On Memory and Light


On Memory and Light
The Temple
may 2011/5771 = nisan / iyar = volume 71 / number 9 = established 1867 = www.the-temple.org
On Memory and Light
emory is a divine gift bestowed us in order to save
our lives from becoming a meaningless procession
Thoughts Composed by
of unconnected events. It is the faculty which enables us
Rabbi Peter S. Berg
to make of the past a present reality and to see time as an
endless flow of the life process. The sights which we behold, the sounds we hear, the joy we experience — all of these would be merely pictures, projected on life's screen, to be quickly erased,
were it not for the power of memory.
Fortunately, we, as human beings, have been given the ability to recall the sun's brilliant rays after
it has set, to hear the melody which survives the instrument which has produced it, to feel the glow
of a happiness which has departed. It is memory which acts as manna from heaven to nourish the
famished spirit, traveling in the wastelands of life.
What is the history of a people but its common memories etched deeply in the mind? The Jews,
who were probably the first people on earth with a sense of history, understood the need for preserving memories. The very nature of the Jewish festivals reminds us of the past. We recognize that
the present is a continuation of the past and a preparation for the future. The present tense of the
Hebrew verb is as much an adjective as a verb.
However, we know very well that memory does not always bring joy. It may serve to illumine
once more some dark corner of the past which it was best to leave in obscurity. Nevertheless, even
this is important for a mature person because it teaches us humility in the presence of life; it makes
us aware of the price which living demands and of the precarious situation of being human.
No event of any significance happens to us without leaving some trace behind. We try hard to
remember the joys and would like to obliterate the sorrows, but both survive in the mind. For some,
the tracings are clear; while with others the impressions are dim. The letters of the Hebrew word
meaning "to forget," if rearranged slightly, spell the word meaning "to darken." Forgetfulness means
plunging a past experience into darkness, while memory means to see it in a clear light. To be able
to say, "I remember," marks one as a human being.
This year we mark Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, on Sunday May 1, 2011. The
great Jewish philosopher, Emil Fackenheim, formulated what he calls the 614th commandment.
Do not grant Hitler a posthumous victory. Even if we have doubts and insecurities, even if we feel
angry, even if remembering is too difficult — we must remember so that we never forget. <
worship schedule
Friday, May 6
Shabbat Service with the Installation of The Temple
Officers & Trustees 6:00 PM
Shabbat Shalom Temple! A Tot Experience 6:00 PM
Saturday, May 7
Shabbat Chapel Service Friday, May 13
Shabbat Service Adult B'nei Mitzvah 10:30 AM
6:00 PM
7:30 PM
Saturday, May 14
Bat Mitzvah of Liliana Schulder Shabbat Chapel Service 10:30 AM
10:30 AM
Friday, May 20
Taste of Tamid Shabbat Services also at 6:00 PM
7:20 PM
Saturday, May 21
Shabbat Chapel Service 10:30 AM
Friday, May 27
Shabbat Organ Service 6:00 PM
Saturday, May 28
Bar Mitzvah of Alexander Kaye Shabbat Chapel Service 10:30 AM
10:30 AM
Torah & Haftarah
7 May
3 Iyar
Leviticus 21:1-24
Ezekiel 44:15-31
14 May
10 Iyar
Leviticus 25:1-26:2
Jeremiah 32:6-27
21 May
Bechukotai Leviticus 26:3-27:34
17 Iyar
Jeremiah 16:19-17:14
28 May
24 Iyar
We encourage all of our congregants to engage in
weekly Torah study. To assist you, study guides are
Numbers 1:1-4:20 available online at the Union for Reform Judaism
Hosea 2:1-22 website: www.the-temple.org/torah
page 1
Lifecycle & Special Occasions
B’nei Mitzvah
Newest Members
Daughter of
Nancy Field &
Michael Schulder
Son of
David Kaye & Jamie
Mazal tov on the
occasion of her bat
mitzvah, to be held on
May 14, 2011
Mazal tov on the
occasion of his bar
mitzvah, to be held on
May 28, 2011
We also congratulate the Adult B'nei Mitzvah class of 2011
Please see page 4 of this bulletin for a full invitation and listing of the class participants.
< Sam Massell on being honored by the The
Foundation of Wesley Woods and the National
Multiple Sclerosis Society's Georgia Chapter.
< Jennifer & Ben Johnson
Marcus, Max
< Dulcye Nelson-Morris & David Morris
< Jennifer Jiunta & Randy Rudderman
Pierce, Mia
< Elina Tavrovsky & Jarrett Silver
< Sabina Vayner & Sidney Simms
May Their Memory
Be For a Blessing
< Florence Goldstein
Mother of Joan Goldman
Mazal Tov to...
< Donna and Michael Coles on being honored by
the Hillels of Georgia.
< Eric & Mindy Berenson
Andrew, Alex
< Ryan Reid Satterfield and Laura Rachel Wilson
on their marriage and to Laura’s parents, Craig &
Bobby Wilson.
< Anna Whittemore
Mother of Roberta Serra
< Selma Emoff
Mother of Marilyn Schulman
< Emily Chamberlin and David Katz-Doft on their
< Harry J. Fallon
Father of Aline Brusman
< Marvin Botnick on being awarded the Cantor
Isaac & Betty Goodfriend JNF Community
Service Award.
< Allison and Jacob Blatt on the birth of their son,
Ryan Alex, and to big sister Riley and big brother
< Rosa Travis
Mother of William and grandmother of Andrew
< Harold Abrams on receiving The Greater Good
< Jaclyn and Roger Maldonado on the birth of their
son, Marc Aaron.
< Jackie Viener on being honored by the Georgia
Legacy at their 8th Annual “Glow” luncheon
sponsored by the Georgia Commission on
< Katherine and Hal Schneider on the birth of their
daughter, Evelyn Sara, and to great grandmother,
Dorothy P. Hamburger, maternal grandparents,
Marc & Dedee Hamburger and Nancy Hamburger,
and paternal grandparents, Barbara and Martin
< Rabbi Frederick H. Reeves, who was featured in the
Atlanta Journal-Constitution discussing Passover
traditions and it's dietary restrictions.
< Josh and Kim Gnatt on the birth of their son,
Benjamin Reid.
< Benjamin Lalkin
Father of Eyal Lalkin Segal
< Rubin Silverstein
Husband of Edith
If we have made any inadvertent omissions, please
excuse us. We ask that you let us know, so that we
can correct the error, by contacting Dianne Ratowsky
at 404.873.1731 or dratowsky@the-temple.org.
Our Leadership & Contacts
Officers of the Board
Rabbi Peter S. Berg
Mark R. Jacobson
Executive Director
Belinda Morris
Ronnie van Gelder
Director of Programming
Billy Bauman
Executive Vice President
Edye Summerfield
Director of Temple Early Learning Center
Janet Lavine
Vice President
Bradford R. Pilcher
Director of Communications
Linda Selig
Vice President
Elizabeth C. Foster
Family & Teen Educator
Lauren Grien
Rabbi Frederick H. Reeves
Rabbi Loren Filson Lapidus
Cantor Deborah L. Numark
Rabbi Alvin M. Sugarman, Ph.D.
Rabbi Steven H. Rau, RJE
Director of Lifelong Learning
Rabbi Rachael M. Bregman
Open Jewish Project
Postal Mail: 1589 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
Telephone: 404.873.1731
Fax: 404.873.5529
Email: office@the-temple.org
Web: www.the-temple.org
page 2
Jonathan Amsler
Learn with The Temple
Get a Taste of TAMID
4 Friday, May 20 from 5:30 to 9:00 pm
4 RSVP: www.the-temple.org/tasteoftamid
Shabbat Shalom Temple!
TAMID is our adult education program, designed to continue a lifetime of Jewish learning well beyond our formative years. To give you a sampling of some of the exciting
courses we offer, we'll host Taste of TAMID: An Evening of Adult Learning on Friday,
May 20, 2011. We'll have dinner, enjoy Shabbat services together, and most importantly,
we'll learn together on a variety of fascinating topics.
< 5:30 pm - Dairy Dinner Begins
< 6:00 pm & 7:20 pm - Abbreviated Shabbat Services
< 6:00 to 8:30 pm - Adult Learning Courses (in Half Hour Segments)
Choose and experience a sampling from our menu of learning:
= Medieval Literature
= What Judaism Says About Gender Roles
= Introduction to Midrash
= Introduction to Hebrew
= Jewish Ritual Purity
= A Jewish Understanding of the New Testament
< 8:30 pm - Dessert Oneg
< Cost: $20/person for adults, $10 for children.
Joined by our tot puppets, our clergy craft engaging and
enjoyable worship services that your children will delight
in. Join us for the next Shabbat Shalom Temple! Hosted by
TELC 2-year-old classes. Please register by May 3, 2011. To
register for dinner (catered by You Should Eat! Catering):
4 www.the-temple.org/sst
Cost to Members:
Adults $12, Children (2-12) $8, Kids under 2 are free
Cost to Guests:
Adults $14, Children (2-12) $10, Kids under 2 are free
Dinner & Food provided for children up to age 5-and-up.
Registration for
Religious School
Registration for PreK through 10th grade is currently open for next
year's Breman Religious School here at The Temple. To ensure your
child's spot, please contact SoFine Usher for more information at
susher@the-temple.org or call us at 404.873.1734.
TAMID Adult Education
< Comparative Religion: Christianity and the Moderate Protestant Tradition
Monday, May 2 from 7:00 – 7:55 pm
Guest Speaker: Dr. James Lamkin, Northside Drive Baptist Church
< Israel Studies: What the Great Leaders of Israel Had to Say
Monday, May 2 from 8:05 – 9:00 pm
Instructor: Rabbi Peter S. Berg
< Comparative Religion: Buddhism
Monday, May 9 from 7:00 – 7:55 pm
Guest Speaker: Valerie Morvan, The Shambahala Center
< Comparative Religion: Islam
Monday, May 16 from 7:00 – 7:55 pm
Guest Speaker: Tayyibah Taylor, Azizah Magazine
< Comparative Religion: Zen Buddhism
Monday, May 23 from 7:00 – 7:55 pm
Guest Speaker: Gareth John Young
4 Learn more online at: www.the-temple.org/tamid
The Graduating
Class of the TELC
The Temple Early Learning Center wishes a warm
mazal tov to our 7th graduating class. The congregation
is invited to attend the TELC Graduation ceremony on
May 25, 2011 at 11:00 am in our Covenant Chapel.
< Nolan Alexander, son of Pamela and Michael Alexander
< Richard Bacon, son of Courtney and Jordan Bacon
< Benjamin Bastek, son of Julie and Billy Bastek
< Andrew Berenson, son of Mindy and Eric Berenson
< Mark Brown, son of Liz and Seth Brown
< Ryan Carter, daughter of Cameron and Dan Carter
< Samuel (Sam) Conescu, son of Haidy and Jeremy Conescu
< Emerson Crow, daughter of Jordana and Kevin Crow
< Kenzie Crow, daughter of Jordana and Kevin Crow
< Lindsay Graves, daughter of Stacey and Jamie Graves
< Abigail (Abby) Hyken, daughter of Stacy and Ed Hyken
< Elizabeth (Libby) Jonas, daughter of Lisa and Bill Jonas
< Nava Kaufmann, daughter of Laura and Peter Kaufmann
< Elias Kremer, son of Trudy and Doug Kremer
< Hannah Levy, daughter of Heidi and Lenny Levy
< Tyler Lieberman, son of Elizabeth and Ron Lieberman
< Meyer Mackler, son of Susie and Andrew Mackler
< Abigail (Abie) Mechlowitz, daughter of Dawn McNaught and Mark Mechlowitz
< Jedidiah (Jed) Roseman, son of Julie and Seth Roseman
< Jared Rovak, son of Corrie and Don Rovak
< Noa Rudisch, daughter of Adina and Bruce Rudisch
< John (Jack) Schwartz, son of Kelly Cooney and Josh Schwartz
< Lila Schwartz, daughter of Jennifer and Michael Schwartz
< Natalie Spear, daughter of Andrea and Doug Spear
< Hannah Strohl, daughter of Adrienne and Nathaniel Strohl
< Ellie Tavani, daughter of Shawn and Andrew Tavani
< Ryder Zufi, son of Louisa Liss Zufi and Jonathan Zufi
page 3
Upcoming Events
Adult B'nei Mitzvah Service
The Library &
Media Center
4 Friday, May 13 at 7:30 pm. Oneg to follow.
In 1971, the first "belated" bar mitzvah was held and soon, as part of the movement for gender
equality in Judaism, women also began participating in this new ceremony of adult identity affirmation. Either individually or in groups, men and women have studied for a period of time and
then ceremonially reaffirmed their connections with Judaism at a Shabbat service. In keeping
with this tradition, both ancient and modern, please join us as we call to the Torah the members
of the 2011/5771 Adult B’nei Mitzvah Class:
< Joyce Bihary
< Susan Carney
< Len Forster
< Judy Lipshutz
< Wendy Lipshutz
< Trinae Watkins
Prime Timers Chavurah
4 Sunday, May 15 at 2:00 pm at the home of Joan rosenbluth
If you're an active single between the ages of 60 and 75, don't miss this
opportunity to gather for a chance to learn and socialize together. The
amazing Atlanta authors Mickey Goodman and Eva Friedlander, coauthors of Nine Lives of Marriage - A Curious Journey, will be discussing
their book in the home of Joan Rosenbluth.
Purchase the book in advance from Amazon.com or read excerpts
online at www.ninelivesofmarriage.com, then come for the enjoyment
and socializing on Sunday, May 15 at 2:00 pm.
To RSVP, contact Joan at 770.394.7900. She can also provide directions
to her home so you'll have no problems getting lost.
Fifty-Plus goes to the
Atlanta Jewish Music Fest
4 Thursday, May 19 at 7:30 pm at Eddie's Attic
If you're over 50, please join us for an evening out at the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival's culminating concert. Lily of the Suburb, the folk and
Americana singer-songwriter and Atlanta local, will be joined by Sunmoon Pie, Atlanta’s budding duo of Michael Levine (guitar) and Bonnie
Puckett (piano). Also on stage will be Philadelphia’s soothing vocalist
and guitarist, Ariel Root Wolpe, who claims her music as acoustic soul.
The evening will take place at Eddie's Attic in Decatur (515-B North
McDonough Street, 30030). Contact Temple member Andrea Salwen at
asalwen@yahoo.com for ticketing information if you plan to attend. We
look forward to seeing you all there for an evening of great music.
In the month of May, we mark two significant memorials.
First, beginning the evening of May 1, we commemorate
Holocaust Remembrance Day, Yom Ha'Shoah. We encourage you to mark this solemn occasion by reading about the
events of the Holocaust using the myriad resources available
in our Temple Library. For example, The Eichman Trial by
local scholar Deborah Lipstadt, like all books in the libray
can be checked out for free by our members.
We also mark the founding of Israel on May 10. Celebrate
with one of the many books on Israel. We recommend Zealots for Zion by Robert Friedman, which will tell you all you
ever needed to know about Israel's settlement movement, or
The Israelis: Portrait of a People by Harry Golden.
The Book Club
The May Book Club will gather
around our latest book: Walking Israel: A Personal Search for
the Soul of a Nation by Martin
Riddled with colorful characters,
Jewish and Arab, this book follows
the acclaimed journalist down Israel's western coastline. From Lebanon to Gaza, as Booklist states, "This
kaleidoscope of perspectives allows
readers to glimpse an Israel too complex to reduce to the
familiar script for interethnic strife." Come study this "much
needed corrective to media stereotypes" this May.
A date and location will be determined after the publication of this bulletin. For more information, contact us at
404.873.1731 or visit our website at www.the-temple.org.
Jewish National Fund Breakfast at The Temple
4 Tuesday, May 10 from 7:30 to 9:30 am. RSVP to sellison@jnf.org or 404.236.8990.
Please join us at Jewish National Fund’s 8th Annual Jack Hirsch Memorial Breakfast. The Breakfast is free to the community but reservations are required. JNF
honors the memory of Jack Hirsch by bestowing the JNF Tree of Life Award to Sam Olens, Georgia Attorney General. JNF will also bestow The Cantor Isaac and
Betty Goodfriend JNF Community Service Award to Marvin Botnick, Publisher, Editor and President of The Jewish Georgian.
Contributions made during the Breakfast will benefit JNF’s Operation Carmel Renewal: From Black to Green and JNF’s Water Projects. For more information
and to RSVP, please contact Sue Ellison at sellison@jnf.org or 404.236.8990.
page 4
Justice with The Temple
The Zaban Couples Center Graduation
n Monday, April 4 a crowd of volunteers, Temple congregants, residents
of ZCC, as well as family and friends, gathered to celebrate the graduation of the residents of Zaban Couples Center from the Strengthening Marriage and Marriage Prospects (SMMP) class.
SMMP is sponsored as a result of a partnership with Morehouse College,
and is taught weekly on Thursday evenings by Mr. Cozell Harris, a Fatherhood and Family Consultant along with Marc Green of ZCC. SMMP facilitates and compels conversations, interactions and role play on effective communication skills, decision making, anger management, healthy relationships
and values. This season there were six couples that were married as a result of
the skills gained during this class.
Rabbi Alvin Sugarman was the keynote speaker and the theme was
Remembering Erwin Zaban: Making a Generational Impact. In April 2010,
Mr. and Mrs. Zaban attended the graduation and connected with many of
the residents at that time. None of us knew that it would be the last time that
many of us would see him. Rabbi Peter Berg gave the dinner blessing as well
as covered the couples with a wedding blessing.
The evening was filled with memories of Erwin Zaban who is greatly
missed, and well wishes to the recently
married couples and the recent gradu- A recent bride stated
ates. A focus group was conducted after during the focus group:
the ceremony to gather the experiences
"The relationship classes helped
and attitudes of the couples as a result of
me relate to my mate. It provided
this program.
tools necessary to know if he was
Prior to the event Linda Davis, the
a good man and the man for me
director of the Zaban Couples Center, before marrying him. I learned
addressed many Temple members who
something new: what a good
were formerly involved with the center. marriage looks like and what it
Executive Board members of The Tem- doesn’t look like. This informaple, and the ZCC Board of Directors
tion helped me know when I was
joined us for a VIP reception. The pur- on track and when I was not."
pose was to educate former volunteers
and stakeholders in the progress that
has been made in recent months and year, as well as the need to acquire more
funding to sustain the center in the long-term.
We thank all the volunteers, Temple board members, Temple members and
especially Rabbi Alvin Sugarman and Rabbi Peter Berg for the continued support of Zaban Couples Center.
If you would like to make a donation of household items, including furniture, to help residents comfortably transition into their new homes and off the
streets of Atlanta, please call us at 404.872.2915.
Jewish Family & Career Services
Supports & Honors Older Adults
ay is Older Adults Month, a chance to
show our appreciation for and support our
seniors as they continue to enrich and strengthen
our communities. The theme of this year’s celebration, proclaimed by the U.S. Department
of Health & Human Services’ Administration
on Aging, is “Older Americans: Connecting the
Community.” As well as paying homage to the
many ways in which older adults bring inspiration
and continuity to the fabric of our communities,
the theme highlights how technology is helping
older Americans live longer, healthier and more
engaged lives. Indeed, older Americans are more
active in community life than ever before, thanks
in part to advances in health care, education, technology, and financial stability over the last several
decades that have greatly increased their vitality
and standard of living.
What are we doing at JF&CS to support and
honor our older adult clients? Aviv Older Adult
Services – Tools for Aging is all about providing
programs not just for older adults but about those
caring for them as they age. Our Legacy Home
Care allows older adults to remain independent
while aging in their own homes. Our Geriatric Care Management provides the comfort and
confidence to family caregivers that their older
adults are being cared for. Our Caregiver Support
Services for those caring for older adults provide
much-needed relief from daily stress.
We also offer counseling services, programs for
Holocaust survivors and transportation services.
And for older adults living in the Toco Hills area,
we have our own NORC, or Naturally Occurring Retirement Community. During the month
of May, the Toco Hills Norc will host a variety of
activities, including a performance by The Phoenix Players, a senior theater group on Monday,
May 9; a talk by staff from Emory University
Hospital Palliative Care on advance directives and
health care proxies on Saturday, May 16; and an
intergenerational program with the YLC division
of Federation on Sunday, May 22.
When older adults are active and engaged in
their communities, everyone benefits. So help us
celebrate Older Americans Month!
For more information about our services for
older adults, please visit yourtoolsforliving.org, or
contact our Information & Referral Specialist at
770-677-9381 or aviv@jfcs-atlanta.org.
page 5
Contributions of Support
Rabbis' Discretionary Funds
In Memory of:
Given By:
Rose Berkowitz Betsy & Howard Fleisig
Leonard W. Bernes Florence S. Bernes
Ann Biederman Bengal Reva Zee
Diane Cole Brandon Cole
Cecilia Crow Elaine & Ron Koenig
Gerald H. Ghertner Andrew Ghertner & Family
Lee Gotthelf Judy & Marty Kogan
James A. Kaufmann Alice Kaufmann
Our beloved mother, Harriette Krugman The Krugman Family
Harriette Krugman Joyce Simon
Philip Krugman The Krugman family
Adele Kuniansky Lifer Davee & Milton Kuniansky
Julius Ludwig Wendy Ludwig
Lena Zaban Polier Davee & Milton Kuniansky
Milton Romm Judy & Barry Frankel
Shirley Romm Wender
Barbara Rosenberg Shirley Romm Wender
Helaine Schlesinger Nancy & Hal Abrams
Minna B. Shubin Marilyn & Josh Shubin
Mother, Ida G. Smith Joyce Simon
Doris Steiner Susie Warshaw
Beloved husband, Nathan Wolfe, Jr. Evie Wolfe
Robert Israel Zwig Dr. & Mrs. Edward Zwig
In Honor of:
Given by:
Hal Abrams receiving the Greater Good Award Billie Guthman
Birthday of Shirley Blaine Carol Feldman
Marvin Botnick receiving JNF Award Billie Guthman
Naming of our granddaughter, Anna Carolynn Cleveland Carol & Kevin Cleveland
Birthday of Fay Gold Deanne & Morris Whitlock
Conversion of Melissa Hicks Connie Mederos-Jacobs
Our recent birthdays Davee & Milton Kuniansky
Recovery of Liz Levine Nancy & Steve Gallant
Billie Guthman
Naming of our granddaughter, Alexis Colbie Moskovitz Kathy & Mark Moskovitz & family
Blessing of our home Deondria & Steven Paul
Birth of our son, Sammy Shana and Anthony Reh
25th Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Maury Riff Carol Feldman
Valerie and Milton N. Kassel
Shirley Romm Wender
In honor of our son Brandon’s Bar Mitzvah Cheryl & Harry Snapperman
Dorothy Wells Judith Wells
Jack Wells Judith Wells
Contributions were made by: Blossom E. Adeniran,
Roxie and Ron Garber
Harriette Krugman David Levin Harold Bernstein Alice Farley Bond Jess Freedman page 6
A. David Kahn Selma Emoff Pat Richards Dr. Hugh Klotz
Janice & Jack Levin
Natalie & Matthew Bernstein
Natalie & Matthew Bernstein
Louise & Bob Freedman
Given By:
Elizabeth & Bill Jump
Barbara Scheer-Eason
Claudia Shorr
In Honor of:
Given by:
Bat Mitzvah of Lynne Daly Judith Kirschner Education Fund
In Memory of:
Judith Kirschner In Memory of:
Nancy & John Hirsch
Arthur Scharff Memorial Fund
In Memory of:
Given By:
Tulla Rosen: Juli & Billy Bauman, Mity Scharff, Gail and
Harry Bayer
The Temple Breman
Religious School Fund
Given By:
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Kirschner
Lenore E. Gold Memorial Fund
In Memory of:
Harvey Lurie Norman David Raab Eileen Isdaner Margaret Hahn Maurice Levine Given By:
The Temple Library Fund
In Memory of:
Florence Goldstein In Memory of:
Given By:
Brockey Rothschild Institute Fund
Rosa Travis Organ Restoration Fund
Amy Edelstein
In Memory of:
Given By:
Marion Sobelson
Debbie Finestone Garden
Beautification Fund
Given By:
Beth Ann Taratoot
The Temple Endowment Fund
Given By:
Harriette Krugman: Phyllis Ginsberg, John Floyd, Helen
Pfeifer, Carole & Bob Madden, Laura & Donald Shindler,
Mary Anne Weiss, Patty & Martin Nathan, Jesslyn & David
Perlmutter, Barbara Dillon, Ellen Nathan, Rita & Michael
LeVine, Richard Robbins
Ben Gross Cindy & Barry Solomon
Herman Harrison Joyce Schwob
Michael Adilman Nancy & Steven Gallant
Marvin Colen Nancy & Jim Dykhouse
Nathan Wolfe The Mosers
Cecelia Crow Susan & Sidney Tourial
Rose Gross Stern Richard Stern
Lillian Weinberg Sonia Schwartz
Marty Price Faryl & Kevin Freeman
In Honor of:
Recovery of Elaine Pollock Birthday of Gayle Ripans Birthday of Shirley Blaine Given by:
Carlene & Nardy Cristal
Peggy Newfield
Mary Louise & Sonny Sherman
Esther Bleich Scholarship Fund
In Memory of:
Marla and Amanda Shoff
Lynne & Steven Kushner
Gene & Saralyn Oberdorfer
In Memory of:
Edward Pritzker In Memory of:
In Memory of:
Given By:
Donna & Steve Burel
Barbara Scheer-Eason
Selma Emoff David Drake Gail Oberdorfer Straus Recovery of Liz Levine Lee Gotthelf Given By:
Barbara & Burton Gold
Barbara & Burton Gold
Barbara & Burton Gold
Barbara & Burton Gold
Barbara & Burton Gold
Lowenstein Youth Scholarship Fund
In Honor of:
In Honor of:
Given By:
Naomi Popkin
Jeanne Dreyfoos
Adult Education Fund
Julian Shapiro Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory of:
Harry Popkin Wallace Dreyfoos Given By:
Lynne Alpern
Given by:
Harold Abrams receiving Greater Good Award Linda & Josh Brener
Anniversary of Deanne & Morris Whitlock Fayne Frankel
Recovery of Valerie Kassel Fayne Frankel
Recovery of Elizabeth Levine Fayne Frankel
Recovery of Mellisa van Gelder Fayne Frankel
Recovery of Ronnie van Gelder Fayne Frankel
Given By:
Jon & Bobbie Golden
Pike Organ Maintenance Fund
In Honor of:
Recovery of Elizabeth Levine Prayerbook & Worship
Enrichment Fund
In Memory of:
Celeste Kessler Rosenberg Given By:
Barbara Scheer-Eason
Senior Transportation Fund
In Memory of:
Roy Heyman Harry Fallon Renee Flom Given By:
Jackie & Tony Montag
Nancy & Hal Abrams
Given By:
Ruth Heyman
Gloria & Bud Subit
JoAnne Flom Finestone
In Honor of:
Given by:
Birthday of Shirley Blaine Joyce & Sonny Shlesinger
Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Maury Riff Joyce & Sonny Shlesinger
Temple Singers Fund
In Memory of:
Richard Roth Harriet Potlock Given By:
Marcia & Stuart Naterman
Barry Potlock
In Honor of:
Given by:
Bar Mitzvah of Brandon Snapperman Cheryl & Harry Snapperman
Sonia & William B. Schwartz
Anniversary Fund
In Memory of:
Dede Blackburn Harriette Krugman Given By:
Joyce & Jay Schwartz
Joyce & Jay Schwartz
We appreciate all donations & suggest a minimum of $10.00 per acknowledgement. Donations can be earmarked to one
of our various donations funds. For more information on the various funds and their purpose in funding The Temple’s
legacy and operations, please contact Christy Johnson at 404.873.1731. You can make donations in person, over the
phone, or via our website at www.the-temple.org/donate.
The Temple Early
Learning Center Fund
In Memory of:
Harriette Krugman In Honor of:
Recovery of Liz Levine Birthday of Connor Goldstrom Birthday of Jared Rovak Birthday of Elias Kremer Birthday of Jennifer Pearlman Birthday of Sarah Shinsky Zaban Couples Center
In Memory of:
Harriett Krugman My sister, Muriel Segal Beloved father, David Levison Mother, Charlotte Adis Mother of Frank Hahn Irving Newfield Fannie Engel Father of Andrew Drake Grandmother, Bertha Weiss Gerald T. Zwiren Given By:
Lila & Doug Hertz
Given by:
Judy & Jerry Maziar
Jane Morgan Cantor
The Hyken Family
The Hyken Family
The Hyken Family
The Hyken Family
Given By:
Sue & Dick Stern
Shirley M. Borenstein
Joyce & Sonny Shlesinger
Ronnie van Gelder
Ronnie van Gelder
Stephen Newfield
Ilene Engel
Ronnie van Gelder
Ronnie van Gelder
Mary R. Zwiren
Why do you give
your support?
There are any number of ways to support The Temple and your Jewish community. From volunteering your time to volunteering dollars, there is never just one way to give. But why do you support
The Temple? What is it that you get in return for your contributions and involvement?
We asked that question of some of our members, and in future bulletins we'll continue to ask
and let you see their answers. The goal is not a sales pitch, but rather to genuinely understand what
it is that moves people to voluntarily offer their support. In addition to their testimonials, we'll be
highlighting some of the areas that they point out to us, so you can also see what aspect of Temple
life has inspired them.
And of course, we'd love to hear from you. If there is some story you may have about why you
have been moved to support The Temple, let us know. Simply email office@the-temple.org with your
story, and we may reprint it here in The Temple's bulletin.
We give to support The Temple because we feel at home
here. We want to help enable The Temple to continue to
Bar Mitzvah of Elliot Williams Ronnie van Gelder
provide the religious services, programming and education
80th birthday of Mal Hirsch Phyllis & Rolf Hahn
Allen & Miriam Hirsch Sidney & Phyllis Rodbell
that are vital to our children and our intown Jewish
Speedy recovery of Betsy Fleisig Ronnie van Gelder
New grandson of Sandra Cuttler & Gary Lottner community. We especially like to give to the TELC fund
Ronnie van Gelder
as all three of our children are currently TELC students.
Allen & Miriam Drabkin Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Golden
In Honor of:
Given by:
Contributions were made by: Matile Ginburg,
Jeckil Promotions, Marina Gelman
Please note that donations listed are accurate as
of our press deadline. Some donations are made
close to that deadline and will be printed in the
following month's bulletin.
Stacy & Ed Hyken
The Temple Early Learning Center fund
The Ease of Online Donations
The Temple wants to make it as easy as
possible for you to make your donations at
whatever time and in whatever manner is
most convenient for you.
To that end, we have developed an online
donation system that will allow you to make
a generous contribution from the comfort
of your home or office, or wherever you
have an Internet connection.
Simply point your browser at the address:
In the history of The Temple, stretching back a century-and-a-half, rarely has there been a success as
impressive as The Temple Early Learning Center. Created to meet the demand for a top-class Jewish
preschool in the intown area, the TELC has become that institution in just a few short years.
Many of our young families who have joined The Temple in recent years have begun their involvement at The Temple Early Learning Center, and many of their children are now students in Atlanta's best
private and public schools. The not-so-secret formula for the TELC's achievement lies in its commitment to top-flight secular education paired with a deep and ongoing relationship with Jewish learning.
Children learn math, science, reading, and more. The clergy at The Temple are regular visitors to the preschool, where children learn basic Jewish concepts in a fun, informative, and interactive way. Then there
are the weekly Shabbat celebrations with parents and our Temple clergy leading a kid-friendly service.
It is not a surprise that The Temple Early Learning Center remains one of the most vibrant facets of
our community, and it serves as an excellent entree into a life of Jewish learning here at The Temple.
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