41 and ² years of Broadway on Burbank
41 and ² years of Broadway on Burbank
Monthly Edition • Volume 75 No. 3 Adat Ari El Bulletin Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 Broadway on Burbank_Layout 1 9/28/12 5:06 PM Page 1 Rabbi Moshe J. Rothblum and Adat Ari El Sisterhood Present f o s r a e y ² d n a ” 1 k 4 n “ a b ur B n o y a w d Broa Sunday, November 25, 2012 2pm at Adat Ari El All Star Show with over 25 performers! General Admission $36.00 Sponsor packages available Collection Item for November: Thanksgiving Food & Toiletries Stay Connected Online payment available If you are not already receiving it, make sure you sign up for the weekly “Shabbat Shalom” e-mail, which is sent out every Friday. The e-mail includes important information about service times and 1 upcoming events, as well as rabbinic commentary about the weekly Torah portion. E-mail Sue Bloom at sbloom@adatariel.org to stay connected. Adat Ari El Bulletin Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 President’s Message Rabbi’s Message By Bennett Spiegel This month we continue our observance of the 75th Anniversary of the founding of Adat Ari El with a celebration of a great Adat Ari El tradition—“the Rabbi’s play.” Now entering its 42nd consecutive year, the Rabbi’s play is a labor of love in which our Rabbi Emeritus, Moshe J. Rothblum, directs, and our USY high school students act, sing, and dance in a classic Broadway musical or drama. This year, in addition to being blessed with the 42nd installment in this series during the Spring, we will be regaled with a retrospective of some of the most memorable scenes, songs, and dances from the past 41 years to be performed by those very same USYers who appeared in the original productions. This retrospective will take place in the Farber Auditorium on November 25, 2012, and you won’t want to miss it. As we look forward to this retrospective, it seems appropriate to give some thought to just what has made the Rabbi’s play such a signature annual event at Adat Ari El and to consider the reasons for its longevity. As each one of my three children has appeared in at least two productions of the Rabbi’s play, I have had a number of opportunities to observe the dynamics of this annual project firsthand. In my opinion, the critical elements of this winning formula may be summarized with the words community, inclusiveness, and the Rabbi. Each October, a self-selected group of USYers decides to audition for or otherwise participate in the Rabbi’s play. The play, by definition, is a collaborative effort. It can only be accomplished through the combined and coordinated efforts of many people. The actors, directors, musicians, sound and light technicians, choreographers, costume and prop managers, and stage set designers (not to mention the publicists, ticket sales people, and patrons), must all contribute to the effort in order for the production to come to fruition. This collaborative group effort, which takes place over a period of months, usually from October to March or April, creates a special and unique bond among those who participate in it, so much so that a sense of community is formed. The shared experience of rehearsing and performing the play becomes a formative life lesson in building constructive relationships and in the joys of teamwork— essential building blocks for a vibrant community. Unlike most theatrical productions at the high school level and higher, the Rabbi’s play is an inclusive project, open to all USYers who wish to participate. While there are auditions to assist the directors to determine who will play the particular roles that comprise the various characters in the play, there is a place in some aspect of the production for every USYer who desires to participate. While there certainly may be disappointments over not getting a coveted role, the overall dynamic is one of belonging and inclusiveness. This aspect of the Rabbi’s play—that there is a limited pool of potential talent from which to draw, and that everyone from this pool who wishes to participate is welcome—might lead the uninitiated to wonder how a high-quality production can consistently be continued on next page Yom Kippur A Daily Experience The High Holydays are over, and the new year has begun. It has been over a month since we stood before God, reflected on our sins, and pledged in our hearts to be better people. Most of us leave services after Yom Kippur with the best of intentions. After a day spent fasting, praying, and reflecting, we are renewed. We are primed to be kinder and more compassionate, patient people. We are ready to be better to ourselves, our spouses, our siblings, our friends, and the stranger within our midst. And yet, many of us are probably struggling to make the changes that only a month ago we felt were so very necessary. One of the ironies of being human is that for all our desire to change, we have such a difficult time doing it. It is easy to talk about changing when we set aside a day as a community to acknowledge our shortcomings, but the effort that it requires is often more than we are aware of and even willing to do. After Yom Kippur ends, we break our fast, and the rush of our lives intrudes itself once more. There are tasks to be done, errands to be run, projects that require our attention. As a general rule, we resist change. To change is by definition to become a different person, and as much as we want to improve ourselves, it is hard to work past our habitual responses and the way we are wired. A voice in our heads—identified in rabbinic tradition as the yetzer ha’ra, that impulse toward preserving the self—reassures us that we are in fact all right. This voice is clever and wily and uses distractions, justifications, and rationalizations to delude and ensure that the last thing we do is become someone other than who we already are. To overcome this voice, Yom Kippur cannot be limited to a once-a-year event; it must become a daily process. To help, I offer the following suggestion based on the Jewish tradition of Mussar (a strain within Judaism that focuses on ethical behavior): reflect on all the different things you considered on Yom Kippur—all the ways you realized you fell short of who you know you can be—and choose one quality or characteristic. Let that be your focus; let that be what you consider on a daily basis. Wake up and tell yourself, “Today I will work on ‘x.’ I will work on being patient/compassionate/grateful,” and at the end of the day reflect again—perhaps in a journal— and evaluate the moments where you were or were not able to employ that quality and act on it. Another Yom Kippur has come and gone, and the new year has begun. But unless we commit ourselves to working on our souls on a daily basis, the next Yom Kippur will see us atoning for the same things and making the same heartfelt pledges to be better in the year to come. And the only thing that will have changed is that we will be a year older. 2 Adat Ari El Bulletin Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 Jewish Learning Community Sukkah Decoration Six Sunday mornings during the year Jewish Learning Community students come together for a morning of hands-on learning, and Sunday, September 23rd, was the first event. Our students had a fabulous time learning about Yom Kippur and Sukkot. Students experienced the holidays through song, stories, cooking, building, art, and the Hebrew language. We also completed our first-ever community JLC art project, which you may have noticed hanging in one of the sukkot here at Adat Ari El. All of our students worked together to create two large “pomegranate” light fixtures to adorn the sukkot. We think this might be a yearly tradition! Our next Sunday morning will be a fun family Hanukkah event and learning opportunity. So much is happening in the JLC! From the Development Vice President President’s message (continued from previous page) presented. Yet, year after year, the talents of each of our USYers who participate are given a chance to shine, and they do—so much so that we have come to expect and always receive a high-quality production (notwithstanding a shoestring budget). Finally, and perhaps most obviously, it would not be “the Rabbi’s play” without the Rabbi. For 42 years, Adat Ari El has been blessed with a Rabbi who has combined his love for music, theatre, and our children to create a tradition of inclusive community building and experiential learning from which generations of Adat Ari El teenagers have benefited. Moreover, the fact that this community building and learning takes place in the Synagogue, and with the Rabbi at the helm, is of no small consequence. It has given our children the opportunity to collaborate with and develop a personal relationship with the Rabbi in a context other than that of Rabbi as lofty spiritual leader, but rather as coach, co-worker, and confidant. For many USYers it might be fair to say that participation in the Rabbi’s play is what has cemented their connection to Judaism and the Synagogue more than any other post-Bar Mitzvah experience. For that we are truly grateful. See you on the 25th! 3 My wife Robyn is from South Africa, and thus she did not grow up with Thanksgiving. I have explained it to her as one of the quintessential American holidays and one of our only communal occasions where we focus on gratitude (and a little football). This year, Robyn and I are very thankful to be part of Adat Ari El. For us, Adat Ari El is a warm and caring community that educates our children, nurtures our Jewish identity, and provides us with incredible friends. For me personally, I value the small moments I experience at Adat Ari El: a shared cup of coffee in the morning after dropping off my kids, a parking lot greeting with a smile, and the sight of 50 Jewish kids playing and running on the yard. As Vice President of Development, I am specifically thankful for all of Adat Ari El’s members and friends who have made a commitment during Adat Ari El’s 75th year Annual Campaign. I also am thankful for the volunteers and staff who have worked hard to make our efforts a success. All of you have my gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving! Matt Scelza Development V.P. Adat Ari El Bulletin Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 Kicking Off a Great Year of Creativity and Learning in the ECC Back-to-School Night was a wonderful gathering of parents and a great opportunity to set the tone for the year. We shared an inspired Ted Talk video given by Sir Ken Robinson, who suggests that we need to revamp the way we think about education to accommodate the many different ways in which kids learn and think. “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original. By the time they get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong. We are educating people out of their creative capacities. Picasso once said...all children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up. I believe this passionately, that we don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather we get educated out of it.” This captures the ECC philosophy perfectly. If you haven’t seen this talk on YouTube, we highly recommend it. This year’s Young Family Services for the High Holydays were very well attended, and it was lovely to celebrate with so many of our families. Our kids have learned many of the songs in school, and it was magical to hear such sweet little voices davening with their parents. We are also very pleased to be able to offer many more parent educational programs with the Rabbi and other speakers this year, including our Holidays 411 program. This program is a chance for parents to ask the Rabbi any questions they might have about the holidays in a casual setting. The event is held just after school drop-off, so parents can drop in, ask their questions, and then head off to work. We hope to offer this program again in the coming months. The year is off to a great start! Hi Sari and Lana, I just want to relay a compliment to you both regarding a conversation I had with a good friend at another private school in the area. The story goes like this.... She just received the results of her son’s ERB test, she did not understand them at all, and it seemed like he did very poorly. When I asked her how he did compared to other students in the IS system vs. the state, she had no idea what I was talking about. Then she told me all she received was the sticker with the results on a piece of paper—no interpretation and no word from the school explaining them to her. It was then that I remembered that Adat Ari El actually analyzes the results before giving them to the parents, and by having a parent meeting with Sari, makes the information perfectly clear. So I am telling you all this to thank you and let you know that Michael and I really appreciate all that you have done for our kids. This is just another example of the effort that goes into educating them. As we approach the new school year, I know we sometimes take things for granted, so I just wanted to say “thanks.” See you next week, Inga Mendelsohn Choose Your Kind of Shabbat! � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Adat Ari El Bulletin Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 ce i v r e S me!! mily o a c F l e A re W A n e r Child Wednesday, Nov. 21st, 7:30 pm The North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry presents our 28th Annual Interfaith Service of Thanksgiving “A Service of Blessings” Adat Ari El 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village 91607 Info: 818.766.9426 DONATIONS OF STAPLE FOODS AND MONEY ARE WELCOME visit us at: www.NHIFP.org This service is wheelchair accessible Suggested Food Donation: Canned Tuna, Canned Chicken, Beans (pinto, navy, etc.), Peanut Butter 5 Adat Ari El Bulletin Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 The Greenberg Adult Studies Department Continuing Classes Torah on Tuesdays A one hour class on the weekly Torah portion with one of our Rabbis. Over the course of the year we consider the Torah from multiple aspects, building our skills so as to read it deeply and thoroughly. Tuesdays, 12:00 p.m. - Wynn Meeting Room No class on December 18th and 25th, January 1st, March 26th, April 2nd and May 14th. Classes end June 11th. Understanding the Shabbat Morning Service Join our clergy for an in-depth, incremental study of our Shabbat prayers. Over the course of the year we will work our way through the Shabbat morning service, addressing the poetry, theology and spirituality of our rich liturgy. Every Shabbat morning (rain or shine), 9:00 a.m. - Wynn Meeting Room What does Judaism Say About… How does Judaism relate to the contemporary issues we encounter in our everyday lives? Did our ancestors ever consider them? Join us and find out. We will deal with one contemporary issue each week. After services and Kiddush on Shabbat mornings for about an hour. Deiber Chapel Classes are monthly: November 10th, December 15th, January 12th, February 9th, March 9th, April 13th and May 11th. Class ends June 8th. Becoming a Ben or Bat Torah You can still join our clergy for this one-year course in Torah literacy. In the first semester we will study the composition and structure of the Torah and explore some of its themes. In the second semester our Cantors will teach how to chant the Torah, with some basic Hebrew for those who need it. The course will culminate with a Torah ceremony at Shavuot, when class members will chant from the Torah themselves. Tuesday Evenings, 7:30 p.m. - Wynn Meeting Room No class on December 18th and 25th, January 1st, March 26th and April 2nd. As The Year Turns… Like sands through the hourglass, this is the Mishnah of the Rabbis. Come learn with our rabbinic interns Matt Rosenberg and Marc Blatt as we explore the many ways we sanctify special days in our calendar. We will learn how the Rabbis of the Mishnah taught about holy time and how to celebrate it. All materials will be provided. This class is open to all levels and no previous experience of Rabbinical text is required. Whether you can take one class or many — please come along! Wednesday evenings, 7:30 p.m. Deiber Chapel No class on December 19th and 26th, January 2nd, March 27th, April 3rd and May 15th. Classes end May 29th. 6 Sisterhood News No. 2 Volume 10 November 2012 President’s Message An Excerpt from a Conversation with Rabbi Moshe J. Rothblum on Adat Ari El’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration Lena: This year we’re celebrating Adat Ari El’s 75th Anniversary. I understand you’re planning a marvelous program for this occasion. Rabbi: Yes. As part of Adat Ari El’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration, in collaboration with our Sisterhood, I’ll be presenting a fabulous retrospective of the more than 41 years of the musicals I’ve produced—41 years of Broadway Productions by our Masor Youth Department. Lise Spiegel and Jo Oberstein are the co-chairs of this event. Lena: Could you elaborate on the program? Rabbi: This concert-style program will feature a galaxy of former teens who have been in the plays these past 41 years who will delight and entertain you with their wonderful performances. Lena: Can you share with me who will be performing? Rabbi: Included among the more than 25 performers will be Cantor Mindy Harris, Cantor Daniel Friedman, Eric Friedman, Cantor Jaime Shpall, Dan Spector, Matt Ballin, Jordan Silverman, David and Daniel Rothblum, Zachary Lasker, Ari Fife, Seth Samuels, Jenny Lerner, Ronit and Yael Aranoff, Amy Kay, Zachary Spiegel, Donna Lazar, Allison Spivack, Coby Getzug, Max Freedman, Heather Renetzky, Debbie Weisberg, and a few surprise guests. November 2012 Lena: Since your retirement in 2006 from your Rabbinic duties, you’ve kept your SAG membership card active and continue to work with our teenagers and direct a Broadway show each year. Rabbi: You’re correct. March 2013 will mark the 42nd production (“How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying”), hence the November retrospective is called “41 and ½ Years of Broadway on Burbank!” Lena: When is this marvelous program occurring, so I can mark my calendar? Rabbi: The program will be a Thanksgiving treat for all who support this event and attend on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 25th, AT 2:00 P.M. Lena: I can’t wait until the Sunday after Thanksgiving! Details: General Admission is $36.00. Sponsor packages: Director Level: $450 (includes 2 tickets, preferred seating, and 5 raffle tickets). Producer Level: $750 (includes 2 tickets and 2 tickets to next year’s musical, preferred seating, and 10 raffle tickets.) Both sponsor packages will include an invitation to a private wine and cheese after party with the cast. The deadline for purchasing tickets or sponsor packages is Friday, November 16, 2012. Details to follow 1 Sisterhood News Program Department First we wish to say a huge Mazal Tov to the Cookbook Committee on the release of California Kosher’s 20th Anniversary Edition. Thanks to everyone who assisted with the cookbook launch at BBQ & Barchu. We would also like to thank everyone for coming to our lovely Paid Membership event under the stars at Sharon Gersh’s home. Once again we thank Sharon for providing such a wonderful venue and for being such a gracious hostess. We are busy in the planning stages for a number of wonderful programs including our Women’s Seder in March and a trip to Warner Brothers. As always, please let us know if you have any ideas you would like to share! Sharon Haimowitz and Ruth Devine Program Co-Vice Presidents The Gift Gallery at Adat Ari El We invite you to periodically check out the new merchandise in your Adat Ari El Gift Gallery. New merchandise from Israel and around the world arrives every week!!! With Hanukkah just around the corner, we have a wide selection of ceremonial and holiday items to enhance the contemporary home. In recent months we have focused on adding more general giftware, host/hostess items, and jewelry in the shop. Of course we continue to offer a wide selection of Judaica, including tallitot, mezzuzot, seder plates, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, baby, wedding, and other gifts. Beginning October 29th through December 19th, the Gift Gallery expands into the classroom adjacent to the shop to display our complete Hanukkah collection of menorahs, dreidels, candles, toys, games, latke plates, and other holiday items. Gift registries may be set up for special occasions. Call us at (818) 980-3282 to check on hours or for a special appointment at your convenience. Our prices are competitive, so support your Synagogue!!!! Remember—all proceeds from sales go to the support of our Synagogue, youth programs, and schools. WAYS AND MEANS SHOP, SHOP, SHOP, AND THEN WATCH A FABULOUS SHOW!!! The Sisterhood Ways and Means Department is proud to bring you two fantastic events in the month of November. On November 13th and 14th you will have a chance to shop at our Hanukkah Boutique. With over 40 vendors, this year’s boutique promises to be fun and exciting. In addition to the vendors, we will offer complimentary wine and cheese on Tuesday evening, November 13, and a complimentary juice bar on Wednesday, November 14. Lunch will be available for purchase on Wednesday as well. Look for the Hanukkah Boutique flyers in your school and in the Synagogue office—there is a coupon attached to the flyer! For information, contact Miriam Kraemer and Monise Neumann, aaeboutique@gmail.com. 2 After the Boutique is over, you can wear the clothes and jewels you bought at the Boutique when you come to see a delightful retrospective of Rabbi Rothblum’s Youth Department plays. Rabbi Rothblum and the Adat Ari El Youth Department have been putting on a play every year for the past 41 and ½ years. Of course the show is called, “41 and ½ Years of Broadway on Burbank.” It will showcase the talents of many of the actors who were bitten by the acting bug when they were teenagers at Adat Ari El and who performed in one of Rabbi Rothblum’s plays, as well as some members of the upcoming show’s cast. Save the date of November 25, 2012, and plan to end your Thanksgiving weekend on a high note! Thank you for supporting Sisterhood, Marla Feinberg and Malinda Marcus Co-Chairs Ways and Means November 2012 Sisterhood News California Kosher The 20th Anniversary Edition has arrived! Thank you for joining us in our 20th Anniversary celebration at BBQ & Barchu. We served hundreds of samples of Spicy Sweet Pecans (Juli Kinrich), Tomatoes with Walnut Pesto (Nanette Geller), and Chocolate Macaroons (Alice Pill.) We continued sharing our recipes at the BBQ dinner with Tangy Potato Salad (Diane Tapper), Carrot Cake (Stan Herzoff), Chocolate Yummy Cookies (Risa Goldstein), and Mandelbrot (Dotty Simmons). If you were fortunate enough to partake, we hope you purchased a copy of California Kosher and will make these fabulous recipes for your friends and family. Have you purchased your copy of California Kosher’s 20th Anniversary Edition? All of our profits directly support our Synagogue. Copies are available for purchase at the Gift Gallery, our website www.californiakosher.com, and the upcoming Hanukkah Boutique. Share a little bit of Adat Ari El with your family and friends with the gift of California Kosher this holiday season. Thank you for supporting us and your Synagogue. To another 20 years of California Kosher! Christine Prell Vice President Cookbook Education Department Now in its 52nd year M.I.D., Multi-Interest Day, is one of the longest-running adult educational programs in the nation. Adat Ari El’s Sisterhood proudly presents this program to its members and to the community at large at other local synagogues. We encourage men of all ages to participate in the wonderful classes at M.I.D. as well. Adina Melnick and Dr. Rosalee Pechersky Vice Presidents of Education November 2012 Torah Fund NEWS FLASH! SAVE THE DATE! We are delighted to announce that the honoree for the Chayai Olam Award is Bea Reynolds (on the 50th anniversary of her receiving this award for the first time), and the honoree for the Kol Ishah Award is Jennifer Kaplan. The dinner will be on January 23, 2013. Come help us honor these two terrific women for their hard work. Watch for your invitation. We thank those of you who have already pledged and donated money to Torah Fund this year. There is no amount too small to help support our institutions of higher Jewish learning. The Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism supports the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, and the Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires. These institutions educate our rabbis, cantors, educators, and professionally-trained community leaders. Please consider donating at least $180 to entitle you to receive the beautiful Shofar Torah Fund pin pictured above. The pin was designed by Eytan Brandes. Please contact us if you have any questions. Joette Labinger (818) 787-7441 JoetteL@aol.com Susie Katz (818) 995-0345 skatz@dslextreme.com Membership Department Membership has gotten off to a great start this year. It was wonderful to see so many of you at our “On a Starry Night” event. It was a lovely evening and a fabulous way to begin the year! If you haven’t had a chance to join Sisterhood yet, it is never too late. Please join us soon, so you don’t miss out on our upcoming events. Consider becoming a sponsor of Sisterhood with a contribution of just $180. As our thank you, you will be invited to our “Latkes and Vodka” event at the home of Ellen Silverman on December 11th. That is an event you shouldn’t miss! We appreciate your continued support of our amazing Adat Ari El Sisterhood. Jennifer Kaplan and Amy Zacky Co-Vice Presidents of Membership 3 Sisterhood News Service Department At Your Service Part 2 Our “simcha” service ladies (Nathalie Elbaz-Deckel, Sally Bookbinder, and Tiffany Harris) have divided the calendar and will be calling Bar/Bat Mitzvah families as the weeks progress. They will have e-mailed all the choices available for hosting a Kiddush for the congregation and invited guests. Each one will be able to answer questions and make suggestions. Details of each event are posted in the kitchen for those preparing and setting up the reception. Rae Berger, our Dining Room Coordinator, also gets a copy and will be busy calling Send Sisterhood Tribute Cards Make it easy on yourself! Cards appropriate for any occasion Only $3.00 each YOUR PERSONAL SECRETARIES Malinda Marcus (818) 757-0605 or malinda_marcus@hotmail.com Pearl Fischler (818) 997-8145 Any questions about Tribute Cards, call Susie Katz (818) 995-0345 volunteer servers. New volunteers are always welcome. (Let us know if you’d like to participate.) Besides our B’nai Mitzvah families, many congregants like to share special birthdays and anniversaries by co-hosting a Kiddush. We’ll be happy to work with you. That’s how it starts, and from the names on the calendar, we’re in for a busy year. More to come next month, Marcia Fink Service V.P. ROSH HODESH GATHERING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH, 7:30 P.M. At Laurie Bernhard’s home 5912 Beeman Avenue, Valley Village with Cantor Aranoff, Sue Epstein and Rabbi Deborah Silver Kislev — Moving Towards the Light Join Andrea Hodes of Moving Torah to explore the transition from darkness to light. Wear clothing you can move in. Of course there will also be blessings, food and laughter... RSVP to Cantor Aranoff - cantorjda@adatariel.org or (818) 755-3480, ext. 253 President..........................Lena Labowe 4 November 2012 Adat Ari El Bulletin Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 B’nai Mitzvah November 2012 November 10, 2012 Molly Rose Schwartz Daughter of Randy & Nancy Schwartz Vic Goldenberg husband of Judy Goldenberg; father of Lisa (Howard) Fleiner and Karen (Elliot) Stein; grandfather of Rachel (Samuel) Simkin and Daniel (Wei-Chin) Fleiner; great-grandfather of Jonah and Penina Simkin Earl Cunningham husband of Carol Cunningham; father of Paul (Sherri) Cunningham, Karl (Kathy) Cunningham and Jean (Mike Howard) Cunningham; grandfather of 8; great-grandfather of 7 November 17, 2012 David Prell Son of Richard & Christine Prell Sidney Meltzer husband of Rosalie Meltzer; father of 5; grandfather of 4; brother of Eleanor Fisher November 24, 2012 Olivia Lokman Daughter of Lawrence Lokman & Ronnie Seaton Elizabeth Neel Simons wife of William Simons; mother of Ann (Stephen) Tobolowsky and 2 sons; grandmother of 5 Melvin Levine father of Harmon (Tema) Levine and Barbara Levine; grandfather of Jessica Levine and Russell Levine Myron “Bud” Stulberg husband of Sharon Stulberg; father of Steve Stulberg, Nancy (Ron) Silver and David Stulberg; grandfather of 8; brother of Dr. H. Jerome (Elaine) Stulberg Rifka Edeman mother of Yisrael Edelman; grandmother of 2; sister of Zev (Esther) Vered Ally Rachel Wasserman daughter of Adam and Shana Wasserman; granddaughter of Jeffrey and Terry Ellis, Steve and Joyce Wasserman; niece of Rabbi Ari and Hope Ellis; cousin of Hodaya and Elishama Ellis Emma Schlesinger wife of Julius Schlesinger; mother of Rabbi George (Paula) Schlesinger, Lewis (Marcia) Schlesinger and Joseph (Ramona) Schlesinger; grandmother of Jennifer, Alisa, Ariella, Avital, Yoav, Amanda and Jacob; great-grandmother of 3 Rebecca Rose Goldzweig daughter of Jeff and Judy Goldzweig; sister of Lily and Avital Judah Jack Vorspan son of Ben and Elana Vorspan; brother of Evan; grandson of Sol and Pearl Taylor, Rabbi David and Bonnie Vorspan Franchesca Waller mother of 2; grandmother of 4 including Jonathan (Sarala) Waller; great-grandmother of Shoshana (ECC) and Estella Waller and 10 others Estella “Stella” Adaya Waller daughter of Jonathan and Sarala Waller; sister of Shoshana Hela Shapow wife of Nathan Shapow; mother of Adena (Mike) Opos and Mike (Estee) Shapow; grandmother of 4; great-grandmother of 1 Dylan Beyer Hutter Borenstein son of Guy and Sara Borenstein; brother of Ryan 7 Adat Ari El Bulletin Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 MITZVAH DAY 5773 November 4, 2012 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Please Bring: �� New games and toys for the Oscar Litwak �� Community’s ongoing PB&J Sandwich Project Playcart �� Peanut Butter and Jelly for the Jewish Learning New or gently-used sports equipment for �� Sports Gifts Target and Payless gift cards for our Shoes that Fit Program �� Thanksgiving Food �� Diapers and Wipes for Newborns in Need �� Towels for the Burbank Animal Shelter �� Halloween candy �� Tuna for the Interfaith Thanksgiving �� New toiletries for NHIFP Service at Adat Ari El, November 21st. �� School supplies for the Matthew Freeman Project Confirmed Events (to date): �� Blood Drive for UCLA �� Assembling and packing Hope Mill Care Packs for the Homeless �� Packing of Rice and Beans for SOVA �� Making of Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches for Covenant House and other local food pantries �� Halloween Candy sorting for San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission �� Toiletries sorting for NHIFP and LAFH �� Decorating Onesies for Kaiser Panorama City �� Operation Gratitude - Write letters to U.S. service members on active duty and meet veterans �� M.O.T. Passover Cards - Create cards for Jewish Americans serving in the U.S. military �� Decorating Thanksgiving bags full of food for SOVA �� Information and Orientation with Aviva Center (Foster Care) �� Buy a Joke for Smile Train who provide surgery for children with cleft palates �� Decorating Tzedakah boxes �� Gaga - $1.00 per game �� USY - Care packages for college students Pizza Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. P.S. Bring some spending money, so that you can enjoy this event to its fullest! We are always open to your suggestions for good causes we can support. Please contact Ruth Devine at rmdevine@pacbell.net 8 Adat Ari El Bulletin Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 HOUSE AND GROUNDS Our House and Grounds Committee members have been hard at work these past 18 months taking care of and improving our “home.” As Chair of this committee, I want to acknowledge the diligent work of our committee members. Their expert advice, suggestions, and hard work have enabled us to do the following: • Install low-flow toilets throughout the entire campus, at no cost to the Synagogue, through a grant from the DWP • Install flat-screen monitors through a very generous anonymous donation • Remodel the ECC kitchen paid for with monies from a fundraiser at the beginning of September • Create a Biblical Garden paid for by fundraisers from the Day School and JLC • Remodel the ECC yards through donations • Install a new convection oven in the Sisterhood Kitchen • Upgrade our courtyard entrance • Install new carpeting in the DFC at a discount through a generous vendor • Install new air conditioning in the ECC, meeting rooms, and Synagogue administration building • Remodel the Sanctuary bathroom on the main floor • Upgrade the sound system in the Sanctuary • Install campus-wide Wi-Fi • Stain the cabinets and paint the walls in the meeting rooms • Plant trees near the chain-link fence in the parking lot • Complete our new Community Room (Newman Meeting Room) I want to personally thank all of our members from the last year who have been generous with their donations of services, items, and time to make all of these changes happen: Michelle Lasky-Nielson, Mike Yaghoubi, Ray Glasser, Herb Moore, Patrick Miller, Joanne Klein, and Bennett Spiegel. I want to give a very special thank you to Michelle for her invaluable design advice and donations, to Mike for his expertise and advice on permits and construction, to Lea Alkalai for the donation of her time and expertise in architectural issues, permitting, and design, and to Cheryl Davidson for her expert help and time in designing the Community Room. I look forward to another year of improvements with the active participation of our existing and new committee members and the Vice President of Administration, Mitch Weiss, as well as the involvement of the entire Adat Ari El community. Nadine Lavender Chair House and Grounds Committee WANTED… The Masor Youth Department is in need of a new TV set for the Goodman Youth Lounge. We would love a flat-screen HDTV that we can hang on the wall to maximize our space and our programming. If you can help us out, please contact Julee Levine at jsnitzer@adatariel.org or at 818.755.3488 Our Youth thank YOU! 9 Adat Ari El Bulletin Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 The ECC Summer Soirée 10 Adat Ari El Bulletin Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 ����������������������������������������������� � ������������������������������������������������������������ ���������� Your lifestyle continues here. �������������������������������� ��������������������������� ����������������������������� � �������������������������������������������������������������������� CALL TODAY FOR A PERSONAL TOUR AND COMPLIMENTARY LUNCH. ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 818.245.5832 �� ����������������������������������������������� ������������������� INDEPENDENT & ASSISTED SENIOR LIVING RESIDENCES ��������������������������������������������������������������� 5450 Vesper Avenue, Sherman Oaks, CA 91411 SRGseniorliving.com ������������������������������������������������������������������������ RFCE #197603674 ��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ���� �������������� ������� �������� ����� �������� ��� ������ ��������� WANT TO STAY IN YOUR OWN HOME? COMFORT KEEPERS MAKE IT POSSIBLE Endorsed By: Adat Ari El Day School Meal Prep * Light Housekeeping * Grocery Shopping * Transportation * Assistance with Bathing/Incontinence Care * Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care Companionship & So Much More! Now Offering Private Tours (818) 776-5060 www.comfortkeepers.com ������� ����� ������������ ����������������������������������������� For more information contact: Debra Peterkofsky 818.766.4992 x 214 ��������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ���������������������� Education The Way It Should Be ���������������������� ����������������������������� ������������������ � editing � proofreading � desktop publishing � Internet research � project management � calendar maintenance � client scheduling ������������ 11 Adat Ari El Bulletin Heshvan/Kislev 5773 • November 2012 PERIODICALS Postmaster: Please send address changes to: 12020 Burbank Boulevard Valley Village, California 91607-2198 (818) 766-9426 Fax (818) 505-9223 Published Monthly During the School Year Design by Galileo Graphics Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard Assistant Rabbi Deborah Silver Rabbi Emeritus Moshe J. Rothblum Cantor Ira S. Bigeleisen Associate Cantor Judy Dubin Aranoff Rabbi Aaron M. Wise Cantor Allan Michelson Bennett Spiegel, President Joanne Klein, Executive Director Adat Ari El is affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Adat Ari El is on the Internet... our WEB address is www.adatariel.org. Rabbi Bernhard’s address is RabbiJJB@adatariel.org. The Bulletin (USPS 661-900) is published monthly by Adat Ari El, located at 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607-2198. Phone: (818) 766-9426, ext. 220 Fax (818) 505-9223 email: RabbiJJB@adatariel.org. Adat Ari El is a non-profit organization Total requested circulation averages 850 copies monthly Periodicals paid at North Hollywood, CA POSTMASTER – Send address changes to: Adat Ari El, 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607-2198 In order for the Rabbis and Cantors to assist congregants in their time of need, it is respectfully requested that funeral times not be scheduled until checking with the Rabbinic Friday, November 2, 2012 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, November 23, 2012 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 5:41 p.m. Candle Lighting - 4:27 p.m. Saturday, November 3, 2012 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Parsha & Torah reading:.........................Vayera; Genesis 21:1-22:24 Darshan:........................................... Bill Burnett Saturday, November 24, 2012 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Bat Mitzvah:.................................Olivia Lokman Parsha & Torah reading:.......................Vayetze; Genesis 31:17-32:3 Darshan:.................................. Matt Rosenberg Friday, November 9, 2012 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 4:35 p.m. Saturday, November 10, 2012 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Bat Mitzvah:...................... Molly Rose Schwartz Parsha & Torah reading:.................Haye Sarah; Genesis 24:53-25:18 Darshan:................................... Rabbi Bernhard Friday, November 16, 2012 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, November 30, 2012 6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat Candle Lighting - 4:26 p.m. Saturday, December 1, 2012 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Bat Mitzvah:................................... Alana Rosen Parsha & Torah reading:.................... Vayishlah; Genesis 35:16-36:43 Darshan: . ................................ Rabbi Bernhard Candle Lighting - 4:31 p.m. Saturday, November 17, 2012 9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary Bar Mitzvah:...................................... David Prell Parsha & Torah reading:......................... Tol’dot; Exodus 27:28-28:9 Darshan:...................................Steven Shapero Daily Minyan - Deiber Chapel Mornings Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m.; Sundays & Holidays 9:00 a.m. Evenings Sunday - Thursday at 7:00 p.m. 12 Department. Junior Congregation – A service for kids (and their parents). A little praying … A little singing … A little learning … A little storytelling … AND a LOT of fun! 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. in the Deiber Chapel on November 24th. Appropriate for families with kids ages 6-12. Shabbat Mishpacha, a family service designed for anyone who wants to eat dinner and celebrate Shabbat in a fun, musical, relaxed family atmosphere, will be held on November 9th at 7:00 p.m. in Russell Hall (preceded by dinner and an activity at 6:00 p.m.). Tot Shabbat @ Adat for ECC-aged children will be held at 9:30 a.m. on November 3rd beginning with 9:30-10:15 a.m. services in the David Familian Chapel and concluding with snack and play time from 10:15-11:00 a.m. Meditation Service, an alternative Shabbat Morning Service, will be held on November 10th from 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Deiber Chapel with Rabbi Yael Saidoff.
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