from the Rabbi - Temple Menorah
from the Rabbi - Temple Menorah
November 2010 @ cheshvan/Kislev 5771 Vol. 64 No.9 from the Rabbi Expressions of Gratitude Steven L. Silver, Rabbi Once, many years ago, the great comedian Jack Benny, who was celebrating his eightieth birthday, appeared as a guest on the Tonight Show. The host, Johnnie Carson, asked Benny if at his age there were still more pleasures or thrills to be derived from life. Benny answered that every time he came out of the shower and felt the sensation of wrapping his body in a thick Turkish towel he was filled with gratitude to God. Judaism has no exact blessing or beracha for drying off one’s skin but in fact it has many dozens of berachot. The rabbinic tradition stipulates that every Jew should recite at least 100 berachot a day! In other words, Jewish tradition teaches us that we have a constant need to give thanks, even for the most mundane of gifts. But not just in an informal and spontaneous way (which is also good) but in a way that follows a special pattern or formula. The Talmud cites Psalm 145:1 (better known as the Ashrei Psalm) as the source for the standard blessing formula, ‘Blessed are You, O Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe…’ These six words are always present in every beracha: Baruch atah Adonai eloheynu melech ha-olam. Rabbi Reuven Kimmelman teaches that if we divide up the six Hebrew words as follows we can better understand the reason for the requirement to use this formula. Blessed are You O Adonai our God Ruler of the Universe = = = self — God relationship community — God relationship humanity — God relationship In other words the beracha‘s ancient formula forces us to broaden our view of ourselves and our relationship to God. Yes, we are important to ourselves and to God, but so is our community and so is all humanity. Expressions of gratitude help us to transcend our tendency toward selfishness and greed. As a twenty year old I was not sure I understood the full meaning of Benny’s words, but I knew then that his remark illustrated a great truth about gratitude. Now I know that the greatest gifts are those in the realm of the mundane; life, happiness, joy and well-being. May this Thanksgiving season be for us and all Americans a time of heartfelt gratitude, peace and sharing. Steven L. Silver Rabbi Tickets -- $25 per person when reserved before Monday, November 8 Babysitting -- $15 for the first child, $10 for each additional sibling – reservations required Sponsors $360 – two tickets, preferential seating and name in the program See the enclosed Quick & Easy Registration form to RSVP 1 Tefilah erev shabbat (weekly) 6:00 p.m. – Nosh & Social 6:30 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat shabbat morning (weekly) 10:00 a.m. – Shacharit Service Introducing Our Leadership Executive Committee Members Cathleen Richland, President (310) 378-2595 Kiddush Lunch follows service Les Latner, VP—Development (310) 316-6955 Family Tot Shabbat & New Member Welcome Friday, November 12, 6:30 p.m. Shir Shabbat Friday, November 19, 6:30 p.m. Family Tot Shabbat Friday, December 3, 6:30 p.m. Candle lighting times are located in the enclosed calendar Parashat Ha Shavuah November 6 .............................Toledot November 13 ......................Va-Yetzay November 20 ................... Va-Yishlach November 27 ..................... Va-Yeshev Community @ Temple Menorah Nosh & Social Friday Evenings at 6:00 p.m. Family Tot Dinner & New Member Welcome Ronna Nelsen, VP—Education/ Religious School & Camp (310) 375-0773 Carol Andrykowski, 3rd VP—Education/Tuvia (310) 318-1955 Fred Bongard, VP—Administration (310) 791-8533 Joe Porzucki, Treasurer (310) 370-0677 Friday, November 12 at 5:30 p.m. Family Tot Dinner Friday, December 3 at 5:30 p.m. College Student Oneg Jeff Gitomer, Financial Secretary (310) 532-3215 Friday, November 26 at 7:30 p.m. BaT Mitzvah Sara Spicker November 20 | Va-Yishlach Daughter of Merrill & Aaron Spicker Ann Gotthoffer, Corresponding Secretary (310) 372-6939 Ruth Blumfield, Recording Secretary (310) 326-5693 Steve Goldberg, Parlimentarian (310) 540-8966 2 menorah message @ November We warmly welcome our newest members Trustees and Representatives Steve Braudo, Trustee – Continuing Jewish Education (310) 376-1907 Todd Arnson, Trustee - Catering (310) 318-0111 Nancy Hirsch, Trustee – Programming (310) 792-2100 Jeff Suitt, Trustee - Budget & Finance Sue Fogelson, Trustee - Membership (310) 540-4853 Lisa Krouse, Trustee – Youth Activities (310) 373-3669 Marcia Spanier, Trustee - Life Cycle (310) 378-3156 Gila Katz, Trustee - Tikkun Olam (310) 374-7405 Erika Robinson, Trustee - Library (310) 316-5617 redondobeachrobinsons Terry Donato, Tuvia Committee Chair (310) 325-9949 Steven & Marcia Barryte Steve & Lisa Becker and Family Douglas & Toya Brill and Family Delbert Bruns Joshua & Natalia Davidson Family Sanford & Joan Davidson Ely & Susan Feinerman and Family Dan & Garland Fybel and Family Gerald & Valerie Hale Gail Heimov-Weinstein Jeffery & Evelyn Jacobson Bo & Dawn Kaplan and Family Ron &Peggy Kinstler and Family Roni Kripper Daniel Lazarow & Kimberly Botwin and Family Andrew &Kristin Lelchuk and Family Marc & Rachel Liger and Family Michael & Gwendolyn Lipsey and Family Michael & Maria Sebastian and Family Laural MaKieve-Ayala and Family Howard & Mildred Marx Dede Moya Patrick & Ruth Parish Maxwell Josh & Erin Rawitch and Family David & Andrea Ross and Family Cal & Monique Saul and and Family Mori Schweitzer Jessica & Joshua Hoppes Ronen & Ella Vazana and Family Michael & Lemor Wasserstrom and Family Roger & Marjorie Weinhouse Scott & Tammy Windt and Family Mazel Tov Brittany Boveé and Joel Schwartz on their marriage Tuvia parents, Michelle & Chris Keldorf and their son, Max, on the birth of Lucas Shia Keldorf Matt Kang, Trustee Building & Grounds (562) 316-5010 Alissa Materman, Religious School Committee Chair (310) 257-8191 Allen Shall, Trustee Nominating Committee (310) 371-4223 Andrea Lawrence, Sisterhood Representative (310) 539-4211 Mishebeirach Temple Menorah wishes a speedy recovery to the following people: Jerry Axelrod Burt Belzer Robert Berliner Saul Bluman Jaye Cohen Diane Feigenson Nancy Friedman Samuel Herron-Goldman Nacha Lesser Fred Linnetz Mildred Milstein Jeff Sampson Ava Schwartz Patricia Spector Daphne Bailey Gerry Belzer Marjie Block Cookie Breier Alice Dewey Dorothy Fogel Barry Fuerst Gila Katz Leon Levy Viola Lucero Phoebe Newman Shelly Rocker Edward Spector Jacob Witkin 3 Feed the Hungry November 7, 2010 Please join the Temple Menorah Social Action Committee as we unite for our 2nd Feed the Hungry day of service. DONATIONS of dry spaghetti, canned spaghetti sauce, water bottles, chips, packaged snacks and $10 gift cards to Target, grocery stores, fast food restaurants, Starbucks, etc. can be left at the Temple anytime up until November 6. Donations of whole fruit can be dropped on Saturday November 6 or Sunday morning November 7. Volunteer are needed to help with set‐up, cooking, serving, bingo and clean‐up. To sign up please e‐mail Leslie Heimov at Adults, children and teens are all welcome! 4 menorah message @ November A Word From Cantor Jessica B'tzelem Elohim: In the Image of God “So God created humanity in God's image, in the image of God He created him; male and female, he created them.” (B'reishit 1:27). What does it mean to be created in the image of God? Does it mean God once looked like us, talked like us, walked like us, and used five senses like us? We can never really know what it means; we can only have our own interpretation. I think b'tzelem elohim refers to our behavior as humankind. Perhaps God created us to connect to each other as he is connected to each of us. In the text of Avot d'Rabbi Natan we find an interpretation of b'tzelem elohim that teaches us how we should treat those around us, Rabbi Elazar said, “May the honor of your fellow human being be as dear to you as your own, be slow to anger, and repent one day before your death. May the honor of your fellow human being be as dear to you as your own.” How does one do this? This teaches that one should see the honor of one's fellow human being in the same way that one sees one's own honor; just as no one wants a bad reputation, so too should one not want to give another person a bad reputation.” (Avot d'Rabbi Natan; 1:15) We all want to be treated with kindness and respect, and we all want to be heard when we speak. When we are talked about, we want only good words to be spoken about us. It is our nature to want to be loved. Sometimes, however, we forget that those around us deserve to be spoken about with the same grace. Sure, we have all been angry at one time or another, and the urge to speak poorly about people is incredibly tempting. I wonder how these angry moments would change if we took a second, stepped back, and let ourselves find the good in that person or that situation. While it is not necessarily the best choice to hold back our thoughts and feelings, it may be meaningful to pause and think about how we can best display what is on our minds before our lips speak. We cannot forget that each of us is created in this awesome image. We may individually be different; some of us are tall and some of us short, some of us are dark skinned and some of us are light skinned, and some of us speak with quietly while others speak for the world to hear. No matter our differences, we are all humans with blood flowing through our veins, with beating hearts, and with a unique soul. Let us not forget that we must treat ourselves with kindness in order to treat others with kindness. How many of us are guilty of never taking a day off of work, of letting something get in the way of enough sleep, exercise, or time with our family. There are times in our lives where everything else seems to take precident over our own well-being. Rabbi Elazar's explanation of b'tzelem elohim suggests that because we are created in God's image, we must take responsibility for not only treating others with honor and respect, but also for treating ourselves with honor and respect. If we remind ourselves of this connection and the love God has given to us, maybe we will have the ability to think twice before we speak our mind, and be quick to aid a neighbor in need. What a wonderful world we would live in if each of us could respect humanity, find equality among our peers, and listen to our inner still small voice that is always there to tell us how to act in the image of God. Kol Tuv, Jessica :) Sara Spicker’s Mitzvah Project For my Mitzvah project I decided to get more involved with helping to find a cure for Parkinson’s. I am raising money and educating others about Parkinson’s in the hope that together we can fight this disease and work to improve the quality of life for those affected. The main reason that I decided to focus on this cause is because of my grandmother, Louise Becker. Despite having this illness she has remained so strong and is always willing to help others. Throughout my life, she has always been a role model to me and an inspiration to many people. My team name is ‘Together Let’s Fight…’ If you would like to join me in making a difference, please visit my web page at - Donate Now / Support a Member: Sara Spicker. Your contribution will provide support to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, a leading organization in Parkinson's research. Thank you, Sara Spicker We Need You! Being a Gabbai is one of the most respected and revered volunteer positions in the synagogue. If you are up to the challenge then this is the mitzvah for you! Gabbayim Prep Class Chanukah Party! with Rabbi Silver If you are over 18, have a love of Shabbat services, can read Hebrew, and have a desire to learn, then you are suited for this honor. Upon completion of this class you will be able to assist Torah readers, be an aide to the Cantor in rolling the Torah and improve your understanding of the service. 9:30 a.m. Sundays, December 5 & 12 SAVE the DATE! Community Chanukah Candle Lighting & Pasta Dinner Wednesday, December 1 6:00 p.m. In the Social Hall Dinner – $25 per family Don’t Miss it! Sunday, December 5, at 5:00 PM Temple Menorah Social Hall Dinner @ Latkes Games @ Art Fun for Everyone! Bring Your Own Menorah Look for more information coming soon! RSVP to Paola Hirsch at Please send your check payable to: Temple Menorah Sisterhood by November 15 Our next blood drive is Sunday, November 14. Please save the date and plan to join us. Email to make an appointment to Save A Life! There is always a need for blood and only volunteer donors can fulfill that need for patients in our community. Nationwide, someone needs a unit of blood every 2 to 3 seconds and most of us will need blood in our lifetime. $10 Adults $5 Children under 13 For further information contact Katie (310) 347-2636 or Sponsored by Temple Menorah sisterhood 5 ROSENBERG Senior Cultural CENTER Monday, November 1 Solo Fiddler performance by Jessica Haddy Film Screening and Discussion “The Girl Who Played with Fire” Wednesday, November 3 Speakers Imam Ashraf Carrim & Athia Carrim will discuss “The Basics of Islam Including the 5 Pillars.” Monday, November 8 Speaker, Carrie Kahn will discuss “Haiti, Los Angeles, and the life of an NPR reporter.” Film Screening “Shattered Glass” Wednesday, November 10 Speakers Imam Ashraf Carrim & Athia Carrim will discuss “The Prayer Service in Islam.” Film Screening and Discussion “The Kids are Alright” Monday, November 15 Film Discussion on “The Films and Life of Clint Eastwood” Field Trip to the Movies: “Hereafter” Wednesday, November 17 Speaker, Rabbi Steven Silver will discuss “ORIGINS: Christianity and its commonalities and disparities with Judaism.” Monday, November 22 Field Trip: New Resnick Pavilion At LACMA Be one of the first to see LACMA’s most extraordinary gallery experience to date and see three shows in one hall. Lunch, transportation and tickets included (LACMA member’s discount) Wednesday, November 24 – 29 Closed Tuesday, November 30 Field Trip: An Evening With Salman Rushdie The Booker Prize winner is in conversation with Reza Aslan at the Los Angeles Public Library. Program begins at 8:00pm, meeting time TBD Tickets, dinner and transportation included 6 menorah message @ November Events Community feed the hungry Sunday, November 7 at 12:00pm Help those less fortunate in our community. To volunteer, please contact Leslie Heimov at (310) 3284054. filthy rich Saturday, November 13 at 7:30 pm World premier play reading about the atonement of Bernie Madoff. Please use the Quick&Easy RSVP form to reserve your place. shir shabbat Friday, November 19 at 6:30 pm Experience Shabbat in a personal and engaging manner with this new, contemporary, upbeat service – perfect for all ages. interfaith thanksgiving service Tuesday, November 23 at 7:30 pm Celebrate Thanksgiving with our neighborhood religious community at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. college student oneg Friday, November 26 at 7:30pm Catch up with all your old classmates who have returned for the Thanksgiving weekend. Come for the service and stay for the special oneg at 7:30pm. tuvia kids clubhomework club: Take the beginning-of-the-week homework stress away. Bring your child to our Homework Club once or twice a week where we will teach them organization and prioritization skills as well as help them get a jump start on their homework for the week! Email for more information. This is open to ANY student grades K-5! SISTERHOOD sisterhood board meetings Wednesday, Nov. 3, 7:00 pm Wednesday, Dec. 8, 7:00 pm chanukah party Sunday, December 5, 5 pm Sisterhood will be hosting another Community Chanukah Dinner Party featuring delicious food, entertainment and fun for the entire family! women’s torah study A new group is forming using the text The Torah: A Women’s Commentary. Interested or want more information? Contact Marcia Spanier (310) 378-3156 or at sisterhood book club Monday, December 13, 7:00 pm Discussion of the book: The Elegance of the Hedgehog, by Muriel Barbery. RSVP to Bonnie Leopold (310) 613-3559 or at entertainment books The books are here! Help raise funds for Sisterhood and save money on groceries, dining, travel and entertainment. Books are available in the Temple office for $30.00. Please make checks payable to Temple Menorah Sisterhood.Contact Shirley Kaufman (310) 541-2303. sisterhood tributes Send a beautiful message for any occasion while making a donation to Sisterhood. Contact Marcia Spanier (310) 378-3156 or plant a tree in Israel to recognize or memorialize family, friends and loved ones. To purchase a tree and have Sisterhood send a Certificate of Recognition contact Lynn Shall at (310) 371- 4223 or at sisterhood lilith salon For information on how to join our Lilith Magazine discussion group, contact Lynn Schubert at (310) 376-3984 or RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 1st grade field trip Sunday, November 14th, 9:00 am All 1st grade students and parents are invited to join on a trip to Noah’s Ark. RSVPs are a must so be sure to contact your teacher or Randi. We will meet at 9:15am in the garden room to begin the adventure. 3rd grade family education program Sunday, December 5th, 9:00 am All 3rd grade students and the parents gather to learn together. Join us at 9:00 am in the garden room to begin our special time together. and ACTIVITIES TUVIA 6th grade family education program Sunday, November 7, 9:00 am All 6th grade students and their parents gather to learn together. Join us at 9:00 am in the garden room to begin our special time together. Youth kids’ night out Saturday, November 20, 5:30 pm Travel back to medieval times and join Robin Hood and his Merry Men on a series of adventures around Temple Menorah. Kids ages 2 through 5th grade are welcome to join in on the fun! E-mail or call Jen Smith for more information at or (310) 3168444 ext. 113. Cost: $36 for the first child. $18 for each additional sibling. Saturday, December 11, 5:30 pm Join us for fun and games based on the movie Ducktails Adventures. E-mail or call Jen Smith for more information at or (310) 3168444 ext. 113. Cost: $36 for the first child. $18 for each additional sibling. my club Sunday, November 14, noon MY Club (4th and 5th graders) will be going rollerskating. More information is coming soon, but make sure you save the date! Email Jen Smith for more information at club noar & bbyo Wednesday, November 24, All 6th through 12th graders to join us for an evening of fun at Mulligans. More information is coming soon, but please save the date. Email Jen Smith for more information at youth choir Sundays, November 14 & 21, noon Youth Choir is open to all our 1st through 6th graders. Join Cantor Jessica after Religious School for music, friends and fun. family tot shabbat & new member welcome Friday, November 12, 5:30 pm Our Tuvia Keshet (Kindergarten) class will be participating so come and join the fun! Family craft starts at 5:30 pm, dinner at 5:45 pm, service at 6:30 pm, followed by a potluck dessert oneg and story time! RSVP to SueAnne Silkes at baby & toddler class open house Friday, November 12, 5:00 pm Join our instructor, Karen Dudley: Child Development Specialist, licensed Marriage, Family, & Child Counselor, M.A. in Human Development, as she shares songs, stories, and answers questions about our upcoming Baby & Me and Toddler & Me classes which will begin in January. This is open to ALL families with babes under 30 months, or even to those whose babes have yet-to-be-born! bagel & coffee connection Friday, November 19, 9:00 am Sponsored by Josh & Allison Cohen, discussion led by Rabbi Silver on the upcoming “December Dilemma.” Nosh, sip, learn, then stay for our Tuvia morning Shabbat celebration from 9:45-10:15 am barnes & noble fundraiser Wednesday, December 1, All Day Shop! For great gifts for the holidays while supporting Tuvia School at the same time! Join Rabbi Silver in the children’s section for a special Chanukah story time from 4:004:45 p.m. You can also shop online between 12/01/10-12/06/10 at and enter the Bookfair ID#10252286. thanksgiving + chanukah = thanksnukah Wednesday, December 8, 11:30 am Join us for a traditional Thanksgiving and Chanukah meal as our Tuvia students share songs about gratitude and Chanukah. We will be inviting our special RSCC guests as well as the whole Tuvia community. Tuvia will close at 1:00 pm. College Student Oneg Friday, November 26 Re-connect following services on the Friday AFTER Thanksgiving. Please come to Temple Menorah at 6:00 p.m. for nosh and services and then enjoy a nice oneg in an informal setting to visit with Rabbi Silver and many old friends. Temple Menorah is excited to invite the Temple community to a fantastic new musical family service: Shir Shabba t A Service of Song, Spirit and Celebration! Shir Shabbat is a service filled with spirit and energy. This dynamic and participatory service will bring the beautiful Shabbat melodies to life in a welcoming environment where we can practice our Judaism while we pray together. All Religious School Students and Families will participate. Friday, November 19 6:30 p.m. 7 38TH INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING SERVICE Invite the Rabbi to your home… Rabbi Silver would be DELIGHTED to visit you in your home to get to know you better, to visit someone in ill health or for any other reason. Please contact Sue-Anne at the synagogue office to arrange for a visit. (310) 316-8444 or DECEMBER 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29 & 30 Check out the enclosed Camp flyer for Tuesday, November 23, 2010 7:30 pm Concert & Service Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 22605 Kent Ave Torrance, CA. 90505 YOU ARE WELCOME TO BRING COOKIES FOR THE RECEPTION. PLEASE DROP OFF PRIOR TO THE SERVICE. 8 menorah message @ November Thank You Shelly & Joy Rocker, Scott & Cathleen Richland, Frank Reddick and Julie Kaufer and Ken & Stephanie Schwartz for hosting the Community Shabbat Dinner following the Tikkun HaNefesh Shabbat. Janine Allison, Muriel & Bill Berks, Nancy Diamond, Bob Feldman, Faith Goldman, Evelyn Greene, Cynthia Gurman, Nancy Hirsch, Larry Leopold, Naomi Schiff, Lynn Schubert, Mori Schweitzer, Renee Sokolski, Marcia Spanier, Jeff Suitt, Rebeca & Danny Rosenberg and Karen Rosenberg for all your help in planning the Rosenberg Senior Cultural Center Anniversary Party. THE CONGREGA TION APPRECIATES THE THOUGHTFULNESS OF TH OS E WH O REMEMBER AND H ON OR THEI R FRI END S AND LOVE D ONES TH ROUGH THE IR GENE ROUS CONTRIB UTIONS. Mitzvah Fund IN HONOR OF: Brennan Heimov, by Gail Heimov Weinstein IN MEMORY OF: Charles Gitomer, by Jeffrey Gitomer Allan Mason, by Evalee Weiss BERNIE SPANIER MEMORIAL L’ATIDENU FUND IN MEMORY OF: Charles Gitomer, by Jeffrey Gitomer Allan Mason, by Evelyn Greene Neu Social Justice Fund IN MEMORY OF: David Gitomer, by Jeffrey Gitomer Rietta Levy, by Janet Neu Religious School Enrichment Fund IN MEMORY OF: Paul Hirsch, by Harriette Hirsch Albert Gevov, by Carol & William Gevov Tuvia School Fund IN MEMORY OF: Syliva Grancell, by Sherman Grancell Tuvia Playground Improvement Fund IN HONOR OF: Adam Grossman, by Myron and Clarice Davis IN MEMORY OF: Barbara Senturia Bryant, by Lisa Lunzer SISTERHOOD TRIBUTES CONDOLENCES: Evelyn Greene on the death of her brother Allan Mason from Andrea and Glenn Lawrence, Marcia Spanier, Claire and Victor Kaufman, Shirley and Hal Kaufman and Mim Rivo WISHES FOR GOOD HEALTH AND BLESSINGS TO: Dolores Torres from Faith Goldman, Andrea and Glenn Lawrence, Ann Gotthoffer, Pat Alexander and Marisol Blystone Robert Gotthoffer from Katie and Matt Kang, Jim and Madeleine Eble, Kelly and Mike Bluman, Faith Goldman, Marisol Blystone, Pat Alexander, Lori Ernster, Maureen and Rudy Romero, Cathleen and Scott Richland, Barbara Stokes, Andrea and Glenn Lawrence, and Marcia Spanier Mim Rivo from Carole and Ed Casper, Evelyn Greene, Anna and Chuck Greenberg, Mickey Rodner, Marcia Spanier Karola and Joseph Kuc from Andrea and Glenn Lawrence VICKIE WALDMAN LEADERSHIP FUND Thanks to everyone for donations in memory of my brother, Allan Mason, by Evelyn Greene Thank you to all for Tribute wishes for my health, by Mim Rivo IN MEMORY OF: Joseph Greene, by Evelyn Greene For information regarding Sisterhood Tributes or to send a Tribute, please call Marcia Spanier at 310-378-3156 THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR MAKING OUR 5771 MEMBERS HELPING MEMBERS AND L’ATIDENU APPEALS SUCH A HUGE SUCCESS! Jean Adelsman Jill & Peter Albert Patricia Alexander Carol & Joel Andrykowski Todd & Janice Arnson Maxine & Jerry Axelrod Jeff & Jennifer Berger Muriel & William Berks Ann Berns Viviana & Jorge Birnbaum Milton Birnbaum Ruth & Alvin Blinder Marjie & Mark Block Anita & George Blumenfeld Carla Bradford Matthew Budoff & Victoria Billit Martin & Karen Burstein Bea & Clarence Cohen Cynthia & Marvin Cohen Jackson Cooper Marjorie Denker Shawn & Paul Drissel Amy & Alan Ehrenkranz Scott & Jennifer Emmerman Lori Ernster Ronald Feldman Seymour & Sara Ferdman Penny & David Fogel Jonathan Frey & Gail Rodkin Dan & Garland Fybel Carol & William Gevov Mariana & Jeffrey Gitomer Ethel Glass Stephen Goldberg David & Lisa Goldfarb Audrey & Robert Goldman Ann Gotthoffer & Mickey McRae Nanci & Kenneth Goussak Lina & Whit Haskel Barbara Hirsch Marisol Blystone & Jonathan Johnson Paul Kahan Carrie Kahn & Ramon Beristain Janet & Richard Katz Frank Reddick & Julie Kaufer Shirley & Hal Kaufman Robert Koch Lisa & Aaron Krouse Nora & Les Latner Glenn & Andrea Lawrence Jane Letvin Jesse & Lorrie Levine Benjamin Lichtman & Zhanna Pinkus Rachel & Marc Liger Debra & Brenda Lockard Loob Jack Lyons Laural MaKieve-Ayala David & Lora Mallen Jeff & Romina Manson Miriam Materman Alissa & Daniel Materman Sydne Morrison Marc Moser Sharon & Sami Mualem Caryn & Glen Musicer Leanne & James Myers Suzanne & Igor Nastaskin Corey & Jeff Newman Grant Norris Diane & Clifford Numark Esther & Fred Ovadia Josie & Jay Penn Michael & Sagit Piken Karen Polan Phyllis & Elon Pollack Joseph & Elaine Porzucki Josh & Erin Rawitch Ellie Reed Tilde & Elias Resnisky Sara & David Rice Cathleen & Scott Richland Mildred Rivo Joy & Sheldon Rocker Sue & Nat Rocker Mickey Rodner Karen Rosenberg Ruth & Alfredo Rosenberg Rebeca & Daniel Rosenberg Ted Rosenberg & Erica Zimmer Joan & Harvey Roth Hy & Sybil Sabath Naomi Schiff Ken & Stephanie Schwartz Lynn & Allen Shall Brian & Elizabeth Sieroty Donald Snyder & Lauren ShermanSnyder Renee Sokolski Gail Heimov-Weinstein Robert & Ilise Welter Scott & Tammy Windt Julie & Mitch Ziegler Gary Zimmerman & Victoria Goodwin Felice & Teresa Zoota-Lucero 9 Would you like to go out for an afternoon or evening and feel as though you are saving money? The new 2011 Entertainment Book is now available in the Temple Office and in the gift shop for $30. The book is filled with hundreds of discounts up to 50% off at local merchants including fine dining restaurants, casual and informal dining, two-for-one offers for theaters, movies, special events, sports and much more! The profit from the sale of these books benefits Temple Menorah Sisterhood which provides Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Confirmation gifts to the Religious School children as well as many other donations to the Temple. Unsold books must be returned by the end of December so get your copy soon. They make great Chanukah and Birthday gifts, and help to solve the problem of what to buy teachers and friends who have everything. For questions, or if you want to order a book in any other area of the U.S. please call me and I will be happy to get it for you. Shirley Kaufman (310) 541-2303. Psychologist seeking office or office space for private psychotherapy practice in the South Bay. Please contact: Dr. Gina Golden Tangalakis (310) 316-6670 10 menorah message @ November STANLEY KEITH LEVINE INSURANCE SERVICES, INC Stan K. Levine PRESIDENT Specialized in employee benefits (medical, dental, vision & disability), workers comp and commercial lines. 715 N. Irena Ave., Suite B Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (310) 529-7201 License # 0G05811 In appreciation of your business, I will donate at least $1,000 to Temple Menorah on your behalf for your completed transaction. (310) 892-6016 Recommended by Sue Fogelson To advertise, please contact Paola at (310) 316-8444 ext. 103 or 11 1101 CAMINO REAL REDONDO BEACH, CA 90277 PHONE: (310) 316-8444 Î FAX: (310) 540-7677 WWW.TEMPLEMENORAH.ORG Address Service Requested Steven L. Silver, Rabbi x 104 Jessica Hutchings, Cantorial Soloist x 123 Robin Franko, Executive Director x 109 Randi Sher, Director of Education x 108 Leah Ackermann, Early Childhood Supervisor x 120 Morgan Land, Rosenberg Senior Center Director x 125 Jen Smith, Youth Director x 113 Dan Spector, Music Director Cathleen Richland, President Rose Pierce, Layout and Design Marcia Spanier, Editor Baby & Toddler Class Open House! Come play with us on Friday, November 12 5:00 p.m. Sing songs, hear stories, and play while your parents ask Miss Karen questions! Stay for the Family Tot/New Member Welcome Shabbat Family Tot Shabbat “ BRUC HIM HABAI M” And New Member Welcome We invite you to join your kids for a fun craft activity then share a delicious kosher Shabbat dinner
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