Bugabo - Tanzania
Bugabo - Tanzania
Site Survey Study Community Wireless Network Tanzania – Bugabo 01˚19' 34.0" S 31˚ 48' 43.6" E Alberto EscuderoPascual Louise Berthilson www.it46.se IT+46 25 January 2007 th © Creative Commons Sweden Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 2.5 This report was funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and produced as part of the Making ICT Work for the Poor' project http://www.propoorict.net Table of Contents 1. Local conditions...............................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Presence of ICT's......................................................................................................................................2 1.1.1 PSTN and GSM................................................................................................................................2 1.1.2 Internet access..................................................................................................................................2 1.1.3 Access and status of electricity ........................................................................................................2 2. Telecentre.........................................................................................................................................................2 2.1 Services.....................................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Source of power.........................................................................................................................................3 2.3 Internet access..........................................................................................................................................3 2.4 Existing technical equipment....................................................................................................................3 2.5 Contact details..........................................................................................................................................3 3. Partners...........................................................................................................................................................3 4. Technical solution............................................................................................................................................4 4.1 Repeating hubs.........................................................................................................................................5 4.2 Radio simulation ......................................................................................................................................5 4.2.1 Far north Rep1................................................................................................................................5 4.2.2 North Rep2.....................................................................................................................................6 4.2.3 Center – Telecentre ..........................................................................................................................7 4.2.4 South Rep3......................................................................................................................................8 4.3 Electricity..................................................................................................................................................9 4.4 Implementation Strategy........................................................................................................................10 4.5 Summary Equipment Components ........................................................................................................12 5. Radio coverage of WiFi VoIP and DECT......................................................................................................13 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se 1. Local conditions The Bugabo division is located 15 km from Bukoba on the west coast of Lake Victoria. The division has a population of about 40,000 people (2002 National Census) and consists of 5 wards and 17 villages. The population per village is approximately 2400 people. The main economic activities in Bugabo are fishing, farming, livestock keeping and small businesses such as reselling of local brew. The official languages of Tanzania are Swahili and English. Swahili is taught in primary schools while the education from secondary school and beyond is strictly taught in English. This implies that people without higher studies than primary school does not speak English. The tribal language spoken in Bugabo is Haya1 (OluHaya), a NigerCongo language spoken by the Haya people of Tanzania in the south and southwest of Lake Victoria. In 1991, the population of Haya speakers was estimated at 1,200000 people2 . Students, local government workers and a few indigenous people speak English in Bugabo. There is also a good number of retired civil servants and these are fluent in all the three languages (i.e. Haya, Swahili and English). The Bugabo division hosts a number of schools, NGO's, churches, health facilities and private initiatives. Schools and education: • • 21 Primary schools 7 Secondary schools Training centres • Farmers Education Centre (Kaagya) • Vocational Training Centre (Homecraft) • Carpentry Factory and Training Centre (Kashozi) NGO's: • 5 Farmers cooperative societies • Telecentre at Kibengwe (about 12 km from Bukoba town) Health care • Health Centre (Kashozi), • 7 Dispensaries Faith based institutions • Convent under Roman Catholic Nuns (Nyaigando) • Several religious Mission Centres both for Evangelical Lutheran Centre of Tanzania (ELCT), Roman Catholic and Muslim Mosques. 1 Haya is called Kihaya in Swahili 2 Source: www.wikipedia.org 1 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se Governmental bodies • 3 Primary Courts Private initiatives • 3 Fishing Villages 1.1 Presence of ICT's 1.1.1 PSTN and GSM The PSTN is present until the end of the power grid which is at the beginning of the division i.e. Nyakato Ward just outside of Bukoma. There are no GSM masts within the Bugabo division but GSM signals can be picked up from towers in the surrounding divisions. This applies to the whole of Bugabo division and the reception is generally within acceptable quality. However, in some valleys with thick surrounding vegetation, the signals are very weak but still present. At the moment, the Bugabo division is “covered” by two GSM operators, Celtel and Vodacom. 1.1.2 Internet access At present, the Kibengwe Telecentre is the only means for Internet access for public use. The only technology alternative for Internet connection is the use of satellite communication. No CDMA or other fixed or mobile phone based access methods are available. 1.1.3 Access and status of electricity In Bugabo division, electricity in terms of power grid is available only up to the Kibengwe area (where the Telecentre is located) coming from Bukoba Town. The remaining part of the division, nearly 90%, does not have access to the power grid. Tanesco3 (Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited) does not implement load shedding in the area. However, occasional blackout occurs due to general technical faults. The electricity is considered to be quite stable in this area. Price/kWh (grid): 152.00 TSh (approx. 0.11 USD) Price/l (diesel, generator) : TSh 1200 (approx. 1 USD). 2. Telecentre The Kibengwe Rural Communication Access & Development Centre, is the only “Telecentre” in the area. It is a communityowned facility. The Telecentre is located at the Kibengwe area in Buhendangabo Ward. The buildings at 3 Tanesco: http://www.tanesco.com/ 2 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se Kibengwe are all one storey. Buildings are owned by both private individuals and the community. There is ample space in the premises of the Telecentre for construction of a tower. 2.1 Services Services offered to the public includes: Internet access, training in basic computer skills, photocopying, scanning, printing and other secretarial services. The Kibengwe Telecentre also provides Internet services to the neighboring Hekima Secondary School and Nyaigando Convent via wireless links and to Bugabo Area Development Programme (a part of World Vision International) via UTP cable. 2.2 Source of power The electricity at Kibengwe is provided solely from the national grid (Tanesco), no power backup system is present. 2.3 Internet access The Internet access is provided by Simbanet which in its turn gets the service from New Skies Satellite (NSS). As September 2006, New Skies is known as SES New Skies. The Telecentre has a subscription of 32 kbps (CIR) burstable to 64 kbps via VSAT. The monthly subscription fee is US$ 220. 2.4 Existing technical equipment A VSAT dish (1.8m, Cband) for the costs of US$10,200 including installation and configuration costs. 2.5 Contact details Name: Joyce Mutta Email: jmutta@kibengwe.or.tz Phone: +255 754 611648 Web: http://www.kibengwe.or.tz 3. Partners A total of 30+ partners has been identified and visited. For each partner, its GPS coordinates have been taken to support a theoretical simulation of a future wireless network. The partners are mainly NGO's and schools and they are located within a radius of 20 km from the Telecentre. See Section 4 for detailed information. 3 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se 4. Technical solution The identified partners in the Bugabo division are located from north to south following the lake coast line (20 Kms). By studying the geographical distribution of the partners we have identified four areas that requires special attention. These areas have high concentration of partners and should be interlinked to form the wireless backbone. The backbone infrastructure is a star topology of 3 dedicated Point to Point wireless links. The Telecentre (TC) act as a central hub of the three backbone stations (Rep1, Rep2, Rep3). Each of the backbone stations hosts a base station responsible of providing access to the end clients. Image 1: a) The distribution of all partners in the Bugabo division. b) The backbone infrastructure consisting of three wireless PointtoPoint links origin from a central node at the Telecentre. 4 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se 4.1 Repeating hubs Two criteria has been considered to chose the optimal location for the wireless hubs: geographical partner distribution and altitude. 4.2 Radio simulation 4.2.1 Far north Rep1 A 40m tower will provide coverage to 8 clients in the far northern part of the network. Two sectoral antennas are needed to cover the partners that are spread out in an angle of approx. 120˚. Two partners, Kyembale PS and Rubafa, will require a small tower/mast of 1520m to ensure lineofsight to the repeater. Image 2: The location of Rep1 (red) in the far north part of the network. The green links indicates Lineonsight (LOS) to its 8 clients. Ref. distance: Rep1 – Rubafa: 8,67 km 5 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se 4.2.2 North Rep2 A 40m tower will provide coverage to 7 clients in the northern part of the network. Two to three sectoral antennas are needed to cover the three clusters of partners. Image 3: The location of Rep2 (red) in the northern part of the network. The green links indicates Lineonsight (LOS) to its 7 clients. Ref. distance: Rep2 Kaagya Disp. : 4,36 km. 6 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se 4.2.3 Center – Telecentre A 40m tower located at the Telecentre premises is needed to provide coverage to its 12 surrounding clients. An omnidirectional antenna will provide coverage to the closely located partners, while three sectoral (or directive antennas) are needed to cover the four partners located in the northeast and southeast direction. Three partner sites, Respickius House, Rushaka B and Kalema Disp, will need a small tower/mast of 115m each in order to achieve lineofsight to the Telecentre tower. Image 4: The location of the main hub (red) in the central part of the network. The green links indicates Lineonsight (LOS) to its 12 clients. Ref. distance: Telecentre – Rushaka B: 2,59 km 7 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se 4.2.4 South Rep3 The south wireless hub also requires a 40 m tower. Two sectors can be used to serve this area. An omni directional antenna should be discarded as the partners are in very different altitudes. As Image 5 reveals, Katebenga Primarty School does not have LOS to the repeater. The school is located closely behind a high hill, and is not possible to connect at this stage. Image 5: The location of Rep3 (red) in the southern part of the network. The green links indicates Lineonsight (LOS) to 4 clients. The red line indicates non Lineofsight, and hence, the link will not work. Ref. distance: Rep3 – Ibosa: 5,13km 8 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se The image below shows the full network topology with the main node placed at the Telecentre, the three repeating hubs and the 30 connected partners. Image 6: Full network topology of the Bugabo Community Wireless Network. 4.3 Electricity As mentioned earlier, the power grid is only present up to the Telecentre area. Above that, no public form of electricity is available. The Telecentre and all wireless repeating hubs need to be equipped with a reliable source of power. The ideal case if to supply each tower with a solar/battery backup system. 9 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se 4.4 Implementation Strategy Due to the big amount of partners and size of the network, a multiphase implementation strategy needs to be developed for this network. The initial phase of the project should address the backbone infrastructure including a solar backup system for each tower (Phase BB). Thereafter, a small group of partners that fulfills the necessary requirements of power backup and ICT equipment (PCs) can be added as “pilots” for the initial testing of the wireless network. After completion of the trials more partners can join in Phase 2 and Phase 3. 10 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se The list of partners below proposes a timeplan for partners to join the network sorted by phases. All partners of Phase 1 have access to electricity today, either from the grid or solar/battery system. REP 1 2 3 TC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 TC TC TC TC TC TC TC TC TC TC TC TC NAME Repeater 1 (Rep1) Repeater 2 (Rep2) Repeater 3 (Rep3) Telecentre Katale Disp Bumai PS/ Disp Iluhya Sec & Police St Kaagya PS Kaalilo PS Katale PS Kyembale PS Rubafa (hill on road) Kaagya Disp Buzi PS Ikondo PS Kaagya Center Coop Society Kashanje PS Buzi Dispensary FEC Nyakato SS Kalema PS BLTC Ibosa Disp Katebenga PS Hekima Girls Center Kalema S Respickus House Rushaka A Cooperative Union Kalema PS Kashozi Health Centre Nyaigando Convent Training Center WorldVision Kalema Disp Rushaka B PHASE BB BB BB BB 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 LATITUDE 01˚ 06' 23.6.0"S 01˚ 08' 46.0"S 01˚ 16' 51.5"S 01˚ 12' 59.1"S 01˚ 05' 13.0"S 01˚ 05' 39.0"S 01˚ 07' 28.0"S 01˚ 08' 50.0"S 01˚ 06' 47.7"S 01˚ 05' 07.0"S 01˚ 06' 33.0"S 01˚ 01' 50.4"S 01˚ 09' 50.9"S 01˚ 08' 29.5"S 01˚ 02' 56.0"S 01˚ 09' 33.0"S 01˚ 09' 47.0"S 01˚ 09' 26.0"S 01˚ 09' 44.0"S 01˚ 16' 19.0"S 01˚ 14' 33.0"S 01˚ 16' 16.0"S 01˚ 14' 48.0"S 01˚ 16' 22.0"S 01˚ 13' 39.0"S 01˚ 12' 41.0"S 01˚ 12' 22.0"S 01˚ 12' 31.0"S 01˚ 13' 00.2"S 01˚ 12' 49.0"S 01˚ 13' 30.0"S 01˚ 13' 11.8"S 01˚ 13' 00.4"S 01˚ 12' 57.7"S 01˚ 12' 42.0"S 01˚ 12' 34.0"S 11 LONGITUDE 31˚ 51' 14.9"E 31˚ 49' 12.5"E 31˚ 48' 37.7"E 31˚ 48' 37.0"E 31˚ 50' 14.0"E 31˚ 50' 10.0"E 31˚ 51' 06.0"E 31˚ 51' 12.0"E 31˚ 49' 59.8"E 31˚ 50' 15.3"E 31˚ 49' 46.0"E 31˚ 50' 09.2"E 31˚ 51' 18.0"E 31˚ 49' 14.1"E 31˚ 49' 56.0"E 31˚ 51' 14.0"E 31˚ 48' 45.0"E 31˚ 48' 43.0"E 31˚ 51' 12.0"E 31˚ 48' 39.0"E 31˚ 49' 52.0"E 31˚ 48' 00.0"E 31˚ 50' 29.0"E 31˚ 50' 19.0"E 31˚ 48' 17.0"E 31˚ 48' 42.0"E 31˚ 47' 54.0"E 31˚ 48' 26.0"E 31˚ 48' 37.2"E 31˚ 48' 48.0"E 31˚ 48' 29.9"E 31˚ 48' 28.0"E 31˚ 48' 36.9"E 31˚ 48' 37.6"E 31˚ 49' 38.0"E 31˚ 49' 57.0"E ALT. N/A N/A N/A 1242 1225 1240 1249 1281 1266 1229 1255 1242 1281 1242 1197 1282 1194 1169 1276 1309 1270 1303 1258 1300 1232 1222 1237 1198 1233 1230 1238 1226 1231 1232 1234 1253 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se 4.5 Summary Equipment Components A general list of the equipment components needs for the technical solution follows. Each of the components includes several subcomponents as low loss cabling, antennas, cabling, grounding etc. Item Central Tower, 40m Central Base Stations Units 4 1012 Client CPE 32 Client UPS 32 Energy Support 4 12 Site Survey: Bugabo, Tanzania 25 th January 2007 Alberto Escudero Pascual, aep@it46.se Version 1.1 Louise Berthilson, louise@it46.se 5. Radio coverage of WiFi VoIP and DECT Image 4 shows the simulated full coverage of voice and/or data services. Two areas of coverages are plotted depending on the VoIP wireless technology implemented.4 Red circle (radius of 100m) : Coverage for WiFi VoIP handsets. Blue circle (radius of 300m). Coverage for DECT handsets. Image 7: Radio coverage of WiFi VoIP and DECT in the central part of the Bugabo network. 4 See: Community Driven Telephony Networks Technical report for further details 13