January-February, 2014 - Temple Sinai of Hollywood
January-February, 2014 - Temple Sinai of Hollywood
January–February 2014 Tevet–Adar I 5774 You are cordially invited to Temple Sinai of Hollywood’s Masquerade Ball 2014 Annual Dinner Dance Recognizing Dr. Beth and Dr. Howard Braver Journal Honorees Jill Zeller Marilyn Zide Leadership Award Shammai Taplin Volunteer of the Year Saturday, the eighth of March at eight o’clock Black Tie Optional Temple Sinai of Hollywood 1400 North 46 Avenue • Hollywood, Florida 33021 Temple Office: 954.987.0026 • Fax: 954.987.2731 School Office: 954.987.1694 • www.SinaiHollywood.org Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conserviative Judaism and The Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbi Dr. Gideon M. Goldenholz Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Harry Silverman Early Childhood Education Director . .Donna Anton Religious School Director . . . . . . . . . . .Karen Kaye Director of Member Services . . . . . . . .Cheryl Hamburg Financial Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . .Marcie Greenberg President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Larry Marks Immediate Past President . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Barry Alter Vice President Ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miriam Rube Vice President Membership . . . . . . . . .Judy Wiener Vice President Public Relations . . . . . .Maya Harvey Vice President Education . . . . . . . . . . .Jill Zeller Vice President Fundraising . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Beth Braver Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Randee Eibeschitz Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bob Sossin Parliamentarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jared Anton Men’s Club Rep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Don Levine Sisterhood Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Melly Travano Minyan Rep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shammai Taplin Hazak Rep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Schwartz ECEPA Rep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jen Kaplan Legacy and Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . .Evan Plotka, Esq. School/Temple Liason . . . . . . . . . . . . .Annie Garber Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Wiener Graphic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Debbie Weiss Stokley The Bulletin is published by Temple Sinai of Hollywood every other month throughout the year Please Join Our Daily Minyan Services Monday–Thursday 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. Friday Evening Shabbat *7:00 p.m. Saturday Shabbat 9:30 a.m./Varies in p.m. Sunday & National Holidays 9:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. *Kabbalat Shabbat Service is now at 7:00 p.m. each Friday evening in the Zinn Chapel followed by an Oneg. *KISS (Kids In Shabbat Service) Pot Luck Dinner 6:30 with service to follow on the first Friday of each month. The schedule may vary so please check with the Temple office. Birthday or Anniversary approaching? We would be delighted to have you sponsor a Friday evening Oneg. Please call the Temple office for details CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES January–February 2014 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 5:24 5:29 5:34 5:40 5:45 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 5:50 5:55 5:59 6:04 Member Member Board B oard Certified Certified Pediatric Pediatric Dentist Dentist www.browardpediatricdentists.com www.browardpediatricdentists.com Comprehensive dental care e for for infants, infants, Comprehensive and preventive preventive den tal car children, childr en, adolescents adolescents and those with special needs needs. Call make Call to to mak e an appointment appointment today. today. Hollywood H ollywood Office Office Suite 4420 Sheridan Sheridan Street, Street, Suit eE Hollywood, H ollywood, FL 33021 3302 954-962-8311 Pembroke Office ffice P embroke Pines Pines O e 300 12301 Taft Taf a t Street, Street, Suit SSuite Pembroke P embroke Pines, Pines, FL 33026 954-435-5900 2 Temple Sinai of Hollywood RABBI DR. GIDEON M. GOLDENHOLZ This year the Holiday of Tu Bishvat will be observed on Thursday January 16th 2014. It is a wonderfully relevant ancient and modern celebration. The Mishna (written in the 2nd century C.E.) teaches that “there are four new years…” to the Jewish calendar. Among those: “the fifteenth of Sh’vat is the new year for trees” . Tu Bishvat (the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month of Shvat) is at its heart a recognition of the passing seasons, a means through which to increase our awareness of nature’s rebirth, and an expression of our gratitude for the ability of the natural world to provide sustenance for us. In recognition of this wondrous reality, Jewish tradition over the millennia has been to partake of fruits (in particular those associated with the land of Israel: figs, dates, pomegranates, olives, grapes) as a means to unify ourselves with the agricultural reality so central to our tradition. In the 16th century the Kabbalists created the Tu Bishvat Seder, transforming an agrarian holiday into a celebration of life itself. The tree celebrating its new year came to be understood as representing the Tree of Life. the Seder is meant to bring us greater awareness of the world around us. Today, in addition to the mystical traditions of the Tu Bishvat Seder, environmental awareness has come to play a large role in the celebration of Tu Bishvat. Many have the tradition to plant trees, donate to environmental causes, dedicate themselves to a more environmentally conscious lifestyle, or simply spend a little time in nature among the trees. I want to wish you a joyous celebration of Tu Bishvat as we integrate the traditional, mystical and contemporary observance Rabbi Dr. Gideon M. Goldenholz Certified Mesader Gittin President, Broward Board of Rabbis Temple Sinai of Hollywood 1400 N. 46th Ave. Hollywood Florida 33021 Rabbi@SinaiHollywood.org 954-987-0026 PRESIDENT DR. LARRY MARKS This is an unusual year in that we are approaching the “secular” Holiday Season, but have already completed celebrating Hanukkah as well as our “Las Vegas” night several weeks ago. There is a different feeling about this time of year when our friends and neighbors have a more positive outlook, are kinder toward each other, and in general, seem to be kinder and happier. As a Temple family, I am all for celebrating any and every Simcha available, from Birthdays to Anniversaries, from Baby Namings to Bar and Bat Mitzvot and everything in between. It allows us to realize how lucky we really are that we have our health, a wonderful Jewish community with whom we can celebrate Simchot, and a Temple family who is there to support us in our time of need. To me, this is what our Temple Sinai family is all about. On December 25th, we will have had our annual Klezmer concert, when we honor the memory of Rabbi Yitzchak Goldenholz, of blessed memory with an afternoon of beautiful music, singing and dancing. Our own Stanley Lepolstat has taken it upon himself to Chair this event, year after year, and it has grown into one of the great Simchas and fundraisers for the Temple. On March 8, 2014, we will have our annual Dinner Dance where we will be honoring Drs. Beth and Howard Braver, Jill Zeller, and Shammai Taplin for their hard work and dedication to making Temple Sinai the fantastic shul that it is. I encourage all of you to participate in this wonderful event by attending, helping to plan it or using their example to inspire you to increase your level of participation in any way you can. Attend our daily minyan and Shabbat services, volunteer in the office, join one of our committees; anything you can do to help take ownership of our synagogue and help us to improve what we do. In closing, I want to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful secular New Year and hope that all of your dreams and wishes come true. B’Shalom, Larry We are an inclusive Egalitarian Conservative congregational family celebrating diversity and pluralism WELCOME TO TEMPLE SINAI - HAPPY TO HAVE YOU WITH US! Mrs. Harriet Bloom (mother of Wendy Goldstein) Shawn and Samuel Ostrower and children Simon, 5 and Rory 3½ Juan and Mari Gonzalez with children Jordan, 6 and twins Aaron and Benjamin, 4 We sadly say goodbye to the Katzeff family and wish Jonathan well in his new job and location. We will miss you. Temple Sinai of Hollywood 3 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Harry Silverman It’s hard to believe that winter is upon us and it’s already January. Seems like we just finished the High Holy Days and it was Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and now January. As they say, “time flies when you’re having fun.” Temple Sinai really is a fun place. There’s so much happening. If you haven’t been around lately, you definitely should stop by. As I write these words, it’s a bit more quiet than usual. Our schools are closed for the winter holidays, so we don’t have the excitement of 150 children. But, our daily minyan always has a nice group for breakfast, and out caterer keeps the ballroom occupied with weddings and parties. Also, our wonderful staff and volunteers keep working on programs and services that provide spiritual nourishment for our members and much needed funds for our temple. Plans for our new Early Childhood Center and the rental of our existing school building to BridgePrep Academy Charter School are progressing nicely. BridgePrep will begin registration in early 2014 with an opening of school in August. Construction of our new school building should begin in a couple of months also with a projected opening in late summer. While we will all face some logistical challenges during the construction of our new school, the addition of a first-rate dual language charter school to our campus and the opening of a brand new, state-of-the-art early childhood center will greatly enhance the activities and the image of Temple Sinai. Our future is, indeed, rosy. Before you know it, Purim will be upon us. Temple Sinai will hold another first-class Purim Carnival, although it will be somewhat modified due to expected construction. However, we are working with other Conservative congregations in Broward County to add a Purim afternoon program at the BB&T Center for activities and a Florida Panthers game. More details will be shared with you shortly. But, before we get to celebrate Purim, we get to celebrate at Temple Sinai’s annual dinner dance, which this year will be a masquerade ball. This year, we honor Drs. Beth and Howard Braver, as well as Jill Zeller and Shammai Taplin. All of them have done so much for our temple. Please make plans to show your appreciation for everything that they have done for us by buying (and selling) ads in our journal and attending this wonderful event. I hope that you enjoyed the winter holidays and that I will have the opportunity to see you around Temple Sinai over the coming months. Harry VICE PRESIDENT EDUCATION Jill Zeller “I Never Had a Bat Mitzvah” This past year I watched friends celebrate their Bat Mizvot, their comingof-age. However, these educated, successful, ethical women came of age a while ago; they were amazing before they ever read from the Torah. So why bother with adult B’nei Mitzvot ceremonies? When writing the Babylonian Talmud, the rabbis chose 13 as the proper age to study the commandments. No accompanying ceremony—the boy’s father merely thanked God for relieving him of his son’s obligations. The boy now officially counted in a minyan. That’s it. Rabbis calculated girls’ maturation to come earlier, thus the 12-year-old Bat Mitzvah. Boys’ reading from the Torah after their 13th birthday first appears in the 14th century, 700 years later. Yet maturation still occurred: one becomes a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, “son/daughter of commandment,” ceremony or not. Public recognition of the Bat Mitzvah began earlier than you might think: records exist in 19th century writings from Italy, Poland, France, and Bagdad. Early 20th Century references come from Germany, Egypt, and the United States. The first modern Bat Mitzvah ceremony, however, took place in 1922, New York City: Judith Kaplan read from a printed Chumash rather than a Torah scroll and stood in front of the Bimah rather than on it. The egalitarian service we recognize first occurred in 1940 and spread in the 1960s, mostly within the Conservative Movement. By the 1970s and 80s, Bat Mitzvah celebrations were a given except within Orthodox communities. Ironically, the first girl to experience a modern Bat Mitzvah ceremony did not view her experience as momentous: remembering that day, Kaplan said, “No thunder sounded, no lightning struck.” At her second Bat Mitzvah ceremony 70 years later, reading directly from the Torah, she acknowledged the significance of the occasion. By that time, the adult “B’nei Mitzvot” concept was already two decades old, having first been performed at Brandeis University in 1971. Adult “B’nei Mitzvot” don’t accept Jewish responsibilities subsequent to their ceremonies: their pursuit indicates that they have already done so. They deliberately embrace Jewish identity, Torah, and religious services. What could a public celebration possibly achieve? At each adult ceremony I have attended, “… thunder sounded and… lightning struck.” Recognition of their Jewish responsibilities both encourages adult “B’nei Mitzvot”—who model perseverance, strength, and self-worth—and inspires others. As individuals and as communities, as seculars and as Jews, we never stop growing. Jill "Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom." —Theodore Isaac Rubin 4 Temple Sinai of Hollywood RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS Karen Kaye, Director Long before there was an Earth Day, there was Tu B’Shevat, the holiday when Jewish people appreciate living things. Through the years, the holiday of Tu B’Shevat has become synonymous with bal tashcit, which means do not waste or destroy. On Tu B’Shevat we teach our children to appreciate all that the trees give us: food, shade, oxygen, good soil and shelter; and we think about ways to take care of our earth. Jewish tradition teaches us not to pollute and to conserve natural resources. On Sunday, January 12th, the Religious School will be celebrating Judaism’s eco friendly holiday, Tu B’Shevat. Religious School Parents are invited to join us for this family fun event. Students will meet in their classrooms from 10:00 to 10:15 and then join their parents in the Youth Auditorium and outside for a variety of activities related to Tu B’Shevat. Our next Kiss Shabbat service will be held on Friday, February 7th in our Youth Auditorium. Our kosher vegetarian pot luck dinner begins at 6:30 P.M., and the service begins at 7:00 P.M. Our Kiss Shabbat service is a warm and friendly Shabbat experience and all are welcome. After the winter break, Religious School will resume on Sunday, January 5th. Karen THANK YOU NEIL! We thank Neil Oberstein for the time and effort that he has given to the Temple Sinai youth and their programs these past two years, making each one a fun event. Neil, you will be missed. Please watch your emails for a new leader. There will be a Youth meeting on Tuesday, January 14th from 6;30 - 7:30 pm. B’NAI MITZVAH ADULT BAT MITZVAH Rachel Ivy Snyder February 22, 2014 “I am honored and excited to become a Bat Mitzvah. I accept the responsibility that comes with this achievement. I want to become a part of the Jewish Community and continue to practice all of it’s rich traditions.” Parents: Jennifer & Scott Snyder Siblings: Benjamin Grandparents: Dolores & Bernard ZIIL Kantrowitz Diane & David ZIIL Snyder School: Pine Crest, grade 6 Hobbies/ Interests/Awards: Ballet, cooking and playing her cello. Rachel also enjoys Science. Last year she participated in the Science Olympiad where she and her teammate won first place. Mitzvah Project: Collecting toys and making baskets for children at JAFCO Kiddush sponsored by Dolores Kantrowitz and Diane Snyder Joan Lefkowitz January 4, 2014 Joan and Paul joined the Temple a few years ago after visiting our Friday night service a few times. It was a good and easy match. Joan says: I am married to Paul, my one and only. We are the parents of two wonderful adult children, Jeff and Sam and three super grandchildren. I have wanted to become a Bat Mitzvah for many years and became inspired by a coming together of many experiences at Temple Sinai that told me now was the right time. Personally, I enjoy cooking , baking, reading, playing with our dogs and spending time with my family. Family is very important to me and central to my taking this step now. I have found a new family in being a member of Temple Sinai. I'm treasurer of Sisterhood; participate in the Tuesday Women's Spirituality Class with the Rabbi, help with the Share-a-Meal program and get involved in other activities. Paul and I love being part of the Temple Sinai family! Temple Sinai of Hollywood 5 KASSELMAN SCHOOL NEWS Donna Anton, Director Non-Jewish Teachers in a Jewish School As a follow-up from my last article about Interfaith Families/Non-Jewish Children, I would like to offer these thoughts about Non-Jewish Teachers in a Jewish school. A non-Jewish teacher can be a real asset in a Jewish school. Such a person provides diversity within the staff and enabling the entire staff to learn from one another. Our non-Jewish teachers are truly a plus here at the Kasselman School. They have learned about the Jewish culture and religion and have increased their Jewish knowledge. The teachers have also enriched their encounters with the Jewish community at large and their understanding of the Jewish way of life. A non-Jewish teacher comes in with different viewpoints; which can cause other staff members to think through their own opinions and can help to put a new spin on old ideas. A non-Jewish teacher can also act as a connection to the non-Jewish children in our program. Furthermore, a non-Jewish teacher is often an eager learner. Recognizing that she is now being required to teach Judaism, this teacher will ideally ask lots of questions and seek out opportunities to learn more about Judaism and the Jewish holidays. These teachers sometimes possess no less Jewish knowledge than some of their Jewish counterparts. Jewish teachers with weak backgrounds can often learn from their non-Jewish colleagues and become motivated learners themselves. To a degree, what makes a Jewish school Jewish is not the formal curriculum, but the level of Yiddishkeit that is present. It is the way a teacher will automatically exclaim “Mazel tov!” when a child announces that they just became a big brother/ sister, or the way that Jacob is asked to sit on his tushie at group time. It doesn’t require a lot of Jewish knowledge to infuse a classroom with Yiddishkeit; rather, it takes an almost unconscious familiarity with Jewish ways of being. While it is certainly the job of a non-Jewish teacher in a Jewish school to create a Jewish atmosphere and to teach and transmit Jewish culture and religion, such a teacher should never lie about who she is. Young children are very much caught up in the process of figuring out who they are. One of the ways they do this is by comparing what they know about themselves to what they know about others. Let me end by saying that ALL of our teachers, Jewish or nonJewish, have given their heart and soul to this school and without their sheer dedication and enormous love for our children we would not have our outstanding reputation. I would like to thank all of our teachers for making our Kasselman School the best it can be. Donna DID YOU KNOW. . . JAMI ZELLER is one of only three 2nd grade finalists who will compete in the Hollywood JUMP Brachot Bee, to be held on January 8 here at Temple Sinai. Jami, we are rootin’ for you! CHERI ROTHSCHILD is being recognized by Nova Southeastern University for being an employee for 25 years at the University School. The event takes place January 23rd at 8:30 a.m. at the University’s kickoff of their 50th Anniversary Celebration. Cheri, we know you are THE best. Congratulations! Sinai has had three of their Sisterhood women become a Bat Mitzvah in the last few months. They are ANITA RASHBAUM, MELLY TRAVANO and by the time you read this, the third, JOAN LEFKOWITZ will have become a Bat Mitzvah on January 4, 2014. And did these women shine! Congratulations to each one of you. You made your Sisters proud. JOYCE ROBBINS is a great grandmother to RAVIV NOAM KELMANOVICH, son of her granddaughter, DR. SHIRA KELMANOVICH and her husband JOSEPH. This happened back in September but bet Joyce is still beaming! Mazel Tov! If you would like to “brag” about your loved ones or have important honors or accomplishments to announce, please call your editor at 954-962-0762 or email her at judybug02@gmail.com. Only too happy to write about our Temple family! 6 Temple Sinai of Hollywood SISTERHOOD NEWS Sisterhood's smashing Paid-Up event was followed in November with the revival of our Book Group featuring author, Rochelle Weinstein, reviewing the first of her two novels, What We Leave Behind. Rochelle, who lives in Miami, was delightful, and very well received. See the photos on page 9. The toys we collected that night in our annual Chanukah toy drive, were delivered to Jewish Family Services. They were given to families who earn too much to get benefits but not enough to live on. In other words they "fall between the cracks. Social worker, Barbara Bailin always knows where they are needed most. Thank you to all the sisters who brought or sent an unwrapped toy. RESCHEDULING: With Chanukah so early and entangled with Thanksgiving, the Sisters decided to reschedule our Karaoke and Cocktails night that had been set for Dec. 7th. The Sisterhood Judaica Shop has what you need! Beautiful Graduation, Wedding and Hostess Gifts Come check out our great prices! • Rosenthal Wedding Glass Items • Shabbat Tableware • Unique Yahrtzeit Candle Holders • Hostess Gifts • and so much more! 2014 Dates to Watch: Jan. 4th: Sister Joan Lefkowitz's Mincha Bat Mitzvah Jan. 15th: Tu B’Shevat Seder, 7:30 p.m. Jan. 25th: Sisterhood Shabbat, 9:30 am If you would like to participate in any way, please, call Cheri Rothschild at 954-9617800 or Temple office, 954-987-0026. Gift Shop is in the hallway near the Rabbi’s Office Sisterhood Members ECE & Religious School Parents Get 10% OFF E S A S E U PL IN JO Women’s League of Conservative Judaism Sisterhood Shabbat Saturday, January 25 2014 • 9:30 a.m. Invite your friends for this special service Join us for Kiddush in honor of Tu B’Shevat and the Women’s League in support of the Torah Fund for Jewish Theological Seminary Sisterhood Kiddush setup/cleanup help is appreciated Shabbat Chair: Cheri Rothschild Please call the synagogue and leave your name and number if you would like to participate in Sisterhood Shabbat Uri shir dabeiri Awaken and sing a song of victory and of thanks to the Holy One whose light illuminates all of our waking moments You can purchase Women’s League Torah Fund pins to support JFS as well as all your gift needs at our Sisterhood Gift Shop Temple Sinai of Hollywood 7 Sisterhood Book & Author Night Rochelle Weinstein, What We Leave Behind Co-chair, Joyce Robbins; Rochelle Weinstein; Co-chair Lisa Stein Cohen Toys collected for Chanukah Toy Drive 8 Temple Sinai of Hollywood Sinai Sisterhood Celebrates Tu B’Shevat with a Seder (in January?) Sinai Sisters Getting-To-Know-You-Better Event Wednesday, January 15 • 7:30 p.m. Temple Sinai of Hollywood Social Hall Bring your daughters, granddaughters, nieces, non-member friends for a night of caring and connecting Origins of the Tu B'Shevat Seder: In Tsafat, the city that became known for its community of mystics in the sixteenth century — they developed a Tu b’Shevat seder, along the lines of the Passover seder, emphasizing the fruits of Eretz Yisrael. In their mystical formulations that focused on repairing (tikkun) the world, they believed that they could recreate the idyllic world of the Garden of Eden through the acts of celebrating and eating the fruits of Israel. Sisterhood members: free Non-Sisterhood members: $5 suggested donation Please bring a kosher item, fruit, or drink to share: coffee, orange juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, grape juice, pomegranate juice, oranges, figs, olives, dates, pecans, cashews, almonds, (kosher dried) cranberries, apricots, mangos, bananas Please RSVP what you are bringing by January 13th to SinaiSisters@gmail.com Any Questions: call Marjut Herzog at 305-725-0374 Event will honor women, JNF and the Torah Fund for the Jewish Theological Seminary & Ziegler School Temple Sinai of Hollywood 9 SOCIAL ACTION DECEMBER SHARE-A-MEAL: WE DID IT! We had a very interesting group of workers this feeding and are grateful for each and every one of them. In my stead was my husband, Larry, and son Andrew whom I want to thank for putting up with all the hassle that goes with getting ready for this kind of project. At least a quarter of our garage houses the supplies we use over and over for Share-a-Meal. And secondly I want to thank those who take up the slack when I am out of town, as I was on Dec. 15th. You cannot plan for funerals. Steve and Paula continue to pick up the bread and dessert from Entenmann's Thrift on Pembroke Road. Entenmann's has been donating the dessert for the whole 30 years that we have been doing this program. Big thanks. I get a little anxious at this time of year, wanting it all to go smoothly at a time when lots of our volunteers are out of town. The following rose to the occasion and we appreciate you: Our regulars—Audrey Branse, Linda Levine, Lois and Mark Nonkin, Barbara and Hy Rosen, Ric Bauchner, Larry Wiener, the whole Passer Family: Bill, Jami with kids Carly, Rachel and Sari; Diane Snyder, Fred Hochsztein and daughter A. J., Joan and Paul Lefkowitz, Jonathan, Annie, Shira and Natan Garber, Paula Platt, Ben and Eva Fireman and new volunteer Stephen Jackendoff. Jonathan again brought helpers from his work, Connection for Business: Richard Soffin, Karen Rudolph and Gail Vaughn. From friends of Connections were: Mike Schunk, Jane Greco and Babette Soffin who is Richard's mother. Welcome! Join us any time— we can always use the help. Our group was able to give out nice Goodie Bags, not just toiletries, for the holidays. We added note pads, a candy cane, a piece of chololate gelt, and other non-toiletry items. Our supplies are now depleted, so bring them in to the Temple office as you return from winter travels. We now need to replenish our toiletry supply. Thank you to all who brought or dropped off eggs on the day of program and supplies to the Temple. It really helped and please continue to do so. Wishing you a beautiful secular New Year. Come check us out, have some fun, and do a mitzvah (commandment) at the same time. See schedule below. Judy Wiener, Coordinator NEXT SHARE-A-MEAL: Sunday, February 16, 2014 – 11:30 a.m. – School Cafeteria Please bring a dozen hard boiled eggs, in shell, in carton Any small toiletry items such as shampoos/soap/lotions/tissue packs/razors/toothbrushes/ toothpaste/combs/small deodorants, etc THEY CAN ALSO BE DROPPED OFF AT TEMPLE OFFICE ANY WEEK DAY 10 Temple Sinai of Hollywood P R O G R A M M I N G TEMPLE SINAI YOUTH GROUP Creative Drama Expression & Tu B’Shevat Relay Races TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2014 • 6:30 P.M. Be Yourself, Move Yourself & Express Yourself with Creative Movement, Phrases and Fun Interactive Play Think on your Feet, Do Somthing Neat and Pass Something Sweet Creatively Express Yourself Through Words & Movement Mark Your Calendars Rabbi Dr. Gideon Goldenholz Session II Torah Study Tuesdays Noon to 1:30 pm Jan. 14, 21, 28 /Feb. 4, 11 Lunch $8 per session Women’s Spirituality Group Session II Tuesdays at 1:45 pm Jan. 14, 21, 28 / Feb. 4, 11 No preparation necessary. Try us on for size. We might just fit. THE DIMITRY TRIO will be with us on the following weekends: January 17 • February 21 • March 21 April 18 • May 16 14 15 17 25 5 February The Morris and Esther Wiener Lunch and Learn series continues January TUESDAY ADULT ED CLASSES 2014 14 15 16 23 Youth Group Program, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. See above Sisterhood Tu B’Shevat Getting To Know You Better Event, 7:30 p.m. Federation Young Leadership Tu B’Shevat Service/Dinner. See page 15 Sisterhood Shabbat Service, 9:30 a.m. Travel Program: Bollywood in Hollywood, 7:30 p.m. Chocolate Oneg Shabbat Vashti Night of Temptations: Chocolate, Spirits and Song, 8:00 p.m. Alejandra Czarny performing Please enter thru the rear Minyan doors Share A Meal, 11:30 a.m. in cafeteria HAZAK event TBA KABBALAT SHABBAT WITH ALEJANDRA January 10 • February 14 • March 14 April 11 • May 9 Temple Sinai of Hollywood 11 LatkaPalooza Chanukah Party Many thanks to Beth, Donna, Karen and Cheryl. And thanks to Amparo for making our delicious chicken! Thank you to Annie Garber and Arlene Weiss for their help. 12 Temple Sinai of Hollywood December 23, 2013 Much fun, great food and Bob the Balloonist! Temple Sinai of Hollywood 13 COMMUNITY NEWS The State of Israel does not recognize Conservative (Masorti) Judaism. This is our chance to build an Israel that reflects our values. Conservative (Masorti) Judaism, which is not recognized by the State of Israel, receives just $20,000 a year in government funding, compared to Orthodox and Haredi institutions, which receive close to $500 million. Masorti institutions, which further Conservative Judaism's values of egalitarianism, inclusion, and pluralism, are at an extreme disadvantage. How does this affect us as American Jews? How does this affect Jews in Israel? This affects who is counted as a Jew when making aliyah. Israelis who wish to marry may be forced to use an Orthodox Rabbi, or even marry outside of the country. It affects every facet of Jewish life in Israel, from cradle to grave. While Masorti institutions struggle simply to make ends meet, other sections of Israeli society, such as Haredim (who do not typically give back) receive heavy subsidies. Masorti’s NOAM members protesting unequal government funding What Are We Doing About It? Masorti has seeded almost 70 unique kehillot (communities), built nursery schools, started day camps, youth and young adult programs, and army volunteer programs. Masorti is providing a choice for tens of thousands of Israelis who, thanks to our efforts, have discovered there is a way to synthesize their Jewish beliefs with their modern values of inclusion, egalitarianism, and pluralism. Egalitarian prayer at the "Robinson's Arch" section of the Kotel We need your help to continue our important work in ensuring I srael's spiritual and societal future. DONATE NOW! Visit our website at www.masorti.org Call (212) 870-2216, or send us mail at: Masorti Foundation for Conservative Judaism in Israel 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 832 • New York, NY 10115 14 Temple Sinai of Hollywood Masorti kids learning Torah together Bollywood in Hollywood Pack your bags for another amazing evening of travel when Sylvia Berman and Cheri Rothschild present "Bollywood in Hollywood" on Wednesday evening, February 5th at 7:30 pm. Did you know Jews have lived in India for thousands of years? India, because of its religious tolerance rooted in the Hindu religion, has been a shelter for Jews escaping persecution. The earliest of our people came to India from the Galilee 2,000 years ago. More came after the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 CE and more during different eras thereafter. By the late 18th Century Bombay (renamed Mumbai) had the largest Jewish community. Today, however, only a few thousand remain. Come join us as we learn history, explore today's travel adventures with a recent tourist, and sample the taste of Indian cooking. The cost of the evening is $10.00 per person or $18.00 per couple. Please let us know you will be there. You may contact the temple office at 954-987-0026 with your reservation. Temple Sinai of Hollywood 15 KLEZMER CONCERT - BEST EVER! Jamie Bronstein and the Klezmer Allstars Thank you to Cheryl, Paula, Steve, Naomi, Mal, Hy and Shammai and all the many wonderful sponsors! olstat nley Lep a t S , ir a Ch tein ie Brons and Jam 16 Temple Sinai of Hollywood HAZAK REJUVENATED! Read below what great programs you missed. Don’t miss out in 2014! 2013 was an active year for Sinai's HAZAK group of "young" seniors. We started in February with Rabbi Joseph Hurwitz as our guest speaker. Rabbi Hurwitz, known as "the Rabbi to the Stars", entertained us with delightful stories and humor about the Hollywood stars he associated with during his years in California. In April we saw a movie called "Sugihara", about a little-known heroic Japanese diplomat in Europe who saved thousands of Jewish lives during World War ll by issuing them illegal/fraudulent exit visas. This presentation was done, at the wonderful suggestion of Rabbi Goldenholtz, as a Yom Hashoah program for the entire congregation and held in the main sanctuary. In May we were privileged to have as our guest speaker the noted and popular, Dr. Abraham Gittelson, teacher, lecturer and humorist. Dr Gittelson told us of, among other things, the Amazing Achievements of Israel. Our summer program on August 4th was a learning experience. Long time banker, Mr.John Primeau and associates, informed us about Bank Fraud and Schemes (geared particularly to seniors but applicable to everyone). In October, we held a successful paid-up membership (three course) dinner party (no cost, just pay your nominal 2013/14 dues). We had a sing along with Dr. Lenny Kessler at the keyboard, playing many well-known show tunes. In December we had another successful program, given to us by Mr. Joe Schwartz, Broward Volunteer Manager for the Florida Senior Medicare Patrol Program (SMP). His topic was "Protect Yourself Against Medicare Fraud, Abuse and Healthcare Identity Theft". All our meetings include a delicious brunch/lunch at a very nominal price. They are generally held in the Youth Auditorium on Sundays. At each meeting we award free door prizes and hold a 50/50 raffle. We have a small, but dedicated steering committee. Our regulars include (in alphabetical order) Shari Balmuth, Lois and Lloyd Edelstein, Randee and Mike Eibeschitz, Naomi and Mal Golden, Barbara and Hy Rosen, Judy Schwartz, Estelle Slomovitz, and Joan Spierer. Anyone interested in serving on this committee would be welcome. Our purpose is to expand our minds and our friendships and have a good time!! Membership is open to all Sinai members (55+) and their friends. Lloyd and Lois Next event will be Sunday, February 23rd. Program TBA. Minyan We Need You Here! Temple Sinai of Hollywood 17 Vashti’s Night of Temptations: Chocolate, Spirits and Song Saturday, February 15, 2014 • 8:00 p.m. Please enter through the rear Minyan Doors Alejandra Czarny performing $25 per person 18 Temple Sinai of Hollywood SINAI FAMILY MILESTONES February Birthdays January Birthdays 1 Heidi Chylla Sylvie Feinsmith Patricia Kerzer 2 David Botknecht Joshua Dunn Matthew Maliner-Colvin 3 Alexis Feldman Sam Ostrower 4 Hillary Josephs Joan Lefkowitz Jami Passer 5 Noah Goldstein Daniel Visnick 8 Dr. Harold Cohen Dr. George Crane Joshua Greenberger Harriet White 9 13 25 Caryn Botknecht Maxine Fried Hayley Friend Esther Gordon Dale Greenberg Eliana Herzog 14 Sasha Zucker 15 Kayla Marks Lauren Wolf 18 Dr. Barry Alter Audrey Branse Emma Harvey Sarah Honig Alexander Koenig 2 26 Joshua Stearn Marc Dunn Marjut Herzog Herman Sorin Estelle Slomovitz 27 Alexandra Herzog Libby Finer Michelle Gorodetsky 28 Elaine Geller 3 5 6 Itta Abovitz Alex Mitchell Doreen Spindel 29 Tammy Cohen Lillian Hazan Jocelyn Hochsztein Leora Vogel Brynn Cohen Debra Davis Shterna Hecht 30 Gary Feilich Natan Garber Darren Heitner Yolande Joseph Howard Perl Aaron Singer Carole Slonin 20 Allison Pogany Juliette Rash Jessica Fine 31 21 Laura Jacobs Adam Wexler Steven Zide Arianna Bardunias Juan Carlos Gonzalez 22 10 23 Eric Mayer 11 Nina DeSarro Sarah Gerber Juliette Morrow 24 12 David Cohen Carol Greenspan Cheri Rothschild 8 9 10 Silvia Lisk Lois Raticoff 11 Michele Baker Dan Gitlitz 12 Shari Balmuth Robert Kaye Anita Rashbaum 13 Maya Visnick 14 Dr. Wayne Riskin Jill Zeller 15 Noa Pogany 16 Theo Meltzer 17 Yaffa Tescher 18 Jordan Glaser Lorraine Glass 19 Max Gordon Fred Hochsztein Sophie Lynn Lisa Better Dylan Elias Lainey Loeb 24 Joshua Bordenr 25 Scott Rosenberg Dana Schachter 26 Howard Kanner 27 Ashley Gortler Donald Levine 28 Perry Blank Lori Colan 29 Ronald Janow February Anniversaries 21 5 Bennett & Katie Jay-Gordon 26 12 Malcolm & Naomi Golden Seth & Wendy Goldsmith Eugene & Roberta Weitz Lawrence & Judith Wiener 16 28 17 Theodore & Kathleen Meyer Mark & Stacey Goldstein 30 18 Herman & Georgia Sorin Alex & Judith Harris 19 23 The Temple would appreciate your letting us know of any mistakes or omissions of birthdays or anniversaries. Please call the office to have corrections made. William & Lissa Comess Adam & Alana Horowitz Alan Bornstein Miriam Rube Joshua Stearn David Alterbaum Joel Brazeman Jack Fried 11 18 22 20 Robert & Lorena Alterbaum Larry & Monica Marks Gabriel Grasiani Diana Scherer Kathleen Meyer January Anniversaries 3 Marissa Barron Jeffrey Rosenberg 19 Michele Diamond Barry Faske Harvey Walfish Eliot Weizman Kenneth Steckler 1 29 Howard & Maeleine Perl Irwin & Tammy Cohen Temple Sinai of Hollywood 19 20 Temple Sinai of Hollywood CONTRIBUTIONS GENERAL FUND Thank you To thank Temple Sinai, from Mr. & Mrs. Irving Goldman To thank Marcie & Bob Patron for thoughtfulness & friendship, from Susan & Richard Miller Get Well To Florence Rosenthal, wishing you a speedy recovery, from Dr. Samuel & Audrey Meline; Bob & Elaine Pittell To Alan Winter, wishing you a speedy recovery, from Judy & Larry Wiener To Megan Geller, wishing you a speedy recovery, from Barbara and Hy Rosen; Judy & Larry Wiener To Marvin Marks, wishing you a speedy recovery, from Judy & Larry Wiener Honor of To Marvin & Beatrice Marks, Mazel Tov on your 60th wedding anniversary from Dr. Samuel & Audrey Meline To Lloyd Edelstein in honor of your 83rd birthday and the 70th anniversary of your Bar Mitzvah, from Sheila & Bob Berke; Elena & Marc Finer; Rita Feldman & family; Richard & Susan Miller; Edith Borden; Joyce Robbins; Naomi & Mal Golden; Audrey Branse; Dr. Sam & Audrey Meline, Judy & Larry Wiener To Stuart & Bonnie Wolf, congratulations and best wishes on your anniversary, from Lili Matalon To Stuart & Gina Hopen, congratulations and best wishes on your anniversary, from Lili Matalon To Dr. & Mrs. Steven Schachter, congratulations and best wishes on your Anniversary, from Lili Matalon To Abi & Jonathan Katzeff and big sister Zoe, congratulations and best wishes on the birth of new baby Shira Bella, from Judy & Larry Wiener To Allen & Bernice Goodstein, congratulations and best wishes on your anniversary, from Ruth Lackman and Gladys Schultz To Melly Travano, Mazel Tov and best wishes on your wonderful Bat Mitzvah, from Rita Feldman & family; Renee & Mark Glaser & family; Joyce Robbins; Hy & Barbara Rosen; Dr. Sam & Audrey Meline; Judy & Larry Wiener; Edith Borden To Joan Lefkowitz in honor of your wonderful Bat Mitzvah from Joyce Robbins To Judy & Larry Wiener, wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy Chanukah, from Susan Ronay & family In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Bar Mitzvah of Robert Josephs(of blessed memory), from his daughter, Hillary Josephs Memory of To Charles Maurice & Family, in memory of your beloved father, Jack Maurice, from Lili Matalon; Dr. Samuel & Audrey Meline; Florence & Al Rosenthal; Bob & Linda Sossin; Marion & Herb Cohen; Elliot & Rebecca Lemelman; Susan & Richard Miller; Shelly, Lee, Sydney & Michelle Gorodetsky; Elena & Marc Finer; Dr. & Mrs. Steve Schachter; Gail & Harold Cohen; Rabbi & Mrs. Chaim Richter; Judy & Larry Wiener To Jack Stromfeld, in memory of your beloved wife, Charlotte Stromfeld, from Bob & Linda Sossin; Joyce Robbins To Steve Weissman, in memory of your father, Paul, from Paula & Steve Platt; Judy & Larry Wiener To the Goldstein family in memory of your mother and grandmother, from Dr. Steve & Faye Schachter, Dana & Scott Ball, Debbie & Andrew Rosenberg To Rita & Sammy Streiner in memory of your son, Jason, from Faye & Steve Schachter To the Konigsberg Family in memory of Sidney Konigsberg, from Florence & Al Rosenthal To Susan Cohen in memory of your beloved husband, Chalom Cohen, from Irwin, Tammy, & Bernard Cohen and family. To Rabbi Akiva Mann in memory of your brother, Shmuel Mann, from Faye and Steven Schachter To David Zugman in memory of Judith Zugman To Debbie Weiss in memory of your beloved husband, Richard, from Judy & Larry Wiener To Selma Barron in memory of your beloved husband, George from Judy & Larry Wiener RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND To Melly Travano, Mazel Tov on your wonderful Bat Mitzvah, from Joan & Paul Lefkowitz Thank you Rabbi for your prayers for Mel Grossman’s recovery, from Nicki & Mel Grossman Thank you Rabbi for honoring my children Joel & Maria for their wedding anniversary, from Edith Borden. SHARE A MEAL FUND To Charlotte Spalter and family in loving memory of your beloved husband & father, Lloyd Spalter, from Diane Snyder To Shirley Rosenblatt and family in loving memory of your beloved husband, father & grandfather, Shae Rosenblatt, from Diane Snyder To Judy Kyle Fram in loving memory of your beloved husband, Saul Marshall Fram, from Diane Snyder To Joel Dreher and family in loving memory of your beloved wife, Jody Beth Dreher, mother & friend to all from Diane Snyder To the Milton Kaplan family in loving memory of your beloved father & grandfather, Milton Kaplan, from Diane Snyder To Charles Maurice and family in loving memory of your beloved father, & grandfather, Jack Maurice, from Diane Snyder To Carly Passer in honor of your Bat Mitzvah from Diane Snyder To Harriet Kasselman in honor of your 94th birthday from Diane Snyder To Melly Travano in honor of your upcoming Bat Mitzvah on Nov. 30th from Diane Snyder To Lloyd Edelstein in honor of your 83rd birthday and the anniversary of your Bar Mitzvah, and also wishing you a speedy recovery to good health, from Diane Snyder To Marion & Marvin Green, wishing you each a speedy recovery to good health and much happiness, from Diane Snyder To Florence Rosenthal, wishing you a speedy recovery to good Continued on Page 22 Temple Sinai of Hollywood 21 CONTRIBUTIONS Continued from Page 21 health and much happiness, from Diane Snyder To Carolyn Porcelan, wishing you a speedy recovery to good health and much happiness, from Diane Snyder To Hilary & Houston Smith in honor of your 10th wedding anniversary on Nov. 16th, congratulations from Diane Snyder To Debbie Meline, Thank you so much for all of the help and support you gave Carly and all of us, from Jami & Bill Passer and family MINYAN FUND To Megan Geller, you are in our thoughts and prayers, Naomi & Mal Golden To Melly Travano, Mazel Tov on your wonderful Bat Mitzvah, from Naomi & Mal Golden and Janet Wiesner To Eli Sandler in memory of your beloved Carol, from Paula & Steve Platt To Charles Maurice in memory of your beloved father, Jack with love from Jonathan & Annie Garber & Family CHUMASH & SIDDUR FUND To the Konigsburg family, a donation has been made to purchase a Siddur in memory of your father and grandfather, Sidney Konigsburg, from Ronald & Nancy Ehrlich. CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND To Carly Passer, Mazel Tov on your wonderful Bat Mitzvah, from Dr. Samuel & Audrey Meline SHABBAT CHILDRENS PROGRAMS To Harry Braver in honor of your Bar Mitzvah from Jonathan & Annie Garber & Family To Arik Goldstein in honor of your Bar Mitzvah from Jonathan & Annie Garber & Family To Melly Travano in honor of your Bat Mitzvah from Jonathan & Annie Garber & Family To Debbie Weiss Stokley in memory of your beloved husband, Richard, from Annie, Jonathan, Shira & Natan Garber. YARZEITS /YIZKOR LISTINGS IN LOVING MEMORY OF Jerry Forman, beloved father of Daniel & Ruth Forman Ruth Sable, beloved mother of Lila Yorra Jack Finer from Elena & Marc Finer Solomon Shapiro from Lottie Shapiro Miriam Lerman from Susan Ronay Jack Lansky from Linda Baker Adolf Gottesmann from Rose Yevelson Abraham Sklarenskey from Charlotte & Marvin Gottlieb Rebecca Sklarenskey from Charlotte & Marvin Gottlieb Hyman Gottlieb from Charlotte & Marvin Gottlieb Sadie Gottlieb from Charlotte & Marvin Gottlieb David Gottlieb from Charlotte & Marvin Gottlieb Selma Brown from Charlotte & Marvin Gottlieb 22 Temple Sinai of Hollywood Lillian London from Charlotte & Marvin Gottlieb Kate Goldschein from Dorothy Kline Dorothy Carmel from Linda Sossin Barry Casper from Dan Casper David L. Kline from Adele Kline Donald E. Kline from Adele Kline Lisa A. Kline from Adele Kline Miriam Raticoff from Lois & Jerald Raticoff Meir Kaplan from Samuel Kaplan Yoram Aisenberg from Brenda Aisenberg Gertrude Katz from Sherman Katz Walter Katz from Sherman Katz Milton Paris from Barbara Paris Hoffman Donald Maslov from Cheri & Ron Rothschild Sol Rothschild from Cheri & Ron Rothschild Evelyn Stockser from Paula & Steve Platt Manuel Rudes from Ruth Rudes Robert Cohen from Irwin, Tammy & Bernard Cohen Mamie Ramo from Dolores Segall Minnie Klotz from Francine Haber Morton Hoch from Marilyn Hoch Schwartz Lee & Harvey Grainer from Caryn, Marc, Gaby & Chey Dunn William Goodstat from Howard Goodstat Zalman Kaplan, grandfather, from Samuel Kaplan Ida Grossman, grandmother, from Barbara Kaplan It is with great sadness that Temple Sinai acknowledges the following individuals who have passed away since our last bulletin. We extend our deepest sympathy. Paul Weissman Beloved father of Steve Weissman Sidney Konigsburg Beloved uncle of Rabbi & Michelle Konigsburg George Barron Beloved husband of Selma Barron Al-anon Family Group Meeting Monday nights at 7:30 p.m. in the School Cafeteria Please call Renee at 954-963-6001 for further information. Jewish Recovery Thursday night, 7:00 p.m. in the School Auditorium. Enter through the SW entrance to the school. Study Torah and how it relates to your recovery. Call Marc Dunn, 954-665-3770 for further information OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY PEMBROKE PAVILION PSYCHIATRIC ASSOC. See DR. DONNA RUSH, A.R.N.P., C.S. 1900 N. Hiatus Road • Suite 140 Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 Telephone: 954-431-9638 Fax: 954-433-7055 Specializing in ADHD for Adolescents and Adults pembrokepavilion@gmail.com Your Ad J W C FLORIDA REALTY 4% COMMISSION & FULL SERVICE Here JERRY LEIPZIG REALTOR 8932 TAFT ST. (& DOUGLAS) PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33024 954-437-7998 www.jwcfr.com FOR ALL YOUR CATERING NEEDS We will make your dream event come true American Cuisine • Sephardic • Israeli • Latin • Bulcharian • Syrian • French • Italian Weddings • Bar/Bat Mitzvahs • Corporate Events Bris/Baby Namings & any other special event Exclusive & Affordable Menus Customized to Suit Every Occasion 954-922-3344 1400 N. 46th Ave., Hollywood, FL 33021 www.CateringEden.com Temple Sinai of Hollywood 23 DATES AT A GLANCE… JANUARY 2014 1 WINTER BREAK Office/School closed 2 WINTER BREAK School closed 3 WINTER BREAK School closed Kabbalat Shabbat 7 pm/oneg (no KISS Shabbat in January 4 Shabbat Services 9:30 am TOT Shabbat 10:45 am Mincha Bat Mitzvah of Joan Lefkowitz, 5:00 pm 5 Religious School resumes 10 Kabbalat Shabbat with Ms. Alejandra 11 Shabbat Services 9:30 am Parsha Plays 10:30 - 11:30 am 14 Torah Lunch & Learn w Rabbi, 12 noon Women's Spirituality Group, 1:45 pm Sinai Youth Event 6:30 - 730 pm 15 Tu B'Shevat Sisterhood Seder, 7:30 pm 17 Federation/Young Leadership: Tu B'shevat/ Regular Shabbat service 7 pm w/Dimitry Trio/oneg Young Leadership Buffet Dinner 8 pm/ reservations 1400 N. 46th Avenue Hollywood, Florida 33021 954-987-0026 Office 954-987-1694 School 954-987-2731 Fax Visit us on the web at www.SinaiHollywood.org 18 Shabbat Services 9:30 am w/Dimitry Trio Kid Chat 10:30 - 11:30 am 20 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY School/Office closed 21 Torah Lunch & Learn w Rabbi, 12 noon Women's Spirituality Group, 1:45 pm 24 Kabbalat Shabbat 7 pm/oneg 25 Sisterhood Shabbat 9:30 am/ Sisterhood Sponsored Kiddush Kid Kraft 10:30 - 11:30 am 28 Torah Lunch & Learn w Rabbi, 12 noon Women's Spirituality Group, 1:45 pm Board of Governors, 7:30 pm 31 Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 7 pm/oneg 8 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 FEBRUARY 2014 1 Shabbat Services, 9:30 am TOT Shabbat 10:45 am 4 Torah Lunch & Learn w Rabbi 12 noon Women's Spirituality Group 1:45 pm 5 Bollywood in Hollywood 7:30 pm Annual Travel Evening/INDIA 7 KISS Shabbat: 6:30 Pot Luck/Youth Aud. followed by service 25 Shabbat Services 9:30 am/kiddush Parsha Plays 10:30 - 11:30 am Torah Lunch & Learn w Rabbi 12 noon Women's Spirituality Group 1:45 Kabbalat Shabbat 7 pm w Alejandra/ Chocolate Oneg Chocolate and Spirits Program, 8 pm Kid Chat 10:30 - 11:30 am Share-a-Meal 11:30 am school cafeteria PRESIDENTS DAY, Office/School closed Youth Group Event 6:30 - 7:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat w Dimitry Trio 7 pm/oneg Bat Mitzvah of Rachel Snyder 9:30 am/Dimitry Trio Annual Scavenger Hunt 10:30 - 11:30 am Board of Governors meeting 7:30 pm