Klezmer Sheet Music


Klezmer Sheet Music
Summer 2006 Clarinet & Saxophone ltl
I Wqnl To Plqy Klezmerr
Sowherefs themusic?il;+,lr+::l_fi;**
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larinettists askwhat books and recordingsare
best suited for klezmer noviceswho are already
proficient on their instrument. Although it is
ultimately ideal to memorize any kind of folk music.
it is a good idea to start collecting songbooksearly on
in order to becomefamiliar with the main repertoire.
generationsorally, and travelling musicianstraded
tunes by playing them for each other. Thankfully,
many klezmer books are now availableto musicians.
Clarinettists usually need to transposeone octave
plus one tone up for maximum effect and
compatibility with C instruments.
Here is an annotated list of suggestionsof klezmer
clarinet materials,including method books, scholarly
books, song collections, and somerecordings.All are
Someof my favourite sourcesfor klezmer
CDsand booksarewwwiudaism.com,
and my sourceof choice for scholarly
bookson klezmeris VanCott Serviceiat
http://www.vcisinc.com/. Although Mr. Vancott,s
store is located in the United States,he doesship
worldwide. I also recommend wryuwsheetmusic.iom
and www.sheetmusicplus.com,and in the UK, I
online sourcefor klezmer sheetmusic is: lvww.buyscores.com/.Naturally, there are many other sources,
all of which can be easily found with a searchengine.
For simplicity, publisher nameshave been omitted;
however they are easily found online. All books
shown below are in the English languageunless
noted otherwise'
continued overleaf
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!P Clarinet & Saxophone Summer2006
Klezmer"song" booksfor clarinet:
Velvel Pasternak,
(author, editor, and
publisher of countless
Jewish and klezmer
Marvin Rosenberg
scoreformat for Klezmer
Combo: clarinet,
trumpet, trombone,
piano with drums to be
added ad-lib. Also
includesguitar chords.
Now on clearanceat
US$6.78from 16.95so
order soon.
Big Klezmer Fake Book
Large collection of dances
and tunes for
experienced groups (175+
songs and pieces).
Melody line and chords.
Velvel Pasternak
Mazel Tov- Music for a
lewish Weililing and other
loyous Occasions
CD available
49 selectionsof the most
popular melodiessuitable
for all kinds of
celebrations.A separate
companion CD features
all the songsin
instrumental versions by a leading Jewish band,
the Neshoma Orchestra. Melody line, chords,
texts and transliterations. A really fun book.
The CD includes excellent alto saxophone
playrng, and some rarely heard flute in klezmer.
Henry Sapoznik and
Shulamis Dion, with
Peter Sokolov
Giora Feidman
(considered the'King of
Klezmer Plus Folio (in C)
CD available
The Magic of the Klezmer
27 YJezmer tunes in lead
sheet form, plus three
complete orchestrations
as found on the separate
companion CD recording
CD available
Giora Feidman
The Klezmer Wedding Book
I really like this book of
17 pieces for beginners,
or for advanced
clarinettists who want to
play duets or trios
together and want to get
creative in performing
them. Scored for three C
instrumentswith a Bb
transposition,and two setsfor chordsfor Bb
and C to play together.As with most printed
klezmerclarinet music, theseduets should be
transposedone octavehigher.US$21.95
Giora Feidman
Klassic Klezmer
CD available
18 klezmer melodies
transcribed from the
popular Giora Feidman
album, which capture the
feel of the classic Klezmer
repertoire. For any C or
Bb instruments.
[oy Of KIez Clainet/Sax/
CD available
From the repertoireof the
acclaimedMamell Street
Clarinet/Saxfirumpet part.
This part must be usedin
conjunction with the scoreand cannot be used
for individual play, so get all of them to form a
bandl Availablefor trumpet, violin or flute, and
the scoreand CD. Clarinetbook $12.95
Mel Bay'sKlezmer
Henry Sapoznik
For Bb instruments,
CD available
This book is the
definitive Klezmer
anthology. Introduction,
120 melodiestranscribed
in depth musical
from recordingsby the
analysis,33 annotated
mastersof the klezmer
style, including DaveTarras,Naftule
historical background,
Brandwine,and others. Includeschords,
annotations, resources,bibliography and more.
programmenotes, and inteNiews with master
Companion recording featuressamplesby the
klezmoim. Also availablefor C instruments.
original artistson 78rmp remakeswith scratchy
24 melodies from the
popular Klezmer
recordings of Giora
Feidman: Viva El
Klezmer, Gershwin and
the Klezmer, The Singing Clarinet, The Magic
of the Klezmer and To You.
Two sets of chords for use with C instrument
accompaniment. US$17.95
Maxwell St. Klezmer
KlezmerPlus.Historical text included. Now on
clearanceat iewishmusic.com
from US$19.95
to $9.98.
1-.,.=,"-n'f,E rE;a
Ken Richmond
The Klezmer Band Bb Folio
12 authentic Klezmer
alrangements for full
band transcribed ftom
the repertoire of the Yale
Klezmer Band. Scored for
any C instrument,
clarinet, saxophone,
trumpet, trombone, bass
etc. with guitar chords. A good idea to also get
the C book to play with accompaniment.
J.J. Kammen
Kammen Intemational
Folio #1 Bb Tenor Sax &
The'bible' of this musical
genre during the first half
of the 20th century.
Music: Jewish, Hebrew,
Hungarian, Romanian,
Italian, polish, Russian,
American, Czechoslovak, Gypsy etc. Available
for clarinet or trumpet, alto sax, accordion,
violin, and Piano. Get all of them to form a
band! $12.95 each.
J.J. Kammen
Kammen Intemational
Folio #9 Clainet
Same as above, more
tunes! Get the piano
book, too!
Accompaniment lines
included below tunes.
Neshoma Orchestra
15 Horas,Freilachsand
traditional dances
selectedfrom the best
knon'n wedding and
Bar/BatMitzvah music
book entitled'Mazel Tov'.
Arrangedfor C, Bb and Eb
Mike Curtis
3 KlezmerTrios for 3
clarinetsor various
(Quartets,quintets etc.
This is a trio book,
however Curtis wrote a
huge number of books
for clarinet and other
instruments.Anything by
Mike Curtis is stellar.
Summer2006 Clarinet& Saxophone33
Daniel Galay
Klezmer Tunes with a
classical touch, VoI. 1
The author of this article
will release a CD with all
18 tunes soon
Israeli composer Daniel
Galay bridges the worlds
of klezmer and classical
music with this
collection of 18 pieces.
Both klezmer and classical musicians will find
themselves at home with this music. Two parts
with (non-transposed) chords for clarinet and
violin. This is klezmer style music in concert
format. Mix and match various movements to
create an entire programme or a shorter piece
for a recital. Piano part is virtuosic as opposed
to simple accompaniment.
I nglg.rg*
\ Orntd6b1
Daniel Galay
Klezmer Tunes with a
classical touch, Vol. 2
Joel Rubin
Peter Sokolov
Guide to Klezmer Arranging
and Orchestration
Contains detailed
melodic transcdptions
(with ornaments and
chords) from the
acclaimed CD by Joel
Rubin. Contains first
available detailed essav
,q on ornamentation and
other aspects of klezmer performance style (in
English and German). This is a very important
book. Rubin wrote several other books, which
are all excellent and highly recommended.
A professional klezmer
arranging course teaching
basics of setting up a
band, as well as klezmer
notation, arrangement,
combinations, and phrasing. $19.95
Mark Slobin, editor
American Klezmer
Ifs Rootr and Offshoots
Eric J. Hovi
PIay Klezmer!
12 piecesfor clarinet.
solo book and
Takes a look at roots of
American Klezmer and its
specific style. Includes
great pictures.
Henry Sapoznik
Audio CD included
Daniel Galay's second
book of 18 new klezmer
tunes. There are two
editions - for violin and
clarinet. Each book
contains a solo melody
line with chords (transposed for the clarinet).
The attached audio CD contains a performance
of the entire book by Michdle Gingras (clarinet)
and Ron Matson (piano), and a complete
printable piano score in PDF format on the
audio CD. As with Vol. 1, this is klezmer style
music in concert format. Mix and match
various movements to create an entire
programme or a shorter piece for a recital.
Piano part is virtuosic as opposed to simple
Selected and arranged
by Edward Huws Jones
Klezmer C Iarinet: I ewi sh
Mttsic Of Celebration For
Easy clarinet
arrangements of klezmer
tunes. Chord symbols are
provided for an optional
guitar or piano
accompaniment. Note
that some tunes in this book are in different
keys from the usual keys played by klezmer
Available for $9.75 at wwwsheetmusicplus.com
Also available in England at \,vww.boosey.co.uk.
Klezmer! lewish Music ftom
OId World to Our World
Joshua Horowitz
The Atimate Klezmer
This is the largest
commercialcollection of
klezmermusic in print. It
was originally titled
by Nat Kostakowskyin
Brooklynin 1916.The
collection includes tunes from Romania,
Poland, Russia, the Ukraine and Hungary.
Together, these selections form a cross-section
of the standard repertoire of the East European
Jewish wedding as it existed in the first two
decades of the 20th century on American soil.
Includes an extensive introduction, photos, a
selecteddiscography and annotations. $39.95
(available for less at amazon.com)
Traces the foundation of
Klezmer to present day.
Very detailed history of
artists and bands. Great
illustrations, great
reference. Beautiful book.
Audio companion
available at elderly.com.
Fiddleron the lllove
Fiddler on the Move
Explores the many
aspects of the world of
klezmer. Includes CD and
some illustrations.
Excellent text.
Scholarly Books on Klezmer:
(Available at Vancott Services,
http://\.{'\&'\ /.vcisinc.com, amazon.com, and by
searching with google.com):
Seth Rogovoy
Yale Storm
i:: :i
Essential Klezmer
Explores Jewish soul music,
from the Old World to the
jazz age to avant-garde.
Includes a chapter on the
revival of klezmer initiated
by Giora Feidman and an
annotated list of klezmer
bands. Discography and
appendix of klezmer
festivals and workshops.
TheBookof Klezmer
History, music, and
folklore of Klezmer. Some
pictures and a
discography are included.
Beautiful book!
MicheleGingrasis Professorof Clarinetat Miami Universityin Ohio, USA.Her websiteis www.fna.muohio.edu/facutty/gingram
EmaiI: g ingram@muohio.edu
ln one of my past articlesentitled'Klezmerfor Klarinetists- A Beginner'sGuide' (AuslralianClarinetand Saxophone, Vol.S, No.2, June
2000), I addressedmany aspectsof klezmerperformancesuch as history,bands,performancestyle,modes,ornamentation,rhythm,
accompaniment,dance forms,special techniques,notation,instrumentation,
microphones,and sourceswhere sheetmusic is available
Thearticle can also be found onlineat http://www.clarinet-saxophone.asn.au/index_links.html.
ln 2004, I updated mv article for the
magazineThe Clarinet(March2004)
Toknow whenand whereklezmerworkshopsare held: http://www.jmwc.org/announcements/workshops/.
A great onlineresourcefor everythingand everyoneklezmeris www.Klezmershack.com.