Neshama Carlebach


Neshama Carlebach
Nisan – Sivan 5771
Neshama Carlebach
MAY 20-21, 2011
See page 5 for more details.
Join us for the 133rd Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Friday, June 3rd at 5:15 p.m.
See page 5 for more details.
Clergy Voice
2324 Emerson Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55405-2695
e-mail: hakol@temp­
Marcia A. Zimmerman
Alvin & June Perlman Senior Rabbinic Chair
Simeon I. Glaser
Jared H. Saks
Barry Abelson
Executive Director
Miriam Seidenfeld
Chief Operating Officer
Myra Giesener
Barbara (Muffy) Rudnick
Vice President
Sherri Feuer
Lennie Kaufman
Immediate Past President
Howard Zack
Helaine Bolter
Roberta Bonoff
Stephen Cohen
Sandy Donaldson
Lil Fallek
Andy Gellman
Stuart Goldenberg
Mindy Isaacs
Howard Kaplan
Steve Levie
Michael Rabatin
Richard A. Ross
Larry Schoenfeld
Alan Silver
Dear Friends,
After six years, we are saying goodbye to
Rabbi Saks. During his tenure he has added
so much to our community, and we are thrilled
about his new venture at Congregation Bet
Ha’am in South Portland, Maine.
On Friday, June 10th we invite you to a
farewell Shabbat service at 6:00 p.m. followed
by a Shabbat dinner to honor Rabbi Saks’s
service to Temple Israel.
He has worked with our teens, representing
Temple regionally as the NFTY-Northern
Regional Rabbinic Advisor; enlightened us in
Torah Study; and moved us with his words
from the pulpit. His involvement in the New
Hope Community Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast
showed great leadership on a local level. We,
as clergy, staff and lay leaders, have enjoyed
our day-to-day working relationship, as well.
He will surely be missed.
Judaism teaches us that studying Jewish text
shows great respect for our teachers. Rabbi
Saks has been our teacher over the years and
so in his honor we want to study a text in this
Clergy Voice that reflects what he has taught
us. Pirkei Avot (4:27) says, “Do not look at
the flask but at its contents. You can find a
new flask with old wine and an old flask that
does not hold new wine.”
If we see the flask as a symbol for human
beings, then this text is pushing us to honor
each individual who stands before us by
digging deep to know the real person no
matter what their race, gender, religion, sexual
orientation or nationality. As the first openly
gay rabbi here at Temple, Rabbi Saks’s
presence has healed this congregation in a
remarkable way. Past hurts and fears are no
longer the center of our story but rather an
affirmation and celebration of the GLBT
community and families within our
congregation. Rabbi Saks has encouraged us
to be the open and inclusive Jewish community
that we ought to be. We thank him for these
important lessons; we are better because
of them.
It is traditional within Judaism to honor a
rabbi following a study session by reciting a
prayer called Kaddish D’Rabanan.
God of heaven and earth, grant abundant
peace to our people and their leaders, to
our teachers and their disciples, and to all
who engage in the study of Torah here
and everywhere. Let there be for them
and for us all, grace, love, and compassion,
a joyful life, sustenance, and the hope of
Your Sovereignty, and let us say: Amen.
We send our blessings to Rabbi Saks and
his partner, Kirk, as they begin this new
and exciting venture.
Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman
Alvin & June Perlman Senior Rabbinic Chair
Rabbi Sim Glaser
Cantor Barry Abelson
Clergy Voice. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Worship Services . . . . . . . . . 3
What’s Happening. . . . . . 4-6
2011 Louis Gainsley
Award Recipient. . . . . . . 7
B’nai Mitzvah. . . . . . . . . . 8-9
Confirmation Goldengrams
and Uniongrams. . . . . . 10
Lighting the Way. . . . . . . . 11
Sharing Our Lives. . . . . . . . 12
President’s Message. . . . . . 13
Contributions. . . . . . . . 14-15
Printed on recycled paper with soy-based inks by Shapco Printing
What’s Happening…
May Worship Services
June Worship Services
Friday, May 6
6:00 p.m. Sisterhood Installation Shabbat service
followed by Shabbat dinner (reservations
required, please see page 4)
6:00 p.m. Scholar-Led Study Session with
Rabbi David Wirtschafter
6:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat service followed by a dinner
and special children’s entertainment
Saturday, May 7
9:00 a.m. Torah Study—Emor, Leviticus 21:1–24:23
10:30 a.m. Congregational Shabbat Morning service
including the Bat Mitzvah of Daniela Phillips
followed by a Kiddush luncheon
Friday, May 13
6:00 p.m. Education Shabbat service including 6th
Grade Recognition and Dalet Service
Saturday, May 14
9:00 a.m. Torah Study—B’har, Leviticus 25:1–26:2
10:30 a.m. Congregational Shabbat morning service
including the Bat Mitzvah of Mia Menendez
followed by a Kiddush luncheon
10:30 a.m. Jewish Renewal Service
Friday, May 20
6:00 p.m. Nefesh Shabbat service with
Musician-in-Residence Neshama Carlebach
followed by Shabbat dinner (reservations
required, please see page 5)
Saturday, May 21
9:00 a.m. Torah Study with Musician-in-Residence
Neshama Carlebach
B’chukotai, Leviticus 26:3–27:34,
10:30 a.m. Congregational Shabbat morning service
with Neshama Carlebach including the B’nai
Mitzvah of Sophie Cannon and Jonathan
Koren followed by a Kiddush luncheon
Friday, May 27
6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat service
Saturday, May 28
9:00 a.m. Torah Study—B’midbar, Numbers 1:1–4:20
10:30 a.m. Congregational Shabbat morning service
including the Bar Mitzvah of Charles Berg
followed by a Kiddush luncheon
Friday, June 3
6:00 p.m. Annual Meeting Shabbat service followed by
Shabbat dinner (reservations required, please
see page 5)
Saturday, June 4
9:00 a.m. Torah Study—Naso, Numbers 4:21–7:89
10:30 a.m. Congregational Shabbat morning service
followed by a Kiddush luncheon
Tuesday, June 7
6:00 p.m. Confirmation Erev Shavuot service
8:30 p.m. Reception with cheesecake desserts
9:30 p.m. Tikkun Leil Shavuot Study Session led by
Rabbi David Wirtschafter and Shana Sippy
Wednesday, June 8
10:30 a.m. Congregational Shavuot morning service
including Healing and Yizkor Services
followed by a Kiddush
Friday, June 10
6:00 p.m. Carlebach Shabbat service
Saturday, June 11
9:00 a.m. Torah Study—B’haalot’cha
Numbers 8:1–12:16
10:30 a.m. Congregational Shabbat morning service
including the Bat Mitzvah of Sydney Krelitz
followed by a Kiddush luncheon
10:30 a.m. Jewish Renewal Service
Friday, June 17
6:00 p.m. Nefesh Shabbat Service
Saturday, June 18
9:00 a.m. Torah Study—Sh’lach L’cha
Numbers 13:1–15:41
10:30 a.m. Congregational Shabbat morning service
including the Bar Mitzvah of Matthew
Howard followed by a Kiddush luncheon
Friday, June 24
6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday, June 25
9:00 a.m. Torah Study—Korach, Numbers 16:1–18:32
10:30 a.m. Congregational Shabbat morning service
including the B’nai Mitzvah of
Noah Chestler and Reed Goldstein
followed by a Kiddush luncheon
w ww.te m p l e i s r a e l . c o m
MAY - JUNE ‘11
What’s Happening
Highlights in Jewish History
Sunday, May 1, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Dr. Joe Goldman will lead a lively discussion on Who Put
the Fiction in Science Fiction? This session is sponsored by
Men’s Club. Isaac Asimov was one of the great pioneers of
the genre billions of readers enjoy today called science fiction.
Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy and I Robot are classics, as are
his incomparable guides to the Bible and Shakespeare. Asimov’s
Jewish literary genius is equal to Saul Bellow or Philip Roth
with the added benefit of a physicist’s visionary mind.
2011 Twin Cities Annual Yom HaShoah
Sunday, May 1, 7:00 p.m. at Bet Shalom Congregation
13613 Orchard Rd., Minnetonka, MN 55305
The commemoration will reflect the theme, Legacy: The
Writing of Survivor Stories, which will illustrate the importance of Holocaust survivors sharing their stories with future
generations.This year’s commemoration will feature Christos
Nicola, author of The Secret of Priest’s Grotto: A Holocaust
Survival Story, and Transfer of Memory, a photographic
exhibit of Holocaust survivor portraits. The commemoration
is free of charge and open to the public.
2011 Spring JL@TI Classes
Mondays, May 2, 9 & 16, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Fee: $36 per person (includes a book for your Jewish library)
Choose ONE of these three-session courses. All courses
are open to everyone. To register please contact Wendy
Schwartz at 612-374-0344 or
Walk-ins are welcome.
Chamber Music of the Jewish Spirit Cantor Barry Abelson
This class will meet May 2, 9 & 23. You can sit in on any class on May 16.
Reel Theology Rabbi Jared Saks
This class will meet May 2, 16 & 23. You can sit in on any class on May 9.
Elijah the Zealot in the Midrash and Zohar Rabbi Sim Glaser
The Midrashic Works of Elie Wiesel Rabbi David Wirtschafter
Who Suffers More - Job or God? Rabbi Joseph Edelheit
The Anti-History Hysterics of Holocaust Denial Dr. Joe Goldman
This class will meet May 9, 16 & 23. You can sit in on any class on May 2.
Strategic Planning Initiative Briefings
Wednesday, May 4, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. and
Sunday, May 22, 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Our strategic planning process was succeessful because so
many of you participated. Join us at either briefing meeting
to hear the results of the strategic planning initiative and help
us to prioritize our objectives. Please RSVP to Michael
Satterberg at 612-374-0324 or msatterberg@templeisrael.
com, or feel free to just show up.
First Friday Shabbat Experiences:
A Night Honoring Women
Friday, May 6
6:00 p.m. Sisterhood Installation Shabbat Service
Come and celebrate the outgoing as well as the incoming
leaders of Sisterhood. A Sisterhood Shabbat dinner will
follow the service. To make your reservation for dinner
please contact Bonnie Blumberg at 952-544-7375.
6:00 p.m. Scholar-Led Study Session
Participants will have the opportunity to study the classic
text The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel. This study
session will be led by Rabbi David Wirtschafter.
6:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service
Join us for a special Tot Shabbat service, our concluding
service for this school year. Following our service, Men’s Club
will sponsor a delicious BBQ hot dog dinner. We are excited
to offer a special children’s activity following dinner.
New Horizons Event
Saturday, May 7, 5:30 p.m.
Storyteller Carla Vogel and Klezmer musician Judith Eisner
will entertain us with music and stories of Eastern European
Yiddish culture. Temple members 70 and over, join us for
an evening of dinner and musical entertainment. For more
information please call Wendy Schwartz at 612-374-0344.
Race for the Cure with Sisterhood
Sunday, May 8
8:30 - 9:00 a.m. T-shirt pick-up at Temple Israel
9:00 a.m. Meet in the Temple Israel Parking Lot
Bring your family and friends. All ages welcome!
Registration forms will be available for those who haven’t
registered, but would like to walk. Join us after the walk at
Temple Israel for refreshments. This is a weather permitting
event. If you have any questions please contact Arlene at
952-935-8500 or
Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day
Sunday, May 8, 7:00 p.m. at Beth El Synagogue
5224 West 26th Street, St. Louis Park, MN, 55416
Join our community and commemorate Israel’s fallen
soldiers. For more information contact Eilat Harel at 952417-2321 or
JStreet MN Presents: “Camp David, Oslo and the
Future: Negotiating Middle East Peace”
Tuesday, May 10, 7:30 p.m. at Temple Israel
JStreet MN invites you to an evening with Former Vice
President Walter Mondale and Dr. Yoram Peri, Director of
the Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies at the University
Additional information about these events can be found on our website
of Maryland and former advisor to Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin. Vice President Mondale and Dr. Peri will
discuss their experiences from the Camp David and Oslo
Accords negotiations, and will share their thoughts on the
future prospects for reaching a two-state solution between
Israel and the Palestinians.
This program is free and open to the public. RSVPs are
strongly suggested,
Yom HaAtzma-ut Community Celebration
Wednesday, May 11, 5:00 - 8:30 p.m. at the Sabes JCC
4330 S. Cedar Lake Road, Minneapolis, MN 55416
Bring the whole family for fun, food and Israeli dancing
in honor of Israel’s 63rd Independence Day. The celebration
is free; dinner will be available for a small charge. For more
information please contact Eilat Harel at 952-417-2321 or
Food for Thought: Downtown Jewish
Study Group
Monday, May 16, 12:15 p.m.
Work downtown? Spend your lunch hour studying with
the “Downtown Jewish Study Group.” This session will be
led by Rabbi Saks. Contact Wendy Schwartz at 612-374-0344
or for more information.
The Rimon Artist Salon Series Presents:
“Uploading the Past: Faith in a New World”
Wednesday, May 18, 7:00 p.m.
The Artist Salon features composer Tiffany Skidmore and
theater artist Dylan Fresco in world premiere performances
of work exploring the unexpected interplay of Judaism and
other faith traditions. Cultural critic and Temple Israel member
Lenore Moritz will moderate the evening’s dialogue. Admission
is $10. Contact 952-381-3449 for more information.
Kabbalah Sparks
Mondays, May 23 and June 27, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Annual Meeting, Shabbat Service and
Congregational Dinner
Friday, June 3
5:15 p.m. Special Oneg and Annual Meeting
6:00 p.m. Shabbat Service
7:30 p.m. Congregational Dinner
Please join us for a special Oneg and Annual Meeting at
5:15 p.m. Heavy appetizers will be served.
A special dinner will follow services in honor of Barry
Bonoff, recipient of the 2011 Louis Gainsley Distinguished
Service Award, Board President Sherri Feuer and our newly
installed Board of Directors. Watch your mail for an invitation and join us for this special evening. Reservations are
required for dinner. Please contact Regan McCormack at
612-374-0314 or to make
your dinner reservation. You may also make your reservation by accessing the Member Login section of our web site
and clicking on Program/Dinner Registration.
Adult Hebrew Reading Refesher
Monday, June 6, 7:15 - 8:15 p.m.
A monthly gathering to review, refresh and revive your
Hebrew reading skills. Contact Wendy at 612-374-0344 or for more information.
Conversion Seminar
Mondays, June 6, 13, 20 and 27, 7:00 p.m.
This seminar is for those who have completed the
Introduction to Judaism class or the equivalent and are seriously considering conversion. For more information contact
Wendy at 612-374-0344 or
A Spiritual Journey of Soulful Music
Neshama Carlebach, Musician-in-Residence
Neshama Carlebach, one of the leading superstars
in Jewish entertainment, is continuing the legacy
established by her father, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach. Like
her father, Neshama’s talent and charisma captivate
and endear her to people of all ages and backgrounds
as she performs in cities all over the world. She
continues to both deeply move and entertain as she
sings her father’s incomparable melodies and inspiring
original compositions. Neshama will uplift you and
bring you the gift of songs that are danceable, singable
and unforgettable.
w ww.te m p l e i s r a e l . c o m
Friday, May 20
6:00 p.m. Shabbat service with Neshama Carlebach and our Nefesh band
7:30 p.m. Congregational Shabbat dinner and sing-a-long with Rabbi Glaser
Reservations are required for $20 fish/vegetarian dinner or $7 child pasta dinner.
Saturday, May 21
9:00 a.m. Torah Study: Opening the heart to blessings
10:30 a.m. Congregational Shabbat morning service with Neshama
Jonathan Koren and Sophie Cannon will be called to the Torah as B’nai Mitzvah
All are invited to a Kiddush luncheon following the service.
RSVP for dinner by contacting Wendy Schwartz at 612-374-0344 or wschwartz@ Sponsored by The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Fund.
MAY - JUNE ‘11
What’s Happening
Erev Shavuot
Tuesday, June 7
6:00 p.m. Erev Shavuot Service including the
Confirmation of our 10th grade students
8:30 p.m. Reception with cheesecake desserts
9:30 p.m. Tikkun Leil Shavuot Study session led by
Rabbi David Wirtschafter and Shana Sippy
Usher in the holiday marking the giving of the Ten
Commandments at Mt. Sinai with an evening of prayer, food
and study. The Erev Shavuot service will include the
Confirmation of our 10th grade students. A reception including traditional dairy desserts is free and open to all, followed
by our late night study session.
Shavuot Morning Service
Wednesday, June 8, 10:30 a.m.
Join our clergy for a congregational Shavuot morning
service which will include Healing and Yizkor Memorial
services. We will come together to remember those whose
memories we cherish, and a Healing service will be included
to bring comfort to those who are facing physical, emotional
or spiritual challenges. A Kiddush will follow this service.
Volunteer for Temple Israel’s
Homeless Shelter
Sunday, June 19 - Saturday, July 2
Temple Israel will host guests from Families Moving
Forward (FMF) and we invite all of our volunteers from
previous hosting weeks to join us. If you have not had the
opportunity to volunteer in the past, now is your chance!
We need help cooking, serving and dining with our families;
playing with and entertaining the children; helping with
homework; packing lunches; and one guy and one gal to
stay overnight each night during our hosting session at
Temple, serve breakfast and see our guests off each morning.
To sign up for this wonderful mitzvah, please visit the
Calendar of Events page on our Temple web site. Contact
Mark Ratner with questions at 612-272-7060 or mratner@ New volunteers are required to participate in
a training session prior to volunteering at Temple Israel’s
homeless shelter. More details about training sessions can
be found on the Calendar of Events page on our web site.
New Horizons Event
Sunday, June 26, 5:30 p.m.
Temple members 70 and over, join us for an evening of
dinner and musical entertainment.
Sister Marge Boyle
Recipient of the 2011 Temple Israel Interfaith Award
Wherever I’ve been as a Sister of Sion, my opportunities
paramount in our dialogue process. We need the experts to
have primarily been within the Jewish community, frequently
challenge and inform us, the dialogue disciplines to enable
within particular synagogues, in contrast to
us, but at heart I’m convinced that personal
many of our Sisters whose work is primarily
relationships are the most critical
within the Church. When building bridges
achievements. Here at Temple Israel the
environment to build these relationships is
of understanding there has to be a base at
alive, and I’ve certainly benefited from this.
either end, so while others work within the
Church, I feel that in my working within the
My years in Torah Study, in various adult
Jewish community I’m helping to build the
education and interfaith activities and at
base at the other end of the bridge of
worship services have been life giving;
understanding. For me this has truly been a
challenging at times, but always with care,
very rich experience, and I’m convinced that
kindness and understanding. I have grown
because of my time with Jewish friends and
in my Catholic faith commitment here and
am eternally grateful to all of you at Temple
institutions, their questions and comments
Israel for including me, a ger, a stranger, in
frequently challenging me, I’m a far better
your family. Thank You!
Catholic for this. I am sincerely grateful!
Sister Marge Boyle and
Over the years I’ve become more and more
Written by Sister Marge Boyle
Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman
convinced that personal relationships are
Photo by Sue Lund Photography
2011 Louis Gainsley Award
Barry Bonoff to receive
2011 Louis Gainsley Distinguished Service Award
When Barry Bonoff walks through the doors
reduce its size, making it more nimble. “Barry
of Temple Israel, he’s ready to roll up his sleeves
has a creative mind, and he was very helpful in
and pitch in. Whether he’s come to usher, to
sharing his ideas. He brought a historical presread at daily services, to bring his 16-year-old
ence to the deliberations, and it was clear that
twins to a youth program, or to assist in a crisis,
he cares deeply about Temple,” says Michael
he is a deeply committed member who has won
Hoffman, past president of Temple’s Board.
the hearts of all who know him.
Barry’s leadership skills reflect decades of
management and marketing experience in the
In recognition of his lifetime of volunteering
world of retail. After earning a B.A. degree in
for Temple Israel, Barry will receive the Louis
Gainsley Distinguished Service Award on Friday,
1954 from the University of Minnesota in politird
June 3 at Temple Israel. He will be honored at
cal science, he spent two years of military service
the 6:00 p.m. Shabbat service and at the dinner
in the Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps as a
First Lieutenant. He then went to work for
following services as well as the 5:15 p.m. oneg
Jackson Graves, the women’s clothing store owned by his
Shabbat -- where attendees can enjoy heavy appetizers and
father. Barry was the first manager of the Southdale store,
an opportunity to congratulate Barry.
Barry was introduced to Temple in 1939 when he entered
and became president of the chain that was a Twin Cities
kindergarten following his family’s move to Minneapolis
mecca of high fashion for over 30 years.
from St. Louis. Becoming active Temple members, the Bonoffs
Though self-effacing about his own accomplishments,
launched a relationship with deep and lasting roots through
Barry speaks with pride of his parents’ dedication to Temple,
the generations.
noting that his mother was “Temple’s greatest Bonoff volThroughout the years, Temple played an important role
unteer.” She developed a Braille program following World
in Barry’s life -- as a youth, as a father of six children,
War II, teaching a group of women to help returning
war veterans with visual impairments. His
and as a grandfather of 10 grandchildren.
“Barry is one of those wonderful mainstays
also was a role model, serving as
Join us in honoring
at Temple. He might be ushering, driving
Men’s Club president.
Barry Bonoff at our
Hebrew School carpool, or making sure his
Volunteering is clearly part of the Bonoff
133rd Annual
kids are out at Camp TEKO. He’s raised two
DNA. Both Barry and his wife Roberta, President
Meeting of the
of Creative Kidstuff and a Temple board memfamilies there and he truly loves it,” says forCongregation on
ber, are deeply committed to their work at
mer senior rabbi, Joseph Edelheit.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Temple. And their 16-year old twins, Alex
The consummate Temple usher, Barry is
widely recognized among the Temple comand Sarah, are active TIPTY members.
munity for his bright smile and welcoming manner. He
“Barry has a great family and he is such a devoted
recalls that he was first asked to help usher when his
father,” says Burt Cohen, his lifelong friend and fellow
daughter, Nancy, was confirmed in the 1980s. “I enjoyed
Temple member. “He is a really generous person. Whether
it’s for Temple, or for other causes, he’s the first one to
it so much that I’ve been ushering ever since,” he says. He
volunteer and to be very giving of his time, talent and energy,”
soon became a team captain and received awards recognizhe adds.
ing his exceptional participation. “He always brings such
It’s Temple’s good fortune to be the recipient of his supenergy and enthusiasm to his work. It’s very contagious,”
port, notes Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman. “When I see Barry
says Jim Gainsley who oversees the Usher Corps.
standing at the door of the sanctuary, I know that he is
Barry brings the same enthusiasm to reading at daily seraware of what is happening on the bimah and in the pews,
vices, which is among his favorite volunteer activities.
He also was Men’s Club president, and has served on
and that everything is attended to with grace and care. We
Temple’s Board of Directors for three terms, holding the
all feel comforted and well taken care of under Barry’s
office of vice president. He played a major role when the
Board decided to reevaluate its governance model and to
Written by Bonnie Gainsley
w ww.te m p l e i s r a e l . c o m
MAY - JUNE ‘11
Mia Lorin Menendez
Jonathan Samuel Koren
Charles Samuel Berg
Charles is the son of Julie Zimmerman Berg
& Marc Berg; grandson of Shirley & the
late Peter Zimmerman, Clara & Bob Zink,
and Selwyn & Monika Berg; brother of Ben.
Charlie enjoys movies, TV and video games.
He enjoys volunteering at STEP and
Jorgenson House. He takes pride in having
a Passover Seder with his family. At St.
Louis Park Junior High his favorite subjects
are history, math and science. When asked
about his upcoming Bar Mitzvah, Charlie
said, “I am looking forward to celebrating
my Bar Mitzvah weekend with my family
and friends.”
Sophie is the daughter of Cheree & David
Cannon; granddaughter of the late Leah
& the late Israel Yudelman, and the late
Margaret & the late Morton Cannon; sister
of Alex. Sophie enjoys art, acting and
singing. She takes pride in being a Teaching
Assistant for Temple’s kindergarten class.
When she grows up Sophie would like to
become an actress or a bakery owner. At
Valley View Middle School in Edina,
Sophie’s favorite subjects are art and
science. When asked about her upcoming
Bat Mitzvah, Sophie said, “I am very excited
to achieve this milestone.”
Sydney Lauren Krelitz
May 28, 2011
May 21, 2011
Jonathan is the son and step-son of Alon
& Rea Koren, and Donna Koren & Bob
Milton; grandson of Michael & Ada Koren,
Sheila & George Reihing and the late Col.
Donald Greenberg; step-brother of Bridget.
Jonathan enjoys skiing, snowboarding and
playing tennis. He takes pride in volunteering at Kids Against Hunger. At Friendly Hills
Middle School in Mendota Heights,
Jonathan’s favorite subjects are science
and math. When asked about his upcoming
Bar Mitzvah, Jonathan said, “This is an
important event in my life, and I’m looking
forward to spending it with my family and
Mia is the daughter of Sharin & Rodolfo
Menendez; granddaughter of Ilene & Allan
Ringelheim, and Regina & Eduardo
Menendez; sister of Michael. Mia enjoys
playing guitar, clarinet and piano. She also
enjoys taking care of her puppy, Cooper.
She takes pride in preparing for and celebrating Passover with her family and
friends. At Hopkins North Junior High
School her favorite subjects are art, science
and Spanish, and Mia is on the “A” honor
roll. When asked about her upcoming Bat
Mitzvah, Mia said, “After a year of hard
work, I am excited to celebrate my Bat
Mitzvah with my family and friends.”
May 21, 2011
June 11, 2011
Daniela is the daughter of Karin & Dean
Phillips; granddaughter of DeeDee Phillips,
Eddie Phillipsz”l, and Dory & Isaac Einisman;
sister of Pia. Daniela enjoys playing tennis,
hanging out with friends, mitzvah work,
volunteering and being a Teaching Assistant
at Temple’s Sunday school. When she
grows up she wants to work in the advertising field. At The Blake School her favorite
subjects are math and Spanish. When asked
about her upcoming Bat Mitzvah, Daniela
said, “I’m excited to become a Bat Mitzvah
and to share my special day with my friends
and family.”
Sophie Liza Cannon
May 14, 2011
May 7, 2011
Our B’nai Mitzvah: Reaching Jewish Adulthood
Daniela Gayle Phillips
Sydney is the daughter of Linda & Michael
Krelitz; granddaughter of Trudy & Stephen
Weisberg, and Annetta and Barry Krelitz;
sister of Spencer. Sydney enjoys tennis,
alpine skiing, playing guitar and singing.
When she grows up Sydney would like to
become an actress. At The Blake School
her favorite subjects are English, theater
and French, and she received an award for
academic excellence. When asked about
her upcoming Bat Mitzvah, Sydney said,
“I’m so excited to spend this special day
with my family and friends.”
Matthew Harrison Howard
Noah William Chestler
Matthew is the son of Maggie Solomon
and John Howard; grandson of Lois
Solomon & the late Dr. Jerome Solomon,
and Rita Howard & the late William Howard;
brother of Ali. Matt enjoys participating in
many sports, such as soccer, football and
swimming. He likes playing piano, guitar,
trombone and Xbox. When he grows up
Matt wants to become a surgeon. At St.
Louis Park Junior High School Matt is on
the “A” honor roll and his favorite subjects
are math and science. When asked about
his upcoming Bar Mitzvah, Matt said,
“After all this hard work I will finally get
to see the end result. I look forward to
sharing this special day with family and
June 25, 2011
Sh’lach L’cha
June 18, 2011
Noah is the son of Melody & Larry Chestler;
grandson of Beverly Pullen, and Carol &
Seymour Chestler, brother of Elaine and
Isaac. Noah enjoys playing baseball, basketball, soccer and golf with his friends.
When he grows up Noah would like to
become an oncologist. At South View
Middle School Noah is on the “A” honor
roll and his favorite subject is math. When
asked about his upcoming Bar Mitzvah,
Noah said, “I’m really excited for my Bar
Mitzvah because it will bring my family and
friends together for a fun occasion.”
Upcoming Youth and Education Dates for May and June
Siyum Alef
Sunday Religious School
Final 9th Grade Kallah Class
6:00-8:30 p.m.
4.5.6 Youth Group: Chocolate
Seder, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
6th Grade Family Education
Program (ALL 6th Grade families
attend on Sunday)
Final 7th and 8th Grade Program
at Temple
10th Grade Confirmation Class:
Service Rehearsal and Class
Picture, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
4.5.6 and 7.8 Youth Groups and
TIPTY trip to Valleyfair
9:00a.m.-5:00 p.m.; drop-off
and pick-up at Temple Israel.
ECC Camp Haverim Session 1
10 Grade Confirmation Class:
Service Rehearsal, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
10th Grade Confirmation Class:
Erev Shavuot and Confirmation
Service, 6:00 p.m. followed by
No B’nai Mitzvah Training
21/22 Final Days of Religious School
23/24 Final Days of Hebrew School
Early Childhood Center
Pre-Kindergarten Graduation
6:30-7:30 p.m.
10th Grade Confirmation class
Religious School Parent Day
Education Shabbat: Dalet Service
and 6th Grade Recognition
Early Childhood Center: Last Day
of School (2-day Class)
Final Religious School PreKindergarten Class
Early Childhood Center: Last Day
of School (3- and 5-day Classes)
10th Grade Confirmation Class:
Service Rehearsal, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
14/15 Summer B’nai Mitzvah Training
ECC Camp Haverim Session 2
Temple Israel Religious and Hebrew Schools are beneficiaries of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation
MAY - JUNE ‘11
Uniongrams and Goldengrams
Temple Israel Confirmation Class 5771/2010-2011
The Shavuot Confirmation Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.
indiv grams ar
rive i
The Confirmation Class of 5771 may become the clergy of 5781, and you can help get them there!
Support the YES (Youth, Education and Special Projects) Fund of the Women of Reform Judaism
by purchasing a Uniongram or Goldengram for your beloved Confirmands today. The YES Fund
provides financial assistance to rabbinical and cantorial students, youth, and Reform organizations
in North America, Israel and around the world. Congratulate your sons, granddaughters, nieces,
cousins and friends who are about to confirm their faith in Reform Judaism with a lovely note
printed and hand-signed by Sisterhood. Cards are delivered to students on the evening of the
Confirmation ceremony.
Arun Louis Chadda
Anne Steinfeldt & Siddhartha Chadda
Talia Judith Edelheit
Terri Shapiro, Rabbi Joseph Edelheit & Machelle Norling
Talia Dylan Gurstel
Mari Tankenoff & Scott Bergér, Todd & Susan Gurstel
Zoe Selena Hines
Lesli Hines & Michael Launer,
Michael Mark & Stacy Mason-Mark
Max Zimmerman Hornstein
Marcia Zimmerman & Frank Hornstein
Emily Sarah Kahn
Susan & Ken Kahn
Rachel Pearl Laden
Laurie & Bill Laden
Andrew Scott Levinsohn
Reida Levinsohn, Loren Levinsohn
Michael Benjamin Borkon Lieber
Lauren & Daniel Lieber
Samantha Rose Meyer
Patti & Kean Meyer
Evan Michael Newman
Terry & Lenny Newman
Jeremy Adam Nowling
Janice & Michael Nowling
Orin Jacob Powers
Lisa & John Powers
Lainie Rose Ribnick
Marni & Daniel Ribnick
Jacob Aaron Rosenbaum
Maggie Gilbert & Bob Rosenbaum
Eden Shoshana Rosenbloom
Tammie & Phil Rosenbloom
Benjamin Aaron Schoenfeld
Carlene & Larry Schoenfeld
Anna Mardi Schwartz
Shari Seelig & Richard Schwartz
Grace Elizabeth Skarda
Marcy Crain & Tim Skarda
Samantha Rebecca Stiles
Melanie & Allen Stiles
Allen Abraham Teyvel
Irina & Gennadiy Teyvel
Leah Rose Leven Tillman
Nora Leven & David Tillman
Sydney Lauren Yesnes
Lori Larson & David Yesnes
Abigail Lola Young
Ellen Samuelson Young & Steven Young
s are bo or
acket f
r in a p
togethe student.
Orders must be received by
Sunday, May 15, 2011.
For more information,
please contact: Julie Kirsch
at or
Please mail orders to:
Julie Kirsch
3300 Colorado Ave S
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Please include your check,
made payable to:
Temple Israel Sisterhood
Please print legibly your name and address as you would like the cards signed.
Name: _ ______________________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________
City, State, Zip:_________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________
Total # of Uniongrams ______ at $5 each Total # of Goldengrams ______ at $8 each Total: $ ______
Lighting the Way
Be the Reason…
for a spectacular summer of Jewish fun
“At Jewish camp, children will not only develop confidence and social skills; they discover a deepseated and profound sense of what it means to them to be a Jew.” – Foundation for Jewish Camp
Jewish Identity
Lifelong Friendships
Personal Growth
“My children count down the days till
camp starts. They learn to integrate
Judaism with everything they do and
everyday things like canoeing and
being a team player. For me, camp
was a place where I felt so proud of
my Judaism. I was always learning
new things about my religion from
people I met from all over the
country.” - Julie Sinykin, whose
daughters Stephanie and Margo are
third generation OSRUI campers
“Zach is shy and doesn’t always feel
comfortable in his public school.
Camp TEKO has been affirming for
him and has given him a strong
Jewish identity. The friendships and
the acceptance allow him to feel
comfortable being himself. This will be
Zach’s sixth summer at Camp TEKO
with the same group of boys, and
he can’t wait for the next summer at
TEKO to begin.” - Judith Graceman,
Camp TEKO parent
“Words alone do not describe how
grateful I am to Temple Israel. I
received your letter awarding my
daughter a scholarship toward her
Herzl Camp expenses, and I got tearyeyed. I am humbled by the generosity
of Temple Israel. The camp experience
is so meaningful to my daughter – the
friendships that last throughout the
years, the Shabbat experience and the
memories. I thank you so much for
your support.” - A Temple parent
YES! I want to be the Reason…for a child to experience a summer of Jewish fun
While it is “expensive to be Jewish,” studies show that young people who attend Jewish summer camp are more likely to have
a solid sense of Jewish identity into adulthood. Temple Israel’s endowment funds support camping and provide scholarships to
Temple youth year after year.
General Scholarship Endowment Fund – Provides financial
assistance for Temple Israel youth to participate in Jewish
overnight and day camps, as well as other Jewish experiences.
Camp TEKO Endowment Fund – Provides scholarships,
programming, equipment, supplies, special needs support and
other Camp TEKO priorities.
To make a contribution to camp funds, please write check to the “Temple Israel Foundation” and include the fund name in the memo line.
Mail to: Development Office, Temple Israel Foundation, 2324 Emerson Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55405
To donate online, visit and click on Donations.
For more information about camp scholarship funds, contact
Jeri Glick-Anderson at or 612-374-0302
Sharing Our Lives
May Anniversaries
June Anniversaries
Sheli & Cory Ginsburg
Brian & Cindy Horgan
Dana & Andrew Lightowler
Nancy & Craig Stillman
Donna & Jim Fredkove
Missy & Bobby Swiller
Amy & Lenny Lome
Abby & Sheldon Badzin
Debbie Freeman & Edward Lentsch
Kris & Steve Prince
Mary Kay & Steven Levine
Barb & Dean Goldberg
Bob & Penny Helgren
Lonnie & Casey Zimmerman
Rebekah Anderson & Richard Baker
Myra & Jeffery Giesener
Jill & L.J. Rotman
Susan & Ken Kahn
Eloise & Elliot Kaplan
Randy & Melanie Kraft
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Jeanne & Paul Ravich
Mary Beth & David Lichtor
Nancy Devitt & Rick Chase
Elaine & Howard Rubin
Barbara & Steve Levie
Diane & Jeff Lovich
Michelle O'Kane & Richie Rosenberg
Susie & Jim Simon
Betty & Larry Kriedberg
Barb & David Tilsen
Charlene & Robert Barghini Jr.
Jill & Jon Eisenberg
Gwynn & Tom Rosen
Francie & Barry Ross
Carol & Budd Premack
Ronnie & Roger Brooks
Cookie & Michael Goldman
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Crickie & Richard Klegon
Mimi & Sherry Gleekel
Fremajane & Blair Wolfson
Florence & Chuck Sadoff
Diane & Richard Cohen
Margie & Charlie Ostrov
In Memory
Marilyn & Martin Raskin
Condolences to our Temple families who have recently lost a loved one.
Beverly & Paul Kunin
Mary Clemens, Mother of Jill (Thomas) Smith
Betty & Marvin Borman
Stanley B. Goodman, Husband of Lois Goodman,
Father of Bruce Goodman
Virginia & Sam Sarat
George Lutz, Father of Mary Lutz
Eddie Phillips, Father of Dean (Karin), Tyler, Hutton and
JJ Phillips
New Members
Sarah & Alex Bakkum
Jan Ribnick, Mother of Daniel (Marni) Ribnick
Katie Blender & Michael Stern
Irving L. Rudoy, Brother of Annette Shapiro
Carrie Fink & Reid Johnson
Sylvia Schwartz, Mother of Richard Schwartz (Shari Seelig)
Andŕe & Melanie LaMere
Jenny Odegard & Zach Pentel
Mazel Tov To…
Due to space limitations, we look forward to sharing with
you all of the many simchas and accomplishments from the
past few months in our “Mazel Tov To…” section in the July/
August HaKol.
Jessie Odegard & Matthew Pescatore
Robert H. Rockler
Gretchen Roeck & John Selickman
President’s Message
It’s hard to believe that in a few
weeks my term as President will end.
These past two years have been exciting, challenging, educational and humbling. Temple has been my second
Muffy Rudnick, President
home and I feel truly honored to have
had this experience and to learn “up close” how
special we are.
Shortly after I became President, the recession
presented us with financial challenges as many of
our families endured unprecedented economic
hardships. Substantial reductions had to be made
in our budget. This was a difficult time but people
rallied and made sacrifices. Because of the generosity of members, donations to the Bridge to the
Future campaign made it possible to increase our
scholarships and maintain quality programming
in Youth, education, camp, and so much more.
Temple is a caring and giving community.
Temple is also unique in many ways. We remain
the only large, Reform congregation in the country
with a female senior rabbi. Rabbi Zimmerman is
a true leader and visionary. It has been such a
privilege for me to work with and learn from her.
We are blessed continuously by her wisdom, insights and her deep commitment to us. While
many places of worship across all faith traditions
are losing members, we are bucking the trends by
growing larger and younger.
It really does “take a village” and I am so grateful to have worked with a wonderful community
of dedicated lay leaders, clergy, staff and volunteers
who truly love our congregation and give tirelessly
w ww.te m p l e i s r a e l . c o m
of their talents, time and energy. Great things can
be accomplished when people work together.
We are taught in Pirkei Avot (2:16) that, “It is
not incumbent upon you to complete the task, yet
neither are you free to desist from it.”
Moving forward, there is much to do. We now
have an ambitious, progressive strategic plan.
Short and long term goals have been identified
with input from approximately 1,600 members.
The implementation phase has already begun but
Temple needs its greatest resource – YOU – to
continue to be involved and connected. Whether
it’s attending services; serving on a task force;
working on a project; joining Sisterhood, Men’s
Club, or TIPTY; participating in an educational
program - there is something for everyone. Temple
is here for us but in order to insure a strong and
secure future, we need to be here for Temple. And
with the continued guidance and partnership of
lay leaders, clergy and staff I have every confidence
that, slowly but surely, our dreams will become
In closing, I want to say a heartfelt “Todah
Rabah” (thank you) for your caring, sharing and
support during my tenure and for giving me the
opportunity to serve my congregation in such a
meaningful way.
With Gratitude,
MAY - JUNE ‘11
Camp Haverim is right
around the corner!
2324 Emerson Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55405-2695
Registration is open for this excellent summer
option for your child age 16 months - 5 years old!
We will play, laugh, and learn as we frolic in the
sprinklers, create art, experiment with science
and so much more!
We hope you will join us for one or more of our
thrilling three-week sessions that will begin on
May 31, 2011.
For more information, please contact our
Early Childhood Center office at 612-374-0334.
Twin Cities, MN
Permit #807
Walter F. Mondale
OCTOBER 22, 2011