March 2015 - Winnipeg School Division


March 2015 - Winnipeg School Division
March Madness…..all good!
March 2015
Dear Families,
March is an exciting time! We are at the mid point of the year. Our students are gearing up for sharing
their learning at Tri-Conferences, will be enriching us with their science projects at the Science Fair,
will be representing Brock Corydon at the MTS Centre, will have an opportunity to learn with Stan
Lesk (a local artist) through drama activities and will be celebrating Purim in a whole school carnival.
Na onal Member of UNESCO’s Associated Schools Network
Please join our budding scientists on Wednesday, March 4 in our gymnasium for Brock Corydon’s
annual Science Fair. Projects will be judged from 9:00-11:00. All Brock Corydon students will have an
opportunity to visit the projects between 11:00-12:00 and 1:00-2:30. Parents, family and community
members are welcome at those times. Projects will remain on display until 6:00 pm. At the end of the
school day, project awards will be given and Winnipeg School Division Science Fair participants will
be announced. Congratulations to all of our participants, we are very proud of you already!
Tuesday, March 10, second term report cards will be going home. The format for these reports will be
the same as last term. Teachers will convey student strengths, challenges and next steps for
learning. Please review the report card with your child/children. This leaning journey is a joint effort
between home and school. Together we build a community of learners. Our learners strive to be the
best they can be and we help them to reach these goals. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s
classroom teacher at any time. Tri conferences will be held on Wednesday, March 11 and Thursday,
March 12 after school, and Friday morning, March 13. As we have many teachers sharing students,
please note when your child’s teacher is available on the form going home. We will do our very best
to accommodate your time requests.
Our students had numerous opportunities to get involved in school life throughout February. They
participated in many lunch hour clubs, I Love To Read activities, listened to various guest readers,
celebrated 100 Day and Festival du Voyageur, purchased gently used books to support the Juvenile
Diabetes foundation and guessed the characters our staff would like to be for a day. Thank you to all
of our guests and volunteers for making February so memorable!
A highlight of the year for our students is the Purim Carnival. This year on March 6 in the afternoon all
students will have an opportunity to travel throughout the school and play various carnival games and
perhaps even enter the popular House of Haman (haunted house created by the gr.6H class).
Students will be encouraged to dress in costumes for the afternoon. In April we will have our Spring
Celebration, where students will travel with an assigned buddy throughout the school to various
spring activities, such as egg decorating. Thank you to all our volunteers who help us with these
special school events. Your support is greatly appreciated!
On a final note, I am very excited to share that myself, Mrs. Goddard, Morah Leah, Morah Paula M.
and our district superintendent Mr. Chartrand, will be visiting our sister school Ramat Korazim. We
will be leaving on March 20 and returning after Spring Break. We look forward to telling you all about
our experience upon our return!
See you at the tri conferences,
~ Mrs. Morris
PAC news / Spirit Week
Phys. Ed./Music/French/Thank you to
I Love to Read
1510 Corydon Avenue
100 Day Activities/Ramat Korazim
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3N 0J6
Classroom Activities
Telephone: (204) 488-4422
Bus Safety Reminder / Tri-Conferences
Fax: (204) 489-8764
April Calendar
Brock Corydon
Principal: A. Morris
Thank you to everyone who came out to our February PAC meeting and the Family Dance. The next meeting
will be Tuesday, March 3rd at 7:00 pm in the school's library. If you require babysitting for school aged
children please contact Shoshana at by March 2nd.
The PAC will be trying to get out the minutes from the meetings for distribution through the room reps to help
keep all parents informed of what goes on in the meetings. If you currently do not receive any information
from your room rep and would like to, please contact Shoshana.
The PAC has joined forces with Kellie from Kids Kitz to help lunch time prep for parents. More information will
be going home shortly.
Due to no one volunteering to chair the winter carnival, this event has been cancelled for this year. Without
parent volunteers we cannot put on the programs for the children. If you would like to chair this event for next
year please contact Shoshana. Co-ordinators are still needed for the plant sale and the general store at the
summer carnival, for next year. Please let Shoshana know ASAP if you are able to do so, as we have coordinators for this year that can be shadowed before they leave.
The PAC would like to thank Irene Shauer for all her help as vice chair this year and wish her much success
in the future in Ottawa. If anyone is interested in filling this position please let Shoshana know.
Once again the PAC would like to thank all our volunteers for their dedication of making Brock Corydon a
success, and to Alissa and Laura for organizing the Family Dance.
Your PAC executives:
Shoshana, Michael and Rob
Thank you to the amazing Student Council for organizing a fantastic Spirit Week!! The
pyjama day, crazy hat/hair day, read my t-shirt day, costume day and Valentine’s day were a
lot of fun!! We will soon be sharing the results of our new school mascot.
Remember the 80’s?
Favourite character day - can you
guess? Right...Mrs. Morris!
We had all of our students and staff participate in pyjama
day. School spirit at it’s finest!
Grade 6 students ended our school wide I Love to Read
Month by organizing and hosting a book sale of gently
used [ and much loved! ] books. The entire student body
and staff generously supported this event which raised
$300.00 for juvenile diabetes research.
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Gymnastics Club will continue in March. It will be on March 2nd and 18th. Grades 1 and 2 will be at
morning recess and Grades 3-6 at lunch recess.
Skipping Club for Grades 1-6 students will be at lunch recess on March 10th and 23rd.
The 96th Annual Winnipeg School Division Skating Races for Grades 4-6 students will be at the MTS
Centre on Thursday, March 5th. Brock Corydon and the other South End schools skate second this year,
from 6:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Running Club for Grades 4-6 students will begin in mid-April.
Please Note:
A note is required for students unable to participate due to medical conditions. Otherwise all
students are expected to participate.
When buying new runners for your child, “running runners” offer more support than “skater” runners
or high cuts. As well, with “running runners” there is less chance of injury.
“Music can change the world because it can change people”. Bono, U2
Gr.1-4 are completing their “Nutcracker” studies by listening to and performing
“Russian Dance”, “Mother Ginger”, “Dance of The Sugar Plum Fairy” and more.
Gr. 5-6 are playing recorders, while paying special attention to their breath
techniques, fingers positions, and switching between the notes: B, A, G and E.
Some of the songs they are playing include: “BAG Blues”, “Starlight”, “Hot
Cross Buns”, and “”Lucy Locket”.
March is going to be about family in French. We will be learning how to tell about the people in our family
and how to express our feelings about them. The students will learn the vocabulary, the associated verbs
and the grammar. In the end each student will be able to tell the class about his/her family.
Brock Corydon School is a magnet for caring and kind adults generously giving their time for our students.
We cherish amongst our fabulous volunteers….. parents, grandparents, former staff and students, parents
of former students, University students, friends and community members . Please mark your calendars for
Tuesday, May 5, 2015. We invite all our volunteers for a special assembly at 10:00 am, to be followed by
refreshments and mingling. Volunteers brighten our school daily, thank you!
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“During I Love to Read month, Ace Burpee from Hot 103.1 FM came to read to our class. I was so excited since I listen to
Hot 103.1 like 24/7. He read to the Grade 5 and 6’s and he read a book called, The Mud Family. It was an interesting book
about a family who had no water and they had to move, but the little girl made a family out of mud and then rain fell and
then there was a flash flood. When Ace was done reading, we asked him a few questions and then he asked us questions.
A bunch of us wanted his autograph so he gave everyone who wanted an autograph one. I really enjoyed him coming to
our school and hope he comes again!” by Leah Rm. 1, Gr. 5
Guest readers from Creative Retirement shared their experiences and read to Gr. 1-4 classes.
Room 8 enjoyed hearing Benjamin's favourite story read to us
by his mom Claire, as well as Brock’s Dad.
Nursery and Kindergarten students enjoying time with
guitarist Garth German, retired school principal.
Winners of the “Guess Who”
literary character contest!
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Kindergarten and primary students were celebrating 100 Day by making groups of tens with 100 items
they brought from home and then counting by 10s to reach 100!
On February 11th classes celebrated 100 days of learning at Brock Corydon.
We spent the day enjoying different 100 day themed activities in all our classrooms. We had the opportunity to meet
new friends in our mixed groups and travelled to each centre. We participated in math games, made a 100 Day poster
with 100 stickers, licked a lollipop 100 times, learned to write 100 in different languages, and jumped/ hopped/ and more
100 times with Mr. McGregor in the gym. It was a fun afternoon!
Did you know that Mrs. Morris, Morah Paula MacPherson, Morah Leah, Mrs. Goddard, and
Superintendent, Mr. Chartrand, will be visiting our sister school from March 23-27?
They will be teaching in the classes, sharing professional development with the teachers and will be
looking at commonalities in a new program they are using with our current Social Studies curriculum.
This will be Mrs. Goddard’s and Mr. Chartrand’s first time at our sister school! We look forward to hearing
all about their experiences upon their return. Highlights will be shared in our April newsletter!!
At Ramat Korazim they were celebrating 100 Day too!
Students were participating in various activities just
like us! A tower was made of 100 plastic cups.
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In P6 we have been studying materials and
structures. We have been participating in challenges
to design sturdy structures using a variety of
In P5 we were planting flowers for Tu
Bishvat with a special guest.
Gr. 2 designing cars
as part of their
science curriculum.
Gr. 1 students science activities testing materials
for absorption!
Room 8 has been busy
with our zoo animal
inquiry. As part of the
process we have been
looking at totem poles.
These totem poles
represent our class as a
whole and each student
Gr. 1 writing stories.
At the end of January we went on a field trip to Robert H. Smith School to hear about
bullying from Tad Milmine. He told us his story and a story of another boy, both being
bullied. His story was that he was locked in his cold stone basement by his stepmom
every day and he got five minutes to eat. His mom dropped it on the floor and started
counting up to five minutes. He was bullied at school too and nobody did anything about it.
When he was fifteen, he ran away from home and was on his own. To this day he hasn’t
talked to his dad and his stepmom. He became a police officer and only talks about bullying on his days off.
He has his own website and everything he teaches to talk to different people all around Canada. I think he
talked to all the grade 5 and 6 in like five or six schools. I thought that is really amazing. I hope we get to
hear him again.
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At Brock Corydon School we know what an important role technology plays in the daily lives of your children.
With this in mind we endeavour to create a fun and stimulating learning environment in every classroom using
computers, iPads and smart boards. These tools help make learning math, as well as other subject areas, fun
and relevant for your children! Practicing at home will not only facilitate a fun shared learning experience for
your family, but will also help solidify your child’s knowledge in a given area. We hope you have success
practicing and playing, because math can be fun!
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Member of
March 2015
School Calendar
1510 Corydon Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3N OJ6
Phone: 488-4422 Fax: 489-8764
Office Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Day 3
Patrols - am1/pm2
Day 4
Tri-Conference notes go
Day 5
Plant Sale forms go home
Pizza Lunch
Day 2
Day 6
3:30 p.m. Hip Hop
7:00 p.m. PAC mtg.
Day 3
Day 4
Day 1
9:00 a.m. Assembly
6:30-9:00 p.m. WSD
Skating Races at MTS
Centre Gr. 4-6
3:30 p.m. Musical Theatre
Patrols - am3/pm4
Gr. 4-6 Science Fair
10:35 Gr. 1/2 Gymnastics Club
12:20 Gr. 3-6 Gymnastics Club
12:20 Crafty Kids Club
School Purim carnival p.m.
12:20 Drama Club
3:45 p.m. Ukulele Kids
Day 5
Day 6
Reports cards go home
Tri-Conference evening
Tri-Conference evening
12:20 Gr. 1-6 Skipping Club
12:20 Last Crafty Kids Club
3:30 p.m. Musical Theatre
Day 1
3:30 p.m. Hip Hop
Patrols - am2/pm1
Day 2
3:30 p.m. Musical Theatre
Day 6
Day 4
Day 1
Day 2
Day 5
12:20 Drama Club
3:30 p.m. Hip Hop
Spring begins!
10:35 Gr. 1/2 Gymnastics Club
12:20 Gr. 3-6 Gymnastics Club
Stan Lesk Artist in School
begins - all week
Subway Lunch
St. Patrick’s Day
Plant sale orders due
Day 3
Ukulele Kids cancelled
3:45 p.m. Ukulele Kids
Day 3
Mrs. Goddard, Morah Leah,
Morah Paula M. & Mrs.
Morris, leave for week long
Ramat Korazim visit
Day 4
Last day of classes
before Spring Break
Patrols - am3/pm4
N-Gr. 2 MTYP a.m.
12:20 Gr. 1-6 Skipping Club
12:20 Drama Club
3:30 p.m. Musical Theatre
last class
Upcoming dates in April
Classes resume (Day 5)
International Day of Pink
Pizza Lunch (date change TBA)
Gr. 4-6 Running Club begins
PAC mtg. 7:00 p.m.
WSD Science Fair at U of M
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3:30 p.m. Hip Hop
last class
3:45 p.m. Ukulele Kids last
Primary & Intermediate
Seders (together) a.m.
16 Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)
21 9:00 a.m. Assembly for Day of Pink at Brock Corydon
22 Yom Hazikaron / Spring Celebration!
23 Yom Ha’atzmaut / Canada Book Day
24 Non-Instructional Day - NO CLASSES
29 Subway Lunch
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