The SOUTH COLLEGE CHURCH of CHRIST BULLETIN 410 South College • Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74464 • 918-456-3414 • Volume 8, No. 8 - August 2009 Pulpit Minister David Deffenbaugh Was it not shocking and sad to hear about Jim Dudgeon’s best friend’s brother who was buried on the very day he had planned to be married? Our sympathies to the family of Lee Paulson. Talk about a bitter irony. This is one of those startling incidents that remind us of Scripture’s teaching that “you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow” (James 4:14). The final point of that particular Scripture is this: “Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin” (James 4:17). You see the point is not just to recognize the uncertainty of life, but also to recognize the certainty of doing what is right every day and every opportunity we have. And so our Summer Series (“Great Themes of the Bible”) keeps moving along. We are down to the final month. We have had some wonderful lessons presented thus far. I know they have been helpful and appreciated by you because a number of CD requests have been made. What a great way to share God’s word with others. You may not feel you have the gift to teach others, but anyone can pass along a CD to someone whom you would like to hear God’s word. Our final round of speakers for this month will be David O’Neil, Tyrel Hatfield, Edgar Lucero, and myself. I very much appreciate your response to the “What’s It All About?” series of lessons on Sunday morning. Sometimes a return to the very basics can be very helpful and even necessary. May we always remember (and occasionally be reminded of) the meaning and significance of even the most fundamental and foundational of truths. I know Tyrel will be thanking everyone who contributed to helping make our VBS such a success. What he won’t do is thank himself, so let me do that (why don’t you do that, too?). So much time and effort is put in to the VBS each year. For the past several years Tyrel and his brother, Justin, have written the VBS material we have used. They have done an excellent job and thankfully that material has found a much broader audience than just here at South College. This announcement is not the kind we have typically make in the pages of our bulletin, but we do want to rejoice with those who rejoice. The Lucero family has completed all of the necessary processes for receiving their Green Cards. This has been a very long, arduous, and often maddening ordeal. But thanks to Edgar’s commitment and persistence, it has been accomplished. It is hard for us natives to appreciate what an accomplishment this is. So now, five years from now, they will eligible to apply for full citizenship. Congratulations to the Luceros! I hope you are taking advantage of our Family Fun Nights at the Murrell Home. I was fearful last month that the temperature was going to be prohibitive. The days leading up to that Sunday had been very hot. But low and behold, that particular day turned off very nice and we had wonderful weather in which to enjoy one another’s fellowship. We are looking forward to more of the same, Sunday evening, August 2, following services. Right here at the end of August and beginning of July, it seems to be a little bit of a slow time. VBS and camps are behind us and even though our Summer Series (and the hot weather) will “David’s Article” continued on page 7 Join us on the first Sunday of August for our Church Family Fun Night! Enjoy food, games, plus lots and lots of fellowship! When: August 2 following evening services Where: Murrel Home Park MINI CAMP • JUNE 28 - JULY 1 Youth Minister Tyrel Hatfield Burnt Cabin Christian CamP June 29-July 2 Our Mini Camp theme for the summer, “Prepare for Battle!” was a huge success. This theme was based on the passage from Ephesians chapter 6, the armor of God. We enjoyed our largest Mini Camp to date with 114 campers and 40 counselors. Our children always enjoy great lessons and many activities. Thanks to all who provided scholarships for our students. Mini Camp provides a great environment for our children and helps them get their “feet wet” for our full week of camp! The scholarships that you provide, help to make that possible. Thank you very much. Please extend a big thanks to Sam, Joyce and many others who work so hard maintaining the camp throughout the year. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication! Vacation Bible School JULY 13-16 “God’s Creation, Digging for Answers” was our theme for Vacation Bible School this summer. Each night the children learned that God is the creator of all things and would help Digger Davey chase away the Under-Miner. Our children enjoyed puppet shows, played games, sang songs, enjoyed refreshments, and heard great Bible lessons on the six days of creation, dinosaurs, and the flood. Our largest night in attendance was 76 children. Many thanks to those who helped make this VBS special. It is encouraging to see so many of our members making such a great effort on behalf of our children. Thank you! Your time and energy are much appreciated and vital to the success our education program! VBS Pictures Hispanic Minister Edgar Lucero I am so glad to announce that we went to Huntsville, Alabama for the second Hispanic National Teen Connection which was very successful. The attendance was around three hundred and fifty kids and the speakers were Alejandro Ezquerra from Bammel Road church of Christ in Houston and Luis Fernando Rosas from Ft Worth. They both did an excellent job presenting their lessions. We all were built up spiritually. Also there were two singing presentations with “Voices” group and “Restauración” group at the end of every night. Thank you Carlos Gonzales from California and Omar Corpus from Dallas for your great job. The results: over 30 baptisims with one from Tahlequah, Griselda Gonzales. She decided to become part of Christ’s body. Alejandro Ezquerra took the opportunity during his lesson to invite all of us to attend at the Third National Teen Connections in Houston on 2010. We also went to Houston for the Golf Conference. We had the chance to meet many people from different places arround the nation and other countries. I had the blessing to share the pulpit with: Salvador Estrada, Luis Fernando Rosas, Ricardo Barrera. I have never attended such a great activity. Bammel Road hosted the program and they were very lovely and so eager to serve everyone. I want to give special thanks to Alejandro Ezquerra and David Esparza and Ignacio Barcenas and Carlos Perales for their good work in the Gulf Conference 2009. The attendance was 806 people and during the event there were 8 baptized. Right now we continue to have Bible studies with some new families in the Hispanic community. We are planning a Hispanic Ladies’ Day on October 3. Please pray for us and thank you so much for your support. [The following two pieces appeared under this title in “Daily Bread” from the Bear Valley church of Chirst, Denver, CO] Two Facets Of An Elder’s Work “The elders are the undershepherds to watch over and feed the flock. In accepting the work the elders bring themselves under the most solemn and sacred obligations possible to men to guard and maintain the honor of God, to keep his teaching and his service pure from all innovations of men. As shepherds and teachers of the flock, they assume the most sacred and solemn obligations to the flock to feed the flock with the pure milk of the word of God, that by this they may grow; to guard against all teachings and practices that rest on human authority as vitiating the service of God and defiling the spiritual nature of the taught, and cutting them off from the blessings of God, which come to men only through the appointments of God unmixed with human inventions and traditions. A sadder perversion of a sacred trust is never seen than when elders and teachers forget the sanctity of their obligations both to God and his church, and, as his trusted servants and chosen teachers, encourage the introduction into his service of practices not authorized by God, so destroying his authority as lawgiver, and, as a consequence, hurtful and poisonous to the spiritual nature of men” (David Lipscomb, Commentary on 1 Timothy, p. 309, and cited by William Woodson). ___________________________________________ “Across this land I pray with my brethren in public assembly. One petition I notice repetitiously--and it’s not ‘choose our changes,’ ‘guide, guard, and direct us,’ ‘if we have been found faithful, save us without the loss of one,’ ‘help us to partake of this loaf/cup in a manner well-pleasing in thy sight,’ ‘give him a ready recollection,’ nor is it ‘bless those for whom it is our duty to pray.’ It is this: ‘Lord, bless our elders and help them make wise decisions!’ What does that say to you? Are the elders a formulating board? Is their duty almost exclusively as an assembled body? Somehow it leaves me cold. ‘Help them make decisions.’ ‘Let them say yes to the right letter.’ ‘Let them decide best about the size of the directory.’ Is that their job? I want an elder, not a board. I want a godly, praying, thoughtful, sensitive man. I want one to come to me when I’m weak, sick, strong, successful, bewildered. I want a leader in the church who will share his strength with me. ‘Help them make the right decisions.’ Really? I want a brother who helps make me right in the holy sight of God. That’s my prayer!” (Jim Bill McInteer ) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Conagher Hardaway Mae Hodge 2 3 4 5 6 Family Fun Night after evening service at Murrell Home Wes Johnston Sam Yaws *Bill & Shirley Kay 9 10 Tyler Bradley Phil Kay Kayleigh Spears Cleva Smith 16 17 *Chuck & Linda Lisa Hatfield Maria Gonzales Shaffer Bryan Walker *Tim & Robin Watts 11 12 13 7 8 Bob Kennedy Molly Couch Dorothy Morris Chris McCoy Jana Shumate Keri Sisco *Alissa & Marcus *Danny & Nancy Crawford Mason 14 15 Margaret Blackburn Rod Wyers 21 22 *Monty & Bobbie John Gwin Kirk Erica Parris *Tyler & Sara *Dean & Susan Stewart Kelley 28 29 Trudy Mickel Toni Morse Dick Higginbotham Louis Sounders Jimmy Trammel 18 19 20 Nancy Mason Teena Neugin Monday Night for the Master 6p.m. Gerry Sue Smithers Linda Shaffer 23 *Lahoma & Gil Bigby *Julio & Elena Mosqueda Martha Aguilar 24 25 26 27 Men's Breakfast 6 Ada Cannonie Aretha Jinks Matt Hewitt Danny Minor Jimmy Kirk *Marvin & Paula Page 30 Fifth Sunday Fellowship after evening service (home-made ice 31 a.m. Calvin McCoy July S M T September W T F S 1 2 3 4 S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 S 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 cream!) * Anniversary “David’s Article” continued from page 1 continue through the end of this month, we will also get started on a new school year. Some area schools will barely allow August to commence before throwing open their doors to welcome students to a new academic year. Already, a number of prospective NSU students have visited our services. Tony is gearing up for another year leading the Riverhawks for Christ. Every August brings with it some anxious anticipation for what lies ahead for the RFC program. Looking back over the past several years we can remember some truly outstanding young Christian men and women who also happen to be NSU students. They’ve become an important part of this congregation, but we didn’t know ahead of time they were coming. They showed up and before long became regular fixtures in our assemblies, Bible classes, and other activities. Who knows whom we may get to meet for the first time this month that will turn out to be a blessing and encouragement to us all. Thank you Tony for your great work in this important part of our congregation’s life. Speaking of school, I well remember escorting our youngest child across the street from the church offices for his very first day of public education. That was during the second week after our family had moved to Tahlequah. Now this month, that same child will be heading off to Tennessee to begin his college career. That proverbial water which flows under the bridge is a swift and relentless current. If you happen to drink from it, sometimes it’s sweet and sometimes it’s bitter. But on it flows. Occasionally there passes events that can be considered nothing short of milestone moments. Their passing changes everything. What was will be no longer. One may pause and gaze longingly downstream for a moment. But you cannot linger there, because from upstream the current still flows. Who knows what’s coming next? “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Php. 3:1314). “…I Shall Not Want” David Deffenbaugh So familiar and well known is the 23rd Psalm that even those four words are recognizable to most people. Numerous statements from Scripture may be quite recognizable to many people, yet very few of them do those same people know exactly where they are to be found in the Bible. But this is one of those. As familiar as these words may be, are we familiar with what they mean? Likely, we would begin with some sort of statement suggesting that God is our provider, since He is our shepherd. And as such He fulfills that role perfectly. I willingly concur with the Psalm’s affirmation, otherwise it might be construed as an implication on God. I never want that sort of thing to originate with me, explicitly or implicitly. From the vantage point of God, I understand what these words mean. But what about from my own vantage point? Let’s think about this. You and I live in the most prosperous nation in the world. If there has ever been a time or a place in which it was easier for someone get whatever he or she wants, I am unaware of it. So easy is it for us to access virtually anything we desire, that we come to view some of the most luxurious privileges and blessings as absolute necessities. Believe it or not, there aren’t that many places in the world that you can go where most of the people own means of private transportation (and yet we feel handicapped if we don’t have at least two cars?), personal and individual means of virtually limitless communication (can you “survive” without your cell phone?), or on-demand access to any and all the information or entertainment imaginable through a personal computer connection to the internet. Let’s face it, the American lifestyle has come to be based on and to depend on the greatest luxuries that modern life has to offer. Come on now, is that what this Psalm is saying? Since God is my shepherd, I have everything I want? Perhaps the question we should ask ourselves is, “What is it that I want?” God, as my Shepherd, is my provider. And when He provides for me, all of my wants are satisfied. And what does He provide? Jesus said He provides clothing and food (Matt. 6:31-32). Paul says that with these we should be content (1 Tim. 6:8). When we write out the list of God’s provisions and we come to its end, do I still have wants? This pronouncement, “I shall not want,” is as much about me as it is about God. We know He provides. What is yet to be seen is if I am willing to be satisfied with what He provides. Truthfully, it is only then that I can honestly say, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Elders Daryl Buck Lloyd Coppedge Danny Mason Danny Minor David O’Neil Kevin Shumate Charles Vanlandingham Ministers David Deffenbaugh, Pulpit Tyrel Hatfield, Youth & Children Tony Bradley, University Edgar Lucero, Hispanic Deacons Tony Bradley Virgil Carter John Gwin Rob Hensley James Kaufman Dean Kelley Mike Monholland Louis Sounders Missionaries George and Martha Tien - China Family News SYMPATHY TO … Letha Johnson on the death of her brother-in-law Luther “Bottle” Hatfield, in Stilwell. Luther is also the great uncle of Tyrel Hatfield. PRAYER REQUEST …Diana Harbison CHANGE OF ADDRESS Dorothy Morris 1201 W 4th St Room 924 Tahlequah, Ok 74464 Bob & Sharrolyn Reed Francis Harkins 2312 E 36th St Joplin, MO 64804 Schedule of Services Sunday Bible School..............................9:30 a.m. Morning Worship.....................10:30 a.m. Evening Worship.......................5:00 p.m. Tuesday Women’s Class (Sept. - May)...........................10:00 a.m. Wednesday Mid-week Classes.....................7:00 p.m. Office Hours - 8 am - 5 pm, Mon - Fri Phone - 918-456-3414 Fax - 918-456-3445 410 S College, Tahlequah, OK 74464