mass schedule - st. mary of the nativity catholic church
mass schedule - st. mary of the nativity catholic church
424 Towt St. Salinas, CA. 93905 July 10th, 2016 PAROCHIAL ADMINISTRATOR Father Fredy Calvario PAROCHIAL VICAR Father Stephen Akers PARISH OFFICE STAFF Alfredo Zepeda - Finance Manager Analicia Haro - Receptionist Fabiola Guzman - Receptionist Edith Sanchez - Rel. Ed. Coordinator Sr. Maria Del Roble Rodriguez - HCJC CONTACT US PARISH OFFICE: 1702 2nd Ave. Salinas, CA. 93905 Telephone: (831)758-1669 Fax: (831)758-4715 Mon - Fri. 9:30 am - 1:00 pm 2:30 - 6:00 pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: 1702 2nd Ave. Salinas, CA. 93905 Telephone: Spanish program: (831)422-9964 English program: (831)758-8445 MASS SCHEDULE Monday……………………………………..….…………………...8am Spanish Tuesday………………………………………………..…………...7pm Spanish Wednesday………………………………………….……………..8am Spanish Thursday……………………………………...…...8am Spanish, 7pm Spanish Friday……….………….…………………………………………...8am Spanish Saturday…………………...…………………..……………...…....7pm Spanish Sunday………..7am, 9am Spanish, 11am English, 1pm, 5pm, 7pm Spanish Every second Thursday of the Month we celebrate a Mass at 10:30 a.m. at Windsor Gardens Rehab Center, 637 E. Romie Ln. Salinas CA. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. BAPTISMS: MARRIAGE PREPARATION: Call the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Office for availability at least 4 months in advance. VISITATION OF THE SICK: PRE-BAPTISMAL CLASS: QUINCEAÑERAS: Spanish: Every Wednesday at 7pm. English: Every third Monday of the month. By appointment only. No walk-ins. To arrange for a visit, please call the Parish Office. Every last Saturday of the Month. Contact the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance. July 10th, 2016 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself” -Luke 10:27 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY JULY 9 7:00 p.m. Lupe Sanchez Damaso Donato Larry Torres Cesar Perez Roger Salinas Olga Ceja SUNDAY JULY 10 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Efrain Garcia Jose M. Rubio Catalina Rubio (TG) Juan M. Juarez’ (TG)Joel Juarez; Jose M. Rubio Esperanza Piñeda Salvador Navarro Cesar Hernandez Jorge Ramirez (TG)Sandra Villicaña’ family, (WB)Noe Vargas Hermie Pontillas Salvador & Dolores Bacon Nemesio & Emilia Medalia (TG)Destiny L. Garcia Jose D. GarciaRaymundo Ruiz Alonzo Mora Daniel Ramirez JR (TG)Cesar & Osvaldo Mora, Our lady of Guadalupe (S)Lourdes Perez Valente Hernandez Francisco Flores Margarita Lazaro Jose R. Botello (TG)The Holy Trinity, (WB)Angelica Navarro & Family Freddy J Velazco Jesus Ramirez (TG)Veronica Rodriguez, Bianca Rodriguez, Anastacio Rodriguez, San Judas Tadeo MONDAY JULY 11 8:00 a.m. (WB)Jesus Diaz, David Diaz, Olga Diaz, Ignacia Rivera, & Maurino Diaz TUESDAY JULY 12 7:00 p.m. Raul Manzo Florente A. Hernandez .Clemente S. Soto Manuel Reniva Sr.(WB)Diaz-Rodriguez Family (TG)Adrian Sanchez, Maria Orozco WEDNESDAY JULY 13 8:00 a.m. Raul Manzo (WB)Margarito Sanchez, Agustina Salvador (AG)Maria R. Mistica, Sanchez Family THURSDAY JULY 14 8:00 a.m. Amalia Maldonado (WB)Felix Garcia, Guadalupe Garcia, Jonathan Garcia, & Joel Garcia 7:00 p.m. Ulises Vidales Jose G. Diaz Juan P. Diaz Carlos Espinoza Feliza Espinoza (WB)Diaz-Bruno Family FRIDAY JULY 15 8:00 a.m. Apolinar L. Garcia Francisco Camacho (AG) San Judas Tadeo ANDA Y HAZ TU LO MISMO La señorita González, la decana de los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria Olimpo, ya estaba cansada de regañar a Mateo, a pesar de que le caía muy bien. “Cuatro castigos después de clase en dos semanas es demasiado". Sin embargo Mateo permanecía en silencio. Sólo después de que la señorita González fuera en una ronda matutina por el vecindario descubrió la verdadera razón de las tardanzas de Mateo. Pataplún, cayó la silla de ruedas por las escaleras. Era Mateo, sujetando a Dolores mientras ayudaba a que la bajaran por las escaleras y luego la empujaba hasta la parada de autobús . “Es una chica de mi grupo de jóvenes de la parroquia” Mateo le explicó a la señorita González. Hay muchas formas de describir las acciones de Mateo –un acto de bondad al azar, marcar una diferencia en la vida de una persona a la vez. Jesús entendería. Cuando el abogado identificó correctamente al buen samaritano como el que había tratado al hombre herido con compasión, Jesús simplemente dijo: “Anda y haz tú lo mismo” (Lucas 10:37). TODAY’S READINGS 1st Reading: Psalm: 2nd Reading: Gospel: LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Is 1:10-17; Sal 50 (49):8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Is 7:1-9; Sal 48 (47):2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Sal 94 (93):5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27 Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Sal 102 (101):13-14ab, 15-21; Mt 11:28-30 Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt 12:1-8 Mi 2:1-5; Sal 10 (9):1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21 Gen 18:1-10a; Sal 15 (14):2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lc 10:38-42 PRAYER FOR THE SICK LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Lunes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario San Benito San Enrique Santa Kateri Tekakwitha San Buenaventura LAST WEEK’S COLLECTIONS Regular Collection: July 03 Total: $7,697.89 Thank you for your generosity! Heed the voice of the LORD. It is something very near to you, already in your hearts; you only need to carry it out (Deuteronomy 30:10-14). Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live (Psalm 69) All things were created through and for Christ Jesus (Colossians 1:15-20). To be a neighbor, show love by treating others with mercy, as did the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). Please, pray for those who are sick, especially: Jorge Rico Lucila Reyes Isaias Olivo Lucila Reyes Jorge Rico Isaias Olivo Ricardo Favela Rosa Avila Antonio Morales Josefina Castañeda Dolores Berry Leonardo Soto G. Rosario Perez Lourdes Perez Jose Arreola Please note that it is necessary to call the Parish office if you would like to add a name to the list. You can also drop off a note with the name before the bulletin goes to print. Deadline is on Wednesdays. July 10th, 2016 Sábado: Nuestra Señora del Carmen; Santa María Virgen TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The first “presbyters” were advisers to the bishops rather than what we would call “priests,” yet by the year 1000 our presentday understanding of the ordained priesthood is clearly in place. The Germanic influence was strong in those days, reflected in a series of questions posed to the candidate about his intentions. The priest’s role in the celebration of Mass had by then come to the fore, as the ritual notes that Mass vestments must be worn, the hands of the priest must be anointed with chrism, and a chalice with wine and water and a paten with a host must be given. Up to then, the ordination rite had stressed the presbyter as a collaborator with the bishop and a member of the order of presbyters. Then, in a not-so-subtle shift, the presbyter came to be seen as a “priest” designated to celebrate the Mass and, as the prayer suggests, to touch the chalice. By these days, remember, the cup had long vanished from Communion for the laity. A thousand years ago, today’s patterns were already in place. The priest no longer saw himself as a member of a council of elders, a presbytery, and in some dioceses he had little influence over the bishop. Instead, he was either a pastor, with relationship to the eucharistic community in the parish, or he was a priest monk, offering Mass for the salvation of the departed or the intentions of the living. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co Tekakwitha Conference Coming up in July The Tekakwitha Conference is the Voice, Presence and Identity of Indigenous Catholics of North America under the protection and inspiration of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha. The conference holds an annual conference and this year it will be in Burlingame from July 20-24th. The theme this year is The Bridge Between Our Faith and Our Traditions. If you are interested in learning more about the Tekakwitha Conference, please go to their website: or contact Fr. Scott McCarthy at: 831-601-4679 or CURSILLO WEEKEND Some of you may be asking, “What is a Cursillo?” Cursillo is a short course in Christianity. It is a wonderful three day weekend that offers an environment to help you get to know yourself and your relationship with Christ better. The weekend is based on our Catholic Faith and throughout the weekend there will be guest speakers touching on many subjects with the heart of the talks being based on the topics of Piety, Study and Action. Cursillo has been described as the best gift you can give yourself. In the beginning it was a gift given by the Holy Spirit to a layman by the name of Eduardo Bonin back in the early 1940’s and now it is a gift that The Cursillo Movement of the Monterey Diocese would like to share with you. For more information on Cursillo, visit the National Cursillo website at The dates for the upcoming weekends are: Women’s Cursillo, Sept. 15-18, 2016, at Camp St. Francis in La Selva Beach near Aptos. Men’s Cursillo, Sept. 22-25, 2016, at Mission San Antonio near Jolon. If you are interested in attending a Cursillo or if you have already made your Cursillo and would like to work the weekend, please visit our local website at, for contact information and applications or call Cindy Stefani at (831) 633-5012. BOLETOS PARA LA RIFA Ya viene nuestro Festival Parroquial 2016! Al igual que en años anteriores, tendremos una Gran Rifa que tendrá como primer premio la cantidad de $10,000, un segundo premio de $2,000, y varios premios más de $300. Los Boletos para la Rifa ya se encuentran a la venta en la oficina Parroquial durante la semana, y afuera del Templo después de todas la misas del Sábado y Domingo. El costo es de 1 Boleto por $5, o 5 Boletos por $20. Compra tus boletos y mucha suerte! July 10th, 2016 Welcome to St. Mary of the Nativity Catholic Church, whether long-time parishioners or newly arrived to this Parish. If you are not registered yet, please complete this form and place it in the collection basket, mail it, or bring it to the Parish Office. Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City: _______________________ Zip code: ______________ New parishioner Please contact me by phone New address New phone number Moving, please remove from Parish list SALINAS PIZZA Todos los MARTES PIZZA GRANDE de Pepperoni por Sólo $4. 99 + tax Todos los días Pizza Grande (Un Ingrediente) a $5.95 + tax 988 Acosta Plaza, Salinas CA 93905 Teléfono: (831)754-1010 BOYS AND GIRLS Ropa para Bautizos, Primera Comunión, Baby Showers Vestidos para Fiestas Ropa Casual para Niño y Niña Uniformes para la Escuela para Niño y Niña 626 E. Alisal St. Space F#2, Salinas CA 93905 (dentro del Indoor Swap Meet) Teléfono: (831)540-7148 HANDYMAN SERVICES Higinio Martínez Home: (831)783-0432 Cell: (831)262-6848 Business Lic. #25986 Servicio de VIDEO y FOTOGRAFÍA Tile Concrete Carpentry Fence Plumbing Roofing Hauling Moving para Bautizos, 1ras Comuniones, Bodas, XVañeras Fotos Familiares Maya Productions 470 E. Market St, Ste B Salinas CA 93905 (831)794-3712 CHATTAN M. PATEL D.D.S; INC. Dentista Familiar Se Habla Español Louis Ortiz Jr. Teléfono: (831)424-9700 41 E. Alisal St. Salinas, CA 652 E. Laurel Dr. #C Salinas, CA 93906 (831)775-0280 Ayudandole alcanzar dias mejores Casa de Novias Liz (831) 759-2330 Vestidos Para: Bodas, Quinceañeras, Primera Comunión, Bautizos, Invitaciones, Presentaciones, Ropa Casual, y Muchas Cosas Más! Conozcan sus derechos Bancarrota Derecho de Familia Miranda, Inmigración Magden & Miranda (831) 751-2222 127 E. Alisal Street Salinas, CA 93901 215 W. Franklin St., #404 Monterey, CA 93940 631 E. Alisal St. Salinas, CA 93905 Teléfonos: Nuestros Servicios: (831)422-1169 Cortes Personalizados (831)229-8093 Peinados y Maquillaje Rayitos y Color Extensiones MON-SAT 9am - 8pm Permanentes Faciales, Wax y más... SUN 9am - 5pm BEAUTY EXTREME SALON Healey Mortuary (831) 424-1848 405 N. Sanborn Rd. SE BUSCAN ESTILISTAS 1588 N. Sanborn Rd. Salinas 93905 PREMO ROOFING, CO. Establecido desde 1983, en Salinas, California PONGA SU TECHO NUEVO! $0 DE ENGANCHE PAGOS INICIALES EMPIEZAN DESDE $150 AL MES SE PAGA UNA VEZ AL AÑO ESTIMACIONES GRATIS TELÉFONOS: (831)443-3605 * (831)442-4701 SE HABLA INGLÉS Y ESPAÑOL TENEMOS TODAS LAS ASEGURANZAS 201 Williams Road Salinas, CA 93905 Established 1947 Quality Market (831)424-1045 Quality Liquors (831)424-4583 Michael Filice - Owner Fax (831)424-2509 Robert Struve Bill Laporte FUNERAL CHAPEL ES SU OPORTUNIDAD DE PONER LOCALLY OWNED SINCE 1927 TECHO NUEVO! Se Habla Español (831)424-0311 FUNERAL INSURANCE LIC #827391 NOTE: Advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for information, services and products offered in their advertisements. St. Mary of the Nativity Church may not be held responsible for any matter related to these advertisements.
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