Bulletin Aug 7:16 - Roblin Wesleyan Church
Bulletin Aug 7:16 - Roblin Wesleyan Church
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR COMMUNITY... ◆ MORNINGSTAR MISSION ✏ Christian Women’s Breakfast held the 2nd Saturday of month; , August 13, September 10, October 8, November 12 and December 10. Fun, fellowship, music, testimony and great food! Children are welcome! Starts at 9:00 am. Cost is $2 per adult. Call Sydony 613-354-6119 (or contact through FaceBook) or Kevin 613-354-6355. ✏ Christian Men’s Breakfast held monthly; August 27, September 24, October 29, November 26 and December 31. A wonderful time of fellowship, music and a full breakfast! Starts at 9:00 am. Cost is $2 per adult. Call Kevin 613-354-6355. ◆ Ellel “Father-Son Weekend”, 26-29 August or “Time out for Couples” 7-13 August or 14-20 August. Call for more details 613-273-8700 or visit the Website at www.ellelcanada.com REMEMBER! Roblin Camp starts Aug. 13/16 Music on the grounds Concert Saturday night 7 pm Next Two Sunday Services will be held at the Camp Two Great Speakers Jason Parker Ross DeMerchant ( 3418 Hwy. 41, 1 Km North of Roblin) Tim Neufeld & the Glory Boys “Hootenanny Tour” at RWC Tuesday November 22 Tickets are on sale NOW $10 each or $30 for a family online www.timmytour.com or speak with Daryl Sheffield 613-388-2320 2016 Silver Lake Gala September 17th, 2016 more info to follow! Pastors: Bert McCutcheon, Dustin Crozier Paul DeMerchant & Laura MacMunn 3100 County Rd. 41, Box 84 Roblin, ON K0K 2W0 613-388-2518 roblinwc@gmail.com / roblinwesleyan.com Sunday Aug. 7, 2016 10:30 am Service 9:30 am Sunday School Classes Worship: & Speaker: Pastor Bert McCutcheon PART 2 of 2 Sunday, August 7 ROBLIN Help us to stay in touch! Please let us know of any needs or changes in your life, via the Communication Cards in the seat backs. Hearing Assistance Systems are available for use during services. Please speak to an usher or sound booth volunteer. ■ Nursery available ■ Jr & Sr. Church children - dismissed mid service REMEMBER! Today Tom & Cheryl Martin’s book will be available for purchase in the foyer after service. !"#"$%&'()%*+,(-#.&&+( /0102$(34(5(66 !"#$%&%'(%#)'#*+)"%,*-.#%/ !"#$%&"'%()0+)#%-'%'1#%234%$+'#%56).#* 41+0.*#)7$%8+)+$'*+#$9%(*%+)%'1#%:(;#*< 4($'%+$%=>?@A1+0. B((%(0.%:(*%CDEF%31;%)('%$G()$(*%-%A1+0.%(* .()-'#%'(%(6*%HI>/%8+$$+()%J+.HJ+.%G*(K#A'L 8(*)+)"$'-*%EA1((0%D-AMG-AM%E6GG0+#$<% VBS Volunteers!! Please meet @ 8:45 on Day 1 of Camp! •Items needed for VBS : 24 boxes of cornstarch spray bottles (donation, will not be returned), leftover paint in stone colours VBS Food Donations Sign Up Sheet -at VBS table in lobby or call Lisa Detlor 613 379-2411. Please visit the display table for details. Men's Camp. Men (aged 18 and older) Reserve the evening of September 16 and all day September 17 for the annual camp!-Cost is $50. More details to follow from Karl Wells. ◆ Roblin Holiness Camp Family Camp - August 13-21 VBS - August 15-19 (Sign up for VBS in the foyer) ◆ SilverLake Wesleyan Camp Check Website: www.slwc.ca ◆ " Camp Cornerstone" i Children aged 5-10 -enjoy seven weeks of fun . Cornerstone's website has more details, cornerstonenapanee.com. ◆ Ivanhoe Camp - Aug 26 to Sept 4 ◆ Westdale Park Free Methodist Adventureland Evening Kidz Kamp Aug 22 -26 ◆ St. Mary Magdelene Church Cow-a-Bunga Farms - Aug 29 to Sept. 2 Help Keep our prayers up to date OUR CHURCH FAMILY REQUESTS *Phyllis McCutcheon -in Napanee hospital * Ongoing healing: Lisa Miller, Pearl Howse & John Clarke, Harold Langdon, Joan Dunphy, Verna Cumpson, Kathy Poulin MISSIONS & WORLD ISSUES * Fort McMurray * Sammantha Carney - Missions trip to Ireland July/Aug. * Our missionaries we support and their families * Canada and our Leaders * Ukraine, Hope House * Syrian Refugee Crisis SHOEBOXES ARRIVE FOR 2016 SOON Back to school sales are now on! If you don’t wish to fill a shoebox this year, would you consider buying school/hygiene supplies or make a donation to cover the cost of shipping some shoeboxes?? (We will be leaving a bin to collect these in the near future.) -sharpened pencils are the best to purchase complete with a sharpener. Also please use boxes provided by OCC, we can pack them more easily! Also if anyone is interested in praying for Operation Christmas Child and these children, please contact Sandy at 613 372-5897 or email thankfulkids@gmail.com Welcome to our World! New grandchildren for : Garry & Denise Frizzell-daughter Tabitha welcomes Ryder Tom & Freda Jamieson--daughter Jordin welcomes David Charles ONGOING MINISTRIES ● Nursing Home Ministry is happening weekly. Contact Jim McCutcheon. ● Roblin Wesleyan Youth (Grade 7 to 12) Thursdays 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. ● Young Adults - 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at the church. Contact Bre Donovan (613) 453-1483 or Dan MacDonald (613) 449-8683. COMMUNITY PRAYER REQUESTS * For healing: * Anita Embury’s son *Carol Atherton (friend-Cam Wilson) *Dave Winter *Lisa (friend of N. Martin’s mom) *Gary Kempenaar’s brothers John & Paul. *Stan McNamee’s relative *Kailburn’s Grandson, Daniel 12 yrs.
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speak with Pastor Paul if you are wanting
more information about Baptism or if you
are wanting to take the next step in your
faith by being baptized, 613-388-2518.