Welcome to Temple Israel - Temple Israel of Boston
Welcome to Temple Israel - Temple Israel of Boston
Welcome to Temple Israel TIKKUN OLAM, REPAIRING THE WORLD Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue. — Deuteronomy 16:20 MARILYN AND MIKE GROSSMAN CARING COMMUNITY Over time, more and more of us have experienced being part of the Caring Community. Some of us have lost a family member, and received a call during the following month, or had a challah dropped off at our home. Other members have made that call, or delivered that challah. Here are more ways to be part of our Temple’s Caring Community: Call to congratulate a family that has welcomed a new baby. Let the clergy office know when you learn that a fellow Temple member is ill or in need of some outreach. Cook or buy a meal for a family in crisis. Make a welcoming phone call to a new member. If you would like to do any of these actions, or learn more about our goals, you may contact Co-Chairs Susan Michaels (617-731-1557 or smichaels211@mac.com) and Tanya Goldwyn (617-2444331 or tatyanarfa@comcast. net), or call Cantor Einhorn’s office at 617-566-3960 x 117. BOSTON FOOD BANK Congregants and visitors are asked to bring a donation of canned food each time they come to TI. The donations are collected on the Baker’s Rack in the Atrium. To participate, please contact Susan Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x 117. SUNDAY’S BREAD SEEDS OF PEACE at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, 35 Bowdoin St., Boston. Temple Israel next serves March 1. RSVP to Andrew Oberstein at 617-566-3960 x143 or aoberstein@tisrael.org. Donations placed in the Tzedakah Box in the Atrium support camp programs for Palestinian and Israeli children. FAMILY TABLE Temple Israel’s current assignment is to collect kosher peanut butter and kosher raisins. We are responsible for 40 jars of peanut butter and 40 servings of raisins each month. Please deposit your donations in the collection box in the Atrium. NEWELL & ELEANOR KURSON TRANSPORTATION FUND We provide coupons of up to $15 for each way of your trip to and from the TI if you are over age 70 or physically challenged. Please contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x 117. THE GREATER BOSTON COALITION FOR LITERACY COLLECTOR’S CORNER FOR KIDS! An exhibit of collections from the children in our congregation is on display in the hallway outside of the library. The collection can be marbles, sports cards, dreidels… anything that a child would enjoy displaying to our community. If you know a child who has a collection that s/he’d like to exhibit, please contact Ann Abrams, Librarian, at 617-566-3960 x116 or aabrams@tisrael.org. Please consider participating in a tutoring program for young children. It is a valuable gift to those mastering the challenges of literacy. Join other TI members at the Henderson School for an hour a week to tutor 1st or 2nd graders. We provide training, ongoing assistance and resources. Contact Rhea Bufferd at 617969-5562 or at rkbufferd@comcast.net. Our website is http:// www.jcrcboston.org. WEEKDAY MINYAN Do you need a place to restore yourself at the end of the day? Try the WEEKDAY MINYAN. It is lay-led and occurs whenthe building is open, Monday through Thursday evenings, 6:15-6:45 PM. Visit us at www.tisrael.org for more information on these programs. 477 Longwood Avenue • Boston, MA 02215 617-566-3960 • www.tisrael.org “May Your Gates Be Open Always” Isaiah 60:11 Rabbi Ronne Friedman Cantor Roy B. Einhorn Rabbi Elaine S. Zecher Rabbi Jeremy S. Morrison Rabbi Matthew V. Soffer Rabbi Bernard H. Mehlman, Senior Scholar Dan Deutsch, Executive Director Kathy Weinman, President Torah Portion: Yitro, Exod. 18:1 - 20:23 Haftarah Portion: Isaiah 6:1 - 7:6; 9:5 - 9:6 Shabbat, February 6 / 7 18 Shevat, 5775 6:00 p.m. Qabbalat Shabbat TI Welcomes Joshua Rubenstein Lauren Isaacson will chant Qiddush A Baby Naming will be provided for Fiona Charlotte Hertzberg daughter of Rhiannon Roberts and Jordy Hertzberg 9:00 a.m. Early Morning Service &Torah Study Qabbalat Shabbat Services are now streaming live on our website. Click the “Live Web Streaming” link on the homepage of www.tisrael.org. If you would like information on becoming a member of Temple Israel, or if you are a current member whose contact information has changed, please contact our Membership Office at membership@tisrael.org. 10:00 a.m. Thank Goodness It’s Shabbat! 10:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Lauren Isaacson will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah daughter of Stacey and David Isaacson Please turn off cell phones during services. Thank you. Visit Visit us us at at www.tisrael.org! www.tisrael.org! THE CARL STEINBAUM CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM Friday, February 27 6:00 p.m. Service, 6:45p.m. Lecture Followed by Oneg and Q&A The Personal is Political: Reflections on Jewish Women and Social Justice with Dr. Judith Rosenbaum Executive Director of the Jewish Women’s Archive That Jews have played important roles in social justice movements is by now a well-known part of the American Jewish narrative. This lecture takes us beyond the iconic stories of celebrated leaders to explore how Jewish women have built on or broken with traditional feminine communal roles to pursue social justice and change the world. UPCOMING EVENTS THE 2015 FEINBERG LECTURE March 27 6:00 p.m. Service, 6:45p.m. Lecture followed by Oneg and Q&A Hope versus Fear: A Global Perspective with David Harris, AJC Executive Director David Harris has led AJC since 1990. Described by Israeli President Shimon Peres as the “foreign minister of the Jewish people,” he has been invited to speak at some of the world’s most prestigious forums, including the World Economic Forum in Davos, and has testified before the U.S. Congress, the UN Human Rights Commission, and the French Parliament. He has been honored a total of 14 times by the governments of Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Spain, and Ukraine for his international efforts in defense of human rights, advancement of the transatlantic partnership, and dedication to the Jewish people. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, The Jerusalem Post, El País in Spain, and L’Opinione in Italy. Since 2001, he has had a weekly spot on the CBS Radio Network reaching millions of listeners across the United States. ** For all programs above, please contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x117 or susanm@tisrael.org. ** TILLI WINTER SESSION 477 PRESENTS WINE AND APPS SHARING Movie Series - February 26 and March 12 $5.00 donation for each movie 10:30 a.m. Coffee and Nosh; 11:00 a.m. Movie This Sunday, February 8 from 6-8:00 p.m. After the movie there will be a discussion led by one of our TILLI members. Bring your own lunch and we’ll supply drinks and a nosh.February 26 - Radio Days with Joan Gordon; March 12 - Bottle in the Gaza Sea with Linda Okun. Discussion Group with Lila Kagedan – February 12 10:30 a.m. coffee and nosh 11 a.m. Discussion TILLI Coordinator Lila Kagedan will speak on An Introduction to Jewish Medical Ethics. After the discussion please bring your own lunch and we’ll supply drinks and a nosh. RSVP required. Pre Neg - February 20 February 20, 5:00 p.m. More information to follow. TILLI friends will gather for time to talk and taste before Services. Contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x117 or susanm@tisrael.org. GIFT OF LIFE DRIVE Sunday, February 8 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. As part of our Religious School Tikkun Olam Day, Gift of Life will be here to do cheek swabbing for their nternational bone marrow and blood stem cell registry for children and adults. If you are interested in volunteering at the table please contact Leora at lmallach@tisrael.org. NURTURE YOUR INNER LIFE WITH A SPA FOR THE SOUL Walking through the Door: A Shabbat Experience for Women February 28, 9:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $15/person (lunch included), Please RSVP. CALLING TEMPLE AUTHORS! Have you written a book? Would you like it to be displayed in an exhibit of books by other temple members? Contact Ann Abrams at 617-566-3960 x116 or susanm@tisrael.org. Do your kids roll their eyes when you ask a question about downloading a phone App? Do you suddenly become all thumbs in the checkout line trying to access an App and then just pay cash to end the misery? Even worse, do you have to reach for reading glasses before even reaching for your phone? Fear not. You are not alone. Join other well educated, competent, high functioning, though App-challenged friends for an evening of sharing. Share your “I can’t live without this App” and share your greatest fears and defeats. To lessen the sting of technology, also share your favorite bottle of wine for under $15.00 as well as an appetizers (a more sustaining type of App) or dessert to share. We look forward to seeing you at the home of Richard Kalish and Elizabeth Keller. Over the last couple of years, Rabbi Zecher and the women of Temple Israel have gathered to explore our spiritual life and enjoy Shabbat together through our Walking Through the Door porgram. We will once again join together for a morning devoted to study, contemplation, and exploration. Unlike previous years, we will be separate from Torah study while we create community together. For February, our wonderful rabbinic intern, Suzie Jacobson, will guide and teach us. Come be part of this special experience. RSVP to Brigid at bgoggin@tisrael.org. 477 SALON @ THE ICA 100 Northern Ave., Boston Sunday, February 22, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Join Jill Medvedow, Ellen Matilda Poss, Director of the ICA/Boston and a member of Temple Israel’s Board of Directors for the next 477 salon. Jill will lead a brief tour of When the Stars Begin to Fall: Imagination and the American South, an exhibition of works by 35 artists of different generations, all of whom share an interest in the South as both a real and a storied place. After the tour, Jill will lead a discussion on new directions and challenges for contemporary art museums today. ** For all programs above, please contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 x117 or susanm@tisrael.org. ** ISRAELI DANCE Sundays following the Religious School calendar 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Join Naomi, our vivacious instructor, and enthusiastic members for some aerobic Judasim! Start the year on the right foot! Free and open to all.