Spring 2015 Newsletter - Lutheran Cursillo of Southern California


Spring 2015 Newsletter - Lutheran Cursillo of Southern California
Lutheran Cursillo
of Southern California
Official Newsletter
“Fourth Day Chronicles”
Spring 2015
Newsletter Mailing
If you would like a paper copy of the newsletter mailed to you,
please send your name and mailing address
along with a donation
of five dollars per year to cover post-age
Attention: Newsletter
P.O. Box 5203
Cerritos, CA 90703-5203
Sign up on the website for our
Newsletter at http://lcsocal.org
LCSC Prayer Chain
Rejoice in hope, be patient in
tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Romans 12:12
If you have a person or
situation you would like lifted up in
prayer, please e-mail
Cammy Mahoney at
and/or Joan Harrison at
The mission of Lutheran Cursillo of Southern
California is to develop a lay ministry to the Lutheran Community in the State of California by
encouraging a spiritual renewal of the Lutheran
Church, and by supporting its members as they
grow in their faith and as they actively support
the life and mission of their local home church
In This Issue…
LC #156
LC #157
CLE #6
Upcoming Weekends
The 2014-2015 Secretariat
Thrivent “Choice”
Team Donations
Sponsor’s Responsibilites
Shelly Reinschmidt, Editor-email: newsletter@lcsocal.org
Meet The Rectora for CLE #6 April 16-19
Rebecca Lopez
Sooo....a few years back I found out about Cursillo. Tony and I went; LC 132
and LC 133. That was life changing, haven’t looked back. We got involved in
Cursillo Luterana en Espanol (CLE) from the beginning. Its been an interesting journey.
The past six months we had our fair share of trials. Tony and I were reeling
from some very bad stuff when we went to family camp at Mont Hermon in
Santa Cruz country (highly recommend it). We kept encountering a theme,
the message was; when in a storm, get out of the boat, look at Jesus. We had
to get out of the comfort and what we thought was the safety of our boat, step
out onto the storm and keep our focus and eyes on Jesus.
That's is why the song “Oceans (Where feet may fail” resonates so strongly
for me. I have talked to people in CLE who are dealing with stuff that make
my problems seem petty. They are true people of faith. The verse, “Asi que
no temas, porque yo estoy contigo...” Isias 41:10a “So do not fear, because I
am with you” Fear is a powerful tool of the enemy. Isn't it interesting that
the words, “Do not fear” appear 365 times in the Bible! Fearless/Sin Miedo,
that is the kind of Christian I want to be, the kind of faith I hope our pilgrims
in CLE 6 will embrace.
Sooo .... hace unos años me enteré de Cursillos de Cristiandad. Tony y yo
fuimos; LC 132 y LC 133. Esto nos cambio la vida, no hemos vuelto a mirar
atrás. Nos involucramos en Cursillo Luterano en Español (CLE) desde el
principio. Ha sido un viaje interesante.
Los últimos seis meses hemos tenido una serie de momentos dificiles. Tony
y yo estábamos recuperándonos de algunas situaciones muy dificiles cuando
fuimos a un campamento de familia en Mount Hermon en el condado de
Santa Cruz,aqui en California (lo recomiendo). Seguimos enfrentandonos
con un tema, el mensaje era; cuando hay una tormenta, y tienes que salir del
barco, siempre mantenga la vista mirando a Jesús. Tuvimos que salir de la
comodidad y seguridad de nuestro “barco” y salir a donde solo veiamos inseguridad y tormenta, pero mantenerrnos mirando y confiando en Jesus.
Aprendimos que en medio de las tormentas hay que tener nuestros ojos
puesto en Jesus. .
Esta es la razón por la canción "Océanos (Donde pies pueden fallar" resuena
tan fuerte para mí. He hablado con gente en CLE que están lidiando con cosas que hacen mis problemas parecer insignificantes . Son verdaderas personas de fe. El versículo: "Asi que No Temas, porque estoy yo contigo ...
"Isias 41: 10a" So, do not fear, because I am with you ". el miedo es una poderosa herramienta del enemigo no es interesante que las palabras," no temas "aparecen 365 veces en la Biblia! Sin Miedo / Fearless, que es el tipo
de cristiano que quiero ser, el tipo de fe Espero que nuestros peregrinos en
CLE 6 abrazará.
God’s Chosen Team for CLE #6
Please keep the team in your daily prayers
as well as for the Pilgrims He is calling to
His weekend.
Meet The Rector LC #156 February 19-22
Don Underwood
De Colores. My name is Don Underwood and I worship at First Lutheran Church
in Torrance, Ca. My pilgrim weekend was LC114, in February 2008. I have
heard many stories from fellow Cursillistas and I have witnessed for myself the
transformative impact that these pilgrim weekends have made in so many lives. I
am no exception, though it wasn’t until I went back to serve that I fully realized
how blessed I am to be part of this Cursillo family.
The verse that I was led to use for LC156, is from Philippians 2.:3 “…in
humility value others above yourselves.” From the time of my Pilgrim weekend
(theme: “Humility before Honor”), humility in service has resonated with me.
Humility is a consequence of our service when we center ourselves on the cross
and follow the example that Christ set for us. Humble service is central to these
weekends, serving our fellow brothers and sisters and placing all others needs
above our own.
The theme song for the weekend is “More of You” by Colton Dixon. There
were a number of songs that I was contemplating and it wasn’t until a friend sent
me an email one morning asking me to listen to this song that I realized this was
the song for the weekend. As soon as I heard the lyrics, I knew this was the
theme song. This song is all about breaking down our own castle walls and surrendering to God. It also reminded me of something a long-time Cursillista
would often say in prayer….”Lord, let there be more of you and less of me”.
God has blessed me with many that have already heard the call to serve on
LC156. I continue to pray for the formation of the team He is sending our way
and for the pilgrims that are hearing His voice that this is their time to experience
the blessing of Cursillo
God’s Chosen Team LC#156
Please keep the team in your daily prayers
as well as for the Pilgrims He is calling to
His weekend.
Meet The Rectora LC# 157
Peggy Mechling
De Colores, my name is Peggy Mechling and I worship at Mount of Olives in Mission
Viejo. My pilgrim weekend was LC 97, in February 2005. Cursillo took my Christian
head knowledge and turned it into "heart" knowledge.
As great as my pilgrim weekend was, going back and serving on the weekends has been
an even bigger blessing in my life. Being a part of the LCSC community has continued
to be an important part of my walk with Christ. I treasure the relationships with the
Christian brothers and sisters that I have met along the way.
The verse I felt led to use for LC 157, is Psalm 118:24, "This is the Day the Lord has
made; Let us Rejoice and be glad in it!" Within days of getting the humbling call to be
the rectora, I received a birthday card that contained this verse. It reminded me of a saying that my mom posted on our refrigerator when I was growing up that said "Today is
my gift from God, what I do with it, is my gift to Him."
After I chose the verse, my dear friend and mentor, Nancy Wilbur, gave me a metal
cross that inspired the talented Kathryn Ilten-Holmes to design the beautiful logo for the
weekend. Kathryn told me about a song that I had never heard before and I am so
thankful that she did because it is perfect! It is "This is the Day" by Laura Story. I can
see how God is equipping me already and weaving together a team of wonderful women
who will serve Him in love.
God’s Chosen Team #157 February 26– March 1
Please keep the team in your daily prayers as
well as for the Pilgrims He is calling to His
February 19-22
February 26– March 1
April 16-19
July 9-12
July 16-19
October 15-18
November 5-8
November 12-15
LC #156 Men’s
LC #157 Women’s
CLE #6 CoEd
LC #158 Men’s
LC #159 Women’s
CLE #7 CoEd
LC #160 Men’s
LC #161 Women’s
The Parish Representatives are volunteers within their
local congregation whose primary purpose is to be the contact person beJanuary 10th-5PM-Open
tween the Secretariat and their
Fe y Esperanza– 13431 Paramount Blvd South Gate church. They are the “go to person”
when it comes to questions about CurFebruary 15th-2:30pm-Open-Musicians needed
sillo and distributing information about
Zion Lutheran/ Palabra de Dios
upcoming weekends and Ultre4421 E. 61st Street, Maywood
yas. They also assist the members of
March 10-2:30pm– Grand
their church to have been asked to at1st Lutheran– 2900 W. Carson St Torrance
tend a Cursillo weekend, and assist
their church Community in their Fourth
Churches are needed for April through November.
Contact Kedma Wenz if you would like your church Day. For more information about beto host contact her via the website under “Ulteyas”. coming a Parish Representative for
your church, please contact any Secretariat member.
2014-2015 Secretariat
President - Steve Anderson
Head Spiritual Director – Jay Egenes
Treasurer – Mike Gaczkowski
Registrar – Stuart Dimock
Ultreya Coordinator – Kedma Wenz
Palanca Coordinator - Willy Miller
Newsletter Editor - Shelly Reinschmidt
Vice President/Trainer - Robin Hill
3-Day Supply Coordinator - Tonya Hollenbeck
Secretary - Marty Hente
From Trinity Lutheran, Riverside: On April 25th at 7:00
pm we will have “Meet Me at Trinity & Broadway” (due to
popular demand this event is back). These are singers &
musicians’ most are professionally trained and work in clubs
around and out of our immediate area. Just as the title says
the music is all from Broadway shows past & present. Watch
for more information on our website,
www.trinityriverside.org. There will be a free will offering
On June 27th starting at 5 pm we will have our 5th
annual Within Radius Festival of Art & Music. This event
has grown each year & we look forward to another amazing
one this year. Live music & refreshments will be featured in
our courtyard. There will be an opportunity drawings for
original works of art donated by the local artists from Los
Angeles, Orange, Riverside & San Bernardino Counties. The
admission is only $5/person and may be paid at the door or
purchased through our church website,
Both events are held at Trinity Lutheran Church,
5969 Brockton Ave., Riverside. As the dates get closer you
may call the church office at 951-682-1350 for more information.
I would like to feature
your church in the newsletter. Each
month I would like to have a “Save
the Date” section that will list some
of the events at your church.
Also, any fundraisers that are
Cursillo related.
So send me contact information
and details of the event as
early as possible.
“Make a friend, be a friend and bring a friend to Christ”. This is our commission. Being a sponsor a lovely opportunity to demonstrate all Christ has done for us. It is more
than just bringing a Pilgrim on Thursday evening, making a banner, bringing Palanca
and picking them up on Sunday afternoon.
When we sponsor we have a stewardship responsibility of $25, and the “Fourth
Day” care of that Pilgrim. Are we getting them involved in grouping, bringing them
with us to Angel and encouraging them to work a weekend? The weekends are a gift of
love, but beyond that they are the boot camp for raising up future leaders of the church.
Just as Christ bestowed the “Great Commission” on the first twelve, “Christ is counting
on us” to go and make disciples not to sit a wait and see what happens. And isn’t that
what we really become on the Fourth Day? A disciple. We are to continue that close,
intimate walk with Christ daily. Sponsorship is vital or there would not be Cursillo.
Check in on those you have sponsored. If they have become, stuck,
displaced or maybe they forgot their experience , be “proactive” and light
that spark again and get them involved again!
Team Donations After prayerful
consideration and a great deal of dis2014 Choice Dollars expire on
cussion over the past several months
3/31/2015. Don’t miss this opportuthe Secretariat has decided that it is
nity direct your Thrivent “Choice” Dollars to enrolled nonprofit organizations, time to increase the team donation
fees from $130 to $150. St. Joseph’s
like Cursillo!
has raised the rental fees and the cost
of running a weekend increased such
Call a Customer Care Professional at that has become essential to our min800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836)
istry. This increase will come into efand when prompted, say,
fect beginning with the July set of
“Thrivent Choice.”
weekends 2015.
5 New Year’s Resolutions Your Family Can Live With
By HomeWord.com
It’s been said that a New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out
the other. Maybe this is why many people don’t participate in the annual ritual. One
survey found that 55% of Americans either never or only infrequently set New Year’s
resolutions and that only 8% of Americans are always successful in keeping their resolutions. With odds like that, why bother?
So, what if we reset the “resolutions” bar at a reasonable height? It just might make a
difference. With the right attitude going in, the following five “just for today” resolutions can help to get your family’s 2015 off to a positive start. Whether you try one or
all, these are resolutions that most everyone has a good shot of accomplishing –
something that your family can live with. As you succeed, you might even end up incorporating some of them into your family life and identity.
Five Resolutions for 2015
# 1: Just for today, I resolve to pray. This doesn’t have to be difficult. Sometime during
the day, just say a short prayer. Thank God for something, or praise God for something,
or tell God you love Him, or confess something to Him, or ask Him for something, or
ask Him for something for someone other than yourself.
# 2: Just for today, I resolve to say, “I love you” to someone. It’s really not hard, and if
you try, you really can find the moment it takes to say it, email it, text it, or show it.
There are few sayings more powerful in the life of another than these three little words.
# 3: Just for today, I resolve to appreciate the world around me. Take a moment or two
to smell the roses, or look at the blue sky (or clouds, or rain, or snow, or ocean, mountains, trees… you get the picture) and let the beauty of the world God created roll over
# 4: Just for today, I resolve to read from the Bible. No length requirements and no
reading plan here. Today, just take some moments to read something from God’s word.
Whatever you do here, it will be good for your life and your soul (See Psalm 119:105).
# 5: Just for today, I resolve to spend some time with my family. The breathless pace
we live life is breaking families apart. So today, give your family the gift of your presence. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just make some space in your day to be with
your family.