Larchmont Temple News
Larchmont Temple News
Larchmont Temple News FEBRUARY 2013 THE AMERICAN JEWISH ADVENTURE HISTORY LESSONS FOR 21ST CENTURY COVENANT-LIVING Winter Opportunities - The Origins and Development of American Jewry American Jewish history…evokes a sense of pride that spurs a commitment to Jewish survival…By taking pride in their history, the Jewish people can be summoned to heroic achievement. - The Dynamics of American Jewish History, Dr. Gary P. Zola. ScHOLAR-IN-RESIdENcE RABBI GARY ZOLA • FEBRUARY 1-3, 2013 Exploring the treasure trove of artifacts and articles, personal documents and public achievements in the largest collection of any Jewish community’s historic record, Rabbi Zola, Executive Director of the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives and Professor of the American Jewish Experience at HUC-JIR, Cincinatti, Ohio, will enable us to reconsider how the past experience of Jews in America over this last century has made us into the community we are today. Friday, February 1, 8 PM Profiles in American Jewish Courage • Saturday, February 2, 9 AM, Chevra Torah, 4 PM, Havdalah Study, George Washington & the story of religious freedom in America, 7:309:30 PM Dessert and Discovery, Great Voices, Civil Rights and American Reform Judaism. • Sunday, February 3, 10 AM Brotherhood Breakfast: “He was one of us!”- The American Jewry’s relationship with Abraham Lincoln. SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR SPRING ScHOLAR-IN-RESIdENcE DR. STUART ROCkOFF MARcH 8-10 Dr. Stuart Rockoff, Director, History Department Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life, will share the story of how Jews found a home in the south, explore our pivotal role in the Civil Rights movement and help us consider what it is to be a Jew beyond the east coast and other major community centers throughout the United States. Friday, March 8, Southern Jews & Slavery Saturday March 9, Chevra Torah, 9 AM Good for the Jews? – The Galveston Movement, 1907 - 1914 Havdalah Study, 4 PM - Southern Jews in the Crucible of Civil Rights Sunday, March 10 Bagels & Grits: How Jews Made a Home in the South In this issue: Congregational Learning ........ 1 From the President ................. 2 From the Cantor ...................... 4 Brotherhood news .................. 4 Sisterhood ...........................4 Social Action .......................5 Events...................................5 Temple Youth.......................5 Our Congregational Family .......... 6 Thank You ....................................... 6 Ads................................................... 7 Monthly Worship Schedule .......... 8 For updated information on Temple happenings, visit us at LARCHMONT TEMPLE 75 Larchmont Avenue, Larchmont, NY 10538 914-834-6120; FAX: 914-834-6503 a member of the Union for Reform Judaism JEFFREY J. SIRKMAN Rabbi MARA S. NATHAN Associate Rabbi/ Director of Congregational Learning FREDDA R. MENDELSON Cantor RENA FRAADE Director of Religious School DEBRA FRANKEL Director of Early Childhood ZE’EV AVIEZER Executive Director H. LEONARD POLLER ז“ל Rabbi Emeritus EDWARD GRAHAM ז“ל Cantor Emeritus BOARD OF TRUSTEES RON HAUBEN President MEG FIENBERG Honorary President HARRI TARANTO Executive Vice President ROBERT GOODMAN 1st Vice President STACEY CHERVIN-SIGDA 2nd Vice President ROBERT ROTHMAN Financial Vice President LISA SAMSON Administrative Secretary DAVID SZABO Treasurer DAVID BECKER ELLEN BLUMSTEIN SHEILA CHERVIN YVETTE GOOREVITCH BARBARA LEWIS KAPLAN MICHAEL NATHAN MARK OSTER RICHARD SHAPIRO TOBY SKLAREW MARTHA STEINMAN STEVEN TANENBAUM KENT YALOWITZ Trustees SCOTT RIEMER Brotherhood President MICHELE METSCH Sisterhood Representative BRIAN COUSIN KAREN ZIMMERMAN Youth Education Committee Chairs JENNIFER KISLIN TAMI MOSKOWITZ LTNS Steering Committee Chair JULIA ROTHMAN LarFTY President Thank you for submitting by the 10th of each month to Andrea Fagon, Editor/Designer Carol Scharff, Proofreader Printed on recycled paper 2 FROM THE PRESIDENT The World We Live In On an otherwise peaceful and unmemorable Friday morning in December, our country was rocked once again by violence. Newtown thought of itself much the way we do - a quiet comfortable community a world away from the craziness of the big city. But in a terrible few minutes, a mentally ill gunman transformed Newtown - perhaps forever. While we hear about acts of violence or terrorism all too often, this time it seemed different. The events took place nearby, in the serenity of a peaceful New England hamlet; the shooter’s mayhem was committed with assault weapons legally purchased by his mother; Newtown was on the heels of our own frazzled nerves from the chaos of hurricane Sandy; and it was an act against defenseless children. For these reasons and many more, Newtown has taken its toll on all of us – triggering debates about major political issues relating to the mentally ill and assault weapons. Inevitably and appropriately, the subject turned quickly to what we are doing about safety and security closest to home at Larchmont Temple. Larchmont Temple’s clergy, staff and leadership have always viewed this as a critically important issue, which we evaluate by balancing two vital but sometimes conflicting principles: first, we must maintain secure facilities so that those who come to Larchmont Temple are and feel safe; second, we must be true to ourselves in maintaining an open, welcoming, covenantal community. Before and since Newtown, we have paid substantial attention to this issue: • We periodically reassess the adequacy of our security. In 2010 our congregation was subject to a thorough pro bono security assessment by Kroll, one of the world’s leading security firms. Based on Kroll’s recommendations we substantially upgraded Larchmont Temple’s alarm systems, security cameras and panic buttons which are connected directly to the Larchmont Police. • In July 2012, we launched a Security Task Force, chaired by two of our congregants, Dan Karson and David Becker. Dan comes to this role with invaluable expertise; he is the Chairman of Kroll in the Americas. The Task Force was charged with reassessing the adequacy of Larchmont Temple’s security, and making recommendations to our Board by the Spring of 2013 on potential areas for improvement. Sadly, we were prescient in recognizing the need for this reassessment. • We have for many years had comprehensive lockdown, evacuation, communications and disaster protocols for our Nursery School and our Religious School; we run drills to ensure readiness on a regular basis. However, just as local school districts are re-challenging their contingency plans, we are also reviewing the adequacy of our own programs. • In January 2013 we held an open meeting with our Nursery School parents. Our January 2013 Board of Trustees meeting was substantially focused on the reassessment of security and related issues at Larchmont Temple. • As a part of these efforts, the Security Task Force will be reaching out to many other constituencies over the coming weeks for our congregants’ input on how we can continue to provide safe and secure facilities, while at the same time ensuring that Larchmont Temple remains open and accessible to all of our congregants and communities. We are not complacent while we await the results of the Security Task Force’s work. Effective in mid-January, we concluded that as an interim measure we should have a security guard in place at Larchmont Temple during much of the day. While we will reconsider the longer term need for a security guard in the context of the Security Task Force’s recommendations, we concluded decisive action was required to allow our parents to continue to feel their children were in a safe and controlled environment. These are vitally important issues for us to contend with as a community and as a congregation. Please let us know your thoughts and concerns by participating in our open meetings or by contacting the chairs of our Security Task Force, Dan Karson ( and David Becker ( With thanks for your support, Ron Hauben President Outreach Shabbat Service • Friday, February 8, 8:00 PM Jeffrey J. Sirkman Rabbi Rabbi Sirkman and the Outreach Committee invite you to share in a wonderful blessing for our Outreach families, a Southern style “Pie Social” oneg, and a closeup look at a Jewish family journey spanning the generations of Outreach from the pre-Civil War era to present day. For more information, email 3 BAGELS & GRITS - JEWISH LIFE IN THE SOUTH • MARcH 4 - ApRIL 21 This photographic essay of contemporary southern Jewish life by acclaimed photographer Bill Aron features rich selections from the Museum’s large collection. The show consists of images and text panels that explore home and community life, Jewish traditions and sacred spaces, livelihood, and the south’s changing character. In addition to the exhibit, we are planning a cooking demonstration, lectures, and other fun activities. We want to enhance the event with stories, recipes, old photos (or new ones); music, memories, and the history of our members, who have a connection to the Southern States (sure, we’ll include Texas!) If you have family members from the South, or if you have a southern connection, please contact Nancy Goodman (preferably by email at or by phone at 914 833-9234, so we can get in touch with you. FROM THE CANTOR SHIR AMI LT’s Adult Choir for anyone who loves music and loves to sing. Contact Cantor Mendelson at 8346120, ext. 18 or February Rehearsals: Feb. 6, 13 Monday, February 25, 7:30 PM Celebrate Purim with the All-Star Improv Players Friday, March 8, 8:00 PM Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Stuart Rockoff Saturday, March 23 at 2:30 PM Sarah Newman Performance JUNIOR cHOIR/LT SINGS! If you are a 3rd, 4th or 5th grader and you love to sing, this is the place for you! Wednesdays at 3PM in the Grant Conference Center February Rehearsals: Feb. 6, 13 Monday, February 25, 7:30 PM Celebrate Purim with the All-Star Improv Players Sunday, March 3, 11:00 AM “Nick Jr. Purim” Learn the 2000 year old art of chanting Torah. Celebrate a milestone or just review the skills you once learned. Contact Cantor Mendelson for information. 834-6120, ext. 18 BROTHERHOOD BROTHERHOOD BREAkFAST, Sunday, February 3, 9:30 AM. Winter Scholar-in-Residence, Rabbi Gary Zola, will conclude his weekend at Larchmont Tem4 ple by discussing “He was one of us! The American Jewry’s relationship with Abraham Lincoln.” BROTHERHOOD BREAkFAST, Sunday, March 10, 9:30 AM. Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Stuart Rockoff will continue his weekend-long look at Southern Jews and the “Bagels and Grits” Exhibition. SISTERHOOD Larchmont Temple Sisterhood Presents 6th Annual Women’s Seder March 14, 2013 6:00-9:30 PM Social Hall, Larchmont Temple $40 per person Dinner and Dessert will be Served Mail in or drop off your check for $40 made out to Larchmont Temple Sisterhood by Wednesday, March 6 To be involved or for more information contact Carol Scharff at Reserve Your Space Today! GRANTS AVAILABLE FOR LT STUDENTS ATTENDING JEWISH SUMMER cAMpS & pROGRAMS Is your child going to a Jewish summer camp (i.e., Eisner, Kutz, NFTY Israel trip or some other program sponsored by a Jewish organization)? Larchmont Temple students in grades K-12 who are enrolled in Religious School programs and/or LarFTY are eligible to apply for a grant to be applied to the camp’s tuition. Grants are awarded based on need. Applications are available on the Temple website: All applications are confidential. The 2013 deadline for applying for this summer is March 15, 2013. Grants will be awarded shortly after the deadline. If you have any questions please contact Rabbi Nathan mnathan@larchmonttemple.or or 834-6120. These grants are made available through the generosity of the Larchmont Temple Youth Basket Endowment Fund, and Larchmont Temple Sisterhood. SOCIAL ACTION MIDNIGHT RUN, March 9. Plan ahead to join our Midnight Run as a driver, sorter or food maker. This is a rewarding way to share with those less fortunate Help clothe and feed the homeless on the streets of NYC. 4-6PM - sorting at Larchmont Ave Church. Contact:, or if you can help. PLEASANTVILLE COTTAGE, February 10, 12:30 PM Enjoy a seasonal celebration with residents of Pleasantville Cottages, a residential school for troubled and disadvantaged youth; games, pizza and arts and crafts with the children. Meet at Larchmont Temple at 12:30 PM or drive yourself. Children are welcome! A small donation per family is recommended to help cover costs. Contact: Robin Gensberg, DOROT MATZAH DRIVE & BREAkFAST BAR, Sunday, February 10, 9:30 AM – 12 PM. Help homebound seniors in Westchester and NYC observe Passover by patronizing a breakfast bar created and run by JYGLT. A variety of freshly prepared breakfast treats will be for sale. Additional donations will be accepted and proceeds will help purchase Passover supplies for DOROT. LT has pledged to collect Macaroons, this year. Donated Passover items will be collected February 10-March 10 at the Willow Avenue and the Blum Building lobbies. Contact: Andrew Paull, TEMPLE YOUTH 4TH ANd 5TH GRAdE JYGLT JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP, Wednesday, February 6, 5:30-7:00 PM. Immediately after Religious School, at Larchmont Temple. More information available soon! 6TH ANd 7TH GRAdE JYGLT EvENT! Saturday, February 9, 6:00-9:00 PM. More information available soon! SHEVET ACHIM: THE BROTHERHOOD: A special program for LT 9th grade boys – Explore what it means to become a Jewish man. First session meets Wednesday, March 6, 6:00-7:45 PM. Facilitated by Andrew Paull, Youth Programs Coordinator. Dinner included. Cost: Free! Email Andrew at to sign up. EVENTS dROp IN LUNcH RESUMES! Tuesday, March 12, 12:30 PM, Grant Conference Center. Lynn Reichgott returns to talk about how “At Home on the Sound” has grown since its inception 3 years ago. Lynn will discuss other services available for seniors and about the new way we think about aging. Bring your lunch and the Caring Committee will provide dessert and coffee. Questions? Call Wendy Sandler at 381-0681 or Juli Karson at 381-3007 SAVE THE DATE: BAGEL, GRITS and MORE….POT LUCk SAMPLING EVENT, April 21, 4:30 PM Taste traditional Jewish “family favorites”, regional recipes, or “healthier” lighter nouveau cuisine. Share your fondest culinary memories. Details to follow. NEED A RIDE? Let the Shul Shuttle transport you to Temple. Contact Rhoda Sumberg at 834-2713 VIEW THE MONTHLY CALENDAR AT The Downstairs Minyan Saturdays, 10:30 - 11:30AM Please join us for a casual, intimate, and musical Shabbat observance. We are committed to harnessing the peaceful energy of Shabbat through highly participatory worship. The Downstairs Minyan is also great for anyone wishing to... • Observe a yahrtzeit and say kaddish • Offer a prayer for healing • Connect with fellow congregants Contact Dave Cohn, Music and T’filah Coordinator or 914-834-6120, ext. 16 5 OUR CONGREGATIONAL FAMILY Deepest Sympathies to the family of Leona Sirkman, mother of Rabbi Jeffrey Sirkman Jean Mansell, mother of Howard Mansell Joe Kochen, partner of Judy Darksy Jacob Cohen, grandfather of Barri Becker Thelma Cohn, grandmother of Dave Cohn Herbert Lippsett, grandfather of Glenna Lee Evelyn Wilensky, aunt of Barbara Coleman Mazel Tov to Ellen & Henry Korn on the marriage of their son Gregory Korn to Carla Rodman in June and on the marriage of their daughter Joanna Korn to Aaron Venar in October Lauren Wagner & Robert Meyers on their marriage THANK YOU RABBI SIRKMAN’S MITZVAH FUND In honor of our son Garret becoming Bar Mitzvah by Sam & Ben Katz In honor of our daughter Dylan becoming Bat Mitzvah by Lisa & Keith Schuman In honor of our daughter Mallory becoming Bat Mitzvah and in memory of Robert Warner by Steve & Jennifer Warner In honor of our daughter Sofia becoming Bat Mitzvah by Laura Jacobs & Robert Girvin With gratitude and in memory of Ralph Steinman by Martha Steinman & Gil Herzberg In memory of John’s father, John J. Delehanty and Judy’s mother Adelaide Prince by John & Judy Delehanty In gratitude by Richard Rubin In gratitude by Deb & Steve Chapin In gratitude by Jane Axelrod In appreciation of your spiritual guidance and friendship by Deborah & Steve Chapin In gratitude for the shiva minyan service and in memory of Marton Mauskop by Alex and Karen Mauskop In memory of Rabbi Sirkman’s mother, Leona by Rose Wolf Judy & Steve Gutmann, Gary & Jamie Gordon Karen & Bob Frankel, Hope & Daniel Zimmerman Brant & Sheryl Odentz Maller, Jean Heller Neil & Wendy Sandler, Maude Fribourg Florence Trent, Gloria & Harold Cohen Ina & Arthur Gordon, Selma Bernstein Bob & Toby Sklarew, Bob & Minna Immerman Susan Litwer, Marion & Morton Malkofsky RABBI NATHAN’S MITZVAH FUND In Celebration of Dylan becoming Bat Mitzvah by Lisa & Keith Schuman In Memory of Ralph Steinman by Martha Steinman & Gil Herzberg In Celebration of the birth of Reese Finkelstein by Danielle & Matthew Finkelstein CANTOR MENDELSON’S MITZVAH FUND In Appreciation of Cantor Mendelson by Jenny & Larry Reibstein In Memory of Cantor Graham by Priscilla Poller In Celebration of Alex becoming Bar Mitzvah by Melanie & Lee Rothman In Celebration of Sofia becoming Bat Mitzvah by Laura & Robert Girvin In Celebration of Dylan becoming Bat Mitzvah by Lisa & Keith Schuman 6 In Celebration of the birth of their great grandson George Michael by Marcia & Bob Wofsey In Appreciation of Cantor Mendelson by Emily Laitmon & Steve Marcus In Memory of Ralph Steinman by Martha Steinman & Gil Herzberg MEMORIAL FUND In memory of Leona Sirkman By Gilbert & Martha Herzberg By Barbara Klein In memory of Adolph Pusrin By Richard & Janet Spier In memory of your beloved mother By Jerry & Norma Strassler In memory of Eugene Ungar By Lawrence & Pauline Ungar GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS In memory of Sarah Demsky By Sy & Hilda Demsky In memory of Philip Weiss By Gilbert & Martha Herzberg In honor of Carol Scheffler By Barry & Susan Lewen In memory of Marton Mauskop By Robert & Amy Stavis LOIS & JULIAN BRAUN/CANTOR GRAHAM ADULT EDUCATION FUND By Andrew L. Braun In honor of Phoebe & Chloe Weiser’s Bat Mitzvah By Gary & Jamie Gordon In memory of Lois C. Braun at yahrzeit by Carole, Kenneth, Elise & Aaron Shutzer By Kenneth & Carole Shutzer By Mark & Leslie Sweeney NURSERY SCHOOL ENRICHMENT In memory of Thelma Cohn By Susan & Grody Ruben SOCIAL ACTION TZEDAKAH FUND By Joseph & Caryl Feldmann In memory of 30th yahrzeit of my late husband Harry Firestein By Shirley G. Firestein In memory of Katherine and Donald Nathan and Gerald Kreisberg By Michael & Amy Nathan In memory of Leo Reichgott By Michael & Lynn Reichgott In memory of Arthur Bleemer By Seth & Jill Weitzman GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUNDS In memory of Irving M. Dichter By Barry & Judith Dichter In memory of Laura Cummings By Andrew Cummings By Mark & Kim Greenfield RABBI SIRKMAN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In gratitude for the aliya honoring our 40th wedding anniversary By Barry & Judith Dichter 7 FEB WORSHIP SCHEDULE SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE WEEKEND Friday, February 1 YITRO (Exod. 18:1-20:23) 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat 8:00 PM Shabbat Worship with Dr. Gary Zola Saturday, February 2 9:00 AM Chevrah Torah with Dr. Gary Zola 10:30 AM Downstairs Minyan 4:00 PM Havdalah Study with Dr. Gary Zola 7:30 PM Dessert and Discovery with Dr. Gary Zola Friday, February 8 MISHPATIM (Exod. 21:1-24:18) 8:00 PM Service for the Soul Saturday, February 9 9:00 AM Chevrah Torah 9:00 AM Family Shabbat 10:30 AM Downstairs Minyan Friday, February 15 TERUMAH (Exod. 25:1-27:19) 6:30 PM Pre-Oneg/Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday, February 16 9:00 PM Chevrah Torah 10:30 AM Shabbat Worship Bat Mitzvah of Carly Levin-Santalone 10:30 AM Downstairs Minyan Friday, February 22 TETZAVEH (Exod. 27:20-30:10) 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat NO 8 00 PM SERVICE Saturday, February 23 9:00 AM Chevrah Torah 10:30 AM Downstairs Minyan Larchmont Temple NONPROFIT 75 Larchmont Avenue Larchmont, NY 10538 914-834-6120 U.S. POSTAGE PAID WHITE PLAINS, NY PERMIT NO. 1123 CELEBRATE PURIM AT LARCHMONT TEMPLE! MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25 6:00 PM Haman’s Happy Hour Purim ‘n’ Pasta Gather in the Garden Room for a pre-performance dinner. All ages (and appetites) welcome! 7:00 PM Chicago City Limits Presents… An Improv Purim Hear the Purim tale– improv style. This hilarious troupe of actors returns for a 2nd year. Megillah reading, musical numbers by Shir Ami & LT Sings included. All ages are welcome to parin this interactive Purim experience! ticipate SUNDAY, MARCH 3 11:00 AM A Nick Jr. purim play & Sing-Along LT Sings - our Junior Choir tell the Purim tale– Nick Jr. style. Sing along to your favorite TV melodies & hear how Esther saves the day! Perfect for kids of all ages! 11:30 AM-1:30 PM Purim Carnival Share in this LT Tradition! Rides, games, food, crafts, prizes and fun for kids of all ages. (Game tickets available for purchase at the door!) To get involved or for questions, contact Rabbi Nathan MARK YOUR CALENDAR! MENUCHA MONTH More than the Jews keep Shabbat, Shabbat keeps the Jews.- Ahad Ha’Am SATURdAYS, March 9, 16, 23 • 9 AM – 11:30 AM LTRS will run on Shabbat, our Jewish day of Rest Kindergarten through 3rd grade and Chaverim will meet for Religious School on Shabbat in lieu of our Sunday program. Your family will have the opportunity to explore and experience a ‘restful’ Shabbat in fun, engaging and relaxing ways. Reminder: Sunday School will NOT meet on March 10, 17, or 24.
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