Show Program - Front Row Centre Players


Show Program - Front Row Centre Players
Front Row Centre Players
Proudly presents
by Arthur Laurents, Jule Styne,
and Stephen Sondheim
Additional material presented by members
of the Western Hospitalitv SiDlzers
November 16 to December 1, 2001
at the Pumphouse Theatres
The Albert.
for the Arts
Presented by Special Arrangement witb
Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc.
Director's Notes
It is with great pleasure that we present our fan production of GYPSY. Right off the
top, I would like to thank our wonderful cast for all of their hard work. When
casting a play, the two toughest things are casting the leads and casting the minor
pans and Gypsy has a ton of minor parts. In a lifetime there are many people who
come and go and in reflection they are there for but a moment. This is how Gypsy
was written, with many small pans that exist only to serve the current segment of
Gypsy's life.
As a director it is a shame to waste such talented actors on small pans, sO you will
notice a lot of cast members playing more than one role. For instance, we brought in
a group from the Western Hospitality Singers to perform some vaudeville sketches,
and while they're here they till many of the older male characters.
Aside from the minor roles, some of our leads took on some extra duties. Donna
Barnlield took on the huge task of costume designer, and Cathy Manin took on the
role of locating many of the antique furniture and props in the show. I know it has
been really tough on both of them as they have been studying their lines and helping
out in the background - the extra work has not been unnoticed or unappreciated. So,
a thousand thank you's to everyone in the cast who went above the call of duty.
Sean Anderson
Dedicaled to Robert K. Nicholson
Front Row Centre Players Society
Board of Directors
Vice President
Sean Anderson
Artistic Director
Newsletter Editor
Blair Gallant
Ken Meisner
Pasqualina Iapaolo
Brent Lowenberg
Joey Sayer
FRC can still use some good volunteers for its board of directors, if you are
interested in helping out as publicity, volunteer coordinator, or anything else
Ie! us know.
Gypsy Musical Program:
Act One
I. Overture
Baby June & Baby Louise
2. Rose's Entrance: Let Me Entertain You
3. Some People
Rose & Herbie
4. Small World
Baby June, Newsboys
5. Baby June and Her Newsboys
Baby June, Newsboys
6. Military Routine
Rose, Herbie, June, Tulsa, Yonkers, L.A.
7. Mr Goldstone
8. Little Lamb
Rose & Herbie
9. You'll Never Get Away From Me
June, Louise & Farmboys
10. Farm Sequence
June, Louise & Farrnboys
II. Broadway
June & Louise
12. If Momma Was Married
Tulsa & Louise
13. All I Need Is The Girl
14. Everything's Coming Up Roses
**** There will be a 20-minute intermission ****
Act Two
I. Entr'acte
Louise & Toreadorables
2. Toreadorables
Louise & Toreadorables
3. Military Routine
Rose, Herbie And Louise
4. Together Wherever We Go
Herbie And Louise
5. Together Wherever We Go - Encore
Tessie, Mazeppa & Electra
6. You Gotta Get A Gimmick
7. Reprise: Small World
Rose & Strippers
8. Gypsy Strip Routine: Let Me Entertain You
Rose's Tum
PRC Apprenticeship Program
Would you like to learn more about Musical Theatre, If you have always
wanted to get involved, but felt you did not have the qualifications or needed
more knowledge - come on board as an apprentice. Work with an
experienced director, producer, stage manager, designer or technician. Come
learn and have fun at the same time. Call us at 234-2611 for more info.
Front Row Centre Players Presents
Book by Arthur Laurents; Music by Juie Styne
Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Cast of Characters:
(In order of Appearance)
Uncle Jocko
Balloon Girl
Baby June
Baby Louise
Randy Peters
Mike Beattie
Elise Faria
Robyn Fulton
Brittany Wood
Brittany Jordan I Caitlynne Medrek
Tara Faria
Donna Barnfield I Cathy Martin
Ian Harrop
Jay Newman
Brian Holaday
Alison MacDonald I Devon Weigel
Maureen Murphy
Graeme Scott
Mike Beattie
TrevorJ. Worden
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Cast of Characters Continued:
Mr. Goldstone
Miss Cratchi"
(In order of Appearance)
Ian Harrop
Rob Fulton
Allison Roth
Jacqui Sneazwell
Kathleen Fullerton
Agnes - Trina Weddell; Marjorie May - Robyn Fulton
Tara Faria; Alison Macdonald; Devon Weigel
Tessie Tura
Trevor!. Worden
Kathleen Fullerton
Allison Roth
Laurie Freedman
Jacqui Sneazwell
Trina Weddell
Jay Newman
Rob Fulton
Act I - Alison MacDonald, Devon Weigel
Act 2 - Jay Newman, Graeme Scott
The Band:
Barb McCullough
Sonia Poon / Leanna Shen
David Ramsey
Mark Leigh
Ryan Boucher
Vaudeville Song & Dance:
Laurie Freedman
Rob Fulton
Ian Harrop
Jay Newman
Randy Peters
Members of the Western Hospitality Singers
Barbershop Chorus
Production Crew:
Director I Producer
Musical Director
Stage Manager
Apprentice Director
Sean Anderson
Lynda Elliott
David G. Hunt
Kevin Currie
Gredel Woo
Costume Design & Construction
Lighting Design
Set Construction
Donna Barnfield
Paul Hilton
Walter Roebuck
Ken Meisner
Front of House
Leslie Cook, Donna Currie, Shelly Faria, Diane Freedman, Janine Lubey,
Jennifer Lubey, Cynthia Medrek, Trina Weddell
Running Crew
Ann Berezkowski, Jodi Currie, Larry Doucet, Hal Murphy, Glen Shaw,
Gredel Woo
Many Thanks to ...
Trinity United Church (Ruth Hancock)
Blue Nail Society (Jim Eagleson)
StoryBook Theatre (Paul Stanton)
The Pumphouse Staff
Western Keyboards
Dean Baker (band Platform)
Costume Shoppe
Cathy Martin
Diane LeBlanc
Rob Savage (Tel us)
Hamilton Players, Montana (April Johnson)
Hal Murphy
Thank you to all the Front of House Volunteer Ushers & Box Office!
and everyone else who made this production possible.
November 16 - December 1,2001
Gypsy is based on the memoirs of Gypsy Rose Lee, a famous burlesque
stripper. The musical focuses on her overbearing mother, Rose, the
quintessential stage mother, as she pushes Gypsy (then known as Louise)
and her sister June into life on the vaudeville circuit, forever trying to break
into the big time.
One of the greatest musicals of all time, Gypsy features music by Jule Styne,
lyrics by Sondheim, and a book by Arthur Laurents. It was directed by
legendary director/choreographer Jerome Robbins and the original 1962
production starred Ethel Merman as Mama Rose.
II has been revived several times, first as a London production featuring
Angela Lansbury as Rose and Zan Chari sse as Louise, which eventually
transferred to Broadway in 1974, and a more recent Broadway revival
starring Tyne Daly as Rose in 1989. Gypsy was made into a motion picture
with Rosalind Russell as Rose and Natalie Wood as Louise in 1963, and into
a TV movie with Bette Midler in 1993.
South Pacific
Music by Richard Rodgers; Lyrics by Oscar Hammerslein II
Direcled by Brian Holaday
June 7 - 22, 2002
Set in an island paradise during World War II, two parallel love stories are
threatened by the dangers of prejudice and war. Nellie, a spunky nurse from
Arkansas, falls in love with a mature French planter, Emile. Nellie learns that
the mother of his Children was an island native and, unable to turn her back
on the prejudices with which she was raised, refuses Emile's proposal of
marriage. Meanwhile, the strapping Lt. Joe Cable denies himseH the
fuHillment of a future with an innocent Tonkinese girl with whom he's fallen in
love out of the same fears that haunt Nellie. When Emile is recruited to
accompany Joe on a dangerous mission that claims Joe's life, Nellie realizes
that life is too short not to seize her own chance for happiness, thus
confronting and conquering her prejudices.
About the Company
Front Row Centre Players Society, Calgary's premiere community musical theatre
group, is a charitable organization dedicated to making musical theatre experiences
available 10 as many people as possible - afrording an oUllel for crealive expression
on slage and behind lhe scenes. Our auditions are always open to the public,
announced through Calgary's free media. Everyone associated with the company s a
volunleer. Our only pre-requisile for participation is ENTHUSIASM!
Front Row Centre Players developed in the spring of 1987 from the St. Giles
Presbyterian Church Choir, who presented a version of "Godspell". Success created a
desire to formalize the company and FRC was born. The firsl season included a
fundraising show and a produclion of "Jesus Chrisl Superstar". Since Ihen, Calgary
has been entertained by our numerous comedy review shows and major musicals
including: "Chicago"; "Guys and Dolls"; "The Sound of Music"; "Fiddler on Ihe
Roof' and "The Music Man". In order 10 perform some differenllypes of shows Ihal
do not fall under our mandate, FRC HoI was crealed, wilh "The Rocky Horror Show"
being our premiere produclion in lhe Summer of 2000.
You, 100, can be a part of FRC's growing future. Whether you are an aspiring
thespian. an accountanl who wanls to do lhe books, a handyperson who can construct
sets or just someone with an itch to help others in a creative way, bUI hasn'l found the
right niche, we openly invile you into our fold. For more information, call our pager
at 234-2611 and leave a message, or e-mail us at and
someone will get back to you.
You can have even more fun by becoming a member of the Front Row Centre
Players Sociely. Membership is a sleal of a deal al only $10 per person. For Ihis
reasonable price you can gel membership voling stalus (for Ihose 16 years of age and
older), our quarterly Spotlight Newslelter filled with lidbils aboUI our aClivilies and
the local communily Iheatre scene, and an FRC lapel pin. Sound 100 good 10 pass
up? Simply complete Ihis form and send il along with a cheque or money order
payable to "Front Row Cenlre Players Society".
CilY I Postal Code:
Phone (res/bus):
Send Ihis form and paymenllo:
Front Row Centre Players Society,
#41,6103 Madigan Drive NE Calgary, AB T2A 5K9
Or you can leave it wilh our box office slaff. You are not required
all donations are eligible to receive a tax receipt.
10 volunleer