Yom HaShoah Commemoration
www.SINAITEMPLE.ORg APRIL 2013 | NISAN • IYAR 5773 | VOL 73 NO 7 S ERvICES & F ESTIvALS Yom HaShoah Commemoration with SHABBAT MORNING IN THE ZIEGLER SANCTUARY 8:45 a.m. FAMILY MINYAN & Kati Marton FAMILY MINYAN Children’s Service 9:30 a.m. April 6, 13 & 20 9:00 a.m. April 27 Acclaimed Journalist and Humanitarian TORAH IN THE ROUND 9:30 a.m. April 6 & 20 Sunday, April 7, 2013 10:00am Please join us for a morning of insight and reflection with renowned author, Kati Marton, as she discusses fearless and extraordinary individuals who saved lives and changed the world in the time of the Holocaust. The morning will include insight into her own eyewitness account of her parents’ arrests in Cold War Budapest, the journey and experiences of nine extraordinary Jewish men from Budapest to the New World, and a fearless young Swede, Raoul Wallenberg, whose efforts saved countless Hungarian Jews from certain death at the hands of Adolf Eichmann. Book sale and signing to follow. Free of charge & open to the public. Register online at www.sinaitemple.org or contact Rebeka Small, Program Director, at (310) 481-3243. Sinai Temple Open House: Come Play with Us! RSVPs appreciated and MANDATORY to park inside the building. Sunday, April 21, 2013 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. Face Painting • Petting Zoo • Mad Science Slime Booth • Pizza, bagels and other goodies Live Music • Challah Baking • Hip Hop Lessons • Entertainment • Clowns • Prizes Old Friends • New Friends • Much, Much More! Join us for a day of fun, food and frivolity…and come see what Sinai Temple is all about. Already a member? Bring a friend For more information, please contact Rachael Sonntag-Bloom at (310) 481-3237. To register for the event and to park in the building, please email OpenHouse@sinaitemple.org with your contact information. Friday Candle Lighting Times April 5 – 6:59 p.m. April 12 – 7:04 p.m. April 19 – 7:10 p.m. April 26 – 7:15 p.m. . Saturday Havdalah Times April 6 – 8:00 April 13 – 8:05 April 20 – 8:11 April 27 – 8:16 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. TORAH AT THE TABLE 9:45 a.m. Every Shabbat STARS SHABBAT MORNING 10:00 a.m. April 13 TOT SHABBAT 9:00 a.m. April 20 MINCHA/SHABBAT SERvICE 5:45 p.m. Every Friday Night Kohn Chapel SHABBAT IN THE PARk 5:45 p.m. April 5 FRIDAY NIGHT LIvE April 12 SHABBAT LIvE April 13 kABBALAT SHABBAT April 26 DAILY MINYAN Mornings 8:30 a.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. Monday - Friday National Holidays - 8:30 a.m. Afternoons 5:45 p.m. Saturday - Friday Weekly Parashas April 06 – Sh’mini April 13 – Tazria – M’tzora April 20 – Aharei Mot – K’doshim April 27 – Emor MY CHALLENGE TO EACH OF US... Have you ever been to a high school reunion? The purpose is to reconnect with old friends and maintain an identification with the school. Schools have many ways of keeping this connection alive. There might be a trophy case for athletes, a collection of Yearbooks, etc. Israeli high schools do something that accomplishes a similar goal of connection but with a very different emphasis. Almost all Israeli high schools have a memorial wall. They section off a location in the school to commemorate the alumni who have fallen during their service in the Israeli Defense Forces. Imagine being 16 years old and everyday walking past a small section of wall that reminds you of exactly what your fate might be. April will see the joint holidays of Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day) and Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israeli Independence day). These memorial walls are typically central to the impact of both holidays. The Israelis understand the need to have a day of sorrow before the day of celebration. They understand that each and every individual must remember the cost of keeping Israel as the Jewish State. They honor that cost both with a memorial day and with a day of celebration. My challenge to each of us here in America is to mark our calendars. On Monday night, April 15th, take a moment to pause from your day. Think about the price Israeli mothers and fathers have paid to keep Israel safe. Then take a moment and smile, cheer, or maybe even sing, because Israel is our Jewish homeland. Chag Sameach, Rabbi Jason Fruithandler Our Founding Families presents Letty Cottin Pogrebin American Author & Journalist in conversation with (What NOT To Do) Leonard Nimoy Legendary Actor Director-Photographer with Rabbi Jason Fruithandler Adam & Eve ate the apple. Abraham kicked out his firstborn son. Isaac and Rebekah pit their children against each other. Join Rabbi Jason Fruithandler as he explores the Book of Genesis for ways to learn from our ancestor's mistakes and strengthen your family’s relationships. April 4th: April 11th: April 18th: April 25th: Marriage: How Not To Communicate Siblings: Maybe A Little Less Drama? Parents: Where Are You? Adopting New Family Members All classes take place on Thursday evenings from 7:30pm-8:30pm Sinai Temple Members: Free of Charge; Non-Members: $25 per class Register online at www.sinaitemple.org or contact Rebeka Small, Program Director at (310) 481-3243 or rsmall@sinaitemple.org Wednesday, April 24 7:30p.m. Everyone knows someone who’s sick or suffering. Yet when a friend or relative is under duress many of us do or say the wrong thing or feel awkward or ill-equipped to help. Drawing on more than eighty revelatory interviews and her personal experience with breast cancer, Letty Cottin Pogrebin will discuss her new book, How To Be A Friend To A Friend Who’s Sick which takes on -- without flinching -- the most challenging questions of how to provide comfort to people closest to us (and how to avoid botching the effort!). Book sale & signing to follow. Free of charge & open to the public. Register online at www.sinaitemple.org or contact Rebeka Small, Program Director at (310) 481-3243 or rsmall@sinaitemple.org Presented in partnership with: Bearing Witness – The Six Million I cannot hear the words “Holocaust” or “Shoah” without experiencing a strong emotional reaction. The barbarity of the event, the near destruction of European Jewry, defies any rational or reasonable explanation. As a young boy, I failed to appreciate the significance of the tattooed numbers that warm weather and short sleeves led me to note on my neighbors’ arms. while my appreciation grew with time, to this day I cannot claim to fully comprehend the horror of the Holocaust. Only those among us who survived the fires of the Holocaust can fully comprehend. Sadly, each passing year leaves fewer of them to pass on the reality to the rest of us. Too many Survivors suffer from complications of advanced age, often compounded by limited resources. For these reasons, we are extremely proud to announce the Six Million Coins Initiative spearheaded by our own Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and Mortuaries. Supported by the Los Angeles Jewish Federation and the Shoah Foundation, we will collect six million coins to support aging Survivors and Righteous gentile Rescuers. All funds raised, without any offset for cost, will flow to programs and organizations specifically dedicated to supporting these individuals. Additionally, the names of each and every recorded Holocaust victim will be read aloud at a series of events. The program begins on April 7, 2013, Yom Hashoah, at Mount Sinai Simi Valley. School children and other volunteers will begin the reading of the names. There will be opportunities to meet with, and learn from, Survivors. Mount Sinai and its partners will distribute the unique Six Million Coin Tzedakah Box to collect the funds. Please join me at this important event in Simi Valley. Your presence will honor those who suffered horribly simply because they were Jewish. Additionally, please help fill a Six Million Coin Tzedakah Box. By these actions we show the world that we do not forget, and that we will not let them forget, what was done to our People. with enduring honor to those who perished and to those who survived, Eric J. Diamond Yom HaShoah Sunday, April 7, 2013 Calling all current 8th graders: NAZARIAN FELLOwSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE NOw AVAILABLE. Download yours today at NazarianFellowship.org. They are due to Matt Baram on Monday, April 29th NO EXCEPTIONS. honoring the memory of the six million Jewish victims of the Nazis during world war II. Yellow 24 hour Remembrance Candles are complimentary, courtesy of the Sinai Temple Men’s Club, available outside Ziegler Sanctuary on Shabbat April 6th after services. Have a suggestion? We want to know! Send your suggestion to our electronic “SUGGESTION BOx” at suggestion@sinaitemple.org. we greatly value your suggestions and appreciate your willingness to help us improve. Your submission will be forwarded to our Executive Director, Mr. Howard Lesner, and to the President of the congregation, Mr. Eric Diamond, for action. NEED A RABBI? we at Sinai Temple can only be a community of concern when we know when and where we can be of support. If you know of anyone who may benefit from a visit or a talk with the Rabbi, please call (310)474-1518. We extend our condolences to the bereaved families and record the passing of: SISTERHOOD Rosa Berman Ruder & Lili Shafai, Co-Presidents Dear Friends, ••• One of the most exciting occasions in Israel is Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, which falls on April 15th. My co-president Rosa and I wish you all a Happy Yom Ha’Atzmaut. May the people of Israel and those who defend it stand tall and remain safe. GERALD BETTINI father of Amy Mizrahi ••• GEORGE DIAMOND father of Eric Diamond Peter Diamond ••• IRvING GASMER husband of Irene gasmer father of Alan gasmer ••• ELkA GELLER mother of Lester geller ••• MORAD JANPANAH father of Sohrab (Rob) Janpanah ••• JANE MACk sister of Ann golenternek ••• we thank Rachelle Marcus and the entire Luncheon committee for a beautiful Torah Fund Luncheon honoring our dear Rabbi Nicole guzik and invite you to join us on April 12 and 13 for the “Sisterhood Shabbaton”. As always, our chair ladies, Michele gabai and Venus Bina and their committee will out shine themselves. Our special thanks to Lea Loewinger for her continued dedication to our “gift Card Sales” program. Please contact her at 310 559-6451 to learn more. we invite you to join the classes that the Sisterhood is offering. For more info please contact Rosa at: 310-557-1009 or visit the temple web site. we also encourage you to attend Rabbi guzik’s Class on women of Different Cloths. Please do not forget the deadline for Camp Ramah Scholarship Application is April 12. On a personal note, I want to thank many of you who throughout the past few months have been supporting my family and I, as we are dealing with the loss of my dear sister Rosie. I am humbled by your loving support and take strength from the people who amid their losses still smile and gracefully continue to do the best that they can for themselves and everyone around them. B’ Shalom, Lili Shafai Friday, April 12th & Saturday, April 13th Sisterhood Shabbaton 2013 FARHAD MOBIN father of Dr. Fardad Mobin Caroline Delijani ••• NAZANIN MOLAYEM grandmother of Sharona Rahimian ••• DR. MITCHELL O. LOCkS father of Ronna Shpall grandfather of Jessica Shpall Rosen ••• DR. ARNOLD L. SERBIN father of Debbie Swanson gary Serbin ••• MILDRED STARk mother of John Stark Kathy Stark ••• LULA TAYLOR grandmother of Karen williams Mazel Tov to: Megan & Brian weiner, on the birth of their son; Ilana Bostwick & Zachary Roth, on their engagement; Becca & Ken Furer, on the birth of their daughter, Julia Lily; Ruthi Amber & Elliott Kahn, on their engagement; Jennifer & Aaron Aftergood, on the birth of their daughter & Sara & David Aftergood, on the birth of their granddaughter, Zoe Doreen. Join Rabbi Nicole guzik in dialogue with female clergy of different faiths. In this series we will explore the challenges, struggles, opportunities and advantages of working as a woman of the cloth. Bring your own dairy lunch. Light refreshments will be provided. The guest speaker in April will be Soha Yassine, Youth & Volunteer Coordinator, Islamic Center of Southern California April 9, 2013 12:00 - 1:30p.m Sinai Temple and Sisterhood Members: Free of charge Non-Members: $20 per class Register online at www.sinaitemple.org or contact Rebeka Small, Program Director at (310) 481-3243 or rsmall@sinaitemple.org. Sponsored by Sinai Temple's Program Department and Sisterhood. Men's Club April 2nd Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. guest Speaker: Dr. Babaknia Topic: Hitler, Iran and the Holocaust! Please join Sisterhood members, their daughters, Rabbi Nicole Guzik & Aryell Cohen, for our annual weekend of services, conducted by women of Sinai Temple. Friday Evening Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 p.m. Kohn Chapel Dairy Shabbat Dinner in gold Hall will follow at 6:40 p.m. a dairy meal catered by Sisterhood with Shabbat songs led by Aryell Cohen. Please call Dee gooze at (310)553-7468 for Shabbat dinner reservations Cost per person $25.00 Saturday Morning P’sukai D’zimra, Shacharit & Musaf Services 8:45 a.m.Main Sanctuary Saturday Evening Mincha Service 4:30 p.m. Kohn Chapel Featuring the Mincha Melodies Choir. Led by Aryell Cohen followed by a Seudah Shlishit Questions? Call Michele 310-859-9138 or venus 310-551-2026 Photo © Jono David, HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Mazel Tov to our B’nai Mitzvah Sinai Temple Blumenthal Library presents: Afternoon Film Series SUGIHARA: CONSPIRACY OF kINDNESS Wed., April 17, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Lainer Learning Center, Free of charge RSvP to Barbara Goelman at (310)481-3217 DOR CHADASH SHABBAT IN THE PARk Friday, April 5th 5:45p.m. Holmby Park The Dor Chadash Shabbat in the Park returns! gather your picnic blankets and pack a kosher-style dinner for you and your kids as you join Rabbi guzik and Dale in greeting Shabbat with green grass, blue skies and great music. Meet new friends, and meet up with old friends at Holmby Park (Beverly glen and Club View Drive) on Friday, April 5. we begin early -- 5:45 p.m. -which means everyone will have plenty of daylight hours to enjoy this very kid-ish kiddush. DOR CHADASH'S FIRST ANNUAL "DADDY & ME" PARTY! Sunday, April 21st 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sinai Temple Calling all Dads! Bring your kids and join us at a birthday party for Israel in celebration of Yom Ha'atzmaut with pizza, sports and lots of "daddy and me" fun! Cost: $10 per family($15 at the door) To register, contact the Program Dept at (310) 481-3243 or rsmall@sinaitemple.org. TOT SHABBAT Brought to you by Dor Chadash, the “Next Generation” at Sinai Temple Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. in kohn Chapel Join Dor Chadash as we celebrate Shabbat each month with uplifting spirituality, community bonding, and meaningful memories for you and your little ones…with Sinai Temple’s own Rabbi Nicole guzik, Rabbi Jason Fruithandler and Dale Schatz! Dor Chadash is a great way to make a large synagogue feel like a small community. we welcome all families with young children, so come introduce yourself at one of our upcoming events! For more information, please email dchadash@gmail.com or call (310) 481-3296. CHAI SOCIETY Shabbat Shalom Meet and greet: April 13 & 27 Monthly general Meeting – 7:30 p.m. on April 23 Dinners – Plays – Celebrations – Winery Trips Call Elaine Lotwin at (310) 271-5554.or eal1160@aol.com Rachelle Marcus and Richard Greenberg, Co-Chairs SiNet (Sinai Networking Group) April 2013 Event - CANCELED Friday April 12 7:30 a.m.- 9:00 a.m. gold Hall Last year over 30 referrals in excess of $2 million in business were exchanged among SiNet members. Already in 2013, we are far exceeding these figures. Everyone will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and speak briefly about their business.Bring your business cards. $5 entry includes light breakfast/appetizers. Join us on Linkedin. www.linkedin.com under search type in SiNet. If you are expanding your business, post Job opportunities on the Linkedin site "Jobs Discussion". Join us . . . April 13, 2013 THURSDAY MORNING TORAH with Rabbi Jason Fruithandler Spend an hour every Thursday morning deepening your understanding of Judaism and our sacred text. Learn along with us as we go through the Torah together; no previous knowledge or Hebrew is required. Please note that once Rabbi David Wolpe begins his sabbatical the class will continue and be led by Rabbi Jason Fruithandler! Thursday mornings, 8:15 a.m. April 4, 11, 18, 25* There is no charge for this class. Contact: Rebeka Small, Program Director, (310) 481-3243, or rsmall@sinaitemple.org *All dates subject to change or cancellation. JUDAISM BY CHOICE Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 a.m. April 27 Shabbat Dinner 5:30 p.m. April 12 - Followed by FNL All these events are open to Jews and non-Jews who would like to learn more about the rituals of the Shabbat Dinner and the Shabbat Morning Service. Participants will come away feeling more confident and knowledgeable. Call Rabbi Neal weinberg at (310) 772-0626 or email rabbinweinberg@yahoo.com ATID offers a variety of events and activities for young Jewish adults in their 20s & 30s. For a full list of event details or to register for upcoming programs, please go to: www.AtidLA.com. Cooking Class April 12, 2013 7:30 p.m. Join Rabbi Nicole guzik, Craig Taubman and the FNL Band for our monthly musical Shabbat Service at Sinai Temple. Following services, everyone is invited to a congregational Kiddush for cookies and challah and young professionals (ages 21-39) are invited to mix and mingle at the Atid Parlor (ID’s required). ~ Atid Outdoors Sunday, April 14, 2013 10:00 a.m. Join Atid for an outdoor activity hiking in Los Angeles. Location TBD. Please check www.AtidLA.com for details. Event is free. RAvAkIM EvENTS (40 & 50s Singles Group) Join us at the next Ted and Hedy Orden & Family’s FRIDAY NIGHT LIvE on Friday, April 12. Following services, Sinai Temple invites Ravakim singles, as well as the entire community, to the Congregational Kiddush for some schmoozing and cookies. Save The Date: Friday, April 19. Single’s Shabbat Shabbang Dinner. Located at Temple Beth Am. Sponsored by Sinai Temple & Temple Beth Am Help us plan upcoming events! Join us at our Ravakim Planning Meetings. For meeting dates, please email Ravakim4050s@gmail.com Ravakim is a community-wide singles group for ages 40-59. To receive information about upcoming events, email Ravakim4050s@gmail.com. April Calendar Sun, April 7th from 3pm-5pm: Commemorate YOM HASHOAH with the Sinai Temple Teen Center as we film a public service announcement with 20 Holocaust survivors about the importance of Holocaust education. Fri, April 12th @ 7:30pm: Join us for our monthly SHABBAS SHENNANIgANS event! Friday Night Live and an Oneg / Lounge Night to follow! Sun, April 21st: Celebrate Israel at the UCLA Israel Festival! S I S T E R H O O D JUDAICA SHOP Candlesticks • Cards • Jewelry Come in and see!!! Also - we have beautiful hostess gifts! Hours: Mon. – Thurs. 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Friday 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (closed Saturdays & holidays) OR call for private appointment! Frances Katz, Manager (310) 481-3290 Sunday appointments only, call Lorraine Joffe (310) 890-4802 April 18, 2013 7:30 p.m. Details coming soon on www.ATIDLA.com ~ Meet Market Event April 25, 2013 7:30 p.m. A great way to meet and mingle with the Atid community on a Thursday night. Looking to get involved/volunteer? There are opportunities through ATID to share your talents and passions. Please call the ATID Office at (310) 481-3244 if you would like more information or email info@ATIDLA.com. Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with our upcoming activities at https://www.facebook.com/AtidLA STARS - Sinai Temple Religious School k-2nd Graders! Are you looking for an afternoon of cooking, art, drama and stories? Try out the K-2nd grade Sinai Temple Religious School NEw wednesday afternoon program from 4-6 p.m. Students not enrolled in the Religious School can try this program for free. Please tell your friends. For more information, please contact Sara in the Religious School office at (310)481-3271 or email dkassin@sinaitemple.org. 6th Grade Na'aseh at Beyond Shelter! One of the mitzvot of Purim is Matanot L'Evyonim, giving gifts to people in need. Our 6th grade Na'aseh Religious School class lived this mitzvah with the help of Beyond Shelter. Beyond Shelter is an organization that helps families move from homelessness into homes. The 6th grade students collected donations and organized a “welcome Home” event to provide 15 families with basic housewares for their new homes. Thank you to everyone who donated items to help make this event a success! For more information, contact Julia Levine, Experiential Educator at (310) 481-3310. SINAI TEMPLE SISTERHOOD CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIPS Sinai Temple Sisterhood is once again offering scholarship funds to students from Sinai Akiba Academy and Sinai Temple Religious School. Applications can be picked up at the SAA office, Religious School office or from the Sinai Temple Sisterhood. If you have a child who wants to go to camp this summer and needs financial help. Please contact: Marcie Berga 310-475-6401 or mberga@sinaiakiba.org Danielle Kassin 310-481-3271 or dkassin@sinaitemple.org Lili Shafai 310-454-9927 or lshafai@gmail.com Due: Friday April 12th, 2013 All information will be confidential. RABBI DAvID WOLPE'S DISCRETIONARY FUND RITUAL DIRECTOR RALPH RESNICk’S DISCRETIONARY FUND IN HONOR OF: The birth of Hannah Arielle Lopez, daughter of Kimi & Jonathan Lopez, granddaughter of Susan Lopez-giss & Harvey giss, granddaughter of Richard Lopez of blessed memory, & greatgranddaughter of Doris & Milton Siegel of blessed memory by Susan Lopez-giss & Harvey giss; Jordan Kashani’s bar mitzvah by Sam Moghimi; the birth of our grandson Benjamin Ethan winnick by Judy & Tom Flesh ; and cheating death by walking away unscathed from a serious car accident by Amy Alyeshmerni. IN MEMORY OF: Phyllis Friedberg by James Friedberg; Jack J. Levand’s yahrzeit by Arlene Levand Carabet; Edward Pilot’s yahrzeit by Sidney Pilot; my mother, Claire Bizar’s yahrzeit by Ruth Pilot; Miriam Marder’s yahrzeit by Irene & Irving gasmer l”z; Max Bezonsky’s yahrzeit by Bella & Sol Liber; and Esther Lehman’s yahrzeit by Irene & Irving gasmer l”z. IN APPRECIATION OF: Rabbi wolpe by Sid & Ruth Pilot; Rabbi wolpe’s kindness at my brother Dean’s unveiling by Adrienne Horwitch; Rabbi wolpe’s Thursday Morning Torah Class by Coleman Colla, Jim Friedberg, Donald Salem, Edith M. wander, Fran Stengel, Shiva Niku, Afsaneh Daneshvar, Katrin Sadighpour, Sophia Ebrahimian, Marcy Melton, Michael & Shahla Pashaie, Irwin Moss, Mariam Emrani, Honey Roberta Hobson, & Marion Claire. IN MEMORY OF: Moshe Aryeh Rakow by Jack Rakow & Nora Chaouli-Rakow; Louis Ressler by Bob Ressler; Jack Beugen by Rachelle Marcus; Henry Schimmel by Hana Rosenbaum; Mr. Lippow’s Jane D. Lippow; Mohtaram Soroudi by Michael & Elizabeth Soroudi; and Marilyn Ressler by Bob Ressler. IN MEMORY OF: Philip P. Bezonsky by Bella & Sol Liber. IN APPRECIATION OF: Rabbi guzik for her warmth & passion in making Lyla’s special evening so memorable by Jennifer & Lawrence Trilling; all of Rabbi guzik’s support for Alexis’s bat mitzvah by Andria & Richard Silvera; and Rabbi guzik being with the family on the occasion of Benjamin’s brit milah by Judy & Tom Flesh. IN APPRECIATION OF: Cantor Feldman’s Jewish Liturgical Music Class by Linda Camras. IN HONOR OF: The birth of Tom & Judy Flesh’s grandson by Linda & Bob Camras; Jerry Nagin’s special birthday by Diane and Ovvie Miller; Sid Burke’s library award by Rosalie Kornblau; Dr. Ata and Jina Rezvanpour’s Temple Men’s club honor by Diane & Ovvie Miller; and Barbara Rothholz’s special birthday by Lisa Silverman and Rosa Berman Ruder & Joe Ruder. IN MEMORY OF: Amy Rothholz’s yahrzeit by Barbara & Peter Rothholz; Sidney Dwoskin’s yahrzeit by Laura & Ben Dwoskin; Frieda Beck’s yahrzeit by Edie Nitzberg; and Pearl Freeling’s yahrzeit by Jan & Owen Miller. RABBI NICOLE GUZIk’S DISCRETIONARY FUND CANTOR MARCUS FELDMAN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: And gratitude for the introductory talk you gave to the Chai Society by the Chai Society; and for the Jewish Liturgical gem class by Jewish Federation of greater Atlanta. CANTOR EMERITUS JOSEPH GOLE’S DISCRETIONARY FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: For the beautiful service you conducted at my mother’s funeral by James Friedberg; and for officiating at our daughter’s wedding by Jila & Said Rahban. IN MEMORY OF: My beloved mother-in-law, Clara Katz, by Frances Katz; and our dear Selma by Steven Pokress & family. ARYELL COHEN’S MUSIC FUND IN MEMORY OF: Ruth Burke by Rosalie Kornblau. IN HONOR OF: Shirley Kory’s birthday by Rosalie Kornblau. IN APPRECIATION OF: Aryell Cohen’s wonderful work preparing our daughter Abby for her bat mitzvah by Dr. Ira & Dawn Smalberg. GENERAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Arthur goodman’s passing by Roneet and Ken Kahan; David Telpner by Sharon & Mark Telpner; Seymour Croft by Jennifer glazer Malkin and Abner & Roz goldstine; Samuel R. gabai's yahrzeit by Joseph & Michele gabai; Rahim Nazarian’s yahrzeit by Elizabeth and Michael Soroudi; and Fannie Chananie by Brina Rosenbaum. ISRAEL CENTER FUND IN HONOR OF: The birth of Benjamin Ethan winnick by Leslie & Andrew wachtel. LIBRARY FUND THE JAMES AND MARGARET FLESH SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF: Mazal tov to Orit and David gadish on the birth of their daughter, Sarah Bella, and to Megan and Brian weiner on the birth of their son by Tom & Judy Flesh; and Judy and Tom Flesh on the birth of their grandson by Joel & Deborah weinstein. IN MEMORY OF: The passing of Phyllis Friedberg, Jane Mack, Mildred Stark, Dr. Arnold L. Serbin, Irving gasmer, gerald Bettini, Morad Janpanah, Nazanin Molayem, and Lula Taylor by Tom & Judy Flesh. YOUTH DEPARTMENT FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: The Teen Center’s AIPAC trip by golda & Martin Mendelsohn. DOR CHADASH IN APPRECIATION OF: The wonderful programming that Dor Chadash provides by Sheila & Omid Bolour, Allen & Dalia Kamrava, Azine Chafai & Dariush Youshaei, Nader & Talia Pouratian, and Michael & Sari Arnall. IN HONOR OF: The births of Ella gozlan, David Rad, Chloe Esther Soroudi by Marcia Freedland. ADULT EDUCATION FUND IN MEMORY OF: Madeleine Nussen by Ilene & Howard Emmer. FAMILY MINYAN FUND IN HONOR OF: An aliyah by Debbie Younesi; Lyla Trilling’s amazing bat mitzvah by the Trilling Family; the Purim party at Evan and Dana Schlessinger’s home by Kim & Amos Legerman, Joel & Susan Stern, Marci E. Maniker, Jackie & David Klein, Marcy & Frank Melton, Pamela weisberg, and Paulette & Ron Nessim; Ralph Resnick by Daniel Hamuy & Marina Romano and Sharon & David gitman. IN MEMORY OF: Arthur S. goodman, father of Roberta Rosenberg, by gail & Fred Rollman, Elizabeth & Michael Soroudi, and Carla Loebman; Madeleine Nussen, Albert Fenster, Phyllis Friedberg, Arthur S. goodman, and Seymour Croft by Joel & Deborah weinstein; Zaide Ben Marco by David, Jarone, Ilan & Michal Marco Ashkenazi; and walter R. Meth by Dr. Robert J. Meth. MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Serita Kolom by Bentley & Sonia Morriss; geula Aboutbul by Nachman Brautbar; Alex wald by Joanne Baez-Silva; Hermine wald by Joanne Baez-Silva; Daniel Khorshad by Abraham Khorshad; Paul Jack Liptscher by Marilyn Liptscher Kram; Faye Levitt by Linda & Jerry Janger; David Belokamen by Aaron Belokamen; gertrude K. Levey by Dr. gerald Levey; Sara Kabud goldbahar by Katherine Merage. SINAI AkIBA SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF: Madeleine Nussen, Kenneth Nussen’s mother; Arthur goodman, Roberta goodman-Rosenberg’s father by Anna and Bill Tenenblatt. SAA GENERAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Dr. Arnold L. Serbin, Deborah Swanson’s father by Delilah and Marc Urman. SAA ORCHESTRA FUND IN MEMORY OF: Albert greenfield by Sally greenfield. SINAI SPEAkS Monthly Newsletter published by Sinai Temple 10400 wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-474-1518 ~ fax 310-474-6801 www.sinaitemple.org ~ Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Rabbi David wolpe Rabbi Nicole guzik Rabbi Jason Fruithandler Rabbi Emeritus Zvi Dershowitz Cantor Marcus Feldman Cantor Emeritus Joseph gole Ralph Resnick, Ritual Director Eric J. Diamond, President Howard Lesner, Executive Director Sarah Shulkind, Ed. D Head of School, Sinai Akiba Academy Rabbi Laurence Scheindlin Headmaster Emeritus, SInai Akiba Academy Danielle Salem-Kassin, Religious School Director Tracy Schatz, Director, Douglas Family Preschool Len Lawrence, general Manager, Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and Mortuaries Aryell Cohen, Organist & Choir Director Penny Dain, Public Relations Manager, Editor PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL US Postage P A I D Los Angeles, CA Permit No. 11492 Barton H. Kogan & Paul Herman, Co-Chairs, Board of governors Shervin Behnam, Men’s Club President Rosa Berman Ruder & Lili Shafai, Sisterhood Co-Presidents Deadline for the May issue is April 1 Deadline for the June issue is May 1 Printed on recycled stock SINAI TEMPLE The First Conservative Congregation in the Pacific Southwest Exclusive Kosher Caterers to Sinai Temple For more information and a private tour, please call: 310-481-3270 For more information please call: Ruth at 310-702-4588
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