Get involved - Temple Sholom of Chicago
Get involved - Temple Sholom of Chicago
Get involved MAY, 2015 MISHPACHA MOM'S NIGHT OUT From the President THURSDAY, MAY 14, 6:30 PM, Off-site at The Social Table Craig Niederberger RSVP to the evite you received or email FINAL MONTHLY TALMUD STUDY OF THE SEASON WITH RABBI GOLDBERG It’s hard to believe that these two years as your president have come to a close. I am deeply grateful to our wonderful and inspiring spiritual leaders, our amazing and dedicated staff, our multitalented and passionate board, and most of all to you, our community of mensches and mishpacha, for making these years two of the most special of my life. Temple Sholom 3480 N. Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, IL 60657 FRIDAY, MAY 15, 12:00 PM, TradeLink LLC, Hyatt Center, 71 South Wacker, 19th Fl. Make Talmud a fixed habit. RSVP is needed in advance to be on security list and have lunch provided. Please contact Lisa Rausa to RSVP and with questions, We’ve said and are saying goodbye to some of our closest friends and leaders, and we’re welcoming and finding new ones who can never exactly replace them, but who will take us in as new, thrilling, and as far-reaching directions as their predecessors led us. SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2:00 PM Join us for a discussion of the new Middah of the Month, /trustworthiness. Coming In JUNE/JULY: AM KESHET - PRIDE SHABBAT SERVICES & PARADE! SISTERHOOD ANNUAL DINNER & BOARD INSTALLATION SUNDAY, MAY 17, 7:00 PM, Off-site at Cafe Ba-Ba-Reeba RSVP to the evite you received or email ADULT EDUCATION LAST Monthly Film Night of the season MAY 4: Ida, 7:00 PM In 1962, Anna is about to take vows as a nun when she learns from her only relative that she is Jewish. Both women embark on a journey to discover their family story and where they belong. The Jewish Center for Addiction presents FREEDOM SONG, MONDAY, JUNE 1, 7:00 - 8:30 PM “What are you a slave to?” This musical will open your eyes to r e v e l a t i o n (s) • sha*voo*ote 5775 the real-life struggle against the bondage of self that we all fight. MAY 20, 7:00 PM, The Dan Theatre Admission is free, advance registration is strongly recommended. Drinks, desserts and amazing speakers, To register go to or call 847-745-5422. workshops, panels and learning all night in subjects ranging from Talmud to meditation to social justice to art to straight-no-chaser Torah. Come with an open mind and prepare to have it be stretched. Please visit to register. Someday soon iPhones, Kindle Fires, 4K flatscreen televisions, Teslas, and 787 dreamliners will all be as quaint as the telegraph, carbon copy paper, pocket transistor radios, horse drawn carriages, and biplanes. New presently unimaginable technologies will be with us, but we’ll remain flesh and blood with the same hopes and dreams for our successive generations to build a better future filled with gratifying work and loving companions. And I am certain that Temple Sholom of Chicago will be central to that quest and its realization. FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 6:15 PM, We will be honoring 10 individuals who have made an impactful LGBT difference! SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 9:00 AM, Services with Or Chadash SUNDAY, JUNE 28 Join Am Keshet and your Temple Sholom friends to celebrate LGBT Pride by marching in the parade on our own float! More information to come. MISHPACHA MOM'S BYOB DINNER THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 7:00 PM, Off-site at Chef Elise Mayfield's Home OUTDOOR SUSHI SHABBAT FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 7:30 PM, RSVP to Carrie Rosen at 773-435-1538 or HOLIDAY: SUNDAY, JULY 26, TISH'A B'AV Senior Rabbi Edwin Goldberg A joke: A student kept bugging his friend, "What time is it?" Finally, his friend complained, "Why don't you get a watch like the rest of us." "Why do I need a watch? There is always someone around to ask." "But what can you do in the middle of the night, when you are alone and need to know what time it is? "That's easy - I blow my shofar." "You what?" "I blow my shofar. Whenever I wake up and need to know what time it is, I open the window and blow my shofar very loudly. And literally within a few seconds, I hear someone yell ' Are you crazy? It's 2:45 in the morning!" Our community is a historic one. We began as a congregation in 1867, a mere 30 years after the incorporation of Chicago as a city in 1837. We moved into the magnificent building we currently call home in 1928. We’re seasoned, but we’re also of the moment, with children and young families, vigorous social action, ceaseless learning, and deep introspection into who we are and how we can make the best possible future together. MINDFUL JEWISH AGING MEETING Emunah With Tremendous Gratitude What time is it now, Temple Sholom? Sadly it is time to say thank you but also in a palpable way, adieu to Cantor Aviva Katzman. Since 1987, Cantor Katzman (who is probably one of the only people besides me who would like the shofar joke) has been the musical voice and spiritual center of Temple Sholom. She has been a trailblazer, a revered friend, and inspiration for countless What’s the Rabbi reading? worshipers. Maimonides: Life and Thought by Moshe Being a cantor is an exceedingly Halbertal difficult job but Cantor Katzman, like any great professional, A readable and makes it look easy. She will step inspiring look at the down from her role as the cantor life and thought of but will continue to be part of our this important Jewish community and will continue to philosopher, scholar, teach us about mindfulness and and theologian. cultivating spiritual virtues. We are a great and historic community with a brilliant future, and it has been the highest honor and pleasure to serve as your president. Thank you! Please join the congregation on Friday night, May 29, as we honor Aviva for her passion, her wit, her warmth and her voice. Let’s let her know how much we appreciate all that she has done for Temple Sholom. Worship Schedule FRIDAY, MAY 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 5:45 PM - Wine and Cheese Reception 6:15 PM - Shabbat Service, Oneg to follow SATURDAY, MAY 2, 9*-, 16, 23, 30 Middah for Iyar (APRIL 20 - MAY 18) 9:00 AM - Shabbat Morning Study Minyan 10:30 AM - Shabbat Service *NO 10:30 AM Services are scheduled - 4:30 PM, Minchah Services will be held Special Shabbat Services: FF First Friday Family Shabbat, MAY 8, 5:30 PM Tot Shabbat, MAY 15, 5:30 PM 20s & 30s Sushi Shabbat, MAY 15, 7:30 PM FF Emunah, Trustworthiness Emunah is usually translated as faith, but has a related meaning — trustworthiness. Emunah shares a Hebrew root with oman/artisan — someone who can be trusted to produce a quality product. Heroic gestures like saving someone from a fire may generate gratitude, but trust comes from many daily, small interactions done repeatedly over time. Sources describe this reliability as being like a “tent peg” — sheltering and steadying those around you. T E M PLE SH OL OM: A sacred community that embraces, inspires and matters. New Members Ellie Hart & Edward Chicoski Kara & Gregg Kaplan and sons Jack & Chase Rebecca Miller & Josh Levine and son James Paul Levy Jessica & Daniel Raskin and sons Bradley & Asher Sarah Roth and children Tyler & Jordan Melissa Schramm Jen Neumann & Mackenzie Stender Deborah & Marc Willage It’s a Simchah... A hearty mazal tov to: Erica Reynders & Joe Weiss, on their wedding, March 22. Sandra and Abbie Roth, on the birth of their son, Daniel Roth, April 1. Of Blessed Memory Norma Felsenthal, mother of Steven (Debbie) Felsenthal, March 9. Laurence Gold, husband of Susan Gold, March 12. Yosi Pendo, father of Tal (Kimberly) Pendo, March 27. Sherwood “Woody” Zwirn, father of Howard Zwirn (Jeannine Ringland Zwirn), April 1. Esther Katz, mother of Karen Wallerstein, April 2. Isabelle Zisman, grandmother of Randi (Greg) Shanin, April 4. Yael Galperin, loved one of Sara Golub, April 5. Ira Penn, brother of Jane (Harold) Sherman, April 5. Irv Ungar, longtime member and past President, April 16. Yahrzeits First Year Dr. Robert Vernier, 5/2/2014, father of Rick Vernier DorothyLevinson, 5/3/2014, sister of Marie Ogden Jean Kleinman, 5/8/2014, mother of Amy Kleinman Harriet Mashkes, 5/12/2014, aunt of Gloria Reifler Annush Taub, 5/13/2014, great-aunt of Cyndi Solitro Jack Minkow, 5/25/2014,uncle of Kelsey Lepp Lawrence Lewis, 5/30/2014, brother of Cookie Marks News to share? Email BOARD HIGHLIGHTS FOR APRIL: MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Esther Bowen & Aaron Midler Since joining Temple Sholom in September of 2011, Esther Bowen & Aaron Midler have been involved in the community in various ways. They both have been very active in the 20s&30s group, and when Eco Chavura began in 2013 they became part of the initial group of committee members and helped to lead the Eco Chavura/20s&30s Sukkot Potluck and Vegetarian Challenge. Esther is currently serving on the Cantorial Search Committee, and Aaron was a member of the Assistant Rabbi search team. "We look at our involvement with the Temple as another elemental facet of Jewish life like celebrating Shabbat or observing Passover. Volunteering for the Temple deepens our connection to the community, allows us to enrich it and influence its growth, and lets us participate in good works." All are invited to: Temple Sholom's 147th Annual Meeting of the Congregation TUESDAY, MAY 5 CONOVERCOMMENTARY On May 23rd, we begin a treasured holiday: Shavuot. Study of Jewish texts will last from night through dawn—chief among them: The Book of Ruth. “Where you go I will go... Your people will be my people and your God my God.” These words, spoken as Ruth joined the Jewish people, continue to inspire. On Shavuot, we imagine committing ourselves anew to the Jewish community and the Divine. We all become those choosing once again to be Jews. Please join our rabbis for a night of great learning and great food at the community Tikkun Leil Shavuot at Anshe Emet on Saturday night, May 23. Details to follow in our e-blasts. • Susan Greggo, a partner in the accounting firm of Warady & Davis, presented the audit report to the Board. Susan advised the board that the Temple was issued an unqualified opinion letter, the highest review possible, which means that “the consolidated financial statements….present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Temple Sholom of Chicago and subsidiaries as of June 30, 2014….in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.” - Sherry Weil, Secretary, Temple Sholom Board Congregational Seder 5:00 PM – Nosh & Schmooze (Lakeshore Lobby) 6:00 – 7:00 PM – Annual Meeting (Chapel) Our Newest Board Members Annual Sisterhood Seder Eco Shabbat & certificate celebration Steve Fadem Jeff Luchs Religous School Seder & Volunteers Religious School teachers & madrichim Pamela Narins Jed Silberg Associate Rabbi Shoshanah Conover Nefesh Mountain & Soulful Shabbat 3rd grade OreoSPACE JAM! Our deepest thanks to those whose terms on the board come to an end this year: Jim Cherney· Jason Heltzer · Helene Kohn · Tom Shinnick Celebrate, Rejoice and Honor Cantor Aviva Katzman FRIDAY, MAY 29, 5:30 PM - Special reception hosted by Marc Kaufman and Bill Healey 6:15 PM - Special musical Shabbat service, 7:30 PM - Dinner will follow The Temple Sholom community will be paying tribute to our beloved cantor, Aviva Katzman, with a celebratory Shabbat Service and dinner marking her retirement. Cantor Katzman joined the community 28 years ago-- right out of cantorial school. Over those years she has celebrated with us, rejoiced with so many mitzvot families, shared our happiness and helped us through difficult times. Her music has inspired and strengthened us all and added so much to each Shabbat and High Holy Day experience. And with her growing interest in spirituality, she has shared and encouraged us all to look inward. Dinner is $36 per person. Reservations should be made no later than MAY 20. If you would like to register online and to honor Cantor Katzman with a donation to the Music, Art and Culture Fund, visit Please contact Kylie Zacharia at 773-435-1559 with questions. MAY at Temple Sholom MO ND AY TU ES DA Y WED N ESD A Y All members should have received their invitation to complete the survey on APRIL 21. If you didn't receive it, please check your spam folder or contact Kylie Zacharia at or 773- 435-1559. The clergy, staff and lay leadership are in active listening mode, so we hope you'll complete the survey today! 5 6 Worship T HU R S D A Y WE'RE LISTENING! LET US KNOW HOW WE'RE DOING 4 K EY 7 FRIDAY 1 5:45 PM, Wine and Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service, Blessing for Those Traveling to Israel in 5775 (2015) SATURDAY 2 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 10:30 AM, Bat Mitzvah Service, Penelope Gregory 7:30 PM, DANCIN' IN THE STREETS Gala SUNDAY 3 9:30 - 11:00 AM, Religious School Israel Solidarity Day 10:00 AM, Adult Education Classes 10:00 AM, Klezmer practice 12:00 PM, Israel Solidarity Day, Ravinia Festival 3:00 PM, Journey to Freedom: Pesach & the LGBTQ Experience! LAST DAY TO DONATE SUPPLIES TO CAMP FIREFLY WITH MISHPACHA! LAG BAOMER 8 9 10 FF 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 4:30 PM, Midweek Hebrew 5:00 PM, Pre-Annual Meeting Reception 6:00 PM, Annual Meeting 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 6:15 PM, LAST DAY of Crown Family High School 6:30 PM, Mah Jong 7:00 PM, Midweek Hebrew 11:00 AM, Morning Book Club 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12:00 PM, FINAL Monthly Talmud Study with Rabbi Goldberg, Off-site FF 5:30 PM, Tot Shabbat 5:45 PM, Wine and Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service, with Birthday Blessings 7:30 PM, Sushi Shabbat 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 10:30 AM, B'nai Mitzvah Service, Alice Bolandhemat & Ari Santilla 2:00 PM, Mindful Jewish Aging Meeting 9:30 AM, LAST DAY of Religious School 10:00 AM, LAST DAY of Adult Education Classes 11:00 AM, Family Program, BBQ and 8th Grade graduation 7:00 PM, Sisterhood Annual Dinner & Board Installation, Off-site at Cafe Ba-Ba-Reeba 23 24 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 7:00 PM, Am Keshet/ A Wider Bridge Presents: Israelis LGBT Activist & Film Producer, Gal Uchovsky on "Israelis Media-Agent for Change?", Off-site at the Landmark Theater 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 4:30 PM, LAST DAY of Midweek Hebrew 7:30 PM, 20s & 30s Trivia, Off-site 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 6:30 PM, Mah Jong 7:00 PM, LAST DAY of Midweek Hebrew 6:30 PM, Mishpacha Mom's Night Out, Off-site at The Social Table 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir 18 19 20 21 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 7:00 PM, r e v e l a t i o n (s) • sha*voo*ote 5775, Off-site at The Dan Theatre 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 6:30 PM, Book Club 6:30 PM, Israel Trip Meeting with Rabbi Goldberg 6:30 PM, Mah Jong 25 MEMORIAL DAY Offices are closed due to the holiday 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 5:30 PM, Family-Friendly Friday, featuring 7th & 8th grade 5:45 PM, Wine and Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service, Kabbalat Torah /Graduation 9:30 AM, Feed the Hungry 9:30 AM, Religious School 10:00 AM, Adult Education Classes 10:00 AM, Klezmer practice 12:00 PM, FINAL Monthly Lunch and Learn with Cantor Katzman 3:30 PM, Monday Meal 7:00 PM, FINAL Film Night 22 5:45 PM, Wine and Cheese 6:15 PM, Shabbat Service 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 4:30 PM, Bar Mitzvah Service, Jack Lembeck 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 10:30 AM, Bar Mitzvah, Andrew Goodman 9:00 PM, Shavuot Learning, Off-site at Anshe Emet SHAVUOT 10:30 AM, Shavuot Yizkor Service with Temple Emanuel at Temple Sholom 27 28 29 30 31 10:00 AM, AL Anon Family Group 10:00 AM, Wednesday Morning Study Group 7:00 PM, Shir Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir 5:30 PM, Cantor Katzman celebration Reception 6:15 PM, Cantor Katzman celebration Service 7:30 PM, Cantor Katzman celebration Dinner 9:00 AM, Morning Study Minyan 10:30 AM, B'nai Mitzvah Service, Francesca Kulwin & Elliot Schwartz 9:30 AM, Feed the Hungry, Off-site For more visit Education Community Event Holiday FF Family Friendly Youth Group On the 33rd day of counting the Omer (this year on MAY 7), we celebrate LAG BAOMER. “Lag” is a combination of lamed and gimmel. According to Hebrew numerology, lamed stands for the number thirty and gimmel stands for the number three. Rabbi Akiva was determined to teach Torah, even when it was forbidden. Rabbi Shimon, a student of Akiva’s — it is said that he hid in a cave for 13 years with his son, tricked the Romans by carrying bows and arrows and pretending to be going out hunting. Traditionally, we go to bonfires to symbolize the light that Rabbi Akiva brought to his teachings. SHAVUOT, MAY 24, marks the time when Moses left his (temporary) home — the camp at the base of Mt. Sinai — and climbed the mountain to receive the Ten commandments. Consider taking a commemorative mountain hike or go for a natural exploration in the backyard or camp out in the living room. From the PJ Library Blogs, "A Family Hike for Shavuot" & "Celebrating LAG BAOMER" 26 NO Monday Meal NO Mah Jong Social Action Look for The Lakeview Pantry’s Annual SHAVUOT fundraiser in conjunction with Temple Sholom and area synagogues. For every $1 received, they provide 10 pounds of food to people in our own community, so please consider a SHAVUOT gift! CONTACT TEMPLE SHOLOM Main Phone: 773-525-4707 Gan Shalom: 773-525-4867 email: B ’NAI MITZV A H DONOR SPOTLIGHT Bill Healey & Marc Kaufman Penelope Zoe Gregory will become a Bat Mitzvah May 2nd and her family could not be more thrilled. She is the daughter of Allison and Jeff Gregory and sister to Sadie. Jack Lembeck, son of Tom Lembeck and Natasha Motev Lembeck is a seventh grader at Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School. Alice Saryeh Bolandhemat will become a Bat Mitzvah on May 16th. Penelope is a seventh grader at Thayer J Hill Middle School in Naperville where she plays volleyball and runs track. She enjoyed raising money and wrapping lots of presents for Birthday Boxes, a charity that provides birthday parties and gifts to underprivileged children, for her Mitzvah Project. Free time is spent in the pool swimming for club and park district teams and hanging out at the “Beach”. Her family is so proud of her hard work at school and at Temple and cannot wait for her big day. Andrew Goodman MAY 23 Drew Goodman, son of Diane and David and younger brother of Lauren, will become a Bar Mitzvah on May 23, 2015. For his mitzvah project, Drew has been volunteering at PAWS, a nokill animal rescue facility. He has also accumulated and donated new and gently used children's books to local children in need. Drew is currently in the 7th grade at Francis W. Parker School, where he participates in Jazz Band, Science Olympiad, Astrophysics Club, Soccer and Track. Drew also studies stand-up comedy at Second City. Mazel Tov Drew! Your family can't wait to celebrate your achievement at your upcoming Bar Mitzvah. For his mitzvah project, Jack volunteered at Temple Sholom at Monday Meals and is currently working on putting together a fundraiser with his mentor Michael Taus at his restaurant to raise money for the Charlie Trotter Children’s Foundation. Jack loves to cook and appeared in Season 3 of Master Chef Junior on Fox. Jack enjoys playing golf, basketball and working out at the gym. Jack has a younger sister Phoebe who is in 5th grade. The Lembecks are looking forward to celebrating this joyous occasion with family and friends. She is the daughter of her proud parents, Meredith & Peyman and the amazing little sister to Alexis and Allegra. Alice is in the 7th grade at Hawthorne Scholastic Academy. She has a passion for rowing and is a member of the Chicago Rowing Foundation. In addition to assisting at the Temple’s Monday Meals, she is involved with the Best Buddies program where she volunteers at events and is assigned an email buddy. Alice looks forward to giving back to her community. For fun, Alice reads mysteries and writes her own short stories. Alice is kindhearted and caring. Francesca Kulwin - MAY 30 Elliot Schwartz - MAY 30 Francesca Kulwin is the daughter of Lisa Coconato and Shelly Kulwin and the older sister of Charlie and Billy. Elliot Donald Schwartz, son of Jennifer & Michael Schwartz is a 7th grader at Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School. Elliot is the oldest of 3 boys sharing his home with his brothers Simon (4th grade) and Zachary (2nd grade). Chessa is a 7th grader at Catherine Cook where this Spring she played Marian the Librarian in The Music Man. Chessa is a proud member of the Chicago Skates synchronized skating team. She loves reading, sewing and riding horses. Chessa is celebrating her bat mitzvah with a service project at Chicago’s Reinberg Elementary where she, friends and family are painting a hallway mural and adding plants to its garden. Chessa’s family is immensely proud of her and thrilled to be celebrating this momentous occasion with her. He recently took a family trip to Israel and spent time with the Israeli soldiers through the FIDF (Friends of the Israeli Defense Force). This inspired Elliot to initiate a letter writing campaign as his mitzvah project where Elliot, his family and friends wrote letters to the Israeli soldiers. Elliot is a very upbeat boy who has a love of music, sports, and is an avid reader. His parents are very proud of the young man Elliot has become! Ari, son of Tracy Brownstein and brother to Jason, attends Ogden International School and is in seventh grade. His Bar Mitzvah is May 16th. For his Mitzvah project Ari helped feed the homeless at Monday Meals at the temple. Ari loves playing soccer, football and tennis in his free time as well as playing on the Xbox! Ari's family is extremely proud of his accomplishments and is looking forward to sharing his special event. FRIDAY, MAY 8 5:30 PM - Family dinner, 6:15 PM – Kabbalat Torah/ Graduation service Come see our future at Temple Sholom as we recognize all graduating seniors and teen Madrichim at our Final family-friendly Shabbat of the year featuring 7th & 8th graders! 7th Grade Captains - Cindy Schnoll & Eileen Dordek, 8th Grade Captain - Jeannine Cordero Crown Family High School graduates: Alexander Dale Jordan Ehrlich Megan Lewis Andie Linker Molly Newmark Yevette Smith 12th grade Madrichim (in addition to those listed above): Liel Hagen Samuel Saias Over the past several years, they have taken on leadership roles in various Temple projects and committees. Both are active in Mindful Jewish Aging, and in 2014 Bill was invited along with Arin Stone to help launch the Tikkun Middot project at Temple Sholom. Marc is the Secretary of the congregation serving on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors and Strategic Planning. He recently chaired the Assistant Rabbi search team and both led the planning of Cantor Katzman’s Retirement Dinner. They both serve on the Worship Committee and have been instrumental in shaping the Shabbat experience to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere consistent with our visioning goals. Another way that Bill and Marc have chosen to engage with the Temple is through making personal contributions to the Annual Fund. In 2014 they served as co-chairs of the Come Together gala with Julie and Jon Walner, and Mindy and Ed Kirsh. They are also members of this year’s "Dancin’ in the Streets" gala committee. Director of Lifelong Learning Jay Rapoport Y, M Alice Bolandhemat - MAY 16 Ari Santilla - MAY 16 Celebrate with us this month! ° FF Community Israel Solidarity Day, Ravinia SUNDAY, MAY 3, 12:00 PM: Israel Solidarity Day brings together Jews from across the Chicago area to celebrate Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) and stand with their community in support of the Jewish state. Food & festivities for all ages, including a communitywide Walk with Israel and entertainment featuring The Maccabeats, Hadag Nachash, Jaman Drum Circle and a young family concert featuring Rick Recht. ° FF Last Day of Religious School Family Program, BBQ - Sponsored by Brotherhood SUNDAY, MAY 17, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Parents join for a musical celebration, 8th grade graduation and "School's Out" family BBQ! Every student who attends receives a gift! To RSVP to the above events, contact Lisa Rausa at or 773-435-1545. Y A 2 A 15 0 ,2 :3 T7 0 PM RD A Jack Lembeck - MAY 9 SA TU Penelope Gregory - MAY 2 Temple Sholom has been Bill Healey and Marc Kaufman’s spiritual home from the time they became members in October 2006. Rabbi Conover’s encouragement and guidance led to their Jewish wedding in 2010. Both agree that Cantor Katzman’s warm friendship, voice and music cultivated their temple engagement and led to Bill’s conversion in 2013. These experiences at Sholom and their connection to the clergy have not only strengthened their commitment and involvement with Temple Sholom, but become an integral part of who they are as a couple. PRIZES INCLUDE: $ 50 RAFFLE: 31 TICKET/ TICKETS/ 100 $ CORVETTE: CADILLAC: 2 tickets to Chicago Cubs Winner takes home $1,000! vs. Detroit Tigers PLUS 2 tickets to Chicago White Sox vs. Detroit Tigers PLUS Studio tour & meet-and-greet for 2 people at 70 The Score, courtesy of the Boers and Bernstein Show. LINCOLN: $250 certificate for dinner at Fig & Olive PLUS 4 tickets to Joffrey Ballet’s presentation of Sylvia.
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