Bulletin May 1, 2015 - Temple Emanu-El


Bulletin May 1, 2015 - Temple Emanu-El
May 2015
iyar/Sivan 5775
Vol. 57, No. 8
May Worship
Temple Emanu-El
where you belong
14450 West Ten Mile Rd . Oak Park, MI 48237 • 248.967.4020 . www.emanuel-mich.org
Friday May 1
5:45 pm Tot Shabbat followed by
a complimentary young family
6:30 pm 1st Friday Graduation Shabbat with High School
participation & Birthday Blessing,
followed by a complimentary
congregational dinner
Religious School Concert
Sunday May 17th
10:30–11:30 am
Saturday May 2
9:15 am Torah Study
10:30 am Morning Service
Spenser Keys Bar Mitzvah
Whole congregation Invited
Friday May 8
7:00 pm Erev Shabbat
service -- Brett Davidson
Bar Mitzvah Blessing
Special appearance by Chazanista Kelly
and the Sam Harris Band
Saturday May 9
9:15 am Torah Study
10:30 am Morning Service Sophie Hart Bat Mitzvah
7:00 pm Havdalah Service
Friday May 15
7:00 pm Erev Shabbat service
with Anniversary Blessing/Shir
Chadash Choir
Saturday May 16
9:15 am Torah Study
10:30 am Shabbat Morning
Friday May 22
7:00 pm Erev Shabbat
Saturday May 23
9:15 am Torah Study
10:30 am Morning Service
Aiden Erb Bar Mitzvah
7:00pm Shavuot/Confirmation
The Prime Timers are planning another fun tour! On Saturday, May 16th, we will have a tour
of Detroit’s Guardian Building and the surrounding district, preceded by a Shabbat potluck lunch
featuring a brief biblical architectural talk by Rabbi Kalfus!
Lunch will be about noon - after services - in the Modell Room
at Temple and the tour will be from 2- 4 pm. The cost of the
tour will be $12 per person. RSVP by May 12 to office or email
templefamily@emanuel-mich.org. If you have any questions,
call Brenda or Richard Strausz at 248-646-7229.
Sunday May 24
10:30 am Shavuot Service/Yizkor
Friday May 29
7:00 pm Erev Shabbat service
at Temple Emanu-El
Saturday May 30
9:15 am Torah Study
10:30 am Morning Service
You are cordially invited to attend our Annual Congregational
Meeting where we will kick off our year with the Election of new
Officers, Election of new Board of Trustees, Presentation of
the provisional 2015-2016 operating budget, and Reports on the
year ending June 30, 2015, and Free dues raffle drawing
SUNDAY, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 9
Havdalah service w/BBQ Hot Dogs & campfire outside.
5:30 - Havdalah kit craft project, kickball, rummi kub
6:00 - BBQ Hot Dogs, chips and watermelon
7:00 - Havdalah service
7:15 - Guitar/Camp Songs by Jamie Schultz
and Rabbi Klein, with marshmallow roast
RSVP Deadline: May 5, 2015 to temple office 248-967-4020
or templefamily@emanuel-mich.org. For more info, contact:
Mike Rich mikesportsfan@aol.com or 248-709-2235
our temple family
All Of Temple
Emanu-El Is
Now A Free Wifi
PASSWORD: TEguest2014
May 1
In MemoriAm
Every month, members who have a
birthday are invited to attend the
to receive a
during our SHABBAT service
which begins at 6:30pm.
Ernest “Ernie” Needle, husband of Sandy Needle, March 21, 2015
Wendy Shifrin, sister of Laura Shifrin, March 25, 2015
April 26-May 2
*Abraham Becker
Abraham Belsky
Norman Blumeno
Doris Dershow
Trudy Driker
Jan Dunn
*Lois Eder-Weisman
*Harry G. Feldscher
*Albert S. Finn
*Sharyn Finkelberg
Eudice Fischhoff
Abraham Glovinsky
Elaine Gordon
Nate Gordon
*Rabbi Harry Z. Gordon
*Fanny Goren
*Beatrice Hearshen
George James
*Scott Irwin Kaplan
Sandra Klein
*Israel Losh
*Miron Maisel
*Helen Miller
Lyle Parr
*James Popkin
Barbara Rabotnick
Mary Sacks
Leah Schwartz
*Maxwell Sherman
Mildred B. Simon
Ben Tuckman
Ernest Wolfe
*Bertha G. Woolf
Sophia Zeitlin
May Birthdays!
Spenser Keys
Carson Litvin
Peter Schondorf
Daniel Schondorf
Phoebe Brand
Alexandra Pearlman
Travis Kaye
Celia Lipton
Erin Thomson
Chloe Bakst
Nadia Richardson
Aidan Erb
Charlotte Vinande
Benjamin Bacow
Gabriel Stacey
May 15
Every month, all those who have wedding
anniversaries are invited to attend the
to receive a wedding anniversary blessing during
our Shabbat service which begins @ 7:00pm.
Bring all your family and friends to celebrate!
Rabbi Kalfus invites you, if you are able,
to come to his office @ 6:45pm to greet each
other prior to the service.
May 3-9
*Lillie Akers
Betty Bean
*Esther Berick
*Sally L. Broad
*Judi Steinbock Brown
Akivah Drasnin
Renee Edelstein
*Myer Engelberg
Adolph Ferstenfeld
Molly Gliner
Sadie Gliner
Alexander Goldman
*Ann Frankford Gordon
*Annette Grossman
Alan Horowitz
Irving Kroll
*Harry Kretchmer
May Anniversaries!
Joseph and Karren Richard
Jordan and Marjie Field
Robert and Robin Gershman
Faith Robinson-Renner and
Marc Lipton and Ellen Cogen Lipton
Debora Renner
Milton and Lois Zussman
Edward and Carol Lechtzin
Dennis and Janet Schwartz
Melvyn and Paula Kalt
Jerrold and Dale Rubin
Dave and Leslee Caplan
Matthew and Erica McManus
Richard and Robin Gold
Sarah and Sam Bennett
Aric Parr and Dita Besemer
Robert and Anne Olender
Jeffrey Band &
Dennis and Jennifer Patterson
Meredith Weston-Band
Simon and Francene Zakalik
Martin Kohn and Laura Sacks Kohn
Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • May 2015
Edith Lewin
Albert Miller
*Louis Modell
Minnie Pelzner
*Richard S. Rome
*Rosa Rosen
Kolmon Sachse
Marilyn Soverinsky
*Louis Steiner
Arthur Stuart
*Kelly Marie Trager
Kathy Winer
May 10-16
*Rose Baransky
Edwin Bean
Herman Davis
*Philip Donon
Ruth Elaine Dudick
*Lois Eder-Weisman
Bertha Erdstein
Emanuel Erdstein
*Mary P. Evans
*Ethel Finesilver
*Jacob Goldstein
*Samuel Goldstein
Joseph Gross
Molly Gubkin
Evi Heilbrunn
Sophie Kellerman
Lillian Kominars
*Abraham J. Joffe
*Marvin Leibson
*Anthony Magdic
*Chawa Meler
Harry Metz
*Charlotte Michaelson
Cipora Mowerman
J.W. (Bill) Paquette
Annie Pela
*Joseph Ringler
*Louis Robins
*Bess Roe
*Beverly Rosen
Florence Schindler
*Louis Schlien
Mildred Schneider
*Rose L. Schwartz
*Arnold E. Sky
*Esther Stralser
May 17-23
Alvin Buch
Robert Cripps
*Florine Davis
*Allen Eckerlling
*Esther Fershtman
*Bella Goldstein
*Betty V. Gordon
Ronald Greenberg
Golda Gussin
*Al Geyer
Genia Guyer
*Julius Howard
Lloyd C. Hulbert
*Isidor Eckhous
Lois Moore Kabbe
*Esther Katzman
*Samuel Langberg
*Edward Lerman
*Dale Scott Levy
*Bruce A. Magidson
Deborah Mark
Reuben Mendelssohn
Esther Rubin Messer
Lois Moore Kabbe
Edward Nurenberg
Jacob Solomon Ostrow
*Fannie Pantzer
Paul Rosin
Oscar Ross
*Cecelia Schlussel
*Ethel Schwartz
*Olla Mishelow Stern
*Theodore Weinbaum
Kathy Winer
*Miriam Zussman
May 24-30
*Benjamin Ash
*Jason Bennish
Alvin Buch
*David Cohen
*Harry Edelson
*Annette Figot
*Matthew Figot
*Ronna Finkleman
*Janet C. Friedman
Lou Gordon
Andrew Gulick
*Beatrice Herman
*Richard L. Hibbs
Gertrude Hyatt
*Sadie Kimmel
*S. Bunny Lachman
*Leo Levitan
*Gene Levitt
*Milton Lucow
Jeffrey Madven
*David Norris
Marla Permut
Peter Polinsky
*Mollie Rosenthal
*Evelyn Rosenwach
*Reba Ruskin
*Manuel Salinger
Louis Simon
*Doris Sternberg
*Mordecai Szwarcman
Anna Weinstein
Elaine Weston
Marianne Wolin
Louis Zacks
*Pearl Zafron
Harold Zeff
May 31-June 6
*Dr. Donald M. Berkower
*Goldie Cohen
*Herman Cohen
Jack Dershow
*Emil Edelson
*Morris Gershman
*Meyer Goldstein
Dana Gordon
Phyllis Greenwald
*Eugene Hauser
*Nellie Hyman
*Jewel Kretchmer
Abraham Kutlov
*Hannah Manchel
Daniel “Buddy” Mendelsohn
*Leon Pantzer
*Frieda Pultusker
*Edward Frazer Purdy
Anna Rabotnick
Esther Robbins
Marjorie Schafer
*Ida Schlien
Anne Schultz
*Rudolph Shapiro
Ruth Shartsis
*Viola Shear
*Theodore Sherbow
*Kevin Sofferin
*Sander Tobias
*Samuel Topf
*George Turkel
*Idell Unger
*Mildred Zeidman
Emanuel Zweigel
*A light will be lit on our Memorial Board. If you wish to memorialize your loved ones in a special way, consider purchasing a
memorial plaque to be displayed in our Anne Jospey Sanctuary. Each year, on the anniversary of their death, it will be lit as a
remembrance. Contact the Temple office at 248-967-4020 to make arrangements for this eternal memory of your loved one.
Iyar / Sivan 5775
The Rabbi’s Corner
This is important and timely information about Reform Judaism in Israel and how you can make a difference in supporting a
pluralistic religious approach in our Holy Land. Reform Judaism NEEDS YOUR VOTE. Read the following to understand the
issue and to respond.
Thank you so much!
Rabbi Arturo Kalfus
What is ARZA?
ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America, is the Zionist arm
and voice of the Reform Movement and an affiliate of the Union for Reform
Judaism, serving 1.5 million Reform Jews in North America.
ARZA is the vehicle for the collective participation of American Reform
Jews in the Israel engagement agenda with an emphasis on advocacy, travel,
and Zionist education in America. Our mission is to make Israel fundamental
to the sacred lives and Jewish identity of Reform Jews. A Zionist organization, ARZA unconditionally supports Israel and champions activities that
further Israel as a pluralistic, just and democratic Jewish state.
How does ARZA help Reform Judaism in Israel?
ARZA provides the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism
(IMPJ) and the Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) with financial support generated through membership dollars. ARZA facilitates the first hand
experiences of 3,500 Reform Jews who travel to Israel each year. ARZA represents Reform Judaism in the World Zionist Organization thereby providing a strong voice for Reform Jews in America and Israel in this worldwide
What is the World Zionist Organization?
The World Zionist Organization (WZO) was founded by Theodor Herzl at
the First Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897. Today it chooses representatives
for The Jewish Agency for Israel, the Jewish National Fund, and other affiliates. The WZO utilizes the World Zionist Congress to establish its policies
and internally elect leadership to the bodies which define executive policy,
departmental direction, and budget decisions. (For more information and a
brief history see included document)
What is the World Zionist Congress?
The Zionist Congress is the World Zionist Organization’s supreme institution
and legislative body. The Congress meets every four years in Jerusalem. The
Congress is the only body in which all of World Jewry is represented democratically. It determines policy, designates its course of action and chooses
the leadership of the World Zionist Organization. These decisions influence
hundreds of millions of dollars in funding and paid portfolios. The Congress
also makes decisions which affect the status of Reform Jews in Israel and
across the world, and the funding available to Progressive Jews in Israel.
What is Reform Jews 4 Israel?
Reform Jews 4 Israel is a campaign to encourage American Reform Jews to
vote in the upcoming World Zionist Congress Elections. Voting begins on
January 15, 2015 and runs until April 30, 2015. ARZA is providing the leadership for and managing this campaign on behalf of the Reform movement.
ARZA’s efforts are supported by the Union for Reform Judaism, the Central
Conference of American Rabbis, the American Conference of Cantors, Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, all of the other Reform
movement’s family of organizations and affiliates. Pledge to Vote at www.
Why is this important?
The American delegation to the Congress is the largest delegation from
outside of Israel, with 145 delegates. The decisions of the Congress influence hundreds of millions of dollars in funding and the Reform movement
currently receives over $5 million each year. Because the election is held
every 4 years, the impact of the election could impact over $20 million for
Reform institutions in Israel and the United States. In addition, the Congress
will help determine the leadership of the major global Jewish organizations,
budgetary decisions, and policy in Israel and worldwide.
Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020
Why should I vote?
A successful election in which ARZA, on behalf of the Reform
movement, receives a significant majority of votes and therefore
delegates to the WZC, is the single most effective way for the Reform movement to influence policy and shape the society of Israel.
The election determines the Reform movement’s influence within
Israel institutions, government bodies and provides the Reform
movement with the ability to influence important policy appointments. In addition, as mentioned, the election impacts that amount
of funding that the Reform movement receives in Israel and the
diaspora. The Reform movement seeks a democratic Israel which
respects and supports all expressions of Judaism, which respects
and guarantees women’s rights and which strives to obtain a
peaceful solution to the Palestinian issue. A successful election is
our best means to assure the realization of the Reform movement’s
goals. Therefore, your vote is critical to the success of the overall
How do I vote?
To be eligible to vote you must register and vote between January
15 – April 30, 2015. Registration and voting can be done on the
election website in one session or can be accomplished by completing a paper registration and ballot.
Who is eligible to vote?
To be eligible to register you must be:
At least 18 years old by June 30, 2015
Identify as Jewish
A citizen or permanent resident of the United States of America
How much does voting cost?
$10 for age 30+, $5 for those 18-30.
This charge is to cover the cost of elections. All payments can be
made online on the secure voting site or by check.
Where do I go to vote?
You can vote online from January 15, 2015 to April 30, 2015.
VOTE ONLINE AT www.ReformJews4Israel.org
Do I need to register in advance?
No, unlike previous elections registration and voting are completed all in one session.
Do I need to be a member of ARZA to vote?
NO! Any American Jew of age can vote. One does not need to be
affiliated with a synagogue, an organization or ARZA.
How can someone vote if they can’t/won’t vote online?
Voting can be done either online or by paper ballot. For those voting online, registration and voting can occur in the same session at
the same time.
However, for those who want to vote by paper ballot, there will be
a two-step process. First, they will need to register by completing a
registration form and submitting it to the AZM by April 15, 2015.
Upon receipt and review, the AZM will mail a paper ballot which
is then used to vote. The ballots themselves will be produced and
distributed by the American Zionist Movement and we are advised
that the AZM will BEGIN mailing them to those who have registered in March.
Music Happenings at Temple
Shir Chadash Choir
The Shir Chadash Choir,
Temple Emanu-El’s adult
choir, is open to all
congregants who love
to sing – all levels of
experience are welcome.
The choir adds to the
beauty of services,
introducing new melodies and revitalizing
classics. We sing at least once a month at
Shabbat services – usually the third Friday of
the month – and at High Holy Day services.
Being a member of the Shir Chadash Choir
is a great way to make music, be part of a
wonderful community, and learn more about the
prayers in our services – all at the same time!
We practice on Thursdays, from 7:30 - 9:00
p.m. Please contact Cantorial Soloist Kelly
Onickel with any questions: ChazanitTE@gmail.
com or (248) 388-0190, or call 248-967-4020
Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • May 2015
We Want You To Join
The Shiru Dor L’dor
Youth Choir
Calling all 4th, 5th, 6th,
and 7th graders who love music!
Get your service requirements! Learn the
music for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah! Sing for Holiday and Shabbat services! Sing in the New
Zimriyah! Establish New Life Long Friendships!
You don't need to know how to sing.
Just be willing to learn and participate.
Interested? Contact Cantorial Soloist Kelly
Onickel, ChazanitTE@gmail.com / 248-3880190 or Friend me on Facebook
Rehearsal Sundays
Snack 11:30-12:00 • Rehearsal 12:00-12:45
Iyar / Sivan 5775
DIRECTLY TO YOU: News from the ECC
Eileen Brand
Springtime activities are blooming in the Early Childhood Community. Our fifth annual Grandparents Day
was a celebration of love. Kvelling grandparents joined
us for a delicious breakfast, followed by a visit to their
grandchild’s classroom. Inter-generational programming
enhances the connection between young and old alike.
We appreciate the support and participation of our grandparents and special guests. We were gratified to receive
generous donations to support our fundraising efforts for
our new playground.
Program Highlights
Infant Through Second Grade
A child friendly Shabbat experience
with Rabbi Kalfus and Cantorial Soloist
Kelly Onickel. Shabbat songs and stories
with our ECC family.
*Tot Shabbat Service -
May 1, 5:45 to 6: 15 P.M.
Our pre-k classes visited Berkley High School to hear the
Complimentary dinner following
band play. This was a culmination of their unit on classical composers. We
are fortunate to have many local resources within our community. Our 3-year
old classes visited the Bowers School Farm where they toured the farm and enjoyed a hay wagon ride.
The Ocean Room children will visit Whole Foods Market as part of their unit on nutrition. Every year the children receive many
healthy and delicious snacks to bring home. We appreciate the generosity of Whole Foods.
On Thursday evening, May 7th, we hope everyone will join us for our Young Master’s Art Show Extraordinaire.
The exhibit is from 6:15 to 7:30 P.M. throughout the Temple. Our young Rembrandts will be there to greet you.
Looking at early childhood milestones, our annual Shalom party is Thursday, June 4th. The children are rehearsing new songs as
well as favorite classics with music specialist Katrine Feygin. Although we are excited to celebrate the accomplishments of our children, it is bittersweet to see children who have been part of our pre-school family leave for the world of elementary school.
We are looking forward to many children in our Infant Program, housed at the JCC, transitioning to the Temple for day camp and
school. Openings remain for both our camp and school programs. Camp begins on Monday, June 15th.
With mother’s day approaching, I hope you enjoy the following quotations:
When you teach your son, you teach your son’s son. The Talmud
In bringing up children, spend on them half as much money and twice as much time. Author Unknown
If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others. Haim Ginott
If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. Abigail Van Buren
To anyone who has a mother, knows a mother or is a mother HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!
Eileen Brand, Director,
Early Childhood Community
at Temple Emanu-El
Women of Reform Judaism - Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood
Muriel Sherbow Memorial
Mah jONGG Tournament
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Registration begins at 6:00 p.m. • Play begins promptly at 6:45 p.m.
Cost: $20 per person pre-registered • At the door price: $25 (space permitting)
QUESTIONS? Marilyn Kaczander Cohen: markacz2@gmail.com or 248-543-0305
Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020
Temple Education
Finishing the Year with Fun!
May Class INFO:
Grades K – 7: SUNDAY May 3rd – Earth
Day (belated) Celebration! Classes will be out
in the garden at least part of the day. It’s also
ECC graduate visiting day – all are welcome.
9:00 – 11:30. It’s ALSO time for the 5th
Grade parents to join the Rabbi for Bagels
and Schmooze in his office 9:15 – 9:45.
SUNDAY May 17th – Last Day of Class, and
Family Concert. Classes meet 9:00 – 10:30.
All school concert for parents, grandparents
and students begins at 10:30. Stay for lunch
and schmooze!
May 6, May 13. 4:30 – 6pm
Grades 8 – 12: THE LAST CLASS TRIP –
tbd. Possibly sand dunes trip!
Friday, May 1 – 6:30 pm
Temple EmanuChloe Bakst
El’s Religious
School Program
is going strong!
May 23 – 7:00 pm
We’re ending the
Hanna Aronson-Paxton
school-year with
David Leibowitz
a sense of havKevin Traute
ing created real
community in our
classrooms. Programming and learning is childcentered, and our goal of bringing in a new curricuSue Salinger
lum that utilizes many kinds of learning modalities
has been largely successful. We’re seeing students come to class alert, smiling, and
engaged. Your participation helps make this program work! Please join us for a
rousing last day of school – while class starts at the regular time of 9:00AM, and
students will be wrapping up their year in individual classrooms for the first part of
the morning, we want you to come – bring grandparents! – to the end-of-year concert.
It begins at 10:30. We’ll have a light lunch available afterwards! Remember, there’s a
discount for early registration for next year – Register Now! Applications are on-line
at www.emanuel-mich.org
Our school family seder was a hit!
Registration Forms for Next Year are Now
Available Online at www.emanuel-mich.org
1| Everyone: Tot Shabbat and Dinner begins
5:30 (best suited ages 0 – 2nd grade) Family
Shabbat and Dinner, co-led by our High
School Students, and honoring our Graduate
Chloe Baskt begins 6:30 .
2| Spencer Keys Bar Mitzvah begins 10:30.
9| Family Havdallah Barbeque – all students,
parents, friends, grandparents. Sponsored
by Brotherhood. Student havdallah kits
(art project) will be distributed at the event.
Begins at 5:30. Bonfire follows.
9| Sophie Hart Bat Mitzvah begins 10:30.
23| Aiden Erb Bar Mitzvah begins 10:30.
23| Confirmation Dinner (for confirmands and
families only); Community Shavuot Service
for all honoring our Confirmands Hannah Paxton-Aronson, Kevin Traute, David
Liebowitz. Dinner at 6pm (confirmation
families), Services at 7pm.
Fifth graders learned about Detroit’s Jewish History, preparing for their field trip:
31| Annual Congregational Meeting. Come
participate and co-create our community!
9am breakfast, 10am meeting begins.
Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • May 2015
Iyar / Sivan 5775
Mazel Tov!
B’nai Mitzvah
Spenser Keys – May 2
Spenser Alex Keys will be called to the Torah on
Saturday, May 2, 2015 on the occasion of his bar
mitzvah. He is the much loved son of Martin and
Michelle Keys. He is also the grandson of the very
proud Harold and Rosalyn Blair and the late Jack
and Florence Keys. Spenser is a talented artist and
mechanical whiz and is in seventh grade at Norup IB School in Oak
Park. He also enjoys playing soccer with the Mongrel soccer team
under the direction of Coach Ken Litvin. He chose his meaningful
mitzvah project to volunteer at an art camp at the JCC Summer Camps
in Oak Park. The JCC in Oak Park has been a special place for Spenser
for many years of fun summer camps. He chose this project because
he wanted to return the favor to the camp and help make summer camp
special for other kids and share his love of art. He also wrote a review
of kid friendly gluten-free restaurants, bakeries, and ice cream shops for
other kids with Celiac Disease for his mitzvah project.
Brett Davidson – May 8
Bar Mitzvah Blessing
Sophie Hart – May 9
Sophie Gayle Hart, daughter of Jill and David Hart,
will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah when she is called to
the Torah on Saturday, May 9th at Temple Emanu-El.
Sophie is the sister of Mitchell and Bennett and granddaughter of Clifford and Alice Hart and Howard and
Phyllis Ringel. Sophie attends Norup International
Middle School. She enjoys playing basketball and soccer, and plays
percussion in the school band. For her mitzvah project, Sophie worked
at the day camp at Temple Emanu-El.
Aidan Erb-May 23
Aidan Connor Erb will be called to the Torah as Bar
Mitzvah on Saturday, May 23, 2015. Celebrating with
him are his mother Robyn, brother Jules, and grandmother Adele Weinstein. Aidan is a 7th grade student
at Norup International School. He enjoys playing
Minecraft with his friends and spending time with his
family and cats. He really enjoyed the time he spent at Yad Ezra for his
Mitzvah project. His family is proud of all the hard work that he has
done in order to achieve his Bar Mitzvah.
K-3: Early education on Sunday’s, 9:00 –
11:30am. Children experience Jewish history
through Bible Stories, are introduced to Shabbat and holidays, and begin to learn about and
practice G’milut Hasidim – right action with
others. We’re building friendships here that will
last a lifetime.
4-7: Religious School, with Hebrew added on
Sunday’s, 9:00 – 11:30am, plus Wednesdays
4:30 – 6:00pm. A more in-depth look at Torah,
Israel, History, Jewish Time and Calendar, and
mentschlichkeit and middot (the values or qualities that Judaism teaches lead to living a good
life). The 6th and 7th grade cohort will learn
what they need in order to choose to live their
own meaningful Jewish lives.
8-12: Post B’nei Mitzvah Studies deepen our
students’ lived Jewish experience. “Sunday
Sessions” bring students together from 11:30 –
12:45pm several Sundays a month to explore
Jewish themes on justice and the environment,
bringing community leaders in as well as Rabbi
Kalfus to look at Jewish wisdom on important
issues of our time. Field experience takes students out into the metro area to personally work
on issues. We’ll be taking river trips, farm trips,
ski trips to personally check out our themes of
Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Students can choose
to participate as Madrichim to mentor younger
students and to assist teachers in our classrooms.
Confirmation students receive extra time with
the Rabbi throughout the year.
first Fridays of each month begin with a birth –
2nd Grade Tot Shabbat dinner and service from
5:45 – 6:15, followed by dinner. 3 – 7th graders
and their families can attend our regular First
Friday Family service from 6:30 – 7:30, which
is geared towards families and students although
the entire community often joins! It’s followed
by a dinner and oneg. Occasionally, the Religious School will meet as an entire group on the
third or fourth Friday for an all-school Kabbalat
Shabbat service, dinner, and song-filled campstyle oneg. Watch your calendar for details!
happen throughout the year.
Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020
You are cordially invited to attend our Annual Congregational Meeting where we will kick off our
year with the Election of new Officers, Election of new Board of Trustees, Presentation of
the provisional 2015-2016 operating budget, and Reports on the year ending June 30, 2015
Free dues raffle drawing
Join with Rabbi Kalfus, members of the Board and
our Temple family as we begin the new fiscal year.
SUNDAY, May 31, 2015
9:15 a.m. Breakfast – a tasty feast presented by Annabel’s & Co. for $7/person*.
RSVP to 248-967-4020 or templefamily@emanuel-mich.org
10:00 a.m. All members are invited to join us as we honor our volunteers
and celebrate the devotion of our volunteer musicians, especially
Linda Permut and Jamie Schultz coffee, tea and a “nosh” provided)
10:30 a.m. Annual Meeting
*menu: frittata with leeks and parmesan or vegan option of granola, berries and coconut milk—please let us know if
you wish to have the vegan option] Please RSVP by May 28 for breakfast using the registration form on page 12
The 2015-16 budget being presented at the meeting will be available for review in the office 7 days
prior to the meeting. Please call or email Frederick Frank, Executive Director, ahead of time
if you would like to come in and review the budget. We also issue at this time a call to all members
who might wish to serve on one of our many committees and groups doing the good work of our
congregation. A list is available on the Temple website and will be available at the Annual Meeting
A Tapestry of Taste – Bread:The Staff of Life, presented as a continuation of our yearlong effort
for Food Justice and a joint effort of both Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood and Social Action, was an educational and
delicious culinary experience. More than 65 attendees listened while Lynne Meredith Golodner discussed her book
Flavors of Faith: Holy Breads, explaining “how the simplest combination of flour, water and yeast becomes a
spiritual cornerstone of family, faith and community.” After, everyone enjoyed a delicious soup and salad lunch,
excellently prepared by Julie Herman of Annabelle’s Catering along with several of the different types of bread
described in Golodner’s book.
All of the proceeds went into the Lillian Greenwald Temple Oneg Fund, which helps Sisterhood provide a Sweet
Shabbat for our Temple Congregants. A special thanks goes to Judy Greenwald, who was the primary organizer, to
Robin Gold who arranged for Ms. Golodner’s appearance and to the Event Patrons: Wendy Bakst, Linda Greenwood,
Ann Klein, Dr. Mary Lazar, Ester Liebowitz, Rae Mandel and Jeff Mandel.
Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • May 2015
Iyar / Sivan 5775
We list, with pride and gratitude, our 2014-2015 Circle Members, and invite our other members
to consider becoming part of our Chai Circle so that we may reach our goal of 100 members.
Nina & Howard Abrams
Sidney Barbas z"l
Linda & Dennis Kayes
Dr. Charlotte (Ellie) Simon &
Melvin Natinsky
Michael Rich
Ilene P. Schwartz
Arlene & Rick Selik
Susan & Dr. Daniel Stettner
Julie & Rick Zussman
RABBI’S Circle
Elaine C. & Eugene Driker
Marjorie & Maxwell Jospey
Kim & Glenn Liebowitz
Roberta Patt & Fred Fechheimer
Elizabeth & Sydney Ross
Mary & Dr. Jeffrey Topf
Lois & Milton Zussman
CHAI Circle
Beth & Jeffrey Applebaum
Wendy & Marc Bakst
Gretchen & Dr. Anthony Baron
Claire Belsky
Marilyn Kaczander-Cohen &
Don Cohen
Lynn & Scott Cooper
Jannis & Dan Danzig
Suzanne & Dr. Carl Dibble
Sharon & Stephen Dillon
Vickie & David Edwards
George Elfond
Lois & Dr. Stuart Falk
Marcia & Larry Ferstenfeld
Janeen & William Fetterman
Gail Gilman & Edward Frowine
Adela Gold
Judy Greenwald
Janet & Jan Gubkin
Dottie & David Gubow
Jill & David Hart
Jane & Dr. Andrew Hauser
Julie Greenberg-Hazan &
Stan Hazan
Janis & Jason Horton
Gilda & John Jacobs
Paula & Melvyn Kalt
Amy & Ivan Katz
Jeanette Katzman
Jill Noll & Dr. Keith Kaye
Barbara & Doug Kellerman
Ann & Bruce Klein
Donna & Sheldon Klein
Drs. Jane & Robert Krasnick
Natalie & Glenn Lapin
Carol & Edward Lechtzin
Janet & Dr. Ellsworth Levine
Ellen Cogen Lipton &
Marc Lipton
Wendy & Todd Luczak
Rae & Jeffrey Mandel
Marcia & Mitch Meisner
Deena & Arnold Mikon
Laura & Jerry Miller
Lynne & David Newman
Ruthanne Okun
Marsha & Charles Owen
Linda & Steven Permut
Arnold Portner
Liliane Rattner
Faith Robinson-Renner &
Debora Renner
Leah & Dr. Daniel Rosenbaum
Rozanne & Robert Sedler
Elayne & Daniel Steinhardt
Cathy & Dr. Joel Topf
Barbara & Stuart Trager
Karen & Marshall Weingarden
Robyn & Robert Weltman
Sponsor an Oneg, a Kiddush or a Wine & Cheese Pre-Service Oneg
in honor of a simcha—anniversary, birthday, graduation or other special event.
Or, you may wish to honor the memory of a loved one.
The minimum costs of sponsorship are:
Friday oneg: $150 • Saturday Kiddush: $90 • Wine & Cheese Oneg: $100
We recognize our Oneg sponsors and the occasions for their sponsorship in the service bulletin. It is possible for more than
one family to sponsor an oneg. Please contact Barbara in the office for more information and to select a date.
Call 248 967-4020, ext 204 or email calendar@emanuel-mich.org
Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020
Gifts & Memorials
A Sincere Thank You:
We sincerely thank everyone for their generous contributions to our various funds. Your support allows us to continue
offering our outstanding programs and services and helps us to support all members of our Temple Family. Thank you!
For the Speedy Recovery of:
Lynn Cooper
Linda Klein
In Memory of:
Marian Pelzner Lipshaw
Linda Klein
In Memory of:
Marian Pelzner Lipshaw
Eileen & Arthur Brand
General Donation:
From: Lillian Pruitt
For the Speedy Recovery of:
Alie Kabbe
Janet & Jan Gubkin
In Memory of:
Marian Pelzner Lipshaw
T.E. Board of Trustees
Doris Shulman
Lloyd Strausz
Ernie Needle
T.E. Board of Trustees
Marcia & Michael Leibson
Wendy Shifrin
T.E. Board of Trustees
Ben Braiker
Sheilah Goldberg
In Memory of:
Larry Berger
Beatrice & David Shulman
Rosa & Norm Berger
Marian Pelzner Lipshaw
Gerald & Myral Robbins
Rosa & Norm Berger
Lola Lane
Adela Gold
David Bruce Pauley
Lola Lane
Adela Gold
David Schulman
Lola Lane
In Memory of:
Marian Pelzner Lipshaw
Barbara & Doug Kellerman
For the Speedy Recovery of:
Lynn Cooper
Leah Rosenbaum
Judy Greenwald
Barbara Zeevi
Lou & Flo Citarel
In Honor of:
Judy Greenwald, Happy
Faye & Lou Damraur
In Memory of:
Susan Liebowitz
Harvey Turkel
Mickey Pelzner Lipshaw
Ernie Needle
Judy Greenwald
In Honor of:
Fred Frank, for your help and
support with Rayna’s Bat
Rabbi Kalfus, with appreciation regarding Rayna’s Bat
Richard & Robin Gold
In Memory of:
Rose W. Scheer
Nancy Scheer, Tom Hulbert,
Dan, Ben & Julia
Ruth Leibowitz
The Gold Family
In Honor of:
Kelly Onickel, with appreciation for preparing Rayna for
her Bat Mitzvah
Richard & Robin Gold
In Memory of:
Howard Gluckman
Barbara Karchin
Marian Pelzner Lipshaw
Miriam & Daniel Medow
In Memory of:
Anne Schwartz
Reva Rosenfeld
In Memory of:
Marian “Mickey” Pelzner
Marsha & Chuck Owen
Ben Braiker
Roberta Lupo
Mel & Nena Chudnof
In Memory of:
Sarah “Sally” Druker
Marshall & Karen Weingarden
Marian Pelzner Lipshaw
Mel & Ellie Natinsky
In Memory of:
Marian “Mickey” Pelzner
Julie Mann Kraus
In Memory of:
Ruth Leibowitz
Ruthanne Okun & Daniel
Mickey Pelzner Lipshaw
Denny, Jenny, Michael, Katie, Jeffrey, Vani & Lynn
For the Speedy Recovery of:
Lynn Cooper
Bob & Robin Gershman
In Memory of:
Muriel Zweigel
Warren Zweigel and the
Family of Muriel Zweigel
Ben Braiker
Roberta Lupo
Marcia & Mitch Meisner
Jack Cohen
Glorya Traute
Marian Pelzner Lipshaw
Bob & Robin Gershman
The Caring Community
Ernie Needle
Vivian Silver
Glorya Traute
Bertha S. Strausz
Jo Strausz Rosen
Kevin L. Traute
Kevin W. Traute & Glorya
In Honor of (For Brovary Project):
Lynn Cooper
Jacquie Steingold
Alie Kabbe
Laura Sacks Kohn & Marty
In Memory of (For Brovary
My father, Joseph Feitler
Barbara Karchin
In Honor of:
Rabbi & Barbara Klein
with appreciation for your
participation in Rayna’s Bat
Robin & Richard Gold
In Memory of:
Phil Goldstein
The Diez Family
David Marks, Father
Flo Citarel & Lollie Bennish
Marian Pelzner Lipshaw
Dale & Jerry Rubin
Brenda & Richard Strausz
Janice & George Erdstein
In Memory of:
Mickey Pelzner Lipshaw
Sharon Rome
For the Speedy Recovery of:
In Memory of:
Ben Braiker
Roberta Lupo
Jo Strausz Rosen
Susan & Herb Ruttenberg
Ruth Leibowitz
Marcia & Mitch Meisner
Marian “Mickey” Pelzner
Bud Sherbow
Linda & Steve Permut
Meredith Weston-Band &
Jeffrey Band
Alan & Judy Kessler
Carol Rosenfeld
Marcia & Michael Leibson
Jo Strausz Rosen
Abby Goldfaden
Dolores Galea
Ann & Bruce Klein
Gilda & John Jacobs
Marcia & Mitch Meisner
Susan & Herb Ruttenberg
Linda & Dennis Kayes
Elayne & Dan Steinhardt
Sharon & Stephen Dillon
Bobbie Patt & Fred Fechheimer
Judy Matenky
Faye & Lou Damraur
Marilyn & Don Cohen
Stuart & Debbie Weisblatt
Guy & Gina Saperstein
Donald Kohn
Sandra L. Goldberg
Samuel Reder
Lila Reder
In Memory of:
Marian Pelzner Lipshaw
Elizabeth Zerwekh & Jack
In Honor of:
Zoe McManus, Bat Mitzvah
Rayna Gold, Bat Mitzvah
T.E. Board of Trustees
Lynn Cooper
Marilyn & Don Cohen
Torah Study
at Temple
weekly Torah class
every Saturday with bagels and cream cheese.
Join Rabbi Kalfus in the Rosen Foyer,
Shabbat mornings
from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m.
for an exciting and insightful look
at the week’s Torah portion.
And have a nosh before services!
-10- Temple Emanu-El Bulletin • May 2015
Iyar / Sivan 5775
Event Calendar
Temple Emanu-El Michigan
May 2015
TOT Shabbat followed
by complimentary
dinner IC=RS 5:45 pm
­ 6:15 pm
First Friday Shabbat
service with high
school classes followed
by complimentary
dinner sponsored by
Linda and Steve
Permut 6:30 pm
Torah Study 9:15 am ­
10:15 am @ Patricia
Modell Youth Room
Morning Service and
Bar Mitzvah of Spenser
Keys 10:30 am
Kiddish by Spencer
Keys Family 12:00 pm
@ Esther Katzman
Social Hall
High School
Graduation Chloe
Bakst 8:00 pm
High School ­4D TBD
Annual Calendar mtg.
7:00 pm
Garden start­up event
part of Religious
School 9:00 am ­
11:30 am
Music Cte. Mtg. 7:00
pm ­ 8:00 pm @
Membership Cte. Mtg.
7:00 pm
Religious School 4:30
pm ­ 6:00 pm
ECC Evening Art
Davidson sponsored
Adult Choir 7:30 pm ­
9:00 pm
Brett Davidson Bar
Mitzvah blessing by
Rabbi Kalfus 7:00 pm
Religious School 9:00
am ­ 11:30 am
Erev Shabbat service
7:00 pm
5th Grade parents for
Bagels'schmear &
schmooze with Rabbi
9:15 am ­ 9:45 am @
Rabbi's Office
Torah Study 9:15 am ­
10:15 am @ Patricia
Modell Youth Room
Morning Service and
Bat Mitzvah of Sophie
Hart 10:30 am
Sophie Hart's kiddush
and luncheon 10:30
am @ Esther Katzman
Social Hall
Brotherhood Family
BBQ 5:30 Havdalah
service 7:00pm &
following Service
Campfire 5:30 pm ­
9:00 pm
ECC visiting day for
Religious School 9:30
am ­ 10:30 am
Sisterhood mtg. 10:00
am ­ 11:00 am
Youth choir's party
11:30 am ­ 1:00 pm
Mother's Day 11
NO Religious School
Adult Ed Mtg. 7:00 pm
Bldg. closes at 6 pm
Religious Cte. 7:00 pm
Adult Choir 7:30 pm ­
9:00 pm
Anniversary Blessing
at service
Erev Shabbat service
followed by sponsored
oneg by Faith &
Debora Renner 6:30
Shabbat Service with
Shir Chadash Choir
7:00 pm
Faculty Appreciation
Kol Limud, IC=Rachel
Frank 7:00 pm ­ 8:30
pm @ Library
Last Day of Religious
School 9:00 am ­
11:30 am
Brotherhood Game
Night 7:00 pm
Bldg. closes at 6 pm
Erev Shabbat service
7:00 pm
Executive Cte. Mtg.
7:00 pm ­ 8:00 pm
Torah Study 9:15 am ­
10:15 am @ Patricia
Modell Youth Room
Morning Service 10:30
Prime Timers' Pot Luck
Lunch 12:30 pm ­
1:30 pm
After pot luck lunch at
Temple and Rabbi's
talk [Prime Timers
Guardian Bldg. Tour]
IC=Richard Strausz
2:00 pm ­ 4:00 pm
EREV SHAVUOT Torah Study 9:15 am ­
10:15 am @ Patricia
Modell Youth Room
Confirmation dinner,
IC=RS 6:00 pm ­ 7:00
Religious School
Concert 10:30 am
­ 11:30 am
Service 7:00 pm
Brotherhood Speaker
START TIME 12:00 pm
SHAVUOT Morning Service and
Bar Mitzvah of Aiden
Erb 10:30 am
Brotherhood Mtg. 9:15
Shavuot Services
10:30 am ­ 11:30 am
Memorial Day 26
No ECC School
Board of Trustees
Meeting 7:00 pm
No High School
Bldg. closes at 6 pm
Erev Shabbat service
7:00 pm
Sisterhood Oneg 7:00
pm ­ 11:00 pm
Temple Offices Closed
& Bldg. Closed
Torah Study 9:15 am ­
10:15 am @ Patricia
Modell Youth Room
Morning Service 10:30
Annual Congregational
mtg. at 10:30 AM
preceded by breakfast
9:00 am
Check the live calendar for daily updates on
website http://emanuel-mich.org/calendar
Honoring Volunteer
10:00 am
Temple Emanu-El: Where You Belong • 248-967-4020
Temple Emanu-El
at Detroit, MI
and additional
Mailing offices
Permit No. 0443870
14450 W. Ten Mile Rd. Oak Park, MI 48237-1438
Arturo L. Kalfus Rabbi
Kelly Onickel Cantorial Soloist
Joseph P. Klein Rabbi Emeritus
Norman Rose, z’l Cantor Emeritus
Milton Rosenbaum, z’l
Frederick Frank
Sue Salinger
Eileen Brand
Bruce Klein
David Hart
Dennis Kayes
Stuart Trager
Wendy Bakst
Lynn Cooper
Richard Gold
Marty Leibowitz
Mitch Meisner
Executive Director
Director, Education & Youth Activities
Director, Early Childhood Community
Immediate Past President
Upcoming Events at Temple Emanu-El
Havdalah & Hot Dogs
Saturday, May 9
Prime Timers tour!
Saturday, May 16th
RSVP: May 5, 2015 to temple office
248-967-4020 or templefamily@emanuelmich.org. For more info, contact: Mike Rich
mikesportsfan@aol.com or 248-709-2235
RSVP by May 12 to office or email
SUNDAY, May 31, 2015
$12 per person.
9:15 a.m. Breakfast – $7/person*.
RSVP by May 28 to 248-967-4020 or
Tear-off registration for events listed above
NameDay phone Event
# Adults
Please make your check payable to: Temple Emanu-El and return to the Temple office.
# Children
Amount Enclosed
TOTAL Enclosed: $
Temple Emanu-El Bulletin (USPS 443-870). 14450 W. Ten Mile Rd., Oak Park, MI 48237-1497. Published monthly periodical postage paid at Detroit, MI.
and additional mailing offices. Postmaster send address changes to Temple Emanu-El, 14450 W. Ten Mile Rd., Oak Park, MI 48237-1497.