
K E R F O R D I N V E S T M E N T S ( U K ) LT D .
Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Registered Office: 43-45 Dorset Street, London W1U 7NA
Administration Office: 1st Floor, 239 High Street Kensington London, W8 6SN
Tel: +44 203 402 5250
Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
vestments U
O nl
ine Evolu
Bringing you closer to the market
K e r f or d I n ve s t m ents L i mi ted is an agency broker as well as a dealer,
Authorized and Regulated by Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), with
well established global presence through the firm’s efficient Introducing
B r o k e r s o p e r a t i n g w o r l d w i d e. D i r e c t l y a n d t h r o u g h o u r w o r l d - w i d e
financial services subsidiaries, we provide comprehensive coverage and
d i r e c t a c c e s s t o m os t i n t e r n a t i o n a l f i n a n c i a l m a r k e t s a l o n g w i t h
sophisticated trading and execution services in equities, CFD’s, foreign
exchange, metals, offshore funds and general investment advisory
Kerford is the product of a great vision shared by a group of similarly
minded individuals in the investment community. Their objective is to
bring clients closer to financial markets with a mission to offer improved
access combined with much lower commissions and greater
opportunities in the new era of “e-commerce”. In brief, we provide a
broad range of financial services and offer enhanced profit potential for
our customers by making available quality online trading facilities with
greatly reduced transaction costs, accurate quotes and a myriad of
specific “universes” tailored to match the clients’ needs.
In the U.K. especially, Kerford’s services are particularly helpful for larger
professional traders, including institutions, fund managers, introducing
brokers and intermediate traders.
The wide range of our financial services encompasses trading in Forex,
Equities, Mutual Funds, Precious Metals and Bullion platforms in a broad
spectrum of over 50 global markets. The specialized trading platforms
which we have developed and implemented especially in Forex as well
as in the other commodities, have been soundly tested and in use for
the past several years.
We also provide our customers with access to data bases which will
facilitate their ability to make better informed investment judgments
which will help them to succeed in currency trading as well as with their
entire general investment portfolio.
Kerford's innovative trading software enables its clients to trade with narrow spreads, not only in currencies but in all marke ts, as well.
Instant price charting and technical analysis, coupled with split second news, also smoothes the decision-making process in ord er to
enable the trader to make better informed decisions.
The enhancement of trading technologies and the constant quest for new developments and improved market opportunities provide
our clients with both cost savings and many other advantages. Client satisfaction is our primary concern and we have a pool of
dedicated multi-lingual professionals to serve their needs as well as to ascertain that all investment decisions are transacted as
efficiently as possible.
Kerford offers a broad range of state-of-the-art trading facilities which encompass most aspects of every sophisticated trader' s
investment portfolio. These are augmented by constantly updated software, a wide range of investment products and "universes," low
costs, favorable margin requirements and dedicated customer support.
Equ i ti es
Stocks (or shares) and their stock modern equivalent, (CFDs “Contracts for Delivery”) represent ownership units in issuing comp anies
who wish to both raise capital as well as expand their shareholder base.
The relaxation of foreign investment restrictions and new developments in communication and trading systems in much of the worl d
today opens new doors for astute traders. The recently increased two way flow of funds from developing countries to developed o nes,
and vice versa-with the opportunities which they bring, also renders the need for an increasing percentage of equities into any s o u n d l y
constructed investment portfolio.
F o r e x “ PI Ps”
The Global Foreign Exchange (“FOREX”) market for trading foreign currencies is the largest, most transparent and most
liquid market of all. Whereas the entire combined total value of all world stock exchange trading might average about $50
billion, it is estimated that the total value alone of foreign exchange which is traded in a single day is at least 50 times or
more-usually between $2.5 trillion to $3.5 trillion dollars. Unlike world stock exchanges, the global foreign exchange
market is open 24 hours per day and five days per week.
Foreign exchange instruments and derivatives trading generally starts in Asia, moves to London, then to New York and back
to Tokyo and Singapore. In the past, the only way for investors to gain access to this vast market was through banks which
transacted large amounts of currencies primarily for their own commercial and investment purposes. Through Kerford and
as a result of exceptional market liquidity and transparency even the smallest as well as the largest investor can trade in
foreign currencies on a level playing field.
In Forex dealing, trades are usually dealt in the “spot” market but can also be transacted in varying amounts and with
different dates and denominations as well as without standardized contract sizes or dates. The chances for major
institutions to effect intraday manipulation are minimized and technical analysts; for example, thereby find it much easier
to analyze evolving trends.
Ch a r a c t e r i st i c F e a t u r e s
Int er na t iona l elect r on i c l i n k b e t w e e n a l l m a j o r b a n k s
Les s t h a n 2% u s u a lly re q u i re d f o r m a rg i n t ra d i n g
T wo wa y ma r ket wit h a l m os t i n s t a n t , t ra n s p a re n t l i q u i d i t y
Ma r ket infor ma t ion p ub l i c l y a v a i l a b l e v i a b ro a d c a s t a n d p re s s m e d i a
Int er na t iona lly a ccep t e d p ri c i n g s t ru c t u re
T r a cking of a d ozen c u rre n c y p a i rs a t a n y g i v e n t i m e
C ont r a ct s ca n b e s et f o r a s m u c h a s o n e f u l l y e a r
o r d SSolutions
o l ution s For
Kerr fford
l l Yo
ur In
vestmen ts Needs
I n f i n i t e z e s t to pu rs u e th e u l ti m ate val u e
U n i qu e s o l u ti o n fo r al l yo u r n eeds
Bringing the right
people closer
LT D .
Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Turning relationships
Into productive resources
Kerford, the perfect choice to match your universal outlook
Met a l s
Global traders in metals have a choice of either investing in a specific company specializing in the metals “universe” (i.e. vi a CFD's) or
perhaps even better, buying a particular metal itself such as gold or silver. Precious metals should also be a vital part of an y se rious
investor's portfolio. Although there are so-called “mini” contracts offered by the New York Mercantile and other Exchanges gold is
traditionally traded in 100 troy oz lots and silver in 5,000 troy oz contract sizes.
For thousands of years, gold and silver have been prized for their rarity, beauty, and above all, for their unique characterist ics as a
store of value. Nations may rise and fall, currencies come and go, but these precious metals endure. In today's uncertain clima te,
many investors turn to gold and silver because they are a “currency without borders” - an important and secure asset that can b e
tapped at any time, virtually under any circumstances. But there is another side to gold that is equally important, and that is its
day-to-day performance as a stabilizing influence for investment portfolios. These advantages are currently attracting consider able
attention from financial professionals and sophisticated investors worldwide.
G ol d a nd Si l ver T ra d i ng
Among the wide range of financial products traded today, precious metals have been the most fascinating commodities, which neve r
seem to lose their appeal in the international investment community. For most individuals and institutions, Gold is still consi dered as an
ideal protection against inflation.
Today, gold prices float freely in accordance with supply and demand, responding quickly to political and economic events. Kerf ord
provides metal prices and quotes everyday from 8.00am to 7.00pm GMT. As an agency broker we provide fast and accurate prices
covering a wide array of precious metals and order types. Our team of experts gives up-to-date, reliable and comprehensive mark et
information and research data providing valuable online support to your trading activities round the clock.
C ha ra ct eri s t i c C ha l l eng e s
Re la t iv e ly s m a ll p r ic e ch a n g e ca n r e s u l t i n s u b s t a n t i a l g a i n s or l os s e s
Ne e d s c los e m o nit o r ing e s p e ci a l l y w h e n l e ve r a g e i s i n vol ve d .
C h a r t p a t t e r ns t e nd t o for m a s q u i ck l y a n d e a s i l y a s i n t h e s t ock m a r k e t
Ana ly s is , p lu s g o o d e nt r y / e x i t t i m i n g cr u ci a l a s a r e s u l t of l e ve r a g e i n vol ve d
B a s ic t r e nd a na ly s is a nd t r a d i t i on a l i n d i ca t or s con s i d e r e d m or e r e l i a b l e
El ect roni c B enef i t s :
Metal contracts are also traded electronically, offering the same advantage of a level playing field and instant execution. In formation
is power when it comes to trading, and you get a lot more of it by trading with Kerford’s electronic trading platforms.
Most gold market participants today could not explain why more than the six billion ounces of gold trade each year that clearly do not
reflect mine production, producer hedging, central bank sales, secondary recovery, jewelry, or even investor demand for physica l
gold. There is a tremendous amount of gold being shifted around the world that has little to do with these fundamentals. Physic al gold
is a small fraction of world total trade in commodities. However, a large portion of the commodities-linked derivatives traded in the
world are gold related.
Committed to customer satisfaction,
Racing towards a wireless future
Integration of value added services
In digital magnitudes
Kerford Investments is constantly expanding its ultra-modern technology systems into a wider range of products and services in
order to achieve the best execution at the lowest costs in world financial markets. Depending upon the client's personal
trading history and investment experience, Kerford has specific programs which can be tailored to meet each individual
As a leader in
broadening its
real-time data
custody as well
the field of “e-trading” and through its world-wide facilities and associates, Kerford is also in the process of
advisory and discretionary trading services. The Management's objective is to provide its clients with instant,
combined with a high degree of professional management and other services. Quick execution and secure
as nominee facilities are also among the keys for enhancing our clients’ investment results.
E xe c u t i o n O n l y S e r v i c e s
Kerford's main function, however, is to provide a highly sophisticated, fully automated, electronic brokerage service which
combines the best elements of low cost, high speed, global trading and execution for its clients. This service is designed for
investors who do not generally require advice although such a service is still available.
Our Execution Service offers straight-through-processing of buy and sell transactions, from the placement of the initial order
through execution to clearing and settlement, usually in a matter of seconds. The entire transaction life cycle is completely
automated, transparent and efficient.
I n t r o d u c i n g Br o k e r a n d ”Wh i te L abel ” S ervi c es
Kerford's “Introducing Broker” concep t is an additional facility which we specifically provide for licensed brokers and investm ent
advisors who require an extra trading dimension for their clients.
A significant number of Introducing Brokers have created a substantial stream of additional income and an annuity for life by
offering the Kerford trading services directly to their clients. Many banks, brokers and providers of financial services have a lso
discretely turned to Kerford in order to provide the best forex and general “e-trading” services for their clients. Along the w ay,
they have created a continuously growing stream of substantial additional revenue and an increased base of satisfied clients,
as well.
Larger, institutional “White label” partners have their platforms completely personalized to show their name and image and
their clients can download the service directly from their own website in order to be on-line and trading almost within the sam e
day. Some of the advantages for “white labeling” are:
E xp l o r e y o u r f i n a n ci al worl d with our
kn o
ed g e a nd sup p or t
Sp e e d :
Kerford’s execution services are fast and reliable. Individual trades, be they larger “block” type order or simple,
single investor transaction, can be routed from any location in the world and can be executed in fractions of a second.
Gl ob a l Acce ss a n d Cost Sa vi ngs :
Kerford provides direct access from anywhere in the world to all major financial markets
so that its clients can execute their own strategies and pay only for trades which they execute and at the lowest commission ra tes for
an execution-only service.
Kerford, the future planet of
Infinite opportunities in finance
Kerford Investments Limited is a client-focused, financial advisory and execution business and the Management's main objective is to
develop creative and innovative financial solutions for clients.
Whi te La b e l i n g a n d Othe r P art ne rs
Kerford “partners” and "introducing brokers" can come in many forms but they all have the “extra edge” of an opportunity to gai n
access to some of the worlds finest and most sophisticated “e-trading” platforms.
In particular, our “white label” partnerships can not only bring an entirely new trading dimension but also a substantial base of
continuing, additional income to our institutional partners' revenue streams.
T h e K e r f o r d “ W h i t e L a b e l ” p r o g r a m p r o v i d e s a p e r s o n a l i z e d c u s t o m e r i n t e r f a c e a g a i n s t t h e s u p e r i m p os e d b a c k g r o u n d o f t h a t
institution's own label, even further enhancing that institution's image as a service provider.
Account statements are maintained in the same way as though the client had his own private account, margin facilities, etc.
Transaction statements are imprinted with the institution's logo and to all intents and purposes, the client is dealing fully w ith the name
of the institution who he has recognized for years.
Partnering with Kerford for a “white label” solution saves time, money and precious human resources which could otherwise be
focused on core business activities. We provide our partners with
S p eed to m a r k et
Ex tr a op er a ti on a l f r eed om t o fo c u s o n c o re ac t ivit ie s
Mi d d l e a n d b a ck of f i ce c ost savin gs
Red u ced m a r g i n of er r or (au t o mat io n e limin at e s t h e po t e n t ial fo r man u al e rro r)
I m p r ov ed I T i n v es tm en t cost /pe rfo rman c e
S p eci a l i z ed tr a i n i n g f or yo u r st aff
If you are a bank or a financial institution then we invite your specific attention to Kerford's "White Label" service.
Corp ora te In v e stors
Corporate Investors often have specific needs of foreign currency, interest rate, hedging and general corporate financial and t reasury
Kerford will provide a corporate as well as treasury management team to be specially set up in order to cater for these specifi c needs.
Ri sk Wa rni ng
All investments have varying degrees of risk and you should therefore carefully
consider whether such trading is suitable for you. Although it can be highly
rewarding, commodity, currency, stock market and CFD trading can also be
especially damaging to your financial health because, with relatively easy
gearing or leverage, a small move in on direction can bring about
considerable losses. We strongly recommend therefore that you consult your
local financial advisor for an opinion on how best to proceed in this area of
K e rfo rd ’s Insti tuti o na l a nd Other Services
Kerford, alone and in combination with its global affiliates, also provides a
special level of financial and brokerage service to financial institutions and
high net worth individuals world-wide through a number of cooperating, major
banks and other brokers. We pride ourselves on the efficiency of our team with
well qualified and experienced professionals in financial markets and dealing
through its own high level contacts and other sources throughout the world.
Uni ve rsa l P re se nc e
Our competitive edge derives from our past history of global success and a
long term commitment to understand in-depth needs of our clients in different
markets all around the world. Your business is important to us and so is your
satisfaction. We are committed to providing the best possible tools, the best
possible service, and above all, the highest integrity in our business dealings.
Wal k thro ugh
Kerford provides its prospective “e-platform” clients with a simplified “walk
through”, a test demonstration whereby you can download our platforms and
trade with live market prices on a simulated basis. We invite you to explore the
possibility of having an interactive account and we will show you exactly how
easy it is to trade your own account with Kerford.
When you register for our demo you also get a 30 day free access to pricing
information, comprehensive news and market reports, related links as well as
access to our online trading software demo.
K E R F O R D I N V E S T M E N T S ( U K ) LT D .
Authorized and Regulated by Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
© 2004 Kerford Investments UK Ltd., All rights reserved. No portion of this material may be copied, quoted, or referred to in any way,
in any electronic, print, or other media without the prior express written consent of Kerford Investments Limited.