May News.indd - Larchmont Temple
May News.indd - Larchmont Temple
Larchmont Temple News MAY 2013 Please join us for a service of tribute to honor Cantor Fredda Mendelson Shabbat services followed by a festive oneg Friday, May 3 at 8PM “Make music to the a voice filled with song.” Psalm 98:5 SPRING OUTREACH BOOK GROUP Please join us for lunch, wine and spirited conversation! Friday, May 10 at 12:30PM, Grant Conference Center My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok is the fascinating story of a Hasidic Jew in postwar Brooklyn who struggles with his commitment to his faith and his artistic talents. Please RSVP to Ann Gittelman at In this issue: From the Rabbi ........................ 2 From the President.................. 3 Announcements ...................... 4 From the Cantor ...................... 5 Sisterhood ...........................5 Social Action .......................5 Events...................................5 Congregational Family .......6 Thank You ....................................... 6 Ads................................................... 7 Temple Youth.................................. 8 Monthly Worship Schedule .......... 8 For updated information on Temple happenings, visit us at LARCHMONT TEMPLE 75 Larchmont Avenue, Larchmont, NY 10538 914-834-6120; FAX: 914-834-6503 a member of the Union for Reform Judaism JEFFREY J. SIRKMAN Rabbi MARA S. NATHAN Associate Rabbi/ Director of Congregational Learning FREDDA R. MENDELSON Cantor RENA FRAADE Director of Religious School DEBRA FRANKEL Director of Early Childhood ZE’EV AVIEZER Executive Director H. LEONARD POLLER ז“ל Rabbi Emeritus EDWARD GRAHAM ז“ל Cantor Emeritus BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ron Hauben President Meg Fienberg Honorary President Harri Taranto Executive Vice President Robert Goodman 1st Vice President Stacey Chervin-Sigda 2nd Vice President Robert Rothman Financial Vice President Lisa Samson Administrative Secretary David Szabo Treasurer David Becker Ellen Blumstein Sheila Chervin Yvette Goorevitch Barbara Lewis Kaplan Michael Nathan Mark Oster Richard Shapiro Toby Sklarew Martha Steinman Steven Tanenbaum Kent Yalowitz Trustees Scott RiEmer Brotherhood President Michele Metsch Sisterhood Representative Brian Cousin Karen Zimmerman Youth Education Committee Chairs Jennifer Kislin Tami Moskowitz LTNS Steering Committee Chair Julia Rothman LarFTY President Thank you for submitting by the 10th of each month to Andrea Fagon, Editor/Designer Carol Scharff, Proofreader Printed on recycled paper 2 FROM THE RABBI The MENSCH Principle Hypothetically speaking, IF you had to choose a single verse of Torah that could carry you through life, which one would it be? [I understand; it’s tough! There are so many classic teachings from which to select!] Yet even above and beyond the “Big 10 C’s,” I would concur with Rabbi Akiva who suggested, The singlemost sacred guiding principle we need, today & every day is, “V’AHAVTA L’REY-ACHA KAMOCHA—YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF” [Lev 19:18] This may seem obvious, but it is far from a no-brainer, for it is not at all easy to do. There are 3 Key Steps, framed by the rabbis of old but meant for our world today. 1. LOVE YOUR-SELF…If you are so self-critical that you lose sight of the core good ness inside, If you cannot acknowledge the special contribution you bring to others, HOW can you say you love your neighbor? [RAMBAN, 13th century] 2. KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOR…If you see the suffering of so many souls—from Boston, Mass. to West, Texas—or here in our own backyard…and the pain does not spur you to compassion, HOW can you say you love your neighbor? [Rabbi S.R. HIRSCH, 19th century] 3. DON’T FALL FOR YOURSELF…The ultimate danger is self-infatuation, for it is virtual idolatry. If you cannot see beyond yourself; if your image in the mirror leaves no place for anyone else looking back, HOW can you say you love your neighbor? [The Kotzker Rebbe, 19th century] Successfully balanced in a single human being, this 3-step sacred life-perspective is what I’d call The Mensch Principle. We all have those moments when we encounter unsolicited care, unmerited kindness, that unconditional love from people whose motivation must only be: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It renews our spirits—it brings us hope, and so too—it sustains our congregational family. That is why every year we share in a special Congregational Volunteer Recognition by naming our LT MINYAN of MENSCHES: 10 wonderfully devoted members whose deeds of kindness and caring contribution helps us create/sustain this sacred community. IF you would like to nominate an LT Mensch for consideration in this year’s minyan—someone whose commitment to Temple is truly from the heart, and whose dedication makes a difference, send me an e-mail at We recognize our LT Minyan of Mensches during our Annual Congregational Meeting/Installation, Monday, June 10 at 7:30 PM. In the meantime, consider what you might do to make the Mensch Principle your own! It’s the kind of Torah teaching that could easily transform our world…. With Thanks, Jeffrey Sirkman Rabbi FROM THE PRESIDENT Building Community Through Volunteerism One of my privileges and responsibilities as President of Larchmont Temple is to engage with a broad cross-section of our congregation. Whether it is at educational programs, social events, religious services, Board or committee meetings, I get to talk to a lot of our members. No surprise, but everyone’s got an opinion – not infrequently, many opinions! Collecting those perspectives, separating the “wheat from the chaff,” and determining we have a consensus at Larchmont Temple is often an immense challenge; other times the messages are amazingly consistent. One message that has come through loud and clear is on the subject of volunteerism. We are of course a community of volunteers, and many of our members remain committed to doing the great work that keeps Larchmont Temple vital and functioning. But there is a growing drumbeat of concern: the number of our volunteers is too small – and we are increasingly challenged to get our congregants to commit to do the volunteer work that is at the heart of our Jewish community. The manifestations are myriad – committee meetings that are poorly attended, Shabbat services with too few greeters, events that are postponed due to lack of commitment, and more. The problem is of course not unique to Larchmont Temple; it is an issue that has been discussed at length in many Jewish forums. The results of a recent study, “Volunteering + Values”, by a Jewish organization called “Repair the World” are telling. While the study was focused on Jewish young adults, the findings seem equally applicable to our broader Jewish population: Jews do believe they can make the world a better place and continue to volunteer to work toward that common goal – but they are far less likely than in the past to do their volunteering within Jewish organizations. Indeed, most of the respondents shy away from volunteering with Jewish organizations because they view them as parochial and only serving the needs of the Jewish community; only 1 percent of respondents said that Israel was the primary focus of their volunteer work. While we ignore these warning signs at our peril, the Repair the World survey also describes some of the concrete steps that can be taken to attempt to reverse these trends: • start early to build the habit of volunteering • develop programming that demonstrates the Jewish perspective on volunteering • expand volunteer options that relate to core Jewish concerns • create flexible, local options for volunteering • frame volunteering as a Jewish act, regardless who it serves Does all this sound familiar? It should - these concepts are already embedded in Larchmont Temple’s own core programming. Does it work? Come see for yourself - get involved in our own Tikkun Olam, to repair our world. Check out the Social Action page on our website or our weekly emails. Don’t know where to start? How about on Sunday, May 19, at 11:30 AM. That’s our very own third annual mitzvah day – “LT Gives Back”. It is a day of volunteerism, with something for just about every age group: book, food and clothing drives; cooking for the Hope Soup Kitchen; the Nursery School Mitzvah Market; and so many other activities. Check out our weekly emails and our website for details. Want to do even more? Join a committee, attend a class, come to services, watch a movie, or get involved in social action opportunities. Jewish volunteerism is our collective responsibility. Trust me - all it takes is the first step; the rest is habit-forming! With best wishes, Ron Hauben, President 3 The Officers & Trustees of Larchmont Temple joined by the parents of the Confirmands invite you to SHAVUOT MORNING KABBALAT TORAH/ CONFIRMATION CLASS OF 5773/2013 Wednesday, May 15, 10:30 AM Jack Belisle Zoe Berg Joshua Brooker Sarah Dunford Mikaela Durben Elena Fineberg 4 Max Kaufman Carly Kleinman Matthew Lehman Gabriel Lesser Matthew Meyerson Zachary Nagin Noah Putnam Max Schechter Gideon Taaffe Emily Taub Caroleen Teboul FROM THE CANTOR Need A Ride? Let the Shul Shuttle transport you to Temple. Contact Rhoda Sumberg at 834-2713 EVENTS Shir Ami May rehearsals: May 1, 8, 22, 29 Friday, May 3, Service for the Soul at 8:00 PM honoring Cantor Mendelson Tuesday, May 14, Erev Shauot, 7:30 PM LT SINGS! May rehearsals: May 1 & May 8 LT Sings Party - May 8 Sarah Neuman Performance - May 2 Sisterhood BOOK DISCUSSION: Join the Sisterhood and our WJC friends for a book discussion, dessert and wine on Monday May 13 at 8:00 PM to discuss the book This is Where I leave You by Jonathan Tropper at the home of Randi Klaber, 723 Seney Avenue, Mamaroneck. RSVP to Kyle Greenberg Sisterhood Planning! Join us to discuss our role in the Larchmont Temple community and planning events for next year. May 6 and June 3 at 8 PM at Larchmont Temple. Please contact Michele Metsch, with any questions or to get involved. SOCIAL ACTION Social Action Committee Meeting: Sunday, May 5 at 10 AM in the Blum Building SUSAN’S PLACE SPA DAY: Sunday, May 5. Help give manicures, make overs and create arts and crafts with residents in a local women’s shelter. Contact if you want more information. Teens are welcome to join us in this activity. We will meet at Temple at 1PM. MIDNIGHT RUN: Saturday June 1. Please email if you can drive, be a passenger, or help sort that afternoon. Children 12 and over may go on the run with parent. Drop In Lunch Please join us on Tuesday, May 7 As Cantor Mendelson serenades us with the history of music at Larchmont Temple. Please come and enjoy the music and the history…. 12:30 - 2:00pm Grant Conference Center You bring your lunch; we will provide dessert and coffee. Any questions? Call Wendy Sandler 381-0681 or Juli Karson 381-3007. LT’s Inaugural Oral History Project Presentation Monday, May 13, 11:00 AM Grant Conference Center We have been busy getting wonderful stories from our own temple members about their memories of growing up Jewish in America. Please join us for a staged reading from our LT interview team. Our interviewees will participate in an informal discussion after the performance. This dramatic reading speaks powerfully to who we are as a temple community and to our individual American, Jewish journeys. This special presentation will be followed by a brunch. All are welcome! Rides are available. RSVP: Karen Zimmerman or 914-698-1431 5 OUR CONGREGATIONAL FAMILY Deepest Sympathies to the family of Norma Haber, mother of Rick Haber Jerome Applebome, father of Edward Applebome Walter Hess, father of Peter Hess Celia Chalfy, mother of Amy Keltz Irving Kaplan, father-in-law of Barbara Lewis Kaplan Morris Motzkin, father of Bud Motzkin Judith Spiegel, sister of Lisa Schuman Michael Fayer, father of Andrew Fayer Julius Jermanok, father of Fawn Schechter THANK YOU RABBI SIRKMAN’S MITZVAH FUND In memory of Judith’s mother, Sylvia Lowe, by Judith & Harvey Rubin With thanks from Rick Haber and his family for a meaningful and comforting funeral service for his mother, Norma Haber, by Rick Haber & Elisabeth Klufer In memory of my wife, Barbara, by Martin Rubenstein In memory of Leona Sirkman and wishes for a speedy recovery for Susan Sirkman by Carol and Matthew Scharff In memory of John’s mother Virginia Delehanty and Judy’s father, Leon Prince by John & Judy Delehanty In memory of Sylvia Frankel and Moe Frankel by Bob & Karen Frankel Rabbi Nathan’s Mitzvah Fund In Celebration of Sarah becoming Bat Mitzvah by Melissa & Ben Nagin Cantor Mendelson’s Mitzvah Fund In Celebration of Sarah becoming Bat Mitzvah by Melissa & Ben Nagin By Florence Rothstein MEMORIAL FUND In memory of the yahrzeit of Harry Glass By Robert & Nancy Kalter In memory of Barbara Lewis Kaplan’s father-in-law and Peter Hess’s father By Robert & Amy Stavis GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS In honor of Mr.& Mrs. Matthew Karp’s daughter, Beatrice, who celebrated her Bat Mitzvah on March 23, 2013 By Rosalyn Tauber Scheidlinger LOIS & JULIAN BRAUN/CANTOR GRAHAM ADULT EDUCATION FUND In memory of Peter Hess’s father By Gary & Jamie Gordon 6 ELI ISRAEL FUND In honor of Cantor Fredda Mendelson on her upcoming retirement By Congregation Emanu-El GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUNDS In honor of the birth of Zachary Lucas Ploff By Harry & Eve First RELIGIOUS SCHOOL PROGRAMS In memory of Miles A. Godin By Craig & Amy Rosuck In honor of Laurie Shapiro’s 40th birthday By Warren & Cheryl Sweberg SOCIAL ACTION PROGRAMS In memory of Eugene Meyers a loving father of Vicki Stein By Ronald & Hillary Volper The Downstairs Minyan Saturdays, 10:30 - 11:30AM Please join us for a casual, intimate, and musical Shabbat observance. We are committed to harnessing the peaceful energy of Shabbat through highly participatory worship. The Downstairs Minyan is also great for anyone wishing to... • Observe a yahrtzeit and say kaddish • Offer a prayer for healing • Connect with fellow congregants Contact Dave Cohn, Music and T’filah Coordinator or 914-834-6120, ext. 16 VIEW THE monthly calendar AT 7 MAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Friday, May 3 BEHAR-BECHUKOTAI (Lev. 25:1-27:34) 8:00 pm Service for the Soul in Celebration of Cantor Fredda Mendelson Saturday, May 4 9:00 am Chevrah Torah 10:30 am Congregational Worship Bar Mitzvah of Henry Brody 10:30 am Downstairs Minyan Friday, May 10 BEMIDBAR (Num. 1:1-4:20) 6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 3rd Grade Moving Up Ceremony 8:00 pm Shabbat Worship Saturday, May 11 9:00 am Chevrah Torah 10:30 am Congregational Worship Bat Mitzvah of Abigail Boot Bat Mitzvah of Julia Eisberg 10:30 am Downstairs Minyan EREV SHAVUOT Tuesday, May 14 7:30 pm Erev Shavuot/Yizkor Consecration Service 9:15 pm Tikun Layl Late Night Study Session SHAVUOT Wednesday, May 15 10:30 am Confirmation Service/ Kabbalat Torah Friday, May 17 NASO I (Num. 4:21-7:89) 8:00 pm LarFTY Service 12th Grade Blessing Saturday, May 18 9:00 am Chevrah Torah 9:00 am Family Shabbat 10:30 am Congregational Worship Bar Mitzvah of Daniel Etkin Bat Mitzvah of Callie Zola 10:30 am Downstairs Minyan Larchmont Temple 75 Larchmont Avenue Larchmont, NY 10538 914-834-6120 WHITE PLAINS, NY PERMIT NO. 1123 LarFTY Events for May! LarFTY Service and 12th Grade Blessing Friday, May 17, 8:00 PM All congregants are invited to join in youthful Shabbat worship and song, led by our 9th – 12th graders. We will also honor our graduating seniors, commemorating their time at Larchmont Temple. LarFTYites who want to participate in the service, including musically, should contact Andrew at LarFTY Elections Tuesday, May 28, 6:30 PM Want to be a leader in LarFTY? Consider running for LarFTY Board! This is a great way to get involved and help run LarFTY! Information will be available online starting May 7. For more information, contact Andrew Paull at LarFTY End-of-Year BBQ Sunday, June 2, 12:30 PM Don’t miss the last LarFTY event of the year! Friday, May 24 BEHA’ALOTECHA (Num. 8:1-12:16) 6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat End-of-Year JYGLT Events Saturday, May 25 9:00 am Chevrah Torah 10:30 am Congregational Worship Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Karow Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Siegel 10:30 am Downstairs Minyan JYGLT – Thursday, May 8, 4:30 – 5:30 PM. This will take place during Religious School, so don’t miss the last day of 6th and 7th grade Religious School! Friday, May 31 SHELACH LECHA (Num. 13:1-15:41) 8:00 pm Shir Chadash Shabbat NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID JYGLT Junior – Monday, May 13, 4:30 – 5:30 PM This will take place during Religious School, so don’t miss the last day of 4th and 5th grade Religious School! Larchmont Temple First Friday Shabbat Dinner May 10 3rd Graders graduate from Religious School and move up to Hebrew School! June 7 Celebrate our Nursery School 4’s “moving up” to Religious School and Kindergarten! Services at 6:30 PM Optional Dinner in the Garden Room at 7:15 PM Supervised Crafts table Dinner Cost: $22 per adult $14 per child, 4 years and over Free for kids 3 & under! Dinner is nut free with wheat free & vegetarian options Catered by PLATES Includes buffet dinner, challah, wine, dessert, and crafts RSVP
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