New Orleans’ First Reform Congregation Founded in 1870 Temple Sinai BulleTin From Where I Stand 6227 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118-6141 PHONE (504) 861-3693 FAX (504)861-3102 E-MAIL: sinai@usa.net WEBSITE: templesinaino.org Volume 87 October 2015 - 5776 Number 9 Well, the three High Holy Day Prayer Books have now been packed away, the stray Memorial Books and High Holy Day handouts have been removed from the pews, and even the splendid Sanctuary Succah has faded and by now its fruit and flowers have been taken down. The many bags of groceries have been delivered to the folks at The Second Harvest Food Bank along with our annual donation. The Torah covers in the ark are now returned to their customary burgundy. The new High Holy Day white covers are again safely wrapped for protection and placed in storage. There is a collective breath of relief from the Temple’s exhausted professional staff, and we all share gratitude that all has gone well and our very best was offered to the glory of God and our people’s sacred heritage during this awesome Hebrew month of Tishri. Your letters, cards, phone messages, and emails have assured us all that you were moved and inspired by the prayers, the music and the messages of these most holy days and the beautiful harvest festival as well. On behalf of everyone at Temple Sinai, we now want to remind each one of our Temple members Judaism does not end with the Break the Fast! For both young and older, our Judaism has so much to offer us all year long. Don’t be a Seventh Day Absentist! Join us on Shabbat! Modern life discourages introspection and we all need a time to slow it down, to explore and to savor life’s opportunities for joy and purpose. In one of his books, columnist Thomas Friedman related this engaging African proverb. Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or will starve to death. It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you better start running. My friends, surely you are not willing to settle for that as a description of your life, are you? We are more than animals running in pursuit or fleeing from fear. Lion or gazelle, pursuer or the pursued, step out of the furious race for a while and join us for Shabbat at Temple Sinai. Secure and welcome, I promise you that Shabbat Shalom, Sabbath peace, will provide you a safe and refreshing escape from the “Jungle.” Faithfully yours, Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn OctOber Shabbat ServiceS Friday, October 2 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Service Rabbi Cohn will speak on “ The Walking, Talking, Torah” Candles: Meredith Mendler & Paulette Mendler Kiddush: Jackson Mendler & Jeff Mendler Ushers: Steve Altman Neil Fleischer Saturday, October 3 Friday, October 16 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Service Rabbi Cohn will speak on “ So Who Made You God?” A Word to the Presidential Candidates Candles: Irene Hirsch Saturday, October 17 10:15 a.m.- Shabbat Service Torah Portion: Noach, Gen. 6:9 11:32 Friday, October 23 10:15 a.m.- Shabbat Service 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Service Torah Portion: Exod. 33:12- 34:26 Jacobs Camp Shabbat Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Mendler Daughter of Paulette & Jeffrey Saturday, October 24 Mendler Grandaughter of Toby & Joel Mendler 10:15 a.m.- Shabbat Service and Lois & Oden Landry Torah Portion: Lech L’cha. Gen. 12:1-17:27 Friday, October 30 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Service Cantor Colman will speak Candles: Judy Simkin Ushers: Steve Altman Neil Fleischer David Landry Arthur Blanchard Saturday, October 31 10:15 a.m.- Shabbat Service Torah Portion: Vayeria, Gen. 18:122:24 Friday, October 9 6:15 p.m.- Shabbat Service Rabbi Cohn will speak on “ A Short Sermon At Last!” Candles: Dorlene Alaynick Saturday, October 10 10:15 a.m.- Shabbat Service Torah Portion: B’reishit, Gen. 1:1-6:8 The Rabbi and Cantor in prayer on Rosh Hashanah. President’s MessageRobert B. Brickman As I write this column, we are in the middle of our High Holiday season. Thank you to the Rabbi, Cantor, Educators, Youth leaders, Temple staff and our congregants that made our services so meaningful as a time to reflect and renew ourselves for the year ahead. I was pleased to see many newcomers to Temple Sinai who commented positively on the welcoming sentiments they felt from this congregation and inquired about membership and further connections to Temple Sinai. Again – thank you, to our congregants that conveyed this feeling! As we now move forward, please stay in touch with these visitors to our congregation and let’s engage them to continue as part of our Temple family. If there is anything I can do to assist, please feel free to contact me. During my address to the congregation on Rosh Hashana morning, I provided an update on our rabbinical search. I will be posting the address on our website. Please feel free to review the full text on-line. Our process continues as we are moving from our on-line surveys and focus group meetings to submitting our application to the CCAR (Central Conference of American Rabbis). This fall, we will start to meet candidates applying for our Senior Rabbi position. The response to our on-line congregational survey was nothing short of outstanding! Between email, Facebook and U.S. mail, we had OVER 400 individual responses when compared to our Temple’s approximate 700 member units. This included a good diversity of age groups and demographics. We also had over 50 people participate in 6 focus group meetings. Thank you again to those congregants that hosted these meetings. This process has truly been a congregation effort! Please look for other updates from our search committee regarding next steps. We will work to keep you informed. Another component of my address was my personal admiration to you, the congregants of Temple Sinai for the personal leadership you have shown in so many individual organizations in both our Jewish and wider New Orleans civic community. In my community work, I see the individual contribution of your time and professional talents you have given to just about every major civic and community organization in New Orleans. I am proud of our long tradition of recognition of our effort by our New Orleans Jewish community. At the Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans on September 17, our own past president, Dr. Julius L. Levy, Jr. received the Tikkun Olam Award for his lifetime of dedication to our community. Our board member, Joshua Rubenstein, received the Young Leadership Award, recognizing his service as a young leader in our Jewish community. Mazel Tov to both men. At this Annual Meeting, dozens of our members were sworn in as board members of the Federation and the Jewish Endowment Foundation, continuing a long-tradition of our leadership. There are so many other examples of Temple Sinai congregant involvements, and I will be focusing on many of these in future columns and other communications. Temple Sinai – thank you for your spirit of giving and leadership. You are a Temple of Leaders! I am humbled to be your President and look forward to our future together. B’Shalom, Bob Brickman From The Temple Educator Ann Zivitz Kientz October starts off with a fantastic Simchat Torah service featuring our “Walking, Talking, Torah!” Friday night, October 2nd at 6:15. Don’t miss this family fun. Family Shabbat activities continue on Friday night October 23rd with the JACOB’S CAMP SHABBAT including special musical guest Nick May! Come hear from many of our Jacobs campers speak about their most wonderful reflections on this past summer. Two Adult Education Classes are about to begin! Beginners Hebrew which is FREE and open to the public, will be held on Wednesday evenings, 6:00 – 7:00 pm, beginning October 14th and continuing through December 16th. Chai Mitzvah is a brand new adult education class for Temple Sinai addresssing such topics as Tzedakah, Relationships, Israel, the Jewish Spirit and much more! This once a month class will meet on Saturday mornings from 9:00 – 10:15 am begining on Saturday October 10th and last through the school year. The $25 fee pays for all class materials. You can register for either or both classes by contacting Ann Zivitz Kientz at azk1007@aol.com. The Choice Foundation Tzedekah Collection will continue in October and November. We are asking for new plain sweatshirts, new or gently used jackets, sweaters, and coats for ages K-8th graders. Thank you to so many of you who continue to be generous! Consecration and Parent Open House will be held on Sunday October 4th The schedule for that special morning is as follows: 9:00 – Parents meet with Ann in the Chapel for an overview of the schools and curriculum. 9:45 – Open house! Parents will be able to take time to visit your child’s classroom and join their learning session. 9:45 – Parents of new students this year will meet their children in the auditorium for breakfast and a Torah craft with Rabbi Cohn and Ann. 10:30 – An all school assembly will be held in the Sanctuary for Consecration. We will bless our newest students and unroll the Torah for a special Simchat Torah celebration. A luncheon generously donated by our Sisterhood will end our celebration. Sunday November 1st from 10:45-11;00 am is MEET THE TEACHERS DAY! All the children will be in the Chapel with Ann and you will have an opportunity to meet our staff and become better acquainted with them. We could not be prouder of our staff of amazing teachers and role models! Save the date Monday, March 14, 2016 7:00 pm A once in lifetime musical event at Temple Sinai One of the opera worlds’s fastest rising stars and New Orleanian, Bryan Hymel, will appear in concert at Temple Sinai in the sanctuary. This appearance will follow his current operatic roles at the Washington National Opera, London’s Royal Opera House, Opéra National de Paris, and the Metropolitan Opera. As a special treat, he is coming in honor and tribute to the love he has shared with Rabbi Edward P. Cohn and Cantor Joel Colman, and the entire Temple Sinai family. Proceeds from this historic concert will be designated toward the Edward P. Cohn Rabbi Emeritus Chair and the Temple Sinai Cantor’s Music Fund. Brotherhood President’s Message - Timothy J. Gold Sisterhood Co- President’s Message - Bonnie Aronson & Joan Tuchman The Sisterhood and its 52 volunteers proudly reveal that this year's August Attic Sale grossed $15,000 in just 1 1/2 days. The ladies worked diligently all year to reach this lofty status. Kudos to Sabina Altman and Genie Dyer, chairwomen. Every Wednesday several of the women met in the dank, dark basement area of the Calhoun building to receive, sort, size and price the precious donated goods. Our members schlepped bags and boxes to Temple, Kevin delivered them to the work room we call the "Scary Room” and what developed was an array of enough merchandise to thrill our returning patrons. Amy Haspel and her sister, Judy Gainsburgh, gathered the more unique items, took out their jeweler's loop and researched every piece. Their tables alone took in $5,000. Temple members who did not attend our fund raiser missed out on some very expensive items at bargain prices. We urge members not to miss this event in 2016. Sisterhood was able to help underwrite the Rosh Hashanah luncheon and the Sukkot celebration in October. Bernice Kaufman, Elena and Dr. Don Gaver hosted our booth this year and handed out savory food to munch on. Please mark Sunday, November 22 at 9:30 am on your calendar and make plans to support the Sisterhood Chanukah Bazaar. Respectfully submitted, Bonnie Aronson & Joanie Tuchman Brotherhood Dinner October 26th! More information to follow. Rabbi Murray Blackman Memorial Lecture Friday, November 13 Shabbat Service in the Temple Sinai Sanctuary KENNETH A. KANTER, RABBI, DD “IS IT TRUE WHAT THEY SING ABOUT DIXIE? Next to Manhattan, our most popular song location is “below the Mason-Dixon Line.” “Alabammy,” Georgia peaches, cotton plantations and slaves filled the vaudeville music halls and theaters of America after World War I. Many of these song were written by New York Jewish songwriters who had never been south of Brooklyn. “Carolina in the Morning,” “Ole Man River” and “Swanee” are a musical tribute to Dear Ole Dixieland. Sisterhood Meeting October 25th at 9:30 am In the Goldring Pavilion Sunday, March 13 at 2:00 pm Temple Sinai is proud to host an afternoon with Roberta Kaplan Roberta (Robbie) Kaplan, a litigation partner at Paul, Weiss LLP, has been described as a “powerhouse corporate litigator” and “pressure junkie” who “thrives on looking at the big picture” whether “in the gay-marriage legal fight or high-profile corporate scandals.” Robbie represented Edie Windsor in the landmark case of “United States v. Windsor” in which the Supreme Court ruled that a key provision of the Defense of Marriage Act violated the Constitution. The consequences of the Windsor decision were both rapid and profound. Dozens of courts throughout the United States held, relying on Windsor, that gay couples should be accorded equal rights under the law, including the Supreme Court in “Obergefell v. Hodges.” In Memoriam Temple Sinai extends sympathy to the mourning Family of: Mazel Tov to...... Jack Benjamin, Jr. on his election to the Jewish Endowment Fund board. John Shalett on his Governor’s appointment to the Louisiana State Board of Social Work Examiners and Joy Alcus Wife of Samuel T. Alcus, III (Ted) on his election as secretary of the Louisiana Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Suzanne Landreneau Seelig Wife of David “Chip” Seelig Daughter-in –law of Alana Seelig Betty Lee Spizer “May their memory be for a blessing” Do you know someone for the Mazel Tov section? Tell the Temple Sinai office! sinai@usa.net 504-861-3693 92nd Street Y Monday, November 9th at 7:15 pm Dennis Ross & Alan Dershowitz with Ethan Bronner: The US-Israel Relationship They’re from opposite sides of the aisle, but equally expert when it comes to setting the record straight on Israel. Dennis Ross, who has been a direct participant in shaping US policy towards Israel and the Middle East for nearly 30 years—first in the George H. W. Bush administration, then as Bill Clinton’s Middle East Peace envoy, and then as a Special Assistant to the President under Barack Obama. His new book is “Doomed to Succeed.” Alan Dershowitz has been a consultant to several presidential commissions and has advised presidents, UN officials, prime ministers, governors, senators and members of Congress. His latest book is “The Case Against The Iran Deal: How Can We Now Stop Iran from Getting Nukes?” Ethan Bronner, senior editor for international news at Bloomberg, moderates. Temple Sinai Calendar October 2015/5776 Week of October 1-3: 2nd: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm 3rd: Shabbat Service 10:15am Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Mendler Week of October 4-10: 4th: Religious School 9:00 - 11:30 am 5th: OFFICE CLOSED 7th: Hebrew School 4:00 - 5:30 pm 9th: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm 10th: Shabbat Service 10:15am Week of October 11-17: 11th: Religious School 9:00 - 11:30 am Intro - 9:00 - 10:15 am 14th: Hebrew School 4:00 - 5:30 pm 16th: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm 17th: Shabbat Service 10:15 am Week of October 18-24: 18th: Religious School 9:00 - 11:30 am Intro - 9:00 - 10:15 am 21st: Hebrew School 4:00 - 5:30 pm 23rd: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm 24th: Shabbat Service 10:15 am Week of October 25-31: 25th: Religious School 9:00 - 11:30 am Intro - 9:00 - 10:15 am 28th: Hebrew School 4:00 - 5:30 pm 30th: Shabbat Service 6:15 pm 31st: Shabbat Service 10:15am OctOber YahrzeitS OctOber birthdaYS Rachel Aronson Logan Babin, Jr. Jeffrey Baron Cary Becker Joan Berenson Darryl Berger Henry Bernstein Walda Besthoff Sydney Besthoff, III Guy Brenner Katherine Buckman Dillon Butvin Ellen Chapman Rhonda Chernekoff Sarah Churney Ellen Cleary Gayle Cohen Jason Cohen Stanley Cohn Kim Daves Shannon Entrekin Jonah Evans Albin Fisher, Jr. Louis Fishman Rosemary Fortmayer Lynda Friedmann Joshua Friedmann Joseph Friend Sally Fuerst Elisabeth Gehl Todd Glazer Timothy Gold Diane Gordon Sanford Gottesman Owen Grossman Nicole Harvey Eve Herman Joyce Hiller Leslie Hirsch Allison Hoffman Jack Hudson Ben Jacobs, III Bernard Jacobson Allan Kagan Philip Katz Karen Katz Larry Katz Evelyn Katz Jay Kern Robert Kessler Ann Zivitz Kientz Ivonne Kullman, III Wilfred Kullman, Jr. Elise LaPointe Lillie Lassen Richard Levine Aaron Levy Gordon Linge Simon Mexic Ross Miller William Mimeles Clifford Mintz Elizabeth Murov Michael O'Dwyer Lillian Opotowsky Stanley Pulitzer Elisa Redfield Karen Reitman Jenny Rich Rebecca Rider Meryl Rosenbloom Carl Rosenblum Richard Rosenfeld Edna Scheinuk Paula Shapiro Jenae Sheffler Francine Siegel Michael Siegel Elliot Singer I. William Sizeler Jane Sizeler Pamela Steeg Rodney Steiner Lowell Stewart Lauren Wakeman Patricia Webb Kamryn Young Margot Yuspeh OctOber anniverSarieS James & Sabina Altman,Meghan & Jacob Bitoun,Robert & Bridget Bories, Lorynne & Robert Cahn, Jaclyn & Ben Cooper,Shannon & Dillon Entrekin, Melissa Epperson & Ali Muhammed, Mollie & J. M., Fried, Jr. Devorah & Aaron Friedman, Jessica & Brian Friedman, Louis & Jane Glade,Terri & Jeff Haffner,Carol & Leslie Hirsch, Adam & Carla Jacob,Leonard & Claire Katz, Carol & Norman Kauffmann, Jr.,Michael & Ashley Kirschman, Valerie Coffin-Klein & Mitch Klein, Lynne & Wilfred Kullman, Jr., Jo-Ellyn & Abraham Kupperman,Sam & Dianne Levkowicz, Lauren & Scott Neustadter,Tiffany & David Oestreicher II, William & Marcia Rafkin, Ariane & Kevin Rung, Briann & Melvin Shear, Lisa & Warren Smith, William & Mollye Smolkin,Miriam & Aaron Solomon, Devin & Lauren Wakeman October 2,3 Selma Harris Cahn Frederick Eckstein Bella Stern Fredrick John A. Haas Norman J. Kauffmann Jake Levy Clara Schuster Levy Retta Fisher Loeb Monte F. Meyer Hannah Aronson Meyer Betty Flaks Michaels Carol Rittenberg Rosenberg Irwin W. Rosenthal Berenice Kronengold Simon Charles A. Snyder William L. Springer Rosa Rubel Wolf October 9,10 Simon Baar Fannie E.W. Brickman Muriel Wilson Epstein Julian B. Feibelman Carolyn K. Godchaux Ben Goldstein Johanna D. Hanau Beulah Kern Herman S. Kohlmeyer Shepard M. Latter Harry Latter Lucille Dumas Louviere Marvin Lewis Rich Jack Rich Simon U. Rosenthal Julius Schuster Julia Levy Schuster Ida Schwabacher Morris Steinberg Ethel May Gutmann Stern Herbert Stern Denise Sternberg Sterne Alex Watsky October 16,17 Sarah Aronson Augustine Israel Bloch Morris Block David Caron Rogenia Hyman Hiller Julius E. Isaacson, M.D. Richard Benjamin Kaufmann Julius Lehman Albert Levy Frances Moss Levy Rietta K. Levy Rose Baginsky Love Fannie Tillman Lucas Claire Strauss Meyer Harry Okun Patricia Uhlmann Rich Harriet Stern Rosenthal Arthur M. Rothschild Isaac D. Scharff Elsie Wald Scheinuk Bertha Scooler Solis Seiferth, Sr. Abraham Sherman Bertha Levy Siegel Bella Levy Sternberg Leah Levy Ury October 23,24 Levi H. Aronson Vera Levy Barton Alexander Hanau Nona Horowitz Henry Jacobs Fred Kahn II Samuel Karlin, M.D. Shirley Latter Kaufmann Florence Strug Kerner Pam Frank Lenoir Beverley Marcuse Levy Leigh Barton Muller M. L. Opotowsky Daniel L. Scharff Harold Smith William Stein, Jr. October 30,31 Miriam Cornman Ampolsk Miriam Shapiro Aronson Eugene Albert Aschaffenburg Sarah Blum Babin Renee Samuel Bear Stanford M. Beer, Jr. Murray Blackman Amalia L. Blum Irving Carr Moses Frishman Mae Webman Goldberg Gilbert Hellman Ella Shlenker Hess David Jacobson Ann Bograd Kiefer J.N. Moses Kierr Robert L. Kohlmann Jules Jacob Lazarus Sigmund Mendelsohn Leah Rosen Miller Beatrice Levy Neumaier Albert J. Newman Ida Sarah Sherman Ethel G. Shroder Rebecca Sina Sol Baer Stern the cOngregatiOn extendS itS Sincere thankS fOr the fOllOwing cOntributiOnS ALICE KATZ CAMPERSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF GREATER ST. STEPHEN FULL GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH Kaiomi Augustus ALTAR FUND IN MEMORY OF FLORENCE LAZARUS LEVY ADLER, DR. LEOPOLD LEONARD LEVY AND DR. HARTWIG MOSS ADLER Donald I. Levy IN MEMORY OF DR. and MRS. IRVING SHEEN and MR. MILTON KESSLER Dr. Alan and Joan Sheen IN MEMORY OF JANE AND DR. MELVIN STEINER, CAROL STEINER RUBENSTEIN, AND EVERETT RUBENSTEIN Melissa and Jerry Steiner, Sidney Steiner, Michael Rubenstein and Jane Rubenstein IN MEMORY OF J. PHILIP STEIN Karen & Josh Stein and Jordan & Jordan and Jamie Miller IN MEMORY OF JOSEPH GIARRUSSO, JR. The Honorable Robin M. Giarrusso IN MEMORY OF MARK S. GREENBERG Barbara Greenberg IN MEMORY OF DR. ROBERT HASPEL Shirley Haspel IN MEMORY OF ROBERTA KORONES, PAULINE SMITH LOUIS and MILDRED GOLD, AL and FRANCIS MADFIS, and SAMUEL and ESTELLE KORONES Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gold IN MEMORY OF EMMA LEMANN LEVY Helen and Andy Polmer Jane and Billy Sizeler IN MEMORY OF OUR BELOVED PARENTS, RUDOLPH & REBECCA COHN AND PHILIP & NADINE LEVY Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn and Andrea L. Cohn IN MEMORY OF DOTTY GOLD NATHAN Mr. Max Nathan, Jr. and his four daughters, Nancy, Kathy, Marcy and Courtney IN MEMORY OF ARTHUR AND MADALYN SCHEINUK Gayle Tonn IN MEMORY OF SOL STERN Mary Stern IN MEMORY OF MARILYN AND MARTIN STEWART Lowell A. Stewart and Nancy Bowden Stewart IN HONOR OF HANK FANBERG’S BAR MITZVAH Hank and Maureen Fanberg IN MEMORY OF MORRIS E. BURKA AND IN HONOR OF ANN AND MORRIS BURKA’S WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Ann L. Burka IN MEMORY OF BETTY GREIF ZIVITZ Harrel Zivitz and Family CANTOR’S CONCERT FUND IN MEMORY OF JOANNE KINNEY Carlos Adame ENDOWMENT FUND IN MEMORY OF DAVID B. FRIED, JR. J.M. Fried, Jr. and Mollie Fried William M. Lucas, Jr. Lynn Weill IN MEMORY OF DR. ALVIN H. LASSEN J.M. Fried, Jr. and Mollie Fried William M. Lucas, Jr. IN HONOR OF ROBERT WOLF’S 90TH BIRTHDAY Florence and Richard Schornstein IN MEMORY OF JOANNE KINNEY Florence and Richard Schornstein GOTTESMAN FUND WITH THANKS TO RABBI COHN Toby Feibelman MOISE S. STEEG BREAK THE FAST FUND Pam & Robert M. Steeg MURRAY BLACKMAN LECTURE FUND IN MEMORY OF MARTHA BLACKMAN Lillian and Sidney Opotowsky IN MEMORY OF DR. ALVIN H. LASSEN Ann and Michael Goldblatt Pam Friedler Lillian and Sidney Opotowsky ORGAN FUND IN HONOR OF MARCUS ST. JULIEN’S SPEEDY RECOVERY AND IN MEMORY OF JOANNE ELKIN KINNEY Irene Hirsch RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND IN MEMORY OF GLORIA FISHER Juliet Greenberg IN MEMORY OF DAVID B. FRIED, JR. Dorothy G. Levin SOCIAL JUSTICE FUND IN HONOR OF NANCY AND MIKE MARSIGLIA’S ANNIVERSARY Judith Gainsburgh IN MEMORY OF DAVID B. FRIED, JR. Lillian and Sidney Opotowsky IN HONOR OF THE MARRIAGE OF MS. TOBY FEIBELMAN AND MR. ROB STUART-VAIL Patricia Gormin IN MEMORY OF SARA PICK Toby Feibelman IN MEMORY OF ROSE SPICE PLANTOWSKY IN MEMORY OF MAX PLANTOWSKY IN MEMORY OF FANNYE-ESTES STONE Leah Plantowsky-Stone TEMPLE FUND Sam Manszer Gerald Weiss IN HONOR OF HANK FANBERG’S BAR MITZVAH Hank and Maureen Fanberg IN HONOR OF SARA STONE’S 100TH BIRTHDAY Wendy and Julian Good IN MEMORY OF BEAU BASSICH Billy and Janie Rippner IN MEMORY OF DR. CARL DAVIS Max Nathan, Jr. IN MEMORY OF INGE ELSAS Sharon Kirkpatrick IN MEMORY OF GLORIA SALOMON FISHER Billy and Janie Rippner IN MEMORY OF DAVID B. FRIED, JR. Jack C. Benjamin, Jr. Jack and Clare Benjamin Fannette S. Blum Janie Bories and Sam Corenswet, Jr. Robert B. and Caroline Brickman Micki and Ben Bronston Gloria Z. Landry and Margaret L. Brown Carol B. Cocke Margot S. Garon Kay Kronenberg The Jacobs Family – Francyne, Kevin, Halle, David, and Aaron Lisette LaPrairie Diana and Chip Mann Billy and Janie Rippner Elaine and Bern Rotman Michael S. Shlenker Michael L. Stern Mrs. Peter Vujnovich Harrel Zivitz IN MEMORY OF EDEL ZEVE GAINSBURGH Michael L. Stern Billy and Janie Rippner IN MEMORY OF MARILYN & MELVIN GOLDSTEIN Skippy and Mimi Shlenker IN MEMORY OF JOANNE KINNEY Jack C. Benjamin, Jr. Robert B. and Caroline Brickman Sharon Kirkpatrick Billy and Janie Rippner IN MEMORY OF ALAN KRONENBERG Joan and Gerald Berenson IN MEMORY OF DR. ALVIN LASSEN Kay Kronenberg Harrel Zivitz IN MEMORY OF HELEN CHAJA LEVCOWICZ Sam and Dianne Levkowicz IN MEMORY OF ALBERT MINTZ Jack C. Benjamin, Jr. Robert B. and Caroline Brickman Wendy and Julian Good Kay Kronenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lengsfield Max Nathan, Jr. Billy and Janie Rippner Leona Shlosman Betty and Donald Weil Dot Weisler Marie and Bob Wolf Harrel Zivitz IN MEMORY OF LISELOTTE WEIL Sharon Kirkpatrick UNDERWRITING ROSH HASHANAH RECEPTION Robert B. and Caroline Brickman Dr. Louis and Jane Glade Billy and Jane Sizeler Temple Sinai Sisterhood YOUTH GROUP FUND IN MEMORY OF DAVID B. FRIED, JR. Amanda Ducote Jay Jalenak, Jr. UNDERWRITING THE SOCIAL ACTION PROJECT, ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM, 92ND STREET Y PROGRAM Mr. Julian Feibelman, Jr. & Mrs. Joan Feibelman Altar Flowers September 4 & 5 – In loving memory of Robert Haspel from Shirley Haspel; in loving memory of Jerome Goldman from Lynne Goldman and from Hank & Maureen Fanberg in honor of Hank’s adult Bar Mitzvah September 11 & 12- in loving memory of Arthur Scheinuk from Gayle, Bill & Emily Tonn; in loving memory of Marilyn & Martin Stewart from Lowell & Nancy Stewart; in loving memory of Joseph Giarrusso, Jr. from his family and in loving memory of Emma Lemann Levy from Jane & Billy Sizeler and Helen & Andy Polmer September 18 & 19 – In loving memory of Mark Steven Greenberg from Barbara Greenberg October 3 & 4 – In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Mendler from Paulette & Jeff Mendler October 9 & 10 – In loving memory of Madeline Scheinuk from Gayle, Bill & Emily Tonn Oct. 16 & 17 – In loving memory of Morris Burka on the occasion of their Anniversary from Ann Burka Oneg Shabbat October 3 – in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Mendler from Paulette & Jeff Mendler Mazel Tov to Cathy Kahn for putting together a wonderful exhibit on the history of Temple Sinai! One of Tulane University’s Louisiana Research Center’s special areas of concentration is preserving the Jewish heritage of New Orleans. Among their extensive holdings are the records of Temple Sinai, which just celebrated its 145th anniversary. LaRC volunteer Cathy Kahn recently cataloged the Temple Sinai records, and in honor of this achievement. LaRC’s current exhibit is “Temple Sinai at 145: A record of service.” Created by Cathy Kahn with the assistance of LaRC archival associate Samantha Bruner, the exhibit draws on the Temple’s original records to review the history and community involvement of the congregation, including the original charter and building contract for the first temple. The exhibit also showcases architectural features of the new temple, events sponsored by the temple and prominent Rabbis. The last section is dedicated to Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn who is retiring next year. TEMPLE SINAI EMAILS: Robert B. Brickman Temple Sinai President rbrickman@cox.net Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn D.D., D.Min. sinai@usa.net Joel M. Colman, M.S.M. Cantor joel@colman.us Ann Zivitz Kientz Director of Education azk1007@aol.com EllenRae Shalett Executive Director ershalett@templesinaino.org Herbert Barton Executive Director Emeritus/ Exec. Secretary Hebrew Rest Cemetery Assn. sinai@usa.net Timothy J. Gold Brotherhood President timjongold@hotmail.com Rabbi Cohn and Dr. Gary Zola, Director of the American Jewish Archives at Hebrew Union College This fabulous exhbit will be coming to Temple Sinai in October. Be on the look out for more details! Bonnie Aronson & Joan Tuchman Sisterhood Co-Presidents aronsonb@bellsouth.net Temple Sinai Office Staff Madelyn Botnick Fireman Secretary to Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn mfireman@templesinaino.org Linda Schillage Bookkeeper lschillage@templesinaino.org Carla Rose Jacob Communications Specialist cjacob@templesinaino.org To Report An Address or Phone Number Change, New E-mail Address, or to Submit a Mazel Tov for the Bulletin, or for general correspondence to Temple Sinai: sinai@usa.net TEMPLE SINAI BULLETIN (USPS 538-240) is published monthly for 50 cents per year by Congregation Temple Sinai 6227 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 VOL. 87 October 2015-5776 Periodicals Postage Paid at New Orleans, Louisiana NO. 9 Robert B. Brickman...................................................President The Honorable Robin Giarrusso.......Executive Vice-President Tracey Dodd.....................................................Vice-President Josh Danzig.......................................................Vice-President Michael Kirschman...................................................Secretary Harvey Herstein........................................................Treasurer Timothy J. Gold....................................President/Brotherhood Bonnie Aronson & Joan Tuchman...Co-Presidents/Sisterhood Dr. Edward Paul Cohn.....................................................Rabbi DATED MATERIAL Joel M. Colman, M.S.M................................................Cantor DO NOT DELAY Ann Zivitz Kientz.......................................Education Director EllenRae Shalett.........................................Executive Director Herbert Barton............................Executive Director Emeritus “POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Temple Sinai 6227 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118” Pictures from the Youth and Young Family Services on Rosh Hashanah
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