Klezmer songbook
Klezmer songbook
Lead Sheet 2 86 Ritmico ( Voice Am Vo. 4 dos 7 Vo. Am = 70 ) E m'en- Vo. 10 Am tres 13 Vo. E 7 sí. 16 Vo. E 7 cua- 19 Vo. E 7 zón. A la gran- a dos las mí A F tro man- las tres Am me Al- ca- A E m'en- E 7 a may vi- Al- may co- ra- a las na- cí. A F cua7 tro ca- te a vi7 zón. me las E 7 yo man- F day na a- E Am E Piú Lento sí. las Fine u- de- te mí cí la 7 to- Am na- gran- cí. 7 7 yo E a- na Am de- to- u- cí 7 E Am A la una yo nací las F day co- ra- This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 A la Lead Sheet 2 אַלע ברידער Ale Brider ( Voice 5 Vo. = 120 ) 42 Dm Gm mf Un mir zay- nen ale bri- der! Oy, Un mir zay- nen le eyn- ik! Oy, aFrum un link far- eyn- ikht aloy, e, oy, oy, oy, Dm A Gm Un mir zin- gen frey- le- khe li- der! Tsi mir zay- nen fil tsi vey- nik! e, vi der khosn mit di ka- le, 9 Vo. Vo. 7 Dm ale bri- der! ale eyn- ik! far- eyn- ikht al- 7 Oy, Oy, oy, Dm oy, oy, oy, oy! oy! oy! B F Un Un Vi 12 A mir mir der halzaykhum- tn nen esh F zikh freymit in lekh, di eymunRash- G nem! ter! e, Gm Oy, Oy, oy, oy, oy, oy 7 Dm A zikh in ey- nem! A- zel- khes iz ni- to bay key- nem! Oy, oy, frey- lekh, mun- ter! Zing- en lid- er, tants- n un- ter! Oy, oy vi der kug- l mit di kash- e, oy, oy, mit di Rash- e, oy! oy! oy! 4 4 Lead Sheet אַלע ברידער 3 Ale Brider 17 Vo. No F Chord 44 A 7 mp Oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy! 20 Vo. A Vo. 24 Vo. A oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, 7 oy, oy, oy! Oy, oy, oy, 7 oy, oy, oy! oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy! Dm A 7 Oy, oy, oy, f oy, oy, Oy, oy, oy, Oy, Dm Oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy! Dm A 7 oy, 22 Dm Dm oy! This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 D.C. Lead Sheet 2 אַבי געזונט Abi Gezunt 1 Rubato Dm 44 Gm 6 7 A /G Ayn- er zicht g'- vir- es, a tsvay- ter zicht a- shir- es, vil ayn- em- en oif di 4 Dm Gm velt. 8 A 7 Dm Dm Ich darf es Gm A a- les Easy Swing ( leyzlot- Dm gn, es, 32 Gm Gm ey- a- bi a- bi Dm E 7 nor ikh tract bay A 7 E 7 Gm 6 Dm a bisl re- gn, a ruik ort a kleyd on la- tes, in ke- she- ne A far ye- dn 7 Dm zayn. 28 zun, zok, bai 7 A /G = 140 ) tsu fir shteyt nor eyn E oif ka- por- es, dos glick ligt bay mayn bisl shukh, a 6 Gm 9 kop dray, 1. 23 D 7 A Dm 7 tir. 20 7 gan- tse glick, Gm A A Zol- en a- le zich- en, zol- en a- le krich- en, mir; 16 Dm Nor me- maynt dos gelt. 12 6 gege- A /G zunt, zint, ken ken men men dem a glik- lekh glik- lekh 2. B Gm Dm zayn. Di luft iz fray Gm glaykh. A Di zun 7 nem or- em od- er raykh. zi shaynt far ye- dn C Dm A bi- sl freyd, a Lead Sheet אַבי געזונט 3 Abi Gezunt 1 36 39 Gm 6 bi- sl 61 64 68 Dm Gm dir, Gm fraynt men Dm 7 Di lekh fray iz Di zun 7 6 zi khn a mol mit zint, ken far F Dm A fraynt Gm bi- a- mir, sl sl men glik- lekh far freyd, makh- No A Chord le a 9 a shnep- A /G ge- a- Dm far Gm shaynt Dm n, zayn. luft A la- A makh- E Gm sl 9 sl glik- Gm a shnep- far or- em un far raykh. bi- bi mit Dm 71 ken glaykh. a mol A /G zint, 15 khn ge- D la- Dm bi 43 Dm zayn. This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 n, 3 a- Lead Sheet 2 דער אַלטער ציגײַנער Der Alter Tsigayner 42 = 135 ) ( A F B m 7 17 B m C F F 9 25 32 41 7 C B Fm 7 1. F 2. F 7 F 3 7 C 3 3 C Fm 3 3 49 3 3 3 B m Fm 58 7 1. Fm C Fm 2. Fm This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Lead sheet from Yakov Chodosh's web site 7 C עם ישראל חי Am Yisrael Chai Lead Sheet Shlomo Carlebach Arr. Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 עם ישראל חי Am Yisrael Chai (Carlebach) A Allegro ( Voice 4 4 3 Vo. Am B B Vo. 7 Vo. B Yis- Am 5 = 120-168 ) Cm el am Yis- ra- el 7 G Yis- Cm Od ra- ra- el am Gm a- vi- Yis- Cm nu ra- am Yis- el am Yis- vi- nu, chai, od a- od vi- el ra- el chai, a- vi- nu, od a- nu B chai. Cm Gm Fm a- ra- Cm Cm od vi- chai, Cm nu chai. This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 אַראַבער טאַנץ Araber Tants Arabic Dance Lead Sheet Naftule Bandwein Orchestra, 1926 Arr: Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 אַראַבער טאַנץ Araber Tants A 44 ( 5 8 11 14 18 E B E E Am Am E E E F E Am 2. 22 = 120 ) Am Dm E Dm E Dm 25 Dm E Dm E E 3 1. E 3 Dm 2,4. 1,3. E Dm C E F E 3 E D.S. al Coda E 2 4 Lead Sheet אַראַבער טאַנץ 3 Araber Tants 28 33 36 40 44 47 50 54 57 61 2 4 E E E Dm Am To Coda 3 Dm Dm E Am Coda E To D Dm E Dm E E Am/E Dm E Am E Dm E D E 6 12 This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Lead sheet from Compleat Klezmer E ארצה עלינו Artsa Alinu Lead Sheet 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 ארצה עלינו Artsa Alinu A( = 120 ) 44 Dm Gm Dm 9 Gm Dm 5 B F Dm A 7 Dm Dm 7 D.C. Am A Dm F This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Avre Este Abajour Open Your Jewel Case Lead Sheet Turkey arr: R. Tasat 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 Avre Este Abajour Open Your Jewel Case = 76-108 ) Andante ( 6 8 D Voice A- 4 Vo. 7 Vo. A ta- na Vo. D Vo. 16 Vo. Dio D por 13 da- re la tu puer- rra- da co- mo be- ver 1. A sar al- ma 7 yo 7 pa- lla1. tu A ve7 ca- ca- D F la 7 ta G tu A 7 A a- vre la tu Bm ra 7 C mo2. A por si yo Bm la 7 re- na D al- ven- F m 7 D Bm bi- jou. 7 mi D por G jour F Em D 7 7 vrees- te a- ba- Em ai 10 A ma pi ce- Bm to- C F m du- yo 2. si D ra ra A la be7 ca- D This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 ra D.C. בײַ אַ גלעזעלע מאַשקע Bay a Glezele Mashke Over a Glass of Whiskey Lead Sheet 13 October 2012 Abe Schwartz Lead Sheet 2 בײַ אַ גלעזעלע מאַשקע Bay a Glezele Mashke Allegro ( 44 Dm 4 8 12 A = 120-168 ) A Dm 1. Dm Gm A Dm A A Gm 2. Dm 2. Dm To Coda Dm A 18 15 A B A 21 24 27 30 CF C F F C 1. Dm F F C F C F F Lead Sheet בײַ אַ גלעזעלע מאַשקע 3 Bay a Glezele Mashke 32 D A 7 Dm 35 38 41 44 A A A Gm Dm Dm A A Dm D.S. al Coda 47 Dm Dm Coda Dm A This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Arrangement from Klezmer Band Folio באָלטער בולגאַר Bolter Bulgar Bulgar from Balta Lead Sheet Harry Kandel's Orchestra, 1923 Arr. Yale Klezmer Band 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 באָלטער בולגאַר Bolter Bulgar A Fm 44 ( 4 C C Fm D B m 2. 1. To Coda Fm Fm E B A 10 B m Fm C 14 7 C = 115 ) 1. 17 Fm 2. Fm D.S. al Coda Coda Fm C This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Arrangement from Klezmer Band Folio Fm בײגעלעך Beygelekh / Bublitchki Lead Sheet Traditional Arr: Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 בײגעלעך Beygelekh / Bublitchki Rubato Voice 2 4 4 Vo. 8 Vo. 12 Vo. Der frost inDi nakht es Fun Ikh Vo. 22 Vo. 27 Vo. droysgeyt tsor- es shtey in 7 F C n brent, far- bay, zing gas ikh un mir trakht, Far- froyr- n mayn- e hent, Der tog rukt on afs- nay, Mayn Vos troy- rik vet dokh leyn iz in in gas, hoyz, Fun Fun rehung- F A 7 gn er Dm = 138 ) F lich- ki, 7 C 7 Nu, koyft, bay mir? Gm ikh ikh Nu, koyft zhe ge- lekh, Di lets- te bey- ge- lekh, Dm Es kumt bald on Dm nas, oys, F Hey- sink- e bey- A Dm lid. zayn? ver gey Di lets- te bey- ge- lekh, Nu, koyft bay mir? Oy, mench- n, hert mayn lid, Fun hung- er shvakh… bub- F Ikh shtey aDer vey- tik ( 17 Dm Gm di nakht, Gm Ikh shtey zikh Dm tif far- trakht, Zet, mayn- e ey- ge- lekh Zayn- en far- shvartst. This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 17 בולגאַר Bulgar 17 Kammen Vol. 1, No. 17 Lead Sheet Arr. J. & J. Kammen 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 Allegro ( 17 בולגאַר Bulgar (K. 1-17) = 120-168 ) A F 42 ff 7 6 12 18 23 28 C A 7 3 Dm Dm F B Gm 34 Gm Dm 3 3 3 Gm Dm Gm Dm Dm Gm D.S. al Coda 2. Dm 3 Dm 3 2. Dm To Coda 7 3 A Gm Dm Dm Dm 1. 3 3 3 Gm 3 3 3 3 Gm Dm 3 Dm 3 3 7 A 3 3 Coda Rit. Dm Gm 7 A This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 1. Dm Dm געלט-דירה Dire Gelt Rent Money Lead Sheet Traditional Arr: Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 געלט-דירה Dire Gelt Rubato Voice 2 4 5 Vo. 9 Vo. 13 Vo. Dir- e gelt! Un oy ( Un Vo. Vo. oy oy! gra- de- voy! Un B 7 bo- she moy! 7 Em Dir -e gelt mus men a- rayn der balezol ikh tsoln dire a- rayn der zt- Em bos, gelt, rush, Am Em az men tsolt kayn dir- e gelt, Farvos zol ikh tsoln dir- e gelt, az men tsolt kayn dir- e gelt, Dir- e gelt! B Am G D Dir- e gelt! 21 Em tsoln! = 120 ) Chorus 17 7 Am Em Kumt Farvos Kumt B Em Dir- e gelt! Em Un Em Dir- e gelt! Un oy Am mit dem gro- bn shte- kn. di kikh iz tse- broaz nemt er arop dos hitl. B 7 oy! Am gra- de- voy! Dir- e gelt! B Un khn? Un D shtelt er a- roys di az ikh hob nit vu tsu hengt er a- roys di Em oy Un B 7 bo- 7 Dir -e gelt mus men betn. ko- khn? kvitl. she Em tsoln! This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 moy! D.S. דאָנאַ דאָנאַ Dona Dona Aaron Zeitlin Lead Sheet Shalom Secunda, 1938 Arr. Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 דאָנאַ דאָנאַ Dona Dona Moderato ( Dm = 100-120 ) X X X XO Gm Dm X X X XO Gm iii 23 1 Dm X X X XO iii 31 1 1 23 1 7 Gm C O F O XO A 7 O O iii 31 1 1 23 1 31 1 1 324 1 1 342 1 1 1 3 Oyf- n fur- l ligt a kelb- l, Ligt ge- bun- dn mit a shtrik. Shrayt dos kelb- l, zogt der poy- er, Ver zhe heyst dir zayn a kalb? Bid- ne kelb- er tut men bin- dn, Un men shlept zey un men skekht. Dm X X X XO Gm Dm X X X XO Gm iii 5 23 1 Dm X X X XO Gm iii 31 1 1 23 1 XO A 7 O Dm O X XO iii 31 1 1 23 1 31 1 1 1 3 23 1 Hoykh in him- l flit a shvel- bl Freyt zikh dreyt zikh hin un tsu- rik. Volst ge- kent dokh zayn a foy- gl, Volst ge- kent dokh zayn a shvalb. Ver s'hot fligl flit a- royf- stu Iz bay keyn- em nit kayn knekht. Chorus 7 O 9 C 7 F O 324 1 1 342 1 1 O Lakht der vint in korn, XO 15 A 7 O 1 3 X XO 23 1 Mit a hal- ber nakht. F XO A O O XO A 1 342 1 1 7 O Dm O X XO 324 1 3 7 X XO 1 3 23 1 Don- a Don- a Don- a Dm O Don- a. X X X XO 23 1 Lakht er op a tog a gan- tsn Dm O O C 324 1 7 O 7 F Lakht un lakht un lakht, Dm O C Gm C O 324 1 Don- a Don- a Don- a XO A 7 O O Dm X XO iii 20 1 342 1 1 Dai. 1 3 Don- a Don- a Don- a 23 1 Don- a. 31 1 1 1 3 Don- a Don- a Don- a This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 23 1 Dai. D.C. אלה חמדה לבי Eileh Chamdah Libi Lead Sheet Chasidic Arr. Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 אלה חמדה לבי Eileh Chamdah Libi Joyously ( Voice 4 4 = 120 ) Dm Ei- leh cham- dah li5 Vo. Dm Gm A bi chu- sah na v'- al na tit- a- leim. 7 Dm Ei- leh cham- dah, cham- dah li9 Vo. Vo. 13 17 Vo. Dm Gm Ei- leh cham- dah, A Dm Gm A bi 7 21 Vo. Dm Gm A Gm A sus4 A 7 B A 7 Dm bi chu- sah na v'- al na tit- a- leim. chu- sah na v'- al na tit- a- leim. Dm Ei- leh cham- dah, cham- dah li7 Ei- leh cham- dah li- B bi chu- sah na v'- al na tit- a- leim. cham- dah li- Dm Dm 7 Dm Ei- leh cham- dah, cham- dah li- B Gm A sus4 A 7 bi chu- sah na v'- al na tit- a- leim. B A 7 Dm bi chu- sah na v'- al na tit- a- leim. This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 פֿיסילעך,פֿיסעלעך Fiselekh, Fiselekh Feet, Feet Lead Sheet 13 October 2012 Abe Elenkrig's Orchestra Lead Sheet 2 פֿיסילעך,פֿיסעלעך Fiselekh, Fiselekh ( = 120 ) D A 42 5 D 9 13 17 21 B D D D Cm Cm Gm D Gm D This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 4 פֿרײלעכס Freylekhs 4 Kammen Vol. 1, No. 4 Lead Sheet Arr. J. & J. Kammen 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 Lively, ( = 120-140 ) 2 4 3 ff 7 D Gm 8 D A 15 22 28 D Gm Cm 3 3 D D D 4 פֿרײלעכס Freylekhs (K. 1-4) Gm D D C D Gm Gm D 3 D Gm B D 3 3 Gm F 3 7 C D 42 35 F Cm 49 To Coda 3 3 D D.C. Coda Rit. D A This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 7 D 5 פֿרײלעכס Freylekhs 5 Kammen Vol. 1, No. 5 Lead Sheet Arr. J. & J. Kammen 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 Lively, ( = 120-140 ) 7 A Gm 42 9 1. 16 ff Gm 3 Cm 5 פֿרײלעכס Freylekhs (K. 1-5) 2. Gm B Gm 1. Gm 3 3 36 3 Cm 3 3 42 Gm 3 3 F 7 C B F D 7 7 3 2. To Coda D 3 7 2. Gm 1. 7 3 G 3 D D Gm Gm 3 3 3 B 30 B Cm Gm D D D 24 G F 7 Gm D.S. al Coda Coda Rit. Gm D 7 This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Gm 5 פֿרײלעכס Freylekhs 5 Kammen Vol. 1, No. 5 Lead Sheet Arr. J. & J. Kammen 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 Lively, ( = 120-140 ) 7 A Gm 42 9 1. 16 ff Gm 3 Cm 5 פֿרײלעכס Freylekhs (K. 1-5) 2. Gm B Gm 1. Gm 3 3 36 3 Cm 3 3 42 Gm 3 3 F 7 C B F D 7 7 3 2. To Coda D 3 7 2. Gm 1. 7 3 G 3 D D Gm Gm 3 3 3 B 30 B Cm Gm D D D 24 G F 7 Gm D.S. al Coda Coda Rit. Gm D 7 This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Gm C minor פֿרײלעכס Freylekhs in C minor Lead Sheet Dave Tarras Arr: Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 42 Cm פֿרײלעכס Freylekhs in C minor A Cm 7 G 7 7 G Cm C Fm 7 3 3 7 2. 1. B G7 14 G Cm 3 3 7 7 G Cm G Cm 20 3 3 = 160 ) ( 27 1. 34 7 G 7 7 C 2. 7 7 Dm G 3 3 Cm C C Cm G 3 3 7 7 Dm G C F 45 39 51 G F 7 C 1. Dm G C Dm 2. Fine This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 D.S. D Freygish פֿרײלעכס Freylekhs in D Freygish Lead Sheet Unknown From the repertoire of Sid Beckerman 13 February 2013 Lead Sheet 2 D Freygish פֿרײלעכס Freylekhs in D Freygish A (2 4 7 13 = 120 ) 19 B D Gm D Cm D Cm 1. D 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 G Cm 2. 7 D 7 26 Cm F F D C 33 7 39 G Gm Cm Cm D 3 Cm D 3 3 3 45 3 3 3 50 56 62 Gm D D 3 Cm D D Cm D Cm 1. D 3 3 3 3 3 3 Cm 3 This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.16.1 2. D.S. דער גאַסן ניגון Der Gasn Nigun The Street Tune Lead Sheet Kandel's Orchestra, 1923 Arr: John Chambers 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 83 ( = 60 ) Dm 9 F 5 13 G 16 19 23 27 B Dm Dm Dm 1. 3 7 Gm 2. Dm 3 Cm 3 Dm 3 3 1. 32 G 3 3 F Dm Dm Dm Dm Der Gasn Nigun C Fm Dm Gm A Gm דער גאַסן ניגון Dm 3 2. LilyPond was here 2.5.29 -- automatically converted from ABC ABC file from http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/music/abc/Klezmer/ Additional cleanup by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) Dm Fine The Happy Nigun (9-12) Kammen Vol. 9, No. 12 Lead Sheet Traditional Arr. J. & J. Kammen 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 Allegro ( A 42 8 15 19 25 35 43 Dm 1. B Dm Gm A 7 Dm 3 3 3 3 2. 3 Gm 3 Dm Dm 1. 49 sfz Dm C A Dm Dm = 120-168 ) The Happy Nigun (K. 9-12) 2. A 7 To Coda Dm 3 Dm Dm Gm D.C. ad lib. A 7 Coda Rit. Dm ff A 7 This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Dm Hija mía - El Adon Lead Sheet Turkey arr: R. Tasat 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 ( Am 42 7 Em Dm Vo. Voice 12 Vo. 17 Vo. 19 Vo. 22 Vo. Am 44 Am C Dm Hi- ja mí- a mi que- ri- da te Em no 4 4 ke- ro pa- can zó no ke- 2 4 no ke- no ke ke- él es ro al- pa- ke ro pa- to al- dri no no no ke- loal- 4 4 can- 2 4 This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 yo Em ke- to Dm yo Dm dri un él es al- 3 4 to 3 4 dar Am ro Am ro zó dri Em Em Em vo Am 4 Vo. 4 Vo. Em Em 25 Em Em no loal- 27 = 120 ) Em Hija mía - El Adon ro D.S. איך בין ַא קלײנער דרײדל Ikh Bin a Kleyner Dreydl I Am a Little Dreydl Lead Sheet Michl Gelbart Arr. Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 איך בין ַא קלײנער דרײדל Ikh Bin a Kleyner Dreydl = 100-120 ) Moderato ( Voice 2 4 5 Vo. 9 Vo. A Ikh G Dm A mir C al- e shpil- Vo. 17 Vo. 21 Vo. 25 Vo. mir al- e 7 ikh hob mir C al- tsu Vo. n e In 7 A Oy, eyns tsvey 7 drey- tants- n tants- dl eyns A Zikh A drey- en un 7 in a 7 n A C C drey- dl Oy, A dl- 7 ka- ra- Dm drey zikh, drey- dl, 7 G lo- mir al- e shpil- n In dl eyns un Un rod To hod Oy, 7 G drey tsvey This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 6 To tsvey C drey- C drey- Dm drey Dm G Oy, 7 C In G drey zikh, drey- dl, To dray Dm n blay C dl Dm makht bin ikh fun drey- C C A G Dm drey- dl, drey- dl, 29 7 C A Dm lo- lib Ge- shpil- G A drey- dl 7 lo- drey- dl G B C C C drey- dl, drey- dl, 13 C bin a kleyn- er Dm lo- 7 C Dm 6 To איך האָב דיך צו פֿיל ליב Ikh Hob Dikh Tsu Fil Lib Chaim Shmuel Tauber Lead Sheet Alexander Olshanetsky Arr: Jud Flato 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 איך האָב דיך צו פֿיל ליב Ikh Hob Dikh Tsu Fil Lib Easy Swing ( 7 4 4 11 20 25 29 Em C Em 39 Em C B A nar ikh heys 7 ikh veys. D Am B 7 B Em C lib. Em A 7 Kh'ob dir mayn C Em G beyz, o Ikh bin trakht nit fun ne- ko- me. Ikh hob dikh tsu fil lib. o C Tsu zayn oyf dir gor beyz, G Em 16 Em Tsu zayn oyf dir gor Ikh hob dikh lib. Tsu zayn oyf dir in 7 mayn harts un mayn ne- shu- meh. nor mayn ge- dank 9/add13 a- vek ge- ge- bn B 7 lib, lib, B Ikh trog oyf dir kayn Am 7 lib, Am o 6 Ikh hob dikh tsu fil Em F le- bn, A Ikh hob dikh tsu fil kas. krank, 33 7 Ikh hob dikh tsu fil B Am B has, 15 = 140 ) D 15 B 7 A nar ikh heys ikh veys. Ikh hob dikh B 7 E I love you much too much. Lead Sheet איך האָב דיך צו פֿיל ליב 3 Ikh Hob Dikh Tsu Fil Lib 74 78 82 B 7 Em I've known it from the start; B 7 B 7 87 92 96 101 Em more. G Per- haps I cra- dle F say? If I 7 held 7 way. Am o B I love you much too much. C B 7 touch; I know, D I love you 9/add13 7 Em more. 7 I love you G C But who am I 7 to my dar- ling it might slip a- Em I ask my- self, "What for?" Am D B 7 B ly. your heart too light- ly, B your heart too tight- such; Am Yet when we touch; I know, o Cm A Em Am Dm Am I love you much too much. I ask my- self, "What for?" 6 I can't con- trol my heart, dear. Em Em But yet my love is Em C B 7 C Yet when we B This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 7 איציקל Itsikel Little Isaac Kammen Vol. 1, No. 10 Lead Sheet Arr. J. & J. Kammen 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 איציקל Itsikel (K. 1-10) Not too fast, ( A 42 4 7 10 14 18 21 24 = 100 ) Dm Gm f 7 C A A Dm F 7 A 7 Dm 1. Dm B C 7 7 Dm F F Dm 2. Gm Dm 7 Gm A C 7 Dm 1. Dm 2. Dm This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 D.C. קאַמעריסקע Kamariska (Russian Dance No. I) Kammen Vol. 1, No. 24 Lead Sheet Arr: Jos. Kammen 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 קאַמעריסקע Kamariska (Russian Dance No. I) Allegro ( 42 6 C A 9 = 120-168 ) f 7 G 7 Dm 1. 13 17 21 25 C a tempo (not too fast) C C Dm 7 G C 7 G D G D C G G C 2. 7 G G 7 G G C D 7 D 7 7 G G C D G B D7 7 C G 7 G C Lead Sheet קאַמעריסקע 3 Kamariska (Russian Dance No. I) 28 32 G D G 40 44 D G 36 C 52 7 7 E G D G D G G C G C G C G C D 7 7 D D C G D G 7 G 7 G G D 7 G C C Dm G D D.S. ad lib. 7 C C 7 G Dm 1. 7 G C 7 C G 2. 7 G C 7 Rit. G G 7 G 7 G Final Coda 48 7 G C ff This music is part of the songbook of the ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 1 קאזאטשאק Kazatshok 1 Ukranian Dance I Kammen Vol. 1, No. 22 Lead Sheet Arr. J. & J. Kammen 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 A Moderato ( 42 5 9 13 mf G B D7 D 7 = 100-120 ) G G G 1 קאַזאַטשאָק Kazatshok 1 (K. 1-22) D D 7 7 G D.C. G This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 3 קאזאטשאק Kazatshok 3 Ukranian Dance No. III Kammen Vol. 1, No. 26 Lead Sheet Arr: Jack Kammen 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 Allegretto ( A 42 5 9 13 17 21 G G f = 110-130 ) D D 29 D D G D G 7 G D 7 G 7 G 7 G 7 7 G D G G D G C G C G 7 G 7 G G 7 C G D.C. ad lib. 7 C G ff D 7 C G D G 7 C 7 Am G 7 C G 7 D mf G C G CC 7 C Final Coda 25 G 7 G B 3 קאַזאַטשאָק Kazatshok 3 (K. 1-26) D 7 G D 7 G G D D C 7 7 G G Am C Dm D 7 7 G C 7 G D G 7 Rit. G D G G ff ff This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 קעשענעװער בולגאַר Keshenever Bulgar Bulgar from Kishiniev Kammen Vol. 1, No. 19 Lead Sheet Abe Schwartz, 1917 Abe Katzman's Bessarabian Orchestra, 1927 Arr. J. & J. Kammen 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 קעשענעװער בולגאַר Keshenever Bulgar (K. 1-19) ( Allegro 42 6 D 16 20 G D 26 A G D f 7 33 A 7 2. D 7 D A A 7 D D 7 G 1. D To Coda D B ff D 1. D = 120-168 ) D 11 A 2. D D D D.S. al Coda A Coda Rit. D 7 A This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 D חנוכּה אױ חנוכּה Khanukah, Oy Khanukah Chanukah, Oh Chanukah! Lead Sheet Mordkhe Rivesman Arr. Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 חנוכּה אױ חנוכּה Khanukah, Oy Khanukah Freylekh ( = 120) Voice 2 4 ff A Em Em 6 B 7 Em Oy kha- nu- ke, oy kha- nu- ke, A yon- tev a sheyn- er, A lust- ik- er, a 8 Vo. 14 Vo. 21 Vo. 29 Vo. 36 Vo. Em Em 6 B 7 frey- lekh- er, Ni- to nokh a- zoyn- er! Em mir, Em 7 Em 7 Zu- dik heys- e lat- kes Es- n on a shir! Ge- shvind- er G D 7 G Di din- in- ke likht- e- lekh on! Am C D Got far di nis- im, Un kumt gikh- er Tants- n in Al- e nakht in dreyd- lekh Shpil- n 7 kind- er, B Am Em Am G Am Em 6 tsindt, Am Em Zogt "al ha- nis- im," Loybt G kon! B 7 B nis- im," Loybt Got far di nis- im, Un kumt gikh- er Tants- n in Em Zogt "al ha- Em kon! To Coda Ye- Lead Sheet חנוכּה אױ חנוכּה 3 Khanukah, Oy Khanukah 43 Vo. 48 Vo. 53 Vo. 59 Vo. 66 Vo. 72 Vo. 78 Vo. 86 B Em Em 6 B 7 Em hu- do hot far- trib- n Dem soyn- e, dem rot- sey- akh, Un hot in Beys- ha- Em Em 6 B 7 Em mik- desh Ge- sung- n "Lam- nats- ey- akh," Di shtot Ye- ru- sho- lay- im Hot Em Am B 7 Em 7 vid- er oyf- ge- lebt, Un tsu a nay- em leb- n Hot yed- er- er ge- shtrebt. Der- Em 7 ib- G er dem gib- er D 7 G Ye- hu- do Ha- ma- ka- bi loybt hoykh! Am Em G Am C Zol yed- er- er ba- zund- er Ba- zing- en dem vun- der, Un lib hob- n dos G D Am B folk Zolt ir aykh! Em 6 Em G Am Zol yed- er- er ba- zund- er Ba- zing- en dem B 7 vun- der, Un lib hob- n dos folk Zolt ir Em C aykh! 99 112 To A This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Coda קאָלעמײקע Kolemeyke Kolomeike Lead Sheet Traditional Arr. Margolis Adapt. Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 קאָלעמײקע Kolemeyke A Intro. ( = 80 ) 42 Dm 6 Dm 2. Dm 1. Dm E A 7 sf 7 mp 1. 2. 7 7 C Dm Dm E A Dm Dm 17 f f Dm 23 cresc. p p 11 27 Dm B Gm Dm 1. 2. Dm 32 Dm D.S. al Coda Dm Em 7 A E 7 To Coda 7 Dm Em A 7 7 A 7 Coda Em 7 A mp 7 Dm 7 f A This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Arrangement follows Margolis in Joy of Klez Dm 21 קאָלעמײקע Kolemeyke 21 Kolomeike (Ukranian Dance) Kammen Vol. 1, No. 21 Lead Sheet Arr. J. & J. Kammen 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 Moderato ( A 42 Dm 5 9 13 A 7 Dm A 7 Dm B = 100-120 ) Dm mf 21 קאָלעמײקע Kolemeyke (K. 1-21) A Gm A 7 Gm 7 Dm Dm A 7 Dm A 7 A Dm 7 D.C. Dm This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 קױלן Koyln Coals Lead Sheet 13 October 2012 Mishka Tsiganoff, 1919 Lead Sheet 2 קױלן Koyln A (2 = 120-136 ) 4 4 Em 8 Em 12 15 19 23 B Am 7 Am Am B B 7 7 B Em Em 7 Em Em D Em 1. Em G 2. Em G D Am Lead Sheet קױלן 3 Koyln 27 31 35 39 B Am D Am Em Em 47 51 G 2. 55 B 7 C D 7 G Em Em G E 7 Em Fine E7 Em 1. 1. 7 2. 43 B Em G G D.S. al Fine This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 לעבעדיק און פֿרײלעך Lebedik un Freylekh Lively and Joyous Lead Sheet Peretz Sandler Harry Kandel's Orchestra, 1918 Abe Schwartz, 1927 Arr. Bokov/Koffman Adapt. Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 לעבעדיק און פֿרײלעך Lebedik un Freylekh 42 mf = 120-168 ) Allegro ( A Dm f 1. 2. mp Am Dm Am A Dm 15 mp f To Coda Dm 22 Dm Dm 8 29 C Dm G mp 35 1. D 42 A 7 Gm 2. D D G B Dm Dm D A 7 D A 7 D D.S. al Coda 7 Coda D This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 שא גוי ׂ לא י Lo Yisa Goy Nation Shall Not Lift Up Isaiah 2:4 Lead Sheet Shalom Altman Arr: Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 שא גוי ׂ לא י Lo Yisa Goy A 44 ( Voice 3 Vo. = 120 ) Lo du 6 Vo. Vo. 12 Vo. 15 Vo. od sa goy el che- mil- goy cha- mah. rev, Lo yi- sa rev, Lo mil- lo goy el yil- goy m'- che- Fine B 9 yi- lo yil- yi- sa goy cha- m'- el mah. du goy Lo od che- mil- cha- rev, yi- sa goy lo el mah. yil- m'- du goy che- od rev, D.S. al Fine lo yil- m'- du od mil- cha- mah. Lo This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 yi- sa מײַן שטעטל יאַס Mayn Shtetl Yas My Little Town of Yas Lead Sheet Max Kletter Arr. & Transcr. P. Sokolow 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 מײַן שטעטל יאַס Mayn Shtetl Yas A Moderate ( 44 6 10 13 F F F C 22 26 A 7 7 Dm C E m/CF o C /E F 7 A 3 7 A /C A 7 Dm F 7 C E m F 3 3 To Coda 3 Coda 7 C C o Em /B 7 7 F 3 F 7 3 7 C 1. Dm C F F C 3 F F F 3 D.S. al Coda 29 7 Gm /D E 7 C C F 7 7 F C Dm Dm 7 C 2. 17 F B = 80 ) 7 F 7 C This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Arrangement from Klezmer Plus! F II ניגון Nigun II Melody II Lead Sheet Shlomo Carlebach Arr. Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 ( = 120 ) II ניגון Nigun II 4 4 f 7 B D G C G 5 mf 7 9 D G C D.C. G A G This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 ניגון הללו Nigun Halelu Halelu Melody Lead Sheet Yehudah Katz Arr. Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 ניגון הללו Nigun Halelu A( = 105 ) 42 9 B Dm F F C C Gm Dm C 1. B Dm 2. F This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Dm D.C. נאָך אַ ביסל אַ טענצל פֿאַר די מחותּנים Nokh a Bisel (A Tentzel Far Die Mekhutonim) A Little Bit More (A dance for the mothers in law) Kammen Vol. 1, No. 8 Lead Sheet Arr. Jack Kammen 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 נאָך אַ ביסל Nokh a Bisel (K. 1-8) Allegro ( = 120-168 ) A C 42 8 15 22 C ff 7 G C ff G C C F C 35 C 49 BC F F C Cm 7 G 1. C C 7 C G 7 C C F C Cm G G 7 C 7 C G Cm 42 7 C 28 C 7 7 G G F C 7 7 C C G C G ff C Cm 7 G Cm 2. C This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 D.C. נאָך אַ גלעזלע װאַן Nokh a Glezele Vayn Another Glass of Wine Lead Sheet David Tarras, 1929 Arr. Dick Schoeller 13 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 נאָך אַ גלעזלע װאַן Nokh a Glezele Vayn Moderato (Hora) ( = 60) A 83 7 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 Cm G Cm 1. 7 G 1. Cm Cm Cm Cm G 7 2. Cm 7 Cm 3 C Cm G Cm Cm 2. Cm Fm 2. 7 G 3 Cm 7 G Cm Fm G Cm 3 7 G 7 Cm Fm 3 G 7 7 3 Cm 1. Cm 7 3 7 G G 3 Cm 7 G B Fm Cm D.C. 2 4 Lead Sheet נאָך אַ גלעזלע װאַן 3 Nokh a Glezele Vayn D Allegro (Bulgar) = 120-130) ( 56 G 42 G 61 70 75 80 Cm G Cm Cm Cm To Coda G G B G G D.S. al Coda 3 Fm E E 3 3 3 B Fm G 3 3 Cm Fm 3 E Cm 3 G G Fm 3 3 Fm G 65 G Cm Coda Fm 3 G 3 This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 3 אָדעסאַ בולגאַר Odessa Bulgar #3 Kammen Vol. 1, No. 12 Lead Sheet Arr. J. & J. Kammen 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 A Allegro ( = 120-168 ) 2 4 ff Dm Gm 7 Dm D 3 אָדעסאַ בולגאַר Odessa Bulgar #3 (K. 1-12) 7 7 1. A Dm 7 To Coda 2. Dm A 7 Dm 11 28 37 Dm A 1. A Gm 7 Dm A A 7 2. Dm 3 7 C 44 C 7 7 C 3 1. 7 C 50 2. F 7 C D.S. al Coda F A 7 3 3 Coda Rit. Dm 7 A 7 F C 7 F 3 3 Gm A B Dm 19 A C Gm C This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Dm אָדעסער בולגאַר Odesser Bulgar Bulgar from Odessa Kammen Vol. 1, No. 18 Lead Sheet Arr. J. & J. Kammen 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 אָדעסער בולגאַר Odesser Bulgar (K. 1-18) Allegro ( = 120-168 ) Dm A 42 F 9 B F 32 39 Gm 52 Dm Gm 7 C F Dm D.C. al Coda F Dm 7 C D Dm To Coda Gm Dm 45 Dm C Dm Dm Gm F 24 17 ff Am Gm Coda Rit. Dm A 7 This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Dm פּאַפּיראָסן Papirosn Lead Sheet Yablakoff, Herman (1932) Arr: Dick Schoeller 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 פּאַפּיראָסן Papirosn = 110 ) ( Voice 4 4 Dm A kal- te nakht a ne- pl- di- ke fin- ster um- e- tum, (Ikh) hob shoyn nit keyn koy- ekh mer a- rum- tsu geyn in gaz, Vo. 3 Dm Gm shteyt a ying- e- le far- troy- ert un kukt zikh a- rum. un op- gerizn fun dem re- gn naz. hun- ger- ig 5 Vo. A 7 Fun Ikh Dm re- gn shitst im nor a vant, a ko- shi- kl halt er in hant, un shlep a- rum zikh fun ba- gi- nen, key- ner git nisht tsu far- di- nen, 2. 1. Vo. Dm 7 A 7 Dm zayn- e oy- gn be- tn yed- n sthum. al- e lakn- n, makh- n fun mir 10 Vo. 13 Vo. Dm A Dm koyft she, koyft she pa- pi- ro- sn, koyft, she shve- be- lakh an- tik- n, Gm A 7 Ikh Ku- pit- ye shpaz. 7 D 7 tru- ke- ne fun re- gn nisht farder mit verd ir a yo- si- ml der- Dm go- zn. Koyft she bi- lik be- ne- mo- nes, koyft un hot oyf mir rakh- mo- nes, kvi- kn. Umzizt mayn shray- en un mayn loy- fn, keyn- er vill bay mir nit koy- fn, 2. 1. 16 Vo. Dm A 7 Dm ra- te- vet fun hung- er mikh a- tsind. oys- geyn vel ikh mu- zn vi a Ku- pit- ye hunt. This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 פּױלישע פּאָלקאַ Polish Polka Kammen Vol. 1, No. 33 Lead Sheet Arr. J. & J. Kammen 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 פּױלישע פּאָלקאַ Polish Polka (K. 1-33) Tempo di Polka ( = 110-120) 7 A F 42 6 11 15 20 25 30 7 F D B 7 F 7 A Dm A 7 f F 7 B Dm C F 1. 5 B Dm 7 A A B C F F Dm C Gm 7 C F Fine 7 C 2 B 1 2 4 2. E 3 2 1 F 7 D.S. al Coda B This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 I רוסישע שער Russishe Sher No. I Russian Sher No. I Kammen Vol. 1, No. 27 Lead Sheet Traditional Arr. J. & J. Kammen 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 Moderato ( 42 5 10 19 26 mf Gm 7 A Dm C 35 F A A F 7 Dm 1. Dm 7 7 F A Dm 1. Dm 7 F 7 7 C F A 7 7 C 2. Dm F 2. Dm Dm F 7 C F C 7 C A B D F 7 43 Dm C A Dm F 7 7 C 7 31 7 C F C B F Dm Gm Dm = 100-120 ) Dm A I רוסישע שער Russishe Sher No. I (K. 1-27) 7 This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 D.C. ad lib. Dm II רוסישע שער Russishe Sher No. II Russian Sher No. II Kammen Vol. 1, No. 28 Lead Sheet Arr. J. & J. Kammen 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 Moderato ( II רוסישע שער Russishe Sher No. II (K. 1-28) = 100-120 ) 2 4 mf A 9 15 18 B Gm Gm Cm D D Cm 1. Gm 7 DD Cm Gm Cm C Cm D D D Cm 22 Gm D 2. D D 2. Cm Cm D D D Cm D Cm D E D 35 27 41 1. D D Cm Gm Cm 1. D 2. D This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 D.C. ad lib. שערעלע Sherele Lead Sheet Traditional Arr. Dick Schoeller 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 שערעלע Sherele A 2 D 4 Cm 9 16 23 41 46 B Gm C D D Cm 1. D D 2. D D 1. D Gm 1. Cm Cm D 31 D 2. Cm 2. Gm D This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Lead sheet from Viva El Klezmer, arrangement based on performance by The Tummelers and a midi by Michael Greenspan D.S. שפּילט מיר קלעזמאָרימלעך Shpilt Mir Klezmorimlekh Play for me Klezmorim Kammen Vol. 1, No. 11 Lead Sheet Arr. J. & J. Kammen 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 שפּילט מיר קלעזמאָרימלעך Shpilt Mir Klezmorimlekh (K. 1-11) Allegro ( A Voice 42 ff = 120-168 ) A Dm Dm A Gm A Shpielt mir kles- mor- im- lach, shpielt mir a frai- lach auf a tentz- el lo mir 6 Vo. 13 Vo. Dm A Dm A Gm A gain mit gut- e Freind oi! Sol mir die gan- ze Welt op- ge- ben Mas- el tov Dm Gm A a sim- che is ba mir a grois- e Vo. 19 A D A 7 D Dm kein ma- me nit do, Seit heint. Kein gre- ser- e all- e mun- ter 7 Vo. 30 leibt hot die Ma- me, die glik- lech- e shoh, Zu der A Gm D Dm ihr ein und ein- zig Kind. Gm Vo. 35 A Dm Gm sim- che's ba frai- lach seit a zind Vo. 25 glik- lech- e shoh, Zu der chip- pe fir- en oi! Der chip- pe fir- en D 7 A Der leibt hot die Ma- ihr ein und ein- zig Kind This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 me, die סידס פֿרײלעכס Sid's Freylekh Sid's Freylekhs Lead Sheet Max Epstein Arr. Yale Klezmer Band 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 (4 = 100 ) 4 Fm G 4 Cm Fm 7 סידס פֿרײלעכס A Cm Sid's Freylekhs Cm G B 13 E E B 1. 10 15 18 21 2. Cm B Cm G E C E B E B 1. Cm E B B 2. Cm B E m E m B G Cm B 26 24 Lead Sheet סידס פֿרײלעכס 3 Sid's Freylekhs 29 32 34 37 E E 3 G E 42 E B G Cm 3 3 E m 3 B C3 40 44 C2 E m To A Cm 3 6 G Cm 6 This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Arrangement from Klezmer Band Folio #59 סקאָטשנאַ Skotshne #59 Hop Dance Lead Sheet Frank London, Klezfest 2002 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 ( = 90 ) 42 A Dm 6 11 16 Dm Dm Dm A 7 #59 סקאָטשנאַ Skotshne #59 1. Dm 2. 22 A 7 1. Dm B C Dm 28 Dm 33 7 Dm A 39 Dm 2. Dm This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 דעם טריסקער רבנס חסיד Dem Trisker Rebns Khosid Of the Trisker Rebbes Chasid Lead Sheet Dave Tarras, 1925 Arr: John Chambers 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 דעם טריסקער רבנס חסיד Dem Trisker Rebns Khosid ( = 120 ) A 42 5 9 13 17 22 Dm F Gm Dm Cm C F C Dm F 7 B F Dm Cm Gm Dm Dm Cm LilyPond was here 2.5.29 -- automatically converted from ABC ABC file from http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/music/abc/Klezmer/ Additional cleanup by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) F Dm Cm Dm Cm Dm F Dm Yiddish Blues Lead Sheet Lt. Joseph Frankel's Orchestra Transcr: Hankus Netsky 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 ( = 100 ) Dm/F A Dm 42 5 9 13 18 22 26 30 Dm B C D E Dm/F Dm Dm Dm A 7 Dm 1. 2. 2. Dm Dm Dm F Yiddish Blues A 7 Dm 1. This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 ישמחו השמים Yismechu Hashamayim Lead Sheet Chasidic Arr. Dick Schoeller 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 ישמחו השמים Yismechu Hashamayim Joyously ( = 112 ) A Dm Voice 44 Vo. 5 A 7 Dm 7 C Yis- me- chu ha- sha- ma- yim, F D 7 Gm yis- me- chu ha- sha- ma- yim, F yis- me- chu ha- sha- ma- yim, 1. 2. A 7 ve ta- geil ha- a- retz. Vo. 10 C Dm Yir- am ha- yam, B C Dm yir- am ha- yam, Gm 7 A Fine Dm a-) retz. 2. 1. B B 7 D.C. al Fine Dm A yir- am ha- yam u- me- lo- o. This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 7 Dm lo- o. אַ יאָר נאַך מײַן חתונה A Yor Nokh Mayn Khasene A Year Since my Wedding Kammen Vol. 1, No. 6 Lead Sheet Isaac Reingold Arr. J. & J. Kammen 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 אַ יאָר נאַך מײַן חתונה A Yor Nokh Mayn Khasene (K. 1-6) Lively ( 2 4 11 16 21 27 34 ff B B B Em A 6 = 120-140 ) B Em Am 1. 7 Em C Em 7 Am 41 B 2. 7 Em Am Am Em B 7 Em Em D Em D 2. 7 Em Am Em B Am 7 Em To Coda Em Em Em Am B Am G Em 1. 7 Em 7 7 Em Em D.C. B 7 Em Coda Em B 7 This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Em זיבן פערציק Zibn Fertsik 7:40 Lead Sheet 14 October 2012 Lead Sheet 2 Accelerando ( A 44 4 7 11 1. = 80-160 ) Dm Gm Dm F F (7:40) זיבן פערציק 2. Dm A Dm B F Gm C Cm 1. Dm C C 2. This music is part of the songbook of the Temple Aliyah Klezmer Band ( http://www.templealiyah.com/ ) It has been typeset for their use by Dick Schoeller ( schoeller@comcast.net ) with GNU LilyPond-2.14.2 Dm D.C.