Shana Tova - Temple Beth Sholom


Shana Tova - Temple Beth Sholom
Volume 76 Issue 2 | September 2016 |
Shana Tova
Sunday, October 2 (Erev)
Monday, October 3 (Day 1)
Tuesday, October 4 (Day 2)
Tuesday, October 11
Wednesday, October 12
Page 2
September 2016
Gary A. Glickstein Rabbi
Robert A. Davis Rabbi, D.Min.
Gayle Pomerantz Rabbi
Amy L. Morrison Rabbi
Lisa V. Segal Cantor
Steven Haas Cantor Emeritus
David M. Lamden, F.T.A. Executive Director
Mark Baranek Director of Congregational Engagement
Margie Zeskind Director of Early Childhood Education
Yael Dadoun Principal/Educator
Ilana Gilat Director of Advancement
Nerissa Balland Director of Communications
Lorna Rodriguez Director of Finance
Sharon Hoffman Director of Member Services
Greg Lawrence Director of The Tribe
Lois Kotzen HaKOL Coordinator
Shula Ben-David Director Bar/Bat Mitzvah Emerita
Alice Miller, F.T.A. Executive Director Emerita
Dennis J. Rice, F.T.A. Executive Director Emeritus
In This Issue
Shabbat Schedule............................2
Elu v’Elu ................................................3
Rabbi Pomerantz...............................4
School for Living Judaism.............5
Foundation School News ..............6
Cantor’s Message .............................7
Why Do You Love TBS?..................8
Sisterhood ...........................................9
Community Opportunities.............10
Our New Shlicha................................11
Tzedakah .............................................12/13
Their Memory is a Blessing ...........13
Board of Trustees
“Shabbat is a taste of paradise.” Talmud, Berachot 57a
Shabbat Evening Services
Magical Mitzvah Tour......................14
TBS Strategic Planning...................15
Temple Trivia ......................................16/17
Sisterhood Event...............................18
Camp .....................................................19
HHD Information ...............................20/21
Birthdays ..............................................22/23
Anniversaries ......................................23
B’nei Mitzvah ......................................24/25
Shalom Baby.......................................27
Business Directory Listings ...........28
Staff Directory.....................................29
Karen Rivo
Cyndy Albert
Jose Benrey
Robin Straus Furlong
Etan Mark
Suzanne Meltzer
Steven Pardo
Allan Pekor
Vanessa Ressler
Jeff Graff
Bobbi Ossip
Elaine Bachenheimer
Julie Basner
Michael Berman
Eric Broad
John Bussel
Steven Chaneles
Lisa Cicero
Heidi Cooper
Terry Jove
Tara Katz
Diane Katzen
Michael Levinson
Sharlane Packar
Michael Pardo
Stephanie Rosen
Gary Rosenberg
Marte Singerman
Myra Spindel
Rachel Unger
Michael Weinberg
Rachel Weissman
Mark Weithorn
Carrie Wiesenfeld
*Milton Gaynor
*Harold B. Vinik
*Neal O. Amdur
Marvin Stonberg
*Helen Kotler
Michael Dribin
Charles A. Citrin
Andrew R. Hirschl
Nancy Kipnis Ratzan
Robert Hertzberg
Shelley Niceley Groff
Ronald Albert, Jr.
Peter Russin
Marjorie Baron
Jack Karson
Morris Broad
Harvey Chaplin
Joel Friedland
Gary Gerson
David Kenin
Donald Lefton
Hillel Meyers
Irving Miller
Gerald Robins
Harry B. Smith
Manuel Zaiac
Judy Drucker
Start your Saturday morning with Torah study and a bagel with a shmeer
(spread) of cream cheese. Each Shabbat morning before our Shabbat
Morning Minyan (which starts at 10:30 am), you will study Parashat
HaShavua, the weekly Torah portion. The Rabbis will lead a discussion of
ancient commentaries and teachings and reveal the Torah’s modern and
relevant lessons. Every Saturday morning, 9:30 am.
Tot Shabbat
This lively service for pre-school-aged children and families combines
prayer, music, stories, snacks, and much more. Contact Mark Baranek.
Takes place Saturday mornings, 9:30 am when Shabbat School is in session.
Join us Saturday mornings at 10:30 am in our beautiful chapel or
sanctuary. Our clergy and members of our congregation help to lead the
prayers and read the Torah.
Family Shabbat
The Rabbi Leon J. Kronish School for Living Judaism (SLJ) presents Family
Shabbat. We provide a multigenerational experience of Jewish values by
helping families develop a “shared tool kit” and a common language for
living a Jewish life. While Family Shabbat is a required part of our SLJ
program, it is open to all families within the greater community. For more
information visit us at
B’nei Mitzvah Service
Our B’nei Mitzvah services are at 10:00 am and 4:30 pm. These services
occur only when a member of the Temple is celebrating the occasion of
becoming Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah. Please see HaKOL or for
the current schedule.
Kodesh and Coffee
Join us after Shabbat evening services to be with old friends, meet new
friends, listen to music, enjoy coffee, and celebrate the joy of Shabbat.
Dr. Robert Rosen
School Committee Co-chairs
Julie Basner & Rachel Weissman
Sisterhood President
BESHTY President
Founding Sr. Rabbi
Auxiliary Rabbi
Cantor Emeritus
Torah Study on Shabbat Morning
Shabbat Morning Minyan
*Alfred B. Rosenstein
*Dr. Max Ellis
*Morris Berrick
*Harry A. Cornblum
*Louis J. Krensky
*Shepard Broad
*Leon J. Ell
*Ralph Spero
*John Serbin
*Judge Harry
Arthur Greenberg
*James Albert
*Louis Snetman
*Jack Fink
*Eli Katzin
*James S. Knopke
Our Shabbat evening service will embrace you. Fresh and familiar music will
enable you to give voice to your own spirit. Special occasions in the lives of
our congregants, Jewish teachings, sermons from our Rabbis, and special
music will enhance “Shabbat - our sanctuary in time.” Fridays, 6:00 pm.
Ronni Litz Merkin
Molly Chepenik & Jared Hartley
Leon Kronish, D.D.
Harry Jolt
David Conviser
Live Streaming
Watch Friday night and Saturday morning Shabbat services on your
computer at
Page 3
temple Beth SHolom
Rabbi Gary Glickstein
Synagogues are named for many reasons. Rabbi Stephen
S. Wise Free Synagogue of Manhattan is named for its
founding rabbi.
their groups and ascend the Bimah, while their colleagues
in each category will be asked to stand in their places to
share the honor.
Baltimore Hebrew is named for its location, as are Central
Synagogue of New York and Plum Street Temple of
Cincinnati, Ohio.
We have members so active that they will be standing
quite a few times during Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.
Others, who are less active and involved, may only stand
once or not at all. This is a way to demonstrate the
strength of our congregation in the myriad ways that
members support and grow our sacred work.
Some synagogues have more than one name. In Paris, we
find La Victoire, also called The Grand Synagogue of Paris.
It is more commonly referred to as The Rothschild
Synagogue because this elaborate building was built by
the Rothschild family in celebration of French Jewry.
Our Temple had a far more humble beginning. We were
named Temple Beth Sholom because we were born out of
the horror of World War II. Our name was, and is, a prayer
for peace.
During our early years, we adopted customs of other
progressive congregations and rejected ideas that no
longer seemed relevant to the times. Many congregations
continued to sell High Holy Day seats; ours chose not to
take this path.
Some raised money by opening bidding for honors during
the holiest of days while we grew accustomed over time
to not raising funds from the pulpit during the Days of
Some of our congregants have questioned how honors
are distributed during these special days.
In the early years, the rabbi and a small group of leaders
chose who would be given which honors. In recent times,
an independent committee, appointed by the President
and representing the various age groups in our
congregation, has met for many long hours to deliberate
and decide.
This year, in keeping with the theme of celebrating our
75th Anniversary as a congregation, that committee and
our Board have chosen to rethink our honors.
This year, we will be highlighting many of the groups
which constitute our dynamic synagogue: groups such as
BESHTY, the Budget Committee and the Social Justice
Network. A few active members will be asked to represent
Some traditional honors will still be maintained and those
who continue to merit them will be asked to accept these
special honors.
This year, in keeping with our tradition of finding new
ways to celebrate the fabric of our community, we will also
be adding new honors: multi-generational families will be
asked to help change our Torah covers from purple to
white on Erev Rosh HaShanah; non-Board members will
be given the opportunity to sit on the bimah; and
members who have had a difficult year will be invited to
light candles during the Yizkor service.
Our synagogue was not named for a rabbi or a place or
one family who donated the funds to build it. Our
synagogue grew out of the terror of war and of the
tragedy of our people who lost so much. We are Temple
Beth Sholom, a house of peace. We celebrate not only the
years of our wonderful congregation, but also the
harmony and camaraderie shared by so many who
contribute in various ways to our home of peace.
I invite each person who worships with us to open her or
his heart during these awesome days and embrace our
big and diverse community as it changes and grows.
This year we honor you who honor us.
Be sure to check out
our NEW
High Holy Day
Torah Covers!
Page 4
September 2016
Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz
“One who saves a single
life, it is as though he has
saved an entire world.”
Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5
This summer’s horrific
massacre in Orlando
validates the critical
importance of this year’s
SJN focus: Gun Violence
Prevention. While Orlando
was the largest mass
shooting in U.S. history,
each day, eight children
and teens under the age
of 20 are killed by gun
violence in our country.
And closer to home, here in
Miami, one child a week
has been killed by violence
since January, 2016.
We are engaged in a
process of research to
examine this issue and
explore how our Temple
community might make the
biggest impact. If you have
personally been affected
by gun violence and are
willing to share your story,
please contact Rabbi
Pomerantz (
“Do not stand idly by the
blood of your neighbor” is a
core teaching in our Torah
(Lev. 19). Help us make a
Take Stock in Children is a non-profit organization in Florida that provides a unique
opportunity for deserving low-income youth/students, many from minority families, to
escape the cycle of poverty through education. A mentor is a caring, compassionate
adult who chooses to devote their time to a young person, offering them support,
guidance, and encouragement. If you can donate one hour per week (or every other
week), you can change a life by helping a child build a solid foundation of values,
establish goals, improve their academic and life skills, while developing their self-esteem
and confidence.
A training session for mentors will be held at Temple on: Tuesday, October 25
at 7:00 pm.
Chairperson: Jodi Gallant
Partners for Self Employment (PSE) helps economically disadvantaged individuals by
offering micro loans in an effort to eradicate poverty and promote entrepreneurism in
South Florida. These micro businesses are nurtured through a volunteer group of
professionals that provide financial counseling, business training, technical assistance
and one-on-one peer support so that the businesses succeed. It takes more than just
good ideas to make a business successful. It takes confidence, money and most
importantly, an understanding of finances. We are looking for a team of volunteers from
Temple Beth Sholom to help facilitate seminars for these individuals in areas of
Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Promotions, Branding, Sales. The commitment is for one
training session, four hours of technical assistance and prep time; in a quarter this usually
adds up to seven hours.
An information and training session for mentors will be held Wednesday, October 14 at
6:00 pm.
Chairperson: Nancy Bernstein
The Ronald McDonald House Charities of South Florida believe that
when you change a child’s life, you change a family’s life, which can
change a community and ultimately, the world. Your service will help
further this vision as we spend the day making crafts, playing games,
performing magic, preparing food and connecting with the families at
the Ronald McDonald House, while their children seek treatment for
life-threatening illnesses.
A team from our synagogue led by Suzanne Meltzer and Lisa Cicero will be visiting
Ronald McDonald on Sunday, September 18. For more information, please contact
Suzanne at or Lisa at
Page 5
temple Beth SHolom
Our 2017 Mitzvah Day will be held on Sunday, January 22,. If you are interested in being a project captain, please
contact Rabbi Pomerantz ASAP ( Temple Beth Sholom staff and clergy would like to
extend special thanks to our dedicated 2017 Mitzvah Day Co-Chairs, Cheryl Zuckerman and Rachel Samek.
Join us for a series of family-friendly beach clean ups. Get ready to keep Miami Beach litter free and
help keep harmful plastic and other trash from ending up in our ocean. We will connect with nature
by being outside and working together as a community to improve the environment. This will allow
your family to gain a sense of responsibility about their part in keeping our environment clean. L’dor
v’dor (from generation to generation).
Dates: September 18, November 20, January 22 (Mitzvah Day), March 19 and May 7, 2017
Co-Chairs: Rachel Unger and Ashleigh Lindenauer
Children’s Home Society of Florida
provides a safe environment for
abused and neglected children in
Florida. Your service is invaluable to
this organization. What you can offer…
…laughter to these children with
magic, music, reading, and games.
…gather school supplies, clothing,
bedding, diapers, and other needed
items for the
…help the children in the facility with
their homework and school projects.
A team from our synagogue led by
Cheryl Zuckerman and Diana Rosen
will be visiting the CHS on Saturday,
September 17. For more information
please contact Cheryl at or
Diana at
In our soulful quest for meaning and purpose in life,
we will seek guidance from Jewish texts and
contemporary mindfulness thinking and practice.
In this class, Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz and Scott Rogers,
Founder and Director of the Mindfulness in Law
Program at the University of Miami School of Law, will
once again team up to bring wisdom to our intimate
Jewish journeys. While this class will build on
themes of last year’s Spiritual Direction I Class,
completion of Spiritual Direction I is not a prerequisite
for this class.
Enrollment is limited. Please send a $100 registration
fee to Temple Beth Sholom,
Attn: Rabbi Pomerantz (scholarship is available).
Tuesday evenings, 7:30 – 8:45 pm
November 15–December 20, 2016
Sunday, January 22
(2:00 pm Post Mitzvah Day)
@Temple Beth Sholom
TBS 4th Annual Soup Contest
Proceeds support Guitars Over Guns.
All soups welcome!
Monday, September 26
6:00 pm
We are seeking shofar
blowers to participate in our
High Holy Day services. If you
are interested, please
contact Rabbi Pomerantz at
For Soup
Chefs & Sponsors Sign-up toDAY!
Entrance Fee $5.00 per person
(includes one vote)
For more info go to
Page 6
September 2016
Foundation School News
Margie Zeskind
Director of Early Childhood
Dear Families,
Our Infant/Toddler Early Learning Center is a dynamic
place where our youngest community members are
learning and growing in an environment built around
highest quality practices and approaches. Sara Ebener,
our Infant/Toddler Supervising Teacher, has shared a
glimpse of how these young children live and grow daily.
Dear Families,
“It takes a village to raise a child” is a phrase we often
hear, but do we really think about what we mean? When
we say this, we usually are referencing the various adults
involved in the care of a child. But what about other
children? How much does having an older sibling impact
the growth and development of a child? How much does
having a younger brother or sister help an older child
develop a sense of responsibility and empathy?
The Infant/Toddler Early Learning Center is a place
where we believe that the daily interactions of younger
children and older children are crucial to the whole
development of a child. When we first opened our
program, our infants and toddlers were in different rooms
where the children would get to say “hi” or see each
other through a gate. There wasn’t much relational
interaction beyond that. After seeing their desire to
interact more and realizing how important it is for
children to learn from each other, we became a true
village by transforming our rooms and program to reflect
what we knew was important relationship development.
To create a change that was both meaningful and
reflected the way we feel about children learning from
each other, we took our two beautiful rooms and created a
home-like feeling. We now have a room that functions as our
“play room” where infants and toddlers come together for
circle time, music class, stories, art and more. We also have a
room that is divided to include both our
kitchen and our sleeping room. In this
room, children sit at a table, next to each
other, and have lunch and snacks. They
use real plates, spoons, and forks. They
also talk about their day in their very
own unique ways. When it is time for
nap, something truly special seems to
happen. Our children will start to sing
each other to sleep and softly rub the
backs of their friends.
Within each child’s home
life they fit into family
specific roles. Some are the
oldest child, youngest
child, only girl, only boy or
only child. Within our
community program, each
child gets to experience
every child order role. Our
babies become big brothers or sisters to children even
younger than they and our older toddlers get to become our
helpers and teach their little friends new skills. From rolling
over and grasping at toys to helping change diapers, feed
lunch, and comfort when they are sad, the children in our
Infant/Toddler Learning Center family embrace the roles they
play in each other’s lives. They each have developed their
special way of being and relating within our unique and
caring community. It really is a joyful village of community
members, all having input into each individual’s
Sara Ebener
2016-2017 ENROLLMENT
The Foundation School
Infant /Toddler Program
Page 7
temple Beth SHolom
A Message from the Cantor
Cantor Lisa Segal
Nourish Your Soul
The Hebrew month of Elul begins our spiritual
preparation for the High Holy Days. This is the time of
year we take an accounting of our inner selves. Given
that one of the holiday themes is “t’shuvah,” the notion
of “return,” it’s the time we return to our community, but
most importantly, to our true selves.
Take the time this month to seek out ways to nourish
your souls, whether it’s yoga, prayer, reading,
volunteering, and so on. As your Cantor, here is my
short list of this year’s offerings that I feel could nourish
your soul:
1 – Consider being a part of our growing Shabbat
morning community. Gather together to study our
sacred text and how it applies to daily life. Worship
together with uplifting music and prayer at our Minyan
service and enjoy Kiddush lunch together.
2 – For families with a Bar/Bat Mitzvah: Make the
commitment that this journey is for the entire family, not
just your child. Be involved in your child’s
preparation. Study the text together. Let’s craft a service
to involve the entire family through chanting, music and
3 – Make it a goal to learn to chant Torah and/or Haftarah
4 – Join the “Chai Notes” Intergenerational Choir. This
year, we are opening our choir to include the
generations. Come with your child, parent or friend to
choir on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm and participate in
services and concerts.
5 – For our “ladies” – consider joining our newly
re-energized “Sisters in the ‘Hood” and attend our
exciting opening event on September 14.
During this “season of return,” I look forward to greeting
you on the High Holy Days. Make a commitment to
return to your spiritual home, Temple Beth Sholom, and,
in doing so, I pray you will “nourish your soul.”
From my family to yours, I wish you a sweet and healthy
new year.
TBS Chai Notes
Intergenerational Choir
Rehearsals will rresume
esume this fall.
ery T
uesday, 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
For mor
e information, contact
or Segal at cant
Cantor Lisa V. Segal
Page 8
September 2016
Why Do You Love TBS?
Ilana Gilat
Director of Advancement
In high school, my friend Kelly and I feverishly
composed “I Love Lists” from torn out loose-leaf paper,
declaring all the things we loved! Our imaginations ran
wild as we used this tactic as a classroom distraction.
Today, high schoolers text, snap chat and have
replaced loose-leaf paper with their mobile phones.
Here’s a sneak peek at a few of the responses I have gotten so
“I LOVE our Temple because it is our home.”
“I LOVE our Temple because of its inclusiveness, warmth
and Rudy.”
“I LOVE our Temple because of unplugged services.”
Thinking back, I vividly remember a few of the items I
With the High Holy Days around the corner, many of us are
LOVED…Getting the mail, swimming in the ocean,
going to a concert of our favorite band at the time, and, beginning to get a bit more reflective on the year that has
passed and look to the year ahead. It’s significant to stop and
of course, family and friends!
take a thoughtful moment to recognize all that we are thankful
for and think about the people and places we love. Each of us
This coming year, Temple Beth Sholom celebrates 75
has unique experiences in life, with our families, with our
wonderful years. What better way to start our
celebration than with composing our very own
“75 Reasons Why We Love TBS.”
Collectively, we have all loved and cared for Temple Beth
Sholom for the past 75 years. Our staff is working
We want to hear from all of you about why you LOVE
collaboratively on making this anniversary unique. As part of
my role with the Book of Life, I have been listening to many
donor stories about their connection to the Temple. It seemed
Like our high school-ers today, you can participate
fitting that I work on this project of collecting and sharing
electronically in this project, with your phone,
computer, or iPad. The September 15 Temple Talk (our these thoughts from all of our members. This is just one small,
but significant, way that you can take part in this celebration.
weekly email blast) will have a link.
It’s simple: one click to open your email; one click to
Thanks for being part of the “75 Reasons Why We Love TBS.” I
look forward to hearing from you!
I encourage you to participate. Once all of these ideas
are compiled, we will be sharing them with the
congregation, along with all the other ways we will
celebrate this milestone.
For information on membership visit us at
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temple Beth SHolom
Sisters in the ‘Hood
Sisters in the ‘Hood presents our Opening Paid-Up Membership Event WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14 (see
page 18 for details), which I hope you will not miss! Register online today!
Welcome to the Fall and the return to our busy and hectic lives as Moms, professionals, empty nesters, millenials and
Stay tuned on our website and watch for evites and emails as we announce our upcoming programs:
Women’s Health Series
Mahjong Tournament
Culinary program
...and so much more!
Mahjong for Beginners
Yoga with Caryn
Chanukah Paint with A Twist
Wishing you and your loved ones the healthiest and happiest New Year 5777!
Ronni Litz Merkin
Sisters in the ‘Hood
Evolving Nesters Barbecue
September 24
6:00 pm
(prior to Selichot Film
“Remember” and Service)
$18.00 per person
Evolving Nesters are TBS congregants who desire to
maintain a rich and full nest even after their grown
children have left home. We seek to engage with our
community and to provide connection, meaning,
purpose, learning, fun, and laughter.
For more information, contact co-chairs Sandra
Breiterman at: or
Andrea Kirsh at:
Page 10
September 2016
Howdy Tribesters!
This month we are excited to have our first ever event to honor our regular supporters, both our
Tribe Elders and Chai Tribesters. Chai Recognition will take place at Kluger, Kaplan, Silverman,
Katzen, & Levine P.L. law firm in downtown Miami on September 15. For more information about
our levels of giving and how you can get involved, please contact us or visit
Looking ahead to next month, The Tribe will once again host its annual High Holy Day
Experience, led by TBS’s very own Rabbi Amy Morrison AND song leader Mallie Duboff! We are VERY excited to
experience the Jewish New Year at the Rubell Family Collection in Wynwood. Rosh Hashanah, on Sunday, October 2,
will include a reception with hors d’oeuvres and drinks to follow while Yom Kippur, on Tuesday, October 11, will, of
course, not. While services begin at 8pm, people are invited to come early and stay late to soak in the entire collection,
which will be open and available for viewing.
As always, we will be volunteering at the Children’s Home Society. Enjoy photos from our recent volunteering there.
Greg Lawrence,
Director, The Tribe
Left and middle: Tribesters make arts and
crafts and raise the self-esteem of Children’s
Home Society Residents
Below: Tribesters gather for a potluck
Shabbat dinner
temple Beth SHolom
Page 11
Meet TBS’ New Shlicha
We want to welcome Amit Perchuk,
our new Shlicha, who will begin her
work at Temple Beth Sholom. We are
working in partnership with Camp
Coleman and the Jewish Agency.
She just finished her first summer as
a counselor at Camp Coleman and
will work with our Israel Committee
in a variety of ways with all ages to
bring the love of Israel to our community
Here is a little about Amit in her own words:
My name is Amit Perchuk and I’m from Nazareth Illit in the
north region of Israel. My mother, Zehava, was also born in
Israel and she is a history teacher in a local high school. My
father, Roni, was born in Argentina and moved to Israel
when he was 21 years old to live here and serve in the army.
I come from a very Zionist Family.
I am 21 years old and turning 22 September 9th. I have two
siblings. Tal, my older brother, is 24 years old and is a
student in the Technion University in Haifa. My younger
brother, Omer, just turned 18. He graduated from high
school and is about to go to the army, as well.
I finished the army a year and half ago and served a
meaningful and enjoyable service. I served in the Armored
Corps as a Tank instructor, just like my father and my older
Since I was a child, I loved everything about the stage! I love
singing and dancing and talking in front of big audiences
about any subject that I’m interested in. I enjoy traveling and
hiking and learning about new cultures from all around the
world. I even speak four different languages: Hebrew,
English, Spanish and Portuguese! I love giving to the
community, and I have volunteered in many organizations
that work with the poor population. I believe in honesty,
kindness and peace in the world, and I hope that one day I
will be a part of a big change in the world.
I look forward to being with Temple Beth Sholom and
having an incredible year with all of you.
I hope I will be able to work with each one of you and
become a part of your amazing community. I appreciate the
opportunity and wish you all a great year!
Please feel free to write me at or call me at
305.538.7231 ext. 374
Membership Commitment
If you have not yet renewed your membership to
Temple Beth Sholom by returning the 2016-17
Membership Commitment form, please do that right
away in order to receive your High Holy Day
Admittance Cards.
Blank Membership Commitment forms can be found
on our website at
If you prefer to receive one by mail, please call the
office and we will be happy to send you the form.
The festive holiday of Sukkot is almost here!
Have you always wanted to have your own Lulav
and Etrog for Sukkot? Here is your chance!
To order, contact Lois in the Temple Office before
October 6.
$36.00 per set. Check may be made payable to
TBSPlease contact Mark Baranek, Director of
Congregational Engagement with any questions at or call 305.538.7231.
Page 12
HaKOL September 2016
We Thank You For Your Generous Contributions
by Nina and Kenneth Stowe
In Memory Of
Robert M. Newman
by Selma Newman
Lila Sternklar
by Cheryl and Steve Zuckerman
In Memory Of
Michael Russin
by Flo Moss
Stephen Horwitz
Harold Unger
Alvin Burger
Lynn Friesner
Hyman Manes
by Peter Kramer
and Liz Etkin-Kramer
In Honor Of
Dina Knapp’s full and speedy
by Judy Litt and family
Marriage of Daniel Hertzberg and
Amanda Chamberlain
by Adria and Robert Rasken
In Memory Of
Cantor David Conviser
by Donna and Arnie Blaustein
Ed Harris
by Bonnie Albert
In Memory of
Dr. Michael Russin
Hyman Manes
Cantor David Convisor
by Bonnie Albert
Dr. Michael Russin
by Dr. Bobbi Ann Ossip
Joan Puldy
by Randi and Steven Greenspan
by Leroy Bush
In Honor Of
Dr. Henry Wodnicki’s Special
by Dr. Bobbi Ann Ossip
In Memory of
Millicent Swerdlow
Arthur Hertzberg
by Deborah and Charles Citrin
Women’s Programming
and Studies Fund
In Memory Of
Millicent Swerdlow
by Kathy and Larry Hurwitz
by Barbara Pomerantz
by Deena and Stephen Zaron
by Madeline and
Leonard Caplan
In Memory Of
In Memory Of
Arthur M. Lowell
by Evelyn Lowell
Richard B. Furlong
by Edith Straus
In Memory Of
In Memory Of
Max Market
by Julie and Jeffrey Kane
Michael Russin
by Andi and Peter Russin
Arthur Hertzberg
by Gina and Richard Russ
Lynn Hecht
by Shelley and Jeffrey Hecht
Millicent Swerdlow
by Jill and Robert Hertzberg
by Nina and Kenneth Stowe
In Memory Of
Shoshana Pachter
by Itzchak Pachter
Sandra Mordujovich
by Jessica Rivo
Rita Rolter
by Malka and
Dr. Jorge Mordujovich
In Memory Of
Albert Lipsman
by Ted Lipsman
Philip Rosen
by Robert Rosen
Regina Siegel
by Erma Raflowitz
Phyllis Laszlo
by Richard and Marcelle May
Bessie Hoffman
by Howard Hoffman
Nathan Siegel
by Harriet Dokson
Edwin Brothers
by Marshall Brothers
Richard Moser Jones
by Suzanne Stolar
Sadie “Sandy” Burch
Joseph “Joe” Pardo
by Adrienne and Stevan Pardo
Sarah Tabor
by Mollie Rudt
Sophie Eichel
by Jay Eichel
Bessie Gaynor
by Lenore Gaynor
JoEllen “Jodi” Multack
Isabel Davidson
by Kimberly and
Eric Mendelson
Anna Stern Lieberman
by Barbara Pomerantz
Seymour Satin
by Wendy Rapaport
Seymour Winston
by Martin Winston
Nathan Cynamon
by Howard Cynamon
Pauline Nudelman
by Stuart Grossman
Florence Litz
by Norman LItz
Ruth Weiland Falk
by Judith Richard
Page 13
temple Beth SHolom
Sylvia Schatzman
by Arnold Schatzman
Doris K. Yaffey
by Mark Yaffey
Christine Ernst
by Jo Asmundsson
Paul Nudelman
by Stuart Grossman
James Berg
by Marsha Berg
Sylvia Rosnick
by Richard Berkowitz
Rose Siegel
by Harriet Dokson
Lester Mintz
by Eric Mintz
Moises Behmoiras
by Rafael Behmoiras
Henry Flatow
by Phyllis Resnick
Phyllis Gross and Helene Lifter
by Nancy Wolin
Shirley Liverman
by Anna and Herb Liverman
Ruth Rosen
by Karen Ehlin
Irving Brownstein
by Stanley Brownstein
Milton Myers
by Dee Dee Berkowitz
Donald Rubin
by A. Jay Cristol
George Friedwald
by Sandra Friedwald
Milton Gaynor
by Lenore Gaynor
Mary Levick
by Stanley Levick
Abe Schonfeld
by Donna Rosen
Marilyn J. Simon
by George Simon
Pauline Siegler
Morris Reiss
by Beatrice Rosen
Rose Krulick
by Martin Winston
Meyer Attias
by Nicole Cypen
Albert Rosenfeld
by Norma Rosenfeld
Mindla Abramchik
by Sara Sztylerman
Faye Malatesta
by Phyllis Winston
Tracey Hope Glickler
by Cheryl Zuckerman
Diana Flatow
by Phyllis Resnick
Robert M. Stern
by Barbara Pomerantz
Judy Hertzberg
by Robert Hertzberg
Allen Froot
by Ira Lelchik
Jack Drasner
by Michelle Morrow
Robert M. Newman
by Selma Newman
Joseph Farbstein
Minnie Farbstein
by Evelyn Esformes
Lillian J. Goldberg
by Janet Goldstein
Leona Levey
by Lewis Levey
Dinah Lieder
Mollie Dribin
by Albert Dribin
Lotte Deutelbaum
Julius Deutelbaum
Hermina Davidovits Wiesner
by Teresa Wiesner
Belle Radin
by Jane Radin Esther Winer
by Marco and Diana Winer
is a
Isaac Camber - husband of Diane Camber.
Carole Samet - mother of Joshua (Jill) Dubin and Tracey
(Elliott) Stein.
Herb Friesner – father of Adrienne (Stevan) Pardo, grandfather
of Carly, Daniel and Joshua Pardo.
If you have a Mazal Tov for the HaKOL,
e-mail Lois Kotzen at
HaKOL September 2016
Page 14
Page 15
temple Beth SHolom
Strategy is Key!
Two years ago, Temple Beth Sholom began a formal strategic planning process that allowed members,
Board of Trustees, clergy and staff to provide feedback on how our Temple can better reflect the needs
of an ever-changing community. This feedback reflects the valuable input of all of the above and allowed
us to set priorities, goals, objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve them (both short and long term).
To date our collective feedback has resulted in…
...the establishment of our core values and redefined mission statement.
...a written “Strategic Plan” (i.e., a road map of recommendations and actions for
the next five years).
The “Strategic Plan” focuses on four key areas, each managed and overseen by a specific task force.
The primary goal of this Task Force is to enhance
the opportunities for Jewish spiritual growth and
engagement at TBS, which will
• develop an inward journey through meditation,
mindfulness, yoga, and prayer.
• enrich an outward journey through connection
to others, including our community and our
families through increased participation in
Shabbat services, life cycle events, personal
prayers of congregants, torah study, and
music-based inspiration.
• Increase our connection to the outside world
through engagements in social justice projects
as well as connections to nature and to art.
Congregational Engagement
The primary goal of this Task Force is to strengthen
our ability to gain and retain TBS members, which
• improve the programs we offer and by meeting
the needs of our diverse congregation.
• identify specific information upfront on what
new members are interested in.
• connect with congregants at key transition
points regarding their needs in order to stay
relevant in their lives.
The primary goal of this Task Force is to improve
the quality of education across all ages & stages,
which will
• create policy & programming that better serves
the congregation.
• work with each defined educational group (i.e.,
Foundation School, School for Living Judaism,
B’nei Mitzvah Program & Youth Programming).
• engage members to partner within these
Social Justice
The primary goal of this task force is to create a
robust social justice program that makes a
difference through direct service, awareness,
advocacy and action, which will
• identify and integrate all age groups into Social
Justice initiatives.
• identify and strengthen community relationships.
• use the Religious Action Center for education
and to support of goals.
• assess congregant participation, meaning to
congregants & effectiveness in the community.
For theLearn
more about
the strategic
Plan andplan
to learn
visit us
Page 18
September 2016
Event Details & Registration
Sisters in the ‘Hood
2016 Opening Event
7:00 – 9:00 pm | Wednesday, September 14
Complimentary for 2016-17 Sisterhood Members. ($36 for guests/nonmembers)
One-Woman Show “Altar Ego” featuring Cantor Patti Linsky. Dinner & Desserts
catered by Michael Meltzer. Paid-up* Membership Extraordinaire!
An evening of comedy and laughter
Signature Cocktail ‘Sistertini’
Dinner & Desserts by Michael Meltzer
* Paid-up membership simply means that the event cost includes
your annual dues for the year! Additional donations are welcome
at the time of online registration. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Page 19
temple Beth SHolom
Temple Beth Sholom at Camp Coleman and Six Points 2016
Nicky Altman Zachary Arnold
Zoey Arnold Eden Bajaroff
Tali Bajaroff Max Balan
Ben Barker Madeline Bram
Adam Cohen Oceana Comabella
Ona Comabella Louis D’antuono
Marley Davis Harry Florin
Max Gelber Caroline Hartley
Zoey Hyman Lily Karson
Benjamin Morris Ethan Morris
Ruby Penson Jasmine Pyle
Marley Rywell Shelby Sanders
Linden Schweiger Jonathan Tandy
Dylan Wax Anton Weinberg
Ariel Weinberg Ryan Wohl
Claudia Barker
Simone D’antuono
Amit Perchuk
Ali Schwartz
Grace Sherman
Emily Groff
Mark Baranek
Michael Feldman
Michael Sherman
Rachel Unger
Danny Aronson
Maya Hickey
Noah Hickey
Hudson Koczwara
Mason Koczwara
Izzy Lieberperson
Jordan Schwartz
Justin Swartz
Peter Hickey
Rabbi Amy Morrison
Jenna Glick
Ezra Morrison
The summer of 2016 at URJ Camp Coleman and URJ
Six Points Sports Academy was a huge success. The
campers had a wonderful time participating in a wide
array of activities and learning in fun and creative
ways about Judaism.
For information on Camp Coleman 2017, check the
Camp Coleman website at
For more information on Six Points, check the website at
Also, look for Camp Shabbat to be held in the
fall at TBS.
Page 22
September 2016
September 1
Seymour Gelber
Stephanie Hadad
Zachary Horwitz
Benjamin Lustig
Judy Pine
Annette Rosenfield
Aaron Ser
Theodore Wagner
September 2
Elizabeth Etkin-Kramer
Cynthia Frankel
Ozzy Friedman
Judith Levick
Carol Loevin
Caryn Musaffi
Sebastian Seitles
Joan Silverstein
Jose Vallverdu
Yvonne Wagner
September 3
Joshua Abrams
Wendy Chullmir
Jodi Gallant
Maximilian Josefsberg
Violeta Josefsberg
Fred Jove
Aaron Rosenfeld
Eden Seifan
September 4
Alice Palombo
September 5
Ryann Cooper
Cathy Fetell
Noah Florin
Michelle Mally
Joanie Stein
Gwen Wurm
September 6
Mia Berman
Jennifer Dixon
Anneliese Gelber
Jonathan Haber
Hudson Lubow
Judith Rosen
Susan Rosen
Lana Srur
Yuladys Wrubel
September 7
Hannah Bast
Claire Block
Julia Fine
Marshall Pasternack
Lorraine Steen
Rita Swedroe
September 8
Layla Arcoub
Robert Furlong
Jacqueline Greenberg
Rose Harris
Cheryl Kaufman
Harper Simkins
Amy Steele Donner
Charles Wallace
Blanche Weiss
September 9
Eleni Andris
Deanna Green
Jacob Hare
Robert Jaffe
Greg Lawrence
Ellie Moret
Marianne Nation
Rachel Neuhut
Valerie Rasken
Kate Rosenberg
Jason Vaserstein
Lawrence Weinstein
Myla Zuckerman
September 10
Laura Alonso Gallo
Adam Block
Caryn Duboff
Frederic Friedman
Steven Greenspan
Jack Karson
Fran Levey
Dolores Nathan
September 11
Jacob Bass
Laurent Chemla
Sutton Silver
Alexis Wagner
Martin Zaiac
September 12
Maya Adrabi
Ilyce Barish
Ross Borer
Irene Brandon
Matthew Clark
Lila Jonas
Paige Kleidermacher
Judy Kutun
David Lease
Jane Robinson
Sarah Samuels
Danielle Schwartz
Victoria Shalom
Chad Tromberg
September 13
Angela Cohen
Marcia Jaes
Randi Levey
Daniel Mendelson
Samuel Morjain
Norma Rosenfeld
Dave Sack
Valerie Schimel
Barbara Wien
September 14
Julie Dennis-Litinger
Mindy Glazer
Leslie Kaplan
Jacob Katz
Barry Meiselman
September 15
Ian Bacheikov
Gillian Barnett
Maximo Bratter
Max Feldman
Warren Tepper
September 16
Sam Geronemus
Olivia Hege
Bernice Jaffe
Adam Kuperstein
Sharon Lerner
David Morales
Scott Robins
Maxine Rosenbloom
Mia Shields
Hudson Shields
Stella Silverman
September 17
Adam Cohen
Moni Cohen
Omer Gady
Jan Golden
Eugene Howard
Leah Lane
Julian Lawitschka
Rachel Pollock
Michael Sabet
Samuel Seitles
Steven Tromberg
September 18
Shirley Arkin
Alexandra Benichou
David Bernard
Brooke Perlyn
Michael Sherman
Suzanne Stolar
September 19
Harris Gilbert
Nikki Jagid
Carla Oxios
Ethan Perlyn
Michael Samuels
Jeffrey Weissman
Matthew Winer
Pauline Winick
September 20
Samuel Bussel-Alonso
David Mishkin
Stuart Rohatiner
Lydia Slezynger
Steve Stowe
September 21
Christophe Baraton
Eric Boritz
Jack Brod
Andrew Burger
Lindsay Genet
Martha Harris
Sophie Kane
Annie Kane
Kasey Leeds
Ruby Lieberman
Milos Majstorovic
Aron Mandel
Stephanie Muhtar
September 22
Philippe Benichou
Valentina Chullmir
Simone D’Antuono
Zachary Myones
David Siegel
Jared Stein
Aaron Unger
K. Peter Wagner
Irene Weisburd
September 23
Samson Bienstock
Joseph Luria
Ana Morjain
Doris Richards
Sara Schreiber
September 24
Zachary Borak
Alan Brick-Turin
Michael Eisenstadt
Estee Gelpi
Jared Goldberg
Matthew Hege
William Kirsh
Arie Martel
Alan Merkin
Helen Merwitzer
Michelle Svayg
Jennifer Tolston
September 25
Adalynn Adler
Peter Berman
A. Jay Cristol
Michael Feldman
Jacob Lenard
Sharon Saballos
Edith Shapiro
Alan Slewett
Maris Sotsky
Diane Weisman
September 26
Michael Behmoiras
Mark Block
Anita Broad
Dorothy Brumer
Jill Davis
Clara Exelbirt
Peri Gould
Carl Hellman
Sanford Horwitz
Page 23
temple Beth SHolom
Joshua Plancher
Julie Rivo
Amy Tobin
September 27
Ramon Blumenthal
Grant Cohen
Jack Guy
Sam Kramer
Ronni Merkin
Jackson Mutchnik
Matthew Papunen
Joshua Robins
September 28
Linda Friedman
Elliot Grossman
Rebecca Kipnis
Stephanie Krasnoff
Patricia Kupferman
Sandi Pimentel
Mihi Singer
Rachel Spiegel
Erika Steinbauer
Jonathan Tibi
Marc Umlas
September 29
Owen Basner
Carolina Blumenthal
Arlene Heller
Adam Jaffe
Micky Steinberg
Matthew Tibi
Stuart Weissman
September 30
Linda Altman
Barry Harris
Sebastian Mateu
Daniel Mateu
Paul Richards
Jacey Siller
Lennon Spektor
Jennifer Turkell
Justin Wald
September 1
Lisa & Mathew Cicero
September 2
Annette & Frank Adams
Toba & Barry Meiselman
Lisa & Hugo Morales
September 3
Lucila & Stefano Maltagliati
Alexis & Scott Wagner
Nikki & Randy Weisburd
September 4
Vicki & Allan Land
September 5
Priscilla & Allan Friedland
Andrea & Keith Hartley
Marcela & Jeffrey Stern
September 6
Leslie & Roger Baumann
Stacey & Jonathan Chopp
Joan & Howard Lenard
Alexi & Adam Richards
Carrie & Jason Wiesenfeld
September 10
Deborah & Neil Bienstock
Sandy & Harold Stoller
September 12
Lauren & Dore Louis
Joan & Harry Smith
September 7
Sandra Breiterman &
Gordon Loader
September 13
Arlene & Wayne Chaplin
September 8
Leanne & Lorne Reiter
Dianne & Murray Rubin
September 14
Emmanuela & Alexandre
September 9
Lea & Jeremy Green
Wendy & Carl Roston
Ursula & Murray Weil, Jr.
September 15
Laura & Lewis Levey
September 20
Wendy & Jeffrey Barash
September 25
& Benjamin Nemser
September 26
Anita & Morris Broad
September 29
Tracy & David Moret
September 30
Irma & Norman Braman
Page 24
September 2016
B’nei Mitzvah
Adam Swedroe Weinberg will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah, along with his
sister Ariel, on September 3, 2016. He is the son of Laurie Swedroe and Howard Weinberg
and brother of Anton Swedroe Weinberg and Ariel Swedroe Weinberg. His grandparents
are Rita and Robert Swedroe and the late Sheila and Jack Weinberg.
Adam is an eighth grade student at Ruth K. Broad K-8 School. He is a member of the
National Junior Honor Society. He loves playing all sports, playing video games and
spending time outdoors with his friends. Adam will be donating a portion of his gifts to
the American Heart Association in honor of his late grandfather, Jack Weinberg.
Ariel Swedroe Weinberg will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah, along with her
brother Adam. on September 3, 2016. She is the daughter of Laurie Swedroe and Howard
Weinberg and sister of Anton Swedroe Weinberg and Adam Swedroe Weinberg. Her
grandparents are Rita and Robert Swedroe and the late Sheila and Jack Weinberg.
Ariel is an eighth grade student at Ruth K. Broad K-8 School. She is a member of the
National Junior Honor Society. Ariel likes fashion, art and having fun with her friends. She
is a young entrepreneur, as she is the clothing designer and partner with her grandpa Bob
Swedroe in Swedroe Art to Wear by Ariel, where she uses her grandfather’s collage art as
her textiles for her fashion designs. Ariel will be donating a portion of her gifts to the
Alzheimer Research Fund Dementia Society of America in honor of her late grandmother,
Sheila Schechtman Weinberg.
Michelle Sarah Mally will be called to the Torah as a Mincha Bat Mitzvah on
September 3, 2016. She is the daughter of Dr. Frances Martinez and Arthur Mally. She is
the granddaughter of the late Esther Toby Mally and Major Hyman Mally. Michelle is a
third generation Temple Beth Sholom member.
Michelle is an eighth grade student in the Junior Scholars program at Nautilus Middle
School. She enjoys the arts, debate and spending time at the JCC. Michelle has been
volunteering for Relay for Life and is donating a portion of her gifts to The American
Cancer Society as a part of her Mitzvah Project.
Sophie Bernstein will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on September 10, 2016.
Sophie is the daughter of Nancy and Stephen Bernstein, sister of Julia Bernstein and
granddaughter of Audrey and the late Jack Bernstein, Kenneth and Ellen Rosen and
Patricia Rosen.
Sophie is an eighth grade student at Ransom Everglades School where she plays on
volleyball and lacrosse teams. Outside of school, she loves hiking, traveling, and getting
together with friends. Sophie is active in the community, helping to build homes for the
citizens of the Dominican Republic with Techo. She will be donating a portion of her gifts
to support The Miami Jewish Health Systems.
Page 25
temple Beth SHolom
Maximo Peppercorn Bratter will be called to the Torah as a Mincha Bar Mitzvah on
September 17, 2016. He is the son of Joshua and Samantha Bratter.
Max is an eighth grade Honors Student at Nautilus Middle School. His favorite activities
are boxing, gaming, basketball, and chess. He is a passionate cinephile, avid collector of
sneakers and vinyl records. As a part of his mitzvot, Max will be donating a portion of his
gifts to Breast Cancer Research in honor of his grandmother, Ena Peppercorn Bratter.
Yale Rattner will be called to the Torah as a Mincha Bar Mitzvah on September 24, 2016.
He is the son of Dawn and Jack Rattner and grandson of Sandy and Joel Rattner and
Lynne and David Roth. Yale is proud to carry on his family tradition as the third generation
to be Bar Mitzvah at Temple Beth Sholom.
Yale is a student at Miami Country Day School where he enjoys sports, math, coding and
reading. He loves to spend his free time playing basketball and water skiing. Yale
especially enjoys spending his summers water skiing in the Adirondacks at Raquette Lake
Boys Camp and can’t wait to return for his sixth summer. He also loves going to Miami
Heat games and spending time with family and friends.
Page 26
September 2016
BBQ Potluck
7:00 pm | Friday, September 9 (following Services)
Holiday Bazaar
Welcome back! Goodbye summer, hello fall!
Join old friends, make new friends while we
celebrate Shabbat together.
How it works?
1. prepare a dish for 8-10 people. We provide
the main course.
2. RSVP by Sept. 7 to Lois Kotzen
Let us know how many people in your party and
what you are bringing.
3. SHow up! Eat, Drink & Be Merry :)
RSVP by Sepember 7 | email
This Rosh HaShanah, make a healthy
New Year a reality for millions of Israelis.
Temple Beth Sholom Brotherhood
Cheshbon Nefesh
Personal Improvement
through Personal Accounting
(nothing to do with money)
7:00 pm | Thursday, September 22
An evening dinner program for the TBS Brotherhood
led by Rabbi Gary Glickstein & Rabbi Robert Davis.
As the High Holy Days quickly approach, we have an
obligation to be introspective. This program is
inter-active with an opportunity to share and meet
fellow Brotherhood members. Not a member?
Join Today! Visit us online.
Magen David Adom serves Israel’s 8.5 million people, providing emergency
medical aid, ambulance services, and blood to the injured and ill. Last year,
MDA responded to 600,000 emergencies, saving thousands of lives. Join us
in this sacred work. Thank you and our best wishes for a healthy New Year.
AFMDA Southeast Region
3300 PGA Blvd., Suite 970
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Page 27
temple Beth SHolom
2016-2017 PTO
Monthly Meetings
Save The Date
Aug 29 @ 9:15 am
Sep 07 @ 9:15 am
Oct 05 @ 9:15 am
Nov 02 @ 9:15 am
Dec 07 @ 9:15 am
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is funded and run by
The Foundation School parents. It is perhaps the single best
way to become involved in your child’s school. The PTO is an
open forum for any parent who would like to be involved. The
level of commitment is up to you! Learn more and Join Now!
Jan 11 @ 9:15 am
Feb 01 @ 9:15 am
Mar 01 @ 9:15 am
Apr 05 @ 9:15 am
May 03 @ 9:15 am
* We meet on the 3rd flr in Youth Center
Page 28
September 2016
Temple Beth Sholom
Business Directory 2016
Serving Miami-Dade County, we provide medical/
non-medical home health care to all age groups from
newborns to seniors. For a FREE consultation please
contact: Josh Laurence at 305.627.3103 or /
License #232062
Kent Adams has been videotaping Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and
other events for over 20 years. His unobtrusive approach
captures the unique personalities of his clients with special
segments that are truly magical.
Contact: or call 305.233.3390.
Want to throw a great party?
Fun, elegant weddings and events 786.246.6800
Advertise With Us!
The Temple Beth Sholom HaKOL is sent to
approximately 1600 families. You may
advertise with a display ad, and/or use
one of our Business Directory listings.
If you are interested in advertising
in our newsletter and at the same time
helping your Temple, please
contact Alice Palombo
temple Beth SHolom
Page 29
Special Pre-Selichot Movie
Staff Directory
7:45 pm | Saturday, September 24
Phone 305.538.7231
Office Fax 305.531.4248
Rabbi Gary A. Glickstein ext. 226
Rabbi Robert A. Davis, D.Min. ext. 234
Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz ext. 257
Rabbi Amy Morrison ext. 135
Cantor Lisa Segal ext. 136
Cantor Steven Haas, Cantor Emeritus ext. 239
David M. Lamden, F.T.A. Executive Director ext. 231
Mark Baranek Dir. of Congregational Engagement ext. 376
Margie Zeskind Dir. of Early Childhood Education ext. 227
Yael Dadoun Principal/Educator ext. 232
Ilana Gilat Dir. of Advancement ext. 134
Nerissa Balland Director of Communications ext. 375
Greg Lawrence Dir. of The Tribe ext. 228
Lorna Rodriguez Dir. of Finance ext. 237
Sharon Hoffman Dir. of Member Services ext. 245
Michael Svayg Dir. of Building and Facilities ext. 276
Dalia Katz After School Enrichment/Parent/Child Coor./Camp ext. 238
Rita Fernandez Accounting Assistant ext. 224
Diana Burnett Early Childhood Administrative Assistant ext. 223
Tara Stiel Assistant to Executive Director ext. 250
Alice Palombo Administrative Assistant ext. 258
Jennifer Lamden Cantorial Assistant ext. 242
Deldra Owens Administrative Assistant ext. 277
Noemi Cortes Clergy Assistant ext. 225
Lois Kotzen HaKOL Coordinator ext. 253
Ariane Bock-Davis Receptionist ext. 100
Join us for a screening of this film followed
by a discussion. Coffee and Dessert will be
served. Immediately afterwards, we will
have our annual Selichot service at 10pm.
Please call Mark Baranek at 305 538-7231
or email: with questions.
Page 30
September 2016
Michael Meltzer
Page 31
temple Beth SHolom
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Call 305.638.4141
Miami Beach
(USPS 537-520)
4144 Chase Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33140
Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin Affiliated with the Union for
Reform Judaism Published monthly throughout the year
except for combined issues for May/June /July.
Periodicals postage paid in Miami FL
Temple Beth Sholom, 4144 Chase Ave,
Miami Beach, FL 33140 Phone: 305.538.7231
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Temple Beth Sholom, 4144 Chase Ave,
Miami Beach, FL 33140