2015 Dog Gone Dog Show
2015 Dog Gone Dog Show
The 15 th Annual DOG GONE DOG 4"563%":0$50#&3 1SFTFOUFECZUIF Animal Welfare League of the Northern Neck, Inc. w o h S THE 15TH ANNUAL %0((0/&%0(4)08 '6/%3"*4&3'03 5)&"/*."-40'5)& /035)&3//&$, BRING YOUR DOG AND JOIN IN THE FUN! ."/:$0/5&454'03:063%0(50&/5&3 '3&&"%.*44*0/ %0/"5*0/4"/*."-'00%"113&$*"5&% Saturday, October 17th (Rain Date: October 24th) 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Irvington Farmers’ Market Grounds, Irvington Commons .BYTFFQBHFGPSIJTJODSFEJCMFTUPSZ G I E CM AWL Baked Goods Galore, Picnic Foods, Beverages all for sale. 'FBUVSFT7FOEPST1FU#PVUJRVF4JMFOU"VDUJPO .JDSPDIJQQJOH/BJM5SJNNJOHGPSZPVSEPH Animal Welfare League of the Northern Neck, Inc. .BJMJOH"EESFTT10#PYt8IJUF4UPOF7JSHJOJB -PDBUFE4PVUI.BJO4USFFUt,JMNBSOPDL7"t The Northern Neck Orchestra (1-2< 7+5(( &21&(576 )25 -867 :+(1 <28 25'(5 6($621 7,&.(76 5+$362'< ,1 %/8( Sunday, March 6 2016, 3:00 p.m. St. Clair Walker Middle School Theater, Locust Hill and also on Sunday March 13, 2016 3:00 p.m. Northumberland High School Theater, Claraville ,1',9,'8$/ 3(5)250$1&(6 6HDVRQ WLFNHWV DUH DYDLODEOH RQOLQH DW QRUWKHUQQHFNRUFKHVWUDRUJWLFNHWV RU E\ PDLO DW 1RUWKHUQ 1HFN 2UFKHVWUD 32 %R[ .LOPDUQRFN 9$ and also on Rhapsody in Blue, George Gershwin Featuring Arline Hinkson, piano and. Grand Canyon Suite, Ferde’ Grofe’. 6LQJOH FRQFHUW WLFNHWV DUH DYDLODEOH RQOLQH DW QRUWKHUQQHFNRUFKHVWUDRUJWLFNHWV RU E\ PDLO RU DW WKH GRRU EHIRUH SHUIRUPDQFHV 6WXGHQWV DUH DOZD\V IUHH ZLWK DGYDQFHG UHVHUYDWLRQ DW QRUWKHUQQHFNRUFKHVWUDRUJWLFNHWV 7LFNHWV ZLOO EH DW :LOO &DOO In the event of changes in dates, times, locations, programs, or artists. announcements will appear in local media and on our website:: www.northernneckorchestra.org End your day the right way with a Mortgage from Bank of Lancaster! t 'BTUMPDBMEFDJTJPONBLJOH t 0VSSFTJEFOUJBMMFOEJOHUFBNIBTZPVSCBDL GSPN BQQMJDBUJPO UISPVHI DMPTJOH t 'MFYJCMFöOBODJOHPQUJPOTDPNQFUJUJWFSBUFT t 8FEFMJWFSXIBUXFQSPNJTF w w w.bankoflancaster.c o m .FNCFS'%*$&RVBM)PVTJOH-FOEFS Animal Welfare League’s 2015 DOG GONE DOG SHOW FREE ADMISSION DONATIONS WELCOME OCTOBER 17, 2015 (Rain date, October 24) SHOW TIME: 11AM TO APPROX. 3PM Event ticket purchase begins at 10.30 AM Irvington Village Commons Irvington Farmers’ Market Grounds on King Carter’s Drive BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR TO SIT ON ENTRY FEE: $4.00 PER EVENT (PER PET) (Times listed here are approximate) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PUPPY LOVE: Open to any puppy under the age of 10 months. Your puppy will be judged for the quality of their coat and general appearance. 11:00 AM BEST BEGGAR: Ever met a dog that didn’t excel in this category? Competition is tough! But free treats for pooches who participate. 11:15 AM BIGGEST LAP DOG: Open to any large dog (minimum 60 lbs.) who is willing to climb into your lap (with or without your help) and remain there for 1 minute or more. 11:30 AM AGED TO PERFECTION: Open to any dog 10 years or older. Your dog will be judged on general appearance as well as personality and behavior. 11:50 AM A MUG ONLY A MOTHER COULD LOVE: Is your dog “cute ugly” with a worried or manic expression? Wrinkles? A drooly mouth? A goofy grin? This is the event that proves beauty is only skin deep. 12:05 PM MIGHTY MITES: Open to any dog over 10 months and less than 15 lbs. Good things come in small packages! Judged on general appearance, personality and behavior. 12:20 PM ************************************************************************************************************************************* 7. SPECIAL! LANCASTER POLICE K-9 DEMONSTRATION TEAM 12:40 PM BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! ************************************************************************************************************************************* 8. A POOCH WHO CAN SMOOCH: Every dog knows how to kiss. Can your dog give the biggest and wettest kiss? No kissing the judge allowed!! 1:00 PM 9. BEST TAIL WAGGING: Your happy pet will be judged for the most enthusiastic tail wagging, encouraged by you. 1:15 PM 10. PRETTIEST EYES: No matter the color, size, crossed or straight, do you have a Frank Sinatra a.k.a. “Ol’ Blue Eyes” in the family? 1:30 PM 11. CLEVER CANINE TRICKS: Can your dog jump through a hoop, sing or play dead? Any trick will do. 1:45 PM 12. ALL AMERICAN: A. 20 lbs. and under B. 20 - 50 lbs. C. 50 lbs. and over. 2:15 PM 13. BEST PET COSTUME: Does your dog like to dress up? Do you like to have a matching outfit? Entries will be judged on theme and originality. 2:45 PM Silent Auction bidding will close after Clever Canine Tricks. Results will be announced after All American. Picnic Food - AWL Baked Goods - Beverages - AWL Pet Boutique - Silent Auction Microchipping - Nail Trimming - Spay/Neuter Booth - Feline Rescue/Adoption Booth Northern Neck Kennel Club - Kilmarnock Lettering Company Proudly Sponsored by Invisible Fence Brand of Richmond Animal Welfare League of the Northern Neck, Inc. AWL = Spaying/Neutering/Fostering/Adoption/Humane Education AWL is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, dedicated to the care of Northern Neck animals/all volunteer group - no paid staff. Further information: call (804) 435 0822 Welcome 4BUVSEBZ0DUPCFSth 5IFNJTTJPOPGUIF%PH(POF%PH4IPXJTUPSBJTFNPOFZ for the care of the animals in the Northern Neck. About us: 1. Non-profit charitable corporation (est. 1965) 2. All volunteer organization-no paid staff 3. Rely totally on DONATIONS and FUNDRAISING activities 4. Serving counties of: Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond and Westmoreland in the Northern Neck. .JTTJPO4UBUFNFOU 1. Reduce pet overpopulation through spay/neuter programs 2. Promote respect and compassion for all creatures through humane education 3. Relieve the suffering of animals 4. Prevent cruelty to animals 5. Provide veterinary care for stray or injured animals 6. Seek quality homes for unwanted dogs and cats Through caring people like you and your very appreciated contributions, we are making a difference. We hope you will take great pleasure in knowing that you are helping to make it possible. We need your continued support to help us with all that we are trying so hard to do for God’s creatures that they cannot do for themselves. Thank you from all of the animals and the Animal Welfare League volunteers. $0.&7*4*564 5ISJGU4IPQBOE0GmDF 75 South Main Street, Kilmarnock, VA .BJMJOH"EESFTT1PTU0GmDF#PY8IJUF4UPOF7"t 0QFO.POEBZ4BUVSEBZGSPNBNUPQN. 5IF"OJNBM8FMGBSF-FBHVFXPVMEMJLFUPFYUFOEBWFSZTQFDJBMUIBOLT 5 UPUIFGPMMPXJOHGPSUIFJSUJNFBOECJHIFBSUFEDPOUSJCVUJPOT .BTUFSTPG$FSFNPOZ #BSC%JFU['MPSFODF)BSWFZ $MBJSF1SJNSPTF+FBOOF4DIJBWP $P$IBJST%PH(POF%PH4IPX 5IF5PXOPG*SWJOHUPO5IF*SWJOHUPO 7JMMBHF*NQSPWFNFOU"TTPDJBUJPO 4V[BOOF'JTIFS.BUUJOHMZ Graphic Designer/Editor, %PH(POF%PH4IPX "EWFSUJTJOH4VQQMFNFOU Rappahannock Record 4IPXBOE4JMFOU"VDUJPO%POPST "EWFOUVSF5SBWFMt"8-5ISJGU4IPQt#PEZ 'JUt#BCT$IBJOFZt$ISJT&NSZ0O4JUF $PNQVUFS4FSWJDFTt%S+JN%BWJETPO"WB -FXJT$SPTTSPBET1FU$MJOJDt%JYJF%FMJ .BSZBOOB''JTIFS/$.5t#JMM)BSWFMM +VEZ)BSWFMMt#BSC)PQFt*OWJTJCMF'FODF #SBOEPG3JDINPOEt+JNT$BCJOFU $SFBUJPOTt(JOHFS-BOESZt"OO$BSUFS-FF -PD-FF-F/BJMTt,BUF-FXJTt$BSUFS.BSTI +PIO.BSUJO&TRt3PYZ.PVCSBZ,JMNBSOPDL -FUUFSJOH$PNQBOZt"OHJF4UFQIFOT 5IF%BOEFMJPOt5IF5JEFT*OOt5SBDFZ 3PZBMT5PQ%PH1FU(SPPNJOHt8BMNBSU .BSZ"OO8BMFTLJ 7FOEPST Invisible Fence Brand of Richmond ,JMNBSOPDL-FUUFSJOH$PNQBOZ Microchipping %S+JN%BWJETPO"WB-FXJT Crossroads Pet Clinic 4BSBI#PXJT(SBQIJD%FTJHOFS ,BUF0MJWFS#VTJOFTT.BOBHFS Rappahannock Record "8-7PMVOUFFSTt%PH4IPX+VEHFT Rappahannock Rentals 8*(0#":'. ,JMNBSOPDL-FUUFSJOH$PNQBOZ Rappahannock Record Nail Trimming 5SBDFZ3PZBMT Top Dog Pet Grooming Information Booths 4QBZ/FVUFS Cat Fostering/Adoption /PSUIFSO/FDL,FOOFM$MVC 6 What if the Animal Welfare League was not here? (Think About This) Domestic pet & feral population growth in just ONE year: 1,100 animals would NOT have been spayed or neutered by AWL in 2014. $163,000 would NOT have been spent for these and related veterinary services. These 1,100 animals had the potential to have 192,500 offspring in just FOUR (4) years However, the escalation of those 1,100 animals was ZERO. Growth of feral colonies at roadends, businesses, trash collection sites, and homes of big-hearted souls would be overwhelming…so much so, that it would be overpowering. Road Hazard This increased population would mean greater frequency of vehicle strikes that translates into human injury, medical bills, increased insurance rates, and dead animals left in the road or along the roadsides. County and state responsibility may feel the overload of road clean up and repair. In addition, we cannot forget the great sadness experienced by some for killed or maimed animals and the fear experienced at the moment of impact. County and Taxpayer Responsibilities County responsibility to control, house, and euthanize would increase — and cost to the taxpayers would likely spiral upward at an amazing rate. Cruelty and Homelessness The indirect cruelty of pet over-population caused by territorial disputes, food competition, and disease would just increase naturally. The cost to pet owners and the drain on county resources would increase as well. The HUNDREDS of forever homes found by AWL volunteers is phenomenal! What is even more phenomenal is the number of animals that our small, but dedicated, group of FOSTER parents took in, loved, and nourished on a temporary basis — providing a refuge until the pet found their FOREVER HOME. Where would all of these little critters be…….if…….the if th Animal Welfare League Was Not Here? Kathie A. Bryant, Spay/Neuter Chairman, AWL Volunteer Magnificent Max by Pat Reilly, AWL Fostering Volunteer T’was two days before Christmas and all through the dump, just one creature was stirring, a tiny young pup. An angel was there working, a caring man who contacted Animal Control and the 7 week old puppy was brought to a local shelter. This is the true, appalling beginning of Max’s life. Someone discarded this precious baby to fend for himself on a cold winter day. He would never have survived. Animal Control contacted the Animal Welfare League, asking us if we wanted to take custody and foster this little boy. As an AWL volunteer and foster, I gladly accepted this darling puppy into my home. He was taken to the vet immediately to be checked for broken bones or any other injuries that may have occurred prior to or at the time he was tossed from a vehicle. Other than a skin issue, he checked out fine, received his first shots and worming medication. After a few days of sleeping in a cozy, warm doggie bed with toys and many good meals, Max seemed healthy and not traumatized. I thought we would venture out for some socialization. First stop, our Animal Welfare League Thrift Shop. Perhaps fate was in the works that day. A couple from Annapolis, Gwenn and Rob Murray, were travelling south that same day and decided to stop at our AWL shop. They saw the little puppy wrapped in a blanket in my arms and it seemed like an instant attraction. The Murrays, along with their elder dog, Astro, were very interested in adopting Max. As with all AWL adoptions, there is a 2-week trial period to see how the new pet fits in with the family home and other pets. My heart was telling me that this was a good match, but I wanted and needed Gwenn and Rob to go home and think it over. We never release an animal for a trial without first checking a few important items, including vet references for past and current pets. These folks checked out with flying colors. We were talking within a few days, and, sure enough, the Murrays felt that Max was meant to be theirs forever. They drove back down from Annapolis to pick up the little bundle and begin the 2-week trial. And here, almost 2 years later is Magnificent Max on the cover of our 15th annual Dog Gone Dog Show advertising newspaper supplement! Dog Trivia Questions (Answers on page 57) 1. Normal adult dogs have how many teeth? A) 24, B) 38, C) 42, D) 32 3. True or False: Dogs can only see in black and white. 2. Through what part of the body do dogs sweat? A) Mouth, B) Ears, C) Nose, D) Paws 4. What is the most common training command taught to dogs? A) Stay, B) Beg, C) Sit, D) Dance 7 ,JNCFSMZ"CF Ann Bedford 4IBSPO#PPUI +VEZ#SJHIU +PZDF#SPBEVT ,BUIJF#SZBOU Gail Cameron Carin Carmack Wendell Carmack 4BMMZ$IFBUIBN #BCT$IBJOFZ Ann Conner Jeanne Cox 4VF"OO%BMF Jim Dale Barb Dietz .BSJBOO%JTOFZ Terrie Dort ,FWJO&MMJT 4IBSPO&MMJT #FUUZ&WBOT Bill Ford 4BSB'PSE .BSZ'SB[FS 1FOZ(BMMPHMZ +VEZ(JMNBO Marj Green 4BMFOF)BJSF "8-7PMVOUFFST +VEZ)BSWFMM 'MPSFODF)BSWFZ -JOEB)BZFT John Hoekstra ,BUIFSJOF)PFLTUSB Barb Hope Ann Hopkins .BSZ+BDPCT %POOB,FMMFZ (JOHFS-BOESZ -JOEB-MPZE Donna Lofton Carter Marsh 4V[BOOF.BUUJOHMZ The Animal Welfare League wishes to thank the Town of Irvington and the Irvington Village Improvement Association for their cooperation and generosity in helping to make the 2015 Dog Gone Dog Show a success! $IFSZM.D1IFSTPO Lois Mock /BPNJ.ZSJDL Cate Ogden +PZDF1BHF ,BSFO1FUFSTPO ,BSFO1PMMPDL Claire Primrose .JTTZ3FFE 1BU3FJMMZ 'SFE3JQMFZ +FBOOF4DIJBWP ,FMTFF4DPUU 3JDIBSE4DPUU 3JUB4DPUU .BSUIB4IFSJEBO &MMFO4IJGnFUU .BSZCFUI4JTTPO $IBSMFT4NJUI #PCCJF4PSFOTFO "OHJF4UFQIFOT #FDLZ4UFXBSU %BSMFOF4UJCBM -JOEB4UPVHI 4IBOOPO4VNOFS ,BUIZ5BZMPS (JOHFS5JOTMFZ Dorien Toleman 7JPMFU5PXOFT Jane Unangst -JOEB6OEFSXPPE .BSZ"OO8BMFTLJ ,BUJF8FCC Ann Weik Ruth Williams Jim Wight Nina Yocum We thank all the volunteers’ husbands that help throughout the year. IN THE PREVIOUS FOUR YEARS 2014 2013 2012 2011 1100 animals 1225 animals 1220 animals 1100 animals SINCE 1965 ‘THOUSANDS’ SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PETS ADOPT TODAY—WE PAY! The Animal Welfare League of the Northern Neck (AWL) Provides FREE sterilization to any dog or cat adopted from the Lancaster, Westmoreland and Northumberland Shelters as well as Wendy’s Feline Friends. Spay/neuter certificates are given to the new owner at the time of adoption. Officers & Board of Directors Judith E. Harvell Joyce E. Page Rita Scott Gail Cameron Barbara Hope Lois Faulkner Dorien Toleman Judy K. Bright Kathie Bryant Jim Dale Katherine Hoekstra Suzanne Fisher Mattingly Lois Mock Mariann Disney President Vice President Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Secretary Honorary Director Our Wish List Members VOLUNTEERS Thrift Shop Donations Sponsorship for Pet ads/pictures in the newspaper FOSTER HOMES Short term and emergency Transportation of animals PET FOOD Puppy & Adult Kitten & Adult Permanent Homes Financial Contributions Please call us 804-435-0822 Important Phone Numbers <ZLM\SWOVULU\TILYZ[OH[`V\TH`ÄUKOHUK`PM`V\YILSV]LK WL[PZSVZ[HZ[YH`ZOV^Z\WO\UNY`H[`V\YKVVYVYPM`V\ULLK TLKPJHSJHYLMVY`V\Y¸SLNNLKMYPLUK¹ AWL VETERINARIANS )H`ZPKL(UPTHS/VZWP[HS *YVZZYVHKZ7L[*SPUPJ /HY[ÄLSK(UPTHS/VZWP[HS /LH[OZ]PSSL(UPTHS/VZWP[HS 2PSTHYUVJR(UPTHS/VZWP[HS ;HWWHOHUUVJR=L[*SPUPJ >HYZH^(UPTHS*SPUPJ (UPTHS9LZV\YJLZ-V\UKH[PVU :WH`5L\[LY*SPUPJ(9- SHELTERS ,ZZL_*V\U[`:OLS[LY 3HUJHZ[LY:OLS[LY 5VY[O\TILYSHUK:OLS[LY 9PJOTVUK*V\U[`:OLYPMM >LZ[TVYLSHUK:OLS[LY .SV\JLZ[LY4H[OL^Z/: >LUK`»Z-LSPUL-YPLUKZ RADIO STATIONS )(@-4 >0.6 >9(9 >55; >55; 9 Northern Neck Community Cats - "Best Friends - Save Them” by Ginger Landry and Ginger Tinsley AWL Trap-Neuter-Return Volunteers Northern Neck Community Cats are feral or one-time pets who are s!DOPTION stray, lost, or abandoned. They include friendly felines as well as feral s&OSTERING (unsocialized) cats — and owned cats let outside to roam and reproduce. s6OLUNTEERINGWITHTHE!NIMAL7ELfare League The more we understand these cats and the complicated issues related Financially supporting Community to them, the more effectively we can help them, reduce cat overpopula- Cat resources such as the Animal tion, and protect wildlife. Population estimates vary widely, but outdoor Welfare League, local animal shelters, cats are found in almost every neighborhood across the Northern Neck. and local/national rescue groups Sometimes Community Cats are found at one location in a group often called a Cat Colony. Frequently, a colony consists of related cats. Left to survive on their own, a colony will reproduce and increase in size rapidly. Kittens as young as six months can have kittens. It is not uncommon for an unsterilized female to have three litters a year. Kittens often succumb to predators, parasites, and disease. s3PEAKINGOUTFORANIMALSBYWRITING elected officials at all levels — local, regional, state, and national Surveys show that the majority of Americans want to see a more humane approach to dealing with Community Cats. The future of these felines lies in the same place where it Community Cats try to survive the all begins: locally, with caring indibest way possible in the outdoors viduals who want to make the Northern without the care of humans. It is a Neck a kinder community for our pets. Animal welfare/rescue organiharsh existence and makes for a short, zations and animal advocates know that we need to work together to unhealthy, and miserable life. As a make a collective impact. Northern Neck citizen, you can empower your community to advocate Let’s role up our sleeves, get to work, and save more Community Cats’ for every cat's right to be safe, healthy, lives! and valued. Scarlett An Example of AWL Supporting Northern Neck Community Cats Each of us can start the empowerment by talking to another person about best ways to save a homeless feline. If a network starts with two people talking about helping Community Cats and continues from neighbor to neighbor, imagine how powerful the positive results can be for the needy Community Cats! We have been involved with Trap-Neuter-Return for many years. We want to share our experience with Community Cats who are members of a cat colony in Kilmarnock. These cats have collected in one location and have grown over the years due to the addition of roaming or abandoned There are many things you can do to improve Northern Neck Commucats and the birth of kittens. Last year nity Cats’ health and quality of life. One approach is by implementing a we performed T-N-R on the unsterilspay/neuter process or a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program to reduce ized cats in the colony. We counted the number of strays and halt a cat colony’s growth. AWL provides fi11 cats that needed to be sterilized: 6 nancial assistance for vet care, or euthanasia in the case of an unhealthy females and 5 males. We were delightcat. Hav-A-Heart traps are available for loan at AWL. For details and ed to count 6 cats who had a tipped instructions, call the AWL Thrift Shop at 435-0822. ear. (The tip of one ear had been surgically removed during their sterilizaTrap-Neuter-Return involves trapping tion surgery to indicate that the cat had colony cats, sterilizing (spaying or been sterilized.) The long-time caregivers pointed out 5 more cats who neutering) them, and then returning had been sterilized in the years past before ear tipping was done. them to the place where they were originally trapped, where ongoing The cats’ personalities ranged from care is provided by caregivers. While shy to very socialized. The shy ones at the veterinarian to be sterilized, did not allow us to touch them, but the cats receive vaccinations against they were comfortable enough to rabies and distemper, and possible come to the food dishes and eat while attention to other needs such as fleas, their caregivers were nearby. The soticks, and ear mites. Cats that are sick cialized ones came to their caregivers are not returned. for loving attention. We found one young cat named TabAdditional ways caring and conby who, at less than one year old, had cerned people can help Community three kittens. She was a good mother Cats include: Little Lulu Tuxie & Callie Mickey Buttercup and had taken care of her kittens with the help of her mother, Grey. We collected Tabby’s kittens, placed them in a foster environment, and they were adopted. Tabby was very friendly and was easily enticed into a crate for her trip to the vet to be spayed and inoculated for rabies and distemper. She was a small, thin cat who the vet said was still nursing her weaned kittens. Today, she has grown to be a healthy adult. Another female cat named Tessa was pregnant with her second litter. One of the caregivers said Tessa had a litter last year, but no one knew what happened to her kittens. Tessa was low in the hierarchy at the colony and was chased away from the feeding area by the other cats. We suspected that is why she was unable to find a safe place for her kittens. Unfortunately she gave birth to an unknown number of kittens before we could trap her. We saw Tessa move a kitten one rainy morning and calculated the date we could try to trap her. During the weeks that followed Tessa stopped behaving like a nursing mother cat. We never knew what happened to her kittens. Tessa was a trapping challenge, but as time went on, she became very trusting and loving to us. That meant a “pick up and place in crate” approach rather than trapping to get Tessa to the vet. Tessa is now free from the struggle to care for herself and kittens in a difficult environment. Today, Tessa is a more confident cat and has found her place in the colony hierarchy. Wolf The other female cats were successfully trapped and spayed. One gave birth to an unknown number of kittens before being trapped. Only one kitten lived to adulthood. Buttons grew into a healthy, friendly cat who was neutered and returned to the colony in suffering due to illness or injury. One of the more elusive and older 11 male cats called Tippy Toes was finally trapped this year. Tippy Toes was one of the few feral cats at the colony and was found to suffer from Feline AIDS (FIV). He exhibited signs of declining health due to that terminal and contagious disease. We authorized euthanasia. To date, we have authorized euthanasia for four sick cats. In the last year, we have provided sterilization, inoculations, and other care to 9 healthy cats at this colony. We have provided additional vet care to three previously sterilized cats. Our work is not done. We admire the commitment of two long-time AWL volunteers who come twice every day, no matter the weather, to feed the colony. We support them by helping to keep the feeding area clean and providing additional routine care for the cats. We give monthly flea and tick treatments and other medication as needed. We know the cats well now and monitor their health. We follow up on any concern reported to us. We picked up two lost or abandoned young cats at the colony in the spring. Mickey is a friendly little male who is now in his forever home through AWL adoption. A very sweet female named Lucy found us one day and introduced herself by rubbing against one of us. We made sure she was spayed and got a checkup. She had very bad ear infections and was fostered for a month before she was adopted. This colony contains 19 cats and 18 of them are sterilized. We still occasionally see the elusive male cat named Buff whom we have not trapped yet. We have not forgotten him. We are inspired every day by these Community Cats as we continue our efforts to make their lives better. References: The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: www. ASPCA.org Alley Cat Allies: www.alleycat.org Cat Behavior Associates: www.catbehaviorassociates.com January of this year. Tommy and Strike were two of the young males on our list. Tommy is Tabby’s brother and is very friendly. He was enticed into a Hav-A-Heart trap for his visit to the vet. He was treated for a bite wound in addition to being neutered and inoculated for rabies and distemper. Strike was very shy, but entered a Hav-A-Heart trap for his trip to the vet. Today Strike is a cat who likes getting head scratches. The last three male cats proved to be a big challenge in trapping, but we did not stop. One of the more aggressive ones named Teddy (Tessa’s brother) was trapped in mid-August. After his sterilization and return, he became one of the friendliest and most loving of the colony. His willingness to be touched allowed us to take care of him in the Fall when he developed a cyst on his head near his ear. At first we thought it was a bad case of ear mites that caused him to scratch himself badly. He allowed one of us to put two liquid medications in each ear. He also allowed his ears to be cleaned and medications to be applied. We were unable to trap him or entice him into a crate for needed vet care before the winter came. Teddy’s routine changed and we did not see him regularly for months. Finally, in March we were able to pick him up and put him in a crate to take him to the vet. Sadly the vet found the cyst covered two cancerous tumors. We authorized euthanasia to save him the inevitable painful progression of the disease. A sad, but important, part of the care we provide for these cats is to end In Honor of Archie, Rudy & Molly Justice Sugar Heidi Sweet T Holly T.J. In Memory of Kerry Satin Crystal Libby Savannah Katy Katy H Donna Paddy B 12 NOW taking reservations for the 2016 season! TangierCruise.com We’re Pet Friendly! Group rates & private cruises available 804.453.BOAT (2628) bold for a strong hold Reedville, Virginia Momma Cat, adopted 2014 maxmarineproducts.com Chowder & Chumley, your cruise greeters! “When an eighty-five pound mammal licks your tears away, then tries to sit in your lap, it’s hard to feel sad.” - Kristin Higgins “Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one is a life diminished.” - Dean Koontz Established 1931 DUNTON, SIMMONS & DUNTON , LLP Attorneys and Counselors at Law – Celebrating 84 Years of Service KILMARNOCK LETTERING COMPANY SIGNS¥BANNERS¥MAGNETIC AUTO&BOATLETTERING/GRAPHICS T-SHIRTS¥HATS¥DECALS BUSINESSCARDS,ETC. TELEPHONE 804.435.6956 FAX: 804.435.0801 Check out our New Website KLCsigns.com Radar & Lucy ask everyone to come out and support the Animal Welfare League, it’s so much fun! Ammon G. Dunton, Jr. William R. Curdts Morgan W. Alley Elizabeth B. Hurd Craig H. Smith J. Rawleigh Simmons John C. Hodges E. Stanley Murphy Proud to support the work of the Animal Welfare League, Inc. Post Office Box 5 678 Rappahannock Drive White Stone, Virginia 22578 (804) 435-4000 Fax (804) 435-1614 www.dsdlaw.com 15 Sara Brown Salon Call 435-0373 or stop by to make an appointment with Sara or Kimberly. SaraBrownSalon.com 4."*/453&&5t,*-."3/0$, 5. What is a dog’s most highly developed sense? A) Taste B) Smell C) Sight D) Touch 16 Affordable & Trendy Fashions & Accessories 41 S. Main Street, Kilmarnock “Like” us on Facebook www.facebook.com/aubergineboutique (804) 435-1546 aubergineboutique@gmail.com Chief’s Painting Services PO Box 323 Kilmarnock, VA 22482 804-436-4349 Mike Bedell, Owner In Loving Memory Roy & Gail Cameron Martha Bradshaw 17 A FULL SERVICE HAIR SALON ÊÊUÊÊ, ÊÊUÊÊ- 7,<"* 804.435.1201 ££äÓÊÀÛ}ÌÊ,`°ÊÊUÊÊ*°"°ÊÝÊ£ÎxxÊÊUÊÊ>ÀV]Ê6ÊÓÓ{nÓ "Who ever said diamonds are a girls best friend . . . never owned a dog." -Unknown "The best therapist has fur and four legs" - barkbud.com Howling at high heating oil prices? Growling at gas costs? Barking at poor delivery service? You will be wagging your tail with... Proudly Serving the Northern Neck and Surrounding Counties with Propane, Gasoline, Heating Fuels, Diesel and Biodiesel 435-1126 Kilmarnock www.nwpenergy.com CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-633-4467 Got dogs? Contact Northern Neck Kennel Club. For information about membership, meeting dates, training and other Fun Events! www.NorthernNeckKennelClub.com Mark your Calendar! And join us at our AKC show January 13-14, 2016 Fredericksburg Exposition Center and Conference Center 2371 Carl D Silver Parkway Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 19 Adventure Travel Chesapeake Commons, Kilmarnock “Come join us we’re going places” Dave, Carol & Mary, Consultants 804-436-9200 1-877-436-9200 6. Puppies are delivered how many weeks after conception? A) 36, B) 22, C) 9, D) 16 Yankee Point Sailboat Marina Ken & Karen Knull 1303 Oak Hill Road Lancaster, VA 22503 Stop by Windows on the Water Our Catering & Event Center Phone: 804-462-7018 Fax: 804-462-6225 Email: karen@yankeepointmarina.com Website: www.yankeepointmarina.com G. David Brown, CPA P.C. *LY[PÄLK7\ISPJ(JJV\U[HU[ *LY[PÄLK-PUHUJPHS7SHUULY 76)V_ *OLZ[LYÄLSK=( If you leave your dog a piece of clothing that smells like you, the scent will comfort them and it can help curb their separation anxiety. Double Lifetime Warranty All Welded Sash & Door 7/8 Insulated Glass Constant Force Balance Tilt-In-Sashes 1/2 Screen Dual Weather Stripping CATERING Unique Cuisine Creative Styles Catering the area’s finest functions for over 28 years! t$PDLUBJM1BSUJFT t$PNQBOZ&WFOUT t8FEEJOHT t1JDOJDT www.willabys.com 800-377-3378 804-435-3669 WINDOWS DIRECT Low-E Glass W/Argon Gas Colonial Grids Foam Insulation Wrap Window Facing Full Screens Casements & Sliders Bay & Bow OF EASTERN VIRGINIA (804) 462-7840 or Toll Free (866) 462-7840 Showroom by Appointment 5344 Mary Ball Road, Lively, Virginia Locally Owned & Operated by Julie and Artie Ransone Maggie’s Main Street Pharmacy Fabulous Consignments Phone - 804-435-8818 Ladies apparel, accessories & gifts In memory of a great animal lover, Andrew P. Sonny Dix. -GI,SYWI*MIPH;LMXI7XSRI:% 308 North Main Street Kilmarnock, Virginia 22482 Fax - 804-435-8898 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sat. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Local Delivery Available C Debra T. Whaley, CPA, CFP®, EA Paige T. Biddlecomb, CPA Lois A. Gorman, CPA Chesapeake Accounting Group, PC Certified Public Accountants “Professional Services with a Personal Touch” s#HESAPEAKE!CCOUNTING'ROUPCOM *ESSIE$U0ONT-EMORIAL(IGHWAYs"URGESS6! It’s rumored that, at the end of the Beatles song, “A Day in the Life,” Paul McCartney recorded an ultrasonic whistle, audible only to dogs, just for his Shetland sheepdog. -PBS lester’s barber shop 42 Irvington Road Kilmarnock, Virginia 22482 Hours: Monday- Thursday: 8:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Friday: 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Saturday: 8:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Quality Service for American & Import Vehicles for over 28 years. Dogs and humans have the same type of slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) and during this REM stage dogs can dream. The twitching and paw movements that occur during their sleep are signs that your pet is dreaming. .ORTH-AIN3TREETs+ILMARNOCK s&AX 3ERVING,UNCH$INNERs4AKE/UT-ENU ,OUNGE"ANQUET-EETING2OOMSARE!VAILABLE 7. What is the favorite dog breed of the Queen of England? A) Corgi, B) Basenji, C) Poodle, D) Pomeranian ϭϲϭdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJWĂƌŬƌŝǀĞ<ŝůŵĂƌŶŽĐŬ͕sϮϮϰϴϮ ϴϬϰ͘ϰϯϱ͘ϳϳϳϳ %DLOH\VD\V«« *RRGOXFNWRDOORIWKH'RJ*RQH 'RJ*RQH 'RJ6KRZ&RQWHVWDQWV 'RJ6KRZ 'ĞŽWƌŽĚƵĐƚƐƐƚŽĐŬƐůƵĞƵīĂůŽĚŽŐĂŶĚĐĂƚĨŽŽĚ͘ƌŝŶŐ ƚŚŝƐĂĚĂŶĚƌĞĐĞŝǀĞϭϬйŽīĂůůůƵĞƵīĂůŽŝƚĞŵƐŝŶƐƚŽĐŬ͘ Anything smelly your dog rolls in only smells gross to you—to them it’s DIVINE. DAVIS AUTO SALES and SERVICE 24 Hr. Rollback & Wrecker Service We Service all Makes & Models State Inspections Late-Model, Pre-Owned Cars & Trucks Rental Cars & Vans Available ED DAVIS 804-435-1818 Cell 804-436-6688 382 Main Street Kilmarnock, VA 22482 DAVIS TOWING & RECOVERY A Division of Davis Auto Sales Virginia Board of Towing Certified 24 Hr. Rollback & Wrecker Service + Wildest Dreams Boutique + Wom omen’s men m en’s Fa en F Fash Fashion a hiion o on n Cl C Clothing loth otth hing h iin ngg Sherri Mesca 702 Jessie Dupont Hwy Burgess, VA 804-453-9453 Clothing, Jewelry, Shoes, Handbags Gift Items, Towels and Bedding Find us on Facebook: Wildest Dreams Labradors are the most popular breed in the United States. American Bulldogs “Runtee & Missy Blu” Law Office of Thomas D. Hughes, IV, PC 565 Jessie Ball DuPont Memorial Highway Burgess, Virginia 22432 (804) 453-9204 Come visit ‘Bear’ at Rappahannock Yachts )RVINGTONs Sachel Bailey Dozer RAPID LUBE OF THE BAY, LLC Rapid Service at a Reasonable Price! WILLIAM ABBOTT Owner 110 Technology Park Drive Kilmarnock, VA 22482 804-435-1700 8. Which TV series had a dog named K9 who was also a robot? A) Full House, B) Star Trek, C) Doctor Who, D) Law & Order Dogs’ eyes contain a special membrane, called the tapetum lucidum, which allows them to see in the dark. “Dogs got personality. Personality goes a long way.” - Quentin Tarantino Fabulous Clothes for Fabulous Women Lulu lovesls her pear 35 S. Main St. Kilmarnock like us on facebook 435-8800 pearlclothingva.com The Newfoundland breed has a water resistant coat and webbed feet. This dog was originally bred to help haul nets for fishermen and rescuing people at risk of drowning. -Petfinder.com 55 Irvington Road Kilmarnock, Virginia (804) 435-6000 Business Hours Mon. - Sat. 11:00 to 8:00pm Sundays 11:00 to 3:00pm The Book Nook Books for All Animal Lovers Cards Stationery Puzzles Gifts & Other neat stuff 53 West Church Street Kilmarnock 804-435-3355 Unlike humans who sweat everywhere, dogs only sweat through the pads of their feet.-Healthy Pet 9. Which dog breed is the smallest of them all? A) Dachshund, B) Shih tzu, C) Pomeranian D) Chihuahua HEATHSVILLE ANIMAL HOSPTIAL 32%R[+HDWKVYLOOH9$ Hospital Hours: 8-5 Daily and 8-12 Saturday Doctor Hours: 9-11 a.m. - 1-3 p.m. Daily 8-10:30 a.m. Saturday Nights except Wednesday, Friday & Saturday, 7-8 WARSAW ANIMAL CLINIC 5LFKPRQG5RDG32%R[ :DUVDZ9$ Hours: Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. KILMARNOCK ANIMAL HOSPITAL 32%R[.LOPDUQRFN9$ Hospital Hours: 8-5 Daily and 8-12 Saturday Doctor Hours: 9-11 a.m. - 1-3 p.m. Daily 9-11 a.m. Saturday - By Appointment Only Samuel F. Marston, D.V.M. William R. Armstrong, D.V.M. Micheal L. Molineaux, D.V.M. Joyce M. Cunningham, D.V.M. Heather P. Boden, D.V.M. Pet Food Donations By Florence Harvey, AWL Pet Food Coordinator There are hundreds of hungry cats and dogs throughout the Northern Neck. Some are strays; others are in foster care awaiting adoption. Still others are in loving homes that have been hard-hit by this bad economy. Regardless of an animal’s circumstances, the Animal Welfare League stands ready to help. We can only offer that help through the public’s generous donation of cat and dog food. Often, a customer will come into our Kilmarnock thrift shop with a large bag of dry kibble, a multi-pack of moist canned food, or a big box of kitty litter. Some of our area merchants regularly donate torn and unsalable bags of food that I, in turn, repackage for distribution. dog suddenly decides she prefers canned food over that 50-lbs. bag of kibble you just bought. Or the vet puts your aging or ill pet on a special diet – and you have a pantry packed with cans or bags of the old diet. Please consider donating it to us. Sometimes, when our pet food supplies are particularly low, we’ve had to put out a distress call. Right now, we are particularly in need of puppy and kitten chows for the youngsters we have in foster care. Regular needs or emergency needs, whenever you donate, it’s always the right time. So please remember the animals all year. If you can spare some pet food, we promise it will be put to good use. We’re fortunate to be part of an amazing, extended community of animal lovers. And I say, on behalf of the AWL, BRING IT ON! Perhaps your finicky Thank you for all that you’ve done in the past, and for all you’ll do in feline now sticks up his nose at his old cat chow. Maybe your diva the future. The Animal Welfare League couldn’t do it without you. “Paradise is always where love dwells” ~E.W. Time Featuring: Sue Anne, Mookie, and Gigi Bangel From Joanne and Roo Roos Yorktown, Virginia 2015 Since 1981 KILMARNOCK AUTO CLINIC 18746 Mary Ball Road 7HITE3TONE6!s !#3ERVICE2EPAIRs"RAKESs#OMPUTER$IAGNOSTICS #6*OINTSs#USTOM%XHAUSTs&UEL)NJECTION 2OUTINE-AINTENANCE/IL,UBE&ILTER 3HOCKS3TRUTSs3TATE)NSPECTIONSs4RAILER(ITCHES "2!.$4*/!..%%5$9 JOHN S. MARTIN AT TORNEY AT L AW John S. Martin, P.C. P.O. Box 159 202 South Main Street Kilmarnock, Virginia 22482 Telephone (804) 436-8031 Facsimile (804) 436-8051 I will love and cater to your pet while you are away! Cell: (804) 436-3010 Teena R. Carlson 469 Irvington Road Kilmarnock, VA 22482 Cynthia C. Braun - Certified Public Accountant 18 Pine Circle on Hwy 200 P.O. Box 175, Burgess, VA 22432 Office: 804-453-6248 Fax: 804-453-7773 cbraun@nnaccounting.com Dogs curl up in a ball when they sleep due to an age-old instinct to keep themselves warm and protect their abdomen and vital organs from predators. - Vetstreet DAVE’S TRADING COMPANY Fine Collectibles & Antiques :[LYSPUN.VSK1L^LSY`9HYL*VPUZ,Z[PTH[LZ >LI\`ZJYHWNVSKJVPUZ>LI\`ZPS]LYWSH[LKP[LTZ We buy and sell sterling silver, platinum & diamonds We buy and sell gold & silver bullion Buying militaria Quality jewelry repair at inexpensive prices Free research & appraisals Modern, Antique Firearms & Ammo 50 EAST CHURCH STREET, KILMARNOCK David McDaniels, Buyer 804-436-6728 6WLU4-HT[V74:H[\YKH`HT[V!WT Thank you for all the love you gave until the very end. Martha (Grandma) & Cheryl (Mommy) Jackson 45% of dogs sleep in their owner’s bed (we’re pretty sure a large percentage also hog the blankets!) - American Pet Products Association Tri-Star Supermarket, Inc. 0 0 0 SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1975 Enjoy our fresh produce, deli trays, USDA Choice Beef, local seafood, IULHGFKLFNHQDQGÀQHZLQHV 'HOL'HSDUWPHQW2IÀFH 0HDW'HSDUWPHQW)D[ NORTHERN NECK GAS 435-1111 800-535-0084 www.noblett.com The largest breed of dog is the Irish Wolfhound. The world’s smallest dog breed is the Chihuahua. -Cesar.com AMERICAN ELECTRIC R*,ÊUÊ " -//Ê °Ê /°Ênä{®Ê{ÈÓäÈ 8ÊÊnä{®Ê{ÈÓÈä 10. Which breed was once known as St. John’s Newfoundland? A) Newfoundland, B) Golden retriever C) Labrador, D) Puli -/,1 /ÊUÊ / "°ÊÓÇäxÊäÈxÈnÈ ÊEÊ/Ê,9 / -/,]Ê6, 11. Which dog breed has a black tongue? A) Husky, B) Labrador C) Weimaraner, D) Chow chow 804-435-1844 FAX 435-1884 453 Rappahannock Drive White Stone, VA 22578 Website: www.crossroadspetclinic.com Crossroads Pet Clinic e-mail: crossroadspetclinic@yahoo.com Dr. Jim Davidson Hours: 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Weekdays by Appointment Professional and compassionate General medical, surgical and dental care for dogs and cats Dr. Davidson with patients We are happy to support the efforts of AWL providing care for dogs and cats in the Northern Neck LOVE is a four-legged word. DC’s LAWN CARE Specializing in Grass Cutting & Mulching 75((5(029$/75$6++$8/2)) %86++2**,1* /LFHQVHG,QVXUHG Danny (804) 436-3329 MICHELIN ,UYLQJWRQ5G .LOPDUQRFN9$ B.F. GOODRICH UNIROYAL ;9<*2(5+(<;6:,9=0*,*,5;,9: 5VY[O4HPU:[YLL[2PSTHYUVJR=( .(SSLU/HYYPZVU 4HUHNPUN.LULYHS7HY[ULY LIVELY CREATIONS A PLACE FOR CUTTING UP MARY BUSH & TIFFANY BUSH OWNER/STYLIST 2874 WHITE CHAPEL RD LIVELY, VA 22507 804-462-7600 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK MCB1163@GMAIL.COM 12. The first dogs registered in the American Kennel Club belonged to what group? A) Herding, B) Sporting C) Working, D) Hound Farm & Home Supply, LLC :LLKZ-LLKZ-LY[PSPaLYZ -HYTZ.HYKLU3H^U:\WWSPLZ 54HPU:[ P.O. Box 249 2PSTHYUVJR=PYNPUPH 7OVUL! Southern States Pet Foods Pet Supplies – Pet ID Tags We need volunteers By Judy Bright, Volunteer Coordinator If you have some free time and have considered volunteering, please think of volunteering at AWL. There are so many opportunities, such as working in our thrift shop, writing articles, fundraising, pricing merchandise for sale, washing/ironing, fostering, and so much more. Stop in the shop, talk to the volunteers there, and fill out a volunteer profile. You will not regret it. You will be working with a group of fun, dedicated people and you will feel good about giving back to the community and all the Northern Neck animals! 13. Which dog yodels instead of barks? A) Komondor, B) Otterhound C) Basenji, D) Basset hound 14. True or False: Dalmatians are born with spots. In Memory of Max & Amie ANTIQUES (Voted #1) KILMARNOCK ANTIQUE GALLERY DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM THE MIDDLE SCHOOL “Cats Rule, but Dogs are Cool!” In Honor of Jake & Rocky The Northern Neck’s Largest & Original Antique Mall OVER 100 DEALERS OFFERING *Oyster Plates *Fine Furniture * Primitives* Silver *Persian Rugs (hundreds) Tall Case Clocks* China *Art* Glassware *Collectibles And much, much more!!!!! Located at 144 School Street (One Block Off Main) P.O. Box 216 Kilmarnock, VA 22482 1-800-497-0083 or 804-435-1207 www.virginia-antiques.com Open 7 days a week at 10:00 AM Richard & Rita Scott The Official Kilmarnock Information Center L VE In celebration of our companions! Sweet 16! Happy Birthday Alice! Jane & John Unangst Fanny Enjoying a Boat Ride Marj Green & Kim Oliver Miss Dixie Magnolia Donna & James Lofton Mr. Whiskers, an AWL Cat Team rescue with love from your new family Archie, Lily & Suzanne Mattingly In Memory of Abbie Cynthia Wheeler In Loving Memory of Sam Betty & Dave Evans In Honor of Gary’s Best Friend, Cooter Florence & Gary Harvey Memorial to Niblik "QSJM"VHVTU With Love From Roy In celebration of our companions! Molly Gerald & Sherry Jones IIn Honor H off M Megan Marj Green In Loving Memory of Jack Betty & Dave Evans In Loving Memory of Andy Betty & Dave Evans In Honor & Memory of Roo Joanne Roos Beau & Lola Tina & Lloyd Hagen In Memory of Holly Berry Shadow, Magic, Dillon & Debi “Mom” Berry In Loving Memory of Daisy Betty & Dave Evans GLENN LESTER CO., INC. EXCAVATING s2IP2AP!RMOR3TONE3PECIALIST s,OT#LEARINGs2OAD"UILDING P.O. Box 42 Wicomico Church, VA 22579 Phone: 804-580-2020 Fax: 804-580-5884 www.glennlesterco.com Sal’s Italian Pizza s 456 N. Main St. +ILMARNOCK6! 15. What breed of dog is the smallest used in hunting? A) Chihuahua, B) Miniature dachshund C) Toy poodle, D) Smooth fox terrier Rappahannock Record Read the Record on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop. We feature a pet-of-the-week on our website. Submit your pet photos to mail@rapprecord.com 22ECORDCOMs Tuesday - Saturday 5:00 p.m. - closing 4357 Irvington Road, Irvington, VA 804-438-6363 www.natestrickdogcafe.com A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 100,000 times more acute than that of humans. - PBS 16. What is the name of the dog on the front of the Cracker Jack box? A) Jack, B) Max, C) Bingo, D) Fido Fresh seafood with a twist Gus Shelton 804-435-3530 Chesapeake Commons Shopping Center Kilmarnock, Virginia 22482 bluewaterseafoodanddeli@gmail.com 17. How old was the world’s oldest dog, an Australian cattle hound named Bluey, in human years? A) 32, B) 27, C) 30, D) 29 In Loving Memory Maggie . . FOSTER HOMES (The act of looking after not one’s own, short term) How many more precious animals could be saved if only there was a place to take them? Boarding an animal is not always possible. Boarding facilities get full and animal hospitals get full or do not board at all. The Animal Welfare League is desperate for Foster Homes to house dogs and cats allowing time to find permanent homes. Please make room in your home and in your heart for those unable to help themselves. From a very caring animal lover. 41":"/%/&65&34*/ Here are some spay/neuter figures we feel you will find interesting… Any animal adopted from Lancaster, Northumberland and Westmoreland Animal Shelters, Wendy’s Feline Friends and Animal Welfare League Cat Rescue Organizations are sterilized at the expense of the AWL. Many of these animals are pregnant which costs extra money to sterilize. Although we are very happy with the 1,100 spay and neuters, we wish the figure were twice that amount. It has taken years to get to this ‘twice’ the amount figure as you can see by the below figures… 41":/&65&3/6.#&34 2014 1,100 Animals 2013 1,225 Animals 2012 1,220 Animals 2011 1,100 Animals 2010 1,089 Animals 2009 1,100 Animals 2008 827 Animals 2007 764 Animals 7&5&3*/"3:#*--4 2014 $163,000 2013 167,500 2012 165,000 2011 147,000 2010 131,000 2009 121,000 2008 96,500 2007 77,000 James F. Hamilton, M.D. GYNECOLOGY JIM’S CABINET C R E AT I O N S #USTOM&ACTORY#ABINETS #ORLAN'RANITE,AMINATE4OPS $IRECT&ACTORY0RICING #OMPUTER$ESIGN!VAILABLE KILMARNOCK, VA 22482 (804) 435-0023 JIM & JO ANN FELTHOUSE s&AX JIMSCABINETS KABALLEROCOM MILEOUTOF+ILMARNOCKTOWARD7HITE3TONE "ESIDE"AYSIDE!NIMAL(OSPITAL 0/"OXs+ILMARNOCK6! 51 Dog #109 - a/k/a “Beau” by Joyce Page, AWL Vice President & Adoption Officer Once upon a time, the Westmoreland County Shelter had on their website a dog that was about to be sent to Heaven. He was described as a Saint Bernard/Pointer mix and his time was up. A lady in Illinois happened upon this website and felt so sorry for this dog that she started the wheels turning to save him. My first involvement was when I received an email (as did many others) asking if any of us lived near the Westmoreland County Shelter. Naturally I knew that answer, as I’m about 40 miles for it. The question was: could I get to him in time to save him? The Illinois family had another problem: they couldn’t get the dog until late in the month so whoever got him out of the shelter would have to foster him. will probably be Beau’s one and only airplane ride. It took numerous "legs" to get Beau the 954 miles, two "legs" in that private airplane and an overnighter in Ohio. You now have the picture, leg after leg, until his new mom drove the last 2 legs toward him, and Beau was truly Home. It took 14 dedicated individuals and several hundred emails to get this done, but with dog-loving determination it got done! I told Beau’s new mom, never have so many people worked so hard to rescue a sightunseen dog from a shelter and transport him almost a thousand miles. The main point, however, is that he was worth every anxious minute we put toward getting this accomplished. Furthermore, most of the dogs in shelters would be just as worthy if we had loving homes for them. Well, I could handle #109 for a few weeks if it would save his life. Dog #109 was renamed “Beau” by his soon-to-be new mother and I brought him back to Lancaster for fostering. I will never see Beau again, but he’ll always hold Okay! Beau was saved and safe. Next problem: a very special place in my memory and heart. how do we get him from Virginia to Illinois quickly and safely? Beau in Parkersburg, WV This is where the story gets interesting. Beau’s new Illinois mom does animal rescue work in her area and knew a lot of animal-loving people. I packed Beau, water, food, and treats for the 2-day trip and made sure I had plenty of identification on him. Beau, my sister, and I left at 5:30 AM one Saturday morning for the first "leg" of the trip to Charlottesville. There was a great father and daughter team who took him on his second "leg" to meet up with his private airplane. The plane owner flew Beau from Virginia to West Virginia in what Beau in Beckley, WV Beau thanks one of his rescuers EUTHANASIA Animals are Dying Needlessly Will you save a life and help FOSTER for us so we can find these animals a permanent home? Call Joyce Page at 462-0091 and she will give you details. We pay all medical. ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE FOSTER HOMES NEEDED If we had more foster homes we could save so many more animals than we do now. We never know exactly how long an animal will remain in foster care because there is so much involved in getting him/her either adopted or into a rescue. The most common answer I give when asked this question is anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. I then often hear “How can you give them up after you’ve had them so long” and the answer is very easy-It isn’t about me, it’s about them!!!! Yes, there’s a lot of work involved in fostering, but it doesn’t compare with the satisfaction you feel when you know you were a part of saving a precious life. These critters are homeless and helpless, so it is up to the volunteers of the Animal Welfare League to speak and act for them. Again I’m looking for foster homes, and hoping you’ll give very serious consideration to being a part of this life-saving experience. Joyce Page, Adoptions 804-462-0091 Keep smiling. It makes people wonder what you’ve been up to. And if you don’t like your smile, we can help with bleaching, implants, crowns & bridges, Check-ups, cleanings and more. “Dr. Bob” Westbrook, DDS 4346 Irvington Road 804-438-1000 Carlton Furniture Tervis Tumblers Bay & River Home804.436.1900 Decor Furniture & Gifts Sandra Hudson Terry Elbourn Made in USA Products 10DLQ6WUHHW.LOPDUQRFN0)306DW30 Best Chairs The classic dog name, “Fido”, means “fidelity” in Latin. “In times of joy, all of us wished we possessed a tail we could wag.” W.H. AUDEN 18. What was the most popular dog name of 2011, according to VPI Pet Insurance? A) Lucy B) Bailey C) Bella D) Max 19. True or False: It is cheaper to spay or neuter a dog than it is to raise a litter of puppies for one year. In honor of Henry, the Beagle and Porcha, the Yorkie Steve Glessner Elena Docker Yankee Candle 55 20. What is the most popular breed of dog, according to the American Kennel Club’s registrations? A) Golden retriever, B) Beagle, C) German shepherd, D) Labrador Change a Life Adopt an Animal 56 Dog: Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris Gestation period: 63 days Lifespan: 13 years (dying of natural causes, UK population) Daily sleep: 10 hours Height: 6.3 34 in. (At Shoulder) Higher classification: Gray wolf 57 Dog Trivia Answers: 1. C) 42 8. C) Doctor Who 2. D) Paws 9. D) Chihuahua 15. B) Miniature dachshund 16. C) Bingo 3. False. Dogs can see 10. multiple colors. 11. 4. C) Sit 12. 5. B) Smell 13. 6. C) 9 weeks 7. A) Corgi C) Labrador 17. D) 29 years D) Chow chow 18. C) Bella B) Sporting Group C) Basenji 19. True, according to the ASPCA 14. False. Dalmatian puppies are born 20. Labrador white; their spots come in later. EMERGENCY VETERINARY CLINICS Anderson's Corner Animal Hospital 8391 Richmond Road, Toano, VA 757-566-2224 Dogs & Their Unique Relationship to Weather Animal Emergency Clinic of Fredericksburg 1210 Snowden Street, Fredericksburg, VA 540-371-0554 Dogwood Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Center 5918 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 804-716-4700 Veterinary Emergency Center 3312 West Cary Street, Richmond, VA 804-353-9000 Veterinary Referral & Critical Care 1596 Hockett Road, Manakin-Sabot, VA 804-784-8722 O wning a dog is a big responsibility, but one that also provides a companion whose love is unconditional. Dog owners quickly learn their four-legged friends respond differently than humans to certain situations, including the changing weather. Many dog owners may notice that their pets seem particularly attuned to the weather. Changing weather can affect canines much like it does people, but dogs may also be affected in ways their owners are not. According to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, dogs can feel changes in barometric pressure and even in the VWDWLFHOHFWULFÀHOGWKDWRFFXUVLQWKHDLU7KH$PHULFDQ$QLPDO+RVSLWDO$VVRFLDWLRQ says dogs' behavioral changes may be attributable to changes in the weather. Dogs may become agitated or overexcited by dips in barometric pressure. As electrical storms approach, some dogs may get very anxious, even running and hiding if their anxiety is especially high. Many dogs are afraid of thunder and lightning and can sense approaching storms Peninsula Emergency Veterinary Clinic even when they are still miles away. According to researchers at Penn State University, 1120 George Washington Memorial Hwy. Yorktown, VA between 15 and 30 percent of all dogs are extremely scared of thunder and may experi757-874-8115 ence a rapid increase of cortisol, a stress hormone. Dogs also can sniff out storms, detecting concentrations of chemicals common during some storms. Dogs can smell ozone in the air associated with lightning as well. Dogs may be physically affected by weather just like their owners are. Although WKHUHLVOLWWOHVFLHQWLÀFZRUNVSHFLÀFDOO\RQWKHDIIHFWVRIFROGRUGDPSZHDWKHURQ dogs that occurs during autumn and early winter, it does seem that canines feel the effects of these changes. Owners often notice more stiffness and lameness in pets during adverse weather conditions. Pain resulting from arthritis may increase and muscles may stiffen when the climate becomes cooler. Many animals are known to have an innate sense of changing weather or oncoming storms. Dogs can learn to anticipate meaning behind atmospheric changes that can alert others to upcoming weather. -metrocreativeconnection.com Weird Facts About Dogs: 1. It is a myth that dogs are color blind. They can actually see in color, just not as vividly as humans. It is akin to our vision at dusk. 2. Dogs DO have better low-light vision than humans because of a special light-reflecting layer behind their retinas %POU 4IPQ 3. A German Shepherd guide dog led her blind companion the entire 2100 mile Appalachian Trail 59 4. If never spayed or neutered, a female dog, her mate, and their puppies could produce over 66,000 dogs in 6 years! 5. Dogs’ only sweat glands are between their paw pads 6. Like human babies, Chihuahuas are born with a soft spot in their skull which closes with age 7. The breed Lundehune has 6 toes and can close its ears 8. Teddy Roosevelt’s dog, Pete, ripped a French ambassador’s pants off at the White House 9. President Lyndon Johnson had two beagles named Him and Her 10. Franklin Roosevelt spent $15,000 for a destroyer to pick up his Scottie in the Aleutian Islands 11. In Roman times, mastiffs donned light armor and were sent after mounted knights 12. The Russians trained dogs during WWII to run suicide missions with mines strapped to their backs 13. A dog’s mouth exerts 150-200 pounds of pressure per square inch 14. … with some dogs exerting up to 450 pounds per square inch. 15. A one year old dog is as mature, physically, as a 15 year old human 16. The U.S. has the highest dog population in the world 17. France has the 2nd highest 18. The average city dog lives 3 years longer than a country dog Adopt! 19. 87% of dog owners say their dog curls up beside them or at their feet while they watch T.V. 20. Dogs can be trained to detect epileptic seizures -Cesar.com Death and Taxes By Rita Scott, CPA, AWL Treasurer Bet these aren’t two of your favorite topics, are they? Most of us don’t want to think about either of these-until we absolutely have to. The AWL has a couple of ideas and suggestions for you, to help make it easier to deal with each of them. Just bear with us for a minute, please! First, death-either yours or a loved one, that loved one being your pet(s). Please remember your beloved pets and ALL of our animal friends in your will and end-of-life planning. Here are a couple of specific things for you to consider acting on: s First, make arrangements for someone who will take care of your pet(s) when you no longer can, and consider providing the financial means for them to do so, if that is appropriate. s Second, make a bequest in your will to the Animal Welfare League of the Northern Neck, Box 975, White Stone VA 22578, for its use in providing for the welfare of animals in the area. If you wish to leave tangible property, please consult with your attorney for the provisions necessary in your will to do so. s Third, request that memorial donations be made to the Anima Welfare League in lieu of flowers. All too often, the AWL will be contacted by relatives of someone who has passed away without providing for their pets, seeking advice or assistance with placing the pets. These poor animals have lost their human “parent” and have no one to look after them. The relatives cannot care for them for any number of reasons, so the animals are either abandoned, taken to one of the shelters or referred to us. PLEASE, PLEASE make sure your pets are adequately provided for! And second, taxes-while taxes are certainly not a favorite topic for most of us, there are a couple of ways for you to maximize the tax benefits of donating to the Animal Welfare League which could help make paying your tax bill(s) a little less painful. First, if you donate stock or mutual fund shares that have appreciated in value since you acquired them, you may be able to get a tax deduction for the market value of the gift by donating the stock or mutual fund shares directly to the AWL. In this way, you avoid selling the shares yourself and paying a tax on the gain. While the stock market has certainly had its share of ups and downs in recent months, if you have held shares for a considerable period of time, you may still have a sizable gain in value over what you initially paid for them. (For example, if you bought 100 shares of ABC stock in 1995 for $15 per share and want to sell it this year when it is trading at $38 per share and then donate the money to the AWL, you would have a taxable gain of $2300 if you sold the shares outright and a deductible charitable contribution, potentially, of $3800. But if you donate the stock directly to the AWL, you will have no gain and a charitable contribution deduction of $3800.) Secondly, donations that are made directly from IRAs to charities are allowed under the tax laws for those who are 70 ½ or older, up to $100,000. Such a gift counts as part of the annual required minimum distribution. The amount of the gift is excluded from taxable income, but also cannot be claimed as a tax deduction. Such a direct donation should be considered by those who do not itemize their deductions for tax purposes. As you probably know, the AWL operates a thrift shop, which is our primary source of income. We rely on donations of all types of items from our generous friends-clothing, kitchen ware, books, furniture, other household goods, toys, holiday items, etc. These items become the “inventory” for our shop and generate sales revenue which helps to pay for animal care in our area. Please keep us in mind if you have items you no longer need, if you are dealing with disposal of estate items, etc. We need and rely on your generous donations all year long, and they too can provide a tax benefit to you. In all of these cases, please consult with your tax advisor or attorney for advice and the details on how to handle such donations. Why Rabies Shots by Judith Harvell, AWL President It’s the law for one thing. Rabies shots are inexpensive — often as low as $10.00 — so why wouldn’t we protect our pets against something that could kill them? Many pet owners do not realize this could save their pet’s life. Rabies is a serious disease caused by a virus, and is mainly a disease of wild animals. The most common carriers of rabies are bats, skunks, raccoons, foxes, and coyotes. Rabies is transmitted through the saliva of an infected animal. Pets and humans get rabies when they are bitten or possibly come in contact with the saliva of a rabid animal on an open wound. For verification of rabies in an animal, the suspected animal’s brain must be submitted to a lab for examination. We humans shouldn’t approach or handle wild animals, especially sick wild animals. We should stay away from animals that appear angry, disoriented, or possibly foaming at the mouth. Be sure you vaccinate your pets. Vaccination against rabies could save your pet’s life should they be bitten by a rabid animal. Vaccination should also be considered for humans whose activities bring them into frequent contact with the rabies virus or possibly rabid animals. This includes animal control officers, wildlife rehabilitators, game wardens, park rangers, and animal rescue personnel who venture into disaster areas like post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans, for example. If a human, cat, or dog is bitten, there are many rules and regulations that need to be followed. These vary from state to state. Procedures that need to be followed for humans, cats, and dogs can be very complicated and involved. Should your pet be bitten by a possibly rabid animal your best course of action is to contact local animal control, your pet’s veterinarian, and the county health department for immediate advice and specific information. 61 FOSTERING by Jim and Sue Ann Dale, AWL Fostering Volunteers The reward of fostering dogs and cats has changed our lives forever. Saving and nurturing these creatures, who otherwise would cease to be, is an uplifting feeling when they feel safe with you and show their trust and devotion. We have always had pets, both cats and dogs, but until our involvement with the Animal Welfare League 11 years ago, we did not realize what an impact fostering can make. For each animal you foster, not only are you saving its life, but making room for one more to be saved. One pet at a time adds up, and in our case we sometimes have several fosters in our care. Another concern we would like to address is the worry people have about being tied down when they foster. AWL has wonderful volunteers who are able to share the responsibility of caring for the pet instead of boarding when situations arise, such as vacations, illnesses, etc. In our case, we help foster a wonderful hound dog named Sadie along with Bill and Sara Ford, who are the primary caregivers. AWL will pay for a complete veterinary check-up, necessary vaccinations, spaying and neutering, and other services that may be needed. Grayson Sadie Bailey Kitty perch There are so many emotions connected with fostering it is difficult to prioritize them. Just knowing that you saved a precious life means more than words can ever express. Animals know when they have been rescued and are truly loved. Just looking into their eyes and seeing their beautiful faces every day and the gratitude they express is worth everything you put into it. We cannot imagine a life without these wonderful creatures in it. If you have a place in your heart and home, please consider fostering. Think about the lives saved and comfort given to a homeless pet. Index of Advertisers 3 Frogs "."VUP5SVDL3FQBJS ""( Adventure Travel Alley Cafe American Electric Anna's Pizza Aubergine Bank of Lancaster Barbara Breeden/Springers Bay & River Home Decor Bay Auto Service, Inc. #BZTJEF(BSBHF 46 19 25 38 26 16 2 11 54 23 Beau and Lola Hagen Best Buds Pet Sitting Big 'L' Tire Bill's Body Shop Blackwell Salon Bluewater Seafood & Deli Bon Secours RGH Booth's Landscaping Breeden & Breeden Brocante Home Burkes Jewelers Byrl Taylor/Long & Foster Carried Away Cuisine 44 19 39 26 19 47 21 22 54 29 14 22 24 Chow time! Cathy's Unique Pursuits Chainey Custom Construction Chem Dry Chesapeake Accounting Chesapeake Bank $IFTBQFBLF1SPQFSUZ.BOBHFNFOU Chief's Painting Services Chippiepierre's Magic Paint Brush Tail Chris Emry's On-Site Computer Chris Trimble Comer & Co. $PNNPOXFBMUI"TTJTUFE-JWJOH Concepts in Furniture 31 13 39 22 52 16 17 16 38 52 23 Index of Advertisers continued Connemara Construction Corrottoman Baptist Church Country Cottage Cover Girl Katie Crossroads Pet Clinic $VSSJF'VOFSBM)PNF D C's Lawncare Dale Construction Dale Lazar, DDS Dave's Trading Company David L. Harris, M.D. Davis Towing & Recovery "Dr. Bob" Westbrook, DDS Dunn-Rite Auto Group Dunton, Simmons & Dunton Dymer Creek Seafood Ellen's Country Store Emergency Vet Clinics EVB Bank Fanny Enjoying a Boat Ride 'BSN)PNF4VQQMZ Fishinavillage Foster Homes Foxy (%BWJE#SPXO$1" Geo Products Glenn Lester Co, Inc. Gone to the Dogs (PPE-VDL$FMMBST Great Fortune Restaurant Gunther's Gourmet Hanley Electrical Service Hannah Happy Birthday Alice Heads Up Hairworks Heathville-Warsaw-Kilmarnock A. H. Henry the Beagle HomeKeepers LLC In Honor and Memory of "Roo" In Honor of Cooter In Honor of Megan In Honor/Memory/Sisson In Honor/Oliver In Loving Memory of Petunia In Loving Memory of Reba In Loving Memory/Cameron In Loving Memory/Eudy In Loving of Memory of Andy In Loving of Memory of Daisy In Loving of Memory of Jack In Loving of Memory of Sam In Memory of Abbie 36 17 31 48 38 39 23 45 36 53 25 53 64 14 52 16 58 42 43 16 49 23 24 45 32 24 56 55 49 43 24 31 54 28 44 43 44 37 21 39 36 16 35 44 43 44 44 43 In Memory of Holly Berry In Memory of Joanne Dietz In Memory of Max & Amie In Memory/Dietz from Cats Invisible Fence Brand of Richmond Island Travel +#SPPLT+PIOTUPO***%%4 +BNFT')BNJMUPO.% +JNhT$BCJOFU$SFBUJPOT John S. Martin, Attorney at Law Kenneth McPherson LLC Kilmarnock Antique Gallery Kilmarnock Auto Clinic Kilmarnock Inn Kilmarnock Lettering -BODBTUFS"VUP.BSJOF Lester's Barber Shop Lily Cornwell -JWFMZ$SFBUJPOT Love is Blind - Dulcie and Keeper Loving Gardens Pet Cemetery Mac's Auto World Maggie's Magic Tree Service & Landscaping Main Street Pharmacy MAX Marine Products LLC Memorial to Niblik Merle Norman Cosmetics .JDIBFM%/JDLFSTPO Mill End Carpet Shop & Warehouse Miss Dixie Magnolia Molly Jones Mr. Whiskers Murphy the Wonder Dog NWP Nate's Trick Dog Cafe Noblett/Northern Neck Gas Northern Neck Accounting Northern Neck Insurance Northern Neck Kennel Club Northern Neck Orchestra Northern Neck Wireless Old Farm Truck P H D, Inc. (Maggie) Pearl Plum Summer Ransone's Rapid Lube of the Bay 3BQQBIBOOPDL(SJMM Rappahannock Hang-Ups Rappahannock Record Rappahannock Yachts/Bear 44 24 41 31 12 21 34 56 41 33 22 14 22 25 34 25 48 21 47 21 13 43 15 27 43 44 43 37 18 46 37 35 35 18 2 34 28 48 28 54 42 27 33 46 26 Re/Max Redlaw Mechanical Rivers Accounting Ross's Rings & Things Sal's Italian Pizza Salon by the Bay Sara Brown Salon Savannah Joe's Serenity Yoga Sevarg Pools Sewlovelee Shear Magic Shear Pleasure Shirley Perkins Memorial Fund Spa 2 U State Farm Insurance Sue Anne, Mookie, Gigi T & J's Dairy Barn Tangier Rappahannock Cruises Taylor Bros. Masonry Teena Carlson Terri Groh Terrie Dort - Long & Foster 5IF#PPL/PPL The Corner Bar & Grill The Dandelion The Flower Cart The Oaks Restaurant The River Market The Shoe Store The Shultz Team The Tides Inn The Whaley Girls Thomas D. Hughes, IV, PC Tommy's Restaurant Top Dog Pet Grooming Tri-Star Supermarket Ultimate Interiors/Gayle's Place Vicki & Gus - In Loving Memory W. R. Whaley Contracting, Inc. WatersEdge Labs Wayne Nunnally (Mutts) Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC White Stone Pharmacy Wicomico Auto Body Inc. Wildest Dreams 8JMMBCZhT$BUFSJOH 8JOEPXT%JSFDU Wingmont Stables & Kennels Yankee Point Marina 64 47 55 45 46 55 15 29 15 18 17 47 17 29 42 33 32 16 13 15 35 14 28 23 29 48 41 47 52 42 18 27 26 42 37 36 27 28 34 18 46 27 34 19 26 45 19 RE/MAX WATERFRONT REALTY 3OUTH-AIN3TREETs+ILMARNOCK "ILL0YSZKA 4ERRI'ROH *OHN*ONES