August Banner - Arlington Cursillo
August Banner - Arlington Cursillo
OUR The Newsletter of the Arlington Diocese Cursillo August 2015 In This Issue . . . Fall Weekends....................................2 Group Reunion Project.......................2 Useful Information..............................2 Pope Francis......................................3 Upcoming Events............................... 4 Secretariat Lay Director Phil Kiko, 703-553-0131 Spiritual Director Fr. Tuck Grinnell, 540-675-3432 School of Leaders Cathy Lemley, 703-327-4560 Pre-Cursillo Paula Shipe, 703-455-5401 Team Selection Kat Sigler Weekend Susan Trainor, 703-476-2891 Fourth Day Bob Trainor, 703-483-5372 Treasurer Tammy Gaines, 703-527-4128 External Communications Peter Trahan, 202-288-9535 OUR BANNER Publisher Jackie Garcia, 703-464-0809 Peter Trahan, website E-mail your feedback or change of address for OUR BANNER to Message from the Lay Director. Greetings: Hope everyone is having a nice summer. Just wanted to put on your radar screen that we have three upcoming Cursillo weekends in the fall at San Damiano Spiritual Life Center. The dates and teams are announced within this newsletter. Let's fill these weekends! Felicia Rogers has stepped down as Treasurer for Arlington Cursillo. I appreciate her service for these past two years. I also welcome Tammy Gaines as our new Treasurer. She comes to us with much experience and an equal amount of enthusiasm. I am sure you will get to meet her soon. As you know, my term as Lay Director expires this year. Below is the process the Secretariat has established for becoming a candidate, receiving input from the community and selecting the new Lay Director. Lay Director Selection Process: • If interested, Cursillistas should contact me in advance and I will be happy to discuss the duties and expectations of Lay Director. • By October 1, 2015 each candidate should submit a bio and vision statement to • The bios and vision statements will be posted on the website, emailed to our contact list, and circulated by the Sparkplugs, as possible, for the Cursillo community to review. • On November 14, 2015, each Lay Director candidate will present their vision statement during the previously scheduled School of Leaders on that date, and be available for discussion and Q&A from the community. • Input can be provided to the Members of the Secretariat as desired. • December 6, 2015: Selection will be made by the Secretariat. The Secretariat will attend Mass at St. Peter, Washington, VA at 10:45 a.m. with potluck lunch and meeting following Mass. • The new Lay Director will be announced on the website and by email. • Early 2016: Secretariat will schedule Mass with the Bishop for the investiture of the new Lay Director This is an extremely important process and I urge each of you to strongly pray about whether God is calling you to serve as the leader for Arlington Cursillo. As has been aptly said many times by many people, “God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.” De Colores! Phil Kiko, Lay Director arlington cursillo The Team of the Women’s 145th The Team of the Men’s 131st Team Members Wayne Miller Rector Deacon Jack Ligon Spiritual Director Fr. Jeb Donelan Spiritual Director Evan Godwin Musician Mike McBrady Angel Mike Doyle Team Thomas Chirayath Team Patrick Audant Team Jim Bertine Team Tom Adams Team Mike Finger Team Dan Newsome Team First row: Caryl Finnerty, Jane Duffy, Karen Audant, Felicia Rogers, Paula Shipe Second row: Leanne Dalton, Bobbie Ruiz, Patti Minicucci, Erin Bankey, Pequitte Schwerin, Margie Petrizza, Fr. Mike Hann Team Members Karen Audant Jane Duffy Caryl Finnerty Fr. Mike Hann Erin Bankey Leanne Dalton Patti Minicucci Margie Petrizza Felicia Rogers Bobbie Ruiz Pequitte Schwerin Paula Shipe Rectora Spiritual Director Musician Spiritual Director Team Team Team Team Angel Team Team Team Good Shepherd St. Charles Borromeo St. William of York St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis of Assisi St. Charles Borromeo St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis of Assisi St. Raymond of Penafort com. Morning prayer is at 7:00 am on Sunday. Breakfast will be at Cracker Barrell. Closing will be at 4:00 p.m. at San Damiano with no Mass. Susan Trainor is compiling a list of all of our Group Reunions. It will be used primarily for finding Group Reunions for Cursillistas—new and long-time. But we are also hoping just to collect data about how many groups we have, how many are grouping, and, hopefully, find some lost Cursillistas. It will be stored in a private database with limited access; it will NOT be stored on the website where total strangers can see it. If your group has not yet been contacted, or if you’ve been contacted but have not yet responded, please contact Susan Trainor at, even if you can’t take any new members. August 2015 St. Anthony of Padua St. Theresa St. John Neumann St. Charles St. John Neumann St. Ann Blessed Sacrament All Saints St. Charles Boromeo Good Shepard Please pray for our team and candidates…and consider talking with your family and friends about saying “yes” to making the Weekend. You can get an application at precursillo-2/#application or contact Paula Shipe at 703-455-5401 or arlingtonprecursillo@gmail. Another women’s weekend this Fall! November 19–22, 2015 at San Damiano Spiritual Life Center. Colleen Brennan, Rectora Kathy Adams, Spiritual Director GROUP REUNION PROJECT St Stephen the Martyr Visit for updates, directions, and more! St. Ann St. Ann St. Mary of Sorrows Good Shepherd Useful Links: Sparkplugs: Looking to reconnect with Cursillo in a parish in your area? Want to find out more about this lay Catholic movement? Contact the “spark plug” at a parish near you. Visit grow/sparkplug for more information. Prayer requests: Submit prayer requests and read other prayer requests from members of the cursillo. Visit Applications and Sponsorship Guidelines: Visit Submit your events: Want to share information about an upcoming event? Visit and we’ll post it on our website. Group Reunion: Need help getting into a group? Visit Page 2 arlington cursillo Pope Meets European Cursillistas Pope Francis thanks Cursillo movement for ‘helping people encounter Jesus’ during hour-long audience. The Pope recently met with several thousand European Cursillistas on April 30, 2015. Below are some quotes that appeared on May 2, 2015 in the Catholic Herald which is published in England and Wales, in an article written by Cindy Wooten. Spending more than an hour with Cursillo members in the Vatican audience hall, the Pope thanked them “for all you do in the Church, which is so beautiful; helping people encounter Jesus, helping them understand that living in the grace of God is beautiful”. “Through friendship, three-day retreats and small group meetings,” he said, “the Cursillo movement helps people discover that friendship with Christ is the answer to their heart’s longing for love and for truth.” “When you realize that God has been so good, so tender, so merciful—this has to come out, this has to be shared with others,” the pope said. dead. The spiritual works are: converting sinners, instructing the ignorant, advising the doubtful, comforting the sorrowful, bearing wrongs patiently, forgiving injuries and praying for the living and dead. Complete article can be found at: Pope Francis encouraged members of the movement to strengthen their faith and witness through regular attendance at Mass and frequent reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. “Every time we return to ask forgiveness, the Lord forgives us,” the Pope said. “He knows we are weak, that we are sinners. We have a degree in sinning—he knows this and still he always receives us with love.” “Those who experience God’s love and mercy are called in turn to show love and mercy for others,” he said. As he has done with several groups recently, Pope Francis asked Cursillo members if they could recite the seven corporal works of mercy and the seven spiritual works of mercy. “Usually,” he says “I will not embarrass people by asking for a show of hands. But with the Cursillo movement,” he said: “Let’s be brave. Raise your hand if you cannot do it.” The vast majority of the 5,000 people in the hall raised their hands. “Look at that!” the Pope said. “There’s work to be done…This is your homework. Learn them to put them into practice.” The corporal works are: feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, visiting the imprisoned, giving drink to the thirsty and burying the August 2015 Arlington Cursillo Needs Your Prayers and Financial Support Consider making a contribution of: ❑ $100 ❑ $75 ❑ $50 ❑ $25 ❑ Other ______________ _______________________________________________ Your Name _______________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ State Zip Code _______________________________________________ E-mail Thank you and God Bless You Return this form with a check made payable to Arlington Cursillo. Mail to: Arlington Cursillo 2810-A South Abingdon St., Arlington, VA 22206 or visit Page 3 Upcoming Events (Check our website for site location, directions, and other upcoming events.) Northern Virginia School of Leaders September 12, 2015, 9:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m. St. Francis of Assisi, Triangle, VA Table Reunion and Orientation for New Cursillistas November 7, 2015*—Men’s 131st Location: TBD 145th Arlington Women’s Cursillo Weekend-San Damiano September 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.—White Post, VA Northern Virginia School of Leaders November 14, 2015, 9:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Location: TBD SAVE THE DATE—Diocesan Ultreya October 3, 2015* 146th Arlington Women’s Cursillo Weekend-San Damiano November 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.—White Post, VA Table Reunion and Orientation for New Cursillistas October 10, 2015*—Women’s 145th Location: TBD SAVE THE DATE—Advent Evening of Reflection November 29 or December 5, 2015 Location and time: TBD 131st Arlington Men’s Cursillo Weekend-San Damiano October 15, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.—White Post, VA Table Reunion and Orientation for New Cursillistas December 12, 2015*—Women’s 146th * For more details as available go to Have an event to submit? Visit make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend.... D e C o l o re s ! MERRIFIELD, VA Arlington Diocese Cursillo Community OUR BANNER 2810-A South Abingdon Street A r l i n g t o n , VA 2 2 2 0 6 PERMIT #103 U.S. POSTAGE PAID NON PROFIT ORG.
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