Adult Education Update


Adult Education Update
Jewish Educational Institute - Chabad Brisbane
“Adult Jewish studies... the way it was meant to be”
Adult Education Update
Tamuz-Elul 5771
July-September 2011
Vol 4, No 3
This edition is dedicated to the everlasting memory of the Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchim (Emissaries) to Mumbai, India
rabbi gavriel noach and rivkah hy”d holtzberg
| drcmkuv swwhv vecru jb kthrcd crv
Dear Friends,
24 July 2011
With much anticipation and excitement
we present our upcoming educational
activities and programs running until Rosh
Hashanah (the Jewish New Year).
They tell the story of Yankel from the
Shtetl Leoncin who dreams that his life
of poverty is over if he would just travel
to Warsaw and dig up the treasure buried
under a particular bridge. After dreaming
for three consecutive nights, he travels to
Warsaw with nothing to lose. Arriving at
the bridge in Warsaw, he sees an armed
guard pacing. After hours of waiting
and watching, the guard approaches and
questions him. Yankel tells the guard
about the dreams and the treasure, to
which the guard responds with mockery.
“You believe everything you hear in a
dream? I had a dream that in Leoncin, in
the hut at the edge of the market place
there is a buried treasure behind the
fireplace! You think I’m gonna shlepp to
Leoncin!” Bidding farwell Yankel comes
home and digs up the treasure behind the
fireplace in his own home.
Sunday evening,
24 July 2011 | zun, cwwf
TIME: 8:00 pm
Brisbane Syn Memorial Hall,
98 Margaret Street, Brisbane
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet MA
Coping with change; Learning to
take risks; Dealing with assimilation;
and riding the waves of an ever shifting world.
Starting 18 July 2011
3 Monday evenings,
(Jul 18, 25, Aug 1)
TIME: 7:30 – 9:00 pm
I look forward to welcoming you to
our enlightening and inspiring courses,
lectures and study groups in the near
future. Please peruse this update and mark
your calendars now so you don’t miss out.
Published by:
Jewish Educational Institute - Chabad Brisbane
PO Box 1257, Carindale QLD 4152
Phone: 0425 248 182
Men and women welcome.
Refreshments will be served.
Our guest speaker, Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet
is the Minister of the Mill Hill Synagogue in
FEE: $15
London, UK since 1993. He serves on the Chief
Rabbi’s Cabinet and as chairman of the Rabbinical
Council of the United Synagogue. He authors numerous articles for newspapers,
magazines and journals, and lectures extensively in the UK and abroad. He was
recently named as one of UK’s ten most influential Rabbis and named by the
Jewish Chronicle as one of the possible candidates for Chief Rabbi when
Lord Sacks retires in 2013. “He’s extremely entertaining…” –The Times, London
We have a treasure in our midst. Many a
community would envy the smorgasbord
of educational opportunities available.
We encourage you to dig into the treasure
that is no longer concealed, but open and
available for one and all.
Chanoch H Sufrin
Adult Education Director
Mill Hill Synagogue, London, UK
Member of Chief Rabbi’s Cabinet
Brisbane Syn. Memorial Hall,
98 Margaret Street, Brisbane
Join us for a three-week virtual tour of the Holy
Temple, the home we shared with G-d. Look past
the history and politics and see the magnificent
structure that once was and will soon be rebuilt.
The Holy Temple served and continues to serve a
central role in the Jew’s mission throughout history.
Chanoch H Sufrin
Men and women welcome.
Refreshments will be served.
FEE: $60 (inc. textbook)
The virtual tour will allow you to “walk through”
the Temple’s ancient corridors, throng with the crowds through Jerusalem’s
gates, and discover the marvels of architecture that were integral to this sacred site.
Adult Education Update
Page 2
A special evening to honour the legacy
of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi
Menachem M. Schneerson.
A “Farbrengen” – a Chassidic gathering – is
a time to inspire with warmth and friendship.
Through retelling stories, chronicling the
amazing life of the Rebbe, we will see how the
Rebbe’s inspiration lives on.
JLI - Israel - Poster
11:36 AM
The Rebbe is considered to have been the
most phenomenal Jewish personality of
modern times. To hundreds of thousands of
followers and millions of admirers around the
world, he was – and still is, despite his physical
passing – “the Rebbe.”
Page 1
You’ve explored its history, politics, and geography...Now explore its soul.
why we all care about israel
Real Learning for Real Life
o matter where we find ourselves, Israel retains
its hold upon our spirit. There is a deep
connection that continues to tug at us, a magnetic
pull that reaches across time and across borders.
For more information or to enroll, visit us at
Unit 24/204 Alice St, Brisbane
Men and women welcome.
Refreshments will be served.
FEE: $130 (inc. textbook)
Whatever our political or religious bent, we know
that Israel matters. If you have ever wondered about
Israel and its place in the world—and in your heart—
then this course is for you.
usnt all
ill be
TIME: 8:00 pm
Join us for this course and find out why.
Whether Israel makes us feel pride or
disappointment, hope or concern, we care about its
fate and its future.
Monday evening,
4 July 2011 | zun, wc
Starting 27 July 2011
No matter where they have lived, Jews
have continued to dream about the
land of Israel. Because Israel is the land that
6 Wednesday evenings,
has pulsed with energy and mystery since the
(Jul 27, Aug 3, 10, 17, 24, 31)
dawn of time. A land that has captured the
TIME: 7:30 – 9:00 pm
imagination throughout history, a land that
breathes with the glory of our past and the
dreams of our future.
Brisbane Syn. Memorial Hall,
98 Margaret Street, Brisbane
And so Israel retains its hold upon our spirit.
There is a deep connection that continues to
Chanoch H Sufrin
tug at us, a magnetic pull that has not waned
even though many have found safe haven
elsewhere. Whatever our political or religious
Men and women welcome.
bent, we know that Israel matters.
Refreshments will be served.
4 July 2011
Hebrew Reading
Crash Course
Starting 7 August 2011
Hebrew, the basic language of the
Bible, Hebrew, the primary language of
Jews and Judaism for more than 3,500 years,
5 Sunday evenings,
Hebrew, the language of prayer, Torah study
(Aug 7, 14, 21, Sep 4, 11)
and scholastic achievements.
TIME: 7:30 – 9:00 pm
This class is geared specifically toward those
who are currently unable to read Hebrew.
Brisbane Syn. Memorial Hall,
Upon completion of this course, students will
98 Margaret Street, Brisbane
be well on their way to developing Hebrew
reading skills. Whether you are interested in
classical Hebrew (as found in the prayer-books) Chanoch H Sufrin
or modern Hebrew as spoken in Israel, this
course is ideal for you.
Men and women welcome.
Be ready for the High Holidays... and show Refreshments will be served.
your friends how you can follow the services.
FEE: $100
Vol 4, No 3
Page 3
1972. The Munich Olympic Games.
121 Nations. 7,170 Competitors.
Over a billion viewers.
...and 8 Palestinian Terrorists.
For the first time in over 25 years, the truth is
The 1972 Munich Olympics were interrupted
by Palestinian terrorists taking Israeli athletes
hostage. Besides footage taken at the time,
we see interviews with the surviving terrorist,
Jamal Al Gashey, and various officials detailing
exactly how the police, lacking an anti-terrorist
squad and turning down help from the Israelis,
botched the operation.
8 August 2011
Monday evening,
8 August 2011 | ct-ojbn
TIME: 7:00 pm
The Brisbane Synagogue,
98 Margaret Street, Brisbane
The film will follow the
Tisha B’Av service.
Men and women welcome.
Raphael Aron, Melbourne
Director of The Gateway
Family Counselling Centre Inc.
The impact of social online networking
scene is only beginning to be felt. In
this presentation, our guest speaker Raphael
Aron (counsellor, author and dynamic speaker)
demonstrates the far reaching ramifications
of Facebook, MySpace and other online
networks and the potential threat they pose to
young people as they try to forge meaningful
relationships at home and within society.
28 August 2011
Perhaps one of the most significant casulties
of the online network scene is the experience
of intimacy which in turn challenges the
viabilty of long-term relationships and
marriages. These themes are also included
in this presentation as Raphael explores the
uniquness of the Jewish model of intimacy.
Raphael Aron
Sunday evening,
28 August 2011 | ct-ojbn jwwf
TIME: 7:30 pm
Brisbane Syn. Memorial Hall,
98 Margaret Street, Brisbane
Counsellor and Author
Men and women welcome.
FEE: $15
Once a month a group of like-minded
individuals take some time out of the in
busy work-schedule to learn, to laugh, to eat
and to relax.
Aug/Sep 2011
First Tuesday each month.
2 August, 6 September
Join us for our fabulous monthly “Lunch ‘n
Learn.” We discuss relevant topics of interest
interspersed with meaningful and inspirational
messages, and discuss and debate questions
relating to Jewish faith and practice.
1:00 pm
A complimentary Kosher lunch is served for
all to enjoy.
First Wednesday each month.
3 August, 7 September
At two convenient locations, one in the heart
of the City and one in Rocklea.
12:00 pm
Diamond Centre, Toren Brothers
167 Albert St, Brisbane
Raptis Pax,
2007 Ipswich Road, Rocklea
Adult Education Update
Page 4
12 September 2011
As we approach the High Holiday
days many often spend alot of time
in anticipation of the day, waiting for it
3 Monday evenings,
to be something different. With hopes
(Sep 12, 19, 26)
for inspiration and change, we even feel
TIME: 7:30 - 9:00 pm
compelled to come to Shul, but once we get
there we often get lost in the mumble of the
many prayers which seem repetitive and seem Brisbane Syn. Memorial Hall,
to lack attachment to who we are.
98 Margaret Street, Brisbane
Well, no longer. Join us for this three-week
series as we unlock the secrets of these most
awesome and powerful High Holy Days.
Week 1: Does G-d Allow U-Turns?
Week 2: Does G-d Really Need Us?
Week 3: Does G-d Actually Listen to Us?
Chanoch H Sufrin
Men and women welcome.
Refreshments will be served.
FEE: $10/week; $25/series
Join us as we “travel” to the Shtetl
of Mezhibuzh, now in the Ukraine
(previously in Poland and Russia), where
Rabbi Yisroel “Baal Shem Tov” spent much
of his life. He was born in 1698, on Elul 18,
and later founded the Chassidic movement.
Who was the Baal Shem Tov? What
contribution did he bring to Jewish life
in Poland and Russia? What is the whole
Chassidic movement all about?
18 September 2011
Sunday evening,
18 September 2011 | kukt
TIME: 8:00 pm
Sufrin Family,
56 Ridge Street, Greenslopes
Men and women welcome.
Refreshments will be served.
A “Farbrengen” – a Chassidic gathering – is
a time to inspire with warmth and friendship.
A time for retelling stories chronicling the
amazing life of the Baal Shem Tov, and see
how his teachings and inspiration live on today.
25 September 2011
s Did your grandmother ever say
“poo poo” to you?
s Why does the groom go around the bride Sunday evening,
seven times?
25 September 2011 | kukt uwwf
s Why don’t we clap at the end of
TIME: 8:00 pm
the Rabbi’s Shabbat sermon?
s Why are two challahs placed on a
Shabbat table?
Brisbane Syn. Memorial Hall,
s Why do Jews eat gefilte fish?
98 Margaret Street, Brisbane
s Why, why, why?
s Why do Jews ask so many questions?
Chanoch H Sufrin
This presentation will attempt to answer many DETAILS:
(but definitely not all) of the “Jewish
Men and women welcome.
Tradition” questions. Participants are also
Refreshments will be served.
asked to bring their own list of questions (or
FEE: $10
email prior).