May - Temple Sholom of Chicago


May - Temple Sholom of Chicago
Get involved
May, 2014
Enjoy the Outdoors!
Sisterhood Charity Run/Walks
Check the web for dates/times
Shabbat Bike Ride
Sunday, May 17, 2:00 pm
Bike the Drive with Team ARZA
& Rabbi Goldberg
Sunday, May 25, time TBD
From the President
Craig Niederberger
ting the w
14 6
Temple Sholom
3480 N. Lake Shore Dr.
Chicago, IL 60657
Check the web for more
information on these chances to
get out there with your Temple
Family and enjoy the spring
sunshine with some healthy activity
Monthly Movie Night
A Serious Man
To d
me Y 3r
Monday, May 5, 7:00 pm
Coming in June
Life After 50
Mindful Jewish Aging
Saturday, May 10, 3:00 pm
Join this 50+ group
as we examine
how the
counting of the
Omer can be
a metaphor
for expanding
our inner
horizons and
emancipating our
spiritual lives. RSVP to
Jason at
Temple Sholom 20’s & 30’s
Sushi Shabbat
Friday, May 16, 7:30 pm
Meet Jay Rapoport - our NEW Director of Lifelong Learning
On June 23, we welcome Jay Rapoport
to the Temple Sholom family! Jay will also
be in attendance at the “Come Together”
event on May 3rd - so be sure to say hello!
In addition to his passion for Jewish life and
learning, Jay is deeply committed to music
and it inspires much of his work. You can
check out his videos on YouTube and learn more about him
Am Keshet - PRIDE Shabbat Service & PRIDE Parade festivities!
LGBT Pride Shabbat - Friday, June 27, 6:15 pm
Pride Parade - Sunday, June 29
Join Am Keshet and your Temple
Sholom friends in June to celebrate
LGBT Pride at a Shabbat Service and
by marching in the Pride Parade on our
own float! More info to come...
Coming in June - watch the mail for our Annual Report
see how your Temple inspires and matters!
This edition of The D’var is printed on recycled paper
Why are we here? Is it for our children, to give
them a Jewish identity? Is it to grow with our
understanding of our inner selves? Is it because
we sense something greater than our individual
selves and want to work toward it? Is it because
we like being part of a community with fellow
Jews? Is it because we connect ourselves to
God with worship? Is it all this and more?
Our congregation is beginning a strategic
planning process to bring us into our next era.
As part of that journey, we’ve been reading
Ron Wolfson’s book, “Relational Judaism,” and
I encourage you to read it with us. The essential
premise is that relationships--with each other,
with society, and with God--are central to our
Jewish existence and form the framework for
everything that we do that’s connected to
Temple Sholom’s new Sh’ma statement,
“Temple Sholom: a sacred community that
embraces, inspires, and matters,” binds
relationships and spirituality as drivers of what
we do, and serves as the call for the great
work ahead in growing our synagogue to best
serve coming generations. Strategic planning
represents the road for that transformative
journey, and we need the input of everyone
in our congregation. Our strategic planning
team is beginning a listening tour to hear your
thoughts, but please don’t wait for them to
come to you: let us know your ideas on how
to evolve ourselves to better embrace, inspire,
and matter (my email is sholomcraig@gmail.
com, and I look forward to hearing from you).
Why are we here? It’s a great question, and
one that doesn’t have a single best answer.
Together by sharing our ideas and creativity we
will build a spiritual home that will serve us and
our coming generations.
Please come to our annual meeting on May
6th. We have a special celebration planned
beginning at 5 pm, with the meeting at 6 pm.
Your presence to vote for our incoming board is
essential. Thanks in advance!
Worship Schedule
Friday, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
5:45 pm Wine and Cheese Reception
6:15 pm Shabbat Service
Oneg to follow
Saturday, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
9:00 am Shabbat Morning Study Minyan
10:30 am Shabbat Service
(only when B’nai Mitzvah are scheduled)
Special Shabbat Services:
First Friday Family Shabbat
May 2, 5:30 pm
20’s & 30’s Sushi Shabbat
May 16, 7:30 pm
A View
from Twenty-Five
Years Out
Senior Rabbi
Edwin Goldberg
This past March I was delighted to travel with Melanie back
to Cincinnati, Ohio, the place where I was ordained as a rabbi
twenty-five years ago. It is the custom of my rabbinical seminary,
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, to award
honorary doctorates to graduates after twenty-five years in the
field. Beyond the gratitude I feel at being able to serve in a position
I love, the celebration presents me with a good opportunity to
reflect on what I have learned in these twenty-five years. So,
here in the D’var, I wanted to highlight a few of my thoughts.
During these years I have learned to find my rabbinic voice.
By “voice” I don’t mean one’s stentorian delivery of a sermon
but rather the ability to “speak the truth” to people who don’t
always wish to hear it. As the late Rabbi Jack Stern once
taught me: “Every rabbi should find his or her rabbinic voice –
but not too soon.” He meant that speaking the truth is not a
right of the rabbinate but a privilege earned after creating a
certain kind of sacred relationship with those whom we serve.
I am glad that based on my learning and the
discernment I attempt to practice, there are times when a
word of Torah or re-framing of
a situation can bring people
the succor they need. What ‘s the
In other words, after twentyRabbi Reading?
five years, at the risk of
sounding less than humble, Wonder of Wonders: A Cultural History
of Fiddler on the Roof
I feel authentic. And I seek by Alisa Solomon
to help others feel the same A sparkling and
way as well. Moving forward eye-opening
with Temple Sholom it is my history of the
profound wish to cultivate Broadway musical
a shared relationship of that changed
world. In the
authentic Jewish living and the
half-century since
relevant and enriching its premiere,
sacred community. I like to Fiddler on the
dream big, so I will be blunt: Roof has had
I envision Temple Sholom of an astonishing
Chicago, twenty-five years global impact.
from now, more authentic, Beloved by audiences the world
over, performed from rural high schools
more relevant and more to grand state theaters, Fiddler is a
delightful than ever. For supremely potent cultural landmark.
me to serve as part of that Rich, entertaining, and original,
sacred growth now makes Wonder of Wonders reveals the
and enduring legacy of
me never happier than to surprising
a show about tradition that itself
carry the title, Rabbi.
became a tradition.
For more visit
a sacred community that embraces, inspires and matters.
Of Blessed Memory
Idelle Asher, grandmother of Fred (Jennifer) Snyder, March 21.
June Becker, sister of Allen (Sue) Meyer, aunt of Lynn (Peter) Gutzmer,
and great aunt of Steven Gutzmer, March 31.
Jean Kaufman, mother of Robert (Janice) Kaufman, April 13.
Donald Levy, husband of Gwen Levy and father of Jennifer Levy
(Ira Antelis), April 16.
Margaret Sue Meadors, grandmother of Kyle Meadors, March 17.
Yehezkel Mink, father of Jackie (Mike) Gilson, March 22.
New Members
Carly Ferdman & Adam Didier
Julia Carpenter & Alison Gilmore
Linda Spielman & Robert Listernick and their children Jess & Zoe
Victoria & Robert Polak and their daughter Olivia
Alyson Croen & Nathan Prater
It’s a Simchah...
A hearty mazal tov to:
Rabbi Shoshanah Conover, on being honored by Avodah: The
Jewish Service Corps for her leadership - with a dinner on May 28.
Rabbi Edwin Goldberg, on his honorary Doctorate in Divinity from
Hebrew Union College acknowledging his 25 years in the Rabbinate
Jan and Bruce Tranen, on the birth of their grandson, William
Michael Tranen son of Charlie and Heather Tranen, March 31.
Jesse Ruiz
Temple Member
Jesse Ruiz was
named “Father
of the Year” by
the Father’s Day
Council, a charitable
organization that
works in tandem with the American
Diabetes Association. The purpose of
this award is to recognize men who
have made family a priority, while
balancing a demanding career and
community involvement. An honorary
dinner is scheduled for Thursday,
June 12. Learn more at www.
Don’t let us Down!
There’s still time to get
Raffle Tickets!
You don’t have to be present to win.
Raffle Prizes!
Abbey Road London Package
& 2 Nights at the Four Seasons Park Lane
& $500 Visa Gift Card
& Private guided Beatles tour
& $100 Gift card to Yotam Ottolenghi’s Nopi
First Year
Mildred Goodman 5/29/2013
mother of Elaine Knobel
Lucy Menn 5/18/2013
grandmother of Michael Vaynerman
Martha Simmons 5/31/2013
mother of Andrew Simmons
An inspirational letter from one of the
patrons of the Monday Meal.
Be a part of the solution. We are
always looking for volunteers,
especially over the coming Summer
Volunteers can come early at 3:30 pm
and cook, or come around 5:00 pm
to help serve. Please contact Kevin
Gladish if you are planning
on attending or would like to donate
at 773-435-1536 or
Do you have your date yet? - What
date?....your child’s B’nai Mitzvah
date, of course. If you want to know
how to get your date set, and have
answers to many more pressing
questions, then you don’t want to
miss the next Mishpacha Luncheon
featuring Kendra Gerstein, Temple
Sholom’s B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator.
The cost for the luncheon is $36. Please RSVP on the
evite you should have already received, or contact
Kylie at
& “The Old Jewish Quarter” walking tour
A Hard Day's Night Las Vegas Package
& 3 Nights at the Vdara Hotel & Spa
& 2 Tickets to Love Beatles (Cirque du Soleil show)
& $100 gift card to Gordon Ramsey’s Pub & Grill
Magical Mystery Tour Cleveland Package:
Mischpacha Luncheon with B’nai Mitzvah
Coordinator Kendra Gerstein
Wednesday, May 14, 12:30 pm
at Davanti Enoteca - 30 E. Hubbard St.
& 2 Nights at the Cleveland Marriott
& Tickets to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
& Lunch at Corky & Lenny’s, Ice Cream at
& Family Membership to the Maltz Museum of
Jewish Heritage
& $100 Gift card to Michael Symon’s Lola Bistro
Day Tripper Chicago Package
& 1 Night at the Ritz Carlton Chicago including
breakfast and parking
& 2 tickets to see Ringo Starr at the Chicago Theater,
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Drive My Car
& 3 month lease on a 2014 Mini Cooper Convertible
& $100 Gas Card
& Parking Spot in the Temple Sholom Stratford Lot
for term of lease
% $50 per ticket -... $100 for 3 tickets...
Sisterhood Year-End
Celebration Dinner
Sunday, May 18, 6:00 pm
at Angelina Ristorante,
3561 N. Broadway.
Enjoy a delicious Italian dinner along with
entertainment by Chicago Jewish comediennes
Becca Levine, Kate Cohen, Natalie Shipman and
Aimee Davis!
Cost for the dinner is $36
Please RSVP by May 11th either via the evite you
should have received or by emailing Lori Curtis at
How Open is the Chupah?
A Close Look at Jewish Texts
for Same Sex Weddings
Wednesday, May 21
7:00 pm
A dynamic text study of
traditional wedding texts in
conversation with their evocative and beautiful same
sex “partner” texts, this session will push us to ask
ourselves: How do we show kavod (respect) to our
ancient and sacred rituals even as we seek to include
more types of couples under the chupah? Taught by
Rabbi Shoshanah Conover and Nicholas Liebman
For a complete listing of donations please go to
All are invited to:
The Temple Sholom Annual Meeting
Amelia Freeman - May 3
Amelia Hazel Freeman is the daughter of
Francis Freeman and Melissa Copley and
older sister of Georgia Freeman. Amelia has
learned a lot while volunteering at PAWs
and enjoys helping the animals find loving
Amelia sends heartfelt thanks to
her tutor, Agnes Zarkadas, Rabbi Conover,
Cantor Katzman, and the Temple Staff
for all their support in making this time so
meaningful. Amelia is in 7th grade at HPDS,
enjoys her friends, music, and playing sports.
Her grandparents and extended family will
be arriving from many parts of the country to
celebrate her Bat Mitzvah.
Zachary Tuite - May 10
Zachary Tuite, son of Kathy Tuite and grandson
of Margo and Patrick Tuite is a 7th grader at
Burley Elementary. For his Mitzvah project,
Zach volunteers for Monday Meal and is
raising money to sponsor a meal by himself.
His love of reading prompted him to organize
a book drive with BooksFirst, which creates
libraries in low income area schools. He is an
accomplished guitar player and loves music of
all genres, especially Rock and Roll. He plays
tennis and is a member of the Burley Soccer
team. Zachary’s family is overwhelmed with joy
for him and so proud of how hard he worked to
prepare for this milestone in his life.
Ryan Sorkin - May 3
Ryan Sorkin is the son of Stuart and Holly,
and younger brother to Sydney (15). Ryan
is a seventh grader at Hawthorne Scholastic
Academy. For his Mitzvah project
participates in the Monday meal. Ryan
currently plays hockey for the nationally
who finished 2nd in the recent State
Championships. He plays basketball for his
school, and baseball at Hamlin Park. He loves
to play with his dog, Oliver, play video games,
and be outdoors. His family and friends look
forward to celebrating his Bar Mitzvah and
are proud of all his hard work.
Charlotte Oliva - May 17
Charlotte is the daughter of Julie Komen
and Hector Oliva. She is in 8th grade at
Nettelhorst elementary school. For her
Mitzvah project Charlotte is volunteering for
the Monday Meal. Charlotte goes to Camp
Chi, and will be going on a 5 week camping
trip in the Pacific Northwest this summer.
Charlotte plays volleyball and Soccer for her
school team. She also ice skates. Charlotte
loves music. She plays violin, guitar, and
sings. Charlotte’s family is very proud of her
for accomplishing this milestone.
Yom Ha’atzmaut
Israel Independence Day Celebration
Max Norris - May 10
Max Norris is the son of Sarah and Cliff
Norris. He has 3 sisters: Molly, Sophie and
Lucy. Max attends Near North Montessori
and is in 7th grade. For his Mitzvah Project
Max will be volunteering his time with
“Hockey On Your Block” whose mission
is to inspire and assist youths to stay in
school and improve their health through
hockey. Max loves playing hockey and
lacrosse and enjoys painting and making
logo designs. We are so proud of Max
and are looking forward to celebrating
the big day on May 10!
Tuesday, May 6
5:00 pm Special reception featuring Israeli food & wine!
6:00 pm Temple Sholom Annual Meeting
Enjoy delicious Israeli food & drink and meet with your temple family to
talk about this past year at Temple Sholom and where we are heading.
The Annual meeting is your chance to welcome the faces that will be
joining the board, to thank those whose terms come to an end, and to
add your voice to the conversation!
Our Newest Board Members
Adam Keim - May 24
Adam, son of Marielle Lifshitz and Ted
Keim and big brother to Noah, is in 7th
grade at Francis W. Parker School. For his
Mitzvah project, he worked with the World
Computer Exchange, collecting and
refurbishing used computers that will be
sent to impoverished communities in Latin
America. Adam enjoys school, computer
programming and building things. He also
speaks French and likes playing tennis. His
parents and brother are very proud of him
and are looking forwarding to celebrating
his special day with family and friends.
Karen Lewis
Rob Stein
“We’re thrilled to have such a talented
group bringing fresh perspectives and
energy to the board.”
Beth Inlander
nominating committee co-chair
Andrew Nemeroff - May 24
Andrew Nemeroff, son of David and Tara
Nemeroff is in the 7th grade at Bell School.
For his Mitzvah project Andrew is holding a
gigantic garage sale in early May and all the
proceeds will go toward a scholarship fund for
underprivileged Chicago area youth baseball
leagues. Andrew has played youth baseball
since he was four and his passion for the game
was the inspiration for this project. When not
playing sports, Andrew loves listening to music
and spending time with his friends. Andrew’s
parents are very proud of him and look forward
to celebrating this special day with family and
Audra Berg
Mia Klein - May 31
Mia, daughter of Todd and Olia Klein & big
sister to Jaden, is in the 7th grade at BZAEDS.
For her Mitzvah project, Mia is helping an
orphanage in Bolivia begun by her great
grandfather. When she learned there was
a shortage of formula and breast milk she
contacted organizations to establish supplies
for the orphans. Mia is also part of the PreProfessional Division at Joffrey Academy
of Dance. She has appeared in many
performances, including “The Nutcracker.”
Mia has also acted in three movies and the
TV Series “Boss”. Her family is very proud and
looks forward to celebrating the big day!
Max Weiner - May 31
Max Weiner, son of Michael and Dana
Weiner and brother to Lila Weiner, attends
7th grade at Bell Elementary School. Max
is an avid musician, and for his mitzvah
project he has been collecting gently used
musical instruments and books to donate
to Hepzhibah Children’s Home in Oak
Park. Max visited Hepzhibah and spoke
with the children there and will attend
an event to donate the instruments. Max
looks forward to attending camp each
summer at OSRUI, as well as participating
year-round in many music performances
at local venues through School of Rock.
David Jasmer
Julie Walner
“I hope you will take the opportunity to attend
the Annual Meeting and meet the new as well
as continuing Board members.”
Roger Rudich
nominating committee co-chair
Our deepest thanks to those whose terms on the board come to an end this year:
Mat MacCumber
Dan Swartzman
Josh More
Aggie Zarkadas
Go to to see
the full nominating slate for the Temple Sholom board
See you at the Annual Meeting!
May at Temple Sholom
Friday, May 9
5:00 pm Dinner, 6:15 pm Service
Morning Study Minyan
Morning Book Club
9:00 am
11:00 am
Farewell to Rabbi Sandmel
Caroline Kaplan, a high school
Wine & Cheese and
B’nai Mitzvah Service,
& his wife, Janet Raffel
senior, will graduate from our
Kid’s Dinner 5:30 pm
Amelia Freeman & Ryan
We will offer our best wishes
Crown Family High School
Shabbat Service
Sorkin 10:30 am
as the Rabbi takes on a new
program and share sacred
6:15 pm
Come Together!
position at the ADL in NYC
insights in a Kabbalat Torah
Oneg to follow
7:30 pm
starting in June.
Social Action
Community Event
FF Family Friendly
Morning Study
Yom Hazikaron Yom Ha’atzmaut
Adult Education 10:00 am
Israel Memorial day
Monthly Lunch & Learn
12:00 pm
Monday Meal 3:30 pm
Temple Sholom Movie
Night 7:00 pm
Israeli Independence day Study Group 10:00 am
AL Anon Family Group
Mah Jong 6:30 pm
10:00 am
Midweek Hebrew
Midweek Hebrew
7:00 pm (last day)
4:30 pm (last day)
Annual Meeting
5:00 pm reception
6:00 pm meeting
Dinner - Farewell to
Rabbi Sandmel &
Caroline Kaplan
Graduation 5:00 pm
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Israeli Jazz Festival Event
w/ Mattan Klien
Oneg to follow
Minyan- 9:00 am
B’nai Mitzvah Service,
Max Norris & Zachary
Tuite 10:30 am
Mindful Jewish Aging
3:00 pm
Israeli Dancing
5:00 pm
Feed the Hungry 9:30 am
Religious School
(last day)
9:45 am
Adult Education
(last day)
10:00 am
Monday Meal 3:30 pm
Mah Jong 6:30 pm
AL Anon Family Group
10:00 am
Study Group 10:00 am
Mishpacha Luncheon
12:30 pm
Wine & Cheese 5:45 pm
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Oneg to follow
Birthday Blessings
20s/30s Sushi Shabbat
7:30 pm
Morning Study Minyan
9:00 am
Bat Mitzvah Service,
Charlotte Oliva 10:30 am
Eco-Chavura Shabbat
Bike Ride 2:00 pm
Oneg to follow
B’nai Mitzvah Service,
Mia Klein & Max Weiner
10:30 am
Mattan Klein Quartet
Israeli Jazz Fest
At Temple Sholom
Friday, May 9,
6:15 pm
Mattan Klein is one of
today’s hottest Jazz/World
Music flutists. Born and raised
in Jerusalem, he performs
Lag B’Omer
extensively on stages
Sisterhood Year-End
AL Anon Family Group
Study Group 10:00 am
across North America, and
Monday Meal 3:30 pm
Wine & Cheese 5:45 pm
9:00 am
Celebration (off-site)
10:00 am
is often touring the world.
Evening Book Club
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 am
Past performances include
Oneg to follow
Adam Keim & Andrew
Mah Jong 6:30 pm
Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy
Nemeroff 10:30 am
Center for Performing Arts in
Washington, D.C. and 92nd
Street Y in New York.
We are very excited
to have him here and to
Offices Closed
Bike the Drive with ARZA
Morning Study Minyan
Wine & Cheese 5:45 pm
AL Anon Family Group
be host to the Israeli Jazz
Study Group 10:00 am
9:00 am
Time TBD
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
NO Monday Meal
Main Phone: 773-525-4707
Gan Shalom: 773-525-4867
For more visit