS OF ADAT ARI EL. EDEN MEMORIAL PARK Two side-by-side plots for sale in the Hillel Section. Prime choice location at the entrance of the cemetery. We carry Israeli merchandise to help support Israel. SUMMER HOURS: June 17- Aug.16 16 M-W-F 9 a.m. – Noon For sale at below property value. Call Michele at (424) 288-4884 for information. [or by appointment: Call Beverly at (818) 789-0377] 11 Adat Ari El Bulletin Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5773 • June, July, August 2013 PERIODICALS Postmaster: Please send address changes to: 12020 Burbank Boulevard Valley Village, California 91607-2198 (818) 766-9426 Fax (818) 505-9223 Published Monthly During the School Year Design by Galileo Graphics Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard Assistant Rabbi Deborah Silver Rabbi Emeritus Moshe J. Rothblum Cantor Ira S. Bigeleisen Associate Cantor Judy Dubin Aranoff Rabbi Aaron M. Wise Cantor Allan Michelson Bennett Spiegel, President Joanne Klein, Executive Director Adat Ari El is affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Adat Ari El is on the Internet... our WEB address is www.adatariel.org. Rabbi Bernhard’s address is RabbiJJB@adatariel.org. Friday, May 31, 2013 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 7:40 p.m Saturday, June 1, 2013 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Bat Mitzvah:.............. Alexandra Morgan Kaplan Parsha & Torah reading:.............. Shelah L’Cha; Numbers 15:8-15:41 Darshan:......................................Manny Kaplan Friday, June 7, 2013 Celebrating our 75th Anniversary 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 7:44 p.m. Saturday, June 8, 2013 Celebrating our 75th Anniversary 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Parsha & Torah reading:.......................... Korah; Numbers 17:25-18:32 Darshan:................................... Rabbi Bernhard Mincha Bat Mitzvah:.......Alexandra Alter-Margo Friday, June 14, 2013 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 7:47 p.m. The Bulletin (USPS 661-900) is published monthly by Adat Ari El, located at 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607-2198. Phone: (818) 766-9426, ext. 220 Fax (818) 505-9223 email: RabbiJJB@adatariel.org. Adat Ari El is a non-profit organization Total requested circulation averages 850 copies monthly Periodicals paid at North Hollywood, CA POSTMASTER – Send address changes to: Adat Ari El, 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607-2198 Saturday, June 15, 2013 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Bat Mitzvah:..................................Rachel Harris Parsha & Torah reading:........................ Hukkat; Numbers 21:11-22:1 Darshan:................................... Rabbi Bernhard Tot Shabbat @ Adat for ECC-aged children will be held at 9:30 a.m. on June 1st beginning with 9:30–10:15 a.m. services in the David Familian Chapel and Mincha Bar Mitzvah:................... Aaron Thomas concluding with snack and play time from Friday, June 21, 2013 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat 10:15–11:00 a.m. Candle Lighting - 7:49 p.m. Saturday, June 22, 2013 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Parsha & Torah reading:...........................Balak; Numbers 22:27-25:9 Darshanit:....................................... Rabbi Silver Friday, June 28, 2013 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 7:50 p.m. Saturday, June 29, 2013 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Parsha & Torah reading:.........................Pinhas; Numbers 28:16-30:1 Darshan:................................... Rabbi Bernhard 12 Finding the Flame – Shabbat Meditation, will be held on June 8th from 9:30–10:30 a.m. in the Deiber Chapel with Rabbi Yael Saidoff. Daily Minyan Deiber Chapel Mornings Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. Sundays & Holidays 9:00 a.m. Evenings Sunday - Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
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General Admission $36.00
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April 2014 - Adat Ari El
the critical fundraising role that Sisterhood plays for
our Synagogue and wider community. Every year,
there is a significant line item in our Operating
Budget representing Sisterhood’s fundraising...