High Holy Days Service information on page 5.


High Holy Days Service information on page 5.
Volume 75 Issue 1 | September 2015 | www.tbsmb.org
High Holy Days Service information on page 5.
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HaKOL September 2015
Gary A. Glickstein Rabbi
Robert A. Davis Rabbi, D.Min.
Gayle Pomerantz Rabbi
Amy L. Morrison Rabbi
Lisa V. Segal Cantor
Steven Haas Cantor Emeritus
David M. Lamden, F.T.A. Executive Director
Mark Baranek Director of Congregational Engagement
Margie Zeskind Director of Early Childhood Education
Yael Dadoun Principal/Educator
Ilana Gilat Director of Advancement
Greg Lawrence Director of The Tribe
Lois Kotzen Office Administrator
Nerissa Balland Director of Communications
Lorna Rodriguez Director of Finance
Sharon Hoffman Director of Member Services
Shula Ben-David Director Bar/Bat Mitzvah Emerita
David Conviser Cantor Emeritus
Alice Miller, F.T.A. Executive Director Emerita
Dennis J. Rice, F.T.A. Executive Director Emeritus
Board of Trustees
In This Issue
Shabbat Schedule............................2
Elu v’Elu ................................................3
President’s Message........................4
High Holy Day Schedule................5
Rabbi Pomerantz...............................6/7
Foundation School News ..............8/9
Cantor Segal .......................................10
Community Opportunities.............11
Legacy Endowment ........................12/13
Tzedakah .............................................14/15
Birthdays ..............................................16/17
“Shabbat is a taste of paradise.” Talmud, Berachot 57a
Shabbat Evening Services
Jack Karson
Cyndy Albert
Jose Benrey
Jocelyn Berman
Etan Mark
TBS Brotherhood ..............................16
Create a Jewish Legacy .................17
Anniversaries ......................................18
Their Memory is a Blessing ...........18
Mazel Tov.............................................19
Upcoming @TBS...............................20
TBS Shutterbug .................................20
Israel Bonds.........................................21
Staff Directory ....................................22
Business Directory Listings ...........27
Suzanne Meltzer
Vanessa Ressler
Karen Rivo, 1st VP
Aaron Tandy
Our Shabbat evening service will embrace you. Fresh and familiar music will
enable you to give voice to your own spirit. Special occasions in the lives of
our congregants, Jewish teachings, sermons from our Rabbis, and special
music will enhance “Shabbat - our sanctuary in time.” Fridays, 6:00 pm.
Jeff Graff
Shabbat Club
Bobbi Ossip
Every Friday during evening services, children two-years-old through
2nd grade meet for a Shabbat experience under the supervision of our Early
Childhood Department. Call the School office for more information.
Elaine Bachenheimer
Julie Basner
Eric Broad
John Bussel
Elizabeth Camargo
Steven Chaneles
Lisa Cicero
Heidi Cooper
Terry Jove
Tara Katz
Diane Katzen
Michael Levinson
Sharlane Packar
Stevan Pardo
Allan Pekor
Stephanie Rosen
Gary Rosenberg
Myra Spindel
Robin Straus Furlong
Michael Weinberg
Rachel Weissman
Mark Weithorn
Carrie Wiesenfeld
Torah Study on Shabbat Morning
Start your Saturday morning with Torah study and a bagel with a shmeer
(spread) of cream cheese. Each Shabbat morning before our Shabbat
Morning Minyan (which starts at 10:30 am), you will study Parashat
HaShavua, the weekly Torah portion. The Rabbis will lead a discussion of
ancient commentaries and teachings and reveal the Torah’s modern and
relevant lessons. Every Saturday morning, 9:30 am.
*James S. Knopke
*Milton Gaynor
*Harold B. Vinik
*Neal O. Amdur
Marvin Stonberg
*Helen Kotler
Michael Dribin
Charles A. Citrin
Andrew R. Hirschl
Nancy Kipnis Ratzan
Robert Hertzberg
Shelley Niceley Groff
Ronald Albert, Jr.
Peter Russin
Marjorie Baron
*Alfred B. Rosenstein
*Dr. Max Ellis
*Morris Berrick
*Harry A. Cornblum
*Louis J. Krensky
*Shepard Broad
*Leon J. Ell
*Ralph Spero
*John Serbin
*Judge Harry
Arthur Greenberg
*James Albert
*Louis Snetman
*Jack Fink
*Eli Katzin
Stanley Arkin
Norman Braman
Morris Broad
Harvey Chaplin
Joel Friedland
Gary Gerson
David Kenin
Donald Lefton
Hillel Meyers
Irving Miller
Gerald Robins
Harry B. Smith
Manuel Zaiac
This lively service for pre-school-aged children and families combines
prayer, music, stories, snacks, and much more. Contact Mark Baranek.
Takes place Saturday mornings, 9:30 am when Shabbat School is in session.
Shabbat Morning Minyan
Join us Saturday mornings at 10:30 am in our beautiful chapel or
sanctuary. Our clergy and members of our congregation help to lead the
prayers and read the Torah.
B’nei Mitzvah Service
Our B’nei Mitzvah services are at 10:00 am and 4:30 pm. These services
occur only when a member of the Temple is celebrating the occasion of
becoming Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah. Please see HaKOL or tbsmb.org for
the current schedule.
Kodesh and Coffee
Judy Drucker
Tot Shabbat
Dr. Robert Rosen
School Committee Co-chairs
Julie Basner & Rachel Weissman
BESHTY President Ally Schwartz
Founding Sr. Rabbi Leon Kronish, D.D.
Auxiliary Rabbi Harry Jolt
Join us after Shabbat evening services to be with old friends, meet new
friends, listen to music, enjoy coffee, and celebrate the joy of Shabbat.
Live Streaming
To watch Friday night and Saturday morning Shabbat services on your
computer: go to Temple Beth Sholom’s website at www.tbsmb.org and
click on the Worship tab and then click on Watch Services Online link.
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temple Beth SHolom
Rabbi Gary Glickstein
In Miami Beach, around the year 1950, an Orthodox
Jewish family moved in down the street from Temple Beth
Sholom. The family included a young boy who quickly
became friends with the neighbor’s daughter. She was a
student at our Religious School and she asked him to
come to Temple with her to attend a service. On returning
home, the boy was asked by his mother what he thought
of the “strange” synagogue. He reported that he “liked
the book and the music a lot but the commercial was too
long.” Just for your information, all of your rabbis are
diligently working on their “commercials,” so that they are
just the right length, especially during the High Holy Days.
In time, as women were ordained as rabbis and cantors,
even these new books no longer reflected the sensitivities
of an ever-changing Jewish world. During the last few
years, we have replaced our Shabbat prayer book with
Mishkan Tefilah and now we have its High Holy Days
companion, Mishkan HaNefesh.
However, you now are aware that we have a new High
Holy Days prayer book, Mishkan HaNefesh. I have been
asked a number of times to explain why we changed
books. This is an answer.
There are always some who long for the past, the familiar,
the books and prayers of their youth. That is true of the
words and the music as well as the rituals. However,
the Reform Movement is mandated to continue to
progressively reform and renew the past, so that the
future can embrace those who will eventually lead us.
The book the young boy saw at Temple Beth Sholom in
1950 was the Union Prayer Book. That book and its
companion for the High Holy Days, the Union Prayer
Book II, were the same prayer books I learned to use in
Rabbinical School in the 1970s. However, by then, most
American Jews had grown distant from the “thou” and
“shalt” language and were seeking a new translation to
which they could relate. Furthermore, a number of
Reform Jews had been rediscovering traditions that
past generations had discarded.
When Joanie and I decided to adopt kashrut in our eating
habits, we were among a small minority of Rabbinical
students. Reform Rabbis were rediscovering ritual items
like the tallit, along with many Hebrew prayers that the
older Reform prayer books had edited out of the service.
A new prayer book was needed to reflect the times. The
Gates of Prayer and its High Holy Days companion, the
Gates of Repentance, followed soon after.
The Hebrew text is enriched and enhanced by
recapturing many beautiful prayers that had already
begun to enter our services over the years. The English
readings now reflect our times and the ways in which
many of us view the world.
The truth is, the Jewish People have been innovating our
prayer services, books, music and rituals throughout our
long history. Our flexibility and willingness to experiment
have been the hallmarks of our survival throughout the
ages and the source of our strength in the Modern Era.
Your Clergy Team is excited and stimulated by the new
prayer book we have acquired. We look forward to sharing
it with you over these next many years.
Shana Tova/G’Mar Tov - May you and all those you
love be written and sealed in the Book of Life for a
good New Year.
Our Mission
Temple Beth Sholom will affect Jewish lives in a positive way.
We will foster and promote Jewish continuity through
our spiritual, religious, and textual value system.
We will create a sense of community among our members. We will achieve the highest quality,
in all that we do, while focusing on the lives of our members and their families.
Page 4
HaKOL September 2015
High Holy Days Reimagined
Service Descriptions
Thoughts from the President
Jack Karson, President
As you read these comments, we will be embarking on you and your
family’s participation in the reengineering of our High Holy Days.
While we have worked diligently to make sure the congregation
understands the schedule, the changes and the nuances of our new
holiday experience, I believe we must keep all of these changes in
perspective. As I have told all of you before, my family dynamic has
changed significantly. During the holidays, I always looked forward to
celebrating, eating and praying together. Now our family has spread
out. For these holidays, the year 5776, we will not be together. For
years, we would all come to Temple together. The boys would finally
graduate to the sanctuary where they would sit with Arden and me.
We would look for Lily on the bima with all the other children that
would come up during the shofar service. I will admit, we would
wave even though she would say she could never find us. This year,
Jared will be in New York and Micah will be at the University of
Michigan. Their work and studies will prevent them from joining us.
While Lily will be with us, she will be experiencing some of the new
programs that we are offering to our teens during this reengineering
time. We will not all be together for Yizkor to honor my Mother. Our
family dynamic has changed. Our Temple dynamic has changed.
As I explained last month, the changes are a result of feedback from
you and your fellow congregants. The choices of services, clergy
and locations were all developed with you in mind. In fact, we are
maintaining many old traditions and creating new ones.
As Jews, we love to talk (notice, I did not use the word “Kvetch”). This
year, let’s talk about the new dynamics and how these changes will
be what sustains our beloved temple for many years to come. Let’s
embrace the “ruach” and all that out temple has to offer.
On a separate note, I must thank all of our board members for serving
as we focus on the business of the Temple. This year, our focus will be
on completing our strategic plan; introducing the Legacy Endowment
campaign to our congregation; and working to complete the
Education transitions in the Rabbi Kronish School of Living Judaism.
Also, thank you to all of our volunteers that have supported our efforts.
Happy New Year!
L’Shana Tovah Tikatayvu.
The Family Service for Erev Rosh HaShanah and Kol
Nidre is not changing. This service is for families with
children of elementary school age and younger.
The Evening Service for Erev Rosh HaShanah and
Kol Nidre is using the new prayer book, Mishkan
The Unplugged Service on both Rosh HaShanah
and Yom Kippur mornings is in the Sanctuary, where
seating is open to all. Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz and
Cantor Lisa Segal will utilize the talents and energy of
our congregants to create an uplifting, engaging,
interactive, and innovative spiritual experience.
The Chapel Service is on both Rosh HaShanah and
Yom Kippur mornings. Using the new prayer book,
Mishkan HaNefesh, Rabbi Gary Glickstein and Cantor
Steven Haas will conduct a service with musical
settings and arrangements reflecting the historical
roots of our congregation. (Seating is limited.)
Morning Study on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur
mornings will deal with the themes of repentance,
forgiveness, and change. The participatory, informal,
and text based discussions will be led by Rabbi Davis.
The Main Sanctuary Service is on both Rosh
HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Rabbis Glickstein, Davis
and Pomerantz and Cantors Segal and Haas will
conduct a service using our new prayer book, Mishkan
HaNefesh. Experience long-standing Temple Beth
Sholom traditions and new musical settings with
creative experiences designed to energize the High
Holy Days. (Seating is open to all.)
The Youth Experience (K-6) parallels the Unplugged
and Main Sanctuary Services on both Rosh HaShanah
and Yom Kippur. Our youth will experience interactive
and dynamic High Holy Days services with music,
holiday-related activities and a special time to bond
with their peers.
The Teen Service (Post B’nei Mitzvah and older) is
on both Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Our teens
will partake in an inspiring and interactive service
designed just for their age group, in order to
individually reflect on their accomplishments and
challenges, and plan their new beginnings together.
The Healing Service on Yom Kippur is in the
Sanctuary. This service provides an opportunity for
reflection, song and prayers for all those who are in
need of physical, emotional and spiritual healing.
Congregants are invited to stand in front of the ark
for a special prayer of healing and hope.
The Childrens’ Services (K and younger) are held on
Rosh HaShanah, in the Sanctuary (featuring the TBS
Teen Band), and on Yom Kippur in the Chapel (Beit
The Yom Kippur Afternoon/Torah/ Yizkor/Neilah
Services are in the Sanctuary. The Torah Service
includes the teens who will talk about their
experiences in Israel this summer, as well as our
annual Israel Bond appeal.
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temple Beth SHolom
High Holy Days…Reimagined
Temple Beth Sholom is transforming and reenergizing the High Holy Days! Come and celebrate many of the
ongoing traditions our congregation has come to love, while adding new elements. Explore the exciting new
schedule of services. You can find descriptions of each service, so you can make your choice of how you wish
to observe the holidays.
Schedule of Services
Sunday, September 13
6:00 pm
Family Service
with Rabbis Glickstein/Davis/
Pomerantz* and Cantor Segal
Tuesday, September 22
6:00 pm
Kol Nidre Family Service
with Rabbis Glickstein/Davis*/
Pomerantz and Cantor Segal
8:00 pm
8:00 pm
Evening Service with
Rabbis Glickstein/Davis*/
Pomerantz and Cantors Segal/Haas
Monday, September 14
8:45 am
Unplugged Service in the Sanctuary
with Rabbi Pomerantz*/Cantor Segal
Kol Nidre Evening Service
with Rabbis Glickstein*/Davis
Pomerantz and Cantors Segal/Haas
Wednesday, September 23
8:45 am
Unplugged Service in the Sanctuary
with Rabbi Pomerantz*/
Cantor Segal
8:45 am
Youth Experience (K-6)
8:45 am
Youth Experience (K-6)
9:30 am
Chapel Service
with Rabbi Glickstein*/Cantor Haas
9:30 am
Chapel Service
with Rabbi Glickstein*/Cantor Haas
Teen Service (Post B’nei
Mitzvah/older) with Rabbi Morrison
9:45 am
Teen Service (Post B’nei
Mitzvah/older) with Rabbi Morrison
10:30 am
Morning Study with Rabbi Davis
11:45 am
Main Sanctuary Service
with Rabbis Glickstein*/
Pomerantz/Davis and
Cantors Segal/Haas
11:45 am
Youth Experience (K-6) and Teen
Experience (Post B’nei Mitzvah/older)
2:45 pm
Healing Service
with Rabbis Glickstein/Davis/
Pomerantz and Cantors Segal/Haas
3:30 pm
Children’s Service (K & younger)
with Rabbi Morrison
3:30 pm
Afternoon Torah Service/Yizkor/
Neilah with Rabbis Glickstein*/
and Cantors Segal/Haas
9:45 am
10:30 am
Morning Study with Rabbi Davis
11:45 am
Main Sanctuary Service with Rabbis
Glickstein/Davis/Pomerantz* and
Cantors Segal/Haas (ends by 2:30 pm)
11:45 am
Youth Experience (K-6) and Teen
Experience (Post B’nei Mitzvah/older)
2:30 pm
Tashlich Service with Rabbi Morrison
3:30 pm
Children’s Service (K & younger)
with Rabbis Glickstein/Davis*/
Pomerantz and Cantor Segal featuring
the TBS Teen Band
Tuesday, September 15 - Rosh HaShanah (Day 2)
9:15 am
Pre-Service Learning Session
with Rabbi Glickstein
9:30 am
Morning Service in the Sanctuary
with Rabbis Glickstein/Davis/
Cantors Segal/Haas
*Indicates the Rabbi who is giving the sermon at that service
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HaKOL September 2015
Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction: Where Am I?
An Exploration of Midrash,
Mindfulness and Musar
Tuesday evenings, 7:30–8:45 pm
October 13–December 15, 2015
We have more than enough
recharging stations for our devices,
but what about our souls? This class,
co-taught by Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz,
Professor Scott Rogers and Dr. Henry
Wodnicki, is meant to give us a
spiritual charge. In the first month of class, Rabbi Pomerantz
will guide us through core, evocative Jewish texts that will
frame a conversation about Jewish and personal journey. In
the following month, Scott Rogers, Founder and Director of
the Mindfulness in Law Program at the University of Miami
School of Law, and of the Institute for Mindfulness Studies,
will teach theory and exercises for integrating Mindfulness
into our lives. In the final third of the class, Dr. Henry Wodnicki, student of Musar, will teach about this Jewish spiritual
practice of personal growth through refining qualities,
emotions and habits. Space is limited to 20 particpants.
Please send a $100 registration fee to Temple Beth Sholom,
Attn: Rabbi Pomerantz to reserve a spot.
Temple Beth Sholom’s SJN is galvanizing
our congregation in the work of social
justice. Please be a part of our efforts this
coming year as we amplify our work in the
area of Poverty.
Join in one of our ongoing Direct Service projects!
Make your voice heard at a PACT rally!
Be part of a Justice Jam!
Serve your community on Mitzvah Day!
(January 31, 2016)
Advocate for economic justice!
Please look for information at tbsmb.org and respond to
our call on the High Holy Days. We hope that every
member of our community will rally around this call to
justice. For more information, contact Rabbi Pomerantz
(rabbipomerantz@tbsmb.org) or one of our Chairpeople: Adrienne Pardo (pardoa44@gmail.com), Jani
Singer (janiklinesinger@gmail.com) or Myra Spindel
Mission Statement:
The Social Justice Network’s (SJN) mission is to Repair
the World (Tikkun Olam) by motivating and educating
our congregation to service and advocacy.
“Tzedek, tzedek tirdof – Justice, justice you shall
pursue!” (Deuteronomy 16:20)
As our SJN amplifies its Justice work, we are delighted to welcome Rachael Cain, a recent graduate of the University
of Florida, to help us fulfill our mission. Rachael’s position is sponsored by Temple Beth Sholom’s Keren Dorim Fund,
established in honor of Rabbi Gary and Joanie Glickstein.
Rachael was the Manoa Social Justice Intern for the UF Hillel and the Founder and President of the UF J Street U. She
was also just selected as a Birthright Fellow. Rachael will bring new energy, passion and excitement to our justice
work at TBS.
Please welcome Rachael when you see her or contact her directly at: rachael@tbsmb.org.
For more information on any of these programs or events, contact Rabbi Pomerantz at rabbipomerantz@tbsmb.org.
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temple Beth SHolom
8:45 am
September 9, 5:45 pm
Join a Shofar Blowing Troupe for the
High Holy Days Unplugged Service
on Rosh HaShanah. This session is
designed to teach and polish shofar
blowing technique.
June 13–June 26, 2016
Join Rabbi Gary Glickstein, Rabbi Gayle
Pomerantz, Cantor Steven Haas and
Margie Zeskind on the trip of a lifetime
in June 2016.
This year, we are not only featuring our
annual Magical Mitzvah Tour, we are
also creating a special, transformative
experience for Young Families. Trip will
include Shabbat at the Kotel, jeep
rides, camel rides, rafting on the Jordan River, a mud fest at the Dead Sea,
with the opportunity to chant Torah
while gazing at the Old City of
Jerusalem! This trip is a magical way to
create new life-long friendships,
strengthen family ties, deepen your
knowledge and spiritual connection
and have fun! All ages are welcome.
We would be happy to include you in
our next Israel experience.
Contact Rabbi Pomerantz for more information: rabbipomerantz@tbsmb.org
or attend an informational meeting on
Sunday, Oct. 18 at 10:00 am
For the first time ever, our High Holy Days Unplugged Services will take place
in the Main Sanctuary, giving many more congregants the opportunity to
experience the energy and spirituality of this special worship experience. You
may even want to attend our Unplugged Service at 8:45 am. AND also our
regular High Holy Days Service, which begins this year at 11:45 am
One of the many things that make the Unplugged Service unique is the way
the talents of our congregants are part of the fabric of the service, truly
creating a communal experience.
People who have attended in past years have said the following:
“I am still basking in the glow of the High Holy Days. Your Unplugged Services
were simply exquisite. The individual stories from congregants were inspiring
and beautiful. All of the chanters, musicians, singers and participants were
outstanding–each in their own way…You orchestrated such a spiritual,
uplifting, loving experience for all of us and we are so grateful.”
- Suzanne Meltzer
“I feel as though I have been on such a journey these past 24 hours. You
provoked thought and opened my heart to feeling worship in a whole new
way. The service felt relevant, intimate and deeply personal.”
- Cathy Fetell
“A note to thank you for an extraordinarily meaningful (and enjoyable) a
service as any of us has ever attended! It was the topic of conversation at
length last evening among Wendy, Zach, Dylan and me. If lifting up your
congregation is your mostimportant goal, you have CERTAINLY succeeded. “
- Carl Roston
“It is said that one can’t be Jewish alone. Rabbi Pomerantz brings together
individuals and creates a truly sacred space to pray as a community. Every
year we are humbled by members of our community who share their personal
struggles and triumphs. Every year we are lifted and moved by Cantor Segal’s
careful curation of traditional prayers and contemporary music. And each
year we feel renewed and reconnected to ourselves, our family and our
- Heidi and John Cooper
“I just wanted to drop you a note about how much we enjoyed your
thoughtful, though-provoking and meaningful ‘alternative’ service yesterday
morning….I cried, laughed and most importantly, truly thought about my past
year and the year(s) to come. Not only was each speaker inspiring, but it is
also so nice to know a little bit more about how others find meaning in their
respective lives – a question I grapple with always. I have been on a little
‘high’ since yesterday.”
- Tiffany Hurwitz
“Our family of five has attended each of the Unplugged Services since they
started. One time, we even sat on the floor when no seats were available.
Each of us enjoys it on our own level. And we are all drawn in to something
different: the live music, singing, personal stories and of course our amazing
clergy. The Unplugged Service invites us to connect not only with our
synagogue, but also with each other and our fellow congregants, and on
a much more personal level.”
- The Bast Family
Please remember this service will begin promptly at 8:45 am. In order to preserve the
intimacy and sanctity of this service, latecomers will be asked to wait patiently for
specific times when the ushers will allow entrance into the Sanctuary.
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HaKOL September 2015
Foundation School News
Margie Zeskind
Director of Early Childhood
Dear Families,
I am excited to share a letter written by our Bereshit Art Studio Lead Teacher, Ms. Liset
Leyva. Following our special Temple Beth Sholom Art Camp this summer, Liset
eagerly wrote a letter that she wanted to share with our community. The photographs
were graciously taken by one of our Temple Beth Sholom members, Jonathan
RIght: he Art Room
Dear Families,
With the advent of our newly designed Bereshit Art Studio, many
new possibilities for creative expression have opened up. Prior to
the Art Room restructuring, one of our hopeful projections was
the addition of a specialized Art Camp for young children as part
of the already existing Temple Beth Sholom Summer Camp program. The original intent to hold camp in the studio in the summer of 2014 was delayed, since its refurbishing was not complete
until the end of the summer of 2014. Ms. Monda Gejka
graciously conducted a prototype mini art camp in 2014 while I,
in the role of Studio Lead Teacher, worked to
pattern the space after the Biblical Seven Days of Creation. This
led to the renaming of the Art Room to the Bereshit Studio.
Finally, this summer, together with the help of my assistant camp
art teacher Ruth Stein, the official first summer specialty “Art
Camp” took place and it proved to be an absolute success. Art
Camp culminated in a mini Gallery Expo morning where five
weeks of children’s artwork was on display for all to see!
Sholom Art Camp can boast being one of the few to be operated
by a professional staff in a “State of the Art” environment, where
the young child and the internal workings of his/her mind are at
its core of practice.
In closing, I want to share a comment from the parents of one of
my campers that sums it all up perfectly! “The amazing creativity
and hands on experience has been filled with a world of color and
art!! OMG my daughter couldn’t get enough!! The dirtier she got,
the more fun she had! Great Art Camp!” Great Counselors Ms.
Liset & Ms. Ruth and the Greatest Friends!!
Thank you, Michelle & Sydney Kane
It was such a beautiful time and I look forward to many more
inspiring days to come in the Studio during the school year in
both the Foundation School and After School Enrichment
programs. Stop by the office and register for our amazing After
School Art classes!
I hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts and I have over ten years of
experience organically working with young children in a
constructivist approach within the Foundation School. The
Foundation School is inspired by the Reggio Emilia Philosophy
practices, which are steeped in languages of expression. This
outstanding combination enabled me to envision projects that
were not only fun and aesthetically beautiful, but also engaging,
meaningful and age appropriate. The campers’ artistic exploration
ranged from, but was not limited to, photography of liquid art to
making actual lamps that worked! It was amazing to see each of
the young artist’s excitement during the Gallery Expo. What was
equally gratifying was their ability to eloquently articulate to the
guests the “how” behind the process of each of their created
masterpieces. While there may be many art programs offered in
and outside of our Miami Beach Community, our Temple Beth
Ms. Liset Leyva
Temple Beth Sholom’s Foundation School Infant/Toddler Childcare
For ages 8 Weeks to 24 Months • MONDAY - FRIDAY from 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
For more information and details please contact Diana@tbsmb.org or call the school office at 305.538.7231 ext. 223.
Page 9
temple Beth SHolom
Join our Congregation
at the largest Jewish
gathering in North America!
Foundation School
Holiday Bazaar
Please join us for the annual
Holiday Bazaar
October 28
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Ulam HaShalom
(Welcome Center)
Vendors include children’s
and women’s clothing, jewelry,
housewares, personalized
gift items and much more!
Complimentary childcare will be
provided beginning at 2:00 pm.
The WRJ Assembly, held in conjunction with the URJ
Biennial at the end of odd-numbered years, is a one-of-akind experience for Reform/Progressive Jewish women.
It is the place for WRJ members and women from across
North America and around the world who identify with or
are interested in the Reform Movement to come together
to learn through various workshops and study sessions,
worship together, share ideas and best practices, make
decisions about WRJ policies that will determine the
organization’s future, hear from inspiring presenters,
dance and sing to exciting music, shop at Judaic and art
vendors, reconnect with old friends, and form new
bonds. Attendees will leave the WRJ Assembly feeling
completely inspired as they return to their sisterhoods
and Jewish communities.
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HaKOL September 2015
A Message from the Cantor
Cantor Lisa Segal
Friday, September 11, 2015
9:30 am Sanctuary
Foundation School Shabbat
Ellen Allard – Musician, Composer, Entertainer
Friday, October 9, 2015
& March 11, 2016 | 6:00 pm
Rock On Shabbat – presented by
Cantor Lisa Segal and
the Rock On Shabbat Band
Friday, December 11, 2015 | 6:00 pm
“Shabanukah” featuring our
TBS Adult and Children’s Choirs
Friday, January 15, 2016 | 6:00 pm
“MLK Shabbat”
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 | 7:00 – 8:00 pm
“Chai Notes” Adult Choir resumes
Saturday, October 31, 2015 | 10:30 am
Minyan Service
Shabbat with Cantor Natalie Young,
Composer, Musician, Artist in Residence
Friday, November 20, 2015 | 6:00 pm
Sanctuary Service
Shabbat with The Nava Tehila
Ensemble from Israel. Composers
and performers of original and
traditional music that draws
on verses from Jewish sources,
liturgical poems, and Israeli and
world poetry, to create a moving
and spiritually uplifting
experience. www.navatehila.org
Friday Evening Services | 6:00 pm
“Shabbat Alive” –
A Shabbat Musical Innovation
Sponsored by the Singerman Family
January 22, 29
February 19, 26
March 4
April 1, 15
May 20, 27
June 3
Friday & Saturday,
March 18 & 19
Shabbat Services - TENTATIVE
Shabbat with Noah Aronson,
Composer and performer
Sunday, April 3, 2016 | 2:00 pm
A Cantor’s Concert
Page 11
temple Beth SHolom
Shana Tova Tribesters!
What a great summer we had here in 2015/5775!
We are fresh off the heels of our First Annual Pool
in Elul at Thompson Miami Beach. Scores of
Young Professional Jews gathered for a Shabbat
afternoon of refreshing drinks in one of the most
scenic pool spaces that Miami Beach has to
offer. We’re excited to continue this annual tradition
in the future...
We also held true to our monthly Shabbat dinners and volunteering at the
Children’s Home Society, both of which are continually gaining momentum
and devoted attendees!
Looking ahead, we have our annual High Holy Days Experience on Erev
Rosh HaShanah, September 13, and Erev Yom Kippur, September 22.
Once again, our spiritual leaders will be TBSMB’s very own Rabbi Amy
Morrison alongside Cantor Marcos Askenazi, generously on loan from
Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center. We will be using Rabbi Morrison’s very
own machzor, Hineni, which is available for purchase for $10.
Tribesters Engage in an arts and crafts
project with Children at the
Children's Home Society
This year we are excited to be hosted by Temple Beth Sholom. All Jewish
Young Professionals are welcome to join us for one or both of these
musical, technology-infused experiences of teshuvah in the Chapel.
Services begin at 8:30 pm. On Rosh HaShanah there will be a cocktail
hour at 7:30 pm, followed by the service and concluding with refreshments
and light bites.
To register and/or to purchase your copy of Hineni, please visit
May you have a sweet and meaningful New Year.
More arts and crafts at Children's
Home Society
Greg Lawrence,
Tribe Director
786.364.4406 (w)
201.788.7694 (c)
facebook & e-list
Tribesters Enjoy a Summer Pot Luck Shabbat Dinner
Page 12
HaKOL September 2015
Legacy Endowment
Ilana Gilat
Director of Advancement
Five Legacy Myth Busters
As many of you know, we are officially rolling out and
launching the Legacy Endowment Campaign this fall.
As the New Year is upon us, I want to take this
opportunity to dispel some common myths about
legacy giving.
Fact: For over 70 years, our members have worked
meticulously to build a strong Temple. Our collective responsibility is to plant seeds for future generations, so
that they may enjoy this space and place that we
worked so hard to create.
Myth #1: We need to have a great deal of wealth to
consider leaving a legacy gift.
Fact: Everyone can leave a legacy! Gifts of any amount
are most appreciated and will have a lasting impact on
shaping the future of TBS.
You can create a lasting legacy to match your values
and passions with the Temple’s needs. Together we can
impact the future of the Jewish community. This New
Year inscribe your vision for a sweet Jewish future. Give
today, guarantee tomorrow!
Myth #2: Legacy gifts are not for young families.
Fact: Many young families are choosing to add TBS as
a beneficiary to policies such as their life insurance or
IRAs. There are many ways to leave a legacy gift to the
Shanah Tova,
Myth #3: Leaving a legacy gift is complicated.
Fact: There are many simple ways to give a legacy gift.
One simple way is through a cash gift now. Payment
plans are available. *Another simple way is through a
bequest in your will.
Myth #4: Our membership dues should be enough.
Why do we need the endowment?
Fact: Membership fees barely cover 50% of total
operating costs. Strategic long term planning in the
form of an endowment is the solution. An endowment
generates additional income through conservative
investment of the principal. A percentage of the interest
the endowment produces is used to offset operating
budget expenses. The principal is protected and the
endowment transforms into an income generating vehicle that will drive us safely into our financial future.
Visit our NEW
electronic kiosk in the
Welcome Center,
featuring our Book of Life
stories! The Book of Life is
a virtual online album, a
collection of individual
and family stories, from
our cherished members
who have made a legacy
*For a sample of
simple bequest
language, please
contact Ilana Gilat
at ilana@tbsmb.org
(305) 538-7231 x134
Myth #5: Since TBS is strong now, we don’t need to
worry about building the endowment or planning for
the future.
For more information on the Legacy Endowment Campaign,
please contact me at ilana@tbsmb.org or (305) 538-7231 x134.
Page 13
temple Beth SHolom
Etan and Brielle Mark
Book of Life Story
“Temple Beth Sholom teaches us
how to love being Jewish.”
We came from different religious
upbringings: Brielle grew up with
Temple Beth Sholom (Rabbi
Glickstein was the rabbi at her
brothers’ bnei mitzvah), while Etan
was raised in a modern Orthodox
household in Brooklyn. We
were both inculcated with the
importance of “being Jewish” from
a young age–but despite Etan’s
Orthodox indoctrination, by the
time they met in 2002, it was more
important to Brielle to raise a
Jewish family than it was to Etan.
TBS was the impetus that allowed
our paths to eventually intersect to
provide a consistent message for
our family.
Book Donations
Needed by SJN
“Every person deserves
to own books.”
Please bring your gently read books
to Temple for the Phoenix
Reading Project.
Books will be donated to the
Chapman Partnership for the
Homeless. Every week, new
families enter and we have
collected and donated thousands
of books over the past three years.
Thank you,
Harrison Tandy,
Member of the
Social Justice Network
After getting married in 2005 and relocating to Miami Beach from
New York, Brielle’s father suggested to Etan that he get more
involved in TBS. Etan had never envisioned becoming involved in any
temple, much less a reform one. Years later, our children, Charlotte and
Oliver, both attended the Foundation School and Etan is now a Vice President of TBS. Brielle is involved in a number of initiatives around TBS as
well, including its Social Justice Network.
We are a resilient community. We don’t have the luxury to be
complacent, and must do our part to ensure the success of the Temple. It’s
easy to rely on others to become the community leaders and reap the benefits of their work. Yet, the legacy of the Temple requires a much deeper
level of participation. People need to consider whether they want a vibrant
and impactful Temple with human interaction that
reflects their Jewish beliefs, or a lukewarm façade with no substance,
no kishkes.
Judaism is about legacy and history, remembering and propagating.
We’ve been blessed with altruistic parents and grandparents who
always gave without hesitation, just as we’ve been blessed with this
opportunity to engage with such a spiritually rich platform. By doing our
part, we are reinforcing their legacy, making sure our Temple is available
and vibrant for years to come. We hope you will join us.
To read their full stories and others, visit tbsmb.org
If you have a Mazal Tov for the
HaKOL, e-mail
Lois Kotzen at Lois@tbsmb.org
Page 14
HaKOL September 2015
We Thank You For Your Generous Contributions
In Memory Of
Yetta Bussel
by Ann Bussel
In Honor Of
Eleanor Townsend’s return to
good health
by Ann Bussel and family
In Honor Of
Doris Olesky’s 96th Birthday
by Sharon and Jamie Hoffman
by Lois Kotzen
Theodore Kipnis
Mitchell Friedland
by Priscilla and Allan Friedland
In Memory Of
David Dubrow
by Meredith and
Jonathan Hoffman
by Norma Rosenfeld
by The Coats Family Foundation
by Andrew Okun
by The Yablon Family Foundation
Jack Sternklar
by Michelle and Matan Ben-Aviv
by Cheryl and Steve Zuckerman
In Memory Of
Eric Eikov
Gertrude Laveton
Morris Laveton
by Lee Eikov
Marsha Dauer
by Myrna and Robert Kirkpatrick
Rosalyn Gross
by Debra Weiss Goodstone
PACT (People Action for Community
by Melinda and Michael Berman
by Norma Rosenfeld
Dr. Andrew Nullman’s installation as
President of the Dade County
Medical Assocation
by Brenda and Andrew Nullman
Magical Mitzvah Trip to Israel
by Sandra and Neil Malamud and
the Cicero Family
In Memory Of
In Memory Of
Marsha Dauer
by The Kirkpatrick Family
Marsha Dauer
by Sharman Bergman
by Song & Associates, Inc.
Shoshana Pachter
by Itzchak Pachter
School of Living Judaism Fund
In Honor Of
In Memory Of
Dr. Harold Unger
by Ruth and Dennis Rice
Doris Olesky’s 96th Birthday
by Jo Asmundsson
In Memory Of
Morton Steele
by Deborah and Charles Citrin
Toni Lynn Feldman
by Lori Mishkin and Andrew Kern
Lorraine Scheaffer
by Denis Russ and Lori Mishkin
Isabel May
by Denis Russ, Lori Mishkin
and Gina and Richard Russ
In Honor Of
In Honor Of
Doris Olesky’s 96th Birthday
by Dr. Bobbi Ann Ossip
Christine Ernst
Minette Benson
by Jo Asmundsson
Bessie Brause Nelson
by Burton Nelson
Bessie Gaynor
by Lenore Gaynor
Nathan Siegel
by Harriet Dokson
Florence L. Dribin
by Albert Dribin
Richard Moser Jones
by Suzanne Stolar
Ruth Brown Shapiro
by Joy May
Meyer Dribin
by Albert Dribin
Burton Sherman
by Lois Sherman
Bessie Hoffman
by Howard Hoffman
Harold Leighton Winkler
Nathan Slewett
by Sheila Slewett
Isabel Davidson
JoEllen “Jodi” Multack
by Kimberly and Eric Mendelson
Hermann Tobias
by Julia Givre
Meyer Kotler
by his loving daughters
Ruth Weiland Falk
by Judith Richard
Donald Rubin
by A. Jay Cristol
Jorge Issac Bassuk
by Roberta Bassuk
Page 15
temple Beth SHolom
George Shusterman
by Wendy Rapaport
Belle Radin
by Jane Radin
Robert M. Stern
Anna Stern Lieberman
by Barbara Pomerantz
Rose Siegel
by Harriet Dokson
Jon Serbin
by Linda Serbin
Sylvia Rosnick
by Richard Berkowitz
Milton Myers
by Dee Dee Berkowitz
Mark Levick
by Stanley Levick
Saul Glottmanm
by Dalia Glottmann
Milton Gaynor
by Lenore Gaynor
Harry Reiter
by Sam Reiter
Seymour Winston
Rose Krulick
by Martin Winston
Evelyn Glustoff
by Albert Dribin
Werner Stern
by Ruthi Waechter
Barbara Gordon
by Mark Yaffey
Richard A. Sharpstein
by Marilyn and Sidney Sharpstein
Faye Malatesta
by Phyllis Winston
Ephram Libbin
by Jerome Libbin
Moises Behmoiras
by Rafael Behmoiras
Nathan Reiber
by Carolee Reiber
Esther Spiegelman
by Guy Spigelman
Paul Nudelman
by Stuart Grossman
Doris K. Yaffey
by Thalia Broudy
Seymour Satin
by Wendy Rapaport
Burton Engels
by Nancy Engels
Marilyn J. Simon
by George Simon
Meyer Attias
by Nicole Cypen
Pauline Nudelman
by Stuart Grossman
Abe Schonfeld
by Donna Rosen
Yvibbe Barban Levin
by Simon Levin
Ruth Bachman
by Alvin Dlott
Nathan Cynamon
by Howard Cynamon
Edith S. Gelber
by Seymour Gelber
Meredith Smith
by David Smith
Sylvia Schatzman
by Arnold Schatzman
Sarah Tabor
by Mollie Rudt
Membership in Temple Beth Sholom is open to all, regardless of means. Our annual commitment
is based on a suggested standard amount and on one’s ability to pay,
regardless of one’s use of the various programs the Temple offers.
This structure enables all who are interested to join the Temple and contribute. The policy of
Temple Beth Sholom is that no one is refused membership for financial reasons.
Temple Beth Sholom is organizing a number of events in the upcoming year for our Brotherhood.
There will be outings, Sunday morning breakfasts, sports events, and much more. Please watch in
future issues of HaKOL and communications for more information. Eric Broad is the Brotherhood
Chair and you can reach him at EJBroad@gmail.com
Page 16
HaKOL September 2015
September 1
Seymour Gelber
Stephanie Hadad
Zachary Horwitz
Benjamin Lustig
Judy Pine
Annette Rosenfield
Theodore Wagner
September 2
Michael Aller
Elizabeth Etkin-Kramer
Cynthia Frankel
Ozzy Friedman
Judith Levick
Carol Loevin
Caryn Musaffi
Saskia Raymond
Sebastian Seitles
Joan Silverstein
Robert Stern
Jose Vallverdu
Yvonne Wagner
September 3
Joshua Abrams
Isaac Camber
Jodi Gallant
Violeta Josefsberg
Maximilian Josefsberg
Fred Jove
Aaron Rosenfeld
Eden Seifan
September 4
Franck Aravya
Alice Palombo
September 5
Ryann Cooper
Cathy Fetell
Noah Florin
Michelle Mally
Joanie Stein
September 6
Mia Berman
Anneliese Gelber
Marissa Goldstein
Jonathan Haber
Hudson Lubow
Judith Rosen
Susan Rosen
Michael Schwager
Yuladys Wrubel
September 7
Hannah Bast
David Berkowitz-Sklar
Khiara Berkowitz-Sklar
Claire Block
Julia Fine
Marshall Pasternack
Lorraine Steen
Rita Swedroe
September 8
Layla Arcoub
Robert Furlong
Jacqueline Greenberg
Rose Harris
Cheryl Kaufman
Anne Laurence-Jaffe
Liza Schwager
Amy Steele Donner
Charles Wallace
Blanche Weiss
Aaron Winer
September 9
Eleni Andris
Robert Berney
Deanna Green
Jacob Hare
Robert Jaffe
Greg Lawrence
Rachel Lilenbaum
Ellie Moret
Marianne Nation
Rachel Neuhut
Kate Rosenberg
Valerie Rasken Roy
Jason Vaserstein
Lawrence Weinstein
Myla Zuckerman
September 10
Laura Alonso Gallo
Adam Block
Caryn Duboff
Frederic Friedman
Steven Greenspan
Jack Karson
Roberto Lang
Fran Levey
Dolores Nathan
Kate Russakoff
Simon Russell
September 11
Laurent Chemla
Brett Silvers
Alexis Wagner
Martin Zaiac
September 12
Maya Adrabi
Oceana Bain
Ilyce Barish
Ross Borer
Irene Brandon
Matthew Clark
Lila Jonas
Paige Kleidermacher
Judy Kutun
David Lease
Jane Robinson
Sarah Samuels
Danielle Schwartz
Victoria Shalom
Chad Tromberg
Nash Zalkin
Ryder Zalkin
September 13
Angela Cohen
Marcia Jaes
Michael Kochen
Randi Levey
Daniel Mendelson
Samuel Morjain
Norma Rosenfeld
Dave Sack
Valerie Schimel
Barbara Wien
September 14
Julie Dennis-Litinger
Mindy Glazer
Leslie Kaplan
Jacob Katz
Barry Meiselman
Gemma Wiener
September 15
David Arditi
Ian Bacheikov
Maximo Bratter
Max Feldman
Valerie Schwarzkopf
Warren Tepper
September 16
Sam Geronemus
Olivia Hege
Bernice Jaffe
Adam Kuperstein
Sharon Lerner
David Morales
Alexander Raymond
Scott Robins
Maxine Rosenbloom
Mia Shields
Hudson Shields
September 17
Adam Cohen
Moni Cohen
Omer Gady
Jan Golden
Eugene Howard
Leah Lane
Julian Lawitschka
Pollock Singerman
Michael Sabet
Samuel Seitles
Steven Tromberg
September 18
Shirley Arkin
Alexandra Benichou
David Bernard
Allan Freedline
Brooke Perlyn
Michael Sherman
Suzanne Stolar
September 19
Harris Gilbert
Nikki Jagid
Carla Oxios
Ethan Perlyn
Michael Samuels
Jeffrey Weissman
Matthew Winer
Pauline Winick
September 20
Samuel Bussel-Alonso
Phil Gross
Tager Lehr
David Mishkin
Stuart Rohatiner
Lydia Slezynger
Steve Stowe
September 21
Christophe Baraton
Eric Boritz
Jack Brod
Andrew Burger
Lindsay Genet
Martha Harris
Sophie Kane
Annie Kane
Miriam Kolker
Kasey Leeds
Ruby Lieberman
Aron Mandel
Stephanie Muhtar
September 22
Philippe Benichou
Simone D’Antuono
Alyson Milberg
Zachary Myones
Adam Perry
David Siegel
Jared Stein
Aaron Unger
K. Peter Wagner
Irene Weisburd
Renae Winer
September 23
Samson Bienstock
Joseph Luria
Page 17
temple Beth SHolom
Ana Morjain
Doris Richards
Sara Schreiber
September 24
Zachary Borak
Alan Brick-Turin
Michael Eisenstadt
Estee Gelpi
Jared Goldberg
Matthew Hege
William Kirsh
Arie Martel
Alan Merkin
Helen Merwitzer
Michelle Svayg
Jennifer Tolston
September 25
Adalynn Adler
Peter Berman
Nathan Brown
A. Jay Cristol
Diane Eisenberg
Michael Feldman
Jacob Lenard
Sharon Saballos
Yoel Shaked
Edith Shapiro
Alan Slewett
Maris Sotsky
Diane Weisman
September 26
Michael Behmoiras
Mark Block
Anita Broad
Dorothy Brumer
Jill Davis
Peri Gould
Carl Hellman
Sanford Horwitz
Julie Rivo
Amy Tobin
Rebecca Tuch-Bussey
September 27
Ramon Blumenthal
Grant Cohen
Jack Guy
Sam Kramer
Ronni Merkin
Jackson Mutchnik
Matthew Papunen
Joshua Robins
Ava Schultz
September 28
Linda Friedman
Elliot Grossman
Rebecca Kipnis
Stephanie Krasnoff
Patricia Kupferman
Sandi Pimentel
Mihi Singer
Erika Steinbauer
Jonathan Tibi
Marc Umlas
September 29
Owen Basner
Carolina Blumenthal
Arlene Heller
Adam Jaffe
Micky Steinberg
Matthew Tibi
Stuart Weissman
September 30
Linda Altman
Barry Harris
Sebastian Mateu
Daniel Mateu
Paul Richards
Diana Schultz
Jennifer Turkell
Justin Wald
Page 18
HaKOL September 2015
September 1
Lisa & Mathew Cicero
September 2
Annette Rosenfield &
Frank Adams
Toba & Barry Meiselman
Lisa & Hugo Morales
September 3
Lucila & Stefano Maltagliati
Alexis & Scott Wagner
Nikki & Randy Weisburd
September 4
Vicki & Allan Land
September 5
Priscilla & Allan Friedland
Andrea & Keith Hartley
Marcela & Jeffrey Stern
September 6
Leslie & Roger Baumann
Stacey & Jonathan Chopp
Joan & Howard Lenard
Alexi & Adam Richards
Carrie & Jason Wiesenfeld
September 7
Sandra Breiterman &
Gordon Loader
September 8
Leanne & Lorne Reiter
Dianne & Murray Rubin
September 9
Lea & Jeremy Green
Wendy & Carl Roston
Ursula & Murray Weil Jr.
September 10
Deborah & Neil Bienstock
Sandy & Harold Stoller
September 12
Diane & Edward Eisenberg
Lauren & Dore Louis
Joan & Harry Smith
September 13
Arlene & Wayne Chaplin
September 14
Emmanuela &
Alexandre Wolloch
Dr. Stephen Noah Horwitz – husband of Joyce Melissa
Horwitz; brother of Sandy (Janet) Horwitz, uncle of Michelle
and Zachary Horwitz.
Sharon Seiler – sister of Cyndy (Ron) Albert, aunt of Erin
and Jason Albert.
September 26
Anita & Morris Broad
September 29
Tracy & David Moret
September 30
Irma & Norman Braman
September 20
Wendy & Jeffrey Barash
Alvin Burger – father of Andrew (Michele) Burger,
grandfather of Tali, Jonathan and David Burger.
Dr. Hyman Turken – husband of Paula Turken, father
of Jack (Marilyn) Turken and Robert (Dana) Turken,
grandfather of Lauren, Daniele and Sam Turken.
September 25
Katherine &
Benjamin Nemser
September 15
Laura & Lewis Levey
is a Blessing
Jack Sternklar – grandfather of Etan (Brielle) Mark,
great-grandfather of Charlotte and Oliver Mark.
September 21
Selen & David Arditi
We are creating welcome
baskets for our
new members and need
help assembling and
delivering them.
Please contact Mark Baranek,
Director of Congregational
Engagement at
temple Beth SHolom
Page 19
Page 20
HaKOL September 2015
Pre-Selichot Movie
Mazal Tov
To Marcelle and Richard May on the marriage of their
daughter, Dr. Carly May to Donald Zuehlke on
September 6, 2015 in Denver, Colorado. Proud
grandparents are Joan and Stanley Worton and
Joy May and the proud aunt is Linda Worton Jackson.
To Bill Multack, who competed in the 14th European
Maccabi Games. His sport is bridge, which has been
added to the games this year for the first time. Thirtyeight countries are represented this year with over 2,000
Jewish athletes, almost 200 from the United States. This
year the games took place in Berlin, Germany.
To Nava Regev and Mark Baranek on the birth of their
grandson, Refael Hayim, born August 1, 2015. The proud
parents are Ortal and Gilad Hayim.
To Valerie Rasken Roy and Tod Roy on the birth of their
son, Cole Henry Roy, on August 10, 2015. The proud
grandparents are Adria and Robert Rasken.
Nicky’s Family
Saturday, September 5, 2015
7:45 pm
Join us for a screening
of this film followed by a discussion.
Coffee and Dessert will be served.
Immediately afterward, we will have our
Annual Selichot
service beginning at 10:00 pm.
Please call Mark Baranek at
Page 21
temple Beth SHolom
Upcoming GOINGS ON
We are pleased to open our Fall Season with an Art Exhibition by local artists, each
highly accomplished in her own media, with residencies at the Bakehouse Art
Complex in Miami.
Everyone is invited to meet and greet the artists. We encourage you to invite your
family and friends and help us welcome these wonderful artists to our Synagogue.
Their work will be beautifying our walls through the month of November.
Opening Reception on Tuesday, September 8, 2015
6:00 pm–8:00 pm
Temple Beth Sholom
Wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served
TBS Students in Israel
HaKOL September 2015
Page 22
A Technion alumnus did. In May 2012, paraplegic Claire Lomas finished the
London Marathon in 14 days using ReWalk, a lightweight, computer-assisted
exoskeleton developed by Technion alumnus Dr. Amit Goffer, who is paralyzed
from the chest down. Says Goffer of his invention, “Everything was based on
the basic education that I received at the Technion, which is priceless.” And
he is developing ReWalk further, so more people can use it. Q There are
many more breakthroughs at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. As
one of the world’s leading universities in science, technology and medicine,
the Technion is a major source of innovation. The brainpower of its graduates
helps drive the Israeli economy and contributes to the health and wellbeing of people in Israel and around the world. Q The American Technion
Society consists of thousands of people in the United States who support
the Technion. Please join us and help make the next generation of Technion
breakthroughs possible. Visit www.atscampaign.org or call 305.707.4633.
For more information, contact ATS Greater Miami Chapter Director Reyna Susi
at 305.707.4633 or reyna@ats.org, or visit www.ats.org
temple Beth SHolom
Staff Directory
Phone 305.538.7231
Office Fax 305.531.4248
E-mail: tbs@tbsmb.org
Rabbi Gary A. Glickstein
ragbab@aol.com ext. 226
Rabbi Robert A. Davis, D.Min.
rarad@tbsmb.org ext. 234
Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz
rabbipomerantz@tbsmb.org ext. 257
Rabbi Amy Morrison
rabbimorrison@tbsmb.org ext. 135
Cantor Lisa Segal
cantorsegal@tbsmb.org ext. 136
Cantor Steven Haas, Cantor Emeritus
cantorhaas@tbsmb.org ext. 239
David M. Lamden, F.T.A. Executive Director
david@tbsmb.org ext. 231
Mark Baranek Dir. of Congregational Engagement
mark@tbsmb.org ext. 376
Margie Zeskind Dir. of Early Childhood Education
margie@tbsmb.org ext. 227
Yael Dadoun Principal/Educator
yael@tbsmb.org ext. 232
Ilana Gilat Dir. of Advancement
ilana@tbsmb.org ext. 134
Greg Lawrence Dir. of The Tribe
greg@thetribe.org ext. 228
Lois Kotzen Office Administrator
lois@tbsmb.org ext. 253
Nerissa Balland Director of Communications
nerissa@tbsmb.org ext. 375
Lorna Rodriguez Dir. of Finance
lorna@tbsmb.org ext. 237
Sharon Hoffman Dir. of Member Services
sharon@tbsmb.org ext. 245
Dalia Katz After School Enrichment/Parent/Child Coor./Camp
dalia@tbsmb.org ext. 238
Rita Fernandez Accounting Assistant
rita@tbsmb.org ext. 224
Diana Burnett Early Childhood Administrative Assistant
diana@tbsmb.org ext. 223
Alice Palombo Assistant to Executive Director
apalombo@tbsmb.org ext. 258
Jennifer Lamden Cantorial Assistant
jlamden@tbsmb.org ext. 255
Deldra Owens Administrative Assistant
deldra@tbsmb.org ext. 277
Noemi Cortes Clergy Assistant
noemi@tbsmb.org ext. 225
Ariane Bock-Davis Receptionist
ariane@tbsmb.org ext. 100
Michael Svayg Dir. of Building and Facilities
michael@tbsmb.org ext. 276
Page 23
Page 24
HaKOL September 2015
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If you are interested in advertising
in our newsletter and at the same
time helping your Temple,
please contact Lois Kotzen at
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If you would like to be a Captain for a Mitzvah Day
project this year, please contact Jaleh Bast
(jaleh11@me.com), or Cheryl Zuckerman
(cherylezuckerman@gmail.com) or Rabbi Pomerantz
The first Captains’ Meeting is Wednesday,
October 7, at 7:00 pm
Florist Supply Company, Inc.
Fresh Greens
Floral Containers
Walk-in Coolers
Call 305.638.4141
temple Beth SHolom
Do you have children in college?
We want to send out
holiday gifts and
need their addresses.
Please send current
information to
Page 25
HaKOL September 2015
Page 26
Page 27
temple Beth SHolom
Temple Beth Sholom
Business Directory 2015
Serving Miami-Dade County, we provide medical/
non-medical home health care to all age groups from
newborns to seniors. For a FREE consultation please
contact: Josh Laurence at 305.627.3103 or
josh@ahcglobal.com / www.accessibleaventura.com
License #232062
Kent Adams has been videotaping Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and
other events for over 20 years. His unobtrusive approach
captures the unique personalities of his clients with special
segments that are truly magical.
Contact: adamsvideo@yahoo.com or call 305.223.3390.
College essays, resumes, press releases, brochures,
websites, speeches and more. Debra K. Leibowitz - Beach
Buzz Miami Herald columnist with 30 years experience.
305.531.7887 / beachbuzz@att.net
Home liquidation – Family Estates
Will sell antiques, collectibles, designer handbags
online in addition to private, complete estate sales.
Rita Diaz 305.323.9322 ilovestores@aol.com
Exceptional References in Dade and Broward
We are a Miami-based, creative and luxury event production
company. We specialize in event decor from concept
design to day of execution. Contact us for your next simcha!
305.571.5153 or info@petalproductions.com
Want to throw a great party?
Fun, elegant weddings and events 786.246.6800
TBS introduces
HaKOL Business Directory listings!
Now you can advertise your business to our
readers with an ad and/or a listing.
Contact Lois Kotzen for ad rates
(USPS 537-520)
4144 Chase Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33140
Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin Affiliated with the Union for
Reform Judaism Published monthly throughout the year
except for combined issues for May/June /July.
Periodicals postage paid in Miami FL
Temple Beth Sholom, 4144 Chase Ave,
Miami Beach, FL 33140 Phone: 305.538.7231
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Temple Beth Sholom, 4144 Chase Ave,
Miami Beach, FL 33140