Holy Spirit Dove Church Newsletter


Holy Spirit Dove Church Newsletter
JUNE 2016
Audio/ Visual
They have worked at keeping the AV system running for as long as possible, but it is quickly approaching its end. A bid has been received to
replace the current system. We’d like to encourage everyone to contribute to this important ministry of the church. Please mark your donations
A/V Fund. Thank you!
1. Take a bottle Mother’s Day.
2. Fill it with spare change.
3. Return bottle—full or empty Father’s Day.
WHY: Your spare change really can **CHANGE a life!**
Proverbs 31:8-9 Speak up for those who cannot speak
for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed,
Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that
they get justice.
1040 N. West Street 945-9400 project contact: Alana Tims R.N.
Clearwater Community VBS
July 10-14
Sunday –Thursday
5:30-8:00 PM
Age 3 – 8th Grade in Fall 2016
Register Online Now!
We need to know how many participants in
order to get supplies which run out fast.
So don’t delay!
There is a link on the church website
to register for VBS.
Running Blind
Years ago, I worked at a summer Bible
camp with my cousin Erik. As an evening staff meeting concluded, a sprinkle
suddenly became a downpour. Counselors sprinted off toward cabins, while
Erik and I, w ho didn’t supervise youngsters, debated whether to wait out the
We opted to run for it, but being visually
impaired, I soon realized the sheets of
rain, added to the dark, hindered my
view. “I can’t see!” I yelled through the
wind to Erik. Immediately, he grabbed
my hand, pulling me along. “It’s okay!”
he shouted back. “I can!”
The sensation of running blindly yet
feeling so secure became a metaphor
for me about what I can handle and accomplish through faith. When I let God
grab my hand and guide me, even
when I’m running through dark, stormy
times, I experience peace. For though I
cannot see what lies ahead, I know God
—Heidi Mann
VBS Supplies
Vacation Bible School will be here before we
know it and there is a lot to do and make to
get ready. We are gearing up to turn the
Family Life Center and Fellowship Hall into
underground caverns. We could still use lots
of Brown wrapping paper; Large cardboard
tubes; Many cans of Great Stuff insulating
spray foam sealant (Regular or Gaps &
Cracks filler); Brown, tan or gray plastic table
covers; Grey, Beige, Black, or Blue-Green flat
latex paint (partial cans are OK); Long pieces
of packing Styrofoam; Binder clips; T-pins. If
you have any of these items to donate bring
to the UMC Family Life Center by June 10th.
Use the south door.
Worship Committee
We would like to update job descriptions to
ensure that as a new person assumes a role
they have all the information they need to do
the job well. We will be contacting many of
you to be sure that we have all of the information available to pass along. If you have a
job description that you would like to share
with us to help us get started please let me
know at dlwiseks@gmail.com or 620-5847383.
Donna Wise
Psalms 31
In You, O LORD, I put my trust;
Let me never be ashamed;
Deliver me in Your righteousness.
VBS Workdays
There will be jobs for everyone.
Some are sit down and others require standing and bending.
June 12 – 1:00 – Set up tables in FLC; Carry supplies up from basement
June 13-16; June 20-23; June 27-30; July 5-7 9:30 am – 4:00 pm daily
If you would like to work in the evening call Penny 584-6884
Happy Anniversary ...
06/01/1957 Gordon & Maxine Mikesell
06/02/1963 Rev Victor & Eileen Calcote
06/02/1968 Roger & Charlotte Dawson
06/05/???? Jack & Joyce Haivala
06/06/1981 Bruce & Carrie Roth
06/09/???? Jerry & Jacque Curtis
06/14/1969 David & Judy Frye
06/17/1977 Stan & Sharon Brady
06/20/2009 Eric Shipman & Shelbi Huitt
06/22/1957 Bruce & Marilyn Learmont
06/25/1983 Brad & Janice Oliver
06/26/1999 Aaron & Kami Truax
06/27/1970 Roy & Louise Riggs
Happy Birthday ...
06/02 Morgan Howell
06/02 Jakob McCune
06/03 Wally Altman
06/04 T.C. Bodwell
06/05 JT Teeter
06/07 Matthew Wise
06/09 Kaitlyn Gannaway
06/10 Stan Brady
06/11 Gary Freed
06/11 Harlie Mumma
06/13 Cory McMillan
06/13 Katie Beth Sewester
06/13 T.J. Layton
06/15 Micca Shipman
06/16 Hayley Gerberding
“How we walk with the broken
speaks louder than
how we sit with the great.”
—Zig Ziglar
06/17 Tamera Judd
06/17 Madison Petersen
06/18 Farol McMillan
06/20 Andy Staton
06/20 William Dedrick
06/20 Alyssa Robertson
06/22 Bailey Canning
06/24 Ashlee Martz (Widler)
06/24 Bryce Bennett
06/25 Ashley York
06/27 Gary Truax
06/28 Jim Newlin
06/28 Lonnie Stieben
06/30 Michael Speer
06/30 Sydney Hufford
We had a wonderful school year!
Financial Recap for April 2016
General Fund Budget
Beginning Cash 1/1/16
Revenue to Date 4/30/16
Expenditures to Date 4/30/16
Our budget was approved at $237,432 for the
current year. To make our budget we need to
receive approximately $20,000 per month.
Currently we are only receiving an average of
$16,500 each month. The remainder of our
revenue has been made up by a one time
transfer from Kids Corner/Preschool, interest
dividends, and mission contributions and projects.
Our mission apportionment for 2016 is set at
$22,273. The amount paid to date is $2,985.
Beginning in April, if our balance is over
$10,000, we are paying $1,000 per month plus
dedicated contributions, towards our mission
Please remember to enjoy summer vacations
and but don’t take a vacation from your church
May 31-June 4—Pastor , Annual Conf, Topeka
June 3—DeMott/Humphries wedding
June 5—Memorial Sunday
9:30 a.m. - Worship, sanctuary*
10:30 a.m. - Fellowship Coffee, FH*
10:45 a.m. - Sunday School Classes*
6:00 p.m. - God Squad, FH*
June 6—6:00 p.m. - Food Bank, FLC**
7:00 p.m. - Boy Scouts, FH*
June 9—12:00 p.m. - Ministerial Alliance mtg
June 13—VBS begin decorating
June 14—Flag Day
June 15—1:00 p.m. - Finance mtg
June 20—First day of summer
June 17—10:00 a.m. - Holy Crafters, FH
June 19—Father's Day
June 20—Food Bank, FLC**
June 26—11:45 a.m. - Freedom Dinner, FLC
1-4:00 p.m. - Meeting Sunday
3/4:00 p.m. - Vespers
July 10-14—5:30-8:00 p.m. - VBS
Aug 16—School begins
Sept 15-18—Clearwater Fall Festival
Sept 17—B&G Breakfast/ Food Booth
Oct 15—Annual Dinner & Auction
“The world is round,
and the place which may seem like the end
may also be the beginning.”
—Ivy Baker Priest