November 2014


November 2014
Monthly Edition • Volume 77 No. 3
Collection Items
for November:
Canned Proteins
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
If you are not already receiving it, make sure you sign up for the weekly “This Week @ Adat”
email, which is sent out every Friday. The email includes important information about service
times and upcoming events, 1as well as rabbinic commentary about the weekly Torah portion.
Email Dean Thomson at to stay connected.
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
Rabbi’s Message
As I write this piece, it is the day after Yom Kippur, and I
am acutely aware, more than usual, of the degree to which
I am blessed in the variety and deliciousness of the food
that I eat. And at the season of the year when you will be
reading this, our food is arguably at its most delicious, the
sweetness of Rosh Hashanah and the bounty of Sukkot just behind us, but we
can almost smell those latkes coming.
Of course, the idea that Judaism and food are closely related is legion. We
bless what we eat before we consume it, in ways specifically suited to what
we are consuming. One of the most pleasant mitzvot to observe is the
blessing after the meal, based on the commandment in Deuteronomy that we
should eat, be satisfied, and bless. Food is the way that we express affection,
relationship, and community (who shows up at a shivah empty-handed?).
But this year, I am hoping that as a Synagogue, we can also become more
involved with the idea of our choice of food being a mitzvah in itself.
I’m not talking about eating plans as such (though arguably the concept of
mitzvah can apply there, too). Rather, from the time that I was at rabbinical
school, I have engaged with the issue of fair trade. I won the Whizin Prize
for Ethics for my essay on whether it is a halachic obligation to buy fair
trade products. I have been waiting for the opportunity for us to have this
conversation within the Synagogue, and I believe the time is now.
Put very simply, fair trade is the idea that we should choose to consume in
a way that does not create—or exacerbate—poverty. Certain items that we
regularly consume—coffee, chocolate, bananas, to name just a few—come
from places in the world that are extremely poor. If we pay a fair price for
goods from those places, we can help farmers and workers there to live at a
decent level and not be exploited.
The Rabbinical Assembly has passed a resolution to the effect that synagogues
should make an effort to support the enterprise of fair trade (you can find it
by Googling Rabbinical Assembly Fair Trade). They identify three underlying
Jewish values—not being oppressive, not being unjust, and supporting selfsufficiency.
Here at the Synagogue, when I began discussing fair trade with our
Sisterhood and our staff, I was delighted to find that we have already been
taking steps to ensure that our coffee is fair trade. (We are also blessed in
the generous donation of immaculately fair-trade coffee for the coffee cart
from congregant Jeff Chean.) For the past couple of years, our B’nai Mitzvah
have been receiving kippot from a collective, Guatemalan Hands, that works
with Fair Trade Judaica. But it looks as though we can do more in terms of
fair trade, and this year we will be exploring what that might look like.
I should say that fair trade isn’t a perfect system (and I’m not sure such a
system exists). Labeling can be complicated, and there will always be people
who want to make more money than is strictly due to them. But it is a start,
and it does make a difference.
Of course, we remain free to make whatever choices we want at the
supermarket. But I shall be proud, this year, to know that as a community, we
are taking steps to support the dignity of those who provide what we consume.
By Manny Aftergut
Our Board Would
Appreciate Your Help
At the Board Retreat in August and through
a follow-up at our September Board meeting
(postponed until October 6 in honor of the
unfortunate passing of Ron Labowe), it was decided
that for the remainder of the Synagogue year
(ending June 30, 2015), the Board would form
work/action clusters around the following issues:
Welcoming new members
Expansion of Shabbat at Home
Expansion of our Havurah program
Addressing the needs of Empty Nesters
Addressing the needs of families whose youngest
(or only) child has had his or her Bar or Bat
Please join one or more of these work/action
clusters. Your help will be much appreciated. Please
reach me at the following email address so I can put
you in touch with the captain of the work/action
cluster you are interested in joining:
We are hoping the teams will have a productive
year and that their reaching out will strengthen our
A Tree of Life
Many of you have noticed that the symbol of a tree
can be found around our Synagogue campus. Within
our captivating central courtyard, one can see the
beautiful and colorful wall graphic of a tree, created
and installed in honor and in appreciation of Rabbi
Bernhard’s 18th year of service at Adat Ari El. Many
of the flyers we send out depict an iconic tree, and
our stationery will include a customized watermark.
“It is a tree of life to all who grasp it, and whoever holds
on to it is happy; its ways are ways of pleasantness, and
all it paths are peace.” (Proverbs 3:17-18)
Traditional Judaism identifies Talmud Torah (the
study of Torah) as the Tree of Life, promising
wisdom and perpetuity to those who “lay hold
of her.” Without question, study of Torah is an
important commandment as well as an honor.
However, even the simple act of holding the Torah
is thought to confer great power on those who take
hold of it. The Torah reader (the Bal Koreh) is
not only honored as a reader, but traditionally the
President’s Message, continued on page 3
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
President’s Message, continued from page 2
Bal Koreh holds the Torah with the non-reading hand for his (or her) practical
need to scroll the parchment forward as the reading progresses—and because the
simple act of holding the handle is thought to bring the reader closer to God.
The dowels around which the parchment is wound are called the atzei chayim.
Those called up to the Torah, the aliyah honorees, are encouraged to take hold
of the atzei chayim handles while reciting the required blessings before and after
the Torah is publicly read. Essentially, the aliyah blessings acknowledge the gift
of receiving the Torah and the Torah’s power of implanting within us eternal life.
The Magbiah honoree lifts the Torah scroll while holding the handles of the atzei
chayim and opening columns of Torah and lifting the letters, words, and verses
toward heaven for the congregation to see. The Golel or Golelet honoree also has
an opportunity to hold the Torah by grasping the handles, rolling the Torah scroll
tightly, tying a strap to secure the Torah scroll before covering and crowning the
Torah, and returning it to rest in the aron kodesh.
So as you walk around the Adat Ari El grounds and come upon images of trees, or
take in the trees that are a part of our courtyard or our Biblical Garden, or receive
materials from us with the underlying image of a tree, think about how the
Torah is like a Tree of Life. What comes to mind when you think of a tree? Our
tradition understands that the Torah’s stories and commandments are meant to
teach us how to live our lives, and so it is as a Tree of Life, it is a tall tree to climb,
but the lessons are there for us to study, discuss, and learn. As we share our
understanding of stories, learn and teach stories and Torah truths, and especially
when we do so with the next generation, this is the “eternal life” promised by
Torah—this is why it is like a Tree of Life.
By our work, dedication, and effort, may the Adat Ari El community continue to
thrive from strength to strength and from generation to generation.
Thank You For
Your Support
As I write this note, it is in the afterglow
of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and
preparation for Sukkot. I very much enjoyed
seeing so many familiar faces and greeting
friends I have known for so long. It is this
community of families that makes the season so
rich and warm.
I want to thank all who have made a gift to our
2014-2015 Annual Campaign already—and
I want to encourage those who have delayed
to make your commitment now. Please take a
moment to send in your response card or go
online to If you prefer to send
a check and have misplaced the response card,
just enclose a note to let us know which of our
many worthwhile programs you wish to support.
Thank you again for helping to create a house
of learning, prayer, and community. Every
donation is appreciated.
Marty Lasker
Development Vice President
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry
Wednesday, November 26th
7:00 p.m.
Unitarian Universalist Church
of Studio City
12355 Moorpark St.
Studio City, CA 91604
More info to follow
adat 36
adat ari el labowe family day school
Come see what’s new
follow us on
open house:
NOVEMBER 16, 2014
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
B’nai Mitzvah
November 2014
Howard Gladstein
father of Barbara (Marc) Bresler and Jeffrey Gladstein;
grandfather of Noah and Sarah Bresler
Joseph “Jerry” Giden
husband of Ruth Giden; father of Deborah Giden and
Michael Giden; brother-in-law of Lee Giden;
uncles of Donna Giden Quinn and Sharon Giden Brill
November 1, 2014
Nicole Elbaz-Deckel
daughter of
Nathalie & David Elbaz-Deckel
November 8, 2014
Ashley Cayo
Daughter of
Lori & Brian Cayo
Ronald Labowe
husband of Trana Labowe; father of Mark (Lena) Labowe,
Kenneth (Chantelle) Labowe, Richard Labowe and Sara Labowe;
grandfather of Jodi and Emily Labowe, Erik and Cece Labowe,
Aaron, Noah and Kaitlyn Labowe, Batsheva, Katya, Elijah and
Jaden Labowe-Stoll; brother of Judy (Paul) Millman
David Menashe
father of Hannah, Jay and Diane; step-father of Susan, Donna
and Carol; brother of Esther Spector and Abe Menashe
Eric Worth
brother-in-law of Kerry Connelly
November 22, 2014
Keren & Ronen Lee
Daughter & Son of
Yvette & Jonathan Lee
Sylvia Joyce Hoffman
mother of Fae Hoffman-Buckner, Jon Hoffman,
Joel (Judy) Hoffman and Nathan (Madelyn) Hoffman;
grandmother of David Buckner, Ben (Anu) Hoffman, Dan,
Rebecca, Cheryl and Randy Hoffman, and Natasha Etea;
sister of Gloria Spodick
Ethan Elijah Lerman-Bell
son of Sharon Lerman and Rick Bell;
brother of Zachary
Sidney Simmons
husband of Dotty Simmons; father of Barbara Lazar and
Philip (Linda) Simmons; grandfather of Oren, Donna and
Maya Lazar, Jessica Simmons; brother of Fred Simmons
Maurice Kurtz
husband of Marcia Kurtz; father of Deborah (Adam Steinman) Kurtz;
grandfather of Noah and Maya
Robert Levine
father of Peter (Judy) Levine, Merle Levine and
Janelle Himmel; grandfather of Jason (Julee) Levine and
3 others
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
Come dressed in YELLOW or as your favorite BEATLE
We will be serving a YELLOW dinner!
Please join us on
Friday, November 7th
6:00 p.m. - Dinner
(Parents – Fine to bring Kosher Wine)
7:15 p.m. - Family Shabbat Service
8:15 p.m. - Israeli Dancing
For more information, please contact Bari Berger Goldman (818) 764-1061
Please make checks payable to Adat Ari El
or pay through the Calendar link at
For questions regarding payment, contact Dean at (818) 766-9426, ext. 209
Name: _____________________________
Phone: _______________
# of Adult Meals:
@ $15:00 _______
# of Children older than 2:
@ $10:00 _______
# of Children younger than 2: __________
Free of Charge
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
Adat Ari El -E.C.C. office
Every Purchase Makes a Difference!
Share the Innisbrook catalog with friends, neighbors, co-workers
and family! Even out-of-town family and friends can help!
Make checks payable to Adat Ari El ECC
Add $0.25 per item to help cover sales tax
Order deadline: MONDAY, OCTOBER 20
Go to:
Enter our school QXPEHU 126230 and Select our school name when it appears.
Click on the Register button in top right corner to create an
account, then Select Teacher and add students _____
sending emails to friends and supporters.
After selecting all of your items, click CHECKOUT.
(Use Catalog Quick Order for fast ordering.)
Print out your Payment Slip and return it with your payment.
If you don't have ,nternet access, return a copy of your order form with payment.
Students receive credit for EVERY order placed on their behalf!
Keep your order form. You'll need it to distribute products!
Contact Customer Service
Thanks for being a Superhero for our school!
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
No. 2 Volume 12
November 2014
President’s Message
During a gathering over the holidays, I enjoyed celebrating with
friends and other Adat Ari El community members. Conversations
about kids, work, and school are always familiar topics as we catch
up from our previous visit. However, one conversation addressed
what Sisterhood has to offer. I was speaking with a woman
who stated, “I should join Sisterhood, but I like small group
activities, and I work during the day.” Sisterhood is known for its
volunteering opportunities, fundraising, and education. However,
the time we women have to volunteer or spend on ourselves
fluctuates. Why women join Sisterhood or how involved one
becomes is different for each person. My response to this hardworking mom was that we offer many programs throughout the
year, allowing her to connect with fellow Adat Ari El women, but
I suggested she check out our Cooking classes and Book Club. The
Cooking classes and Book Club meet in the evening and provide
intimate settings with great conversations.
Our Cooking classes are taught by professional chefs and meet
a couple times a year at fellow Sisterhood members’ homes. The
chef takes us step by step through all the themed recipes, which
we sample throughout the evening. The Cooking classes are part
of our long-standing M.I.D. program. Tuition for the series or
individual class sign-ups can be found on the Adat Ari El website’s
Sisterhood page. Follow the link for the M.I.D. brochure, and
check out our other M.I.D. classes offered during the day as well.
We are very pleased to announce that this year’s recipient
of the Chayai Olam Award is Lena Labowe, and the Kol
Ishah Award will go to Malinda Marcus! Both of these
women have shown dedication to our Sisterhood and
Torah Fund. We hope you will join us in honoring them
at our Annual Torah Fund Dinner on January 28, 2015.
Thanks to all of you who have made your pledges to
Torah Fund and to those of you who have already paid
your pledges! Our efforts will help secure the future
of Conservative Judaism by supporting its seminaries.
Remember all gifts are valuable and help us reach our
goal. This year’s theme is Mishpacha—Family. If you
haven’t already done so, won’t you please join the Torah
Fund Mishpacha to help educate the future leaders of
Conservative Judaism. The money that is donated to the
Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies here in Los Angeles
helps the students financially during their year of study
in Israel.
Your support of Torah Fund is much appreciated. Please
contact us if you have any questions.
Joette Labinger
Susie Katz
(818) 787-7441 (818) 995-0345
Torah Fund Co-Chairs
The Sisterhood Book Club, chaired by Elaine Lieberman, began
meeting last fall after we received multiple requests from our
Sisterhood membership to begin a Book Club. Over the past year
we have read Jewish-based books such as I Am Forbidden, The
Dovekeepers, Girl from Foreign, My Promised Land, and The Tale of
Love and Darkness. Our December book selection is The Invention
of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. Inspired by real events and set in the
American Deep South during the 1800’s, the publisher describes
the book as a story about “righteous people living daily with
cruelty they fail to recognize; it celebrates the power of friendship
and sisterhood against all odds.” We will meet and discuss The
Invention of Wings Thursday, December 4th, at 7:30 p.m., in
the Newman Lounge. Sisterhood Book Club is free with your
Sisterhood membership.
We want to remind you that it is not too late to turn
in your Sisterhood Membership. You can pick up a
Membership Brochure in our Gift Gallery or Synagogue
office. Also, to sign-up online, just visit our Sisterhood
page at
If you have any questions or need more information regarding the
Cooking classes, Book Club, or any other Sisterhood programs of
interest to you, please contact me at
We welcome your membership and look forward to
seeing you at many Sisterhood events.
We hope to see you!
Ruth Devine (
Susan Haimowitz (
Membership Co-Chairs
Christine Prell
Sisterhood President
Breaking News from
Torah Fund!!!
November 2014
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Sign up for
Adat Ari El Sisterhood MultiInterest Day (M.I.D.) classes
started on Wednesday, October 22,
2014, and will continue through
May 13, 2015. Our outstanding
teachers from last year return to
teach new classes that will inspire
you. Our own Adat Ari El rabbis,
Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard
and Rabbi Deborah Silver, are
teaching a new Diving into Talmud
series that will surely enlighten our
Rabbi Mark Goodman is teaching
two new classes, Jewish Theology
and Jewish Historical Movements
and Achievements. Cantor
Jonathan Friedmann will teach a
new class entitled Jewish Musical
Diversity. Jack Hirschberg returns
to teach Eyewitness to the Events
of the Day; and Moshe Melnick
will teach Hebrew during second
semester. And our ever-present
Necia Sukonig will continue her
Low Impact Exercise Program,
and Susie Katz will also continue
her popular Writing Club. The
Creative Cooking program,
coordinated by Arlene Bloom,
returns. Contemporary Challenges
is back by popular demand and
will consist of speakers from many
areas of interest. If registration
materials did not reach you, and
you have yet to sign up, contact
one of us. We look forward to
seeing you soon!
Sisterhood News
Sisterhood Boutique
Our annual Hanukkah Boutique is coming up on November 18th from 8:30 a.m. to
7:30 p.m. Come “Shop, Eat and Give!” Once again our fabulous boutique chairs, Myah
Gittleson and Stefanie Rosenthal, have a wonderful day planned. There will be drinks and
food for purchase throughout the day and complimentary wine and cheese in the evening.
We have some great new vendors as well as all of our old favorites. Some special vendors
to watch for are: Dreams by Arlene, Amasor Jewelry, Blue Candy Jewelry, Kendra Scott
Jewelry, Karen Rosen Collection, Ugo Girl, Cutco, Kova Caps, and Nancy’s Creations.
See you there,
Jennifer Kaplan and Amy Zacky
Ways and Means Co-Chairs
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Rosalee Pechersky
Adina Melnick
Co-Vice Presidents for Education
November 2014
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
Sisterhood News
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Sisterhood Presidents Wall Dedication
Sisterhood Past Presidents and other
Sisterhood members gathered on October 13th
to honor “Sisterhood and those members who
have served as President. 5hey have provided
a constant source of support to Sisterhood
and Adat Ari El since 1939.”
The Sisterhood Presidents wall, which was
endowed by Ron Rieder and Judy Rosenberg
Rieder, bears the names of the 41 women
who have lead Sisterhood since 1938.
Current President Christine Prell welcomed
the guests and read the names of all of the Past
Presidents. Rabbi Bernhard thanked Sisterhood for their work on behalf of Adat Ari El
and the community. Jerry Krautman, Director
of Development, presented the Past Presidents
and Annual Adat Ari El Gala Monte Carlo
Night Co-Chairs Myah Gittelson and Stefanie
Rosenthal with individualized books
highlighting that wonderful event.
The wall features space for tributes for specific
Past Presidents and Sisterhood in general.
These inscriptions will be a permanent,
enduring testament to the importance of
Sisterhood at Adat Ari El. For more
information, please contact Jerry Krautman
at 818
766-9426, extension 257.
November 2014
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
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Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
The Adat Ari El Men’s Club
invites you to a
The Los Angeles Athletic Club
431 West 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014
Featuring over 100 rare and unique single malt and
Scotch whiskeys, a selection of premium imported
cigars, tour journal with tasting notes, souvenir
snifter glass, and much, much more.
Plus Pat’s will provide a kosher buffet dinner for us
at the event!
7:00 – 9:30 p.m. (Registration - 7:00 p.m.)
Cost - $135.00 (Advanced Purchase Required)
Contact Steve Lavender for ticket information
(323) 273-4276 or
We will take the Metro from the North Hollywood
Station to the event and back, meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
Friday Night Lectures
Join us for services and a delicious
Friday night dinner, followed by a
guest speaker. We will
bring a variety of voices
from the community to
address us on a wide
range of subjects. Book
a table and bring your friends.
Monthly on Friday Nights
Beginning November 14th
December 12th, January 16th,
February 13th, March 13th,
April 17th and May 15th
Time - Services start at 6:00 p.m.
Locations - To Be Determined
Sign up at
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
Your lifestyle
���� Vesper Avenue, Sherman Oaks, CA �����
Call today for a personal tour
and complimentary lunch.
RFCE ����������
Adat Ari El has spaces available
in a special section at reduced member rates.
Current prices will not last long.
If you are interested in purchasing space(s),
please contact: Ernie Goodman at (818) 788-1420
or Alan Altschul at (818) 522-6081
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Heshvan/Kislev 5775 • November 2014
Postmaster: Please send address changes to:
12020 Burbank Boulevard
Valley Village, California 91607-2198
(818) 766-9426 Fax (818) 505-9223
Published Monthly During the School Year
Design by Galileo Graphics
Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard
Assistant Rabbi Deborah Silver
Rabbi Emeritus Moshe J. Rothblum
Cantor Ira S. Bigeleisen
Associate Cantor Judy Dubin Aranoff
Rabbi Aaron M. Wise
Cantor Allan Michelson
Manny Aftergut, President
Adat Ari El is affiliated with
The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Adat Ari El is on the Internet...
our website address is:
Rabbi Bernhard’s address is:
Rabbi Silver’s address is:
Saturday, November 1, 2014
9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary
Bat Mitzvah:....................... Nicole Elbaz-Deckel
Parsha & Torah reading:.................. Lech L’cha;
Genesis 14:1-15:21
Darshan:...........Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard
Friday, November 7, 2014
6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting - 4:37 p.m.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary
Bat Mitzvah:................................... Ashley Cayo
Parsha & Torah reading:.........................Vayera;
Genesis 19:1-20:18
Darshanit:........................ Rabbi Deborah Silver
Friday, November 14, 2014
6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting - 4:32 p.m.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
9:30 a.m......................... David Familian Chapel
Parsha & Torah reading:.................Haye Sarah;
Genesis 24:10-52
Darshanit:.......................................... Jo Pitesky
The Bulletin (USPS 661-900) is published monthly by
Adat Ari El, located at 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607-2198.
Phone: (818) 766-9426, ext. 209 Fax (818) 505-9223 email:
Adat Ari El is a non-profit organization
Total requested circulation averages 850 copies monthly
Periodicals paid at North Hollywood, CA
POSTMASTER – Send address changes to:
Adat Ari El, 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607-2198
Friday, November 21, 2014
6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting - 4:29 p.m.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary
B’nai Mitzvah:..................... Keren & Ronen Lee
Parsha & Torah reading:....................... Tol’doth;
Genesis 26:23-27:27
Darshanit:........................ Rabbi Deborah Silver
Friday, November 28, 2014
6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting - 4:27 p.m.
Shabbat Mishpacha, a family service
designed for anyone who wants to eat
dinner and celebrate Shabbat in a fun,
musical, relaxed family atmosphere, will
be held on November 7th at 7:00 p.m. in
Russell Hall (preceded by dinner and an
activity at 6:00 p.m.).
Tot Shabbat @ Adat for ECC-aged
children will be held at 9:30 a.m. on
November 1st beginning with 9:30 a.m.-
Saturday, November 29, 2014
9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary
Parsha & Torah reading:.......................Vayetze;
Genesis 30:14-31:16
Darshanit:................................. Barbara Bresler
10:15 a.m. services in the David Familian
Chapel and concluding with snack and
play time from 10:15 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Daily Minyan Deiber Chapel
Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m.
Sundays & Holidays 9:00 a.m.
Sunday - Thursday at 7:00 p.m.