Announcements - Congregation Ohav Emeth
Announcements - Congregation Ohav Emeth
Congregation Ohav Emeth Announcements Parashat Toldot Erev Rosh Chodesh Kislev November 2, 2013 Schedule of Services Rabbi Kaufman, rabbi 5:40 PM Shabbat Kriat Sh’ma Hashkoma Shacharit Teen Minyan Mincha Maariv Havdalah 9:29 AM M”A 10:05 AM Gr”A 7:00 AM 7:50 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 5:25 PM 6:38 PM 6:43 PM Sunday Shacharit Mincha Late Maariv 6:25, 7:00, 8:00 AM 1:00 PM Kollel, 4:35 PM 9:45 PM Shacharit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 5:45, 6:25, 7:00, 7:20 AM 5:55, 6:40, 7:00, 7:20 AM 5:55, 6:40, 7:00, 7:20 AM 5:50, 6:30, 7:00, 7:20 AM Monday ~ Thursday Mincha 1:00 PM Kollel Mincha/Maariv 4:35 PM Late Maariv 7:50, 9:45 (Kollel) PM Friday Shacharit 5:55, 6:40, 7:00, 7:20 AM Mincha 12:30 PM Kollel, 4:35 PM Next Shabbat Parashat Vayeitzei Candle Lighting 4:28 PM The NEW VOICES SERIES IS PROUD TO WELCOME Cantor Yaakov Rosenfeld THIS Shabbat Parashat Toldot November 1-2 Friday Night Mincha 5:40 PM Shabbat Shacharit 9:00 AM Schedule of Shiurim Let Us Know Hospitality Friday Mincha 29 Cheshvan 5774 Candle Lighting This Shabbat 5:36 PM Michael Garber, president Misheberach List Rabbi Kaufman, rabbi Announcements Office Felice Berk, administrator Mazal Tov Mazal Tov to Jeff and Leslie Silber on the recent marriage in Israel of their daughter Ariel to Yedidya Rothner, son of Yehuda and Adina Rothner of Alon Shvut. Mazal Tov to the extended Silber, Horwitz, Rothner and Leibtag families. Ariel and Yedidya celebrated Sheva Brachot last week. Mazal Tov to Raphi and Atara Lock on the birth of their daughter, Tova Sara. Mazal Tov to grandparents, Yinon and Sheri Degani and Yaakov and Yael Lock. Mazal Tov to Michael and Judi Seidemann on the recent marriage of their granddaughter, Gabriella, to Daniel Frohlich. Mazal Tov to the parents, Tammy and Milt Nussbaum of Edison and Barbara and David Frohlich of Teaneck. Mazal Tov to Michael and Judi Seidemann on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Ari. Mazal Tov to his parents, Amy and Joe Bitton of West Orange. ROSH CHODESH KISLEV SUNDAY AND MONDAY NOVEMBER 3rd & 4th EASTERN TIME BEGINS AT 2:00 AM ON SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3rd GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Sunday, November 10, 2013 10:00 AM Shabbat 8:30 AM Mishnayot in memory of Danny Ravitz z”l 8:45 AM Rabbi Zvi Weiss Parashat Hashavua 4:00 PM Dr. Presby’s Nach Shiur Between Shiur or D’Var Torah with Mincha/Maariv Rabbi Kaufman Sunday 9:00 AM 8:00 PM Monday 8:00 PM Tuesday 1:30 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM Wednesday 8:00 PM Thursday 8:00 PM Rabbi Botnick Rabbi Klughaupt’s Gemara Shiur on Shabbos Rabbi Erlanger’s Gemara Shiur on Brachot in Hebrew Rabbi Kaufman’s Parshat Hashavua Shiur (for women) Rabbi Kaufman’s Gemara Shiur on Hilchos Maror and Karpos Dr. Presby (for Women) Rabbi Ziegler’s Gemara Shiur on Tefilin and Mezuzah Dr. Presby’s Gemara Shiur on Taanis Daf Yomi Shabbat Sunday Mon - Thur Friday After 7:50 and between M/M 7:05 AM 5:05 AM and after Maariv 5:05 AM YOUTH CORNER Chanukah Menorah Competition Are you in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL? Are you REALLY CREATIVE? WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU! See flyer for ALL the details! *** Save the Date!! OE Chanukah Chagigah November 24th / 4:00-6:30 PM Stay tuned for details! *** Mother n’ Daughter Simcha Dancing Motzei Shabbat December 7th Stay tuned for details! Condolences Condolences to Rebbetzin Chaya Drucker on the loss of her mother, Mrs. Evelyn Cohen, a”h. May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. OE Youth Happenings Chanukah Menorah Challenge Are you in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL? Are you REALLY CREATIVE? WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU! See flyer for ALL the details! *** Save the Date!! OE Chanukah Chagigah Sunday November 24th 4:00-6:30 PM Stay tuned for details! *** Mother n’ Daughter Simcha Dancing With Tova Motzei Shabbat December 7th Stay tuned for details! This Shabbat at OE OE IS PROUD TO WELCOME CANTOR YAAKOV ROSENFELD THIS SHABBAT AS PART OF OUR NEW VOICES SERIES PLEASE JOIN US FOR FRIDAY NIGHT MINCHA AT 5:40 PM AND SHABBAT SHACHARIT AT 9:00 AM *** THANK YOU TO OUR MAIN MINYAN KIDDUSH SPONSORS IN HONOR OF CHODESH KISLEV Yitzchak and Miriam Block In honor of their anniversary Josef and Olga Blonder Bill and Sandie Goldsmith In commemoration of the yahrtzeit of Sandie's mother, Razel bat Sarah, a”h In honor of Bill's Birthday and grandson, Lev Yonah's 2nd birthday Al and Marge Sandler In commemoration of the yahrtzeit of Marge’s father, Abraham Gross, z”l Moshe and Judith Schlissel In honor of Jonathan’s 19th birthday and their 21st anniversary 7:50 Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Rabbi Shimon and Shaena Jakubovic in commemoration of the yahrtzeit of Shaena’s mother, Esther Sara bat Rav Yitzchak, a”h and Yinon and Sheri Degani in honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Tova Sara. Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by David and Chaya Katzenstein in commemoration of the yahrtzeit of Chaya’s father, Alex Estersohn, z”l. Unclaimed Garments The OE coat rack contains coats, jackets and other garments that have been hanging unclaimed for quite some time. Please check to make sure none belong to you or a member of your family. Any items in good condition left after November 22nd will be donated to tzedakah. All others will be disposed of. Thank you for your cooperation! OE Happenings THE NEW VOICES SERIES Please join us as we welcome Cantor Shimmy Miller and MIZAMRIM on Shabbat Parashat Ki Tissa, February 14-15th. Sponsors needed!! Please see Eddie Braun for more information. Sponsorship checks can be submitted to the OE Office. We warmly welcome all newcomers to our shul and our community. If the rabbi, Rabbi Kaufman, or the president, Michael Garber, have not come to greet you personally, please come and introduce yourself. We’d love to meet you! SHABBAT MEVARCHIM KIDDUSH The next Shabbat Mevarchim Kiddush in honor of Chodesh Tevet will take place on November 30th, Shabbat Chanukah and Parashat Miketz. Just $18 per family to sponsor for any occasion! Contact Lilah at to participate and submit checks to the OE Office. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING The next General Membership meeting will be held Sunday morning, November 10th at 10:00 AM. Among the topics to be discussed is an increase in annual dues to begin January 2014. OE CHINESE AUCTION: SEEKING VOLUNTEERS Save The Date! The OE Chinese Auction will take place on Sunday May 4th. Volunteers are sought for a co-chair and committees. Please contact Michelle Mansdorf at 732-213-5304 if you are able to help out. Thank you! DO YOU HAVE A MAZAL TOV TO ANNOUNCE?? IF SO, WE WOULD LOVE TO SHARE YOUR SIMCHA AND INCLUDE IT IN OUR ANNOUNCEMENTS!! PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR SIMCHA ALONG WITH ANY RELEVANT NAMES TO BY WEDNESDAY OF THAT WEEK ALL MAZAL TOVS SUBMITTED AFTER WEDNESDAY MAY NOT APPEAR UNTIL THE FOLLOWING WEEK WE APPRECIATE YOUR COOPERATION! Whatever your language . . . English, Hebrew or Yiddish, we all enjoy an OE Shabbat Kiddush! But after the kugel, the cookies or cake, our plates and napkins and cups we must take . . . Michael and Judi Seidemann To the cans that hold rubbish and trash in order to prevent a plop or a splash! In honor of all of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren Your cooperation and clean-up is greatly appreciated! Sol and Violet Silfen Community Happenings RPRY Mishmar The Mishmar learning program is held at RPRY, 2 Harrison Street, Edison every Motzei Shabbat at 8:00 PM. Please bring your own seforim. Cost is still only $3.00 which includes, pizza, donuts, prizes and raffles Bikur Cholim Announcement Bikur Cholim has received a donation of an adult powered wheelchair. We are looking for someone who can use it. If you are interested or know someone in need of a power wheelchair, please contact Sharon Glaser at NCSY Events *All NCSYers are invited this Shabbat, for an awesome Oneg from 9-11pm at the Sacks’ House, 401 Montgomery St. *Shabbat day you are all invited for Seudah Shlishit from 5:30-7pm. *Boys Football and Pizza THIS Sunday at Donaldson Park from 12:30-2:00 PM. *For JSU/Public School Students: “The Chanukah Coffee House” - Talent show, menorah making, dreidel decorating, learn about the miracle of Chanukah and enjoy latkes and donuts! Monday Nov. 4th, 5:30-7:00 PM at the Sacks Home, 401 Montgomery Street. *Bible & BBQ every Tuesday from 7:309pm at Park Place. Come enjoy a free dinner & learn some awesome Torah! *Winter Regional this December 5-8th!! Catch the early bird special for only $249!! Sign up before this special ends at Can't wait to see y'all there!!! *For any questions, contact Rifky at Hatzolah of Edison is almost here!! Hatzolah is actively recruiting members to respond to medical calls, and to dispatch. If you are interested in joining, please go to and submit an application. EMT training & certification is being offered to those who are not already medically trained. Membership preference will be given to those who are already certified to the level of EMT or above (nurse, PA, MD, paramedic). Sofer at Judaica Gallery The sofer will be at Judaica Gallery, 300 Raritan Ave., Highland Park, this Sunday, November 3, 2013, from 10am-5pm. Walk-ins are welcome, but if possible, please call 732-828-7722 for an appointment. ACTT The ACTT (Achieving Change Through Torah) program, now in its 8th year, helps individuals succeed in making meaningful and lasting changes in their lives. The source book for the entire year is: Step by Step compiled by Rabbi Dovid Weinberger. See the ACTT web-site,, for the current Learning Schedule (Modules page) and for all the event audio presentations. For more info, email or call Phil Rosen (732) 572-8762. Important Message From OU Advocacy Center Tuesday, November 5th is Election Day in New Jersey. Every seat in Trenton from the Governor through the Legislator is up for grabs. This is our opportunity to have our voices heard. Especially in regard to Educational Affordability. Please VOTE. Every vote gives our community a voice in Trenton! For more information please call our New Jersey office at 201416-7740. This is your chance to make the statement that our community is involved. Please take advantage of it. Eat Out for Jewish Education ‐ 11/5 Cast your vote for Jewish K-8 Day School Education by eating out at participating kosher restaurants in Highland Park, New Jersey, that will donate a percentage of profits made between 5:00 pm and closing time on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5th, to CNJKIDS. Participating restaurants include Park Place at 120 Raritan Avenue, Jerusalem Pizza at 231 Raritan Avenue, and Sushiana at 314 Raritan Avenue. CNJKIDS Ready to Accept Gifts of Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds The transfer of appreciated assets allows donors to support Central New Jersey Kehilot Investing in Day Schools, Inc. (CNJKIDS) while reducing exposure to capital gains taxes. Donors are also able to claim immediate income tax deductions for these gifts. For more information on giving gifts of stocks, bonds and mutual funds to CNJKIDS, please contact CNJKIDS’ Treasurer Jon Caplan at (732) 2498600. Keylim Mikvah Hours of Operation Ohr Torah Keylim Mikvah hours are, officially, 7:15 – 9:45 AM on Sunday mornings. Additionally, the Keylim Mikvah can be used when the Shul is open Location: RTMA - 330 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07208. Pre-registration appreciated but not required at . Join us and learn about the RTMA's new leadership team and exciting innovations! For questions and further info please call 908-355-4850, ext. 6254. TABC Open House Torah Academy of Bergen County invites all 8th grade boys and their parents to our Open House on Sunday, November 3, 2013. Doors open at 9:15am and the program begins at 10am. You may pre-register on our website: For more information please contact Ms. Donna Hoenig, our Director of Admissions, admissions@tabc. org. TABC is located at 1600 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, NJ. during Minyan hours. The Shul is locked (for security purposes) during non-Minyan hours. If you need special access, please speak to a Shul Gabbai. Chai Lifeline Chanukah Toy Drive Chai Lifeline is having its annual toy drive, in time for Chanukah. Please drop off toys at RPRY and Yeshiva Shaarei Tzion until 11/20/2013. All toys must be NEW. Please DO NOT WRAP GIFTS. Toys are needed for children of all ages, from newborn to teenagers. Age appropriate gifts for children ages 13 and up are especially needed. Donations gladly welcome. Make checks payable to Chai Lifeline and in memo indicate “toy fund”. Send checks to Chai Lifeline, 106 Clifton Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701, attention Rochel Medlowitz. For more information, please call Bobbi at 732-819-7842. Annual Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem Melave Malka The Annual Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem Melave Malka will be held on Motzei Shabbat, November 16, 2013, 8:00PM at Ohav Emeth. The Guests of Honor are Mr. and Mrs. Arya Eisner, who will receive the Keser Shem Tov Award. Hagaon Harav Reuven Feinstein, Shlita will address the Reception. Please call Shimon Jakubovic for information and reservations at (732) 246-1037. Bruriah Open House Bruriah Open House is this coming Sunday, November 3rd at 9:30 am. Location: Bruriah High School- 35 North Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07208. Pre-registration appreciated but not required at . All parents and daughters invited to join us for a complimentary buffet luncheon following the workshops and presentations. For questions and further info please call 908-355-4850, ext. 6274. RTMA Open House RTMA - Rav Teitz Mesivta Academy Open House is Tuesday evening, November 12th at 7:00 pm. Hillel Yeshiva Open House Join us at our Hillel Yeshiva High School Open House for 7th and 8th graders and their parents, this Monday, November 4th, 7:30pm at 1027 Deal Road, Ocean, NJ. RSVP to Raisy Sultan-732493-9300 ext.402 Frisch Open House The Frisch School invites all 8th graders and their parents to our Open House on Sunday, November 10, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. (kindly register at Come and experience the innovative formal and informal educational opportunities provided to our students to foster their individualized intellectual and religious growth. Conference from OU and Puah Institute The Orthodox Union and Puah Institute invite the entire community to a special conference on Fertility, Medicine, and Halacha Conference on Building Healthy Families on Sunday, November 3, 2013 at Fifth Avenue Synagogue (5 East 62nd Street, New York, NY). Roundtable discussions on Intimacy, Medicine and Halacha for physicians, health care professionals, rabbis and the general public will begin at 9:15 AM with up to 3 CME credits granted to participating physicians. Come and hear experts tackle topics such as ‘Fertility Preservation: Hope for Survival & Survivor’s Families’, ‘BRCA: Ethics and Genetic Testing’, and much more! At noon, the entire community is invited to a complimentary luncheon and program for those who pre-register by phone (212) 613-8300 or online at, The FREE communal program consists of insightful and innovative Roundtable Discussions with physicians and rabbis on Contemporary issues in Fertility, Medicine, and Halacha. All sessions are open to both men and women. Dealing with Life’s Most Serious Challenges What do you say to someone who has just witnessed a serious crime? Rabbi Cary Friedman has had to do this countless times with the FBI and law enforcement to counter their daily involvement with heartwrenching situations. He will come to Highland Park to talk about how these lessons are relevant to us, and how we can have a powerful impact on our community. The Orthodox Forum has asked Rabbi Friedman to speak at Congregation Etz Ahaim on November 9, at 8:00pm. The program is free of charge. The Orthodox Forum gladly accepts season sponsorships, as well as program sponsorships. For more information and a copy of the event flier visit our new website “Shop Local” Chanukah Boutique Chanukah is coming soon!! To help you find the perfect gift quickly, Sweets to Nuts is sponsoring a "Shop Local" Chanukah and Holiday Boutique on Wednesday, November 12, 4-6pm at 212 Raritan Ave. Local businesses including Roberts Florals, Invitations by Melissa, Over the Moon Toys and more will have gift baskets and products for purchase or order. For more information, contact Sweets to Nuts at 732-246-4686. Ahavas Achim University Program The Four Nights Of Chanukah with Rabbi Daniel Feldman, Tuesdays, Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19 at 8:00 p.m. in the Ahavas Achim Beit Midrash. Prepare for Chanukah with an intense study of the Talmudic sugyot on Chanukah and the words of the Rishonim and Achronim. Each session will begin with small-group study of a specific portion of the Gemara. Rabbi Feldman will then guide us through later sources and derivation of contemporary practice. Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman is a Rosh Yeshiva at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University, as well as an instructor in the Sy Syms School of Business, and serves as the Executive Editor of the RIETS initiative of YU Press. Rabbi Feldman is the author of "The Right and The Good: Halakhah and Human Relations” (Jason Aronson, 1999; expanded edition, Yashar Books, 2005), and “Divine Footsteps: Chesed and the Jewish Soul” (Yeshiva University Press, 2008) as well as three volumes of Talmudic essays entitled Binah BaSefarim. Rabbi Feldman is the spiritual leader of Ohr Saadya of Teaneck, NJ, where he resides with his wife, Leah, and their children. Mommy and Me Program at RPRY Come join us at our National Blue Ribbon School for "Erev Shabbat at RPRY - Eema and Me," an enjoyable, creative, meaningful Friday morning program for infants/ toddlers and their caregivers. Classes will meet from 9:00 am to 10:00 am on ten consecutive Fridays, beginning November 1, 2013, and ending January 10, 2014, at RPRY, 2 Harrison Street, Edison. Registration fee is only $15 for all 10 sessions. To register, contact Morah Helene Lockspeiser at or 732-5725052 ext. 215. Space is limited, so register soon! Screening of The Prime Ministers The Forum Theatre 314 Main St Metuchen presents...The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers THIS Saturday Evening @ 8pm Sunday @ 2pm. Based on the best- selling book by Ambassador Yehuda Avner, The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers takes the audience inside the offices of Israel's Prime Ministers through the eyes of an insider, Yehuda Avner, who served as a chief aide, English language note-taker and speechwriter to Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, and Shimon Peres. The first of two parts, The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers focuses on Ambassador Avner's years working with Prime Ministers Levi Eshkol and Golda Meir and then US Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin and reveals new details about the Six-Day War, the development of Israel's close strategic relationship with the United States, the fight against terrorism, the Yom Kippur War and its aftermath. Weaving a rich tapestry of history and personal testimonies, The Prime Ministers brings some of the most important events of the 20th and 21st centuries to life. The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers is written, produced and directed by Academy Award winner Richard Trank and co-written and produced by two-time Academy Award winner Rabbi Marvin Hier. 1hr 54m In English. 732.548.5600 Lone Soldiers Program Please join Sam Milrom at his home at 14 Heather Way, East Brunswick, NJ, November 6, 2013 at 8:00 pm to welcome Lt. Col. Tzvika Levy of the IDF. Tzvika will speak about The Lone Soldiers Program he heads and his take on the current Mideast situation concerning the peace. Announcing the Creation of the HighlandParkEdisonConnects Info-Sharing Forum The Highland Park/Edison Welcoming Committee has created an official Yahoo group--called HighlandParkEdisonConnects -- for the purpose of facilitating the easy exchange of information between the various facets of our community and help spread the word about local events, shuirim, and more for the benefit of newcomers and oldtimers alike! To subscribe or post a message please email highlandparkedisonconnectssubscribe@ya Blood Drive Thanksgivnukkah, Thanksgiving at the start, Hanukkah at the end, and what in the middle? GIVE. Give what? Give blood! It's an easy way to reduce your weight by about 5 million red blood cells. The Rosens and YA'AD are hosting another blood drive on Sunday, November 24. The drive will run from 9 AM until 3 PM at Congregation Ahavas Achim, 216 S. First Ave. in HP. Babysitting and snacks (no, they are not directly related) will be available. Please contact the Rosens at 732-393-1018 or for further info or to reserve a donation slot (walk-ins, as always, are also welcome). Raritan Valley Hadassah Events **Walking Groups: For a brisk 3 mile walk around Highland Park, meet at the post office between 7:30-7:45 a.m. on Tuesdays. RSVP to Rachel Weintraub at or 732-819-9298 so we know to expect you. For a slower paced walk around Donaldson Park at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesdays, call Leah Silver at 732-249-4321 to arrange a meeting place and/or a ride to the park. **Book Club: The next meeting of Raritan Valley Hadassah's Book Club will be held on Sunday, November 10 at 7:30 p.m. Please contact Gustine Matt at or 732-545-3127 if you would like to join us. We will be deciding on our next book at this meeting. YIEB Seeks Office Manager The Young Israel of East Brunswick, a rapidly growing Synagogue in Central NJ, is seeking an energetic, self-starter to assist the Rabbi and Lay Leaders as a part-time Office Manager. The position is 25 hours per week with some evening and weekend work required. Primary responsibilities include: Coordination of Synagogue programming and events; Billing collections and financial tracking; Communications and marketing to Synagogue members; Social media postings and other computer work; Clerical work including answering phones and correspondence; and Calendar maintenance including Synagogue’s on-line event calendar. Salary is commensurate with experience. Please send cover letter and resume to Employment Network of Raritan Valley Looking for work? We can help. Go to or contact Bob Lansey at We post over 100 jobs each month, and help people with their resume and search strategies. Please help: If you know of any professional, part-time, or temporary job openings, please e-mail the information to For W omen and Girls Rabbi Kaufman’s Tuesday afternoon Parsha Shiur for women will take place at 1:30 PM. Rebbitzen Eichenstein’s classes: Tefillah class on Sunday, Nov. 3 at 10:00 AM at Aguda shule; No class on Monday, Nov. 4. For more info, please contact Aviva Siegel at 732-572-4408 or, Ricki Stern 732-828-6939 or Mrs. Miri Cohen’s ladies Parsha class: No class Monday November 4th. The following classes are part of Women’s Learning Initiative: To initiate a class in your home, please call 908-208-7144. **SemPlus shiur for post seminary girls on Wednesday, November 6 at 9:00 PM at the Aguda, upstairs classroom. For more info, please call 908-420-0253. **Mrs. Leah Drillman’s Shimiras Haloshon class: Monday night, November 4th from 7:30 to 8:15 PM at the home of Ellen Smith, 407 North 8th Avenue, Edison. For more info, please call Ellen at 201-410-1893 or 732-777-6787. Tiferes, a Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation program for women, will meet Motzai Shabbos, November 16 at 9:15 PM at the home of Aviva Siegel, 16 Edgemount Road, Edison. An inspirational DVD will be shown. Weekly teleconferences with topics such as shalom bayis and parenting are also available to Tiferes members. For more OE FOOD BANK IS OPEN!! Please NO open/partially used containers of food and NO perishables. Please remind your children, the container is to be used ONLY for food items -NOT garbage. Any questions, contact Alice Gordon at Tizku l'mitzvot! TRIBUTE CARDS ARE AVAILABLE FROM OE FOR MAZAL TOV, REFUAH SHLEIMA AND CONDOLENCES JUST $5.00 EACH CONTACT SUSAN KOLLMAR TO PURCHASE information or to become a member, please contact Aviva Siegel at or Debbie Schneider 732-572-4713. The Highland Park / Edison group of Tiferes is zecher l'nishmas Malka bas Shalom. Join women of all ages from the Highland Park / Edison community and beyond as we learn together at Rabbi Bassous’ Sunday morning classes. We meet at Congregation Etz Ahaim, 230 Dennison Street, Highland Park 10 – 11 AM. We are now learning from the book, The Six Constant Mitzvos by Rabbi Yitzchak Berkowitz. Join us at the class and start the year in a spiritually charged way! PARK MIKVAH The Edison / Highland Park Mikvah will be open Saturday night, November 2nd, from 9-11pm.. Beginning Sunday, November 3, hours are Sunday-Thursday 8:3010:30pm, and Saturday night 7:3010pm. Friday nights are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. You must arrive and leave during regular Mikvah hours. Fee is $20. OUT OF HOURS: additional $20. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please call 732249-2411. The Women's AMEN Group meets weekly on Sundays at 9:30 AM in a downstairs classroom at Congregation Ohr Torah. The group meets in the zechus of a refuah shelaimah for Menachem Mordechai ben Ophira and other Cholim in the community. HP/Edison Welcoming Committee Melave Malka For Women Thanks to our overwhelmingly successful pre-Sukkos women's gettogether we are following it up with a (women only please) Melave Malka on Motzai Shabbos, November 9th at 7:30 pm at the home of Zev and Rachelle Stern, 474 Lincoln Ave, HP. If you are new to town or have been here for a while but want to play a part in helping the welcoming committee embrace newcomers to our town and come up with and implement ways to make their transition easier, then please RSVP by calling Rikki Samel at (732) 249-5116 or emailing Potluck dessert /salad buffet planned but please don't feel obligated to contribute. We look forward to seeing you there! Sheitel Sale We invite the ladies of the community to come see a large selection of wigs at discounted prices - available for a limited time only – from Sunday, November 10 – Sunday, November 17. Part of the proceeds will be donated to the Children’s Fund. For more information, please contact Rikki Samel @ 732-249-5116. Collecting Sheitels Keren Kol Kallah - established to provide orphan and destitute kallahs in Israel with essential needs. Donated custom sheitels, some brand-new, some gently worn, are sold to women in Israel who would not otherwise have the funds to buy a quality wig. All the money raised at the sale goes towards a hachnasas kallah fund which helps needy brides in Eretz Yisrael. Sheitels can be dropped off by Aviva, 16 Edgemount Road, Edison. For more info, please see contact Aviva Siegel (732) 572-4408 CARPET MAVEN, LLC 94 Main Street Woodbridge, NJ 07095 (732) 855-0494 The Carpet Maven is more than just carpet. They carry carpeting, rugs, laminate, vinyl, window treatments and more. This family business is owned and operated by Leon and Sherri Schwartz for over 24 years. They believe in giving you friendly service and helping each customer themselves. For a pleasant shopping experience, visit the Carpet Maven. When a member of Congregation Ohav Emeth makes a purchase from the Carpet Maven, the Carpet Maven, LLC, will donate 5% of the order to Congregation Ohav Emeth. Over $375.00 has been donated in less than a month because of the Congregation members doing business with Carpet Maven. SEE YOUR AD IN THE PAGES OF OE’S ANNOUNCEMENTS! CONTACT FELICE FOR INFO 732-247-3038 OFFICE@OHAVEMETH.ORG ADVERTISING RATES Congregation Ohav Emeth FULL PAGE - 2 WEEKS $90 HALF PAGE - 4 WEEKS $90 QUARTER PAGE - 8 WEEKS $90 FULL PAGE - 5 WEEKS (INCLUDES ONE WEEK FREE) $180 HALF PAGE - 9 WEEKS (INCLUDES ONE WEEK FREE) $180 Eliyahu Kaufman Rabbi QUARTER PAGE - 18 WEEKS (INCLUDES TWO WEEKS FREE) $180 Eliezer Kaminetzky Rabbi Emeritus BUSINESS CARD - 4 WEEKS $24 Michael Garber President CONTACT THE OE OFFICE FOR OTHER OPTIONS 415 Raritan Avenue Highland Park, NJ 08904 (732) 247-3038 G. Silverstein Editor Emeritus
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