From the Rabbi The
From the Rabbi The
The April 2009 @ Nisan/Iyar 5769 Temple Menorah, 1101 Camino Real, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 310-316-8444 From the Rabbi Ethical Monotheism Steven L. Silver, Rabbi For two thousand years one of the key teachings of Rabbinic Judaism has been that every Jew is obligated through the Covenant at Mt. Sinai to observe the 613 mitzvot (commandments). This is the Talmud’s shorthand way of expressing the idea that as a covenanted people we serve God by expressing our love for Him/Her through our actions in this world. This system remained unchallenged until the beginning of the 19th century when a few German rabbis began to preach that the system had become too rigid. Even more compelling to middle class German Jews of the time, they suggested that some of the laws and customs be relaxed so that German Jews could more easily take part in the benefits of modern (19th century) society. To their credit they pointed out that our religion not only requires the performance of the covenantal mitzvot but ethical behavior in all our actions. They reminded their generation that Judaism is “ethical monotheism.” By now you know, of course that I am describing in a very simplified manner the origins of all forms of modern Judaism. The differences lie in the degree to which each movement places its emphasis on the performance of the 613 mitzvot and the modern idea of individual autonomy. Modern Judaism is Covenant vs. Autonomy. To some degree the debate still rages, though in 1999 the Reform Movement, under the leadership of Rabbis Eric Yoffie and Richard Levy refocused itself toward the mitzvot. Their logic was that while our people are thoroughly Americanized many have little idea of what it means to live a Jewish life. In other words, there is a host of daily, weekly and annual customs and observances of which many Reform Jews are simply unaware. They believe, as I do, that these mitzvot not Continued on page 3 2Page 2 Menorah Message From the PRESIDENT Schedule of Synagogue Services April 3 & 4 Shabbat Candle Lighting Time .......................................... 6:57 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service ........................................................... 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Morning Service ................................................. 10:00 a.m. Torah Portion.............................................................................. Tzav Bar Mitzvah of Robbie Drissel Son of Shawn & Paul Drissel April 10 & 11 Shabbat Candle Lighting Time .......................................... 7:02 p.m. Nosh and Social .................................................................. 6:00 p.m. Yom Tov Shabbat Service ................................................. 6:30 p.m. Yom Tov Shabbat Morning Service ............................. 10:00 a.m. Torah Portion...................................................................... Pesach III April 17 & 18 Shabbat Candle Lighting Time .......................................... 7:08 p.m. Nosh and Social .................................................................. 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Service ................................................................... 6:30 p.m. New Member Introduction & Dairy Pot-luck Dinner ......... 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Morning Service ................................................. 10:00 a.m. Torah Portion........................................................................... Shmini April 24 & 25 Shabbat Candle Lighting Time .......................................... 7:13 p.m. Nosh and Social .................................................................. 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Service ................................................................... 6:30 p.m. Community Shabbat Dinner ................................................. 7:30 p.m. With Guest Speaker: Peter Daniels- Holocaust Survivor Shabbat Morning Service ................................................. 10:00 a.m. Torah Portion........................................................... Tazria Metzora Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Braudo Son of Steve & Meryl Braudo Our April B’Nei Mitzvah Wendy Wengrow, President Dear Friends, Michael Mitzvah Day was established five years ago by Temple members Elaine and Joe Porzucki in memory of their son, Michael. On March first of this year, congregants and community members experienced a day of giving at Temple Menorah and at other locations in the South Bay. Michael Porzucki received his Jewish education at Temple Menorah. Tragically, Michael died at age 21 as a result of a hiking accident in Spain, where he was studying and volunteering as an English teacher for young boys. Michael was the type of person who wanted to be helpful, do good deeds, and bring people together. Elaine, Joe and their daughters presented the idea of a Mitzvah Day to Rabbi Silver as a way of dealing with the untimely death of their wonderful son and brother. The fifth annual Michael Mitzvah Day was our opportunity to help others, and many people were part of that effort. Maureen Romero and Elaine Porzucki co-chaired the Michael Mitzvah Day Committee. Other Committee members included Ellen Seaman Kae, Lisa Peterson, Maria Fink, Leslie Heimov and Phyllis Horning from Congregation Tivkat Jacob, and Jo Kahn from Congregation Beth Torah. Other volunteers included members of Temple Menorah, their children and friends and staff, who led, coordinated, and participated in the following activities: Baking cookies for soldiers at the USO at the airport, clearing a plot to make a garden for homeless children, donating blood to the American Red Cross, participating in Heal the Bay, presenting show tunes to seniors at the Pacific Inn Retirement Home, collecting socks and toiletries for the needy, collecting working clothes so unemployed people can look presentable to interview for jobs, donating money to fund the expenses for this project, baking rugulach for the upcoming Purim Carnival, knitting scarves for abused women in shelters, and picking up pine cones at Wilderness Park. Members of two other South Bay synagogues, Congregation Beth Torah and Tikvat Jacob, participated with Temple Menorah this year on our Michael Mitzvah Day. Friday night featured a presentation about mitzvot and foster children in Los Angeles County by Leslie Heimov. On February 16th Michael Porzucki would have been twenty-six years old. What a tribute to a fine young man who served as an example to all of us. In his memory we used our time, money, energy, and bodies to make our world a better place for everyone. Our thanks to Board member, Joe Porzucki and his lovely wife Elaine for leading the way for us to perform acts of kindness, making us more loving and caring people. Their leadership encourages members of Temple Menorah and individuals in the surrounding community to participate in Tikkun Olam, repairing of the world. April 4 Robbie Drissel April 25 Ryan Braudo Good wishes for a meaningful Passover holiday. I look forward to greeting you at services. L’hitraot , Wendy Wengrow Page 3 3 Menorah message From the Cantor Didi Thomas, Cantor Save the Date! We’ve just come through Purim, a time of hidden miracles where God’s name isn’t even mentioned in the Megillah yet whose presence is felt between the lines of the story and within the hearts and deeds of its characters. Now, we prepare for our great Exodus, cleaning the things that puff us up – the chametz – out of our homes and souls to break free of the chains that bind us to our personal Egypts, holding us back and keeping us enslaved. This Pesach, find one thing to break yourself free from, one limiting thought or behavior to liberate yourself from and reach for redemption. The glorious promise of a land filled with milk and honey awaits us, and the Perfect World God intended, but we have to be proactive and set our foot into the sea of deliverance to claim our portion in the World to come; Shabbat is meant to be a foreshadowing of that world. Amidst the chaos and struggle of these troubling times use the miracle of the history running through your veins to break free of past routines and patterns that are not working for you to create something new. Passover is the original “New Year” (not Rosh Hashanah). Our journey towards personal and collective freedom begins now and starts with us. Look at your life, see what needs to change, how you can best uncover your gifts and share - then true abundance and freedom will flow! Here, at Temple Menorah, we have some important events for which we would like you to “Save the Date”. Although it’s only April we would like you to look ahead (as our ancestors did) toward May: On Friday evening May 8th we celebrate our amazing teachers from Tuvia and Religious School, along with Rabbi Silver who will be receiving his Doctor of Divinity from HUC for reaching the milestone of 25 years as a Rabbi and Teacher. The dinner and service kick off a wonderful weekend of scholarship. On Saturday May 9th we will have a Scholar in Residence give the D’var Torah and during the Kiddush Luncheon we will honor our Rabbinic Interns Danny Burkeman and Deborah Goldmann, as well as our Religious School assistant Luisa Moss. Mazal Tov to these upcoming leaders! We have our impending Gala on May 16th (honoring 3 fabulous members who truly share their gifts with us all), Confirmation on May 29th (where 17 of our youth confirm their commitment to Judaism and God) preceded the evening before (on May 28th) by a fabulous Shavuot evening study program with pot-luck dairy dinner, and on May 8th/9th a special weekend devoted to honoring the “Teachers” of our community. Please save the dates and join us for a Momentous month of Joy as we prepare for Shavuot – our moment at the mountain where God’s word was revealed - and celebrate the Commandments we hold so close to our hearts. Let’s be free and march toward our destiny together… (B’yachad) ~ Cantor Didi Continued from cover only have value for their own sake, but also that through doing them we bring uniquely Jewish ethical insights and values to the world, and a richness to the life of the individual Jew. I raise this issue now because it is almost Passover. There is no more beloved Jewish holiday, nor a more unifying, family oriented Jewish observance. Clearly it is bursting with Jewish and universal ethical imperatives. Yet, it is also the most ritually demanding and complex of all Jewish observances. Rabbi Ezra Bick writes, “The prohibition against eating chametz (leavened bread) on Pesach (Passover) is different from all other prohibitions in the Torah. The most noticeable difference is the fact that the prohibition lasts only eight days each year. The simple question is: If chametz is "bad," for some reason, it should be prohibited all year; and if not, why it is forbidden on Pesach?” He then goes on to point out the complexity in removing hametz from our homes and businesses and the arduousness of this task. Why do it? Why not just buy a few boxes of Matzah for the seder and return to normal diet the next day? Passover comes to teach us something about ourselves and human nature. Freedom is required to truly serve God. But there is a risk; freedom is not the removal of all restrictions and boundaries. Freedom is not chaos; it is the channeling of energies so that creativity is possible. The fermentation of dough symbolizes the never ending struggle for human mastery over nature; matzah is the return to the basics. Both are required. The tension between the two states of being; Covenant and Autonomy are the keys to living a spiritually meaningful Jewish life. A Happy Pesach to All, Chag Sameach V’kasher, Steven L. Silver, Rabbi Muse on the move No Neshamah Service in April, it will resume May 15th with the Pot-luck Dairy dinner at 5:30 p.m. and service at 6:30 p.m, see you then! For rehearsal times for Choir/Band for the month of April please check with Andrea Lawrence or Dan Spector. Enjoy Spring Break & Happy Passover to all! Save the Date! Teacher Appreciation Shabbat Friday, May 8th, 2009 Î 6:30 p.m. Honoring Rabbi Silver on his 25 years as a “Teacher in Israel” and our Religious School and Tuvia faculty. Celebratory Community Shabbat Dinner follows the service. 4Page 4 Menorah Message From the Executive Director Robin Franko, Executive Director Dear Friends, Every year, as Temple Menorah continues to grow, we ask our congregants to join us in celebrating our new members. On Friday night, April 17th, please join us for services followed by a pot luck dairy dinner as we introduce all of our new members to our community. You might discover that one of these people lives down the block, or maybe has a child the same age as yours, or perhaps you both have the same hobbies! The dinner following the service is an informal opportunity to get to know each other while sharing in the spirit of Shabbat. In order to make coordinating the dinner easier, we have divided up the meal by alphabet as follows: If your last name begins with A – G, please bring a main dish for 12 – 15 If your last name begins with H – O, please bring a side dish for 12 – 15 If your last name begins with P – Z, please bring a salad for 12 – 15 Please RSVP to Paola Hirsch at so that we will know how many to expect. Thank you for your help and support! B’Shalom, Robin Temple Menorah’s New Member Shabbat & Dinner Friday, April 17, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. Please welcome the newest additions to our family: Jacob & Leah Ackermann, Zaria & Simon Brett & Jennifer Anderson, Brandon & Kayla Barry Fuerst & Madge Beletsky, Melissa & Isabel Fay Bell Rolf & Julie Bender, Ryan & Shelby Dimitry & Anna Bigun, Meecah & Kaylan Karen Bindler Lisa Blumberg Victoria & Ron Cushey, Kayla & Kendal Elisa & Terry Donato, Brent, Sara & Ariel Laura Dubrow Scott & Jennifer Emmerman, Marc Dick & Linda Evans Allan & Linda Feldman Danny & Tara Fink, Emily & Kaitlyn Karen & Sean Fowler, Seth Norin & Nona Grancell Evan & Lisa Greene, Haley & Lauren Stacy & Jason Henry, Owen Kelly & Steve Hochheiser, Elliot & Hannah Edythe Karon Debra Katz, David & Robert James & Maura Lowenstein, Abigail & Patrick Peter & Caryn Mintz Tatiana & Stanislov Musnikov, Sonia Guy & Carolyn Petty, Taylor & Amanda David & Grace Poster Jeremy Prupas & Lisa Stegman, Justin & Kyle Debbie & Jonah Rohde, Samantha & Erin Julie Rothstein Melissa & Noah Rubinstein Dorothy Siedler Renee Sokolski Amy Wolff Gary Zimmerman & Victoria Goodwin Continued in next column If you lost an earring at the Purim Carnival, please contact Marcia Spanier at (310) 378-3156. All new members are invited to a wonderful evening in your honor. Join us for a special Shabbat service followed by a potluck dinner. This is a great opportunity to get to know other members, Rabbi Silver, Cantor Didi and a have a good time. Please RSVP to Tricia Margolis by April 13 at (310)373-5606 or We look forward to introducing you to our Temple Menorah family! Page 5 5 Menorah message Friday, April 24, 2009 Social & Nosh 6:00 p.m. Service 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:30 p.m. With Special Guest Speaker: Holocaust Survivor, Peter Daniels German-born Peter Daniels (aka Peter Berlowitz) was six years old when he and his mother were arrested and deported to the Terezin concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. Of the 15,000 children who passed through Terezin, Peter was one of the lucky 100+ who survived until the liberation of the camp in May 1945. Listen spellbound as Holocaust survivor Daniels recounts his experiences during this dark period in our history. See the enclosed Quick & Easy registration form for reservations The Temple Menorah Tuvia Parent Committee and Sisterhood Present... L’Dor V’Dor Fashion Show, Boutique and Luncheon Sunday, May 3, 2009 ×1:00 PM Temple Menorah Social Hall $36/adult; $10/child Event proceeds to benefit Tuvia School bathroom/sink project. Sponsorship and modeling opportunities available, Please contact Debbie Goldberg at for more information. 6Page 6 Menorah Message From the director of education Randi Sher, Director of Education We are very fortunate to have not one, but two amazing faculties to teach our children. The teachers and staff in Tuvia and our Religious School provide a strong base for our children and our future. They are dedicated professionals who show their love for Judaism and education to their students with warmth, caring and enthusiasm. On Friday, May 8th, we will be honoring this wonderful group of people at our Teacher Appreciation Shabbat. Please mark your calendars now and plan to join us for services and dinner in their honor. More information will be coming soon. CAMP CORNER Registration materials for summer camp are available now in both the synagogue and Tuvia offices. Daniel has outdone himself here with new opportunities and experiences. Please be sure to turn in your forms as soon as possible, we want to have room and enough staff for everyone. For more information or questions contact Daniel at or 310-316-8444 ext 113. TUVIA TIDBITS Tuvia registration is now officially open for fall. We have many new families inquiring so please turn in your materials early to assure space as class size is limited. For more information or registration materials please contact the Tuvia office or 310-316-8997. or Tara Tuvia will be out of session for Spring/Passover break from April 6th-17th. Classes resume Monday, April 20th with our regular schedule. Tot Shabbat this month will be on April 3rd with our three year olds participating. We start at 5:45 pm with dinner and a craft and services begin at 6:30 pm. For more information or to RSVP please contact Sue-Anne Silkes at RELIGIOUS SCHOOL RAMBLINGS Yasher Koach, and a big thank you to all of our Religious School teachers and students for a true group effort in creating our Purim Assembly. We have a very talented group here who are now busy working towards our end of the year assembly. Be sure to mark your calendars for Sunday, June 3rd at 11:00 am so that you will not miss out! All of our Religious School students will participate. Our school has been chosen by Behrman House (one of the largest Jewish curriculum companies) to be a test site for new materials. We are currently testing new Hebrew books in both 2nd and 3rd grades. These books come with CDs for computer use at home to continue the learning process. The response has been extremely positive and we are excited to be able to offer another experience for our students. We are fortunate here at Temple Menorah to be able to offer so many activities and opportunities for our children. Thank you for your participation and support. Our children are our future and are so lucky and privileged to be part of this wonderful community! B’shalom, Randi Fundraising Made Fun! Temple Menorah Tuvia Preschool WEEKLONG FUNDRAISER April 20-26, 2009 Mention “Temple Menorah”: or “Tuvia”) and Glacier will donate back 25% of your pre-tax purchase. Choose from gourmet gelato and ice cream (“America’s Best Ice Cream” Forbes Traveler 2008) or artisan sandwiches & salads (lunch only), espresso drinks, sodas, smoothies, chocolates & more! Come have fun and support your school and locally owned business! For more information, contact: Glacier Homemade Ice Cream & Gelato 1605 N. Sepulveda Boulevard Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310.545.9730 at Summer 2009Î5769 June 22 thru August 14, 2009 Contact the office for more information. CAMP MENORAH Î A COMMUNITY SERVICE OF TEMPLE MENORAH Page 7 7 Menorah message From the Early Childhood Supervisor 5769 S EASON Leah Ackermann EC Supervisor What do you get when you combine Temple Menorah’s Sisterhood and the Tuvia community? The most fabulous, stylish event of the year! Imagine a runway, fashionable clothing for all ages, mouthwatering foods, colorful decor, well-chosen vendors, laughter, and fun across the generations. I’m talking about the L’Dor V’Dor: From Generation to Generation Tuvia/Sisterhood Fashion Show & Luncheon taking place on Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. at Temple Menorah. We will have models from across the generations including Tuvia staff, kids, families, and alumni, as well as Sisterhood members and families. $36 for the first child Õ $18 for each – 10:30 PM2 and up! additional5:30 sibling PM Õ Open to ages The purpose of this exciting event is multi-fold, with the key foci being: bringing two different, active components of our Temple Menorah community, Sisterhood and Tuvia, together, and, raising money to improve our building by adding sinks in all of the downstairs classrooms and a bathroom near the playground. TOT SHABBAT This event is perfect for the whole family, so save the date, tell all your friends and family to do the same, and come and enjoy a very memorable afternoon. You won’t be disappointed! If you would like to help or participate in any way, you can contact Debbie Goldberg at Leah Mark Your Tuvia Calendars: Wednesday, April 1st: Tuvia’s Potluck Passover Program, 11:30 a.m.; Tuvia closes at 1:00 p.m. on that day Friday, April 3rd: Our three-year-olds will be participating in Tot Shabbat Monday, April 6th-Friday, April 17th: Passover/Spring Break: Tuvia is closed April 20th-26th: Week-long Tuvia Fundraiser at Glacier Ice Cream & Gelato! Saturday, April 25th: Kids Night Out FINAL TWO DATES FOR 2009 April 25 May 30 For more information call Leah Ackermann at (310) 316-8997 ext. 120. April 3 rd Passover Preparation May 1st Jewish Pride 5:45 pm: Dinner and Craft RSVP required by the Wednesday prior to Tot Shabbat services! $15/Adult, $5/Child (12 and under) $20/adult, $10/child for RSVPs received after the Wednesday prior to Tot Shabbat 6:30pm: Service 7:15 pm: Oneg with storytime Please bring a pareve, peanut-free dessert for 8-10 people to share. For information or to volunteer please contact: Sue-Anne Silkes at or 8Page 8 Menorah Message ROSENBERG SENIOR CENTER APRIL SCHEDULE From the Senior Center Director April 1 – Grammy Museum The museum’s four floors of cutting edge experiences, films and exhibits offer an exciting, multimedia and interactive celebration of the power of music. Cost: $36 includes self-guided tour, transportation and lunch April 6 – Speaker: Henry Rasof Part I “Learn and Do”: Creating and Understanding Jewish Ethical Wills / Jazzercise / Chair Yoga / Part II “Learn And Do”: Creating and Understanding Jewish Ethical Wills April 20 – Field Trip: Tsi Lai Temple in Hacienda Heights Private tour of the Largest Buddhist Temple in America including an onsite vegetarian lunch. Cost: $25 includes admission, transportation and lunch. April 22 – Speaker: Rabbi Steven Silver – “Sex in the Text” / Memoir Writing / Computer Users Group with Bob Feldman Morgan Land, Director Rosenberg Senior Center Spring has arrived and the Rosenberg Senior Center calendar is filled with exciting excursions that will expose us to rich new cultures with opportunities to learn and grow. On April 1st, the Center will be one of the first groups to visit the recently opened Grammy Museum in Downtown Los Angeles. The GRAMMY Museum is an exciting and interactive celebration of the power of music. It occupies four floors of cutting edge exhibits, interactive experiences, films and more than two dozen exhibits that explore everything from rock and hip-hop to country, classical, Latin, R&B, and jazz. Lunch will be included with transportation. Please rsvp for this field trip as soon as possible as space is limited. On April 20th, the Senior Center will be granted a special private tour of the Hsi Lai Temple in Hacienda Heights. The Hsi Lai Temple was built to serve as a spiritual and cultural center for those interested in learning more about Buddhism and the Chinese culture. Its founder, Master Hsing Yun held to the vision of "Humanistic Buddhism," to create a "Pure Land" of peace and harmony here on earth. The tour will include a vegetarian lunch to be served by the Hsi Lai Temple staff. Our film series will continue in April as we take a unique look at the importance of music and music scores in story telling. We'll be listening to some of the most majestic movie scores from John Williams to Charlie Chaplin and looking at scenes that are revealed through music. The lecture will be followed by an excursion to the cinema where we'll see Joe Wright's newest film: "The Soloist." The film tells the true story of LA Times columnist Steven Lopez's chance encounter with prodigy Nathaniel Ayers. Make your reservations today! Morgan April 27 – Jazzercise / Chair Yoga / Special Musical Day: “A Day on Broadway” with Opera and Stage star Elizabeth Harmetz singing Broadway Favorites / Genealogy Workshop with Mark Reichard April 29 – Film Lecture: Film’s greatest scores and the Importance of Film Music. / Jazzercise / Memoir Writing Field Trip to the Movies: The Joe Wright Film: “The Soloist” Cost: $21 including the movie The Purim Bag Fundraiser was a great success! Thank you to everyone who participated and especially the committee who worked so hard preparing the bags for everyone to enjoy. Andrea Lawrence, Michelle Dean, Alex Dean, Michael Dean, Jeannine Allison, Shirley Kaufman, Saundra Reichard, Marcia Spanier, Jann Segal, Cathleen Richland, Bonnie Leopold, Heidi Davidson, Lori Ernster, Madeline Eble, Sandy Fineman, Fresh Brothers Pizza, Trader Joes, Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market. Page 9 9 Menorah message What a day! We had beautiful weather, smiling faces, fun games & jumpy things, and very yummy food. Always loving the sisterhood food & the pizza from Fresh Brothers was incredible! We went through 30 pizzas! For those of you who braved the rock wall - yahoo - you did an AWESOME job! Thanks to everyone who helped make this all come together! Ann Gotthoffer, Sisterhood Food Lead; Les Latner, Carnival Food Lead; Cathleen Richland, Madeline Eble, Kelly Bluman & Ruth Blumfeld, Sisterhood Food Team; Jayme Jones, Volunteer Team Lead; Leah Ackermann, Volunteer Team; Sue Fogelson, Volunteer Team and Prize Booth Lead; Randi Maggid, Volunteer Team and Banner Lead; Lisa Snowiss, Signs; Steve Braudo, Incentive Donations; Carol Melville, Sponsorship Team; Meryl Braudo, Ticket Sales Lead; John Schugel, Parking Lot Supervisor; Dennis Forel, Animal Balloon Artist; Sisterhood for cooking the scrumptious food!; Barbecue Guys; Religious School Room Parents for Getting Booth Sign-Ups; Booth Volunteers; Temple Menorah Office Staff (Robin, Paola, Rose, Randi, Francisco, Lorenzo, Gaston) With gratitude and friendship, Felice Zoota-Lucero, Carnival Chairperson THANK YOU TO OUR PURIM CARNIVAL MAJOR EVENT SPONSORS WHOSE GENEROUS DONATIONS HELP TO MAKE THIS EVENT A HUGE SUCCESS! KING AHASUERUS MAJOR SPONSORS & QUEEN ESTER LEVEL Les & Nora Latner, Westside Dental Associates Robin Crevalt, In Any Event Adam & Debbie Goldberg Grant Norris Slushbox The Dance Kings Scott & Cathleen Richland MORDECHAI & PALS Cantor Didi Thomas, Brian & Renee Berliner, Steve & Meryl Braudo, Heidi & Erin Hoffman PURIM CELEBRATORS Paul & Nita Birnbaum Ruth Blumfeld Rob Bernfeld & Patti Vienna Chavureem Havarah Chavarah Nagila David & Mala Fox Bill & Carol Gevov Roger L, Gillespie, DDS Jeff & Mariana Gitomer Steve & Cathy Goldberg Ann Gotthoffer & Mickey McRae Jayme Jones Aaron & Lisa Krouse Lawrence Leopold Lanning & Carol Melville Cliff & Diane Numark Joe & Elaine Porzucki David & Sara Rice Loren and Nancy Silbert Rabbi Steven Silver Patrick Stroh, DDS (orthdontics) Temple Menorah Book Club Wendy Wengrow Felice & Teresa Zoota-Lucero HUGE THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING LOCAL ESTABLISHMENTS FOR SUPPORTING TEMPLE MENORAH. PLEASE ADD THEM TO YOUR LIST OF FAVORITE PLACES TO STAY, EAT AND PLAY! Crown Plaza Redondo Beach, Chéz Melange, Buona Sera, Gable Bowl & Laser Tag, Elephant Bar, Jackson’s Bistro, Fritto Misto, Hennessy’s, Islands, Kincaid’s, Lazy Dog Café, Olive Garden, Cheesecake Factory, Zazou, Vince’s Spaghetti House, Ruby’s, Mike’s Brickwalk Café Special thanks to PrintTech.Com for providing the 10,000 incentive donation tickets and to our Major Sponsors; Westside Dental Associates and Fresh Brother Pizza! 10 Page 10 Menorah Message Michael Mitzvah Day 2009 started off this year with a Shabbat dinner and inspiring talk by our congregant Leslie Heimov on the importance of doing mitzvot. Mitzvah Day expanded this year to include Congregation Beth Torah making “Send A Smile” cards for hospital patients as well as Congregation Tikvat Jacob in Manhattan Beach baking cookies for solders and taking them to the USO. At Temple Menorah we were busy making cookies for the Purim Carnival, packing lunches for the Toberman House, having a blood drive, knitting scarves for abused women and writing letters to soldiers and preparing a site for a garden at a preschool for homeless children, cleaning at the beach and at Wilderness Park. Thanks goes to the many people involved in making the day a success. Maureen Romero, chairman, with a committee including Maria Fink, Ellen Kae, Lisa Peterson, Leslie Heimov, Elaine Porzucki, Jo Kahn from Congregation Beth Torah and Phyllis Horning from Congregation Tikvat Jacob. In addition, a special thank you goes to Kelly Bluman and Ruth Blumfield for all of their help in cookie preparation as well as Maria Fink for her assistance with Toberman House supplies and San Pedro Mental Health. We would not be successful without the help of Ben Kae, Joseph Porzucki and others who led and participated in this special day. P a g e 1 1 11 Menorah message Message from the President: March 8th was another fabulous Purim Carnival at Temple Menorah. Sisterhood sends a heartfelt Todah Rabah to Felice Zoota-Lucero and the Purim committee for all their efforts. I also want to thank all the Sisterhood members & the BBQ Crew who helped prepare and serve a delicious meal for our community to enjoy together. April is a quiet month as Sisterhood members enjoy Pesach with their families and friends. May is full again with many events beginning on the 3rd with the Fashion Show Lunch and followed by the Book Club on the 11th and the Gala on the 16th. Please contact Diana or Amy Wolff for information on the Book Club and Ann Gotthoffer with questions about the Gala festivities. ~ Fondly, Cathleen UPCOMING EVENTS Save the Date! Sunday, May 3, 2009, 1:00PM Tuvia & Sisterhood Present a Fabulous Fashion Show, Boutique & Luncheon A Pre-Mother’s Day L’Dor V’Dor Celebration ~ From Generation to Generation All proceeds to benefit Tuvia School Bathroom/sink Project 2009 – 2010 Sisterhood Executive Board Nominations President: Cathleen Richland Membership VP’s: Lori Ernster & Pat Hoffman Program VP: Andrea Lawrence Ways and Means VP: Lynn Shall Library, Education & Religious Activities VP’s: Marisol Blystone & Maureen Romero Treasurer: Marcia Spanier Financial Secretary: Judy London & Jann Segal Corresponding Secretary: Pat Alexaner Hospitality VP’s: Robin Zimmer & Ann Gotthoffer Recording Secretary: Saundra Reichard Historian: Faith Goldman Parliamentarian Lynn Schubert Chaplain: Bonnie Leopold Communication Committee: Kelly Bluman Elections for the 2009-2010 Sisterhood Board will take place at the General Meeting after our May 3rd Fashion Show & Luncheon Event. Please contact Jann Segal regarding the slate. JUDAICA SHOP The shop is open during Religious School hours or by appointment. Gift Certificates are Available! Call Candi at 540-2356 or 944-0276 or Next Sisterhood Board Meeting ~ Wednesday, April 1 at 9:30 AM All members are welcome 12 12 Page Menorah Message April Yahrzeits April 1 April 15 Continued Joseph Bernstein Fannie Croll Louis Croll Rae Lipsky Rubin Morris Sabath Aaron Hillel Silvera Ricky Wasserman April 2 Sarah C. Casper Linda Moffa Elaine Taube April 3 Henrietta Ackerman Hannah Burdman Ben Diamond Arthur Fox Eleanor Thomashow April 16 Barney Cohen Harry Cohen Dora Grosshandler Gross Jiro Nakao Martin Orzeck Stephen Sampson April 18 George Anker Rose Zaft Herbert Cohen Maurice A. Glasser Eva Kurman Betty Feldman McFarlane Rose L Silberberg Ramona Torres Charles Esensten Frances Solomon Siegmund Neu Sidney Sternberger Mark Fisk Louis Fox Joseph Friedman Morris Friedman David Greengard Eva Greenstein Phil Schlifka Goody Kallner Weintraub Meyer Elkin Abe Goldberg Rose Goldberg Janice Cleff Belle Friedman Ben Kaufman Jean Kuperman Jack Margolis Samuel Plotkin Ruth Rollband April 23 April 5 Bernard Dubrow April 6 April 7 April 8 April 9 April 10 Isaac Levy April 11 Roslyn Green Eric Gutman Bernard Robinson April 12 Lillie Froman Myrna Goldman Helene Neu Ernest Schugel Caryn Siegel April 13 April 19 April 20 April 21 Horace Lawrence Keyser Rose Santucci April 22 Eva Cohen Raymundo Najera Mary Katzelnick Herb Kornfeld April 24 Helen Aibinder Ben Alpern Bernice Budney-Primer Philip Fink William Mirell Therese Szwec Benjamin Benjamin Louis Hirsch Charles Pinski Belle Solomon April 26 Celia Berks Oscar Levy Max Turner April 27 Bernard Porzucki Dr. Edward D. Wasserman Aaron Feinerman David Danos Colonel Sidney Greene Frances Jacobson Ellis Milstein April 15 Beatrice Adelsman Luke Boccanfuso Erwin Grauman Alexandra Greene Perry Joseph Hasson Sol Levitt April 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 Jolene Meskin Brandon Daniel Anderson Kayla Sarah Anderson Isabel Beletsky Melissa Beletsky Renee Berliner Christina Carpenter Robbie Drissel Leslie Heimov Emily Schugel Brandon Engel Stephen Lewis Erin Rohde Max Fogel Ronna Nelsen Lauren Schwartzer Gail Teicher David Zaro Arnold Zimmerman Lawrence Leopold Elaine Porzucki Steve Braudo Brendan Hirsch Sarah Ezratty Robert Koch Isabella Beristain Elliot Johnson Ben Kae Jorge Birnbaum Jason Goussak Shelby Bender Romina Birnbaum Steven Liberman James Myers Emily Fogel Tom Mirovski April 28 April 29 Dan Ezratty Faye Zendle 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 29 30 30 Fred Ovadia Reed Hasson Sheila Lefton Gertrude Lewison Allan Feldman Charlotte Goldstein Mia Lieber Tracy Numark Serena Letvin Samuel Valladares Joshua Canik Cynthia Cohen Robert Hoffman Tyler Kae James Lowenstein Matthew Silbert Elaine Berris Brittany Bovee Joseph Wolf Allan Fineman Mitchell Numark Lynn Shall Lena Silver Barbara Stokes Alan Silkes Andrew Dietz Amanda Heimov Parisse Lisa Blumberg June Horwich Clifford Numark Clifford Numark Riley Bateman Meredith Johnson Jacob Heimov Parisse Alexis Katzelnick-Wise Joshua Materman Happy Anniversary To Our Members! April 25 Grace Knight Richard J. Polakoff April 14 Happy Birthday to our Members! (If your name is missing, please let us know at 310-316-8444) (If you do not see your name, please call the office) Arpil 2 5 5 6 6 7 10 15 15 27 28 29 30 30 Burt & Gerry Belzer Douglas & Adele Gleichman Frank & Gail Kantrowitz Michael & Kelly Bluman Hal & Shirley Kaufman Leon & Rita Levy Tony & Diana Wolff Daniel & Rebeca Rosenberg Nelson-Michael & Dolores Torres Mickey McRae & Ann Gotthoffer Harvey & Angela Jacobson Jeffrey Tidus & Sheryl Stein-Tidus Jeff Parisse & Leslie Heimov Stefan & Stella Tetenbaum P a g e 1 3 13 Menorah message THE CONGREGATION APPRECIATES THE THOUGHTFULNESS OF THOSE WHO REMEMBER AND HONOR THEIR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES THROUGH THEIR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS. Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Barbara Stokes, in memory of her father, Martin Miller Cynthia Bryan, in memory of her grandfather, Aaron Robinson Renee Rodson, in memory of her father, Max Greenstein Ira Shafiroff, in memory of his father, Harry Shafiroff Julie Kaufer, in memory of her sister-in-law, Caroline Kaufer Jason Engel, in memory of his wife, Barbara Engel Gail Teicher, in memory of her mother, Edith Charles Milton Birnbaum, in memory of his wife, Mildred Birnbaum Cantor’s Discretionary Fund The Materman Family, in memory of Barbara and Ronald Scheinman Mitzvah Fund Lila Klemtner, in honor of Don Finkelstein’s 80th birthday Jann Segal, in memory of her father, Russell Segal Lisa Krouse, in memory of her grandmother, Clydelia Bonney Lillian Olander, in memory of her husband, Alfred Olander Lory Greenbaum, in memory of her father, Arthur Bernstein BERNIE SPANIER MEMORIAL L’ATIDENU FUND Marcia Spanier in honor of Ed London on his 80th birthday Dolores Torres, in memory of her mother, Rose Santucci, and her friends, Bob Segal and Lillie Froman Nelson-Michael Torres, in memory of his mother, Ramona Torres Rosenberg Senior Center Fund Toni Wolff, in memory of her mother, Regina Frankel Joe Katzelnick Social Action FUND Morleen Golub, in memory of her father, Ben Diamond Religious School Enrichment FUND Joseph Reines, in memory of his mother, Betty Deitchman SISTERHOOD TRIBUTES Mazel Tov to Ed London on his 80th Birthday, from Bonnie Leopold, Lynn & Roy Schubert, Mickey & Irv Rodner, Ellie Preston Reed, Ann Gotthoffer, Cathleen & Scott Richland, Lynn & Allen Shall, Faith Goldman, Shirley & Hal Kaufman, Joy & Bob Feldman Mazel Tov to Janet & Ernest Neu on their anniversary, from Ann Berns, Ellie Preston Reed, Joy & Bob Feldman and Marcia Spanier Condolences to Myrna & Seymour Zimmerman, on the loss of their daughter, Barbara, from Essie Farber Condolences to Marcia Spanier, on the loss of her brother-in-law, David Spanier, from Shirley & Hal Kaufman, Bonnie Leopold, Joy & Bob Feldman, Pat Alexander, Mickey & Irv Rodner, Ann Gotthoffer, Saundra & Mark Reichard, Cathleen & Scott Richland, Patricia & Bob Hoffman, Robin & Steve Zimmer, Lynn & Allen Shall and Ellie Preston Reed Condolences to Candi & Tim Olit, on the loss of their friend, Lee Scher, from Faith Goldman, Bonnie Leopold, Lynn & Roy Schubert, Ann Gotthoffer, Cathleen & Scott Condolences Temple Menorah and its members extend heartfelt condolences to the families of the following: Allan & Sandy Fineman, on the loss of Allan’s mother, Eve Fineman Alice and Marvin Musick, on the loss of their son, Sheldon Musick Gino Giacinti, Gino was the owner of Gino's Bakery in Redondo Beach for over 40 years. During those years, he made the challahs for many members of our congregation and for Temple Menorah Mazel Tov Stephanie and David Dreyer on the birth of their son, Jacob Roman Dreyer. Temple Menorah welcomes its Newest Members Scott & Jennifer Emmerman and their son, Marc Richland, Lynn & Allen Shall, Patricia & Bob Hoffman and Robin & Steve Zimmer Condolences to Mark & Rose Berman, on the loss of Mark’s father, Joe Berman, from Cathleen & Scott Richland Condolences to Miriam Nash, on the loss of her uncle, Hans Scheidt, from Cathleen & Scott Richland Condolences to Saundra Reichard, on the loss of her father, Ted Berman, from Natalie & Bob Spencer, Lori & Lou Greenbaum, Mickey & Irv Rodner, Ellie Preston Reed, Joy & Bob Feldman, Essie Farber, Nancy & Bill Hirsch, Renee Sokolski, Marcia Spanier, Miriam & Dave Eizenwasser, Pat Alexander, Carole & Ed Casper and Gladys & Irving Rubin Condolences to Phyllis Cohen, on the loss of her mother, Leona Hoyt, from Nancy & Bill Hirsch and Ellie Preston Reed Wishing good health to George Blumenfeld, from Essie Farber Wishing good health to Burt Belzer, from Shirley & Hal Kaufman, Bonnie Leopold, Marcia Spanier, Essie & Bud Friedman, Mickey & Irv Rodner, Mim Rivo, Ann Gotthoffer, Saundra & Mark Reichard, Cathleen & Scott Richland, Lynn & Allen Shall, Joy & Bob Feldman and Ellie Preston Reed Wishing good health and prayers to Cammy & Morgan for their son, Liam Land, from Tricia Margolis, Lynn & Allen Shall, Jeanine Allison, Marcia Spanier, Saundra & Mark Reichard, Myra Diamond, Ellie Preston Reed and Joy & Bob Feldman Wishing a speedy recovery to Keala Wolf, from Shirley & Hal Kaufman and Marcia Spanier For information regarding Sisterhood Tributes or to send a Tribute, please call Marcia at 310-378-3156 Mishebeirach Temple Menorah wishes a speedy recovery to the following people: Pat Alexander Gerry Belzer Jaye Cohen Dorothy Fogel Bernard Goldsmith Maureen Liner Ben Markman Albert Plotkin Roy Steinfeld Irv Zoota Barbara Beck Robert Berliner Alice Dewey Faith Goldman Liam Land Fred Linnetz Joe Newman Jeff Sampson Jacob Witkin Burt Belzer Barbara Brooks Melanie Farkash Samuel Herron-Goldman Nacha Lesser Sharon Lobell Mike Oestreich Florence Steiner Keala Wolf Thank You Many thanks from George and Anita Blumenfeld to all those who’s caring, cards and prayers helped speed George's recovery. Page 14 14 Menorah Message Temple Menorah Memorial Board A permanent way to honor the memory of your Loved Ones. Plaque Sizes Available: Ex Lrg Family Memorial Plaque $25,000 Large Family Plaque $10,000 Standard Family Plaque $ 5,000 Standard Individual Plaque $ 600 Chair Yoga Class Now Offered Weekly! Mondays 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Temple Menorah Garden Room Fee: $7.00 per class, or six sessions for $30 Experience the many benefits of yoga which include increased mobility, flexibility and bone density, join us for yoga where breath and movement create a balance of body and mind. Meditation is used for calming the mind while relieving stress and anxiety. Free $$ for Temple Menorah EVERY time you purchase your items on when you shop via the Temple Menorah website. Order Forms are available in the Temple Office. For information contact: Shirley Kaufman at 310.541.2303 or Our website will connect you directly to (look for the green logo on the home page of You make your purchases via our portal and Temple Menorah receives between 5% – 10% in return. That’s all there is to it!! Shop away… Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program This class brings together people with arthritis and other related conditions for enjoyment while doing gentle exercise to improve well being, increase flexibility and range of motion, and improve muscle strength and posture. Tuesdays, 10:40 a.m. Temple Menorah in Room 6. Call Muriel Berks at (310) 545-6117 for additional information. Celebrate your birthday, anniversary, graduation, recovery, etc. at Temple Menorah by sponsoring an oneg or a Kiddush for $250. For information contact Robin at P a g e 1 5 15 Menorah message In appreciation of your business, I will donate at least $1,000 to Temple Menorah on your behalf for your completed transaction. (310) 892-6016 To advertise, please contact Paola at (310) 316-8444 ext. 103 or Temple Menorah Gala Starry Starry Night Saturday, May 16 Honoring Three of Our Shining Stars Pat Alexander, Cliff Numark & Cathleen Richland Shop for fantastic auction items as you mingle during cocktail hour. Enjoy a delicious dining experience that can only be Chez Melange. Dance the evening away to the unique music of Nutty Jazz ~ featuring our own Dan Spector. Don’t Miss this Special Evening * Send in Your Reservation Today $118 per person Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Redondo Beach, CA Permit No. 200 1101 Camino Real, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (310) 316-8444 Address Service Requested Steven L. Silver, Rabbi x104 Didi Thomas, Cantor x123 Deborah Goldmann, Rabbinic Intern Robin Franko, Executive Director x 109 Randi Sher, Director of Education x 108 Morgan Land, Rosenberg Senior Center Director x 125 Rick Muller, Torah Reader Dan Spector, Music Director Wendy Wengrow, President x 127 Rose Pierce, Layout and Design Marcia Spanier, Editor First Seder – Wednesday, April 8th See the enclosed Guide to Pesach
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