April 2014 - Adat Ari El
April 2014 - Adat Ari El
Monthly Edition • Volume 76 No. 8 Adat Ari El Bulletin Nissan 5774 • April 2014 Nissan 5774 • April 2014 onte Carlo Carlo Night Night t Ari Adat El Ari Gala El Gala Monte Carlo Night Adat Ari El Gala brating Celebrating Sisterhood Sisterhood goroursupporting community ourforcommunity 75Celebrating years.for 75 years. Sisterhood Sisterhood noring Sisterhood Past PastourPresidents for Presidents supporting community for 75 years. Honoring Sisterhood Past Presidents Sunday Evening Sunday Evening May 18thMay 18th Sunday Evening e watch Please your mail watch for details your mail for details May 18th Collection Items for April: Canned Goods Stay Connected Please watch your mail for details If you are not already receiving it, make sure you sign up for the weekly “This Week @ Adat” email, which is sent out every Friday. The email includes important information about service times and upcoming events, 1as well as rabbinic commentary about the weekly Torah portion. Email Dean Thomson at dthomson@adatariel.org to stay connected. Adat Ari El Bulletin Nissan 5774 • April 2014 Rabbi’s Message On Passover, we gather around seder tables and celebrate the birth of the Jews as a nation. Crossing through the parted birth waters of the Sea of Reeds, we reenact our transformation from slaves to free men and women: a people is born. Thoughts of our people’s beginning and images of Jews celebrating it throughout the millennia floated around my head as I attended the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, D.C., at the beginning of March. For thousands of years we have recalled, remembered, and through the seder, reenacted our people’s being called into existence by God, who lured them out of Egypt, through the Sea, and across the wilderness to eventually enter into the promised land. While the Torah debates with itself as to what the exact dimensions of this promised land were to be—giving several different descriptions as to the land’s borders—our claim to the land of Israel and our right is fundamental to our self understanding. Obviously not everyone agrees. At the AIPAC Policy Conference, the ongoing (at least at the time of writing this) negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program and between the Israelis and Palestinians were primary focuses of many discussions and speeches. But much time was also given over to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (referred to in the shorthand as BDS) that has been building in Europe and is slowly taking hold here on our shores. And they are all dangerous. A nuclear Iran and a growing Palestinian population offer serious challenges to Israel’s existence and existence as a Jewish and democratic state. These problems are real, tangible, and immediate. But the BDS Movement is dangerous as well. Funded by a wide variety of groups that have explicitly sought Israel’s destruction, the BDS Movement attempts to tap into the residual feelings about South Africa by comparing Israeli treatment of the Palestinians to Apartheid. This is an outrageous claim! While Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians can, needs to be, and has been examined—and in some cases challenged—to call Israel an Apartheid state is both morally and intellectually irresponsible. The BDS Movement calls Israel’s very right to the land into question and seeks to undermine Israel’s legitimacy in the eyes of the world. It is, in the words of Prime Minister Netanyahu, a modern form of anti-Semitism. And it is busy. This March and April, there are Israel Apartheid Week campus events in over 250 U.S. cities, as well as pressure on entertainment and cultural figures to cancel appearances in Israel, along with efforts to gain support for BDS from important religious institutions. And all of this is coupled with economic struggles in corporate boardrooms, among trade unions, and BDS’ “academic jihad” against Israel on campuses. Questioning and Freedom are intimately linked—the very purpose and structure of the seder is predicated on this premise. But questions about particular policies and actions are very different from questions about a country’s legitimacy. While the former must be encouraged and embraced, the other must be fought and defeated. This Passover, let us not only celebrate our freedom, but let us also proudly claim our legitimacy and our right to exist and exist in the land of Israel. 2 President’s Message By Bennett Spiegel Not long ago, at a meeting of the Adat Ari El Board of Directors, the President of the Men’s Club began his report with the following introduction: “In our never-ending quest to be more like the women...” The “women” to whom he was referring were, of course, none other than the women of Adat Ari El Sisterhood. I have long since forgotten the substance of the report that followed, but the introduction has stayed with me as a classic example of humor by exaggeration that is founded on an undeniable truth. The undeniable truth in this case is that the Adat Ari El Sisterhood has been and continues to be a rock at the core of the foundation of our community and an organization that is most worthy of emulation. While Sisterhood’s accomplishments over the past 75 years are beyond enumeration, it behooves us to stop and take note of at least some of the long-term and ongoing projects that Sisterhood runs, which have been decades in the making and still permeate our life at Adat Ari El to this day. While many synagogues place an emphasis on learning in general and adult education in particular, Adat Ari El—thanks to Sisterhood—has real bragging rights on this score, as it operates its 52nd year of its M.I.D. (Multi Interest Day) educational experience. It is hard to conceive of the sheer magnitude of friendships nurtured, minds sharpened, and ideas shared over the course of the history of M.I.D. If this were all that Sisterhood had done, it would have been sufficient (I couldn’t resist the Passover reference at this time of year). We have all heard the joke that the essence of Jewish History may be summarized in the following three short sentences: “They tried to destroy us. We survived. Let’s eat!” Here’s where our Sisterhood takes the cake. Believe it or not, Adat Ari El Sisterhood has been providing delicious Kiddush lunches and snacks to our community for over 50 years! At a recent Board meeting, when Rabbi Bernhard asked us all to give thought to what we think of as the quintessential Adat Ari El experience, I must confess that my choice was Sisterhood’s Shabbat Kiddush lunch. Not satisfied with simply feeding our own community, in 1991 Sisterhood published “California Kosher” (its fourth cookbook) in which it shares the recipes of the women and men of Adat Ari El with the rest of the world, and which recently was re-released in a 20th Anniversary Edition, now in its ninth printing, You can get a copy of California Kosher (and many other items of Jewish interest) President’s Message, continued on next page Adat Ari El Bulletin Nissan 5774 • April 2014 THE ECC IS GROWING ONCE MORE!!! Springtime is a season of growth and blossoming, when emerging buds are seen in nature. Just as springtime has appeared, the Rose Engel Early Childhood Center at Adat Ari El is blooming as well. experience, with CPR training by Rachel Kaplan, and a session on Jewish customs with the Rabbi. The course will offer a gift “Blessing Bag” presented by our own Sisterhood to welcome the newborn and will end with a beautiful Shabbat dinner and service. For more information, please contact Beryl Strauss at bstrauss@adatariel.org or the ECC Office at (818) 766-6379. THE NEST (our Infant Day Care Program) has expanded again to welcome six new infants, bringing the total NESTERS to 20 children, up from the original six children who began in August. We are so fortunate to welcome all of these new families into the Adat Ari El community. Also congratulations to teacher Suzana Tzimerman who was awarded the Builders of Jewish Education’s Sara and Simha Lainer Distinguished Educator Award for 2013-14 at the Bebe Feuerstein Simon Early Childhood Institute in March. We are so incredibly proud of her and the tremendous work that she does on a daily basis for the children of the ECC. As a note, to date, we are extremely fortunate to announce that there are currently four BJE Distinguished Educators working at Adat Ari El…Lois Bell, Jeri Dubin, Tali Soffer, and Suzana Tzimerman. Does that make us a distinguished school? We certainly think so!!! In addition, in an effort to bring in other young new families to our Synagogue, the ECC is offering, in conjunction with the Adult Studies program, a Jewish Lamaze Class for expectant parents called “L’Mazeltov.” Beginning April 21st, this six-week course will integrate traditional Lamaze Childbirth Education, CPR training, as well as an introduction to Jewish life, traditions, values, and philosophy. The course will be taught by Lisa Spiegel, a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, Lactation Educator, and Doula, with more than 18 years of teaching Beryl Strauss, MBA Director of the Rose Engel Early Childhood Center President’s Message, continued from previous page Afternoon of April 27th at—you guessed it—the Sisterhood Gift Gallery, that just celebrated its 62nd birthday! Finally, I would be remiss if I failed to acknowledge the critical fundraising role that Sisterhood plays for our Synagogue and wider community. Every year, there is a significant line item in our Operating Budget representing Sisterhood’s fundraising commitment to the Synagogue. Every year, for decades, Sisterhood has met that commitment. Every year. What’s even more admirable is that Adat Ari El Sisterhood has not limited its fundraising efforts solely to the parochial needs of our community. Through its annual Torah Fund Dinner and Program, Sisterhood has consistently been and continues to be the national leader in raising funds to subsidize the costs of the education of Rabbinical students throughout the Conservative movement in New York City, Los Angeles, Jerusalem, and Buenos Aires. It is thus not an overstatement to say that there are rabbis throughout the world who, but for the work of Adat Ari El Sisterhood, would not have been able to finance their education. In short, Adat Ari El Sisterhood educates us, feeds us, and sustains us economically. It has been doing so for the past 75 years. We now have a chance to say a big “Thank You” as we honor Sisterhood at our Spring Gala Dinner this coming May 18th. I look forward to celebrating with all of you then. In the meantime, let’s keep trying “to be more like the women” of Adat Ari El Sisterhood. 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. SAVE THE DATE The Children of the Holocaust �� “I Never Saw Another Butterfly” by Celeste Raspani—Performed by the students of Providence High Arts �� Testimony from Gitta Ginsberg, child survivor �� Art installation by the 8th Grade Confirmation Students, Gluck and Greenstein Family Program Services (7:00 p.m.) with reading of names, Kaddish, and placing of candles. 3 Adat Ari El Bulletin Nissan 5774 • April 2014 Featuring Cantor Aranoff and some new Seder tunes. Join Rabbi Silver and Cantor Aranoff for a family evening designed for anyone who wants to eat dinner and celebrate Shabbat in a fun, musical, relaxed atmosphere. Friday, April 11th 6:00 p.m. - Dinner and Singing ** Parents - bring your own Kosher Wine ** 7:15 p.m. - Family Shabbat Service 8:00 p.m. - Dessert and Israeli Dancing For more information, please contact our co-chairs: Bari Berger Goldman (818) 764-1061, Sharon Lieblein (818) 779-1006, or Sally Greene (818) 990-2099 Shabbat Mishpacha - Friday, April 11, 2014 RSVP by going to the Adat Ari El calendar at www.adatariel.org OR by check, payable to Adat Ari El, and turned in to Dean in the Admin Office Name: _____________________________ Phone: ____________________ # of Adult Meals: __________ @ $15:00 = _______ # of Children older than 2: __________ @ $10:00 = _______ # of Children younger than 2: __________ Free of Charge 4 Adat Ari El Bulletin Nissan 5774 • April 2014 Bar Mitzvah April 2014 Dr. Kenneth Keer husband of Francine Keer; father of Kim (Rami Wernik) Heyman, Gregg (Wendy Bass Keer) Keer, Joshua Jacobs and Seth Jacobs; grandfather of Eli and Aaron Heyman, Benjamin, Jacob and Ari Keer; brother of Marilyn Shanok April 26, 2014 Ross Turteltaub Son of Adam & Rhea Turteltaub Arlene Cirlin mother of Binyamin (Dr. Miriam Benhaim) Cirlin, Eric (Cherie) Cirlin and Don Cirlin; grandmother of Lauren (Ron) Shmargard, Blaire (Jason) Woloz, Yosi (Amy Martin) Cirlin, Shuki (Lucy) Cohen-Cirlin; great-grandmother of Jordyn Danielle Mishloah Manot a Great Success! Inez “June” Lavender mother of Steve (Nadine) Lavender, Marc (Carol) Lavender and Gary (Marci) Lavender; grandmother of Laura, Bernie, Lana, Danny and Sara Lavender, and Emily (Dan) White; sister of Marilyn Hancock Each year our families pack 1,000 Mishloah Manot gifts and deliver them to our community. It is such a wonderful opportunity to say hello to congregants we might never have met before and joyously fulfill one of the mitzvot of Purim. We hope you enjoyed the grocery bags this year—given the ban on plastic bags in Los Angeles, we wanted to give you something extra useful! This project is generously underwritten by Amy and Harold Masor, to whom we extend our most sincere gratitude. Thank you to the Jewish Learning Community families for packing and delivering the Mishloah Manot! Thank you to our committee—Sharon Lazarow, Amy Zacky, Carrie Kneitel, Rebecca Singband, Rachel Rothenberg, and Susan Ginsburg. Tremendous gratitude, as always, to Shula Levitch, who has perfected the art of Mishloah Manot coordination! And thanks to all of you for your support of the JLC throughout this project—your participation is beyond appreciated! Elliot Goodman Rosenzweig son of Leah and Michael Rosenzweig; brother of David; grandson of Andrew and Dory Goodman, Stanley Rosenzweig and Zelda Stern Aviva Elana Maple daughter of Dena and Gary Maple; sister of Talia Charlie Jack Rosenblum son of Laura and Dan Rosenblum; grandson of Cindy and Ron Olch, Lori and Howie Rosenblum Johannah Sohn, Ed.D. Director The Marilynn and Kenneth Friedman Family Jewish Learning Community of Adat Ari El NEWS FLASH! “Do Not Stand Idly By” “Never Again” Sisterhood Tributes are now online! Show people you care! You can access the page through the “This Week at Adat” Friday afternoon e-mail. WE TALK THE TALK, NOW LET’S WALK THE WALK! Or you can go to Sisterhood on the Adat Ari El site (www.adatariel.org). Sign up for all the Tribute Cards you want sent. Join the Adat Ari El and Valley Ruach Team Jewish World Watch WALK TO END GENOCIDE It’s so easy to show people you care with a Sisterhood Tribute Card! Sunday, April 27th, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. A minimum $3.00 donation to Sisterhood is all it takes. For further information, contact Barbara Bresler, bgbresler@gmail.com or (818) 789-7760. For further information, contact Susie Katz (818) 995-0345 or skatz@dslextreme.com. 5 Adat Ari El Bulletin Nissan 5774 • April 2014 Adat Ari El PASSOVER SEDER NING ABBAT MOR EVERY 1st SH Monday, April 14th - 6:15 p.m. Join Sue Epstein and our rabbis every 1st Shabbat morning of the month for a fun, spirited service followed by a snack and time on the playground. with RABBI DEBORAH SILVER and April 5th CANTOR JUDY DUBIN ARANOFF Gourmet Family Style Kosher Dinner by KENSINGTON CATERERS For prices and to RSVP, please go to the Adat Ari El website: www.adatariel.org If you wish to pay by check, please contact Boni Gellis: bgellis@adatariel.org 6 � Adat Ari El Bulletin Nissan 5774 • April 2014 �������������������������������� �������������������������������� FACT: BY 2015, AS THE LONG WARS IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN COME TO AN END, THERE WILL BE 2 MILLION VETERANS. � ������������� ������ ��������� ���� ���� ������������ �������� ����������������� ����������������� HAS AMERICA FORGOTTEN THEM? � ������������������������������������ ����������������������������� ���������������������������������� ������������������������ ��������������������������� �������������…� � JOIN US AFTER KIDDUSH ON SHABBAT MORNINGS APRIL 12TH, MAY 10TH AND JUNE 14TH AS SEVERAL YOUNG VETERANS SHARE THEIR PERSPECTIVES. PLEASE JOIN US! THE ADAT ARI EL VETERANS COMMITTEE A D AT A R I E L S I S T E R H O O D MAY 8, 2014 -"&..-&/0)0 -"/,&34)*.#-7%/035))0--:800% U AL FI Brought to you by: y TIME: 7:00pm Doors open raffle sales for Opportunity Drawing 7:30 PM Showtime TICKETS: LUNABAR.COM $36 Advance / $40 At The Door / $72 VIP Benefiting: TICKET INFORMATION: EMAIL PHONE adatariel.org 310-968-9050 For more information, visit us at lunafest.org 7 LM NN 1 3 & 4 & / 5 4 Adat Ari El Bulletin Nissan 5774 • April 2014 Education THE NEST AT ADAT ARI EL ECC THE NEST is the newest and most exciting program to come out of the awardwinning Adat Ari El Early Childhood Center in years. THE NEST is a full-time Infant and Toddler Care program serving children between the ages of six weeks to ��� years old. Adat Ari El Day School 12020 Burbank Blvd Valley Village, CA 91607 Grades K-6 THE NEST is the first of its kind to offer high-quality Infant and Toddler care within a Jewish community. Supported by a grant from The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, THE NEST is housed on the beautiful Adat Ari El campus. Accredited by: CAIS, WASC, BJE, Solomon Schechter Day School Association THE NEST will love and nurture your child while providing a carefully�designed environment for your child to grow and develop. With our educated teaching staff, low ratio of children to caregiver, developmentally�appropriate curriculum (Reggio Emilia-inspired approach to the early years), and our secure facility, it is our hope that you and your child will feel “at home” in THE NEST. For More Info WEBSITE: www.aaedayschool.org PHONE NUMBER: 818.766.4992 http://www.facebook.com/AAEDaySchool http://twitter.com/AAEDaySchool For more information, please contact Beryl Strauss at bstrauss@adatariel.org or (818) 766-6379. ABRAHAM’S TENT: ADAT ARI EL IN ACTION Valley Friendship Circle The families benefit through the bit of respite they receive and the joys of seeing their children happy and playing with friends. The meaningful bond the volunteer teenagers create with their specialneeds friends also teaches them about selfless giving and awareness of others. “I wasn’t sure I wanted to commit�didn’t think I could really do it, but the day I met Rebecca* my entire view of chessed (acts of kindness) changed.” “Even though Jonah doesn’t speak much, the fact that I can tell he loves me has made me a better person.” VFC also provides holiday events and Summer Circle programs both of which include music, sports, crafts, and many other fun and interactive activities that enhance their social lives. We are currently in the planning stages of an innovative Entrepreneurs Club, which will give preteens, teens, and young adults with special needs the skills to learn something that they can use as a stepping stone for their future choices of career. “I only needed eight community service hours; I chose to spend a year visiting the most amazing person with special needs.” These are just some of the feelings and thoughts our teen volunteers have shared throughout the 12 years of the Valley Friendship Circle. The VFC is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-sectarian organization that helps families throughout the San Fernando Valley. Beth, a mom of an adolescent boy with high-functioning autism, expressed what so many other parents feel about their children’s volunteer friends. We are unique in that we pair teenage volunteers with children, teens, and young adults who have special needs. These teens provide weekly visits through our Friends @ Home program to give their special friends the opportunity to feel the joy of friendship through fun and creative activities, sharing and socializing. “The boys have been a blessing in our lives, and have made Josh so happy. Their attention and companionship, the way they play with him, has shown him how to be a true friend too.” * All names have been changed to protect identity. If you would like to volunteer or if you know of a special needs child who would enjoy having visits from a Valley Friendship Circle volunteer, please contact Marla Feinberg, our Adat Ari El liaison to VFC, at marla@timetocook.biz, or (818) 590-9811.� 8 Adat Ari El Bulletin Nissan 5774 • April 2014 Parent and Me Program Spring 2014 Application February 10—June 12, 2014 Spring 2014 REGISTRATION FORM Spring 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE Child’s Name: ____________________________________________ February 10—June 12, 2014 MONDAYS Member Non-Member 9:00-10:30 Move to the Music (19 mos and up) 14 classes $378 $406 11:00-12:30 Toddlers (12-18 mos) 14 classes $350 $378 Member Orff Music w/Sue (3-12 mos) Sex: M or F Parent Name(s): ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Home Address: ____________________________________________ TUESDAYS 11:00 -11:45 Birth Date: _____/_____/_____ 16 classes $400 Non-Member $400 City, Zip: ____________________________________________ Phone #: (Home) ____________________________ THURSDAYS 11:15-12:00 Member Orff Music w/Sue (1’s and 2’s) 14 classes FRIDAYS $350 Member (Cell) _____________________________ Non-Member $350 Email Address(s): ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Non-Member 9:00 -10:30 Tot Shabbat (16-21 mos) 15 classes $405 $435 10:00 - 10:45 Infant Shabbat (3-12 mos) 15 classes Free Free 11:00-12:30 Lunch Bunch (22 mos & Up) 15 classes $405 $435 Synagogue Member? No ____ Yes ____ Class Choice(s): ___________________________________ __________________________________ Take 10% off your total when you sign up for 2 or more classes. Adat Ari El does not discriminate on the bases of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation or ancestry. Only post-dated checks will be accepted in lieu of a payment in full. Total Balance Due: ______________ To register, please contact Kim Heyman, LCSW (818) 766-6379, x 208 Enroll a friend and receive 25% off 9 Adat Ari El Bulletin Nissan 5774 • April 2014 The Rose and Edward Engel Music Commission and The Nita and Jack Corinblit Endowment for the Arts present: 2013-2014 The Corinblit Endowment Concert featuring the great violinist Gabriel Bolkosky Michelle Cooker, piano Music by Kreisler, Prokofiev, Bloch, Suk, Elgar, Debussy, and Sarasate April 6, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. David Familian Chapel Free to the public; reservations required. For information, please contact Dean Thomson at (818) 766-9426 x209 or dthomson@adatariel.org To sign up, please go to the Adat Ari El Calendar at www.adatariel.org 10 Adat Ari El Bulletin Nissan 5774 • April 2014 Your lifestyle continues here. C ALL TODAY FOR A PER SONAL TOUR AND COMPLIMENTARY LUNCH! ���.���.���� INDEPENDENT & ASSISTED SENIOR LIVING RESIDENCES ���� Vesper Avenue, Sherman Oaks, CA ����� SRGseniorliving.com RFCE ���������� 11 Adat Ari El Bulletin Nissan 5774 • April 2014 PERIODICALS Postmaster: Please send address changes to: 12020 Burbank Boulevard Valley Village, California 91607-2198 (818) 766-9426 Fax (818) 505-9223 Published Monthly During the School Year Design by Galileo Graphics Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard Assistant Rabbi Deborah Silver Rabbi Emeritus Moshe J. Rothblum Cantor Ira S. Bigeleisen Associate Cantor Judy Dubin Aranoff Rabbi Aaron M. Wise Cantor Allan Michelson Bennett Spiegel, President Joanne Klein, Executive Director Adat Ari El is affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Adat Ari El is on the Internet... our website address is: www.adatariel.org. Rabbi Bernhard’s address is: RabbiJJB@adatariel.org. Friday, April 4, 2014 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 6:59 p.m. Saturday, April 5, 2014 9:30 a.m......................... David Familian Chapel Parsha & Torah reading:.......................Metzora: Leviticus 14:1-32 Darshanit:........................ Rabbi Deborah Silver The Bulletin (USPS 661-900) is published monthly by Adat Ari El, located at 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607-2198. Phone: (818) 766-9426, ext. 220 Fax (818) 505-9223 email: RabbiJJB@adatariel.org. Adat Ari El is a non-profit organization Total requested circulation averages 850 copies monthly Periodicals paid at North Hollywood, CA POSTMASTER – Send address changes to: Adat Ari El, 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607-2198 Saturday, April 26, 2014 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Bar Mitzvah:.............................. Ross Turteltaub Parsha & Torah reading:....................Kedoshim; Leviticus 19:1-37 Darshan:...........Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard Passover 5774 Friday, April 11, 2014 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 7:04 p.m. Saturday, April 12, 2014 9:30 a.m......................... David Familian Chapel Parsha & Torah reading:................... Ahare Mot; Leviticus 16:1-34 Darshan:...........Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard Friday, April 18, 2014 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 7:09 p.m. Monday, April 14th Erev Passover 1st Seder — Synagogue Seder Please join us beginning at 9:30 a.m. for our Passover Services on the following days: Shabbat Mishpacha, a family service designed for anyone who wants to eat dinner and celebrate Shabbat in a fun, musical, relaxed family atmosphere, will be held on April 11th at 7:00 p.m. in Russell Hall (preceded by dinner and an activity at 6:00 p.m.). Tot Shabbat @ Adat for ECC-aged children will be held at 9:30 a.m. on April 5th beginning with 9:30 a.m.–10:15 a.m. services in the David Familian Chapel and concluding with snack and play time from 10:15 a.m.–11:00 a.m. 1st day of Passover, Tuesday, April 15th in the David Familian Chapel 2nd day of Passover, Wednesday, April 16th in the David Familian Chapel 7th day of Passover, Monday, April 21st in the David Familian Chapel Saturday, April 19, 2014 9:30 a.m......................... David Familian Chapel Parsha & Torah reading:...Hol Hamoed Pesach; Exodus 33:12-34:26 Darshanit:..................................Joette Labinger 8 day of Passover, Tuesday, April 22 in the Sanctuary Friday, April 25, 2014 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 7:15 p.m. YIZKOR will be recited during services on Tuesday, April 22nd. th 12 nd Daily Minyan Deiber Chapel Mornings Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. Sundays & Holidays 9:00 a.m. Evenings Sunday - Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
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