October - Temple Beth Sholom


October - Temple Beth Sholom
Volume 75 Issue 2 | October 2015 | www.tbsmb.org
October 4
October 5
Erev Simchat Torah/
Consecration Service – 6:30 pm
Israeli Dancing & Special Simchat Torah Refreshments
Torah Study – 9:30 am
Simchat Torah Service/Yizkor – 10:30 am
Followed by Kiddush Lunch
Page 2
October 2015
Gary A. Glickstein Rabbi
Robert A. Davis Rabbi, D.Min.
Gayle Pomerantz Rabbi
Amy L. Morrison Rabbi
Lisa V. Segal Cantor
Steven Haas Cantor Emeritus
David M. Lamden, F.T.A. Executive Director
Mark Baranek Director of Congregational Engagement
Margie Zeskind Director of Early Childhood Education
Yael Dadoun Principal/Educator
Ilana Gilat Director of Advancement
Greg Lawrence Director of The Tribe
Lois Kotzen HaKOL Coordinator
Nerissa Balland Director of Communications
Lorna Rodriguez Director of Finance
Sharon Hoffman Director of Member Services
Shula Ben-David Director Bar/Bat Mitzvah Emerita
David Conviser Cantor Emeritus
Alice Miller, F.T.A. Executive Director Emerita
Dennis J. Rice, F.T.A. Executive Director Emeritus
Board of Trustees
In This Issue
Shabbat Schedule............................2
Elu v’Elu ................................................3
Rabbi Pomerantz...............................4
Foundation School News ..............6
Cantor Segal .......................................8
Community Opportunities.............9
Legacy Endowment ........................10
Tzedakah .............................................12/13
Trips to Israel.......................................13
Birthdays ..............................................14
Anniversaries ......................................15
Their Memory is a Blessing ...........15
B’nei Mitzvah ......................................16/17
Mazel Tov.............................................19
Circle of Giving...................................18
Ethical Wills Workshop...................20
Israel Bonds.........................................20
Business Directory Listings ...........23
Cover photo courtesy of Adam Snitzer
“Shabbat is a taste of paradise.” Talmud, Berachot 57a
Shabbat Evening Services
Karen Rivo
Cyndy Albert
Jose Benrey
Etan Mark
Suzanne Meltzer
Steven Pardo
Vanessa Ressler
Our Shabbat evening service will embrace you. Fresh and familiar music will
enable you to give voice to your own spirit. Special occasions in the lives of
our congregants, Jewish teachings, sermons from our Rabbis, and special
music will enhance “Shabbat - our sanctuary in time.” Fridays, 6:00 pm.
Shabbat Club
Jeff Graff
Every Friday during evening services, children two-years-old through
2nd grade meet for a Shabbat experience under the supervision of our Early
Childhood Department. Call the School office for more information.
Bobbi Ossip
Elaine Bachenheimer
Julie Basner
Eric Broad
John Bussel
Elizabeth Camargo
Steven Chaneles
Lisa Cicero
Heidi Cooper
Terry Jove
Tara Katz
Diane Katzen
Michael Levinson
Sharlane Packar
Allan Pekor
Stephanie Rosen
Gary Rosenberg
Myra Spindel
Robin Straus Furlong
Michael Weinberg
Rachel Weissman
Mark Weithorn
Carrie Wiesenfeld
Torah Study on Shabbat Morning
Start your Saturday morning with Torah study and a bagel with a shmeer
(spread) of cream cheese. Each Shabbat morning before our Shabbat
Morning Minyan (which starts at 10:30 am), you will study Parashat
HaShavua, the weekly Torah portion. The Rabbis will lead a discussion of
ancient commentaries and teachings and reveal the Torah’s modern and
relevant lessons. Every Saturday morning, 9:30 am.
*James S. Knopke
*Milton Gaynor
*Harold B. Vinik
*Neal O. Amdur
Marvin Stonberg
*Helen Kotler
Michael Dribin
Charles A. Citrin
Andrew R. Hirschl
Nancy Kipnis Ratzan
Robert Hertzberg
Shelley Niceley Groff
Ronald Albert, Jr.
Peter Russin
Marjorie Baron
*Alfred B. Rosenstein
*Dr. Max Ellis
*Morris Berrick
*Harry A. Cornblum
*Louis J. Krensky
*Shepard Broad
*Leon J. Ell
*Ralph Spero
*John Serbin
*Judge Harry
Arthur Greenberg
*James Albert
*Louis Snetman
*Jack Fink
*Eli Katzin
Morris Broad
Harvey Chaplin
Joel Friedland
Gary Gerson
David Kenin
Donald Lefton
Hillel Meyers
Irving Miller
Gerald Robins
Harry B. Smith
Manuel Zaiac
Tot Shabbat
This lively service for pre-school-aged children and families combines
prayer, music, stories, snacks, and much more. Contact Mark Baranek.
Takes place Saturday mornings, 9:30 am when Shabbat School is in session.
Shabbat Morning Minyan
Join us Saturday mornings at 10:30 am in our beautiful chapel or
sanctuary. Our clergy and members of our congregation help to lead the
prayers and read the Torah.
B’nei Mitzvah Service
Our B’nei Mitzvah services are at 10:00 am and 4:30 pm. These services
occur only when a member of the Temple is celebrating the occasion of
becoming Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah. Please see HaKOL or tbsmb.org for
the current schedule.
Kodesh and Coffee
Judy Drucker
Dr. Robert Rosen
School Committee Co-chairs
Julie Basner & Rachel Weissman
BESHTY President Ally Schwartz
Founding Sr. Rabbi Leon Kronish, D.D.
Auxiliary Rabbi Harry Jolt
Join us after Shabbat evening services to be with old friends, meet new
friends, listen to music, enjoy coffee, and celebrate the joy of Shabbat.
Live Streaming
To watch Friday night and Saturday morning Shabbat services on your
computer: go to Temple Beth Sholom’s website at www.tbsmb.org and
click on the Worship tab and then click on Watch Services Online link.
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temple Beth SHolom
Rabbi Gary Glickstein
As I have repeated over the years, I am a fatalist with an
optimistic outlook.
I hold with King Solomon that “this too shall pass” and
with Ish Gamzu that “all is for the good.”
I base my views on the way I read history.
I think of the progress of history as a slow ascent up a
gentle slope, leading to a steeper climb. That describes
humanity’s past. I imagine our present as a climb up a
sheer cliff. A misstep can result in tragedy, but a successful ascent can bring us more quickly to new heights.
This past holiday season has been one of questions and
anxieties. Sometimes it is hard to maintain a positive
outlook, even for someone like me.
In his excellent book Sapiens: A Brief History of
Humankind, Yuval Noah Harari describes change before
the last two centuries as hard and rigid. Since then,
revolutions have “been so swift and radical that they
have changed the most fundamental characteristic of the
social order.” In fact, he points out that the social order is
now in “a state of permanent flux. When we speak of
modern revolutions we tend to think of 1789 (the French
Revolution), 1848 (the liberal revolutions) or 1917 (the
Russian Revolution). But the fact is that, these days,
every year is revolutionary.”
However, you may still question whether this is progress
and good or merely change without direction and life
enhancing qualities. For that, I ask you to once again go
on line and view this incredible presentation of the way
the entire world has improved in health and wealth over
the last two centuries:
I think of Kevin Jorgeson and Tommy Caldwell ascending
the 3000 foot sheer face of El Capitan in Yosemite
Valley this past January. The climb was painful. Any major
errors would be potentially disastrous. Together, with the
support of many others, those two skilled climbers worked
inch by inch up the granite face and reached the plateau.
I believe that is an apt metaphor for our world today. We
are all on that climb. It is dangerous and it is exhilarating.
Not everyone supports our ascent. Some would have
us trek back to days of hard, rigid social order, where
everything stays as it was. The slope was gentle and
little changed for most of humanity. That is not the world
of today and not a world to which I wish to return.
I am a fatalist. On this climb, anything can happen.
I am an optimist. On this climb, we will ever reach new
heights. Ultimately, all of humanity will join with us as we
“beat our swords into plowshares and our plowshares
into pruning hooks; and nation shall not lift up sword
against nation nor study war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4.)
For a real demonstration of the changes Harari writes
about, I recommend going online and viewing the
following: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL9Wu2kWwSY.
Although it is a little dated, it more than makes the point.
Our Mission
Temple Beth Sholom will affect Jewish lives in a positive way.
We will foster and promote Jewish continuity through
our spiritual, religious, and textual value system.
We will create a sense of community among our members. We will achieve the highest quality,
in all that we do, while focusing on the lives of our members and their families.
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October 2015
Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction: Where Am I?
An Exploration of Midrash,
Mindfulness and Musar
Tuesday evenings, 7:30–8:45 pm
October 13–December 15, 2015
We have more than
enough recharging
stations for our
devices, but what
about our souls? This
class, co-taught by
Rabbi Gayle
Pomerantz, Professor
Scott Rogers and
Dr. Henry Wodnicki,
is meant to give us a
spiritual charge. In
the first month of
class, Rabbi
Pomerantz will guide us through core,
evocative Jewish texts that will frame a
conversation about Jewish and personal
In the following month, Scott Rogers,
Founder and Director of the Mindfulness in
Law Program at the University of Miami
School of Law, and of the Institute for
Mindfulness Studies, will teach theory
and exercises for integrating Mindfulness
into our lives. In the final third of the class,
Dr. Henry Wodnicki, student of Musar, will
teach about this Jewish spiritual practice of
personal growth through refining qualities,
emotions and habits. Space is limited to 20
Please send a $100 registration fee to
Temple Beth Sholom, Attn: Rabbi Pomerantz
to reserve a spot.
Temple Beth Sholom’s SJN is galvanizing our
congregation in the work of social justice.
Please be a part of our efforts this coming year
as we amplify our work in the area of Poverty.
Join in one of our ongoing Direct Service projects!
Blessings in a Backpack Project, Sunday, October 18
We will be sorting donated food and packing “backpacks” for
elementary school children at North Beach and Fienberg-Fisher
Elementary Schools who qualify for free or reduced lunches. These
children often do not have enough food to eat on the weekends or
during school breaks, so the “backpacks” will help supplement. This
project is sponsored by the Richard Sharpstein Humanitarian Fund.
Contact: Rachel Samek (klastorin@yahoo.com) or Marina Lubow
(earth2marina@gmail.com) for more information.
Family Friendly Environmentalism, Saturday/Sunday, October 24/25
Join us in helping improve, beautify and preserve our environment. Our
family-friendly projects encourage kids & adults of all ages to learn about
taking care of our environment. Activities will vary month to month and
include a beach cleanup, letter-writing campaigns and child-friendly
Please look for information at tbsmb.org and respond to our call on
the High Holy Days. We hope that every member of our community
will rally around this call to justice. For more information, contact Rabbi
Pomerantz (rabbipomerantz@tbsmb.or) or one of our Chairpeople:
Adrienne Pardo (pardoa44@gmail.com), Jani Singer
(janiklinesinger@gmail.com) or Myra Spindel (spindel@the-beach.net).
Mission Statement:
The Social Justice Network’s (SJN) mission is to Repair the World (Tikkun
Olam) by motivating and educating our congregation to service and
“Tzedek, tzedek tirdof – Justice, justice you shall
pursue!” (Deuteronomy 16:20)
For more information on any of these programs or events, contact Rabbi Pomerantz at rabbipomerantz@tbsmb.org.
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temple Beth SHolom
Temple Beth Sholom’s
Organic, Local Farm Share
In conjunction with Farm Fresh Miami - www.farmfreshmiami.com
Great News!!! Farm Fresh Miami and Temple Beth Sholom are once again combining
forces to provide you with local, organic produce every other week, to be picked up right
here at Temple Beth Sholom!
Jewish tradition celebrates the kitchen table as a mikdash me’at - a mini altar, a sacred place of sharing, eating,
celebrating, and loving. One of the ways we sanctify our tables is by choosing food that is both healthy and delicious, food that is acquired in the most ethical and sensitive way. This is a motivating force behind Yaroq, Temple Beth Sholom’s bi-weekly, organic farm-share buying cooperative.
This year, shares are FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE! That means you can get whatever’s fresh that week, build your
share to your liking, replace items you don’t want with those of your preference, or pick EXACTLY what you want,
including produce, eggs, bread, freshly made pasta, rice, beans, quinoa, raw nuts, seeds, granola, dried berries,
and more!
Through Yaroq, we learn about Jewish environmental values and build community around the practice of
sacred eating. We hope you and your family will join us as we fortify our bodies and nurture our souls through
LEARN MORE AND SIGN UP TODAY for Yaroq, at www.farmfreshmiami.com
The following will be the pickup dates at Temple Beth Sholom for the season:
2015: 10.14, 10.28, 11.11 (offsite pickup), 11.25, 12.9, 12.23,
2016: 1.6, 1.20, 2.3, 2.17, 3.2, 3.16, 3.30, 4.13, 4.27, 5.11, 5.25
YAROQ Events 2015 - 2016
Kickoff Party
Wednesday, October 14
Enjoy Smoothies and Music while learning more about Yaroq @ Temple Beth Sholom, 2-6 pm
Produce, Prayers, and Play
Saturdays, November 14 & March 5
Following Tot Shabbat, gather on the playground for a sharing of your creation from this week’s produce share.
We’ll say a prayer or two to bless our food and then build community while the kids do the same in their own
playful manner on the playground.
Friday, December 4
At the Home of Rabbi Pomerantz
Tu B’Shevat Seder: A Mindful Eating Experience
Sunday, January 24, 1 pm, Location TBA
Gleaning & Jewish Teaching on the Farm
Winter Date TBA
End of Season Shabbatluck
Spring Date TBA
Questions? Ideas? Want to volunteer to teach a cooking class? We’re here to help you realize your
potential! Contact Greg Lawrence: Greg@tbsmb.org, 305-538-7231 x 228
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HaKOL October 2015
Foundation School News
Margie Zeskind
Director of Early Childhood
Dear Families,
The Foundation School Community is off to an amazing start! As a wonderful educator, Beverly Sills said, “There are no
shortcuts to any place worth going.” Our Foundation School classrooms, hallways and playgrounds have been intentionally prepared by our amazing professional team. These beautiful spaces are designed to welcome everyone in and to
offer an aesthetic environment that invites engagement, interaction and learning. Our spaces are designed to ignite our
imaginations, observations and creativity which are necessary for authentic experiences! Enjoy our opening Foundation
School Photo Gallery of our classrooms. Stop by and visit anytime!
Temple Beth Sholom’s Foundation School Infant/Toddler Childcare
For ages 8 Weeks to 24 Months • MONDAY - FRIDAY from 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
For more information and details please contact Diana@tbsmb.org or call the school office at 305.538.7231 ext. 223.
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temple Beth SHolom
Join our Congregation
at the largest Jewish
gathering in North America!
The WRJ Assembly, held in conjunction with the URJ
Biennial at the end of odd-numbered years, is a one-of-akind experience for Reform/Progressive Jewish women.
It is the place for WRJ members and women from across
North America and around the world who identify with or
are interested in the Reform Movement to come together
to learn through various workshops and study sessions,
worship together, share ideas and best practices, make
decisions about WRJ policies that will determine the
organization’s future, hear from inspiring presenters,
dance and sing to exciting music, shop at Judaic and art
vendors, reconnect with old friends, and form new
bonds. Attendees will leave the WRJ Assembly feeling
completely inspired as they return to their sisterhoods
and Jewish communities.
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October 2015
A Message from the Cantor
Cantor Lisa Segal
Friday, October 9, 2015
6:00 pm
Rock On Shabbat – presented by
Cantor Lisa Segal and
the Rock On Shabbat Band
Musical Happenings at Temple Beth Sholom!
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 | 7:00 – 8:00 pm
“Chai Notes” Adult Choir resumes
Friday, October 16, 2015 | 5:30 pm
Palm Plaza - Temple Beth Sholom introduces
“Pet Shabbat: An Evening
of Blessings for Our Animals”
Friday, November 20, 2015 | 6:00 pm
Sanctuary Service
Shabbat with The Nava Tehila
Ensemble from Israel. Composers
and performers of original and
traditional music that draws
on verses from Jewish sources,
liturgical poems, and Israeli and
world poetry, to create a moving
and spiritually uplifting
experience. www.navatehila.org
Friday, December 11, 2015 | 6:00 pm
“Shabanukah” featuring our
TBS Adult and Children’s Choirs
Friday, January 15, 2016 | 6:00 pm
“MLK Shabbat”
Saturday, October 31, 2015 | 10:30 am
Minyan Service
Shabbat with Cantor Natalie Young,
Composer, Musician, Artist in Residence
November 4-8
Spend Shabbat with 4,000 people at the URJ Biennial
Convention 2015 in Orlando, Florida! www.urj.org
Friday Evening Services | 6:00 pm
“Shabbat Alive” –
A Shabbat Musical Innovation
Sponsored by the Singerman Family
January 22, 29
February 19, 26
March 4
April 1, 15
May 20, 27
June 3
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temple Beth SHolom
The Tribe is coming off a HUGE Late Summer
and is continuing that momentum straight
through the Fall! After a hugely successful First
Annual Pool in Elul at Thompson Miami Beach,
we gathered on Jewish Heritage Day in our very
own Suite at Marlins Park. And that’s not even
the highlight! Hundreds of young professionals
gathered for The Tribe’s High Holy Days
Experience for the very first time in Temple Beth
Sholom’s Chapel. The service, led by Rabbi Morrison, unveiled an
augmented reality machzor that could be experienced with one’s
smartphone using a free, downloadable app. Want to experience it
yourself? You can own you very own copy of Heneinu, The Tribe’s
machzor, for a $10 donation and see how The Tribe remains on the
cutting edge of High Holy Day liturgy for millennials.
At our High Holy Days Experience, we officially kicked off our Get Chai
on The Tribe fundraising campaign. Tribesters can now become Chai
Tribesters for $18 monthly or $180 annual donations. In addition to
supporting The Tribe, Chai Tribesters receive complimentary and
heavily discounted admission to its events. Want to become a Chai
Tribester? Want to sustain The Tribe through a larger gift and become
a Tribe Elder? Contact Greg Lawrence for more info: greg@thetribe.org,
786.364.4406 or make your donation now at http://bit.ly/chaitribester .
On October 1, The Tribe gathers at Temple Beth Sholom once again for
Drinks in the Sukkah: An Autumnal Affair, to experience the lulav &
etrog ritual while networking and socializing over wine, special fall
brews, and appetizers. On October 23, The Tribe gathers at 53rd St.
Park for a Shabbat on the Beach that will be led by Rabbi Morrison and
include a slew of Tribesters interested in getting their feet wet as lay
leaders. Wine and light bites to follow. As always, The Tribe continues
its monthly volunteering at Children’s Home Society, this month on
Sunday, October 18 @ 2 pm.
See you soon Tribesters!
Tribe Director Greg Lawrence, and his
wife Rachel Kaplan, with their
daughter, Hazel Glow Lawrence, at her
first Tribe event–a Shabbat Dinner in
Join us for Hazel Glow’s
Hebrew Baby Naming at Shabbat
services at Temple Beth Sholom
on October 2.
TBS’s Adam Haas (Center) and Sam
Halpern (Right) are all grown up at
The Tribe’s First Annual Pool in Elul!
Save the Date!
Greg Lawrence,
Tribe Director
786.364.4406 (w)
201.788.7694 (c)
facebook & e-list
Contacts: Jaleh Bast (jaleh11@me.com),
Cheryl Zuckerman
Rabbi Pomerantz
The first Captains’ Meeting: October 7,
at 7:00 pm
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October 2015
Legacy Endowment
Ilana Gilat
Director of Advancement
Over the past several months, I have had the privilege
of getting to know some of our incredible Temple
members through the process of interviewing them
for our Book of Life (a beautiful online album; a
collection of heartwarming individual and family
stories from our members who have left a legacy gift).
During this process, our congregation has come alive
through storytelling. These members have shared
stories of their upbringings, how their families found
Miami Beach, and how they came to fall in love with
Temple Beth Sholom.
The diversity of our members, the length and breadth
of their membership and the stories of their
backgrounds are unbelievable. One common
thread through everyone’s story is how the Temple
welcomed them with open arms, no matter where
and how their Jewish journey began.
Hachnasat Orchim (welcoming guests) is a Jewish
value. This value is biblically modeled by Abraham and
Sarah when they warmly welcome strangers into their
tent. TBS lives and breathes this value. I want to share
with you a few reflections from these stories about the
value of welcoming and just how much it has had an
impact on our members’ lives.
“I was twelve years old when I was sent away from my
family to live in the countryside to protect me from the
atrocities of the war. I was safe, but my knowledge of
Judaic practices and going to synagogue with my
father had ended...” She shares that it took many years
before her true faith returned to her life. Decades later,
as she reflects on life and death: “Make sure to take care
of the place where you have spent joyous times and
have been welcomed with open arms.”
“I was drawn to Temple Beth Sholom because of its passion toward youth and inclusion of all types of families…
including interfaith families, GLBT partnerships, single
parents, Jews of color and the international population.
Here, everyone could be unified in one prayer space,
just as where I grew up, so it was natural that this
became my spiritual home.”
“After I moved here, I made a phone call to Temple Beth
Sholom to meet with a Rabbi. I had all sorts of negative
(and frankly bizarre) images in my mind…about a
white-bearded Rabbi in a huge black hat and a large
forbidding wooden door that I would have to knock
upon, only to be rejected the requisite number of times
before being allowed in. What we found instead was
the warmest, most welcoming space we have ever
I think that one couple summed it up when they said,
“If you want to be Jewish, you can find a home here
at Temple Beth Sholom.”
I encourage you this High
Holy Days season to
become a Legacy donor
and share your story with
us. I want to unfold and
discover why the Temple
is important to you and
would love to include you
and your family in our
Book of Life.
To read complete stories,
visit our NEW electronic
kiosk in the Welcome
Center or visit tbsmb.org
Visit our NEW
electronic kiosk in the
Welcome Center,
featuring our Book of Life
stories! The Book of Life is a virtual online album, a collection
of individual and family stories, from our cherished members
who have made a legacy gift.
*For a sample of simple bequest language, please
contact Ilana Gilat at ilana@tbsmb.org (305) 538-7231 x134
For more information on the Legacy Endowment Campaign,
please contact me at ilana@tbsmb.org or (305) 538-7231 x134.
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temple Beth SHolom
Temple Beth Sholom
“Sisters in the Hood” A Rosh Chodesh Gathering
for the Women of TBS
Wednesday evening, October 14, 2015, 7:30 pm
An evening of food, drink and conversation.
at the home of Vanessa Ressler, mid-Miami Beach
Hosted by: Vanessa Ressler, Ronni Merkin and Adrienne Pardo
For more information, please contact Cantor Segal at cantorsegal@tbsmb.org
Alternative Shabbat Minyan Service
Friday evening, October 9, 6 pm
Beit Hannah
An intimate, abbreviated traditional
service will coincide with the
“Rock On Shabbat” service.
This worship experience is for those
congregants seeking a quieter setting,
particularly for those in mourning.
Kaddish names will be
read at both services.
Come join us for services Friday Night
as we celebrate all the Jewish Camps
that our TBS members attend!
Saturday morning come check out our
camp fair!
Get a free tshirt, too!
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October 2015
We Thank You For Your Generous Contributions
In Honor Of
Rabbi Amy Morrison
by Roberta & Norman Fishbein
Shelby Sandler & Ari Kempler’s
by Shelby Sandler & Ari Kempler
Temple Beth Sholom Clergy
by the Bercow, Russin &
Turner Families
by Dr. Bobbi Ann Ossip
by Alison Greenfeder
by Sandra & Neil Malamud
In Honor Of
In Memory Of
In Memory Of
Dora Kugel
by Ann Bussel
Irving Bussel
by Ann Bussel & family
In Honor Of
Diane Camber’s speedy & complete
by Ann Bussel & Family
Doris Olesky’s Birthday
by Sookie Nelson
In Memory Of
Jack Sternklar
by Kara & Chris Paldino
David Dubrow
by Julie & Jeff Bercow
In Memory Of
Sharon Seiler
by Alice Palombo
Stephen Horwitz
by Heidi Star
In Memory Of
Lorraine Schaffer
by Dale & Charles Gratz
Lilly Isaacs
by Allan & Priscilla Friedland
In Honor Of
Martin Winston’s “second”
Bar Mitzvah
by Judith Barredo
by Celine Berman
In Memory Of
Jeannie Perwin
by Joel Perwin
Sharon Seiler
by Dr. Bobbi Ann Ossip
Sheila Kassewitz
by Harold Kassewitz, Jr.
Sharon Seiler
Hy Turken
by Marte & Paul SIngerman
Stanley Arkin
by Carolee Reiber
Arlene Narson
by Corey & Todd Narson
In Honor Of
Karen & Marc Rivo’s Special Birthday
by Dr. Bobbi Ann Ossip
In Memory Of
Elaine Zane
by Iris Frost & Stephen Bloom
In Memory Of
Geri Sue Straus Jacobs
by Edith & Arnold Straus
In Memory Of
Judy Hertzberg
by Julie & Jeff Bercow
In Memory Of
Hillel Pachter
by Itzchak Pachter
Marsha Dauer
by Janet & Brian Rosier
In Memory Of
Andrew I. Schultz
by Iris Raderman
Robert Bass
by Susan & David Rosen
Charles H. Naness
by Dorothy Hinde
Robert T. Bass
by Joann Bass
Samuel Meiselman
by Barry Meiselman
Edna Meiselman
by Barry Meiselman
Doris Bindeman
by Philip Youtie
Joseph Smith
by Harry Smith
Ronald Seiden
by Hermina Seiden
Paula Myers
by Dee Dee Berkowitz
Lawrence Charles Porter
by Carolyn Baumel
Mollie Brothers
by Marshall Brothers
D’an Zeifman
by Norman Litz
Florence Litz
by Norman Litz
Herman Berman
by Sandra Friedwald
David Stember
by Martin Winston
Edward Resnick
by Phyllis Resnick
Bessie Hoffman
by Howard Hoffman
Harold Leighton Winkler
by Sheila Slewett
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temple Beth SHolom
Nathan Slewett
by Sheila Slewett
Regina Siegel
by Erma Raflowitz
Sheldon Lelchuk
by Ira Lelchuk
Lester B. Friedman
by Rosalyn Friedman
Phyllis Kandel Laszlo
by Marcelle May
Carl Mitchell Baumann
by Josephine (Josie) Kenin
Kate Rudt
by Mollie Rudt
Mary Levick
by Stanley Levick
Mary Siegfried
by Doris Olesky
Edwin Brothers
by Marshall Brothers
Albert Kapp
by Evie Kapp Martin
Richard Samuel Rickles
by Lee Rickles
Bessie Rosen
by Beatrice & Robert Rosen
Edith Libbin
by Jerome Libbin
Samuel Benson
by Luba Kirsh
Adam Jackson
by Marcelle May
Rose Winkler
by Sheila Slewett
Sidney Weisburd
by Scott Weisburd
George Spill
by Nicholas Spill
Sophie Eichel
by Jay Eichel
Isabel Davidson
by Kimberly & Eric Mendelson
JoEllen “Jodi” Multack
by Kimberly & Eric Mendelson
Sam Rudt
by Mollie Rudt
Burton Sherman
by Lois Sherman
George Kroner
by Vivian Kroner
Nathan Spiegelman
by Guy Spiegelman
Philip Bernanke
by David Bernanke
Sam Wolff
by Fran Gordon
Bertha Victorsohn
Judith Rosenberg
Lisa Benson
by Minette Benson
In Honor Of
Myla Rose’s 7th Birthday
by Cheryl & Steve Zuckerman
Membership in Temple Beth Sholom is open to all, regardless of means.
Our annual commitment is based on a suggested standard amount and on one’s ability
to pay, regardless of one’s use of the various programs the Temple offers.
This structure enables all who are interested to join the Temple and contribute. The policy of
Temple Beth Sholom is that no one is refused membership for financial reasons.
Two Great Trips To Israel! Summer 2016
For the first time in the history of Temple Beth Sholom!
Magical Mitzvah Tour
June 14-26, 2016
Led by Rabbi Gary Glickstein, Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz & Cantor Steven Haas
Magical Munchkin Tour
Designed for families with pre-school age children
June 14-26, 2016
Led by Margie Zeskind, Foundation School Staff & our clergy
Both trips will travel side by side with separate itineraries customized for each group. They will come together for
special and exciting activities, meals and experiences.
For details, please visit the Temple Beth Sholom website, pick up a brochure in the Welcome Center, or contact
Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz at rabbipomerantz@tbsmb.org or Cantor Steven Haas at cantorhaas@tbsmb.org.
You can even call 305-538-7231.
Informational meeting for both trips on Sunday, October 18, 2015 at Temple Beth Sholom.
Magical Mitzvah Tour @ 10:00am in the Chapel | Magical Munchkin Tour @ 1:00 in the Chapel
Page 14
October 2015
October 1
Nicholas Altman
Marice Band
Wyatt Bergwin
Michael Bernstein
Ryan Bienstock
Sydney Brown
Michael Burnstine
Julie Cohen
Jill Hertzberg
Carole Kraftsow
Noah Martin
Daniel Moskovitz
Maria Squire
Hope Fuller
Irma Goldstein
Leah Grossman
Lorraine Rudenberg
Adam Squire
Max Wagner
Linda Zilber
October 7
Jonathan Beloff
Michael Brumer
Roberta Chaplin
Oliver Mark
Lorne Reiter
William Serbin
October 2
Elizabeth Jaffe
Asher Lieberman
Zoe Linder
Clara Makhlouf
Joy May
Tracy Moret
Dianne Rubin
Federico Slezynger
Jonathan Symons
October 8
Samantha Farber
Linnéa Lieberman
Ashleigh Lindenauer
Sharlane Packar
Eve Sack
Adrian Sherman
Elissa Simberg
October 3
Zachary Beloff
Jose Benrey
Steven Chaneles
Maria Eugenia Dinter
Lee Feinberg
Tracey Finger
Susan Goldstein
Paul Mata
Gillian Milberg
Alice Miller
Tamar Roodner
Susan Sherr
Chloe Wiesenfeld
October 9
Liv Chepenik
Barry Eisler
Judith Feiner
Rose Friedman
George Grossner
Dalia Katz
Meredith Nation
Allison Pollak
Julie Pronesti
Max Rappaport
Nava Regev
Julio Rodriguez-Luis
Alex Simon
Steven Stern
Teresa Wiesner
October 4
Kip Amazon
Jonathan Beckerman
Zach Bohm
Mark Halpern
Eric Ostroff
Cory Reiter
Jack Rice
Robert Segel
Jane Toll
Lexi Weissman
Deede Weithorn
October 5
Steven Dickstein
Jill Gaffin
Judith Hyde
Stephen Lazarus
Gloria Luria
Dean Schwartz
Jacob Tobin
Jean Wodnicki
October 6
Jenna Bloch
Audra Bloch
Terry Budebo
October 10
Ona Exelbirt
Barry Fine
Jamie Julien
Zachary Kosnitzky
R. Lee Krelstein
Evan Resnick
Julius Ser
Joy Spill
Michael Spritzer
Raphael Statfeld
Hannah Umlas
Max Umlas
Shay Weinberg
October 11
Ariella Borak
Margaret Chaneles
Andrea Edelstein
Sydney Greenwald
Denise Hirshon
Stanford Lerner
Daniella Ostroff
October 12
Amanda Adler
George Bassuk
Mira Borukhin
Lisa Feldman
Andrew Fuller
Richard Kessler
Chinya Kornreich
Barry Shipman
Sabrina Singer
Josh Squire
Noah Wachs
Lincoln Adelson
Marshal Folstein
Chana Sheldon
October 14
Elizabeth Bram
Daniela Grosz
Sydney Katz
Aaron Mandel
Melanie Nudel
Judith Richard
Warren Zinn
October 15
Alexandra Geronemus
Parker Gessner
Emily Grossman
Judy Lefton
Emanuel Mayer
Michelle Miller
Bruce Rudenberg
Pamela Skalet
Daryl Stein
October 16
Jo Asmundsson
Anna Babchin
Jessica Baraton
Javier Benitez
Ariane Bock-Davis
Irene Hausmann
Ilan Hausmann
Nica Rosenberg
Ana Maria Tous
October 17
Alon Dorfman
Jonathan Gross
Jonathan Hoffman
Aaron Nahmad
Shelley Niceley Groff
Noah Rice
Antoinette Zel
October 18
Isabella Brod
Roger Epstein
Caren Exelbirt
Gary Gerson
Nadine Goldberg
Debra Goodstone
Jordan Julien
Doris Kushman
William Multack
Larry Perlman
Rose Rogers
Amy Rothstein
Shelley Schwadron
Rowan Sherr
Shai Weinstein
Marco Winer
Isaac Zacroisky
Mia Curson
Lisa Fairman
Melanie Haber
Jessica Hildebrandt
Joe Mizener
Eric Rudenberg
Brett Spodak
Rona Witek
Bella Berman
Natalie Bernard
Alexandra Brandon
Gail Harris
Bernice Sir
Kimberly Zalkin
Ariya Zhuk
October 27
Richard Baron
Michael Fryd
Gary Glickstein
Sara Kaplan
Nancy Lash
Andrew Lease
Michelle Levy
Ursula Weil
Larry Wynne
October 20
Benjamin Dietch
Zachary Geronemus
Donald Jacobson
Jack Morris
Karen Warner
October 21
Daniel Bernstein
Silvia Chudnovsky
Ethan Citrin
Daniel Freedline
Pauline Grabarnick
Debbie Gruell
Luba Kirsh
Andrew Lelchuk
Alec Rosen
Milan Safrani
Elias Yellati
October 22
Lane London
Brady Siegel
Joshua Tobin
Romiana Witek
October 23
Alan Babchin
Eva Jacobsohn
Isabelle Leebow
Eric Mendelson
Meyer Sarshalom
Adam Schimel
Santino Sverdlov
October 24
Peter Blumberg
Mark Burstein
Jacob Cohen
Joyce Horwitz
Allyson Kutner
Honey Pachter
October 25
Pamela England
Daniel Katz
October 26
Oliver Buckwell
Ellie Casares-Feinberg
October 28
Erin Albert
Max Feldman
Keith Hartley
Chris Hunt
Logan Moskovitz
Joshua Zedner
October 29
Andrew Bahl
Michael Band
Donna Diamond
Laurie Franz
Victoria Laham
Ava Levinson
Carolina Maslaton
Janet Nahman
Mark Rounds
Miriam Steinberg
Henry Stolar
Stella Sverdlov
Samuel Weiss
October 30
Joel Brown
Shannon Komisarchik
Suzanne Kosnitzky
Matt Manes
Zoe Papell
Ellen Rose
October 31
Arthur Cholodofsky
Stella Krelstein
Matthew Leebow
Judith Margolis
Lori Mishkin
Alana Rothlein
Joan Scheiner
Reeva Sterling
Jacob Wolfson
Page 15
temple Beth SHolom
October 1
Ruth & Ronald Benoliel
Ruth & Jeffrey Bleicher
Sharon & Albert Fine
Johanna & Steve Stowe
October 10
Irene & Maurice Arditi
Rachel & Roy Benmeir
Diana & Jacob Levin
Corey & Todd Narson
October 2
Nikki & Eric Exelbert
Yael & Ilan Neuwirth
Henri Spiegel
& Michael Wolk
October 12
Debbie & Andrew Hirschl
Josie & David Kenin
October 3
Capucine & Olivier Safir
October 5
Susan & Irving Shugar
October 6
Judith & Lawrence Margolis
Dana & Timothy Martorella
Jennifer & Eric Sheppard
October 7
Amanda & Matthew Adler
Nancy & Bradley Gould
October 14
Bonnie Sockel-Stone
& Elliot Stone
October 15
Vivien & Melvin Howard
October 17
Jane & Jerrold Goodman
Lee Cohen Hare
& Joshua Hare
Marcelle & Richard May
October 19
Jill & Robert Adler
Heidi & Aaron Tandy
Nancy & Alex Warshofsky
October 21
Maria & David Bernard
Susan & Marc Sternbaum
October 28
Dalia Katz & Ariel Nudel
Blanche & Mark Weiss
October 22
Kim & Eric Berman
Jacqueline Greenberg
& Richard French
Sheila & Norman Litz
October 29
Laura & Silvio Rodriguez
October 23
Melanie & Eric Greenwald
Laurie & Randy Torban
Ileene & Charles Wallace
October 30
Tracy & Alisa Bahl
Adel Hattem
& Oliver Buckwell
October 31
Haley Goldsmith
& Jared Carmen
October 24
Charlotte Tibi & Jack Guy
Loren & David Kaiserman
Lin Cherry & Amy Turkel
October 25
Oleva & Jose Benrey
Lori & Andrew Martin
October 26
Laura Stuzin
& Daniel Bernstein
is a Blessing
Stanley Arkin, father of Bradley Arkin, Robert
(Rachelle) Arkin and Gregory (Adrienne) Arkin;
grandfather of Brittany, Ross and Joseph Arkin;
brother of Jules (Shirley) Arkin and brother-in-law of
Rosalie Arkin.
Arlene Narson, mother of Todd (Corey) Narson,
grandfather of Jacob and Samantha Narson.
Jerome Fisher, father of Mark (Eloah) Fisher,
grandfather of Lucas and Samuel.
Page 16
October 2015
Gylian Ariel Amdur and Neely Ava Amdur will be called to the Torah as B’not Mitzvah on October
3, 2015. They are the daughters of Nina and Alan Amdur. Their grandparents are Isabelle and the
late Neal Amdur and Rhoda Levine (“Bubbles”).
Gylian is an eighth grade student at Ransom Everglades School. She loves dance and has spent the
past eight years studying ballet, jazz, and contemporary dance at Miami City Ballet School. Gylian
also enjoys water skiing and tennis. Neely is a seventh grade student at Ransom Everglades. She
loves playing lacrosse and plays for her school and club teams. Neely also enjoys tennis, soccer,
and music. They both enjoy spending any free time they have with family, friends and their beloved
dog, Motor. Gylian and Neely love spending their summers at Camp Vega.
For their mitzvah projects, Gylian organized a collection of gently-used ballet apparel and is donating this to a local dance program for underprivileged children. Neely contributed to JAFCO’S back
to school wish list and is sponsoring a pizza dinner in the Sukkah for the children. They will both be
volunteering at the Friendship Circle. As part of their mitzvah projects, they will be participating in
the Remember Us program and remembering Marian Tzelnik (5 years old) and Masha Shapiro (11
years old), two young girls who lost their lives in the Holocaust.
Jordan Cicero will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on October 10, 2015. She is the daughter
of Lisa and Mathew Cicero, and sister of Alexandra and Marina Cicero. Her grandparents are Sandra
and Neil Malamud, and Iris Cicero.
Jordan is a seventh grade student at Gulliver Academy. She and her sister Alexandra participated in
the B’nei Mitzvah ceremony in Israel this summer on Temple Beth Sholom’s Magical Mitzvah Tour.
As part of Jordan’s Bat Mitzvah experience, she is remembering a victim of the Holocaust, Ruzia
Bernstein, through Jewish National Fund’s Holocaust Remembrance Program. For Jordan’s mitzvah
project, she has chosen to raise funds for Magen David Adom. To make a contribution please log on
to saving-lives.afmda.org.
Chloe Wiesenfeld will be called to the Torah as a Mincha Bat Mitzvah on October 10, 2015. She is
the daughter of Carrie and Jason Wiesenfeld, and the sister of Maxwell and Myles Wiesenfeld.
Her grandparents are DeeDee and Richard Berkowitz and Stephen and Elaine Wiesenfeld.
Chloe is a seventh grade student at Ransom Everglades School. She enjoys sports, reading and
cooking. As part of her mitzvah project, Chloe is donating a portion of her gifts to Jewish
Community Services of South Florida.
Shea Berman will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on October 17, 2015 with his cousin
Brooke Skalet. He is the son of Audra and Neal Berman, and brother of Caleb and Emmet Berman.
His grandparents are Richard and Francine Knee, Jocelyn Berman, and Katherine and Jerome
Shea is an eighth grade student at David Lawrence Jr. K-8 Center. He plays the keyboard and is the
Treasurer of the National Junior Honor Society of his school. He loves playing basketball with his
friends and family and competing in Odyssey of the Mind competitions. As a part of his mitzvah
project, Shea helped the Yad Eliezer Food Bank pack boxes in Israel this past summer to help break
the cycle of poverty in Israel. He will be donating a portion of his gifts to this organization.
Page 17
temple Beth SHolom
Brooke Alexa Skalet will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on October 17, 2015 with her
cousin Shea Berman. She is the daughter of Pamela and Charles Skalet and sister of Jordan David
Skalet. Her grandparents are Jocelyn Berman, Jerome Berman, Susan Skalet and Barnet Skalet.
Brooke is an eighth grade student at Nautilus Middle School. She plays beach volleyball, and
enjoys dance, piano, cheerleading and spending time with her friends. Brooke has decided to
donate a portion of her Bat Mitzvah monies to the Pediatric Rehabilitation Facility at Alyn Hospital
in Israel to help children participate in sports.
Nicholas Altman will be called to the Torah as a Mincha Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, October 17, 2015.
Nicholas is the son of Leslie Altman and Sandy Altman and brother to Blake, Corey and Alexa
Nicholas is a seventh grade student at Miami Country Day School where he plays lacrosse and
is involved in the arts. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends swimming, bike-riding,
cooking and going to the movies. For his mitzvah, Nicholas will be participating in the Remember Us
program where he will be remembering a student who perished in the Holocaust and contributing
to the Israel Guide Dog Center for the blind.
Hilary Sage Weisburd will be called to the Torah as a Mincha Bat Mitzvah on October 24, 2015.
She is the daughter of Nikki and Randy Weisburd and sister of Ryan Weisburd. Her grandparents
are Gale and Steven Klayman, Gary Snyder and Ellen Monk, and Elayne and the late Sidney
Weisburd and her great-grandmother is Sarah Snyder.
Hilary loves running, dancing, skiing, hiking, and hanging out with her friends here in Miami and
up at camp. She is a graduate of Lehrman Community Day School and is currently attending
Ransom Everglades School. In recognition of becoming a bat mitzvah, Hilary has enjoyed creating
art projects for, and reading to, children living in foster care shelters. Hilary is honored to participate
in the Remember Us program, where she will be remembering Rysia Weinreb, who, at 5 years old,
died in the Holocaust.
Book Donations Needed by SJN
“Every person deserves to own books.”
Please bring your gently read books to Temple for the Phoenix Reading Project.Books will be
donated to the Chapman Partnership for the Homeless. Every week, new families enter and
we have collected and donated thousands of books over the past three years.
Thank you,
Harrison Tandy,
Member of the Social Justice Network
Page 18
HaKOL October 2015
Roberta and Harvey Chaplin
Arlene and Wayne Chaplin
Jeffrey Miller
Iris and Michael Smith
Donna and Arnold Blaustein
Irma and Norman Braman
Eloah and Mark Fisher
Niety and Gary Gerson
Terry and Fred Jove
Tracy Kramer
Vanessa and Lee Krelstein
Andi and Peter Russin
Marte and Paul Singerman
Jane and Robert Toll
Debi and Jeff Wechsler
Rachel and Jeffrey Weissman
Sari and Arthur Agatston
Cyndy and Ron Albert
Alisa and Tracy Bahl
Julie and Jeffrey Bercow
Marsha Berg
Gina and Howard Berlin
Jocelyn Berman
Marsha and Brian Bilzin
Marie-France and Paul Bloch
Anita and Morris Broad
Caron and Neil Dubrow
Paul Feinsilver
Alison and Michael Fryd
Jill and Harold Gaffin
Irma and Michael Goldstein
Shelley Niceley Groff and Jon Groff
David Haber
Jill and Robert Hertzberg
Jo Ann and Mark Hildebrandt
Lola and Donald Jacobson
Claudia and Jonathan Jagid
Arden and Jack Karson
Patricia Stauber-Klein and Dennis Klein
Rosalie Altmark and Herb Kornreich
Terri and Jeffrey Krasnoff
Kimberly and Eric Mendelson
Dannah and Stuart Meyers
Sharlane and Ken Packar
Barbara and Allan Pekor
Gina and Richard Russ
Janice Sherman and Robert Segel
Elissa and Bruce Simberg
Marsha Soffer
Marjorie Baron and Michael Spritzer
Roz and Charles Stuzin
Beth and Stewart Wald
We thank the following who have renewed their
membership or upgraded their commitment to
the Circle of Giving.
Judy and Kevin Abrams
Barbara and Kip Amazon
Isabelle Amdur
Jo Asmundsson
Elaine and Steve Bachenheimer
Marice and Michael Band
Wendy and Jeffrey Barash
Nikki and Richard Baron
Julie and Elliot Basner
Jaleh and Jeffrey Bast
Marisue and Jonathan Beloff
DeeDee and Richard Berkowitz
Melinda and Michael Berman
Jennie and Jeff Bernstein
Deborah and Neil Bienstock
Barry Brodsky
Laura Alonso Gallo and John Bussel
Margaret and Steve Chaneles
Karen and Paul Chaplin
Myra Spindel and Bart Chepenik
Deborah and Charles Citrin
Carol Karp and Jonathan Cohen
Sandy and Kenneth Cohen
Betty Cooper
Lori and Michael Dribin
Adriana and Glenn Dryfoos
Andi and Chuck Edelstein
Susan and Marshal Folstein
Linda and Frederic Friedman
Mindy Glazer and David Gaynor
Lenore Gaynor
Dalia Glottmann
Elaine Silverstein and Charles Goldstein
Susan and Rob Goldstein
Dale and Charles Gratz
Midge and Mark Halpern
Gail and Ed Harris
Barbara Havenick
Marilyn and Carl Hellman
Debbie and Andy Hirschl
Peggy Hollander
Judy and Jon Hyde
Elisa and Richard Jackson
Julie and Jeffrey Kane
Ana and Neisen Kasdin
Josie and David Kenin
Carole and Stanley Kraftsow
Sandra Lansing
Cynthia and Ira Leesfield
George Lindemann
Anna and Herb Liverman
Elizabeth Camargo and Jose Lutzky
Carolyn West and Evan Marks
Dana and Timothy Martorella
Toba and Barry Meiselman
Jill and Mark Meland
Suzanne and Brad Meltzer
Barbara and Harold Miller
Sara and Andy Moriber
Melissa and Robert Netkin
Selma and Jeff Newman
Kara and Chris Paldino
Adrienne and Stevan Pardo
Leslie and Wayne Pathman
Nancy and Ken Ratzan
Carolee Reiber
Shelly and Aubrey Reiter
Karen and Marc Rivo
Stephanie and Michael Rosen
Linda and Gary Rosenberg
Maxine Rosenbloom
Michelle and Jason Rubell
Judith and Michael Samuels
Gloria Scharlin
Joan and J. David Scheiner
Holly Wallack-Siegel and David Siegel
Wendy and David Smith
Esther Steiner
Amy and Richard Stokes
Bonnie Sockel-Stone and Elliot Stone
Rachel and Marc Umlas
Beverly and Stephen Unger
Yvonne and Peter Wagner
Margaret and Steve Chaneles
Stacey and Jonathan Wald
Nancy and Alex Warshofsky
Chris and Michael Weinberg
Lonne and Lawrence Weinstein
Deede and Mark Weithorn
Carrie and Jason Wiesenfeld
Pamela and Howard Wolfson
Eileen and Philip Youtie
Jeri and Marty Zaiac
Page 19
temple Beth SHolom
Mazal Tov
Staff Directory
Phone 305.538.7231
Office Fax 305.531.4248
E-mail: tbs@tbsmb.org
Rabbi Gary A. Glickstein
ragbab@aol.com ext. 226
To Marjorie Baron and Mike Spritzer on the May
graduation of her son, David Garcia-Pedrosa, from
Georgetown University Law Center.
To Marjorie Baron and Michael Spritzer on the birth of
her grandson Noah Elan Garcia-Pedrosa on August 4,
2015. Noah joins big brother Jesse and big sister Lyla,
along with proud parents Daniel and Allison GarciaPedrosa. The family lives in Bloomfield, New Jersey.
Rabbi Robert A. Davis, D.Min.
rarad@tbsmb.org ext. 234
Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz
rabbipomerantz@tbsmb.org ext. 257
Rabbi Amy Morrison
rabbimorrison@tbsmb.org ext. 135
Cantor Lisa Segal
cantorsegal@tbsmb.org ext. 136
Cantor Steven Haas, Cantor Emeritus
cantorhaas@tbsmb.org ext. 239
David M. Lamden, F.T.A. Executive Director
david@tbsmb.org ext. 231
Mark Baranek Dir. of Congregational Engagement
mark@tbsmb.org ext. 376
Margie Zeskind Dir. of Early Childhood Education
margie@tbsmb.org ext. 227
Yael Dadoun Principal/Educator
yael@tbsmb.org ext. 232
Ilana Gilat Dir. of Advancement
ilana@tbsmb.org ext. 134
Greg Lawrence Dir. of The Tribe
greg@thetribe.org ext. 228
Lois Kotzen HaKOL Coordinator
lois@tbsmb.org ext. 253
Nerissa Balland Director of Communications
nerissa@tbsmb.org ext. 375
Lorna Rodriguez Dir. of Finance
lorna@tbsmb.org ext. 237
Sharon Hoffman Dir. of Member Services
sharon@tbsmb.org ext. 245
Dalia Katz After School Enrichment/Parent/Child Coor./Camp
dalia@tbsmb.org ext. 238
Rita Fernandez Accounting Assistant
rita@tbsmb.org ext. 224
Diana Burnett Early Childhood Administrative Assistant
diana@tbsmb.org ext. 223
Alice Palombo Assistant to Executive Director
apalombo@tbsmb.org ext. 258
Jennifer Lamden Cantorial Assistant
jlamden@tbsmb.org ext. 255
Deldra Owens Administrative Assistant
deldra@tbsmb.org ext. 277
Noemi Cortes Clergy Assistant
noemi@tbsmb.org ext. 225
Ariane Bock-Davis Receptionist
ariane@tbsmb.org ext. 100
Michael Svayg Dir. of Building and Facilities
michael@tbsmb.org ext. 276
To Joan and Stanley Worton on their daughter, Diane
Worton Amdur, becoming an adult bat mitzvah in
Evergreen, Colorado. Proud sisters are Marcelle
(Richard) May and Linda Worton Jackson.
To Shelley Niceley Groff on becoming a national board
member of the WRJ.
To Louise Bauer, mother of Jill Bauer, Co-director/
Producer of Emmy nominated HOT GIRLS WANTED
for Exceptional Merit in Documentary Filmmaking.
To Sara Adler, mother of Daniel Adler, and Bunny Adler,
grandmother of Daniel Adler, Associate Producer, HOT
GIRLS WANTED. Distributed by Netflix.
October 2015
Page 20
temple Beth SHolom
Do you have children in college?
We want to send out
holiday gifts and
need their addresses.
Please send current
information to
Page 21
Page 22
October 2015
Advertise With Us!
Gibraltar Private provides financial
products and services to clients that
expect a differentiated level of service
and responsiveness.
The Temple Beth Sholom HaKOL is
sent to approximately 1600 families.
If you are interested in advertising
in our newsletter and at the same
time helping your Temple,
please contact Lois Kotzen at
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Page 23
temple Beth SHolom
Temple Beth Sholom
Business Directory 2015
Serving Miami-Dade County, we provide medical/
non-medical home health care to all age groups from
newborns to seniors. For a FREE consultation please
contact: Josh Laurence at 305.627.3103 or
josh@ahcglobal.com / www.accessibleaventura.com
License #232062
Kent Adams has been videotaping Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and
other events for over 20 years. His unobtrusive approach
captures the unique personalities of his clients with special
segments that are truly magical.
Contact: adamsvideo@yahoo.com or call 305.223.3390.
College essays, resumes, press releases, brochures,
websites, speeches and more. Debra K. Leibowitz - Beach
Buzz Miami Herald columnist with 30 years experience.
305.531.7887 / beachbuzz@att.net
Home liquidation – Family Estates
Will sell antiques, collectibles, designer handbags
online in addition to private, complete estate sales.
Rita Diaz 305.323.9322 / ilovestores@aol.com
Exceptional References in Dade and Broward
We are a Miami-based, creative and luxury event production
company. We specialize in event decor from concept
design to day of execution. Contact us for your next simcha!
305.571.5153 or info@petalproductions.com
Want to throw a great party?
Fun, elegant weddings and events 786.246.6800
Use the HaKOL Business Directory listings!
Now you can advertise your business to our
readers with an ad and/or a listing.
Contact Lois Kotzen for ad rates
(USPS 537-520)
4144 Chase Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33140
Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin Affiliated with the Union for
Reform Judaism Published monthly throughout the year
except for combined issues for May/June /July.
Periodicals postage paid in Miami FL
Temple Beth Sholom, 4144 Chase Ave,
Miami Beach, FL 33140 Phone: 305.538.7231
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Temple Beth Sholom, 4144 Chase Ave,
Miami Beach, FL 33140