July/August - Salinas Owners and Pilots Association


July/August - Salinas Owners and Pilots Association
As the Prop Tur ns
Bi-Monthly Newsletter
SN S—Tower
Salinas, CA
119.525—G round 121.7 —A TIS
From the Prez — Arrow N3972X
SOPA Sponsored Kids off to Oshkosh, Wisconsin-SOPA was very fortunate this year in
the selection of two very bright and enthusiastic young girls for the EAA Air Academy held
in Oshkosh, WI. Both Sophia and Katrina are
14 years old and will be attending the Basic
Air Academy. The week long Air Academy is
an exciting step through the world of aviation.
Each “hands-on” activity is developed for the
intermediate 14– and 15-year-olds during a
classroom and media presentation, specialized
laboratory activities and aviation–related
demonstrations. Activities at the Basic Air
Academy are designed to interest and challenge students and includes such activities as:
Airplane Wing Construction, Aeromodeling,
Rocketry, Ground School and Airplanes. They
will tour the AirVenture Museum, Visit Pioneer Airport, Watch flight demonstrations and
experience the thrill of flight in both an airplane and helicopter. SOPA pays the full
tuition to the camp and the round trip airfare
which adds up to about $2,000.00 per child.
With SOPA paying all the costs associated
with the Air Academy, it allows a child to
attend this amazing Air Academy that otherwise may be out of their reach due to the
lesson in Monterey. Sophia has almost completed the entire Sporty’s Learn to Fly ground
14 year old Katrina Espinoza will be attending
Session 2 of the Air Academy from July 6 to
July 11, 2015. Katrina who has immersed herself in the Civil Air Patrol dreams of becoming a search and rescue pilot. She has flown
four times as a Young Eagle and has completed the Sporty’s Learn to Fly ground school.
SOPA Prez Jeff
Sophia and Katrina will be at the August
SOPA meeting discussing their experience at
the Air Academy.
What’s Inside:
● Airport Manager Pg 2
● Letter from Senator Diane Feinstein,
Pg 3
● Other News, Pg 3
● 13th Annual Tenant Appreciation
Day, Pg 4
● Are you as smart as a 12 year oldTest, Pg 5
● Velocity Speeds-Test, Pg 5
● AOPA Fly-In Stats. at SNS, Pg 5
 Jerry Hitchcocks Flight to Elko , NV,
- Pg 6
 Remembering Frank Gomes, Pg 6
14 Year old Sophia Taylor-Home from Salinas, will be attending Session 1 from June 27
to July 2, 2015. Sophia stated that the first
time she heard of the Air Academy she knew
Fly Safe and Fly Often!
it was the place for her. Sophia has flown with
Young Eagles at the Salinas and Watsonville Jeff Soares - SOPA Prez…
airports and has taken an introductory flight
Salinas Owners & Pilots Association Meetings:
Second Tuesday every month 7 p.m. at The Landing
Zone Restaurant, Salinas Airport Terminal. Come
early 6 p.m. for dinner.
July/August 2015
Thank you to Jerry
Hitchcock for your contribution.
Annual Membership: Family/Single $15
Sponsor dues $45.
Applications: www:salinaspilots.com
Contribute to the
Jeff Soares
SOPA Officers:
President Jeff Soares—VP/Membership Ray Jackson—Secretary Lori Atkinson—Treasurer Sue Purvis
Directors: Jerry Hitchcock, Claudia Contreras (webmaster), Jim Shumaker
Salinas Owners and Pilots Association
2015 Calendar
SOPA Fly's to Friday Harbor and Arlington
On Monday, July 6, 2015, I departed for Friday Harbor on the San
Juan Islands with my buddy John
Gianelli in my Piper Arrow II. The
San Juan Islands are located in the
northwest corner of the contiguous
United States between the US
mainland and Vancouver Island,
British Columbia, Canada. SOPA
members Larry Shaw and Ray
Jackson in Larry’s Cessna 172 and
friends Mark and Roger in Mark’s
Cessna 172 departed Salinas on
Sunday. They flew to McMinnville,
Oregon to visit the aircraft museum,
which houses the Spruce Goose and
to spend the night. It was a quick
2.6 hours for me from Salinas to
Medford, Oregon for a lunch stop
and fuel. The Medford Jet Center
let us park on their ramp and borrow bicycles to ride to the restaurant. We did this last year as well
and they do not charge any fees.
After lunch John and I flew into
Arlington, Washington to top off
the tanks before flying to Friday
Harbor about 20 minutes from Arlington. Larry, Ray, Mark and
Roger were waiting for us at our
Hotel, Orca Inn, on Friday Harbor.
The next day (Tuesday), SOPA
member Jim Shumaker arrived on
Friday Harbor in his Citabria. Larry, Mark and Roger played golf at
the Friday Harbor golf course, Ray
and Jim drove around the island in
a rented car and John and I rented
mopeds for a tour of the island,
shopping and eating. Jim and Ray
saw whales and visited the lavender
farm while John and I went to the
lavender farm, alpaca ranch, an old
British military camp and Roche
Harbor for lunch. Roche Harbor
also has an airport and is the most
beautiful part of the island. The
weather for the trip was forecast to
be beautiful and clear with the temperature from the 80’s to the 90’s.
This was actually the first time in
the 6 years I have been flying there
that we did not have any Temporary
Flight Restrictions (TFR’s) en
route. However, over 60 fires are
burning in Canada with one of the
smaller uninhabited islands totally
on fire. They are letting this fire
burn itself out. The visibility due to
the smoke was almost IFR conditions. Me, John and Jim attempted
to fly to Point Roberts for dinner.
This is an over water trip to a spit
of land surrounded on three sides
by Canada. About a quarter of the
way there, I decided the visibility
was lower than my comfort level
over water with no horizon so I radioed to Jim to tell him I was turning around. He totally agreed. I
flew back to Friday Harbor using
my auto pilot and Jim landed on
Orcas Island before returning to
Friday Harbor. On Thursday, Ray,
Larry, Mark and Roger departed for
home. Me, John and Jim stayed on
the island and wend Zip Lining
through a company called Zip San
1st- Safety Meeting
8:30am at The Landing Zone Restaurant
11th - Historic Aircraft Display
10:00am-2:00pm at SNS
14th - SOPA Meeting
7:00pm at The Landing Zone Restaurant
23rd - Salinas Airport Commission Mtg
7:00pm at the City Hall Rotunda
5th- Safety Meeting
8:30am at The Landing Zone Restaurant
8th - Historic Aircraft Display
10:00am-2:00pm at SNS
11th - SOPA Meeting
7:00pm at The Landing Zone Restaurant
27th - Salinas Airport Commission Mtg
7:00pm at the City Hall Rotunda
Monthly Meetings/Events:
Safety meeting
1st Wednesday of every month,
8:30am at The Landing Zone Restaurant
SOPA meeting
2nd Tuesday of every month,
7:00pm at The Landing Zone Restaurant
Historic Aircraft Display
2nd Saturday of every month
10:00am-2:00pm, SNS
Salinas Airport Commission meeting
4th Thursday of every month,
At The Pump
KSNS Salinas . . . . . . .SS $5.37 . . FS $5.87
KOAR Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.10
KCVH Hollister. . . . . SS $5.50 . . FS $5.80
KWVI Watsonville. . . SS $5.50 . . FS $5.80
KKIC King City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.49
This was a great adventure! We zip
lined through tall groves of pine
trees over ponds, marshes and
lakes. Later that day we departed
Friday Harbor (cont. on page 3)
KLSN Los Banos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.32
3O1 Gustine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.90
KMRY Monterey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.29
SS=Self Serve; FS=Full Serve
Source: AirNav.com 7/2/2015
Salinas Owners and Pilots Association
From the Office of United States Senator Diane Feinstein
SOPA member (Treasurer) and Airport Commissioner Sue Purvis wrote a letter to United States
Senator Diane Feinstein regarding the “Pilots
Bill of Rights 2” (s. 571) and the proposal for the
changes to the Third Class Medical. The proposed
change is that a pilot would no longer be required
to possess a third class medical under the following criteria:
1-Must possess a valid state drivers license and
comply with any medical requirements applicable
to the license. 2-Transport no more than 5 passengers. 3-VFR flights only. 4-Cannot be compensated for flights. 5-Cannot fly above 14,000 feet
MSL. 6-Cannot exceed 250 knots.
The following is the response from Senator Feinstein.
Dear Ms. Purvis :
Thank you for writing me regarding the
Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) medical
requirements for pilots' certificates. I appreciate
the time you took to write me and welcome the
opportunity to respond.
I understand that you support the "Pilot's
Bill of Rights 2" because you believe that the
costs associated with mandatory medical examinations required for certification may deter people
from recreational flying.
As you discussed in your letter, on February 25, 2015, Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) introduced the "Pilot's Bill of Rights 2" (S. 571), which
is intended to expand the 2012 Pilot's Bill of
Rights (Public Law 112-153). The "Pilot's Bill of
Rights 2" would extend FAA's third-class medical
exemption – currently available only to sport pilots – to all pilots flying small aircraft up to 6,000
pounds, provided they comply with any medical
requirement associated with a valid State driver's
license. It would also establish additional criteria
FAA must meet during safety violations investigations and enforcement, as well as require FAA
to expedite updates to its Notice to Airman Program. S. 571 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, of which I am not a member.
I agree that we should take steps to ensure
the fair treatment of individuals in aviation and
other industries. Please know that I have made
careful note of your concerns and will be sure to
keep them in mind should this legislation come
before me for consideration in the full Senate.
Once again, thank you for your letter. I
hope you will continue to keep me informed on
issues of importance to you. If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to
contact my Washington, D.C., office at (202) 2243841
www.feinstein.senate.gov. Best regards.
Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
SOPA Fly's to Friday Harbor and Arlington
for the Arlington Fly-In where we met up with SOPA member Tom Jones and his wife Linda. They flew their home
built Rans Coyote II. We camped by our planes which is
always a lot of fun. This is the third largest fly-in behind
Oshkosh and Sun-N-Fun. Because it doesn’t start getting
dark this far north until 10:00p.m., the outdoor movie theater
didn’t start until 10:00. If you can stay awake they show a
different movie every night. We saw ‘It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad
World.’ Very funny movie with every movie star you can
think of in the movie. That beautiful forested weather turned
out to be a bust. The sky turned overcast and our route home
was closing in on us with thunder storms, rain and hail. We
were supposed to depart Arlington on Sunday but we all
packed up our camp and left on Friday afternoon before they
closed the airport for the airshow. John and I flew between
2,000 feet MSL and 3,500 feet MSL all the way back to
Medford, Oregon before the rain hit and the storm clouds
stopped our progress. Jim, Tom and Linda made it to Roseburg, Oregon for the night. Million Air tied my plane down
and did not charge us a ramp fee. The next morning saw the
clouds starting to build over the mountains in our path home.
I climbed to 12,500 feet; we put on our oxygen and flew over
the building clouds that lasted until Redding. At that point I
descended to 7,500 feet and flew home in clear sky’s getting
home in time for lunch. I kept in touch with Jim providing
him a TFR report and forecasted weather for Salinas. They
landed safely in Salinas just before sundown. This year was
one heck of a flying adventure! I look forward to it again
next year. 
Submitted by Jeff Soares
Salinas Owners and Pilots Association
13th Annual Salinas Airport Tenant Appreciation Day
It’s hard to believe that
this was the 13th annual
Salinas Airport Tenant
Appreciation Day. Saturday June 27, 2015,
was perfect weather for
the event. Attendees
started trickling in
around 9:00a.m., and proceeding to the registration table. At the registration table, you received a very nice
Salinas Airport reusable bag (now required for shopping in just about all counties), and a free raffle ticket.
If you parked your plane on the ramp, you received a
second raffle ticket specifically for airplane
related items.
morning kicked off with
the flying competition
which included the flour
bomb drop and spot
landing. Trophies were
given to the top three pilots in each event. This year the
top three pilots in the flour bomb drop were also the top
three pilots in the spot landing. Winners of the bomb
drop: First place was Jerry Hitchcock flying his Beech
Debonair and dropping his
flour bomb 22’ 1” from
the target. Second place
was Jim Shumaker flying
his Citabria missing the
target by 35’ 8” and Third
place was Jim O'Dell Flying his Cessna 172 and
missing the target by 84’ 11.” The spot landing was
won by Jim O’Dell landing 34’ over the landing line,
Second place was Jim Shumaker landing 50’ over the
line and Third place was Jerry Hitchcock landing 58’
over the line. After the presentation of the trophies to
the pilots, SOPA honored Earl Paisant with the SOPA
Achievement Award for his dedication to the Salinas
Airport and going above and beyond his daily duties.
Jim Shumaker was the man of the hour. Jim was selected as the Airport Tenant
of the Year. This is well
deserved as Jim is the
president of EAA 204, a
SOPA Board member
and an Airport Commissioner. Jim is seen here
receiving the coveted
13th Annual Salinas Airport Tenant Appreciation Day
landing light that all Airport Tenants of the Year receive. SOPA President Jeff Soares read a bio of Jim’s
flying activities and his efforts to make the Salinas Airport the best airport in the state. After Jim received a
plaque, Resolution and the
landing light, the guest speaker for the event got started.
Barbara Schultz is a pilot and
author of numerous books:
Pancho, Happy Bottom Riding
Club, Wedell-Williams Air
Service, Endorsed by Earhart, and Elizabeth Ulysses
Grant McQueen. Barbara talked about her latest book
which is a biography of Moye W. Stephens called Flying Carpets Flying Wings. Next on the agenda was
lunch. The Landing Zone Restaurant catered a massive
lunch with green salad, two types of macaroni and
cheese, potato salad, chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs,
hotdogs wrapped in bacon, drinks and great deserts. A
live band played while we all ate lunch. Midway
through lunch Jeff Soares and John Gianelli started the
raffle. The airport businesses really came through this
year donating a bunch of great gifts. I would like to
thank the following business for their generous donations: Advance Tech Aviation Maintenance-2 gift
cards to Gino’s Restaurant, Airmotive Specialties$100 gift card to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and a
$75 Chevron gift card, Airplane Company-4 $25 Star
Market gift cards and a $50 Olive Garden/Red Lobster
gift card, Cal Pacific Airmotive-$100 Aircraft Spruce
gift card, 2 Arctic Zone Collapsible Coolers, 1 Light
Speed Outdoor Blanket, Dr. James Vawter-Free 1st,
2nd or 3rd Class FAA Medical, Gold Coast AviationFree Oil Change, Gomes Farm Air Service-$100 Jet
West fuel card, Jet West-20 gallons of Avgas, ServeAero Engineering-4 $50 Ace Hardware gift cards,
T&P Refinishers-$25 Applebee’s gift card, 3 $25 Olive Garden/Red Lobster gift cards, Sean D. TuckerAerobatic Flight. Join the fun next year for the 14th
Annual Tenant Appreciation Day. Thank you to Brett
Godown and his staff as well as SOPA for putting on
another great event!
Salinas Owners and Pilots Association
A Test-Are You Smarter Than A 12 Year Old?
This test is from the Federal Aviation Administration 7-Which aircraft is known as the “Hercules”?
(FAA) designed for kids between 10-12 years old. Are
a. C-5
you as smart as a 12 year old? Some questions are very
b. KC-135
easy but others will have you thinking. The answers are
c. C-130
on page 7 under the meeting minutes...good luck! I also
8-Name the world’s most expensive airplane project:
threw in a test on your knowledge of V-Speeds
a. F-117 Stealth
b. F-35 Lightning II
1-The first solo flight across
c. F-15E Strike Eagle
Ocean was performed by:
9-What is the longest and heaviest airplane ever built?
a. Charles Lindbergh
a. Antonav 225
b. William T. Colbert
b. Lockheed C5 Galaxy
c. Charles J. Wright
c. Airbus A380
2-Which aircraft was used on the first cross Atlantic
10-In the late 1920’s dirigibles were known as:
solo flight?
a. Flying Balloons
a. “The Heart of Sussie”
b. Zeppelin
b. “The Spirit of St. Louis”
c. Kassepins
c. “The Thunderbird”
11-Who invented the kite about 2000 years ago?
3-Who was the first Air Traffic Controller?
a. Chinese
b. Japanese
c. Russians
a. Bill Kindersley
b. Jeffrey Meyers
c. Archie League
12-Who invented the rocket?
4-Which of these is a military aircraft?
a. Chinese
b. Japanese
c. Russians
a. F-17
b. A-300
c. Boeing 727
5-What does Supersonic Mean?
V-Speed Test for Pilots: V is for Victory?...Nope!
a. Faster than the speed of sound
b. Really loud
c. Faster than the speed of light
6-Which one of these aircraft is supersonic?
a. Learjet
b. Concorde
c. Boing 747
V1:_____ Vdf:_____ Vmo:_____
V2:_____ Vf:______ Vne:______
Va:_____ Vfe:_____ Vno:______
Vb:_____ Vle:_____ Vr:______
Vc:_____ Vlof:_____ Vs:_____
Vd:_____ Vmca:____ Vso:_____
AOPA Regional Fly-In at KSNS 
A few statistics from the May 16, 2015, AOPA regional fly-in held at the Salinas airport: (SNS)
Attendance-2,600 people
Barnstormer Party / Movie-750 people
Rusty Pilots Course-90 people
Salinas Owners and Pilots Association
SOPA Member Jerry Hitchcock’s Annual Flying Trip
I've been going to Elko, Nevada every year in June
since 1975 with friends for our annual fishing trip.
We have had as many as 15 people join us for a
week of fishing. This year 3 of us flew, 4 drove and
2 cancelled due to illness. We launched on Monday
June 22, 2015, in my Beech Debonair from Salinas
(SNS) at about 10:00a.m. and arrived at Elko (EKO)
about 12:35p.m., via LOL. (That is not the Laughing
Out Loud airport). LOL is Derby Field in Lovelock,
NV. Weather was clear and smooth all the way.
Leaving Salinas we could see a large column of
smoke from the Markleville fire, but ATC never
mentioned anything about a TFR and it didn't look
like there were any planes in the air fighting it.
where it was about the same as Tuesday, slow but
good quality fish. We bought some ribs and had a
barbecue at Ollie and Phylis Breschini's place. Ollie
was from Gonzales when his family moved to Jiggs,
NV., in 1956 when he was 15. We left Elko at
8:a.m., on Friday. The trip home was smooth and
clear with a slight headwind. There was a TFR for
the fire and this time we had to deviate slightly to
stay clear. The only hiccup during the flight was my
transponder quit sending altitude near Fernley. We
arrived in Salinas at 1050 a.m. A good time was had
by all and we brought 39 fish home.
On Tuesday, we fished the South fork and the fishing Submitted by Jerry Hitchcock
was slow but steady and we ended up with 17 big
fish. We had dinner that night at the Star Basque restaurant, which is always 5 stars. On Wednesday we
drove 2 hours North to Wilson Reservoir. This was a
total bummer as we only caught 1 fish. Dinner that
night was at the Red Lion, a buffet and not as good
as the Star. On Thursday we went back to South fork
Salinas Airport Loses a Family Member
The Salinas Airport lost a family member a couple of
weeks ago-Frank Gomes. He will truly be missed and
SOPA sincerely extends our condolences to Frank’s
family and friends. The following is Franks Obituary.
loving mother Joyce, his brother Stephen John and his
four sisters Maureen Lyon (David), Terry Pearson,
Christine Bellone and Clare Gist (Butch). He is also
survived by his uncle Elmer Gomes and numerous
nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in
death by his father Frank W Gomes, Sr.
In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting donations
be made to Rancho Cielo or to the National Agricultural Aviation Association.
The family is hosting a luncheon at the Sheriff's Posse
grounds in Salinas at noon on Wednesday July 1,
2015. Friends and family are welcome to attend in order to celebrate his life and share fond memories of a
dearly beloved man.
Frank William Gomes, Jr., passed away on Saturday,
June 20, 2015, doing what he loved, being an Ag pilot.
He was born May 28, 1948 in Hollister, California
where, at an early age, he began his lifetime career in
He graduated from Palma in 1966 and from Cal Poly,
San Luis Obispo in 1970. After graduating, he joined
the Peace Corps and used his education and experience to help farmers in Thailand. On returning from
Thailand, he joined his father's business and became
an Ag pilot and then part owner of Gomes Farm Air
See more at: http://www.struveandlaporte.com/
Frank was a Commissioner for the Moss Landing Har- obituary/Frank-William-Gomes-Jr./Salinasbor District; a member of the Monterey Sheriff's Posse CA/1522106#.dpuf
and over his lifetime served on numerous other agricultural, aviation and community organizations.
He leaves behind his beloved wife Rhonda, his four
sons Gregory, Trey, Graham (Jalima) and Evan, his
Salinas Owners and Pilots Association
Meeting Minutes
Salinas Owners & Pilots Association
Meeting Minutes – Tuesday June 9, 2015 The Landing Zone Restaurant
Call meeting to Order- President Jeff Soares at 7:20 p.m.
Treasurers report - Sue Purvis
Airport Manager’s Report:
Construction projects update
Airport Tenant Appreciation Day June 27th
AOPA Fly-In report
Commission meeting notices will be going out via electronic mail unless the Airport office is notified.
Also see the City’s website https://salinas.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx
Runway Safety Action Team will meet June 10, 2015 at 9:00 am.
New Business:
Air Academy Scholarship recipients Sophia & Katrina spoke at tonight’s meeting about their upcoming
trip to Oshkosh.
AOPA is conducting a survey on ADS-B
Old Business:
Jim Shumaker reports on the EAA 204 guest speaker Alan Brown & Stealth technology
Young Eagles event at Salinas July 25th. Pilots & volunteers needed.
Hollister Air show is June 21, 20105
Meeting Adjourned: 8:20pm
Submitted by: Lori Atkinson-Secretary
Construction Over the SNS Parking Lot
You may have noticed...or not, the construction over the main parking lot in front of the airport. A solar panel/car
cover is being installed. The solar panels will help offset the electric bill at the airport. The solar panels also double
as a parking lot cover protecting your car from the sun or rain. The inconvenience of very limited parking will
payoff in the very near future when the construction is completed.
The progress of the construction
Test answers from page 5: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5a, 6b, 7c, 8b, 9a, 10b, 11a, 12a, V-Speed-V1: takeoff decision speed V2:takeoff safety speed Va: design Maneuvering speed Vb: design speed for max gust intensity Vc: design cruise speed Vd: design dive speed
Vdf: demonstration dive speed Vf: design flap speed Vfe: maximum flap extended speed (top of white arc) Vle: maximum landing
gear extended speed Vlof: lift off speed Vmca: minimum control speed with critical engine out, out of ground effect (red radial
line) Vmo: maximum operating speed Vne: never exceed speed Vno: maximum cruise speed (top of green arc) Vr: rotation speed
Vs: stall speed Vso: stall speed in landing configuration (bottom of white arc) Vx: best angle-of-climb speed Vy: best rate-ofclimb speed
Thank you to the SOPA Sponsors
California International
Bruce Adams, Executive Director
Cal-Pacific Airmotive, Inc.
FAA Certified Repair Station
North American P-51 Airframe
Art Teeters, Owner
1330 Mercer Ave, Salinas CA 93905
(831) 422-6860
Jet West LLC
Aircraft Fuel Service
Leo McIntosh, Owner
280 Mortensen Ave, Salinas CA 93905
(831) 422-9400, (831) 229-0815 cell
Airplane Company Inc
Aircraft Maintenance
Dave Reek, Owner
1585 Moffett St., Salinas CA 93905
(831) 753-1077
Monterey Private Wealth
Kenneth B. Petersen, partner
2340 Garden Road / Suite 202
Monterey CA 93940
(831) 372-3426 / x114
(800) 500-3426
Russ Wilcox Insurance Agency
Airmotive Specialties, Inc.
Aircraft Services, Structures & Restorations
Dave Teeters, Owner
37 Mortensen Ave, Salinas CA 93905
(831) 757-7154
AeroDynamic Aviation
Flight Training
Zdravko Podolski, Owner
70 Mortensen Ave, Salinas CA 93905
(831) 240-0800
State Farm Insurance
Russ Wilcox, Agent
1532 Constitution Blvd, Salinas CA 93905
(831) 443-1001
NewStar Fresh Foods, LLC
Mitch Secondo, VP
900 Work Street, Salinas CA 93901
Individuals: Ralph and Diane Myers, San Clemente; Robert D. Braham, Mercer Island, WA; Tom
Bengard, Salinas. (Thank you!)
Tierney Vawter Medical Corp.
Jim Vawter, M.D., AME
1st, 2nd or 3rd class FAA Exams
530 Ramona Ave., Monterey CA 93940
(831) 647-8700
SOPA — As the Prop Turns, Bi-Monthly-Newsletter
Salinas Owners & Pilots Association
80 Mortensen Avenue
Salinas, CA 93905
Gold Coast Aviation Service
General Aircraft & Helicopter Service
Larry Lujan, Owner
45 Mortensen Ave, Salinas CA 93905
Advancetech Aircraft Maint Inc
Bruce Pittenger, CEO
1605 Moffett St., Salinas CA 93905
Mar/April 2015