Bill Dempsey Mike Waldoch St. Aloisius Medical Center April 27
Bill Dempsey Mike Waldoch St. Aloisius Medical Center April 27
Hertz Funeral Homes of Harvey and McClusky Services, Monuments & Markers 324-4374 Hager Transport Neil Hager 701-324-5272 New York Life Ins. Co. Doug & Brad Olschlager 546 Brewster St. E Harvey 324-2737 Tom’s Home Furnishings 801 Lincoln Ave. 324-4282 Harvey Right to Life 324-4456 Bill Dempsey Mike Waldoch Chad & Amber Ziegler 701-324-2227 Gary & Deb Keller KELLER PLG,& HTG DEB’S HAIR BOUTIQUE 210 E. 8th St. E 324-2281 Come Check Us Out! Knights of Columbus Council #5217 NORTHERN FAMILY WELLNESS & CHIROPRACTIC Amy J Felchle, DC Harvey ND 58341 701-324-4722 Natural Family Planning Billings Ovulation Method Instruction by appt.: Elizabeth Leier LPN 324-2802 Doug’s Auto Body Doug Helm, owner 693-2804 or 324-5257 Warehouse Grocery 321 W. 10th St. Harvey 324-2509 Harvey Tax, Accounting & Financial Services Rick Darvis CPA 324-4615 Colleen Wipf Manager 209 E. 10th St. Dakota Computers Pros 1012 Lincoln Ave. Harvey, ND 324-2999 For Any Computer Need! Tastee Freeze 609 E. Brewster St. 324-4423 Penny Pinchers 920 Lincoln Ave. 324-4611 TJ Plumbing Travis Olschlager Harvey, ND 324-1584 One Call does it all! Buechler Oil Company, Inc. 2316 Hwy. 52, Harvey 324-2462 Vondal Electric 116 E. 8th St. Harvey 324-2412 121 W. Brewster St. Harvey 324-4671 CDA Court Sacred Heart #1908 Delores Helm 604 E. Brewster Harvey 324-2551 H A R V E Y F A R M E R S Mack’s Farm & RV Center ELEVATOR 2346 Bus. Hwy 52 10 E. 71TH ST 324-4627 324-2248 OF ST. ANTHONY’S CHURCH Harvey Sand & Gravel, Inc. Hinrichs Supervalu The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy Caring beyond prescriptions. 722 Lincoln Ave 324-2295 ST. CECILIA’S CHURCH Frey Insurance Agency, Inc. 822 Lincoln Ave 324-4282 Dr. Steven Kourajian Optometrist 901 Lincoln Ave. Harvey 324-2154 Connie Loen 693-5005 Northern Appraisal & Realty, Inc. Rhonda Knudtson 917 Alder Ave. 701-324-4799 Fax: 701-324-4798 Hurley’s Religious Goods 1417 S University Dr, Fargo 1-800-437-4338 & Anamoose 324-2285 St. Aloisius Medical Center 325 Brewster E Harvey ND 324-4651 HARVEY OF SELZ Rev. Franklin Miller: Pastor OFFICE HOURS 413 Brewster St. E Mon. Closed Harvey, ND • 58341 mobile: 701.388.9826 Tues. 1-4 pm Rev. Mr. Jeff Faul: Deacon Wed., Thurs., Fri. Sister Miriam Braun: Pastoral Ministry 9 am-12 pm & 1-4 pm Rosalie Axtman: Secretary PARISH OFFICE: (701) 324-2144 Elizabeth Leier: Bookkeeper E-MAIL : Amber Ziegler: DRE WEBSITE: Meghan Graumann: Music Dir.324-5295 Joan Grossman: Housekeeping Irene Keller: Maintenance Jacki Young: Maintenance Michael Waldoch: Maintenance LAY DIRECTORS ST. CECILIA PARISH Steve Eckart & Carol Vondal ST. ANTHONY PARISH Jerry Axtman & Robert Hager MASS SCHEDULE Mon, Wed., Fri. 7:30 am Tues. & Thurs. 12 pm Sat. 2 pm NH, 4:30 pm Harvey Sunday 8:30 am Selz 10:30 am Harvey SACRAMENT OF RECONCILITION Tues. & Thurs: 11:30-11:50 am Sat.10:30-11:30 am & God of everlasting mercy, who in the 3:30-4:10 pm Harvey very recurrence of the paschal feast kinEUCHARISTIC ADORATION dle the faith of the people you have made Mon. 8 am-Midnight your own, increase, we pray, the grace Tues.12:30 pm-Midnight you have bestowed, that all may grasp Wed. 8 am-8:00 pm and rightly understand in what font they Solemn Benediction 8:00 pm have been washed, by whose Spirit they PRAYER CHAIN have been reborn, by whose Blood they Lola Faul 324-2905 have been redeemed. Through our Lord Kathy Kennedy 324-2328 Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and Jessie Wentz 324-2400 reigns with you in the unity of the Holy HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Anna Schneibel 324-2374 April 27, 2014 Divine Mercy Sunday TV MASS SPONSOR Keller Family In memory of Wilda Keller Found in the church several months ago, a green rosary. Please stop by or call the office to identify and claim. Daily Readings Monday, April 28 7:30 am St. C Pat Bromley By Blaine & Sandy Mack Tuesday, April 29 Note time change 8:00 pm St. C Kyle Keller By Don & Diane Cullum, Eddie Cullum & Paige Voltz Sunday, May 4 8:30 am St A Living & Deceased members Of St. Anthony’s Christian Mothers 10:30 am St. C All Living & Deceased members of Catholic Daughters of America Please notify the office when a name is ready to be removed. Thank you. Monday, April 28 Saint Peter Chanel Acts 4:23-31 Ps 2:1-9 Jn 3:1-8 Third Sunday of Easter Saturday May 3 St. Cecilia’s 4:30 pm Tuesday, April 29 Saint Catherine of Siena Acts 4:32-37 Ps 93:1-2, 5, Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday, April 30 Saint Pius V. Pope Acts 5:17-26 Ps 34:2-9 Jn 3:16-21 Wednesday, April 30 Thursday, May 1 7:30 am St. C John & Tyrone Mack By Linda Hager & Alan Whisman Saint Joseph the Worker Acts 5 :27-33 Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20 10:00 am NH Otto Volk Jn 3:31-36 By Frank & Judy Westman Friday, May 2 Thursday, May 1 Saint Athanasius 12:00 pm St. C Emil Gross & Patricia Acts 5:34-42 Ps 27:1, 4,1 3-14 Gross Jn 6:1-15 By Tony & June Prom Saturday, May 3 Friday, May 2 Saint Philip & James, Apostles 7:30 am St. C Betty Senger 1 cor 15:1-8 Ps 19:2-5 Jn 14:6-14 By Bob & Julie Keller Sunday, May 4 10:00 am Sr. Hous. †Leah Gumeringer Acts 2:14, 22-33 Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11 By Larry & MaryLou Knutson 1 Pt 1:17-21 Lk 24:13-35 Saturday, May 3 2:00 pm NH Special Intention 4:30 pm St C People of St. Anthony and St. Cecilia’s Rose Krenzel, Eva M. Keller, Dave Folden, Marlys Piatz, Helen Degenstein, Helen Burgard, Chrissie Hager, Quenten Fabiano, Betty Holzer, Tammy Vetter, Brenda Banasik, Haley Reitz, Delores Hager, Donny Schmidt, Tim Held, Peter & Katherine Schall, Annie Schmidt, Jerry Young, Judy Lemer, Idona Wolfe, Sherwood Nutz, Becca Kourajian, Francis Seefeld, Cari Flory, Carol Henne OFFERING FOR 4-20-14 ENVELOPES PLATE TOTAL GOOD FRIDAY CHILDREN’S $5,638.00 $ 250.81 $5,888.81 $ 972.25 $ 37.50 Sunday Sunday May 4 May 4 St. Anthony’s St. Cecilia’s 8:30 am 10:30 am Joan Grossman Charlotte Goldade Bob & Rita Weninger Steve & Linda Vetter Larry & Diane Martin Curt & Linda Joern Linda Knudtson Deb Forschen Jerry Axtman Jim & Donna English EMHC Linda Knudtson Charlotte Goldade Judy Keller Eleanor Hoffer Dale & Julie Muscha Linus & Gladys Hager Arnold Seefeld Curt Joern Stella Lewis Doug Olschlager Nicole Armstrong Dean Klier EMHC HMBND Halle & Zada Weidmeier Casey Muscha Brooke Loen Lindsey English Evan Nitz SONG LEADER Ron Volk Guitar Choir MUSIC VIDEO June Prom Guitar Group Jason Schneider Linda Knudtson USHERS READER ALTAR SERVERS COUNTERS SACRISTANS Cari Flory Jim & Donna English Kathy Kennedy Gary & Kathy Kennedy St. Cecilia Students Attend Catholic Youth Rally Five youth from St. Cecilia’s attended the Youth Rally in New Rockford on April 5th, the theme was Social Justice-helping others in need-seeing Jesus in all you meet. The kids started the day with a wonderful keynote speaker & skits, then service and speaker workshops, Bethany Anderson, Ericka Hager, adoration, reconciliation with at least 15 Christyn Knudtson, Madison Patzer, priests in attendance, a Eucharistic procesLindsey English & Isabella Ripplinger sion from the school to the church while reciting the rosary, and mass with Bishop Folda. The day ended with an energetic DJ. It was a very informative, faith-filled, and fun day for the kids. Others are highly encouraged to attend in the future. A big thank you to Christyn Knudtson for being the only student there representing our deanery. First Communion and Confirmation items are available for purchase from the Catholic Daughters in the front entrance of the church. Cursillo School of Leaders Friday, May 2 7:00 pm All who have attended a Cursillo and wish to be part of future weekends are encouraged to attend. Relay For Life Spring Salad Bar Thursday, May 9, Harvey City Hall 11 a.m. to 1 pm Serving a wide variety of salads, bars and beverage. Adults $7.00 Pre-school - free Sponsored by Relay For Life, Lifesavors Team St. Anthony’s will be honoring graduates, Kali Weinmann & Casey Muscha, on April 27th after 8:30 am mass; serving rolls, muffins, fruit, coffee, & juice. All are welcome! Please return your Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowls. You can either bring them to Mass or turn them in at the office. William Patrick Slattery has been approved for ordination to the diaconate on May 24, 2014 at the Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo, ND. Friday, May 2: Cursillo School of Leaders, Club Room, 7:00 pm Sunday, May 4: Right to Life meeting, 1:30 at Public Library Monday, May 5: Catholic Daughters, 7:10 Rosary, 7:30 meeting Tuesday, May 6: Finance Council 4:30 pm Thursday, May 8: Parish Council 7:00 am Thursday, May 8: St. Cecilia’s hosting distribution for Food Pantry Sunday, May 11: Confirmation & First Holy Eucharist, 1:30 pm, St. Cecilia’s Adult Catechesis Sunday, April 27, 7:00pm Clubroom 4 part DVD series Part 2 topic: The Gift of the Catechism & the Symphony of Truth. 46 min. Food Pantry for May is hosted by St. Cecilia’s. 6 to 8 volunteers are needed on Tuesday, May 6 at 2:00 for set up. We need 10 -12 volunteers for distribution on Thursday, May 8, at noon. Please contact Kathy Grossman at 324-4473 if you are able to help. Many food items, and household items are needed, please be generous with your donations, and leave in the church entrance by May 5th. St. Anthony’s Church Spring Cleaning April 28, 29 & 30. The hall door on the East side of the church will be open from 9:00 am - 9:00 pm. A list of duties will be on the kitchen counter, sign your name by tasks you’ve completed. Bring a pail/ rag for cleaning & rest of supplies will be in the store room. Thank You! May 1, 2014 National Day of Prayer 12:00 pm Bethel Baptist Church Mass Intentions Needed Why do Catholics offer Masses for the dead? When we die in God’s friendship we eventually go to Heaven, but if we haven’t properly atoned for certain sins we have to be purified in Purgatory first. We pray for the souls in Purgatory to help them pass through faster than they would otherwise. We are in need of Mass intentions. There are two Masses per week at the nursing home and one at Sr. Housing. If there are souls of loved ones you wish to have a Mass said for and are unable to attend a Mass due to work or other reasons, it does not matter where the Mass is said, just that one is offered for them. Masses may also be said for the living or for a personal Special Intention. Many of the current Mass intentions we have on file are requested for daily or weekend Masses in the Church. You may stop by the office or place an intention in an envelope and place in the collection basket. A Mass offering is 10.00. Thank you to the following listed for your thoughtfulness and generosity in monetary donations to purchase Easter flowers! The sanctuary looks beautiful! Donated By: Tim & Kathey Keller Larry & Kathy Grossman Donated By: Larry & Kathy Grossman Gary & Kathy Kennedy Patty Sauter and family Edna Schmeets Patricia Bennett & son Fr. Frank Miller Marlys Keller and family Claude & Vicki Ripplinger David Thomas Raymond & Jesse Wentz Mike & Susan Waldoch Steve & Kathy Eckart Walter Streifel Randy & Rosalie Axtman Bob & Gayle Lee Susan & Trenten Shearer Linda Hager & Alan Whisman Paul & Joyce Miller Pete & Katherine Schall Steve & Deb Kourajian Arlene Hoffner & Family Barry Lucas Family Kline Family Rob & Donna Marthe Linda Knudtson Family June Lemer Don & Judy Keller Conrad & Cecilia Ziegler Robert & Shirley Leintz Sylvia Hager Daryl & Kathy Flagen In Honor Of: Adam & Barbara Keller Louise Eckart In Memory Of: Art Eckart, Ed & Mary Grossman Don & Mae Kennedy, Jake & Christine Schaan Harold & Tim Sauter Lawrence & David Schmeets Dean Bennett Sr., Ben & Alice Bennett Parents Gabriel Keller Parents & Grandparents Sigmond & Monica Thomas Patrick Wentz Bernie & Orine Waldoch, Olin & Ethel Olson Scott Eckart Ann Streifel Ann Streifel & Bernadette Lauinger Ross Lee, Percy & Agnes Davis Martin & Minnie, Michael Stumpf Lena Mack Bert & Gladys Miller, Nick & Lena Leintz Nick & Elizabeth Schall, Alois & Rosa Dosch Steve & Wilda Keller Llewellyn Hoffner Rodney Lucas, Alice Lucas, Casey Lucas Adam & Katherine Kline Ervin & Margaret Marthe Duane Knudtson, Vincent & Regina Seefeld Parents Sebastian & Katherine Keller Fred & Regina Fettig, Katie Hoffart, and Johnnie Fettig, George Koble Adam & Catherine Leintz and Mike & Barbara Schneider Rochus Hager Sr., Rochus Hager Jr., and Amelia Hager Francis & Helen Muscha, and Forrest & Viola Flagen Donated By: Agnes Goldade Daniel & Virginia Held Blaine & Sandy Mack Leo & Joan Grossman In Memory Of: Frank & Barbara Muscha and Joseph & Magdalena Goldade Edward & Mary Held, Adam & Clara Held, and George & Theresa Bachmeier Rochus & Christine Rieger and John & Tyrone Mack Deceased members of Dockter & Grossman families. A very special thank you to all who remembered me with your kind words, cards, gifts, and prayers during this Blessed Easter Season. Thank you to Leo & Joan Grossman, Larry & Kathy Grossman, Leo & Ruth Rutten for the beautiful garden atmosphere for Adoration on Holy Thursday. Thank you to Curt & Linda Joern for decorating the Church so beautifully for the Easter Triduum. To June Prom, Meghan Graumann, Claire Anderson, Angie Marchand, Katrina Leier, Adult Choir, Youth Choir, the music was amazing! To Rod and Angie Marchand for all the hard work done for RCIA. To the many members of St. Anthony’s parish who worked as a group decorate so beautifully, and to Marcia, Mary, Cathy, and Sarah for wonderful music! To Deacon Jeff, all Lectors, Altar Servers, Ministers of Communion, & Ushers, thank you for your service in both parishes. Your efforts are most appreciated by everyone! God Bless you! Fr. Franklin Miller The Diocese of Fargo is on Facebook and Twitter! For more events, stories and information happening throughout the diocese, like us on Facebook at, follow us on Twitter at and check out our website at Trinity Youth Camp 2014 God is calling all students entering 4-8th grade to join other Catholic youth in experiencing a closer relationship with God through frienships, nature, sacraments, songs, games and more! For 36 years, Trinity Youth Camp ( TYC) has offered a Catholic camp experience and this summer our theme is “Mission Possible.” June 18-22 Red Willow Bible Camp Binford, ND July 9-13 Pelican Lake I Bottineau, ND July 16-20 Camp of the Cross, Garrison, ND July 23-27 Pelican Lake II, Bottineau, ND