MAKING THE SHIFT Changing from Pencil and Paper to Online Testing The Shlenker School Congregation Beth Israel Houston, Texas MAKING THE SHIFT THE BIG QUESTION… IS IT RIGHT FOR US? Do we have a testing coordinator? Do we have an individual who has the time and technical ability to assist with setting up testing and can be present throughout the testing sessions to troubleshoot? How will we handle modifications, accommodations, and make-up tests? Do we have enough comfortable functioning headphones? Do we have enough mice for students uncomfortable with a touch pad? Do we have enough bandwidth? Do we have enough computers including extras if one goes down? Do we have enough room for students to place and use scratch paper? Do we have a secure location to setup a testing site and leave it up? Are our parents informed and prepared? How will we handle school evacuations, fire drills, or other major interruptions to the testing environment? Are our teachers and staff on board with making the shift from pencil and paper to online? Do we have the space? If it is our computer lab or media room, what happens to the displaced classes during that time? The Shlenker School Congregation Beth Israel Houston, Texas MAKING THE SHIFT SAMPLE TESTING ROOM LAYOUT MAKING THE SHIFT SAMPLE TESTING SCHEDULE The Shlenker School Congregation Beth Israel Houston, Texas MAKING THE SHIFT SAMPLE TESTING SCHEDULE The Shlenker School Congregation Beth Israel Houston, Texas MAKING THE SHIFT SAMPLE SCHOOL BOARD PRESENTATION The Shlenker School Sample School Board Presentation of CTP4 Results 5600 North Braeswood Houston, Texas 77096 713-270-6127 Casey Suter, Elementary Principal Karen Miller, Director of Guidance Services Lisa Sachs, Math and Technology Coordinator The Shlenker School Congregation Beth Israel Houston, Texas