Temple Emanuel ofMarlborough c``ga, kukt - ct
Temple Emanuel ofMarlborough c``ga, kukt - ct
Temple Emanuel of Marlborough Chai Line August 201 2 1 3 Av - 1 3 Elul 5772 Volume 14 Issue 1 c ''ga, ku kt - c t A message from the Rabbi: I N S I D E TH I S I S S U E : Rabbi's Message School News Dates & Donations President's Message Sisterhood News Important Dates Calendar 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES Aug 3 Aug 10 Aug 17 Aug 24 Aug 31 7:45 PM 7:36 PM 7:26 PM 7:15 PM 7:04 PM SERVICES Friday Aug 10 Shavuot Service 7:30 PM Friday Aug 24 Shabbat Service 7:30 PM Strengths and Weaknesses Our Torah (and for that matter, our entire Hebrew Bible) is filled with stories that highlight the strengths and weaknesses of our Biblical leaders. Moses struggles with his own doubts about his ability first to lead the Israelites at all, and then once out of Egypt, with the enormity of handling the daytoday struggles of survival and of keeping the Israelites together as a group. At the same time, he is challenged with keeping God from losing control when the Israelites seem to lose their faith, both in Moses and sometimes, in God. Our seminal stories in the Torah are filled with the joys, triumphs, and not so savory elements of family dynamics. Strengths and weaknesses. Thinking about this led me to ponder my own strengths and weaknesses as I assume the responsibility of Temple Emanuel’s spiritual leadership with my coleader RavHazzan Scott Sokol, who is at Camp Ramah of New England until the end of July. He is eager to meet all of you, as am I. You will find that he has a multitude of strengths, not the least of which is his experience as a Jewish spiritual leader. As for me, I’m a bit of newbie in the spiritual leadership department. My greatest strengths are my organizational skills and my experience in teaching Hebrew reading and synagogue skills at all levels to individuals of all ages and abilities. Rabbi Sokol and I are keenly aware of how important Temple Emanuel’s survival is to you. The first strength we see in your community is the leap of faith you took in hiring us to be your spiritual leaders. In return, we bring with us many strengths: love of singing, love of Hebrew, love of teaching, love of Judaism. Knowing each other’s weaknesses is often just as important. It is our strengths that we lean on to get the job done, whatever it is. But it is our weaknesses that give us the opportunity to ask for help, which gives others the chance to share their strengths. It is the combination of varied strengths in a community that keeps it alive and growing. In the coming weeks and months, I look forward to meeting all of you and learning about your strengths (and weaknesses if you want). I ask for your help now to take some Continued on page 5 www.templeemanuelma.org Page 2 Volume 14 Issue 1 Religious School News School ended on a wonderful note with a well attended School dinner and Shabbat service. Most of our school families attended a beautiful evening of celebrations. Together as multiple family generations gathered, the students and staff reflected on this year's theme of "L'Dor VaDor", from Generation to Generation. Throughout the school year, the students researched their geneology, visited the sick, honored the aged and reenacted "our " journey to the Promised land", studying about our historical ancestry in Torah. We culminated this unit of study with a generational dinner where 3 generations were represented at our Shabbat tables. Marlboro Family Pizza catered the lovely Shabbat meal that we shared, together with Rabbi Tom and the teaching Staff. Our students also colead a beautiful Shabbat Service with Rabbi Tom. Our Temple community also had the opportunity to say LihitraotFarewell to Cathy Fortin and Melissa Marder, two truly dedicated members of our teaching team. They will be missed. Of course substituting opportunities are always available and our doors are open to welcome them back at any time:) We are planning for next school year. Please follow emails as plan unfold. It was an exciting and enriching year of learning. I look forward to next year, another year of opportunity. Have a great summer. Oneg/Kiddush Schedule Aug 10 7:30 PM Shabbat Service TBD Aug 24 7:30 PM Shabbat Service TBD A Note of Thanks Thank you for honoring me at the Hebrew School Shabbat on May 18. It has been my honor and privilege to work with the children of Temple Emanuel for the past 12 years. It was lovely to see past teachers and especially touching to see past students at the service. I also want to send a special thank you to Arlene Lemieux my mentor, boss and guide throughout this journey. L'shalom, Cathy Fortin L'Shalom, Steve Winer Director of Tennis Arlene Deadline for the September Chai Line is August 15. Please send submissions to Paul Fine via email: pbfine91@gmail.com or call (508) 481-0429 Wayside Racquet & Swim Club 80 Broadmeadow Road / Marlborough, Mass. (508) 481-1797 www.wayside.net 10% Discount for all Temple Emanual Members for any multi-week session in the Junior Development Program or any adult programs www.templeemanuelma.org Chai Line Page 3 KIND DONATIONS Yom HaShoa Donations: August The Kestenbaum Family The Jacobs Family The Berman Family The Stoll Family The Fine Family The Kolb Family The Sugarman Family The TafflerFamily 8 13 14 20 27 General Fund Donations In memory ofEdward Josephson Beverly Brotman Cathy Fortin Barbara & Avraham Nahoumi Cynthia & David Stoll August 19 19 In memory ofBernice Engelson Cynthia & David Stoll In memory ofHayeem Samuel Penkar Judy & Sam Samson In honor ofher granddaughter, Paige Valchuis, graduating with cum laude honors from Union College, Beverly Brotman BIRTHDAYS Eric Samson Julie Berman Linda Shwartz Kerry Matthew Evan Gould ANNIVERSARIES Stanley and Carone Berman Walter and Joan Perlman Yahrzeits This Month August 13 19 19 31 Gus Goldner, remembered by Leslie Perlmutter Augustina Spitz, remembered by Alfred Kolb Bertha Kolb, remembered by Alfred Kolb Dr. Harry Dress, remembered by Jeffrey Dress vnka vtupr Get Well wishes to Marc Brotman Eileen Jacobs Rosy Penkar June Tankel Memorial Plaques are available Donation is $175 The new Machzorim, Chumashim and Siddurim are also available to be dedicated in memory of a loved one or in honor of a simcha. For more information call Cynthia Stoll (978)-562-5105 Photography by: WalterPerlman Specializing in Bar/Bat Mitzvah Photography We now have a twelve week ordering period, so if you wish to have a plaque by a certain date, please keep this in mind. www.templeemanuelma.org 508-460-6656 walter@gis.net Page 4 Volume 14 Issue 1 www.templeemanuelma.org Page 5 Chai Line The Rabbi's message, continued from page 1 time over the summer to think about what you want for the Temple Emanuel community. Dwelling on what we lack won’t move us forward, but combining our strengths will allow us to achieve our goals. On behalf of Rabbi Sokol and myself, all the best for a great summer. Chazak Chazak V’Nitchazek! Be strong, be strong and together we will strengthen one another! SisterhoodInformation For more Sisterhood information, contact Cynthia at (978) 562-5105. All dues, donations (except Torah Fund) and other payments should be mailed to: Temple Emanuel c/o Cathy Fortin 50 Laurel Drive Hudson, MA 01749 B’shalom, Hazzan Linda Sue Sohn Torah Fund donations and prayer book dedications should be mailed to : WWW.THEVINBIN.COM Cynthia Stoll 92 Fort Meadow Dr Hudson, MA 01749 Hundreds of Hand-selected wines—Artisan Cheeses of the World Unique Microbrews—Rustic Breads—Gourmet Foods—Gift Baskets Wine Tasting EVERY Friday ...And We Deliver Marlboro’s Small Business ofthe Year The Vin Bin Wine, Cheese, Bread & Brew 91 Main St Marlborough MA 508-480-WINE (9463) info@the vinbin.com DAVID R. DECTER | JULIE B ERGER BARBARA A. LEVINE 1952-2011 | PAUL R. LEVINE 1921 - 2003 LEVINE CHAPELS Proudly serving the South Shore, Brookline & Metrowest Jewish communities for over 100 years 470 Harvard Street Brookline MA 02446 617-277-8300 800-367-3708 A Service Family Affiliate of AFFS and Service Corporation International. 206 Winter Street, Fall River MA02720 (508) 676-2454 WWW.LEVINECHAPELS.COM www.templeemanuelma.org Jon Witkes Owner 90 Denoncourt St. Marlborough, MA 01752 Phone: 9785626535 Cell : 5083610050 EMAIL patriotcleaning@comcast.net Page 6 Volume 14 Issue 1 Aug 10 Aug 24 Important Dates Shabbat Service Shabbat Service 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Gould's Plaza 260 Great Road Acton, MA 01720 978.263.0374 10% discount of regular priced goods for Temple Members Babysitting by Elizabeth Babysitter, Mother's Helper Experienced Reasonable Rates Marlboro, Hudson, Northboro Westboro Area References Available Elizabeth Fine (H) 508-481-0429 (C) 774-249-9825 elizfine@comcast.net (508) 485-5852/481 -2385 (800) 481 -2385 Garment Cleaners Edinboro Flower Shop Quality Work at Reasonable Prices & GREENHOUSES 77 EDINBORO STREET MARLBORO, MASSACHUSETTS 01 752 547 Boston Post Road East Marlborough, MA 01 752 (508) 786-7700 Bernard & Robin Sinacole OPEN MON-FRI 7AM-7PM SAT 8AM-5PM CLOSED SUN DANNY's HAIR SALON "A FAMILY SALON" 331 Boston Post Road East Marlborough, MA (508) 486-9400 (978) 443-9400 Important Contacts Rabbi Scott Sokol rabbi@templeemanuelma.org Hazzan Linda Sue Sohn cantor@templeemanuelma.org Arlene Lemieux, Dir. of Education Alan Moskowitz, President Paul Fine, Chai Line Editor pbfine91@gmail.com Temple Emanuel 150 Berlin Road/PO Box 596 Marlborough, MA 01752 www.templeemanuelma.org 5084812127 9785679166 5084810429 5084857565 Page 7 Chai Line www.templeemanuelma.org Temple Emanuel 150 Berlin Rd. P.O. Box 596 Marlborough, MA 01752 TO: