Artist Call for Art


Artist Call for Art
Artist Boat is spearheading a beautification program on Galveston’s Historic Seawall. Project SIT (Seawall
Interpretive Trail) will transform 70 concrete benches located between Holiday Drive and 61st Street with
educational mosaics that highlight Galveston’s ecology, economy, and history. To date, 25 benches have
been completed and Artist Boat is issuing a call for design proposals for the next 35 benches.
(Below is a list of themes with a description, location, and size of each bench)
Energy from the Sea - Oil and Gas Industry
o The Beach Hut Bar & 9th Street
A Sea of Shrimp - Shrimp Fisheries
o Hi5 Souviners (Narrow)
Fish Frenzy - Commercial Fisheries
o Poretto Beach/Dago’s Tattoos (Narrow)
Coming and Going by Wave - Tall Ships
o Beach Patrol Tower #21 & Hotel Galvez
GOT Coast - GOT Geography of Texas
o Hotel Galvez (Wide)
Shifting Sands - Sand Dunes
o Beach Patrol Tower #21 & Hotel Galvez
Cradle of Life - Saltwater Marshes
o Holiday Sunspree Hotel (Narrow)
Is this Island a Desert? - Freshwater Marshes
of Galveston
o Benno’s Cajun Seafood (Narrow)
A River of Grasses - Prairies of Galveston
o Dolphin World (Narrow)
Fall Out - Oak Mottes and Bird Migration
o Beach Patrol Tower #33 (Narrow)
Germans Among Us - Fort Crockett and World
War II
o Landry’s (Narrow)
Oxygen from our Oceans - Phytoplankton
o Balinese Room Pier (Wide)
Origin of Crab, Fish, and Shrimp Zooplankton
o Murdochs (Wide)
Odor in the Air? Beware - Red Tide
o Hotel Galvez (Wide)
33 States are in our Watershed - Dead zone
o Hilton (Narrow)
Crabbin’ Around - Blue Crab Life Cycle
o Hotel Galvez (Wide)
What am I swimming with? - Shrimp and Blue
Crab Life Cycle
o Jack in the Box (Narrow)
Where is the Shoreline - Sea Level Rise
o Brickhouse Tavern/Joe’s Crab Shack
Souls of Galveston - History of Immigration
o Nick’s Kitchen and Beach Bar (Narrow)
Streaming the Gulf - Currents of the Gulf
o Island Bicycle (Narrow)
Ultimate Fight - Native vs. Non-native
o Commodore Inn (Narrow)
Flotsam and Jetsam - Marine Debris
o 53rd St & Rainforest Café (Narrow)
Let Freedom Ring - Juneteenth Independence
o Landry’s (Narrow)
Down on the Bayou - Bayous of Galveston Bay
o Hilton (Narrow)
East Meets West – Yellowfin Tuna Populations,
Spawning, and Migration
o Landry’s/Hitlon (Narrow)
Annoying Assets - Oyster Biology
o Gaido’s Seaside Inn (Narrow)
The only thing that is constant is change Barrier Islands
o Hilton (Narrow)
Black Mangroves - Migration, Habitat, and
o Hilton (Narrow)
A Merry Yarn of Galveston Pirates
o Gaido’s (Narrow)
Galveston Seawall - Protection and Grand
o Hilton (Narrow)
It Comes in Waves - Ocean Tides, Lunar Cycle,
and Intertidal Zones
o 61st St Light (Narrow)
Boneless Bodies Abound! - Jellyfish,
o Hilton (Narrow)
Boating on the Bay - Recreation Sail, Power,
o Hilton (Narrow)
Where's the light? - Photo and Aphotic Zones
o Hilton (Narrow)
What is an Estuary?
o Hilton (Narrow)
The artist chosen for Project SIT will receive a $300 stipend. Each artist will be responsible for picking up
tiles and glaze materials from Artist Boat’s office, painting and returning them to Artist Boat on the
appointed date to be professionally installed. Artist Boat is responsible for providing each artist with all
materials necessary to fabricate each mosaic and then firing and installing the tiles on each bench.
There are two bench top sizes, narrow and wide. The narrow bench tops are each 12 ¾” X 68”. The wide
bench tops are 25 ¼” x 68”. A template of each bench is attached. Bench sites and themes are decided
beforehand. Project SIT is an educational program; each design is required to incorporate informative text in
the composition and accurate scientific information. Text and design are subject to edits.
February 29
Proposals postmarked
March 7-11
Selections announced
March 14-18
Pick up tiles and glaze
April 8
Return glazed tiles
May 9
A selection panel of 5-7 voting members including artists and arts professionals will chose artists from
initially submitted proposals. Work will be selected based on execution, technique, originality, organization,
and correct interpretation of theme, appropriateness, scientific accuracy, and educational relevance.
The Artist Boat reserves the right to reject any or all applications and proposals, to reject any finalist, to
waive formalities in application or proposals, or terminate the selection process for any project without prior
notice. The Artist boat and the Project SIT Committee reserve the right to make selection from Juried Image
Registry in addition to submitted applications in the event that insufficient or inappropriate applications are
received, or to terminate any project at any time. Application to any project advertised by the Artist Boat and
the Project SIT Committee agree to all applicable rules and guidelines. The Artist Boat retains the copyright
of all completed designs and reserves the right to use the design in any and all future publications. This
document serves as the complete copy of the rules and guidelines and is available at
Contact the Project SIT Coordinator Jessie Knirsch with any questions or concerns at or call Artist Boat at 409-770-0722.
Theme: ___________________________________________________________
-Include a color piece done to scale of proposed bench top, minimum size of original artwork needs to be
6”x24” for narrow designs, 12”x24” for wide designs, and preferably paper for easy mail delivery.
-Two 4 ½” x4 ¼” tile samples, one depicting text and the other detail of your artwork.
-Each design needs to include educational information incorporated into the design.
-Include a typed proposal explaining your piece on a separate sheet: (250-500 words).
Save as Last Name_#.JPG on a CD. Image 1 should show the whole artwork & image 2 a detail.
Image 1
Image 2
______ Application form
______ Proposal
______ Full color art piece
______ CD
______ Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (optional if you want the work returned)
Printed Name
Deliver or send all application materials to Artist Boat, include a self addressed stamped envelope if you
wish to have application materials returned.
Project SIT Selection Committee
Artist Boat
2627 Ave. O
Galveston, TX77550
Below is a template of the narrow bench. The image surface is 12 ¾” x 68”.
Each tile is 4 ¼” x 4 ¼”.
Circles represent Skate Stoppers that may obscure small sections of your image.
Below is a template of the narrow bench. The image surface is 25 ½” x 68”.
Each tile is 4 ¼” x 4 ¼”.
Circles represent Skate Stoppers that may obscure small sections of your image.