The IsraeLight - Temple Israel Ner Tamid
The IsraeLight - Temple Israel Ner Tamid
September/October 2013 Tishri/Cheshvan 5774 Volume 28 Number 1 IsraeLight Temple Israel NerThe Tamid dymt rn larvy lkyh Our Past Lights Our Future The IsraeLight 5773 5774 High Holy Day Services Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept. 4th 7:30 p.m. Sermon by Rabbi Matthew Eisenberg Rosh Hashanah Thursday, Sept. 5th 10:00 a.m. Sermon by Rabbi Matthew Eisenberg Children’s Service Thursday, Sept. 5th 2:30 p.m. Kol Nidre Friday, Sept. 13th 7:30 p.m. Sermon by Rabbi Matthew Eisenberg Yom Kippur Saturday, Sept. 14th 10:00 a.m. Sermon by Rabbi Fred Eisenberg Children’s Service Yizkor & Ne’ilah Saturday, Sept. 14th 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14th 4:30 p.m. Tickets are required for all services, except for Children’s, Yizkor and Ne’ilah. College students and military personnel with ID do not require tickets. Additional tickets for family members may be purchased for $80.00 each. For non-family members, tickets are $180.00. Please call Marcie at the Temple Office before September 4th at 440-473-5120. For more High Holy Day details, see page 5. Check out our website at September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 1 The IsraeLight Temple Office Phone: (440) 473-5120 Rabbi’s Message The threefold benediction found in Numbers 6 is the blessing with which many parents bless their children on Friday night. It is the blessing with which rabbis bless B'nai Mitzvah, and with which they bless brides and grooms when they stand under the chuppah. It is the blessing, it is the b’racha, everybody knows and loves. Yi’va’re’che’cha Adonay V’yish’ma’recha, Ya’er Adonay Panav ay’lecha, vi’chu’necka, Yisa Adonay Panav ay’lecha, v’ya’sem l’cha shalom. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord’s countenance shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up His countenance to you, and grant you peace. A deep lesson is gleaned from Rabbi Yitzchak Arama (1420-1494). Rav Arama lived in Spain and wrote about the condition of the Jewish community just prior to our ancestors’ expulsion in 1492. He is the author of an unusual and influential commentary on the Chumash called Akeydat Yitzchak (the binding of Isaac). Arama drew disinctions between the three blessings. Concerning the climactic third b’racha, he wrote: “Great is shalom... great is peace. It is the climax of all the blessings, for without peace what good are all of the other blessings? If you have peace, then it is as if you have a silver thread which joins you together with those whom you love.” It is like a silver thread? What does that mean as we enter the New Year 5774? Ask yourself, “why does Rabbi Yitzchak Arama compare shalom to silver? If you were going to compare shalom to something valuable and precious, would not it be better compared to gold?” The answer is brilliant. Gold needs almost no maintenance, whereas silver needs constant polishing. Silver needs to be burnished. It needs attention. Do you have sterling silver or any other valuable item made out of silver? If so, then you know you have to polish it often. Gold you can buy and put away, and when you take it out, it will be unchanged... but if you buy silver, you have to work at it, you have to pay attention to it, you have to care for it. Silver, as they say, is high maintenance. And THAT, is what Rabbi Arama meant, when he said if you want to have a relationship of shalom with other people, it has to be a relationship you work at maintaining. Whether it is the relationship between a husband and a wife, or between parents and children, or between dear friends, or between congregants, we either maintain it, we either work at it, or else the threads which bind us to each other tarnish and deteriorate. Harmony is only achieved, if and when we pay attention to each other. This Torah teaching has universal application. I am in the middle of my chaperone week at the Brush High School Marching Band Camp in Edinboro, PA. The 160 students are learning new music and marching steps and polishing up their skills. They are connected with many silver threads which they are maintaining and polishing to make a beautiful and harmonious sound. As 5774 begins, let us maintain and strengthen the threads which bind us to each other -- the personal threads, the spiritual threads, the congregational threads -- let us burnish them least they tarnish and deteriorate. Office Fax: (440) 646-9585 Website: Rabbi Matthew J. Eisenberg Temple Administrator: Marcie Oelbracht Founding Rabbi Emeritus: Frederick A. Eisenberg Cantorial Soloist: Rachel Eisenberg Executive Board: President: Jerry Strom V.P. Administration: Jordan Levy V.P. Membership: Mark Friedman V.P. Development: Judy Aplis V.P. Religious Practices: Allan Miner Secretary: Linda McMullen Treasurer: Steve Newman Member-at-Large: Craig Appell Committee Chairs: Adult Education: Erika Gold Marketing: Rick Brown House: Doug Wieder Tzedakah: Peter Freimark IsraeLight Staff: Editor: Linda McMullen Content Contributors: Rabbi Matt Eisenberg, Jerry Strom, Marv Gisser Advertising: Linda McMullen Temple Israel Ner Tamid Mission Statement Temple Israel Ner Tamid is a caring, accepting, Reform Jewish Congregation providing a welcoming place to gather, pray, learn and engage in acts of kindness and tzedakah. Continued on Page 3 2 September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 The IsraeLight Thank You to our Oneg & Bima Flower Sponsors! July 5th – Bima flowers sponsored by Liz and Bob Fertel in memory of Ruth Nagelbush Fertel and Ben Fertel. July 12th – Oneg sponsored by Jeff and Mary Basch in honor of Samantha Basch leading the Shabbat service. A special “thank you” to Allan Miner, Bill Droe, Rabbi Fred Eisenberg and Samantha Basch for leading Shabbat services while Rabbi Matt was in Alaska. Celebrate a special occasion, like a baby naming, anniversary, birthday or remembrance, with flowers and food! Call the office at 440-473-5120 and talk to Marcie Oelbracht, our Temple Administrator, about being a Friday Night Oneg or Bima Flower Sponsor. Rabbi’s Message from page 2 Pat and I send warm regards and prayers for health, happiness, prosperity and blessing. May God come close and listen to our congregation’s prayers for the Jewish people and all people; for Israel, America and all humanity. L’shanah Tovah, SAVE THE DATE! Friday, Aug. 23rd 7:30 p.m. We will roast marshmallows during the Oneg. Shabbat n’ S’mores Sunday, Aug. 25th 1. 9:00 a.m. “First Day of Religious School” Party K through 5 – Temple gardening 2. 9:00 a.m. 6 through 10 – Annual cemetery clean-up 3. 11:45 a.m. Cookout and dunk tank. Dunk the Rabbi to raise Tzedakah for the TINT Teddy Bear bank. Everyone, and anyone, is welcome to be dunked for Tzedakah. Tuesday, August 27th 4:00 p.m. preparation St. Aloysius Dinner 5:00 p.m. serve dinner Wednesday, September 4th Erev Rosh Hashanah See details on all High Holy Day services on Pages 1 and 5. Friday, Sept. 20th 6:15 p.m. Pizza in the Hut See page 6, plus the flyer on page 8 and in the pamphlet tower for details. Wednesday, Sept. 25th 10:30 a.m. Sukkot Yizkor Friday, Sept. 27th 7:30 p.m. Consecration & Simchat Torah MITZVAH OF THE MONTH 5773 Buy a few extra items when you shop and drop them off at the box outside the Temple office. Peanut butter, jelly & quart-sized zip-top bags always needed! September: NEW adult and children’s socks and underwear October: NEW or CLEANED, GENTLY USED blankets to be handed out to the homeless November: Hats, gloves, scarves, NEW or very gently used CLEAN coats September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 3 The IsraeLight From the President’s Desk By Gerald Strom I trust that you are having a restful, satisfying, and productive summer. Our Cleveland weather has yet to decide if it is summer, spring, or fall. At our Yacht Shabbat in June it was jackets and umbrellas. Our 4 th of July was shorts, shirts, tops, and our favorite shoes, flip-flops. Our August has been a roller coaster. With the High Holy Days so early this year (where does the time go?), I do not know what we can count on. I do know that we are rapidly approaching the most Holy time of our year, a time of reflection, a time of reminiscing of past years and significant others, and a time of personal renewal and dedication. I wish all of you well in your personal journeys. The fall means a significant increase in activities at Temple Israel Ner Tamid. Religious school begins on Sunday, August 25th, Rosh Hashanah Services on September 4th and 5th, Yom Kippur Services on September 13th and 14th, and Sukkot beginning on September 19th with festivities on the 20th. Shabbat Services are held every Friday night of the calendar year, with P.B.&J., an Oneg tradition, Adult education led by Rabbi Fred Eisenberg, gift shop hours with T.J. Summers, and our never ending tzedakah and fundraising activities are also held on Sunday mornings. Your presence at these functions add to both your life and to the life of our vibrant congregation. Susie and I look forward to spending quality time with you. Wishing you a New Year filled with the good things in life: peace, good health, happiness, and enduring friendships. L’shalom uveracha – In peace and blessing, Jerry “Taste Of Judaism” and Adult Learning For The New Year What does God expect of me? What do I expect of God? When shall I give some thought to these questions? And how shall I behave in relation to others? If you would like to consider these questions, and many more, with Rabbi Matt Eisenberg, then “Taste of Judaism” is for you. “Taste” is a free, three week course taught at TINT through the sponsorship of the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland (JECC) and the Union for Reform Judaism. It is very accessible. The topics: God and Spirituality, Torah and Ethics, the People Israel and the Jewish Community. We will learn in the Sanctuary on Wednesdays, September 18, 25 and October 2 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. To register for Taste, call Sherri Kaufman at the JECC (216) 371-0446. “Bagels and Bible” meets on Religious School Sundays from 10:15-11:15 a.m. Teachers include Rabbi Fred, Cantor Larry Josefovitz, Dr. Joy Gray, Peter Freimark, and others. Note: Religious School begins Sunday, August 25, however “Bagels and Bible” will not begin until after Yom Kippur on Sunday, September 22. “BLT - Begin Learning Torah” meets on the first two Mondays of the month, 10:30-11:30 a.m. BLT is on “summer holiday” and will resume October 7. The Adult Education calendar will be available during the High Holy Days. Erika Gold is our Adult Education chair. She and the Rabbi will be happy to field your questions and suggestions. Check the Shabbat Announcements for the latest news or visit If you wish to receive email reminders, visit the website and contact us. 4 September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 The IsraeLight Want to Park Close to Temple? Buy Raffle Tickets to Win the Best Parking Spots for Holiday Services! Be the envy of the congregation with a prime parking spot for either Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur services (or both!). The Rabbi, Founding Rabbi, President, Temple Administrator and Cantorial Soloist have generously given up their parking spots for you! Buy a ticket or many, and win one of these coveted parking spaces. The more you buy, the better your chances. Rosh Hashanah spots will be drawn on September 3rd. The remaining tickets and all new tickets will go into the bin for Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur spots will be drawn on September 12th. Winners will be notified by telephone. Here’s your chance to arrive 5 minutes before the service and still park up-close! $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 for 1 ticket 10 for 18 tickets 25 for 55 tickets 5 for 8 tickets 20 for 40 tickets 36 for 100 tickets Purchase your tickets at the Temple office. Good luck! High Holy Days Information O Lord God, as the new year 5774 begins, bless this congregation, those who lead and serve it, those who contribute to its strength. Bless our land and all its inhabitants. Bless the household of Israel, wherever they dwell. May Your favor rest upon Israel, her land, her people. May this new year bring health and happiness, prosperity and peace - to each of us, to all of us. Amen. Bimah Flowers. Help beautify the Sanctuary by making donations for Bimah flowers. Donations may be made in memory of, or in honor of, loved ones, or as greetings for the New Year. Donations will be acknowledged in the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Service programs. Call the Temple office for arrangements. Share A Ride. We have members of our congregation who cannot easily drive, or cannot drive at all. (1) Would you be willing to give someone a ride for services? Call the Rabbi to let him know. This would be a beautiful act of g’mi’lut chassadim, an act of loving kindness. (2) Do you need a ride? The Rabbi will try to make a match. Tzedakah is a Jewish imperative. On Yom Kippur morning, we hear the words of Isaiah 58, “share your bread with the hungry.” (1) On Rosh Hashanah, we will distribute empty bags. On Yom Kippur, please bring your bags filled with non-perishables. We distribute them through the Jewish Family Service Association (JFSA). This is a “teachable moment” for your children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Take them with you for “tzedakah shopping.” Let them help to fill the bag. (2) During this time of “spiritual renewal” make a generous donation to the “TINT Tzedakah Fund” to support our congregation’s monthly tzedakah at the St. Aloysius Hunger Center in Glenville. The Tzedakah Fund also allows us to engage in many and various tzedakah opportunities. The wood tzedakah box is on the prayerbook shelf as you enter the Sanctuary. Shofar Choir. Rosh Hashanah morning, the call of the shofar awakens us from our spiritual slumber, saying, “Wake up, change your ways, become a better Jew, become a better person!” We will have one brief Shofar Choir rehearsal after Religious School on Sunday, August 25 from 12:00-12:20 p.m. Please call the Rabbi (440-473-5120) to RSVP and let 5774 be the year with our loudest ever shofar choir. No prior experience is necessary, just BYOS - bring your own shofar. Is Your Child at College? Please send us the address and email address to the temple office at with College Address in the subject line. The TINT College Committee will send out a package for Sukkot and Pesach. They may be away from home, but they are in our hearts. September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 Babysitting. Jan Tucker is an experienced TINT Religious School teacher and sitter. Mrs. Tucker will be in the Bridal Room of our building which allows easy access to parents. Age: preschoolers and up. Time: from 1/2 hour before, until after services. Donation: $5 per child per service. Activities? Yes. Snack? Yes, animal crackers and juice. Reservations would be helpful, but are not required. Please call the temple office. 5 The IsraeLight Lots of Events are on the TINT Calendar! (Be sure to add them to yours!) Pizza In The Hut Friday, September 20th 6:15 p.m. It’s Temple Israel Ner Tamid’s annual, cherished tradition of sukkah building, decorating, pizza eating and Shabbat celebration. Join us in the Stark Family Social Hall to welcome Shabbat and fress on pizza, salad and challah. Details and a flyer are coming soon. Yizkor Wednesday, September 25th…...10:30 a.m. Held on the seventh day of Sukkot, this is the time to remember our cherished family and friends. Consecration & Simchat Torah Friday, September 27th 7:30 p.m. During our Shabbat service, our first graders will be surrounded by loved ones and the Torah, as we unroll the entire Irwin Abel Youth Torah throughout the Sanctuary and Stark Family Social Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy this joyous celebration. Sunday, September 29th 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. We inaugurated our blood drive the autumn after September 11, 2001. This will be our twelfth year holding a Fall Blood Drive! Over the past several years, we have also held a Spring Blood Drive. In the words of the Red Cross director, “the April Blood Drive did very well! Our goal was 24 pints and we collected 28, potentially touching the lives of 84 people. Thank you for your continued partnership on our life saving mission.” This year’s Blood Drive and Religious School Bake Sale will be a couple of weeks after Yom Kippur, on Sunday, September 29, in the Stark Family Social Hall. June 2014 Israel Trip...It’s Not Too Early to Make Your Plans! In June 2014, travel to Israel with our congregation! We will leave Cleveland on Sunday, June 8 and return Tuesday, June 17. This will be a meaningful and exciting, escorted tour of Israel going from Tel Aviv to the Dead Sea to Jerusalem, with visits to Safed, the Golan Heights, Masada, Yad VaShem, Haifa, our holy places and archaeological sites. Very tentative pricing: land package $3500, airfare $1800 -- will include hotel, some meals, motorcoach transportation and more. FYI, the congregational trip in June 2009 cost about $2500 land, $1800 air. Call Rabbi Matthew Eisenberg if you are interested, (440) 473-5120. 6 12th Annual Blood Drive and Bake Sale For the Blood Drive, everyone is welcome to donate blood, with the following criteria: you must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 105 pounds and be in good general health. You can safely donate every 56 days. There is no upper age limit. Bring some form of identification. Help raise money for our Religious School! Please bake items and individually wrap them for ease of sale. You need not be a Religious School family to bake or to enjoy the yummy delicacies. Bring your friends and buy a nosh or two...or three! September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 The IsraeLight Simchas! Happy September Birthday to… 1 2 3 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 Leonard Katz, Don Plasko Vicki Adelman, Caroline Jacobs, Mort November, Rebecca Smith, Monty Weltman Sondra Myers Max Edelman, Shelley Hoyat, Alec Krienen, Jean Ruben, Lisa Tracht, Nita Weltman Jeff Bailey, Ben Ledsky Stephanie Baden, Stacey Gunn Andrea AdeLl, Hannah Borow, Norma Klein, Vadim Tsing Frieda Eisinger, Kyra Horvat, Jody Pickle Lola Kamins Bart Baker Sandra Fine, John Kovan Sara Hillegas, Darcy Horvat, Matthew RoBbins Allison Fox, Amanda Sims, Marissa Sims Ellen Brick, Pamela Vanek Gerald Appel Jana Leenheer, Ludmilla Sorkin Priscilla Baker, Jeff Sorkin, Kevin Ziegler Marcia Grossman, Lauren Jacobs Bernard Bader, Irina Khmeinitsky Joel Wallenstein Cher Miles Frederick Cook Margarita Denenburg, Howard Leuchtag, Shelly Plasco Happy October Birthday to… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Kellie Derin, Marcie Elpiner, Michelle Madden, Shaina Malkin, Erica Rosner, Hannah Szabo, Ronald Weitzner Marv Gisser, Jonathan Koslen, Leslie Rotsky Elaine Setnik Rayanne Bassin Bridgitte Feldman, Ryan Lichtenstein, Michael Rosenstein Dale Goldstein Barbara Schiff Judith Guzik Tillie Atkins Ben Kneen, Jerry Moore, Nick Severino Toby Bader, Carol Schoenewald Diane Fox Rose Allen Melanie Friedman, Robert Friedrich, Jill Ledsky Michael Khmeinitsky, Benjamin Mitchell Randy Fox, Nelle Mitchell, Jacqueline Rippin, Gayle Rubin Mikhail Lemkov Alexander Vanek Irvin Aplis, Melanie Kriwinsky, Ronda Rosenstein Katie Basch, Thomas Koberna Hermien Schneider, Jennifer Stefancik Rosalyn Redpath Brian Butvin, Elizabeth Eisenberg, Leo Feher Andy Haas Rachael Ledsky, Steven Ozan, Stephanie Peshek Jacqueline Newman, Tracy Peshek, Deborah Warner-Ungar September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 Happy September Anniversary to… 1 2 4 6 9 10 15 19 20 Rabbi Fred & Helen Eisenberg, Daryl & Kathy Rothenfeld Irina & Mike Khmeinitsky Frederick & Arlene Cook Joshua & Lisa Jacobs Leo & Madelyn Feher Jordan & Ann Levy Marvin & Estelle Epstein Vadim & Irina Tsing Robert & Marcie Meagher Happy October Anniversary to… 2 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 21 26 27 28 29 Tom & Marcie Oelbracht Alan & Judith Grown, Sanford & Lois Horvat Terrence & Allison McBrady, Randy & Stephanie Weltman, Doug & Arlene Wieder Chuck & Susan Grieshammer Brett & Susan Goldberg Robert & Babe Tolin John Krienen & Tamara Strom Rabbi Matthew & Pat Eisenberg Kevin & Carrie Ritter Richard Sims & Jody Pickle Steve & Arlene Comet, John & Ellen Stefancik Joseph & Marcia Polevoi Ronald & Annette Wakser Please join us at Shabbat Services... ...on the last FRIDAY of the month for BIRTHDAY and ANNIVERSARY BLESSINGS (and cake!). 7 The IsraeLight Make Reservations Now for: PIZZA IN THE HUT Friday, September 20th Dinner – 6:15 p.m. Sukkah Decorating – 6:45 p.m. Shabbat Sukkot Service – 7:30 p.m. Share a pizza dinner with salad before Services, then help decorate the Sukkah and the bima for Sukkot. Advanced reservations are a must so we can order enough for everyone! Adults and children 11 and older - $6.00 Children 10 years and younger are FREE RSVP no later than Monday, September 16th Call 440-473-5120 or drop off your payment at the Temple office. -----------------------------------------------------------Yes! We’ll be there for Pizza and Sukkah decorating! Name _________________________ Phone # _______________ # of Adults & children 11 and over @$6.00 each Total Enclosed: ______________ $ ______________ Please return this form and your check to the Temple Office no later than Monday, Sept. 16th . You must have a paid reservation in order to have dinner with us. DETAILS AND A COPY OF THIS FLYER ARE ALSO IN THE PAMPHLET TOWER. 8 September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 The IsraeLight Temple Israel Ner Tamid’s 4th Annual Speaker Series Sunday, October 27th Meet-and-Greet: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Lecture: 7:00 p.m. Featuring Professor and Nobel Prize Nominee Michael Scharf on “The Day After: Justice for the Assad Regime” Michael Scharf, author, advisor to the United Nations, radio host, musician and the first professor in the world to offer an international law MOOC (massive open online course). His “Introduction to International Criminal Law” has 21,000 students around the globe. The evening will include a meet-and-greet with hors d’oeuvres for patrons, lecture and question-and-answer period. A native of Shaker Heights, he is the John Deaver Drinko – Baker & Hostetler Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Global Legal Studies at CWRU’s School of Law, and is president of the Hague-based International Criminal Law Network. The Public International Law and Policy Group (an NGO), which Scharf co-founded, and its directors, were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by six governments and the prosecutor of an International Criminal Tribunal for the work it did to help in the prosecution of major war criminals such as Slobodan Milosevic, Charles Taylor and Saddam Hussein. General admission tickets for the lecture are $25. Tickets at $100 are available for a Meet-and-Greet with Professor Scharf prior to his talk in addition to preferential lecture seating and post-appearance DVDs of the presentation. Sponsorships at $500 include tickets for eight people, preferred table seating, promotional signage and postappearance DVDs. Tickets at all prices will go on sale after the High Holy Days. WANTED: New Editor of IsraeLight. We’re looking for someone to take over assembly of our temple’s bulletin that comes out 6 times a year. Familiarity with Publisher is a definite plus. Contact Marcie at the Temple office or Linda McMullen at 216-291-2351. September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 Remember to feed THE ABITIBI PAPER RETRIEVER In the rear of TINT’s Parking Lot! TINT gets a rebate for the recyclable paper we collect and the money goes to our Religious School! 9 The IsraeLight The Kotel in Jerusalem and Our Religious School Replica By Rabbi Matt Eisenberg There is a very holy place, in the holy city of Jerusalem, called the Kotel, known as the Western Wall in English. Why did our religious school students build a replica in our Stark Family Social Hall? The following is a brief rendition of a very, very long history. You may find the complete history of the Kotel at The Western Wall is the western wall of the Temple Mount, the structural support platform upon which Solomon’s Temple and the Second Temple stood. Jews from all over the world gather there to pray. People write notes to God and place them between the ancient stones. (This summer, we wrote dozens of prayers and sent them to Israel with our Israeli teacher Yuval Mordechai. Recently, Yuval went back home to Bet She’an and took our prayers with her. In the coming weeks, she will travel to Jerusalem and place our prayers in the Kotel. She will send us a picture, or a video, from Jerusalem. If in the meantime you would like to see the kotel on the web, do a search on “kotel cam.”) Mount Moriah, according to Jewish tradition, is a place of profound significance. It is the place God began the creation of the world. It is also where Adam, the first human, was created. When Abraham was commanded to prepare his son Isaac for sacrifice, they went up to Mount Moriah. On Rosh Hashanah morning, we will read from the Torah about the “binding of Isaac” in Genesis 22. Also, Jacob’s “ladder dream,” with angels coming down and going up, is linked to Mount Moriah. About 1000 BCE, the Holy of Holies – the innermost part of the sanctuary of the First and Second Temple - was built around the Foundation Stone at the peak of Mount Moriah. The First Temple (also known as Solomon’s Temple) was destroyed by King Nebuchanezzer and the Babylonians in 586 BCE. The Second Temple was built about 60 years later, but was less impressive. In 37 BCE, the Romans ruled Judea and appointed Herod the king in Jerusalem. Herod initiated an enormous renovation project. He hired many workers to make the Temple more magnificent and to widen the area of the Temple Mount by flattening the mountain peak and building four support walls around it. The Western Wall is the western support wall built Yuval Mordechai stands at the Kotel she built with during the widening of the Temple Mount Plaza. Temple Israel Ner Tamid religious school students. What makes the Western Wall, and not one of the other three remaining support walls, so special? When the Second Temple was destroyed in the year 70 CE, all four Temple Mount support walls remained standing. The Western Wall is the remnant closest to the site of the Temple’s Holy of Holies. Therefore, it became a place of prayer and yearning for Jews around the world. When Jews expressed their longing for Jerusalem through song, Judaica, jewelry, and prayer, the image of Jerusalem was conveyed via the image of the Western Wall. To be continued in the November/December 2013 issue of the The Temple IsraeLight. 10 The K-1 class joyfully helping build the Kotel. September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 The IsraeLight HONORABLE MENSCHEN Donations may be made to: Belman Scholarship Fund: In Bill’s loving memory. For Jewish camping, Israel trips, based on financial need. Bima Fund: To maintain and enhance our Sanctuary Bima. Building Fund: To maintain and enhance our building. Chapel Education Fund: For religious items, i.e. prayerbooks. Emily Goldsmith Memorial Fund: In Emily’s loving memory. Makes religious school possible for students in financial need. Mack & Estelle Bossin Library Fund: In Mack and Estelle’s loving memory. A family fund to maintain and enhance our library. Tzedakah Fund: Supports all tzedakah projects, including the Hunger Fund, St. Al's monthly dinners, PB&J and the Teddy Bear Bank. General Operating Fund: Funds TINT’s daily operations. Rabbi Frederick Eisenberg Music Fund: Rabbi Fred’s fund to support and enhance all things musical at TINT. Rabbi’s Philanthropic Fund: A fund Rabbi Matt uses for tzedakah and extra budgetary needs. Raskin Temple Beautification Fund: A family fund to beautify our temple and grounds. Henry & Carol Schoenewald Endowment Fund: A family fund for extra budgetary needs, at the Rabbi’s discretion. Irwin Abel Torah Fund: In Irwin’s loving memory. To maintain, repair, and enhance our Torah scrolls. Tree of Life Fund: For leaves on the simcha tree in the Stark Family Social Hall Lenore November Memorial Fund: In Lenore’s loving memory. A family fund for extra budgetary needs, at the Rabbi’s discretion. Yahrzeit donations, unless otherwise specified, are applied to the General Operating Fund. If you would like to dedicate a prayer book in honor of, or in memory of someone, it is a $36.00 donation. Donations made as of August 1, 2013 Tzedakah Fund Judy & Irv Aplis, in honor of grandson Brian Goldsmith’s Bar Mitzvah; Sarah Borow’s Bat Mitzvah, & in memory of father Abraham Katzman and son Scott Aplis Joy &B Marvin Gray, in memory of mother, Marjorie Aronson Marks and Father Malcolm J. Marks Robin Baker, in memory of mother-in-law Mildred Baker & husband Stanley Baker L. & E. Katz, in memory of Stanley Baker Lauri Katz, in honor of Robin Baker’s birthday Natalie Goodman, in memory of Helene Robins Mildred Wohl, in memory of husband Jack Wohl General Operating Fund Greg & Lisa Basch, in honor of Samantha Basch leading the July 12th Shabbat service Nadine Bendycki, in memory of mother Luisa Adelson Richard & Stephanie Berkowitz, in memory of mother Lillian Barr Hilda Blatt, in memory of husband Morris Blatt, & Arnold “Buddy” Axel & Helene Robins Semen & Bella Bordsky, in memory of Sofya & Shika Froym Gorodetskaya Rick Brown & Ketty Finnerman Elaine Cosner, in memory of father Hyman Packer Robert Feldmen, in memory of wife Dolores Feldman Marv & Marcia Gisser Richard & Erika Gold, in memory of father Zoltan Taubner, loved one Melvin Gold Emma Korolyov, in memory of father Boris Ioffe Max & Vilma Kurtz, in memory of sister Susan Kopcsik, brother Ben Kurtz Sally Leftkowitz, in memory of husband Jerry Leftkowitz David & Sheila Lovinger, in honor of Rose Lovinger’s 90th birthday Cher Miles, in memory of father Leonard Marshall Carol & Leonard Naft, in memory of father Eli Chudakoff Harvey & Hilda Palchick, in memory of mother Sarah Bergman, mother Eleanor Palchick, relative Robert Katz Arlette Rappoport, in memory of sister Danielle Grossman Robert & Ronda Rosenstein, in memory of mother Florence Rosenstein Daryl & Kathy Rothenfeld, in memory of mother Bernice Jung Sanford Scott, in memory of father Sam Scott Alice & Tom Severovich, in memory of father Jack Brown Shirley Sofer, in memory of father Louis Tolin Philip & Elieen Stolarsky, in memory of mother Betty Stolarsky Marvin & Irene Weiner in memory of brother Ben Weiner Carol & Robert Weitzner, in memory of mother Fay Sustin, Father Herman Weitzner Mildred Wohl, in memory of mother-in-law Ethel Wohl Sally & Sanford Ziff, in memory of father Joe Ziff & granddaughter Jessica Ziff Rabbi Frederick Eisenberg Music Fund Judith Guzik, in memory of brother-in-law Milton Guzik Continued on page 13 September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 11 The IsraeLight Tree of Life They Still Live in Our Hearts Yahrzeits that fall on Saturday are read the previous Friday evening, as Friday and Saturday are one Shabbat, an Island in Time. PLEASE NOTE: We are having problems with our yahrzeit software. If you have any questions about when a yahrzeit should be observed or when a name will be read at Shabbat services, please call the Temple office. We apologize for any inconvenience. ● ● ● You may notice names repeated on different days. Some congregants wish to observe their loved ones’ yahrzeits according to the Hebrew calendar, others by the English calendar. Please check with the Temple Office if you have any questions. In Memorium Our deepest sympathies to the families of Betty Zaremsky, Rosella Rosenberg, Morris “Larry” Greenberg, Martin Grossman and Leonard Singer. Week ending September 7, 2013 26 Elul 5773 to 3 Tishrei 5774 Kenneth Baptie William Belman David Berger Mack Bossin Harry Cooper Jack Edelman Phillip Feathers Helen Fein Benjamin Friedman Ze’ev Friedman Joyce Friedrich Betty Gold Arnold Green Yossef Gutfreund Eliezer Halfin Marvin Helf Anna Benesch Helfenbein Herman Howard Jacob Jones Yakov Kutsilovich David Meisner Elsie Menks Isadore Metz Yossef Romano Anna Sacks Tillie Scott Kehat Shorr Barbara Signer Jessel Mark Slavin Andre Spitzer Yakov Springer Moshe Weinberg Silvia Weiner Benjamin Zalben Lena Brody Zaremsky Week ending September 14, 2013 4 Tishrei to 10 Tishrei 5774 Helene Brumi Milton Cadkin Marianne Edelman Julia Falcon 12 Gary Ferber Herman Fogel Theodore Garber David Marvin Goldberg Mollie Guttman Melba Harrison Elvera Herbstman Thelma Kapner Laura Lee Leona Rappaport Ruth Ann Richman Donald Rothstein Max Sacks Leon Segal Fay Simkow Samuel Weiss Robert Wessler Mildred Zelman Week ending September 21, 2013 11 Tishrei to 17 Tishrei 5774 Harold Berkowitz Lola Berkowitz Gizella Blankfeld Frank Bruml Anna Diamond Jerry Eisner Sam (Lou) Fisher Vivian Frye Igor Gertsensteyn Jerome Gutentag Albert Hirsh Bruce Klein Marvin Klein Eleck Levine Sally Rubin Jerry Shapiro Esther Spielman Jack Strom Mary Toth Richard G. Wallenstein Stan Weingart Sylvia Weiss Louis Wesoky Baruch Zaremsky Week ending September 28, 3013 18 Tishrei to 24 Tishrei 5774 Shirley Adelman Ruth Greenhouse Bailin Joseph Cadkin Sylvia Chesler Martha Cooper Sally Fecter Julia Falcon Gary Ferber William Fierman Samuel Goda Della Klein Gould Raisa Krasnyansky Betty Malitz Shirley Markowitz Sarah Meltzer Estelle Mendelsohn Clara Rosenfeld Jeanette Rosner Robert Sabin Diane Simon Dora Waterman Week ending October 5, 2013 25 Tishrei to 1 Cheshvan 5774 Nathan Adell Myra Babin Sylvia Bader Virginia Conti Gloria Dubick Fannie Federman Betty Gold Warren Goldstock Ben Kemelhar Tillie Leuchtag Marvin Moss Joseph Rakusin Bruce Schumacher Anne Schwartz Max Spielman Harry Stolarsky Max Weiner Samuel Weisman Mildred Wessler Jacob David Zaremsky Week ending October 12, 2013 2 Cheshvan to 8 Cheshvan 5774 Ruth Bader Evelyn Barr Samuel Bochner Sylvia Chesler Theodore Cohen Sol Copperman Lois Snyder Crash Aimee Edelman Violet Eisenberg Hirshon Newton Feldman Celia Freedman Hilda Goodman Mark Richard Greenberger Esther Grossberg Leo Guzik Irvin Heiser Rafael Kaplun Joseph Kopcsik Gladys Korn Richard Madden Sarah Meltzer Ida Orel Bill Ridell Celia Schindler Bennett Schoen Harry Siegel Albert Stark Lewis Weinberg Week ending October 19, 2013 9 Cheshvan to 15 Cheshvan 5774 Marc Balin Toby Bartell Bill Berrie Jean (Jenny) Fisher Morton Gandal Sanford Charles Goldfarb Olga Hahn Arnold Klein Oscar Kronfeld Sue Ozan Harold Ross Sidney Schiff Rose Siegel Hyman Tolchinsky Deanna Wylen Week ending October 26, 2013 16 Cheshvan to 22 Cheshvan 5774 Pat Aplis Joseph Chervin Faye Davis Gloria Dubick David Eisenberg Mollie Friedman Arthur Harad Harry Helfenbein Anna Hirsh William Hodge Julius Kades Lena Kurtz Fay Landau Celia Markofsky Meyer Joseph Meckler Dorothy Miller Rebecca Myers Milla Nabutovsky Beh Palchick Melvin Ruben Carl Schorr Bertha Somers Peter Tenenbaum Continued on Page 13 September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 The IsraeLight “Tree of Life” continued from page 12 Week ending November 2, 2013 23 Cheshvan to 29 Cheshvan 5774 Ruth Bader Fanny Bieder Norma Cohen Gloria Dubick Avrom Edelman Sarah Edelman Moses Joel Eisenberg Sophie Eisenberg Violet Hirschon Eisenberg Morris Friedman Brian Stephen Goldberg Frieda Goldfeld Joseph Goldfeld Anne Goldstock Ida Isaacson Helen Kaminsky Irwin Landau Marge Lipman Harold Mailman Sarah Milstein Sally Moss Wanda Petzel Marion Risman Hennah Schmeiser Leon Schmeiser Jerry Schneider Mark Speyer “Honorable Menschen” continued from page 11 Emily Goldsmith Memorial Fund Richard Goldsmith, in memory of Emily Goldsmith Joy & Marvin Gray, in memory of uncle Dr. Samuel B. Aronson Rabbi’s Philanthropic Fund Hermien Schneider Lenore November Fund Robin & Brett November, in support of Rabbi Matt in the Golf Marathon Henry & Carol Schoenewald Fund Carol Schoenewald in memory of father Louis Klingman Raskin Beautification Fund Stanley & Ruth Raskin, in memory of Mickey Shagrin, Eve Phinick & Len Signer, & mother of Marilyn Goldberg Chapel Education Fund Eunice Kalina, in memory of father Philip Goldstein & mother Bertha Goldstein It’s in the Hole! Here are more of our generous Golf Marathon players and sponsors! (List as of June 25 through August 1, 2013) REMINDER Names are not automatically added to the computerized Yahrzeit list. Please call the temple office to update our computer list when the need arises. Your cooperation is appreciated. Remember to bring in your Box Tops for Education and put them in the collection box in Marcie’s office. That extra money goes to cover religious school Mark Abramovitz Jerome & Lorraine Adel Advanced Roofing Gerald Appel Nadine Bendycki Marc Berkowitz Richard Berkowitz Joseph A. Bobeck, Jr. Howard & Mary Brondfeld Rick Brown & Ketti Finneran Michael & Cindy Bruder CT Logistics Ron Derwaldt Charles Dubick Steve & Janet Edelman Elizabeth Eisenberg Donald & Barbara Ettkin Denise Farkas/Sigman Investments Liz & Bob Fertel Mark Friedman Paul Galese Robin & Brett Goldberg Dale Goldstein Joy & Marvin Gray Andrew Haas Peter Jacobs L & E Katz John Kovan September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 Angela Markowitz Robin & Jeff Mayers MDW Motors, Inc. Marcie Meagher Cher Miles Mill Distributors Robert & Betty Miller Sharon Moster Carole & Leonard Naft Rita Nagusky Philip Ozan Harvey & Hilda Palchick Fred Pearlman Rich & Associates , Inc. Darryl & Kathy Rothenfeld Jean E. Ruben Barry Rubin Carol Schoenewald Alice & Tom Severovich Singerman, Mills, Desberg &Kauntz Heidi Solomon Paul Speyer Gary Stark TJ Summers William & Joan Tosko Mr & Mrs. Michael Ungar Harvey Wiseberg 13 The IsraeLight Jewish Heritage Day at the Lake County Captains On Sunday, August 11, 2013 the Lake County Captains held their annual Jewish Heritage Day. Temple Israel Ner Tamid was well represented with 40 people cheering on the Captains. It was a great day for baseball as the Captains defeated the Bowling Green Hot Rods 6 to 4. Rabbi Matt Eisenberg threw out the first pitch. It was a "heater" and made it all the way to catcher Richard Stock, a Jewish ball player from Los Angeles. The Rabbi invited Richard to High Holy Days, but he will be at home with his family. As it should be. Pictured: David Cohen and Rabbi Matt sounding "tekiah gedolah" during the 4th inning in celebration of the beautiful weather and in preparation for Rosh Hashanah. Q: If a doctor carries a black bag and a plumber carries a toolbox, what does a mohel carry? A: A Bris-kit Happy Campers Make a “Wise” Move this Summer This summer, our congregation had three happy campers at Camp Wise in Burton. First session, Bridget Feldman and Molly Moran attended. Second session, Reece Singerman Schmitt attended. All of the campers had enriching Jewish experiences and made new friends. Our Israeli teacher, Yuval Mordechai was a counselor all summer! Above: Rabbi Matt, Reece and Yuval at a late summer camp visit. Next summer, consider attending Camp Wise. What’s happening at TINT? Check in at for the latest. Get the TINT IsraeLight via email! It will help us save money on postage and paper. Write to Marcie at and tell her you want to receive the TINT IsraeLight by email, or call 440-473-5120. TINT is on FACEBOOK! Search for Temple Israel Ner Tamid and add us to your groups. Use your laptop at Temple Israel Ner Tamid with our own “CHAI-FI” connection! And it’s free! Want to know what’s nu? Use email! Send your email address to Marcie at or call 440-473-5120. 14 September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 The IsraeLight Newman & Company, CPAs Certified Public Accountants Accounting, Tax Services, Tax Planning, Business Valuations, Business Projections, Business Consulting DOUGLAS M. WIEDER TREASURER M I L L D I S T R I B U T O R S , I N C 45 Aurora Industrial Parkway Aurora, OH 44202 330 995-9200 FAX 330 995-9207 EMAIL L i n e n s Steven H. Newman, CPA, CVA (216) 781-6106 (work) (216) 598-2999 (cell) . W i n d o w C o v e r i n g s C o n t r a c t F u r n i s h i n g s Cleveland • Atlanta • Los Angeles • San Francisco SINGERMAN MILLS DESBERG ____________ &KAUNTZ ____________ BUSINESS, REAL ESTATE & LITIGATION COUNSEL Paul J. Singerman e: p: (216) 292-5807 f: (216) 292-5867 w: Office: (216) 781-2550 Fax: (216) 781-6688 E-mail: Vic’s Bricks Mitchell J. Yelsky Remodeling, Additions, Masonry Work YELSKY & LONARDO ATTORNEYS AT LAW 75 PUBLIC SQUARE SUITE 800 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44113 Victor Newman (216) 253-5958 22318 Halburton Beachwood, OH 44122 ROBERT J. ROSENSTEIN D.P.M. AFFILLIATED PODIATRISTS, INC. PODIATRIC MEDICINE, FOOT SURGERY SPORTS MEDICINE, CHILDREN’S FOOT DISORDERS LASER SURGERY COLONIAL PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER 7337 MENTOR AVE., SUITE #331 . MENTOR, OH 44060 (440) 946-5858 SPACE AVAILABLE! Reach out to over 300 member families and promote your business. Call the Temple office for details. September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774 15 The IsraeLight FIND US...LIKE US...ON FACEBOOK! Keep up with all the latest Temple Israel Ner Tamid news, and “share” us with your friends! And don’t forget to visit our website — Temple Israel Ner Tamid 1732 Lander Road Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124 Address Correction Requested L RIA E AT M D TE A D Circle Your Calendar: Religious School begins Sunday, August 25th Erev Rosh Hashanah is September 4th Kol Nidre is September 13th 16 September/October 2013 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5774